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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230731Direct Testimony of Darrington.pdfPETER RICHARDSON RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N.27TH ST. BOISE, IDAHO 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 938-790 I peter@richardsonadam s. com ATTORNEYS F'OR UNITED ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. BEFORE THB IDAHO PUBLIC UTILTTIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF UNITED ELECTRIC CO-OP, INC.'S FORMAL COMPLATNT FOR VIOLATION OF CONTRACT ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO THE IDAHO ELECTRIC STAB ILTZATTON ACT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. C15-E-23-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL T. DARRINGTON FOR TINITE,D ELECTRIC CO-OP, INC. RECEIVED 2023 JULY 31, 2023 4:37PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION I a. Please state your name, business address and present 2 position with United Blectric Co-opo Inc. A. My name is Michael T. Danington and my business address isJ 4 1330 21't Street, Heyburn, Idaho,83336. I am the General Manager of 5 United Electric Co-op, Inc a. Would you briefly describe United Electric Co-op? A. United Electric Co-op, Inc.l is a member-owned, non-profit 8 electric cooperative which was incorporated in 1997, as a result of the 9 consolidation of unity Light and Power in Burley, Idaho, and Rural Electric l0 Company in Rupert, Idaho. United Electric began functional operations as ll one utility on January l, 1998. The Board of Directors from each previous 12 cooperative were combined to form the new, and current, 8-member board. 13 united Electric provides service to Minidoka and Cassia counties with approximately 620 miles of line to about 4,900 customers with 7,200 meters. 6 7 14 15 United Electric's power sales generally consist of 30o/o residential, 20yo 16 general service, commercial, and lighting, 3l% industrial, and 19% 17 irrigation. The primary source of United Electric's wholesale energy is the 18 Bonneville Power Administration and market purchases I Sometimes herein referred to as "united Electric" or "united" Darrington, Di 1 United Electric Co-op c l5-E-23-01 î-t Would you please describe your responsibilities as the General 2 Manager of United Blectric Co-op? A. My primary areas of responsibility include managing the day- 4 to-day business operations, administration, coordination, and control of 5 United Electric as well as the development of long and short-range plans, 6 work and safety programs, and budgets for consideration and approval by 7 the cooperative's Board of Directors. In addition, my responsibilities include 8 providing vision, advice, and assistance to the Board of Directors regarding 9 policy needs and business objectives to advance the mission of the 10 cooperative and provide effective guidance for the operation of the 11 organization a. Would you briefly describe your educational backgroundl2 l3 and professional experience? l4 A. I received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in l5 Business Management and a Master of Public Administration degree from 16 Boise State University. I have attended several electric utility courses, 17 including "Practical Skills for the Electric Industry," offered through New l8 Mexico State University's Center for Public Utilities. Priorto joining United 19 Electric, I was employed by the ldaho Power Company. My work experience Darrington, Di 2 United Electric Co-op c 15-E-23-01 2 with Idaho Power included energy eff,rciency analysis and evaluation, integrated resource planning and analysis, system operations coordination, aJ forecasting, energy contract negotiation and administration, and 4 participation in numerous regulatory proceedings. In addition, I previously 5 served as a Utility Analyst at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission where I 6 7 8 was involved in utility rate cases and analysis of utility applications. a. What is the scope of your testimony in this proceeding? A. My testimony is being filed in response to this Commission's 9 Order No. 35855 that was issued on July 2I of this year. In that Order the Commission requires the parties to this case to file hearing briefs with10 I I supporting affidavits and exhibits along with a "recitation of the party's 12 position, and any factual support for that position", and "if the parties intend l3 to call witnesses, the parties shall also file prepared testimony." t4 a. Why did united Blectric decide to file testimony in this l5 case? l6 United Electric thanks the Commission for its invitation to the parties 17 to provide testimony via a witness who will appear at the hearing. I believe l8 it will be helpful to the Commission to hear, firsthand, United Electric's story and understand the motivation that caused United Electric to, reluctantly, Darrington, Di 3 United Electric Co-op c 15-E-23-01 l9 I lodge its formal complaint against the City of Burley. My pref,rled testimony 2 responds directly to the Commission's request and provides the factual J support underpinning our position that the Suntado plant, that is now under 4 construction, is wholly located within the boundaries of United Electric's 5 6 duly established service territory a. Are you sponsoring any Bxhibits that accompany your 7 testimony? A. Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibits 6 and 12 to my testimony 9 Exhibit 6 is the same Exhibit 6 in LJnited Electric's Complaint and Exhibit l0 12 is the same Exhibit 12 from United Electric's Complaint. The 1l Commission is certainly free to reference and rely upon either the exhibits 12 in [Jnited Electric's Complaint or in my testimony. I simply reproduced the l3 exhibits here for the convenience of the Commission a. What is your understanding of the factual question to be 8 t4 15 resolved in this proceeding? 16 A. Several of the City of Burley's2 responses to United Electric's t7 Complaint presents the Commission with a factual dispute as to where the l8 respective boundaries of the two utilities are located with respect to the new Darrington, Di 4 LJnited Electric Co-op c 15-E-23-01 2 Sometimes referred to herein as "Burl"y." I Suntado plant. Specifically, the Commission quoted United Electric's 2 Complaint atParagraph 13 and Burley's answer to that Paragraph as follows: [United]: 13. Exhibit 6, in addition to showing the location of the proposed new Suntado facility, also shows the boundary between the City of Burley's service territory and lJnited Electric's service territory. As is apparent from Exhibit 6, although the Suntado site abuts on two sides the boundary dividing the City and United's respective service territories, it is entirely with the boundaries of United' s exclusive service territory. fBurley]: 13. The Respondents deny the allegations of Paragraph 13. J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 il t2 t4 t9 a. In light of Burley's denial of the truth of United Electric's 13 assertions in its Complaint at Paragraph 13, have you had an opportunity to review and confirm the veracity of lJnited Electric's l5 assertion in that Paragraph, and if so, what are your conclusions? l6 A. I was surprised at Burley's denial of the verity of Exhibit 6 to 17 our Complaint. I therefore double checked the accuracy of the map by l8 comparing it to the maps we have on file related to the service territory agreements [Jnited Electric has (through its predecessor utility) with Burley. 22 23 24 20 In addition, on May 12,2023,1visited the law office of Parsons, Smith, 2l Stone, Loveland, and Shirley in Burley, Idaho, which is the same law office that represented United Electric in its 2003 application to the Commission regarding the Territory Agreements and Amendments between lJnited Electric and Burley, in Case No. GNR-E-03-03. [n reviewing the case file of Darrington, Di 5 United Electric Co-op c t 5-E-23-01 7 I the attorney representing United Electric, I found the service territory map 2 that was agreed to by United Electric and Burley and confirmed that it I -')matches the service territory map on file at United Electric and Exhibit 6 4 As a result of that double (indeed triple checking) I can state with conf,rdence, 5 and under oath, that Exhibit 6 to our complaint (reproduced as Exhibit 6 to 6 my testimony) is an accurate depiction of the service territory boundary between United Electric and Burley and that the Suntado plant is squarely 8 and wholly located on the United Electric side of the boundary. For ease of 9 the Commission's reference, the map the accuracy of which I am certain, is l0 attached as Exhibit 6 to United Electric's complaint and as Exhibit 6 to my I I testimony herein t2 a. Did the Commission's Order raise other factual issues that l3 were denied in Burley in its response to [Jnitedos Complaint? A. Yes. The Commission next quoted from United's Complaint at l5 Paragraph 17 along with Burley's response to United's Paragraph 17 t4 t6 l7 18 l9 20 2l fUnited]:3 The location of the Suntado proposed processing plant on the site in question may be generally described as being bounded by 16th Street on the south, the railroad on the east and roughly by Washington Street on the west. The northern and eastern boundaries of the lot are conterminous with the existing boundary separating United's service territory from the City's service territory. It is located 3 Quoting Paragraph 17 of United Electric's Complaint in its entirety Darrington, Di 6 United E,lectric Co-op c l s-E-23-01 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 at approximately the 1200 through 1600 blocks on the north side of 16th Street and west of the railroad right-oÊway in the City of Burley. fBurley]: 1 7. The Respondents deny the allegations of Paragraph 17 . a. What was your response when you noted Burley's denial of the verity of United's assertions in Paragraph 17? A. Again, I was surprised by their denial of what I know to be the 8 factual assertion as to the existing boundary between United Electric's and 9 Burley's electric systems. I therefore double and triple checked our maps l0 and the existing service territory allocation agreements. I again concluded 1l that Burley is mistaken in its denial of the legitimacy of our existing t2 boundaries. I can also attest to the accuracy of our assertions in Paragraph 13 17. t4 t6 l5 identified in its Order No.35855? A. The f,rnal quotation in the Commission's Order is in reference a. What was the last factual disparity the Commission a. Again, what was your response to Burleyos denial of United 17 to Paragraph 18 of United Electric's Complaint: [IJnited] 18. The site in question is wholly located within the Commission approved service territory of IJnited Electric co-op, Inc. fBurley]: 18. The Respondents deny the allegations of Paragraph 18. l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 Blectric's assertion that the Suntado site is wholly within United's Darrington, Di 7 lJnited Electric Co-op c l5-E-23-01 2 I exclusive electric service territory? A. My response was the same as with the first two denials -t discussed above. I checked to ensure our allegations were factually correct and I concluded that, indeed, all of the allegations in our complaint are 5 factually accurate -- including Paragraph 18. I also noted several factual 6 inconsistencies in Burley's Answer that suggest perhaps the City hasn't been 7 very thorough in vetting is Answer. a. Please explain. A. Burley's response to Paragraph 11 of United Electric's l0 Complaint is an example of Burley's contradictory answers. Paragraph 11 of l1 United Electric' s Complaint states: I 9 4 t2 l3 t4 15 t6 l9 In the Fall of last year, (2022), United learned that Suntado, LLC, is in the process of developing a large milk processing plant on a tract of land that is wholly in United's service territory. Burley's response to Paragraph 1l includes the statement, ..."Respondents 17 (Burley) admit the Suntado facility is currently in United Electric's currently l8 existing service territory". In addition, Burley's response to Paragraphs 32 and 33 of United Electric's Complaint provides another good example of the 20 City's internally inconsistent and contradictory answers. Paragraph 32 of Darrington, Di 8 [Jnited Electric Co-op c 15-E-23-01 2l United's Complaint provides I 2 J 4 5 6 Attached as Exhibit No. 12 is a map of the proposed Suntado facility site indicating the location of the City's newly constructed line extension onto the Suntado site that is within the boundaries of United Electric Coop's exclusive service territory. Exhibit 12 to the Complaint is attached to my testimony. It consists of four 7 pages (including the cover page) of maps that contain narrative descriptions 8 of the boundaries. The Exhibit also clearly asserts that the new plant is located in United's Service territory. But Burley doesn't deny the verity of 10 Exhibit 12 to United Electric's complaint. Instead, Burley says that, "the 1l Respondents state that Exhibit I2 speaks þr themselves." At the same time, 12 however, Burley denied [Jnited Electric's assertions in Paragraphs 32 and 33 l3 referencing the fac| Ihat Exhibit 12 contains maps showing the City's 14 incursion into United Electric's exclusive service territory. l5 a. What do you conclude from these apparent contradictions? A. The City's Answer states that the maps contained in Exhibit 12 9 l6 l9 17 to the Complaint speak for themselves, and I certainly agree. The maps are l8 unambiguous in that they clearly show the City's incursion into United's exclusive service territory. By admitting that Exhibit 12 to United's 20 Complaint, (Exhibit 12 to my testimony here) is accurate - e.g. it speaks for 2l itself while denying the verity of the paragraphs that introduce Exhibit 12 in the very same 'breath' suggests that the City's Answer is not well thought Darrington, Di 9 United Electric Co-op c 15-E-23-01 22 2 5 I I out and that its denials as well as its admissions are not reliable. In other words, the Commission would be well within the bounds of reason to reject 3 Burley's denials of the factual assertions contained in United Electric's 4 Complaint. a. Were you personally involved in the drafting and 6 negotiation of the service territory agreements at issue in this 7 proceeding? A. No. I am relatively new at United Electric. I have therefore, of 9 necessity, relied on United's files, mapping systems and other original and l0 verified copies of documents, Commission orders, maps, pleadings and 1l coffespondence to arrive confidently at my conclusions relative to the 12 location and existence of the existing boundaries between United Electric 13 and Burley. In addition, however, until just last year three members of United Electric's Board of Directors were present and participated to various 15 degrees when those agreements were negotiated and approved. Today 16 United still has one Board member from that time. I have gained valuable background on the salient issues that were motivating the parties back then l4 17 l8 as a result of discussions with those three individuals. a. Do you have any other comments relative to Burley's denial Darrington, Di l0 United Electric Co-op c15-E-23-01 l9 4 I of United Electric's assertions that the Suntado plant location is wholly 2 located in United Electric's service territoryo which service territory 3 boundaries have been approved by order of this Commission? A. Yes. Burley does not deny any of the allegations in the first 5 section of United's Complaint (Section I A. pages 2 - 5, paragraphs I 6 through 10). That Section lays the foundation for United's assertion of the 7 existence and location of the service territory boundaries separating the two 8 utilities. That section references the agreements, maps, and Commission 9 orders that have comprised the lPUC-sanctioned 'lay of the land' between 10 United Electric and Burley's utility for the past thirty-plus years. It is 1l inconsistent and contradictory for Burley to acquiesce in the validity of the 12 foundational documents creating our mutual boundaries while at the same l3 time denying the very existence of those boundaries in the subsequent pages of its Answer to our complaint.l4 l5 a. Do you have any final observations? l6 A. Yes. United Electric very much appreciates the Commission's 17 time and attention in this matter. Be assured that United Electric does not l8 avail itself of the Commission's complaint process lightly. IJnited Electric l9 has, and continues to, endeavor to work productively and cooperatively with Darrington, Di l1 United Electric Co-op c 15-E-23-01 6 7 I its neighbors (including the City of Burley). In addition, United Electric 2 appreciates the Commission's suggestion that the parties engage in 3 settlement discussions, and we remain available to participate in good faith 4 in such discussions. In the interest of discretion, I will not detail the 5 existence andlor nature of such discussions that have taken place in the past - suffice it to say that United Electric is always willing to work with its neighbors to craft mutually agreeable solutions to common problems. Q. Does this complete your pre-filed direct testimony? 9 A. Yes, it does. Darrington, Di 12 United Electric Co-op cl5-E-23-01 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifu that on this 3l't day of July 2023,I caused to be delivered via electronic mail only the foregoing prefiled direct testimony of Michael T. Danington in IPUC Docket No. CI5-E-23-01 on the following Parties: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary secretary@puc.idaho. gov .idaho.sov Chris Burdin, Deputy Attorney General chris.burdin@puc. idaho. sov The City of Burley Jaxon Munnso Counsel Brent Wallin bwallin@ By J. Richardson, I # 3t95 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF UNITED ELECTRTC CO.OP, INC.'S FORMAL COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF CONTRACT ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO THE IDAHO ELECTRTC STABLIZATTON ACT. Docket No. Cl5-E-23-01 EXHTBIT NO. 6 TO MICHAEL T. DARRINGTON'S DIRECT TESTIMONY (Note that Mr. Darrington's two exhibits are reproduced from United Electric Co-op, Inc.'s Complaint and are labeled herein to match the numbered exhibits in the Complaint. Thus, Mr. Darrington's two exhibits are numbered"6u and"l2" respectively which are reproduced from Exhibits 6 and 12 from United's Complaint) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BEFORE THE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION UNITED ELECTRIC CO-OP, INC., Complainant, THE CITY OF BURLEY, IDAHO, Respondent. Docket No UNITED ELECTRTC CO-OP INC.'S FORMAL COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF CONTRACT ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO THE IDAHO ELECTRIC STABILTZATION ACT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) TINITED ELECTRIC CO-OP'S EXHIBIT NO. 6 Map of the City of Burley with the proposed Suntado site circled. The line marking the boundary between the City's service area and United's service area is the dark line generally encompassing the City's area in the center of the map. l t .J iû I t ¿. + F t Iståttt{ flüír'$t rf I rl litÉi*. " + ' I r s ' fi¡t'; .,' 1 -i .Ë-t' #Ë+{rrå UNITED ELECTRI( SERVICE TERRITOÍ CITY OF BURLEY - SOUTI !1 ä T i;---' a ð¡ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSTON IN THE MATTER OF UNITED ELECTRIC CO.OP, INC.'S FORMAL COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF CONTRACT ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO THE IDAHO ELECTRIC STABLIZATION ACT. Docket No. C15-E-23-01 EXHIBIT NO. 12 TO MICHAEL T. DARRINGTON'S DIRECT TESTIMONY (l',lote that Mr. Darrington's two exhibits are reproduced from United Electric Co-op, Inc.'s Complaint and are labeled herein to match the numbered exhibits in the Complaint. Thus, Mr. Darrington's two exhibits are numbered"6" and"l2" respectively which are reproduced from Exhibits 6 and 12 from United's Complaint) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILTTIES COMMISSION UNITED ELECTRIC CO-OP, [NC., Complainant, THE CITY OF BURLEY, IDAHO, Respondent. Docket No. UNITED ELECTRIC CO.OP INC.'S FORMAL COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF CONTRACT ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO THE IDAHO ELECTRIC STABILIZATION ACT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) LTNITED ELECTRIC CO-OP'S EXHIBIT NO. 12 Exhibit 12 consists of the following three pages. Exhibit 12 Page I of4 EXHIBIT 12,page2of 4. United's service territory is to the left (west) of the Burley/United boundary line that runs along the railroad tracks and then jogs to the west along the northern border of the site. The red line ("City of Burley Service Line") is the new service line recently constructed by the City of Burley from its existing line on 16th street. United serves all of the homes on l6th street shown on this map, including the home in the southeast corner of the Customer Property/Plant Site. The City serves all of the mobile homes shown on the map that are on the east side of the railroad tracks. The shown on the northwest corner of the is old U.S. 30l É.';â:i1,1 Exhibit 12 Page2 of 4 d i I ) ,t :_ l Exhibit 12page 3 of 4. New City of Burley service pole in United Service Tenitory on Suntado site , 1'. -:.'. :. 1 "i' .t ,.,..,.,., - t_ ,:.;,i ¡ Exhibit l2 Page 3 of4 EXHIBIT 12,page 4 o14. Exhibit 12 Page 4 of 4