HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090218Avista Response.pdfAvlsta Cor. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-9-0500 Toll Free 800.727.9170 ri E I""H''' q .~f"q,;''' I t'" f tl. '\ _ ",.':ô-.. I '2 20D9 FEB 18 PH 3: 24 VIA Electronic Mail February 18,2008 JeaD. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission Statehouse Mail W. 472 Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720 RE: . Case NO. GNR-E-09..0 1 - In the Matter of the Fuel Cost Related Adjustment to Published Idao Avoided Cost Rates for Idaho Power Company, Pacificorp DBA Rock MOlUta.PoWer, and Avis:t Corporation DBA AvIsta Utilties Dea Ms. Jewell: In respol1seto ScottWoodbur's letter dated February 9,2009, Avista Utilties has reVIewedthe avoi(led costealculåtions in Case No. GNR-E-09-01 and accepts them as accurately inc()rpotating the draft NotthwestPower and Conservation Council natural gas price forecast into the SARmodel. Attached are Avista's comments in the above referenced Case provided to Commission Staff on February 4,2009. Pleae direct questions on this matter to Clint Kalich at (509) 495-4532. Sincerely, mdaGerais Manager, Regulatory Policy State and Federal Regulation Avista Utilities 509495-4975 Enc. RFCE~ ....- 1009 FEB \ 8 PM 3: 2i. Februar 4,2009 Via Email Only Rick Sterling Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Bois, In 83702 Email: rick.sterling~uc.daho.gov Re: Idaho Draft Avoided Cost Rate Dear Rick: On Januar 26, 2009, you forwarded for review and commcnt Idaho'8 draft avoided cost rates. I have reviewed the draft avoided cost rates for Avista Corporation (" Avista") and believe that you havc properly calculated costs given your assumptions. That said, A vista has some concerns with those assumptions and provides th following comments on the draft avoided cost rates. NWPCC Assuptions are Not Y ct Final According to the stipulation agree by the parties latc last year in IPUC Docket No. GNR-E-08-02, Surrogate Avoided Resource ("SAR") assumptions are to bc updated as they become available from the Northwest Power and Conservation Council C'NWPCC" or "C()imcil"). Although draft values are now available from the Council, it has not released even its Drft Sixth Power Plan. The final plan is not anticipated until late this year. The values included in the proposed PURPA rate appear to be based on current draft documents and not final values. It is very likely that this information wil not change; however, A vista understands that under the stipulation final values wil be used. At a minimum, the IPUC should make clear that, once final vales are available, the avoided cost rates wil be revised to reflect such final values. The SAR Assumption for HAP Was Not Updated Notwithstading the above comment regarding the use of final values issued by the NWPCC. the !PUC has not updated aU SAR assumptions identified in the stipulation. Specifically, the equivalent availabilty factor ("EAF") was not increased to 92% per the NWPCC draft. The stipulation is clea that the listed SAR values wil an be updated, including EAF. Adjusting the EAF to 92% based on Council data lowers the 20-year levelized rate by approximately $2IWh Capital Costs Arc Overstated In reviewing the capital cost assumption, it appears that the IPUC selected the highest capita cost value from the NWPCC foreast, both from a historical and projected basis. The NWCC is forecasting a drmatic faU in gas plant capital costs, from approximately $1,200 per kW presntly to $850 per kW. It is inappropriate to set long-term PURPA rates for projects built years into the future at today's inflated (and fallng) prices. Another method should be employed. One approach would be tó calculate an avoided cost for each online year, using the NWPCC capacity cost estimate in that year. Another approach would be to accept the long-term cot trend ($852 per kW in 2006 dollars) by averaging prices over the 20-year horizon of201 0 to 2029. Avista is open to other ideas, so long as they reflect anticipated expected long-term project costs. Lowering the capital cost frm $1.300/kW in 2008 to $900/k W in 2008 lowers the 20-year levelized rate by approximately $7/MWh. The IPUC Should Mak Clear that the Use of Draft Data in this Circumstance Does Not Set Any Precedent Assuming the IPUC must proceed with implementing rates based on draft NPCC data in this case. Avista would hope that in the futue adjustments ar made based on information cuntained in final docúments. Grandfatherng There is a long history of grandfathering projects due to changing circumstaces. To prevent this, A vista would like it made clear to all parties ahead of time that contracts signed based on these rates will not be adjusted in the future, up or down, based on new informatIon. Contrcts signed under then-curent terms should stand. Unifotmty with Other State PURA Rates Idaho PURP A rates are now significantly above rates available to developers located outside of Idaho. The discrepancies are large enough that it would be reonable to expect these developers Ì(J wheel their power frm locations outside of Idaho (but potentially within the service terrtories of multi-jurisdictional utilities) to locations inside simply to acquire the higher PURPA rate. Even with thc cost oftransmissIon the economics would appe to support this activity. Although IPUC staff have indicated that they do not believe this would be aHowed. A vista is una'ble to locate any law or ordcr that would prevent this occurrng. Overall PURP A Rate Appears Higb Paying nearly $90 perMWh for wind generation when Avista docs not obtain the grecn tag value seems very lugh. Avista believes there is the potential for it to build wind projects at this cost and retain the green tag value. One solution the company has considered is moving to a Wind 8M where a proceeding could be used to define generic wind costs rather than forcing a wind facilty to look like a gas plant. Avista appreciates the opportunity to comment on the draft avoided cost rates. Please contact me if you have any questons re,garding any of Avista's comments. Respectfully submitted, Clint Kalich Manager of Resource Planning and Analysis