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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091222Motion to Initiate Schedule.pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB No. 3195 Richardson & O'Lear 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Tel Fax: (208) 938-7904 Fax peter~richardsonandoleary .com Attorneys for the Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition RECCt\l¡:, :, ",J t~.. 1. '¡' ;_,~ 2009 DEC 22 AM 9: 10 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE NORTHWEST )AND INTERMOUNTAIN POWER ) PRODUCERS COALITION'S PETITION TO ) OPEN A GENERIC INVESTIGATION ) REGARING COMPETITIVE BIDDING ) REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW SUPPLY-SIDE )RESOURCE ACQUISITIONS ) ) ) ) ) bNR-E-68-Q3 CASE NO. IPC-E-ö7-öS MOTION OF THE INTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION TO INITIATE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE AND TO NAROW SCOPE OF PROCEEDING TO IDAHO POWER ONLY COMES NOW, the Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition, hereinafter referred to as "NIPPC," and pursuant to this Commission's Rules of Procedure, Rule 56 IDAPA hereby moves the Commission to initiate a procedural schedule and to narow the scope of this docket to Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power"). NIPPC initiated this docket on November 26, 2008 by filing a petition to open a generic investigation into the desirability of initiating competitive biding guidelines. Subsequent to its Petition to open a generic docket, Idaho Power fied an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the Langley Gulch Power Plant in Docket No. IP-E-09-03. In the Langley Gulch docket's prehearing conference it was noted that generic competitive bidding docket was pending and that it would be put on hold pending the outcome of the Langley Gulch case. The following exchange in the Langley Gulch prehearing conference between Commissioner Smith, the Staff Attorney and the attorney for NIPPC clarfies the relationship between the two dockets: COMMISSIONER SMITH: I just have a question and the question is on the bidding issue that's in this case which as I heard you describe it is was the request for proposal done correctly for the Langley Gulch project as opposed to being some generic investigation into the whole issue of bidding; is that correct? MR. WOODBURY: It's a separate docket, Generic E-08-03 which was the petition to open a generic investigation. COMMISSIONER SMITH: And that's not this case? MR. WOODBURY: That's not this case. MR. RICHARDSON: Than you, Mr. Chairman. As the attorney representing the petitioner in the generic docket, I would like to clarify that NIPPC may intervene in this case and may raise, and wil likely raise, issues relative to the conduct of the RFP specific to the Langley Gulch project, but may have generic implications just to be clear. IPC-E-09-03, Tr. 10 - 11. NIPPC did intervene in IPC- E-09-03 and did present testimony as to the lack of transparency and other defects in the competitive procurement process used by Idaho Power in its self-selection as the winning bidder in its RFP process. While the Commission did grant Idaho Power a certificate of convenience and necessity to build Langley Gulch, it did so by observing: The Company should, however, be concerned about perception that the third- part consultant was directed by the Company and there was a bias in the selection process. The actual or perceived flaws in the RFP process, we find, while not fatal to the Company's resource selection clearly demonstrate a need for a separate proceeding to consider RFP competitive bidding rules and guidelines. We recognize that the Northwest & Intermountain Power Producers Coalition has filed a petition requesting such an investigation (Case No. GNR-E-08-03). The Commission will explore utility RFP's for supply-side resources in that case or another opened for that purose. Order No. 30892 pp 30 - 31. Emphasis provided. Motion to Establish Procedural Schedule 2 The bidding process used by Idaho Power in the selection' of the Langley Gulch resource "clearly demonstrate a need for a separate proceeding" to investigate competitive bidding rues and guidelines. That separate proceeding is curently on "hold" according to the Commission's official web site. Attached as Exhibit A is a copy of the Commission's web page for the generic docket indicating that the docket is "ON HOLD". NIPPC requests that hold status be lifted and that the Commission establish a procedural schedule under which interested paries can proceed to fully investigate the competitive procurement practices of Idaho Power Company as ordered by the Commission in Order No. 30892. NIPPC believes that workshops including stakeholders that are facilitated by an expert with experience in implementing competitive bidding procedures for investor owned utilities would be an efficient and cost effective first step in this docket. NIPPC would be willng to work with the Commission's Staff in identifying such an individual and is ready to proceed at the Commission's pleasure. NIPPC further requests that this docket be amended to eliminate its generic status and limit the issues to be explored to only Idaho Power. NIPPC understands that the other two relevant electric utilities operating in Idaho already comply with competitive procurement rules in the other states in which they operate. There is no need for Idaho to be duplicative of rules already in play in those states. Although Idaho Power also operates in Oregon, it proceeded with the Langley Gulch RFP without also complying with Oregon's competitive bidding requirements. Therefore it is clear that unless this Commission acts on NIPPC's Petition, the ratepayers will continue to be exposed to procurement practices that do not engender robust bidder participation and confidence. Motion to Establish Procedural Schedule 3 DATED this 22nd day of December 2009. Motion to Establish Procedural Schedule Richardson & O'Leary, LLP r-/J~~By 1YJ/~/í Peter J. Richardson Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 22nd day of December 2009, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing MOTION OF THE INTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION TO INITIATE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE AND TO NAROW SCOPE OF PROCEEDING TO IDAHO POWER ONL Y was served by hand delivery, to: Baron Kline Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 f?4/1 Motion to Establish Procedural Schedule 5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 6NR. - E -a -ò"3 CASE NO.1I'C-I!-ö'7-68 IN THE MATTER OF THE NORTHWEST )AND INTERMOUNTAIN POWER ) PRODUCERS COALITION'S PETITION TO ) OPEN A GENERIC INVESTIGATION ) REGARDING COMPETITIVE BIDDING ) REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW SUPPLY-SIDE )RESOURCE ACQUISITIONS ) ) ) ) ) EXHIBIT A TO MOTION TO INITIATE PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE IPUC Case Summary Page 1 of 1 CASE SUMMARY Last Updated on: 12/21/2009 10:45:42 AM Case Number: GNR-E-08-03 Date Filed: 11/26/2008 Description: GENERIC ELECTRIC - - REQUEST INVSTIGATION RE COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREME! Case Type: PETITIO Status: ON HOLD CASE FILES: 11/26/2008 PETITION. PDF ORDERS & NOTICES: COMPAN: 03/27/2009 KAN DIRECT. PDF 03/27/2009 READING DIRECT. PDF STAFF: 12/19/2008 DECISION MEMO. PDF INTERVENOR: http://ww . /internet/ cases/summary /GNR0803.... 12/21/2009