HomeMy WebLinkAboutAMBS.docx February 6, 1998 VIA FACSIMILE (608-267-2779) Todd Ambs, Policy Analyst Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General PO Box 7857 Madison, WI 53707-7857 RE: Draft Resolution Regarding Electric Restructuring Dear Todd, Pursuant to our telephone conversation today, I have attached for your review Idaho’s proposed amendments to the draft NAAG resolution regarding electric restructuring.  Attorney General Lance is proposing an additional principle be added to the resolution addressing water rights.  You will also note that he is suggesting that the “Preemption” language proposed by Washington Attorney General Gregoire be removed from the “Antitrust Enforcement” principle No. 9 and set out alone. If you have any questions or comments, please call my office at (208) 334-0312.  I will be out of the office several days next week but will call for my messages. Sincerely yours, Donald L.  Howell, II Deputy Attorney General DLH/vld:L:ambs.dh Enclosure cc:Brett DeLange Lawrence Wasden