HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211209Retail Rate Increase.pdf208-652-7431 • 800-632-5726208-652-7825 faxwww.fallriverelectric.com Cooperative, Inc. 1150 N 3400 E Ashton, ID 83420 208-652-7431www.fallriverelectric.com December 9, 2021 Dear Sir or Madam, Please see the updated Tariff sheets submitted on December 9, 2021. The proposed changes will be taking effect on January 1, 2022. In addition, there are some formatting changes, rate description changes, and rate charge changes in the document. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely, Angela Haws Executive Assistant Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative RECEIVED 2021 DEC -9 PM 2:56 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President RATE SUMMARY SHEET RATE DESCRIPTION BILLING UNITS Residential Service Residential Service Access Fee: Demand Charge: Energy Charge: kWh hours 0 – 2000 kWh hours 2001 and above $39.00 per month $1.00 per kW $0.0600 per kWh $0.0810 per kWh Large General Service Large General Service Access Fee: Monthly Variable Access: Charge per kWh Charge per kW over 10 $59.00 per month $0.05284 per kWh $8.17 per kW Irrigation De-weatherized Irrigation Annual Horsepower Charge: 0 – 100 Horsepower Over 100 Horsepower Demand Charge: Charge per kW Energy Charge: Charge per kWh $20.12 per Horsepower $29.57 per Horsepower $1.44 per kW $0.03037 per kWh Small General Service Small General Service Access Fee: Monthly Variable Access: Charge per kWh Charge per kW over 10 $39.00 per month $0.0531 per kWh $9.16 per kW Idle Service Idle Service Idle Service Fee: $10.00 per month Easy Pay, Prepaid Meter Residential Service Easy Pay, Prepaid Meter Residential Service Access Fee: Demand: Energy Charge: kWh hours 0 – 2000 kWh hours 2001 and above $1.30 per day $1.00 per kW $0.0600 per kWh $0.0810 per kWh Rate Addendum Green Power Opt-In Program Energy Charge: $0.01100 per kWh Add on to Retail Rate Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Applicability: Applicable to residential Members, requiring continuous use of electric facilities. Other supplemental uses may be served on this rate, provided, however, that supplemental use is in conjunction with the full-time residence, and service from the same facility. Character of Service: Single and three phase, 60 cycles, at secondary voltage. Fall River reserves the right to specify the phase of service supplied under this schedule. Rate: The Access Fee, Energy Charge and Demand Charge are as shown in the Rate Summary Sheet. Adder: If a Member elects to incur an additional charge for purchase of “Renewable Energy” the charge will be $ 0.011 per subscribed kWh. Terms of Payment: Bills for service hereunder shall be paid to Fall River in Ashton, State of Idaho, by the due date stated on the bill. If the Member fails to pay any such bill within the specified time, Fall River may discontinue service hereunder in accordance with Section V – Discontinuation of Service. Discontinuation of service does not relieve a Member of their responsibility to pay for services rendered. Temporary Service: Temporary service shall be provided on this rate, according to the provisions set forth in the most current Line Extension Policy. Service Extensions: Service extensions shall be installed by Fall River, according to the provisions set forth in the most current Line Extension Policy. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President LARGE GENERAL SERVICE Applicability: Applicable to commercial, industrial, and any other Members not served under other specific schedules. Character of Service: Single or three phase, 60 cycles, at secondary voltage. General Service Rate is determined on KW (demand) over 50 KW in any month of the prior calendar year. Fall River reserves the right to specify the phase of service supplied under this schedule. Rate: The Access Fee, Energy Charge and Demand Charge are as shown in the Rate Summary Sheet. Adder: If a Member elects to incur an additional charge for purchase of “Renewable Energy” the charge will be $ 0.011 per subscribed kWh. Terms of Payment: Bills for service hereunder shall be paid to Fall River in Ashton, State of Idaho, by the due date stated on the bill. If the Member fails to pay any such bill within the specified time, Fall River may discontinue service hereunder in accordance with Section V – Discontinuation of Service. Discontinuation of service does not relieve a Member of their responsibility to pay for services rendered. Temporary Service: Temporary service shall be provided on this rate, according to the provisions set forth in the most current Line Extension Policy. Service Extensions: Service extensions shall be installed by Fall River, according to the provisions set forth in the most current Line Extension Policy. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President DE-WEATHERIZED IRRIGATION Applicability: Applicable to farm Members for irrigation pumping or uses essential to pumping operations. Character of Service: Single and three phase, 60 cycles, at available secondary voltage. Rate: The Annual Horsepower Charge, Energy Charge and Demand Charge are as shown in the Rate Summary Sheet. Horsepower charge is to be paid at the time of connection in the spring. It will not be applied to the season’s bill. Adder: If a Member elects to incur an additional charge for purchase of “Renewable Energy” the charge will be $ 0.011 per subscribed kWh. Horsepower Determination: The horsepower charge is calculated on the assumption that an irrigation installation utilizes one kilowatt per horsepower. The horsepower charges indicated above are applicable as long as the kilowatt demand registered on the meter does not exceed the horsepower that was prepaid for service under that meter. Should the kW demand registered on the meter during the season exceed the prepaid horsepower for that meter, then the incremental difference between the kW demand and the prepaid horsepower will be calculated for each meter automatically each month of the irrigation season, with the final seasonal billing reflecting the additional charge for the maximum difference. Demand Charges: Demand charges are applied to the monthly demand reading. The billing under this schedule shall be the highest of the following: 1. The Contract demand, or 2. The higher demand occurring in any 15-minute interval of the monthly billing period as determined by the demand meter, adjusted for power factor. Terms of Payment: Bills for service hereunder shall be paid to Fall River in Ashton, State of Idaho, by the due date stated on the bill. If the Member fails to pay any such bill within the specified time, Fall River may discontinue service hereunder in accordance with Section V – Discontinuation of Service. Discontinuation of service does not relieve a Member of their responsibility to pay for services rendered. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President Power Factor Adjustment: The Member agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. For Members, whose demand exceeds 300 kW Fall River may determine the ratio between the kilowatt and reactive kilovolt-ampere demand by means of installed instruments or by periodic tests. When determined by tests, the resulting ratio shall remain in effect until a new determination is made. The demand charge, before adjustment for power factor, shall be increased by 1% for each 1% by which the average power factor is less than .90 lagging. The formula for determining average power factor is as follows: kWh ____________________________ ___________________ √ kWh2 + kVh2 Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President SMALL GENERAL SERVICE Applicability: Applicable to commercial, industrial, and any other Members not served under other specific schedules. Character of Service: Single or three phase, 60 cycles, at secondary voltage. Small General Service Rate is determined on KW (demand) less than 50 KW in any month of the prior year. Fall River reserves the right to specify the phase of service supplied under this schedule. Rate: The Access Fee, Energy Charge and Demand Charge are as shown in the Rate Summary Sheet. Adder: If a member elects to incur an additional charge for purchase of “Renewable Energy” the charge will be $ 0.011 per subscribed kWh. Terms of Payment: Bills for services hereunder shall be paid monthly to Fall River in Ashton, State of Idaho, within the time specified by the Board of Directors, and indicated in the applicable Fall River Policy. If the Member fails to pay any such bill within the specified time, Fall River may remove service hereunder in accordance with the Rules and Regulations as adopted by the Board of Directors. Service Extensions: Service extensions shall be installed by Fall River, according to the provisions set forth in the most current Line Extension Policy. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President IDLE SERVICE Applicability: Applicable to all Members, with an Idle Service as defined by Fall River. Character of Service: Any service with Fall River lines and/or equipment not otherwise being billed for Demand or an Access Fee. Rate: The Idle Service Fee is shown in the Rate Summary Sheet. Terms of Payment: Bills for services hereunder shall be paid monthly to Fall River in Ashton, State of Idaho, within the time specified by the Board of Directors, and indicated in the applicable Fall River Policy. If the Member fails to pay any such bill within the specified time, Fall River may remove service hereunder in accordance with the Rules and Regulations as adopted by the Board of Directors. If the Member wishes to restore service to the location, payment for the cost of construction will be required in accordance with Fall River’s Line Extension Policy. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President EASY PAY, PREPAID METER RESIDENTIAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: To residential members, requiring continuous use of electric facilities within Fall River’s service territory. Other supplemental uses may be served on this rate, provided, however, that supplemental use is in conjunction with the residence, and service from the same facility. AVAILABLE: To Members that receive service through one meter for each household consisting of an individual family of one or more persons, and have prepaid at least $100 toward power. TYPE OF SERVICE: Single phase, 60 hertz, 200-amp service at approximately 120/240 volts. LIMITATIONS: Service rendered under this Schedule is subject to all the Rules and Regulations of this tariff and general Rules and Regulations of Fall River. Service under this schedule is not available to any Member who has a life support system in their home. Fall River will furnish, maintain, and own all prepaid meter equipment. Rate: Rates are billed the same as the Residential Service. ADDER: If a member elects to incur an additional charge for purchase of “Renewable Energy” the charge will be $ 0.011 per subscribed kWh. MINIMUM CHARGE: The minimum daily charge shall be the monthly Access Fee, plus any applicable taxes (franchise and sales), prorated on a daily basis. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Payment for service shall be made in advance. At such time as the value of the service consumed equals the value of advanced purchases, the Member will have until 11:00 a.m. the following morning (Monday through Friday, excluding holidays) to make additional payment to Fall River. If no payment is received by Fall River by that time, electric service is subject to immediate discontinuation of service from Fall River until additional purchases by the Member are made. Discontinued Members will be required to establish a positive credit balance before being reconnected. Fall River shall attempt to make actual contact with the Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President Member either in person or by telephone, after Member verification, before discontinuing service during the cold weather period of November 1 through April 30. The Easy Pay Option is a voluntary payment plan for Members who would like to make payments for electric service using a prepayment method. Should a Member wish to switch to another authorized payment arrangement with Fall River the Member can do so at any time. Should the electric service be discontinued, caused by Member’s electrical usage having consumed the entire value of the advanced payment, the Access Fee will continue to be accumulated on the Member’s account and will be deducted from the Member’s next advanced payment purchase for electric service. Discontinuation for reasons of non-payment does not release members from their obligation to pay the Access Fee. After 30 days the account will be considered an inactive account and will be processed as a new account if reconnection of service at the location is requested. In the event the Member has an indebtedness with Fall River for service previously provided, Fall River may allow the Member to pay the indebtedness or portions of the indebtedness by deducting a portion or all of the indebtedness as a percentage of each prepaid service purchase made thereafter until the indebtedness is satisfied. In the event the Member has an electric service deposit with Fall River at the time the Member elects to take service under this Schedule, any amount of the deposit and interest in excess of the outstanding indebtedness will be applied as a credit on Member’s account unless the Member requests the amount be refunded. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President NET METERING SERVICES Applicable: To any Member that has installed and uses a solar, wind, biomass or hydroelectric (distributive generation) generating facility with a capacity of not more than twenty-five (25) kilowatts that is located on the Member's premises and operates in parallel with Fall River's existing transmission and distribution facilities and is intended primarily to offset part or all of the Member's own electrical requirements. Residential services can install distributive generation up to (25) kilowatts. General or commercial services can install up to the average of the lowest six months kilowatts determined by the previous 12 months of an existing service or a Fall River estimated future kilowatt demand potential of the average kilowatt demand for the lowest future six months. Irrigation services can install up to the average of the lowest two months kilowatts determined by the previous 12 months of an existing service or a Fall River estimated future kilowatt demand potential of the average kilowatt demand for the lowest future two months. Definitions: Net metering means measuring the difference between the electricity supplied by Fall River and the electricity generated by a Member and fed back to the electric grid over the applicable billing period. Monthly Billing: The Access Fee shall be computed in accordance with the monthly billing of the applicable standard service tariff. If the electricity supplied by Fall River exceeds the electricity generated by the Member, the prices specified in the Energy Charge section of the monthly billing of the applicable standard service tariff shall be applied to the kWh balance owed to Fall River. If the electricity supplied by the Member exceeds that supplied by Fall River, the Member shall be billed for the appropriate monthly charges and shall be credited for such net energy with the kilowatt-hour credit appearing on the bill for the following month. The prices specified in the Energy Charge section of the monthly billing of the applicable standard service tariff shall be used to determine the Member’s avoided cost. Special Conditions: Each month, Fall River will pay for any remaining unused kilowatt-hour credit accumulated during the previous month at Fall River’s average cost of wholesale power per kilowatt-hour over the prior calendar year. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ashton, Idaho Date issued: October 1, 2021 Date Effective: January 1, 2022 By: Dede Draper Board President The Member is responsible for all costs associated with their facility and is also responsible for all costs related to any modifications to the facility that may be required by Fall River for the purposes of safety and reliability. A Net Metering facility shall meet all applicable safety and performance standards established by the National Electrical Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the Underwriters’ Laboratories. Fall River will not allow the consolidation or aggregation of distributive generation which can then be assigned to multiple accounts or Members in multiple physically separate locations. The Cooperative may allow for an entity or individual to assign generation from distributive generation to multiple accounts under the same Membership and located on the same parcel of property as the distributive generation. Fall River shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a net metering facility, or for the acts or omissions of the Member that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. Rules and Regulations: Service supplied under this rate schedule is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Fall River’s Rules and Regulations on file with the Public Service Commissions of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.