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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091030Application.pdfLaw Offces
,. 30 ~M 8: '6RIGBY ANDRUS & RIGBY i~9q Oc'.. ! .Chartered \O¡\~tO /
UT\UT\,_v ',J
Ray W Rigby
G. Rich Andrus
Jerry R. Rigby
Michael S. Kam (1954-2001)
Hyrum D. Erickson
Robert H Wood
Po. Box 250
25 North Second East
Rexburg, ID 83440
Telephone: (208) 356-3633
Fax: (208) 356-0768
October 27,2009 C ll-Ë-09-0(
Idaho Public Utilties Commission
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720
Re: Application
Dear Secretar to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
Enclosed please find an original and seven copies of an Application requesting the Commission's
review and approval of a service agreement between Raft River Rural Electrical Cooperative,
Inc., Idaho Power Company, and a customer, Steve Benson, as well as a proposed order
approving the service agreement. If the same meets with their approval, please return a signed
copy to my office in the enclosed postage pre-paid envelope.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
..".~, '"
înn9 OCT 30 AM 8: 16
Jerr R. Rigby
of RIGBY, ANDRUS, & RIGBY, Charered
Attorneys at Law
25 North Second East
Rexburg, Idaho 83440
Telephone: 208 356-3633
1'~ ~j~ 'r;t~ 1(':¡OAhiJ i v';~.;x.., ~J
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Attorneys for Applicant Raft River Rural Electrical Cooperative, Inc.
In the Matter of the Application of Raf River
Rural Electrical Cooperative, Inc., for an Order
approving a Consent Agreement between
Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.
and Idaho Power Company
Pursuant to Rule 51, 52, and 58, of the IPUCRP, and the Idaho Electric Supplier
Stabilzation Act, LC. § 61-332, et seq., Raft River Rural Electrical Cooperative, Inc.,
(hereinafter, Raft River) and Idaho Power Company (hereinafter IPCO) jointly apply to the
Commission for approval of a Consent Agreement entered into by the Applicants and a customer,
Steve Benson. Mr. Benson has requested that Raft River provide power to propert owned by
him which is within the service territory ofIPCO. After consultation, Raft River and IPCO have
agreed that it is in the best interest of all involved for Raft River to provide power to Mr.
Benson's propert and the parties have entered into the Agreement dated August 25, 2009, and
attached as "Exhibit A". This is a matter that is essentially a private agreement between the
paries and has no significant implications for regulatory law or policy and the paries request the
Commission summarily approve the attached Agreement.
~~DTh~ :as daYOfOctober,~ ~~ L:)
Idaho Power Company, Inc. Raft River Rula Cooperative, Inc.
By: \5 Q. ",-T J¿IIM I ()o't ~ By: Heber Carenter, General Manager
~ J
This .A8eèment to SUppíV N.ew SeNlce("Agteemeiit-) is entered i.ntothls. . ~s:.. .. dayofAugq$t,
2BQ9. bV andamong~ft RivefJl~1 EleetrlCøoper~tivè, lnc.~ an Idlhocooìil'.tivec:orporat!op
(liereJnafter "Raft Rivet'), Idaho Powèr COmpany, an .Idãho corporation (hetelnafter/'lpCcr) and
CustQmer. Steve' Benson. a sole proprietor',Jocatè(at. An~:i~ .;re.lls, il
(hereiriåfter "Cùstòret'l.
A" Raft RlVer an~JPcoeac.hownåfid operte elettril.poWérsystEltnS that ptbVidê .iele.ctc service
to,ustomerSfn Southern Icaho. .
P. ¡PcQ and.f\aftRiverQArrelitlýhave spèdfiè service. territories .in acxrdanCé.wlth thelermsand
conditions of Idaho Code § 61~332. et seq" the Idaho. Electric Supplie,r Stll1iliz,ation Ac;t (:"the
C,' tÛ$tberownspropertwhlch,is locatedwitliin theservce terrilQry of ¡PCa Vfthas requested
~Ièdricaiservice be proyid~d bYRåft River.
O. ipca as'rees to all~w Raft River to provide. electrial service to Customer andJlaftRiver Is willing
toprqvlde e.leericaJ.servite fo CuStomer.
NOW THEREf( mutuìlllYLlAderstood and agreed amorig the partiès heretoëlsfollows:
1. Cust~Îner lierebycpnfil'sthâtit cjèsires Raft Rivefprò\lide it with its3.phase elecric
service needs a( thefollowlngloctiòn, to wit: tbe N61/4NE1/4 of Seion 29; Town~hip9
S9Yr~iRlnBe 2!l.Etlst~Ï$ P.êri~ian.
2r Nøtwtltandln8Ipe~s ..i8M to. 1".. the søle provider of e.leàriç.service. tp Cust()rner
pUr'ùat1t taseetn.61-~3~C .oftheACl, bVtllis Äßrêerñènt, ipca hereby a$l'es to. alloW Raft
RiverthetÏ8hUQprO,~ideele~~tricservce toCqstomer, ... .'. ... . . .
3. Raft ,River hêrèW.agees toproVie.ei.etric selVce to çU5óner ~rovlding,Cust()met
eXi!cqtestlt nOrmallyreqyireg £xnslòn Agreemet inll form 'an(in thepartiC:~Ië1rs
desèribê:in Exhibit A attached hêreto andincfltated herein .b1.l'fetence.
4: For purposes øf tiiis .Agre..entthe eleci~ seivK;e tQliprovldedtQ. CustQrnerb't Raft
Rhíershali. be deeed a '''Îlew service entranèe" pUrsuant to the Act.
$. the rlB/ito .provîcfe iefecriservic: to Customer'is deemedpermal'ent and shall no.t be
rwdifl!cltRnlessÎnutuållyagrêed upan by andbf!nRaftRiVèrall ipca (at their'
~~rslnint7re~loI'$mOtified by~tqte.:... " ........ ... .... .
6, rXce~ fót'ttiècbana in.elèttricservce Provldl!iStOlhis'~rtUlar ~ust0rnef,;no otlir
rnøcllflçatilmtø JPÇÒancl . Raft JllVts pr:e.tsei'terrtori~,S is J1l~.e,or lntenclec liv thi.s
Dated tliis.J d.Y ø 20ô
¡pta ::~&'BX'
Jerr R. Rigby
of RIGBY, ANDRUS, & RIGBY, Charered
Attorneys at Law
25 Nort Second East
Rexburg, Idaho 83440
Telephone: 208 356-3633
Attorneys for Applicant Raft River Rural Electrical Cooperative, Inc.
In the Matter of the Application of Raft River
Rural Electrical Cooperative, Inc., for an Order
approving a Consent Agreement between
Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.
and Idaho Power Company
On August 25,2009, Raft River Rural Electrical Cooperative, Inc., and Idaho
cooperative corporation, Idaho Power Company, an Idaho Corporation, and Steve Benson, an
client/customer whose propert is located within the service territory ofIdaho Power Company,
entered into an agreement allowing Raft River Rural Electrical Cooperative, Inc. to provide
power to Steve Benson's propert, They paries have submitted the agreement to the
Commission for its review and approvaL. The Commission finds that the agreement is consistent
with the purose of the ESSA and hereby approves the agreement
DATED This _ day of ,2009.
Commissioner Marsha Smith Commissioner Mack Redford
Commissioner Jim Kempton