HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180907Proposed Stipulated Facts.pdfCase 1:18-cv-00236-REB Document 23 Filed 09/05/18 Page t ol2 Pcter J. Richardson, ISB# 3195 515 N.27rh Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone (208) 938-790 I Facsimilc: (208) 938-7904 PCIt't (tt t rt ltltt'rlsurtiltlitt t I:.cr rt I t Attorneys for Plainti ffs Robert C. Huntley, ISB# 894 R. HUNTLEY LAW, PLLC 950 West Bannock St., Ste. 600 Boise, ID 8702 Telephone (208) 388- I 230 Facsimile (208) 388-0234 rlru rrtley(qi)h unt I c y I aw. qqnr ldaho Public Utilities Commission Otfice of the SecretaryRECEIVED sEP 0 7 20t8 Boise, ldaho UNTTED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF IDAHO FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE ONE, LLC, FRANKLIN ENERCY STORAGE TWO, LLC FRANKLTN ENERGY STORACE THR LLC, FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAG FOUR, LLC Case No.: I :18-cv-00236-REB PLAINTIFFS' PROPOSED STTPULATED STATEMENT OF FACTS AND LEGAL ISSUES WHICH MAY BE RESOLVED BY MOTIONS vs. Plaintiffs, PAUL KJELLANDER, KRISTINE RAPER ERIC ANDERSON, in their official capacity Commissioners of the IDAHO PUBL. UTILITIES COMMISSION, Defendants. On September4,2018, the Court in the above captioned mattcr issued its order requiring Plaintiffs to prepare a proposed stipulated statement of facts and legal issues which may be resolved by motions. ln response to the Court's directive, filed contemporaneously herewith, is Plaintiff s Motion for Summary Judgment and Statemcnt of Material Facts. The Plaintiffs will continue to work with and cooperate with the parties as to the creation of a comprehensive stipulated statement of facts and legal issues should they find Plaintiffs current filing lacking. In furtherance of such cooperation, the Plaintiffs are willing to entertain any reasonable request to Franklin Energy Responsc to the Court's Directivc to Draft Stipulated Statement of Facts and Legal Issues. Case 1:18-cv-00236-REB Document 23 Filed 09/05/18 Page 2 ot 2 provide reasonable additional time which the Defendants and Intervenors may request to rcspond to the accompanyiug Motion. Respectfully submitted this 5th day of Scptember 2018. /s/ Robert C. Huntlev. Esa Robert C. Huntley, Esq. /s/ Peter J. Richardson, Esa. Peter R. Richardson, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiffs CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 5th day of September 2018, I frled the foregoing electronically through the CM/ECF system, which caused the following partics and counsel to be served by electronic means, as more fully reflccted on the Notice of Electronic Filing: Brandon Karpen l-l rirt trlor r. k ilrllcn(((, lluc. r tlir I rr.l. gu r Edith Pacillo Irl i t h.pacil [()(c,puc. iditllo.uor Scot Zanzig Scol t. ztttz i g{rt1ag. rtl:rlro. go r Attorneys for Defendants Steven B. Anderson s I rl irr.;l rw-$-law. cont Wade L. Woodard rv I n 111, irslltrlltr,.eor I r Attorneys for Defendant-lntervenor ldaho Power Company /s/ Pcter J. Richurdson. Est!. Peter R. Richardson, Esq. Franklin Energy Response to the Court's Directive to Draft Stipulated Statcment of Facts and Legal Issues. 2.