HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090918Sagebrush Energy Response.pdfMcDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) RECEtVED 420 W. Bannock Street . 51 P.o. Box 2564-83701 1069 SEP \ 8 PM 3. Chas. F. McDevitt Boise, Idaho 83702 . HO PlH3UC it'\',' Dean J. (Joe) Miler Uí\~~.rtS COMf,,,~\SSI\Jì'l September 18, 2009 Via Hand Delivery Jean Jewell, Secreta Idao Public Utities Commssion 472 W. Washigton St. Boise, Idaho 83720 Re: Sagebrush Energy LLC Case No. GNR-E-09-03 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fig in the above matter, please fid an orial and seven copies of Comments of Sagebrush Energy in Response to Notice of Review. Kidly retu a fie stamped copy to me. Very Truy Yours, McDevitt & Mier IL~Ul DJM/hh Enclosures , ..ORIGINAL Dean J. Miler (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. BOX 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 joe(Ímcdevitt- miler .com RECE E 2069 SEP t 8 PH 3: 51 IDAHO PU~¡.l¡¡S~c(n\.; UTILITIES cm'M,I"I;:..ii ~'" Attorney for Sagebrush Energy LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF A REVIEW OF THE SURROGATE AVOIDABLE RESOURCE (SAR) METHODOLOGY FOR CALCULATING PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES CASE NO. GNR-E-09-03 COMMENTS OF SAGEBRUSH ENERGY IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF REVIEW COMES NOW Sagebrush Energy LLC (Sagebrush) and submits the following Comments in response to the Commission's Notice of Review of Avoided Cost Methodology, dated August 6,2009 (Notice). Sagebrush is an independent renewable energy company that is working across the Intermountain West to develop wind projects that are sensitive to the concers of local communities. Sagebrush is in the process of developing a wind fueled electrc energy generating facility, known as the Norrs Hil Project, located in Madison County, Montana. The Norrs Hil Project is a Qualifying Facility within the meaning of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURP A). Sagebrush has been actively working with Avista on the Norrs Hil Project since March 2007 and formally engaged in PURP A contract negotiations with A vista for the execution of a long ter purchase power agreement in Februar 5,2009. COMMENTS OF SAGEBRUSH ENERGY IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF REVIEW-l In its Notice the Commission poses the following questions: "1. Does the present SAR methodology for published avoided cost rates need to be modified or augmented? Yes or No. 2. If answer to Question 1 is no, please provide the basis for your answer. 3. If answer to Question 1 is yes, please provide the basis for your answer." As qualified and explained in its answer to Question No.2, Sagebrush believes the correct answer to Question No. 1 is "No". Having answered Question No. 1 in the negative, Sagebrush does not address Question NO.3. Explanation of Answer to Question No. 1. Sagebrush is interpreting Question No. 1 as asking whether the curent surogate avoided resource-a natural gas fired combine cycle combustion tubine (CCCT)- should be changed to some other generating resource such as wind generation and, as noted, believes the correct answer is "No" for among others, the following reasons: 1. There Is No Such Thing As A Perfect SAR. Because an SAR is a forward looking estimation of costs a utility wil avoid by acquiring a PURP A resource, it is uneasonable to expect that any SAR wil be perfectly correct in its prediction of futue costs. The Commission recognized the imperfect nature of a surrogate avoided resource in Order No. 25884 when it said, "We recognize that, by its very natue, a SAR is a generation facility that may never be built". (Application of Idaho Power Company for Approval of Prices, Order No. 25884). And, over the long term the curent SAR has been reasonably accurate in predicting actual utility costs. The undersigned is informed by Commission Staff that Staffhas compared current avoided cost rates with prices produced by utility AURORA cost model runs and finds them to be within a range of reasonableness. COMMENTS OF SAGEBRUSH ENERGY IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF REVIEW-2 Viewed in this way, Sagebrush suggests that the Commission should be cautious about abandoning the existing SAR in favor of a new SAR that may be equally or more imperfect. Put differently, unless the Commission can conclude there is a strong likelihood that some new, but imperfect, SAR wil be a measurable improvement over the current method, it should not embark on the effort. 2. The Current SAR Has Been Appropriately Adjusted For The Characteristics Of Wind Generation. The Commission has approved adjustments to the CCCT SAR to take into account unique characteristics of wind generation. In Order No. 30500, a wind integration deduction to published rates of between 7%-9% was approved to compensate for the cost of integrating the varable wind resource. (Petition of Avista Corporation to Revise PURP A Obligations, February 20, 2008). The Commission has also allowed the avoided cost payment determined by the SAR method to be weighted seasonally, such that the weighted average of all seasons equals the published avoided costs, (assuming steady output from the QF throughout the year). Because of the seasonal varation in the wind profile, however, wind QFs can expect to receive a weighted average price that is $1.25 below the published avoided cost on average. (See Bolinger, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, An Examination of Avoided cost in Utah, 2005). In short, to the extent thought necessar, the curent SAR methodology can be adjusted to recognize wind generation attributes. There is not a compelling need for an entirely new, and unproven, SAR methodology. COMMENTS OF SAGEBRUSH ENERGY IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF REVIEW-3 3. There Is Not Any Empirical Evidence To Suggest A Wind SAR Would Be More Accurate. To Sagebrush's knowledge, among states that used a surrogate avoided resource as the method for computing avoided costs, no state has adopted a wind SAR, and in consequence, there is not an existing body of knowledge from which to borrow. To develop a wind SAR from scratch, the Commission would be required to make an inquiry into, among others, questions such as: · Where would the wind SAR be located? · If located remote from load centers, should transmission cost be taken into account? · What would be the nameplate capacity of the SAR? · What would be the assumed net capacity factor of the wind SAR? · What would be the capital cost of a wind SAR? · What are the fixed operation and maintenance costs of a wind SAR? · What are the varable operation and maintenance costs of a wind SAR? The administrative cost of these inquiries would be high. Over the ten plus years of experience with the CCCT SAR, the Commssion Staff and interested parties have , gained experence and accumulated knowledge regarding reasonable values for inputs to the existing methodology. A similar body of knowledge does not exist with respect to a wind SAR. This high administrative cost wil be a barrer to paricipation in the Commission inquiries by small QF generators, such as Sagebrush. Independent project developers, in COMMENTS OF SAGEBRUSH ENERGY IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF REVIEW-4 the right circumstances, may have access to capital for constrction of projects. Unlike utility companies, they do not have unimited resources for paricipation in regulatory proceedings. 4. A CCCT Remains The Resource Of Choice For Utilities Regulated By The Commission. The focus of the avoided cost analysis is, of course, upon the costs that are avoided by the utility by accepting a PURP A resource, not upon the cost characteristics ofthe PURP A resource. (18 C.F .R. 292.10 1 (b)( 6)). The Commission has, for many years, measured these avoided costs based on the estimated cost a utility would incur in constrcting a CCCT facility. In its Notice, the Commission observes that in Order No. 25884, the Commission found that a CCCT is the "resource of choice" and thus an appropriate basis for estimating costs avoided by the utility. The most compellng, and irrefutable, evidence that a CCCT remains the "resource of choice" stems from the simple fact that a CCCT is the resource most recently approved by the Commission for construction. (See, In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application for a CPCN for the Langley Gulch Power Plant, Order No. 30892, September 1, 2009). In testimony fied in the Langley Gulch case, Staff Witness Sterling analyzed in depth the available resource options and concluded that a CCCT was the preferred choice. (Direct Testimony of Rick Sterling, June 19,2008, Pgs 23-30). And, Witness Sterling concluded that wind generation is not likely to fully meet base load needs: "Q. Do you believe that PURPA projects (QFs) are a viable means of meeting future base load needs of Idaho Power? COMMENTS OF SAGEBRUSH ENERGY IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF REVIEW-5 A. No, I do not believe they can be planed on as a reliable option for meeting base load needs. N earl y all of the recent PURP A development has been small wind projects. It is unown how much additional capacity might be developed and when such development might occur. The majority of projects for which contracts have been signed in recent years have yet to come online and have had their contractual online dates extended. The recent substantial increase in avoided cost rates for PURP A projects wil likely stimulate some new development, but the amount and timing of new projects is unkown. The timing and pace of PURP A development is not within Idaho Power's control and is not dictated by the Company's need for new generation. Furthermore, because nearly all new QFs are wind projects, it is unlikely that they could prove to be an acceptable substitute for a new base load resource even if they could be timely developed. Because wind generation is interittent, there is no guarantee that the generation would be available durng all of the hours when it would be needed." Accordingly, a CCCT remains the best estimate of costs a utility would avoid through purchase of energy from a Qualifyng Facility. 5. Abandoning An Established SAR Methodology In Favor Of An Unproven One Violates The First Law Of Wing Walkg. The first law of wing walking is: "Do not let go of one hand support until you have the other hand firmly attached to another support". Failure to observe this law can have disastrous consequences, in the wing walking business. Similarly, in the policy makng business, one should be reluctant to let go of an established policy unless a new and better policy is firmly in hand. A wind SAR does not meet that test. CONCLUSION For the reasons cited herein, Sagebrush respectfully requests that the Commission conclude there is not curently a need for change to the Surogate A voided Resource and that the Commission enter its Order closing this generic docket. COMMENTS OF SAGEBRUSH ENERGY IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF REVIEW-6 DATED this ~day of September, 2009. SAGEBRUSH ENERGY LLC BY:~\~ Dean J. Miler Attorney for Sagebrush Energy LLC COMMENTS OF SAGEBRUSH ENERGY IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF REVIEW-7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the _ day of September, 2009, I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, tre and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 j j ewellØdpuc.state.id. us Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Scott Woodbur Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 scott. woodburyØdpuc.idaho.gov Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Bar Kline, Esq. Lisa Nordstrom, Esq. Idaho Power P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83702 bklineØdidahopower .com InordstromCiidahopower.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Dean Brockban Daniel Solander Mark Moench Rocky Mountain Power One Utah Center 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 datareguestØdpacificorp.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC-23 Spokane, WA 99202 michael.andreaØdavistacorp.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ri. w ~i. ~i. ~~i. Â ~i.~~i. ~i.;t ~i.Æi. ~ w~w ~ COMMENTS OF SAGEBRUSH ENERGY IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF REVIEW-8