HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180925Plaintiff Request .pdfPeter J. Richardson, ISB# 3195 515 N. 27th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Telephone (208) 938-790 1 Facsimile: (208) 93 8-7904 p cter(q)r-ic hardsonadams. c o r]l Attomeys for Plaintiffs Robert C. Huntley, ISB# 894 R. HI-INTLEY LAW, PLLC 950 Wcst Bannock St., Ste. 600 Boise, ID 8702 Telephone (208) 388- I 230 Facsimile (208) 388-0234 RECE IVED TilIB SIP 25 PI{ 2: IB rlr Ltrtt lc ylr,lr Lrnl I e ylaw'.conr UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF IDAHO FRANKLIN ENERGY STORACE ONE, LLC, FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE TWO, LLC FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE LLC, FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAC FOUR, LLC Case No.: 1 : 1 8-cv-00236-REB PLAINTIFFS' REQUEST OF ALL PARTIES FOR FRCP 36 ADMISSIONS vs. Plaintiffs, PAUL KJELLANDER, KRISTINE RAPER ERIC ANDERSON, in their official capacity Commissioners of the IDAHO PUB UTILITIES COMMISSION, Defendants. Come now the Plaintiffs, pursuant to FRCP 36(a)(l)(B) o'Rule 36(a)(l)(B) the genuineness of any described documentsr" and request that the Defendants and Intervening Parties ADMIT the genuineness, accuracy, or truth of the below-listed documents now attached to the pleadings of the parties. Answering these requests in ths affirmative does not constitute a waiver of the right to object for lack ofrelevancy. Franklin Energy Request for FRCP 36(a)(l)(b) admissions. 1. Documents submitted by the IPUC Defendants in their Answer to the Arnended Complaint: Case l:18-cv-00236-R-EB Documents 4-1,4-2, 4-3,4-4, 4-5., 4-6,4-8, 4-9 4-10, 4-l l, 4-12 and 4-13. Documents supplied as attachments to Defendant-lntervenor Idaho Power Company's Mernorandum in Support of its Motion to Intervene: Case l:18-cv-00236-REB Documents 7-1, 7-3,7-4,7-5. Documents attached as Exhibits to Plaintiffs' submission of proposed Stipulation of Facts: Case 1: l8-cv-00236-REB Documents 29-2, 29-3, 294. Respectfully submitted this l2th day of September 2018. /s/ Robert C. Huntlev, Esq Robert C. Huntley, Esq. /s/ Pater J. llichunlsr:n. Ess. Peter R. Richardson, Esq. Attomeys for Plaintiffs CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 25th day of September 2018, I filed the foregoing elecffonically through the CM/ECF system, which caused the following parties and counsel to be served by electronic means, as more fully reflected on the Notice of Electronic Filing: Brandon Karpen I !1tt'tr!i: tr, il,,,l tl1tlUrrl l 1 t! . i rl;.t lr1r.;r :r- Edith Pacillo I :ti i tl r.plu i I llri{/: pUc. I dlilg grtr: Scot Zanzig 5,.:, rti.rafl r i *il{:lu. lriltlr:. gil r: Attorneys for Defendants Steven B. Anderson shaki)asr,i,blaw.con1 Wade L. Woodard Franklin Energy Request for FRCP 36(a)(l)(b) admissions. 2. ri.'l rv'lri :a :ri-t i r I ii \\ . cotl) Attorneys for Dcfcndant-lntervenor ldaho Power Company lsl Pcter J. llk:hurtl.son. lisct. Peter R. Richardson, Esq. Franklin Energy Request for FRCP 36(aXlXb) admissions. J.