HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090327Kahn Direct.pdfMs. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise 10 83720-0074 Dear Ms. Jewell: March 27, 2009 RE: Case No. GNR-E-08-03 RE.1CE 2009 MAR 27 PM 3= 58 Enclosed please find an nine (9) copies plus one (1) reporter's copy of Dr. Kahn's and Dr. Reading's testimony in the above referenced case. I have also enclosed an extra copy to be service-dated and returned to us for our files. Sincerely, lsI Nina Curtis Administrative Assistant ;¡ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE NORTHWEST AND INTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION'S PETITION TO OPEN A GENERIC INVESTIGATION REGARING COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW SUPPLY SIDE RESOURCE ACQUISITIONS ) -IE .. ) CASE NO. GRl08-03 ) ) ) ) TESTIMONY OF ROBERT KAN ON BEHALF OF THE NORTHWEST AND INTERMOUNTAIN INDEPENDENT POWER PRODUCERS ')1-MACH'" 2009 Pr-r-¡i .,,""'r-', _.¡... t'1!,"-,'\ f~... 'v t_.F ~;_:.. 2009 MAR 27 PH 3= 54 ~ 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Q. 3 A. 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 A. 19 20 21 22 Q. 23 PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND AFFILIATION? My name is Robert Kah. I am the executive director of the Nortwest & Intermountain Power Producers Coalîtion (NIPPC). We are located at 1117 Minor Avenue, Ste. 300, Seattle, Washington. My resume is attached. COULD YOU PLEASE GIV A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF YOUR ORGANIZATION? The NIPPC is an association of independent power producers established to actively pursue informal and formal (i.e., laws, policies, rues and regulations) avenues and forus to ensure a competitive electric power supply marketplace in the Pacific Northwestand the Intermountan West. The NIPPC supports a fully competitive electrc power supply marketplace. Our association has fifteen full members and six associate members and includes some of the major energy producers in the countr. NIPPC's members curently represent in excess of 3,500 MW of on line generating capacity. WHAT IS THE PUROSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY? My testimony is in support of the Petition to Open a Generic Investigation filed by Our attorney, Peter J. Richardson, regarding competitive bidding requirements for new supply-side resource acquisitions by Idao investor owned utiliies. (IOUs). WH AR COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS IMPORTANT FOR BOTH UTILITY COMPANIES AND THEIR RATEPAYERS? 24 A recent report authored by the Analysis Group for the National Association of 25 Regulatory Commissions, (NARUC) outlines formal policies and rules electrc utilities 26 should follow in purchasing additional resources to meet their service terrtory loads. 27 That study stated, in par: 28 Competitive procurements can provide utilties with a way of obtaining electricity supply 29 that has the "best "fit to customers' needs at the "best" possible terms. In principle, 30 competitive procurements accomplish this goal by requiring market partiCipants to 31 compete for the opportunity to provide these services. However, for competitive Kah, Di GNR-E-08-03 2 1 procurements to fulfll their promise, they must be designed and implemented in a 2 manner that fosters competition among market participants, including potentially the 3 regulated utility and its affliated companies. 1 4 5 This Report indicates that more than 40 percent of the states rely on formal policies and 6 rules for utilty resource procurements. States that suround Idaho with mandated formal 7 competitìve bidding rules include Montaa, Oregon, Utah, and Washngton. I have 8 attched Oregon Public Utility Coinission Order No. 06-446 (UM 1182, Augut 10, 9 2006) as an example of competitive bidding gudelines. 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 Q. 17 18 A. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 IS YOUR PURPOSE IN ATTACIDNG THE OREGON ORDER TO SUGGEST THAT THE IDAHO COMMISSION FOLLOW THE OREGON PROCESS? Not at alL. The Oregon process mayor may not be a good fit for Idaho. It is just provided as one example of how to implement competitive bidding rules. DOESN'T THE IDAHO COMMISSION ALREADY REQUIRE THE UTILITIES IT REGULATES TO FILE BIANNAL INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANS? Yes. the IRP process in Idaho appears to be transparent and collaborative. However, there is a fudamenta difference between the identification of a generic stack of potential resources in an IRP setting and the identification of a specific unque resource that the utilty will actually acquire. An example of this operational distinctìon can be seen in a Idaho Power's curent IRP that notwthtading the IR process, the utility pre-reserved the tubines for a new thermal generating resource. Requesting bids though an RFP process involves establishing a procedure of evaluating and scoring both the monetized and non-monetized aspects of a resource that are offered in response to the RFP. Due to the distinct differences between the IRP process of identifying the least ~cost resources and the RFP process that leads to the actu acquisition of a resource, it is not advisable to rely on the IRP as the methodology for resource selection. 1 Competitive Procurement of Retal Electric Supply: Recent Trends in State Policies and Utility Practices, July 28, 2008, Analysis Group, Boston, Mass., p. ì. Kah, Di GNR-E-08-03 3 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q. 13 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Q. 29 30 31 A. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY MONETIZED AND NON-MONETIZED ASPECTS OF A RESOURCE ACQUISITION SCORING SYSTEM? A given resource has value to a utilty and its system that goes beyond the strict moneta costs to build and operate the facilty. These non-monetized items can include the impact on the company's tranmission infastrctue, fuel mix preferences, location preferences, performance requirements, impact on resource stack and even credit considerations. They can also include the distribution of fInancial and development risks between the utility, power provider and the ratepayers. Depending on the method selected by the utilty, some of these non-monetized varables can be monetized in an effort to make them comparable to price variables. DOES THE MONETIZING OF THE NON..PRlCE VARABLES CAUSE YOU CONCERN? Yes. A real world example of ths concern is addrssed in Dr. Reading's testimony. However, it should be noted that many of these non-price items involve value judgments and subjective evaluations. It is importt to note that subjectivity enters the valuation of bid responses in at least two ways. Cost of servce calculations include both customer class costs and revenues. First, though the value or score assigned to the non..price factors by the utilty valuation team. Second, and perhaps more importantly, is the weight given to these items in relation to the other aspects of the project being evaluated. If these non-price criteria have a significant weight in relation to the price varables, then the value judgments become the deciding factor in the selection of any given project. Depending on who is makg these value judgments, a utilty's own self-build option could be scored above that of an independent power producer (IPP), when in fact the IPP project is less costly and quaitatively superior. Dr. Reading's testimony is instrctive in ths regard. GIVEN YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING GUIDELINES, DO YOU HAVE ANY INSIGHTS INO HOW THE EVALUATION OF NON-PRICE FACTORS IS HANDLED IN OTHER JURISDICTIONS? Among the states with competitive bidding rues there is, as would be expected, some Kah, Di GNR-E-08..03 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Q. 36 37 A. 38 39 varation. A good sumar that touches on the elements that most states use is found in the NARUC study cited above. The fist key issue for incremental resource procurements is the design of safeguds to prevent potential improper self-dealing by the utilty. Because the utilty may fiancially benefit from the selection of its own self-build offer or a proposal from an affiliate, .safeguds are necessar to ensure tht the process is not improperly tilted toward the selection of such offers. (Suggested safeguards include:) Involvement of a thrd-par independent monitor ("IM") and/or independent evaluator; Measures to increase the transparency of the procurement process to the market; Providing potential bidders with detaled information needed to prepare competitive bids Utilty codes of conduct to prohibit improper sharing of informtion that is valuable utility affiliates in their constrction of procurement offers and/or their competitiveness in other electricity markets; and Carefu disclosure and review of how "non-price" factors are considered and evaluated by the utility in weighig offers from third pares against self-build proposals or affiiate offers. As the NARUC study states, the "first key issue" in setting fort resource procurement guidelines is the fact that a utilty may derive financial benefit from building its own resource which drves a natual tendency to tilt its RFP procedure in its favor. Rules requirig such oversight as the involvement of a third-pary independent evaluator and careful disclosure and review of how the non-price factors are considered are essential to an even-handed competitive bid process. WHAT AR THE CONSEQUENCES OF IDAHO NOT HA VINGCOMPETITIV BIDDING RULES IN PLACE? The most obvious consequence is described by Dr. Reading - it results in the lowest cost resource being bumped for "non-price" reasons that are subjectively and inconsistently applied. It also results in the RFP being undersubscribed - which I believe is tre for Kah, Di GNR-E-08-03 5 1 Idaho Power's most recent RFP. This is obviously not good for Idaho Power's 2 ratepayers. 3 4 Q. 5 6 A. 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. 26 27 A. 28 29 30 31 WHAT DO YOU CONCLUDE FROM YOUR INVESTIGATION INTO THE LACK OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING RULES IN IDAHO? As pointed out in our Petition that opened ths docket, we are asking the Cotnission to open a generic investigation into the desirabilty of initiating competitive bidding guidelines for the procurement of supply-side resources by the electrc utilities under its jursdiction. DO YOU HAVE AN INSIGHTS INTO IDAHO POWER'S CURNTLY PENDING RFP? I was not surrised to lear that Idaho Power recently selected the self-build option. The entire RFP appeared to be designed to assure that Idaho Power would be selected because in order to be competitive, bidders would have to pre-order the tubine sets, as Idao Power did. The requirement of pre-ordering generating sets without any assurance of being the winning bidder discouraged many from even paricipating in Idaho Power's curent RFP. Many of my members, as well as other potential bidders, decided not to paricipate in the curent Idaho Power RFP for ths reason. In short, Idaho Power's RFP was NOT viewed by the industr to be a fair. As a result the ratepayers and this Cotnission have been short changed and subject to a resource selection process that is flawed. I thnk that is unfortate in light of the simple fix this Cotnission could implement thugh the implementation of RFP gudelines. WOULD ADOPTING COMPETITIV BIDDING GUIDELINES REPRESENT A MAJOR CHANGE IN THE WAY IDAHO'S UTILITIES OPERATE? Since all three Idaho jurisdictional IOUs already operate in states in which competitive bidding gudelines are in place, it would not be very difficult for any of them to adjus to operating in the same maner for resource acquisitions here. So the cost of implementing such a program would be relatively low as we do not have to re-invent the wheel, so to speak, and the benefits are potentially enormous in the form of lowered cost resources for Kah, Di GNR-E-08-03 6 1 2 3 Q. 4 A. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 the Idaho ratepayer. DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR TESTIMONY? Yes, it does. Kah Di GNR-E-08-03 7