HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090218final_order_no_30733.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date February 18, 2009 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF NORTHERN LIGHTS, INc. FOR A CERTIFICATE AUTHORIZING THE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE TO FORWARD ITS UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS TO THE COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ORDER NO. 30733 CASE NO. CIO-09- Section 14-508(1) of the Idaho Unclaimed Property Act reqUIres utilities with unclaimed customer deposits to forward such deposits to the State s unclaimed property fund. Idaho Code ~~ 14-508(1) and 14-519. However, a utility may instead forward its unclaimed deposits to a "financial assistance program" if such a program is certified by the Public Utilities Commission. The financial assistance agency may then use the unclaimed deposits to assist a utility s low income or disadvantaged customers with their utility bills.Idaho Code ~ 14- 508(2). On February 2, 2009, Northern Lights, Inc. filed a Letter Application seeking certification" from the Commission that would allow it to provide its unclaimed deposits to a financial assistance agency, the Community Action Partnership. Based upon our review of the request, we certify that Northern Lights intends to participate in a financial assistance program to assist the utility s low-income and disadvantaged customers with their utility bills. THE APPLICATION Northern Lights is a rural electric cooperative serving more than 19 000 customers in northern Idaho, western Montana and northeast Washington. The co-op indicates in its Letter Application that it has $3 500 in unclaimed deposits. Northern Lights desires to give these funds to the Community Action Partnership (CAP). CAP is the local agency that administers the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for northern Idaho. Once CAP receives the unclaimed deposits, it can then designate those funds to Northern Lights' members who are in need of financial assistance. THE UNCLAIMED PROPERTY ACT Idaho s Unclaimed Property Act is based upon the 1981 Uniform Unclaimed Property Law published by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. 1983 ORDER NO. 30733 Sess. Laws , Ch. 209 (codified at Idaho Code ~ 14-501 et seq. ). The Unclaimed Property Act generally provides that utility deposits that remain unclaimed for more than one year after termination of service are presumed abandoned. Idaho Code ~ 14-508(1). Such unclaimed deposits are then forwarded to the administrator of abandoned property (i., the State Tax Commission). Idaho Code ~ 14-501(1). In 1997 , the Legislature amended the Idaho Unclaimed Property Act so that utilities could give abandoned customer deposits to a "financial assistance program" certified by the Commission.1997 Sess. Laws, Ch. 399, ~ 5. Section 14-508(2) of the Idaho Unclaimed Property Act provides: The public utilities commission may certify that a utility is participating in a financial assistance program which assists the utility s low income and disadvantaged customer with their utility bills. Upon certification to the (unclaimed property) administrator, the utility shall pay the funds which would have been presumed to be abandoned under (section 14-508(1)) to the financial assistance program certified by the public utilities commission Idaho Code ~ 14-508(2)( emphasis added). The Unclaimed Property Act defines "utility" as a person who owns or operates for public use any plant, equipment, property, franchise, or license for . . . the production, storage, transmission, sale, delivery, or furnishing of electricity. . . . Idaho Code ~ 14-501(15). The term "utility" does not distinguish between "public utilities regulated by the Commission and other not-for-profit municipal or cooperative utilities not regulated by the Commission. The Staff recommended the Commission grant the request. DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS After reviewing the request and Staff s recommendation, we grant the request. As Staff pointed out, the Commission usually does not exercise regulatory authority over an electric cooperative pursuant to Idaho Code ~ 61-104. However, Section 14-508(2) of the Unclaimed Property Act expressly provides that the Commission may certify that a "utility" is participating in a financial assistance program for the benefit of its low-income and disadvantaged customers. In both the Idaho and Uniform Unclaimed Property Acts the term "utility" does not distinguish between public utilities subject to our jurisdiction and municipal or cooperative utilities that are not subject to our jurisdiction. Unlike the Tax Code, the term "utility" in the Unclaimed Property Act does not reference other sections of the Idaho Code. Cf Idaho Code ORDER NO. 30733 63-201(16) (the term "public utility" are those utilities under the jurisdiction of the public utilities commission). Consequently, we construe the word "utility" in Section 14-508(2) in a broad fashion to include an electric cooperative that operates a utility plant for the furnishing of electricity. In Idaho, undefined words in a statute are given their ordinary and "plain meaning. Jones v. Health South Treasure Valley, Idaho _2009 WL 214714 (Idaho 2009). Consistent with Idaho Code ~ 14-508(2), we find that it is in the public interest for Northern Lights to forward its unclaimed deposits to the Community Action Partnership (CAP) for the purpose of providing financial assistance to the cooperative s eligible members. We further find that CAP is the local administrator for LIHEAP funds in northern Idaho. As such we certify that CAP is a financial assistance program or agency designed to assist low-income and disadvantaged customers of Northern Lights. We commend Northern Lights for taking this action to assist its customers. We encourage other public utilities and electric cooperatives to follow Northern Lights' lead. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Northern Lights' request is granted. We certify that Northern Lights is participating in a financial assistance program which assists the cooperative low-income and disadvantaged customers with their utility bills. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that the Community Action Partnership is a financial assistance program and it is the local administrator for LIHEAP funds in northern Idaho. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Northern Lights shall pay its unclaimed customer deposits which would otherwise presume to be abandoned under Idaho Code ~ 14-508(1) to the Community Action Partnership. Northern Lights remains obligated to file its report of the unclaimed deposits with the State Tax Commission as required by Idaho Code ~ 14-517. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission Secretary forward a copy of this Order to the State Tax Commission, Unclaimed Property Program. The Secretary shall also serve a copy of this Order on energy utilities and electrical cooperatives in Idaho. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code ~ 61-626. ORDER NO. 30733 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this day of February 2009. MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: bls/O:C IO-09-0 I dh ORDER NO. 30733