HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020717Answer of PacifiCorp.pdfRECElvED FILED O S OT LE 101 S.Capito1 Boulevard.Suite 1900 Boise,Idaho 83702RIVESzmJUL\¯I PM 3:4 I .2os2s,,coo ATTORNEYS AT LAW MARY S.HOBSON Direct (208)387-4277 July 17,2002 mshobson@stoel.com VIA HAND DELIVERY Ms.Jean Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,ID 83720-0074 Re:Case No.GNR-E-02-04 ANSWER OF PACIFICORP Dear Ms.Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission on behalf of Pacificorp is an original and seven (7) copies of the Answer of Pacificorp regarding the Petition of Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative,Inc.Regarding Service to Tracy Hall for the State of Idaho. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the enclosed.Thank you for your assistance in this matter. :blg Enclosures Oregon Washington California Ut a h Boise-144079.1 0029164-00016 I d a ho CElVED O John M.Eriksson STOEL RIVEs LLP 201 South Main Street,Suite 1100 Salt Lake City,Utah 84111Telephone:(801)328-3131Facsimile(801)578-6999 Mary S.Hobson STOEL RIVEs LLP 101 South Capitol Blvd.,Suite 1900 Boise,ID 83702-5958 Tel:(208)387-4277 Fax:(208)389-9040 Attorneysfor PacifiCorp BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition of ) Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative,Inc.)CASE NO.GNR-E-02-04 Regarding Service to Tracy Hall ) )ANSWER OF PACIFICORP Pursuant to I.P.U.C.R.P.57,PacifiCorp,doing business as Utah Power &Light Company ("PacifiCorp"),submits the followinganswer to the Petition filed by Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative,Inc.("Fall River")in this matter. ANSWER 1.On information and belief,PacifiCorp admits the allegations of the Petition. 2.PacifiCorp does not oppose Fall River's Petition. DISCUSSION 3.In the latter part of 2001,Fall River connected electric service to the residence of Tracy Hall.Both PacifiCorp and Fall River have existing service lines (as defined in I.C. §61-332A(11). ANSWER OF PACIFICORP -1 4.Idaho Code §61-332C(1)(c)provides that: If more than one (1)electric supplier has an existing service line within one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320)feet of the new service entrance the electric supplier whose existing service line is nearest the new service entrance shall have the right to serve the consumer at the new service entrance. An existing service line is defined as: any electric service line in existence at the time of the event in question and constructed to supply a consumer that could be lawfullyserved by that electric supplier under this act.It shall not mean any service line constructed to obtain an advantage under this act,or to evade its purpose or terms. I.C.§61-332A(ll). Further,a "service line"means "any single or multi-phase electric line of an electric supplier used for carrying less than sixty-nine(69)KV and used or capable of use to provide electric service for a consumer."I.C.§61-332A(10). 5.It is PacifiCorp's understanding that Fall River measured the distance from the Hall residence to the nearest point of the service drop of another consumer served by Fall River,rather than to the nearest point on Fall River's distribution facilities from which service could be provided to the Hall residence.PacifiCorp,rather than Fall River,had the nearest existing service line (a 12.5 kilovolt distribution line)from which service could be provided to the Hall residence.As stated in the Petition,under such circumstances,PacifiCorp would have been the electric service supplier with the right to serve the Hall residence.I.C.§61- 332C(1)(c). ANSWER OF PACIFICORP -2 6.It is PacifiCorp's understanding that Fall River's determination regarding its right to serve the Hall residence was an honest mistake,and that it now agrees that the proper point for measurement should have been its distribution line rather than the nearest point of the service drop to another customer. 7.PacifiCorp understands Fall River's Petition to be a Petition filed under I.C. §61-334B for an exception to I.C.§61-332C(1)(c).Given the circumstances of this case, includingFall River's honest mistake in its interpretation of what was the nearest "existing service line,"and the fact that service to the Hall residence has been installed,PacifiCorp does not oppose Fall River's Petition.PacifiCorp does not believe Fall River intended to "pitate" customers from PacifiCorp. DATED this 17*day of July,2002. Stoel Rives LLP Of Attorneys for PacifiCorp ANSWER OF PACIFICORP -3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 17*day of July,2002,I caused to be served,via U.S.mail, postage prepaid,a true and correct copy of the foregoing Answer of PacifiCorp to the following: Dee M.Reynolds General Manager Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative,Inc. 1150 North 3400 East Ashton,ID 83420 Weldon Stutzman Deputy AttorneyGeneral Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street / P.O.Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 Brandi L.Gearhart Legal Secretary to Mary S.Hobson Stoel Rives LLP ANSWER OF PACIFICORP -4