HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190806Notice of Merger and Name Change.pdfldaho Public Lfimbs Commbslott Case l-:1-8-cv-00236-REB Document 61 Filed 08/06/1"9 Page 1" office.ffii15no AUG 0 6 20t9 Peter J. Richardson, ISB# 3195 515 N.27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephonc (208) 938-790 I Facsimile: (208) 938-7904 p__c_lg L^(*, I 1q h a rclson a d a m ri. c Q I 1 Attorney for P laintiffs Robert C. Huntley, ISB# 894 R. HUNTLEY LAW, PLLC 950 West Bannock St., Suite 600 Boisc, ID 8701 Telephone (208) 388-l 230 rhuntley(@huntleylaw. com Boise,ldaho Attorney for Plaintiffs UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR TIIE DISTRICT OF IDAHO FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE ONE, LLC, FRANKLIN ENERCY STORAGE TWO, LLC FRANKLIN ENEITGY STORAGE THREE, LLC, FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE FOUR, LLC Case No.: l: l8-cv-00236-REB DtS- E- lg 'o t NOTICE OF MERGER AND NAME CHANGE AND SUPPLEMENTED CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUPPLEMENTPlaintiffs, vs. PAUL KJELLANDER, KRISTINE RAPER ERIC ANDERSON, in their official capacity as Commissioners of thc IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, Defendants On April 24,2019, each of the Plaintiff LLCs were merged into a newly created LLC known as the Franklin Solar LLC, an [daho limited liability company. On July 3,2018, Plaintiffs', Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 7.1, Iodged their collective corporate disclosure statement and duly certified to the court that none of the listed Plaintiffs (Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC; Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC; Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC and Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC) has a parent corporation NOTICE OF MERGER AND SUPPLEMENTED CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. t. Case 1:18-cv-00236-REB Document 61 Filed 08/06/1-9 Page 2 of 3 and that no publicly held corporation holds lUYo or more of its stock or an interest therein. The newly created Franklin Solar LLC is wholly owned by Altemative Power Development, Northwest LLC, ("APD") an Idaho limited liability company. No publicly held corporation holds l0% or more of APD's stock or an interest therein, and no publicly held corporation holds l0o/o or more of Franklin Solar LLC's stock or an interest therein. This change in corporate status does not alter any of the legal positions or arguments presented to the court, as any applicable size limitation on QF status that may (or may not) be applicable are only at issue at the commercial operation datc of the QF. See CMS Midland, Inc., 50 FERC fl 61,098 (1990). None of the QFs at issue in this docket have achieved commercial operations or have even begun construction. Respectfully submitted this 6th day of August 2019. /s/ ktbert C. t{unt[ey, Esq Robert C. Huntley, Esq. /t/ f'eter J. ftit:ha , Peter R. Richardson, Esq" Attomeys for Plaintiffs CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 6th day of August 20lg,I filed the foregoing electronically through the CM/ECF systcm, which caused the following parties and counsel to be served by electronic means, as more fully reflected on thc Notice of Electronic Filing: Brandon Karpen ,B ;q111!11r1. [;l.r[].c r r ;i r [) r r r":. t rll il t tr. ]tii l - Steven B, Anderson s ir r (?rt a sr,r,h I q !-, c,q !11 NOTICE OF MERGER AND SUPPLEMENTED CORPORATE DiSCLOSURE STATEMENT. 2 Case 1:1-8-cv-00236-REB Document 61 Filed 08/06/19 Page 3 of 3 Edith Pacillo lid i t h,, g4-q i | | r I ;, r 1 r,!te. i clili r!)igo \,:Wade L. Woodward w t w(li),al w h la 1"', c o qt ScotZanzig &:( II l: ail.l r./.1g{1i,;1g, i1!,r i r11 g.11,D<;novan E. Walker d w a I ker(rii i dahrrpo vvc r.conr Attorneys for Defendants Attorneys for lntervenor - Defendants /s/ Peter J. Richardson, Esq,. Peter R. Richardson, Esq. NOTICE OF MERGER AND SUPPLEMENTED CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. 3