HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080505Westerfield Rebuttal Exhibits.pdfFEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20426 In Reply Refer To: Docke t Nos. ER82-618-000 ER8 2-6 22-000 ER8 2-6 61-000 ER8 3- 241-000 ER8 3-68 7-000 ER8 3- 712-000 Perkins, Coie, Stone, Olsen & WilliamsAttention: Mr. Douglas S. Little Attorney for Idaho Power Company1900 Washington Building Seattle, Washington '98101 MA Y 2 0 1985 Dear Mr. Little: On April 4, 1985, you filed a settlement aCJreement am~ng IdahoPower Company (IPC) Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and DirectService Industrial customers of BPA in the above-referenced dockets.On April 12, 1985, staff submitted CO~TIents in support of the settleme~t.No other comments were received. On April 24, 1985, the presidingadministrative law judge certified the uncontested settlement to theCommiss ion. The subject settlement is in the public interest and is herebyapproved. The settlement agreem~nt is accepted for filing and desig- na ted as shown on the attached Enc losure. The Comm iss ion s approva 1of this settlement does not constitute approval of ,or precedentregarding, any principle or issue in this proceeding. This letter tenninates Docket Nos. ER82-618-000, ER82-622-000,ER82-661-000, ER83-241-000, ER83-687-000 and ER83-712-000. By direction of the Commission. ~:; Secretary WP-O7-ID-AT4 Page 1 of 8 - 2 - Enc losu re cc:To All Parties Idaho publ ic uti lit ies comrniss ionState House, Boise Idaho 83720 Nevada Public Service Commission Capi tol Complex, Kinkead Bu ild i ng 505 E. King StreetCarson City, Nevada 89710 oregon Public Utility Commission Labor & Industries Building Salem , Oregon 97310 WP-O7-ID-A T4 Page 2 of 8 Desig na t ion ENCLOSU RE Idaho Power Company Docket Nos. ER82-6l8 et. ale Settlement DesignatIon- Descript ion Settlement Agreement of ASC for Nevada, Idaho and Oregon Jurisdictions Supplement No. 12 to Idaho Power Company/ Bonneville Power Adminis- tration Service Agreement under Pacific Northwest Electric Power and Conversation Act FERC Electric Tar iff, orig inal Vol ume No. WP-O7-ID-A T4 Page 3 of 8 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Idaho Power Company ) Docket Nos. ER82-618-000, ) ER82-622-000, ER82-66l-000, ) ER83-24l-000, ER83-687-000, ) ER83-712-000 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT INTRODUCTION The purpose of this agreement is to settle proceedings pending before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commis- sion) regarding the Idaho Power Company (~PC) average system cost (ASC)filings Docket Nos.ER8 2-618-000,ER82-622-000, ER8 2-661-000,ER83-24l-000,ER83-687-000,and ER83-712-000. Bonneville Power Administra tion (BPA)and each 0 the direct service industrial customers of BPA (collectively, the DSIs) have intervened in each of these dockets.There are no other inter- venors.All parties and the Commission staff have pref~led direct and rebuttal testimony which has not yet been made part of any record.IPC, BPA, and the DSIs hereby agree to settle all of these proceedings as set forth in this agreement.The parties further agree to the prompt filing by IPC of this agreement in the above-captioned dockets. II.ISSUES -RESOLVED This agreement resolves these proceedings.It neither determines the merits of any issue ~n these proceedings, nor constitutes any party t s agreement with the position taken by any other party on any issue herein.This settlement agreement does WP-O7-ID-AT4 Page 4 of 8 not establish any principle or precedent for use in determining the ASC of any utility, including IPC. III. PROCEDURES FOR TERMINATING CASES By this settlement agreement, IPC and the DSIs agree to withdraw their respective requests for hearings and other Commis- sion review proceedings the above-captioned dockets.BPA . hereby joins with IPC and the DSIs in requesting the Commission to issue an order approving this settlement agreement and ter- minating all the above-captioned dockets in their entirety. their request, the parties propose that the Commission order not address the merits o.f any issue.IPC, BPA,and the DSIs agree not to seek judicial review of the Commission order approving this settlement agreement. IPC, BPA, and the DSIs request the Presiding Judge to certify on an expedited basis this settlement agreement to the Commission for immediate disposition as an uncontested settlement. The parties agree to seek the most expedited Commission review and approval process possible.Pending certifica tion,the parties request a stay ' of the schedule in the above-captioned dockets effective March 14,1985.It is the parti~s intention that none their J1refiled direct and rebuttal 1!oe s t imo n y introduced into the record of these proceedings. IV.CONSIDERATION FOR SET'l'LEMENT The parties acknowledge that the following ASC rates were de terrnined by the Administrator.The parties agree that this settlement shall not construed ei ther approval Settlement Agreement-2 WP-O7-ID-AT4 Page 5 of 8 disapproval of these ASC rates,and that the parties will not further seek approval or disapproval of these ASC rates: Docket No.Average System Cost Effective Date ER82-618-000 (Idaho) ER8 2-618-000 (Nevada) ER82-622-000 (Idaho) ER82-661-000 (Oregon) ER83-241-000 (Idaho) ER83-687-000 (Idaho) ER83-712-000 (Oregon) 17. 15. 19. 16. 83 22. 21. 05 21. 12/2/81l2/2/812/5/821/l/82 8/20/82" 2/8/834/11/83 Time is of the essence hereunder.In recognition of this, and in consideration of this agreement, the parties have settled upon a lump sum payment and upon certain deemer account adjust- ments in the amount and manner as follows: BPA shall pay Idaho Power by wire transfer the sum of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($7,500,000). Such payment shall be made no later than June 30, 1985, or wi thin days after the date the Commission order approving this settlement agreement, whichever occurs first. such payment not timely received,the outstanding balance owed BPA shall accrue interest the Treasury rate charged to BPA during that period. 'the BPA report issued D~c:ember 17, 1982 regarding DocketNo. ER83-241-000 determined IPC'ASC to be 21.83. The Commiss~on . ordered modification (refund) based upon determinations of certain issues; however, the remaining issues raised in Docket No. ER83-241-000 were set for further review andconsideration by the Commission. Pacific Power and Light Company, et al.Docket Nos. ER81-780-000, et al.28 FERC 161,143, ssue July 25, 1984. The effect of the Commission order was an increase in . the IPC ASC to 22.58, as reflected. The refund has been paid and is not affected by this settlement agreement. Settlement Ag~eement-3 WP-O7-ID-AT4 Page 6 of 8 Upon Commission approval this settlement agreement,BPA s ha 11 adjust the IPC deemer accounts crediting the following amounts to the specified account, effective as of February 28, 1985. Deemer Accountby Juri sdiction Amount of Credit Idaho Oregon Nevada $6,298,000 $ 335,000 $ 67 000 $6,700,000 MISCELLANEOUS The parties agreements and obligations hereunder are contingent upon the Commission 'approval this settlement agreement in its entirety.If such ap~oval is not given or if this settlement agreement is successfully challenged before any court,the parties agree that this proceeding should return to the status existing as of March 14, 1985.If Commission approval is not given but the payment under subparagraph 1 of paragraph IV has been made,. IPC will,wi thin days the Commission disapproval, repay BPA by wire transfer the sum of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($7,500,000.00)plus interest computed in accordance with 18 C. F. R. 35.19a and calculated from the date IPC received the money fro~ BPA.Should this agreement . be successfully challenged before any court,the parties agree that (l)the repayment, if any, of the lump sum payment referred to in subp~ragraph 1 of paragraph IV plus interest as allowed by the Commission,shall be determined in the resumed proceeding, (2 )such repayment,if any, will in any case not constitute an adjustment to IPC' s deemer account,and (3 )the adjustments the IPC deemer accounts referred to in subparagraph 2 of paragraph IV, above, shall be rescinded effective as of February 28, 1985. C=~+l =~~n~ ~~~==m=n~-WP-O7-ID-AT4 Page 7 of 8 With regard to each rescinded adjustment, if IPC has by the time of such rescision come out of the deerner, IPC shall not be ob- ligated to make any cash payment to BPA, but instead will cease receiving exchange payments from BPA until thE: deemer account reaches and exceeds zero. DATED this second day of April, 1985 FOR THE DSI, INC. AND THE INDIVIDUAL DIRECT SERVICE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS: ~ ~ Michael P lcantar Michael Peter Alcantar, P. C. -rf ~~~ BalJn Jnr Lindsay, Hart, Neil & Weigler MMI STMTION A. Cameron, Jr. istant General Counsel FOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY ~. )::: DsL ~e r/4L-Perkins Coie Settlement Agreement-5 WP-O7-ID-AT4 Page 8 of 8 MA4: b4/2/85 SNAKE RIVER .\.."' "f.3I'l~""~ ~,,:~, ~ I. :~-::: ' IDAHO POVVER COMPANY BOX 70 ~ BOISE, IDAHO B3707 HYDRO POWER June 18 , 1985 Ha rry All BonneYi 11 e PowerAttn: DRK Box 3621 Portl and, Oregon Admin; stration 97208 Dear Harry: With the May 20 , 1985 FERC approval of the ASC settlement agreement, we arc requesting verification with BPA of Idaho Powerthree jurisdictional "deemer " accounts. Listed below are the balances that we have calculated as of May 31, 1985 both prior to and after apply~ng the settlement amounts: Jurisdiction Idaho Prior to Settl ement $ (13,897 911 56) $ (667 115.86) $ (202,993.08) Post Settl ement $ (7.599,911.56) $ (332)115.86) $ (135,993.08) Oregon Nevada Please indicate oelow by signatur-e if you agree with ourbal ances. If you do not agree. pl ease give us your bal ances and we will contact you for reconciliation. You may return your response to me at Idaho Power Company, P Box 70 ~ 80i se. Idaho 83707. Thankyou for your attention. ' . Sincerely, Fred ~Jri ght Signature ~8~Date 7- 1- L A Crowl ey WP-O7-ID-A T5 Page 1 of 1 . . Contract No ----...!E-MS79-89BP92800 August 22 , 1989 SUSPENSION OF RESIDENTIAL P~RCHASE AND SALE AGREEME~T executed by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY act; ng by and through the BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION Cl.IIU IDAHO POWER COMPANY Index to Sections - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Section Suspension of Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement .....,...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Term of Agreement .,.,......." ......,...,..................... 3 ,Liabilities Incurred ..." ............,...,........,..,..,..... Deemer Account ......,........,.." ............................ In Lieu . ..,.,...,.......,........",......,..........,.,...... 6. Termination of Suspension Agreement ,...............,.....,.... Provision of Information by Idaho Power ........" ........,.... 8. Ass1gnment of Agreement .......................,.....,......... Execution in Counterpart .......,.....,.....................,.. Exhibit A (Data Requests) WP-O7-ID-A T6 Page 1 of 9 This Suspension Agreement, executed August 31 , 1989, by the United states of Ameri ca (Government), Department of Energy, acti ng by and through the BONN~VILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION (BPA), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY (Idaho Power), a corporation organized and exis~ng under the laws of the State of Idaho, T N E SSE T H: WHEREAS section S(c) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Northwest Power Act), 16 U.C. 99 839 ~ ~" provides that a Pacific Northwest electri c uti1 i ty may sell el ectri c power to BPA at the average system cost (ASC) of the utili ty I S resources and that BPA shall sell in exchange an equivalent amount of electric power at BPA's Priority firm rate (PF rate) to such utility for resale to that utility i s residential users wi thi n the Region; and WHEREAS Idaho Power and BPA entered nto a Res dent' a 1 Purchase and Sa 1 e Agreement (RPSA) , Contract No DE-MS79-81BP90600 dated August 22, 1981 , and executed November 13, 1981; and WHEREAS Idaho Power has elected to deem its ASC equal to BPA's PF rate in each of Idaho Power s exchange jurisdictions pursuant to sect'on 10 of the RPSA; and WHEREAS in BPA's 1987 wholesale power rate case BPA adopted a PF rate for res1dent'al exchange part'c1pants, 'nclud1ng Idaho Power, that 1s based on the applIcatIon of the supplementa1 rate charge provided for in section 7(b)(3) of the Northwest Power Act; and WHEREAS Idaho Power incurs and would continue to incur substantial costs in connection with the preparation and rev1ew Qf its ASC submissions, and BPA ncurs andwoul d cont1 nue to ncur substant1 a 1 costs 1 n connection w1 th 1 ts rev1ew and process1ng of the ASC submissions and re1ated documents of Idaho Power; WP-O7-ID-A T6 Page 2 of 9 NOH, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: Suspension of Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement The sect'on s(c) purchase and sale of power under the Idaho Power Residential Purchase and Sal e Agreement (RPSA), Contract No. DE-MS79-81 BP90600 1 s hereby suspended 'n accordance with and subject to the terms and cond,t1ons set forth hereafter. Term of Agreement This Suspension Agreement shall be effective at 2400 hours, July 31 1988, shall cont1nue 1n full force and effect until such time as Idaho Power thereafter elects by giving a termination notice to BPA as provided for in paragraph 6 of this Suspension Agreement, and shall terminate at 2400 hours on the effecti ve date that BPA implements a new PF rate for residential exchange participants which is not based on the application of the supplemental rate charge provided for in section 7(b)(3) of the Northwest Power Act,Until such time as term1 nat1on of thi s Suspens1on Agreement 1 s effective, Idaho Power shall not offer to sell electric power to the BPA Administrator pursuant to section S(e) of the Northwest Power Act. L i abil i ti es Incurred Notwithstanding suspension of section S(c) power sales under the RPSA , all liabilities incurred prior to the effective date of thi s Suspens ion Agreement shall cont1 nue until sati sfi ed.BPA retains its right pursuant to section 6 of the RPSA to conduct an audit or audits , at BPA'expense, to determ'ne whether exchange benefits previously paid to Idaho Power have benefitted only residential and small farm customers , as is required by section S(c)(3) of the Northwest Power Act. The execut10n of this Suspens1on Agreement by Idaho Power is wholly dependent upon Idaho Power I s understandi ng that such suspens 'on may be agreed upon byBPA without causing Idaho Power to Incur any cash obligation to BPA as a resul t of the suspens ion.If 1 t shou 1 d be determ; ned by a court WP-O7-ID-AT6 Page 3 of 9 ..........- competent jur1sd1ctlon that th1s understand1ng 1s Incorrect, then th1s Suspens1on Agreement shall be null and v01d; prov1ded however , that Idaho Power shall be excused from not hav1ng made ASC f111ngs and not1ces dur1ng the per1od of suspensIon and the part1es shall cooperate 1n reconstruct1ng the ba 1 ance , n the deemer account. Deemer Account The part1es agree that Idaho Power s accrued deemer account balance as provided 1n sect1on 10 of the RPSA Is $52,903 825,00, 1 nc1 ud1 ng nterest, as of 2400 hours, July 31. 1988, for the Idaho Jur1sdlct10n; $4 561 ,262.00, 'nc1~d1ng 1nterest , as of 2400 hours , July 31 1988, for the Oregon Jur1sd1ctlon; and $689 064.00, 1nc1udlng 1nterest , as of 2400 hours, July 31, 1988, for the Nevada Jur1sdlct10n.Dur1ng the per10d of suspens10n under th1s Suspension Agreement, accruals to the deemer account sha 11 cease , except for nterest upon such amounts.From and after August 1 1988, such amounts shall accrue 1nterest, wh1ch shall be compounded quarterly, at an average pr1me rate for each calendar quarter, wh1ch shall be the ar1thmet1c mean, to the nearest one-hundredth of 1 percent , of the pr1me rate values pub11shed 1n the Federal Reserve Bu11et1n , or In the Federal Reserve Selected Interest Rates " (Statistical Release G. 13), for the fourth, th1rd, and second months precedi ng the fi rst month of the calendar quarter. Notwithstanding the parties ' agreement to the aforementIoned deemer account balances, wh1ch 1s a comprom'se , neIther party, by enterIng 1nto th1s Suspens I on Agreement, shall be deemed to have ' n any way approved, accepted, or consented to the facts , pr1nc'pal methods , or theor'es employed bye1ther party in arr'v1ng at the stated balances for each Jurisd1ct10n of the deemer account as of July 31 , 1988, WP-O7-ID-A T6 Page 4 of 9 In lieu Any rights and obligat1ons of Idaho Power and BPA respecting an RPSA section 4 In lieu acqu1s1t1on shall be unaffected by this Suspens 10n Agreement and shall be the same as woul d pertain in the case of a utility that has elected to deem its ASC equal to BPA's PF rate.Thi s paragraph shall ne1 ther be cons trued nor argued to be cons trued as havi ng any bearing on the proper Interpretation of the parties ' rights and obligations respecting an RPSA section 4 in lieu acquisition. Termination of Suspension Agreement Idaho Power shall provide BPA at least 13 month's written notice of Its election to terminate the suspension of section S(c) purchases and sales under this Suspension Agreement , unless a shorter period is otherwise mutually agreed to, or at least 1 month's written notice of Its election to terminate prior to the proposed effective date of proposed changes to BPA's PF rates, in which instance the terminat10n shall be effective upon interim approval of the rates by the Federal Energy Regulatory CommIssIon (FERC). Notice of termination of suspension of section S(c) purchases and sales under this Suspension Agreement shall not constitute notice of an election to rescind Idaho Power s deeming election as to any subsequent sectIon 5(c) purchases and sales under 1 ts RPSA.A notice to rescind Idaho Power s deeming election may be separately given by Idaho Power, at Its opt10n, as prov1ded by sect; on 10 of the RPSA to be effect; ve on or after the date of Idaho Power I termlnat10n under this paragraph.On or before the effect1 ve date of Idaho Power s termination of suspens1on of section S(c) purchases and sales under this Suspension Agreement , Idaho Power shall file a Revised Append'x 1 with BPA based on its then current rates In each jurisdIction , and the f11ing shall be governed by the substance and procedures spec 1 fl ed in BPA' s then current Average System Cost Methodology. WP-O7-ID-A T6 Page 5 of 9 Prov1s1on of Information by Idaho Power Idaho Power shall provide the Information listed on Exhibit A to th1s Suspens1on Agreement to BPA' Exchange Program Branch , Forecasting and Records Management Section, within 30 days after the date of execution of th1s Suspension Agreement by Idaho Power and thereafter as prov1 ded for 1 n Exh1 b1 t A. Assignment of Agreement This Suspension Agreement shall Inure to the beneti t of, and shall be bi ndi ng upon the respectl ve successors and assigns of the parties to this Suspension Agreement.Ne1ther this Suspension Agreement nor any i nterest therei n shall be transf~rred or ass i gned by ei ther party to any party other than the Government or an agency thereof wI thout the written consent of the other except as specifica11y provided in this section. The consent of BPA is hereby given to any security assignment or other like fi nanci ng 1 nstrument whi ch may be requl red under terms of any mortgage, trust, security agreement or ho1der of such Jnstrument of 1ndebtedness made by and between Idaho Power and any mortgagee , trustee , secured party, subs I d1 ary Idaho Power or holder of such Instrument of indebtedness , as security for bonds or other ndebtedness of Idaho Power, present or future; such mortgagee, trustee, secured party, subsidiary, or h01der may realize upon such security in foreclosure or other suitable proceedings , and succeed to a11 right, title, and interests of Idaho Power. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WP-O7-ID-A T6 Page 6 of 9 ----- Execution in Counterpart Thf s Suspension Agreement may be executed f n counterpart.Upon execution by BPA and Idaho Power, each executed counterpart shall have the same force and effect as f f both Idaho Power and BPA had executed the same document,Any signature page of this Suspension Agreem~nt may be detached from any counterpart w1 thout 1 mpa 1 r1 ng the 1 ega 1 effect of any signature(s) thereon, and may be attached to another counterpart of this Suspension Agreement. IN ~ITNESS ~HEREOF , the part1es have executed th1 s Agreement: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Energy \stratlon ACTiNG Adm1 n1 strator AUe 3 1 1989Date IDAHO POWER COMPANY TH1 e Date ATTEST: fn, T1 tl e orney Date AUG ~ 1~l:" nOOSe) WP-O7-ID-A T6 Page 7 of 9 Execution in Counterpart This Suspension Agreement may be executed 1 n counterpart. Upon execut, on by BPA and Idaho Power. each executed counterpart shall have the same force and effect as , f both Idaho Power and BPA had executed the same document,Any signature page of this Suspens'on Agreement may be detached from any counterpart w1 thout 1mpa 1 r1 ng the 1 ega 1 effect of any s gnature (s) thereon. and may be attached to another counterpart of th' s Suspens i on Agreement, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parti es have executed th1 s Agreement: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Energy Bonnev 111 e Power Adm' n 1 s trat \ on Adm1nistrator Date :~~Ji IN n tl e C:;e.u ~ t(AC ~ Date ~~tC-"'ber 1 . Iq~q IDAHO POWER COMPANY By &~.e~ ,. . Title CJh9..,~~ C~ Date ~/~ /9s'j (700Se) WP-O7-ID-A T6 Page 8 of 9 Exhi bit A , ' 1 of Contract No~E-MS79-89BP928o0 Idaho Power Company Effecti ve at 2400 Hours on July 31, 1988 DATA REQUESTS Idaho Power, or 1ts successor , will supply to BPA, by June 30 of each year, the following information: The Power Supp 1y Report or its equi va 1 ent, prepared by the Department. A 20 year load forecast. The current tabu1 at1on of resources and requi rements. The current Least Cost plan on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commi s s 1 on. BPA agrees to accept Idaho Power I s then-current Resource Management Report prepared for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in place of items 1 - 4, However, shou1 d the content of the Resource Management Report be modifi ed to exclude any of the information contained in items 1 - 4 , Idaho Power agrees to provide any and all of the items so excluded. The current FERC Form 1 on file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Comm i s s i on . The Annua 1 Report to Shareholders. At'BPA's request, made prior to the deadline for Intervention in any rate proceeding or avoided cost proceeding, Idaho Power will provide timely service of copies of all documents submitted by Idaho Power in such proceedings , including, but not limited to, copies of all responses to data requests made by the staff of any regulatory commission, or intervenors, In such proceedings. Responses to any reasonable data requests made by BPA which , 1n the judgment of Idaho Power Company, are not unduly burdensome and do not defeat the purpose of this Suspension Agreement. Such requests and responses may be made at a reasonable time other than June 30. CMa 1 che l/GKroni ck: b 1 m: 4201/7496: 8-21-89 (VS l-DRE- 7005e) WP-O7-ID-AT6 Page 9 of 9 SUSPENSION OF RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT executed by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ;,rot-; n,., hu ;,nrl t-h...,...",.,h '..h~.................'" "'J ""..~ .....~'"'~",.. ........ BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION and THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY This Suspension Agreement, executed by the United States of America (Government), Department of Energy, acting by and through the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and The Washington Water Power Company (WWP), a corporation of the State of Washington, WITNESSETH WHEREAS section 5 (c) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, 16 U.C. SS 839 et seq., provides that a Pac if ic Nor thwest electr ic utility may sell electr ic power to BPA at the average system cost (ASC) of that utility s resources and that BPA shall sell in exchange an equivalent amount of electr ic power to such utility for resale to that utility I residential users within the Region; and WHEREAS wWP and BPA entered into a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement (RPSA), Contract No. DE-MS79-8lBP90606, dated 8/22/81 and executed 11/12/81; and WHEREAS WWP has elected to deem its ASC equal to BPA's Priority Firm Rate (PF rate) pursuant to section 10 of the RPSA; and WP-O7-ID-AT7 Page 1 of 8 -' WHEREAS in BPA 's 1987 wholesale power rate case BPA adopted a PF rate for residential exchange participants, such as WWP, that is based on the application of the supplemental rate charge provided for in section 7 (b) (3) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act; and r.TU,;'Dt;"7\t:: T.IT.TD ;~,...,...."" ,,~-'I 0. "", 1-'1 ,...,.......1-;...".,,1-.... ;'H..".. "",h"'I-"",t-i",lnU.u~n..., nn~ ..L11"""""y all"" YYV"""'" ""VII""""""'" "'V .....""""" ..."'........................... costs in connection with the preparation and review of its ASC submissions, and BPA incurs substantial costs in connection with its review and processing of the ASC submissions and related documents of WWP; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: SUSPENSION OF RPSA:The section 5 (c) purchase and sale of power under the 'WWP Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement (RPSA), Contract No. DE-MS79-81BP90606, dated 8/22/81 and executed 11/12/81 is hereby suspended in accordance wi th and subject to the terms and conditions set forth hereafter. TERM OF AGREEMENT:This Suspension Agreement shall be effective at 2400 hours, June 30, 1987, shall continue in full force and effect until such time on or after at least 2400 hours on September 30, 1990, as W~P thereafter elects by giving a revocation notice to BPA as provided for in paragraph 6 of this Suspension Agreement, and shall terminate at 2400 hours on September 30 , 1994, unless BPA and WWP shall have previQusly agreed in wr i ting to extend the term of the Suspension Agreement, either as it is currently wr it ten or as modif ied by mutual ag reement of BPA and WWP.Until such time as revocation of this Suspension Agreement is WP-O7-ID-AT7 Page 2 of 8 effective, WWP shall not offer to sell electric power to the BPA Administrator pursuant to section 5 (c) of the Pacific Northwest Electr ic Power Planning and Conservation Act. LIABILITIES INCURRED:Notwithstanding suspension of section 5 (c) power sales under the RPSA, all liabilities heretofore incurred shall continue until satisfied . nrnvi npn hnwpvpr. thatr-~'---- .._n_.__ neither a surcharge shall be assessed, nor a rebate given, to WWP under the Exchange Adj ustment Clause of the General Rate Schedule provisions of BPA' s 1985 Wholesale Power Rates.BPA retains its right to conduct an audi t or audits to determine whether exchange benef i ts previously paid to WWP have benefitted only residential and small farm customers, as required by section 5 (c) (3) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act. The execution of this Suspension Agreement by WWP is wholly dependent upon WWP' S understanding that such suspension may be agreed upon by BPA without causing WWP to incur any cash obligation to BPA as a result of the suspension.If it should be determined by a court of competent jur isdiction that this interpretation of the RPSA is incor rect, then this Suspension Agreement shall be null and void. DEEMER ACCOUNT:The parties agree that the WWpl S accrued deerner account balance as provided in section 10 of the RPSA is $27,336,185, including interest, as of 2400 hours, June 30, 1987, for the Washington Jurisdiction, and $11,988,313, including interest, as of 2400 hour s, June 30, 1987, for the Idaho Jur isdiction.Dur ing the per iod of suspension under this Agreement, accruals to the deemer account shall cease except for interest upon such amounts.From and after October 1, 1987, such WP-O7-ID-A T7 Page 3 of 8 amounts shall accrue interest, which shall not. be compounded, at an average pr ime rate for each calendar quarter, which shall be the ar i thmet ic mean, to the nearest one-hundredth of one percent, of the pr ime rate values published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin , or in the Federal Reserve s "Selected Interest Rates " (Statistical Release G. 13) for the fourth! third! and second months preceding the first month of the calendar quarter. Notwi thstanding the parties ' agreement to the aforementioned deemer account balances, which is a compromise, neither party, by entering into this Suspension Agreement, shall be deemed to have in any way approved, accepted, or consented to the facts, pr incipal methods, or theories employed by either party in arriving at the stated balances of the deemer accounts as of June 30; 1987. IN LIEU:Any rights and obligations of WWP and BPA respecting an RPSA section 4 in lieu acquisition shall be unaffected by this Suspension Agreement and shall be the same would pertain in the case of a utility that has elected to deem its ASC equal to BPA's PF rate.This paragraph shall neither be construed nor argued to be construed as hav ing any bear ing on the proper interpretation of the parties ' rights and obligations respecting an RPSA section 4 in lieu acquisition. REVOCATION OF SUSPENSION AGREEMENT:WWP shall provide BPA at least 13 months ' wr i tten notice of its election to revoke the suspension of section 5 (c) purchases and sales under this Suspension Agreement, unless a shorter period is otherwise mutually agreed to, or at least 7 months ' written notice prior to the proposed effective date of proposed changes to BPA I S pr ior i ty firm (PF) power rates, in which instance the revocation shall be WP-O7-ID-A T7 Page 4 of 8 effective upon interim approval of the rates by FERC.Notice of revocation of suspension of section (c) purchases and sales under this Suspension Agreement shall not constitute notice of an election to rescind WWP I S deeming election as to any subsequent section 5 (c) purchases and sales.A notice to rescind WWP' deeming elect ion may be separately given by WWP, at its option, as provided by section 10 of the RPSA to be effective on or after the date of WWP's revocation.On or before the effective date of WWP' s revocation of section 5 (c) purchases and sales under this Suspension Agreement, WWP shall file a Revised Appendix 1 filing wi th BPA based on the company s then-current rates in each jurisdiction, and the filing shall be governed by the substance and procedures specified in the then-current Average System Cost Methodology. PROVISION OF INFORMATION BY WWP:WWP shall provide the information listed on Attachment 1 to this Suspension Agreement to BPA's Exchange Program Oversight Branch, Forecasting and Intervention Section on a September 30 annual basis unless another reasonable time is specified in the case of items 8 and 9. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT.This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement.Such Agreement or any interest therein shall not be transferred or assigned by either par ty to any par ty other than the Government or an agency thereof wi thout the wr it ten consent of the other except as specif ically provided in this section.The consent of BPA is hereby given to any secur ity assignment or other like financing instrument which may be required under terms of any mortgage, trust, security WP-O7-ID-A T7 Page 5 of 8 agreement or holdef of such instrument of indebtedness made by and between the purchaser and any mortgagee, trustee, secured party, subsidiary of the purchaser or holder of such instrument indebtedness, as secur i ty for bonds or other indebtedness of such Purchaser, present or future; such mortgagee, trustee, secured party: subs id iary or holder may realize upon such secur i ty in foreclosure or other sui table proceedings, and succeed to all right, ti tIe, and interests of such Purchaser. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPART.This Suspension Agreement may be executed in counterpart.Upon execution by BPA and WWP, each executed counterpart shall have the same force and effect as both WWP and BPA had executed the same document.Any signature page of this Suspension Agreement may be detached from any counterpart without impair ing the legal effect of any signature (s) thereon, and may be attached to another counterpart of this Suspension Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration The Washington Water Power Company Ti tie Vice President Power Supply ATTEST: Title WP-O7-ID-A T7 Page 6 of 8 ...-' agreement or holder of such instrument of indebtedness made by and between the purchaser and any mortgagee, trustee, secured party, subsidiary of the purchaser or holder of such instrument of indebtedness , as secur i ty for bonds or other indebtedness of such Purchaser, present or future; such mortgagee, trustee, secured party, subsidiary, or holder may realize upon such secur i ty in foreclosure or other suitable proceedings, and succeed to all right, ti tle, and interests of such Purchaser. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPART.This Suspension Agreement may be executed in counterpart.Upon execution by BPA and WWP , each executed counterpart shall have the same force and effect as if both WWP and BPA had executed the same document.Any signature page of this Suspension Agreement may be detached from any counterpar t wi thou t impair ing the legal effect of any signature (s) thereon, and may be attached to another counterpart of this Suspension Ag reement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Energy Bonnev~ e Power A m~nlstrat~on The Washington Water Power Company Title ATTEST: Title WP-O7-ID-AT7 Page 7 of 8 ATTACHMENT 1 DA' ,!. A REQUESTS The Power Supply Department of the Washington Water Power Company will supply to BPA, on an annual basis, the following .L . information: Department. commission. The Power Supply Report or its equivalent, prepared by the A twenty-year load forecast. The current tabulation of resources and requirements. The current Avoided Cost Methodology and Rates. A summary of PURPA contracts. Copies of any new power sales or exchange agreements. The current Least Cost plan on file with any regulatory At BPA I S request, copies of all responses to date requests made by the staff of any regulatory commission, or intervenors, in Such requests and responses may be made atany general rate case. a reasonable time other than September 30. Responses to any reasonable data requests made by BPA which, in the judgment of WwP, are not burdensome and do not defeat Such requests andthe purpose of this Suspension Agreement. responses may be made at a reasonable time other than September 30. 10.The current FERC Form 1 on file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 11.The Annual Report to Shareholders. WP-O7-ID-A T7 Page 8 of 8 ,_.,,-,--,.,.,"-'~-"'"_-~.,.,.__.,'... m_-...m.. .3; IU:: iq;~)~,UvE~i\ JU!'t'tlf, \,\,J, :)..1 J (,t::5c iV i i. Wli'J!sMngton Wtder Power le~IBf Bryilo $eninrVice P"",id&ntRal"" and R~"u(.:x.t September 29, 1993 Mr. Richard Raynor Chief, Exchange Program Bmnch Bonnf5ville Pov,rer Administration O. Bo~ 3621 Portland , Oregon 97208-3621 RE:Contract No.DE-MS79-81BP90606 Dear Mr. Rayoor. !". U(. The Washington Water Power Comp:ifJY (Company) hcIr-by gives notice, pursuant to Section 9 of its above-referenced Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement (RPSA). of its election to terminate its RPSA effective September 30, 1993 and continuing through 2400 hours on June 30, 2001. Very truly yours, The Washington' Water Power Company J3 LA, -,-- .:'--- W. I..ester 13, 'an Senior Vice lreside.nt Rates & Resources WLB :jla Tl1o WMhlnglon 'lVa!~r P"WUf Coml'nny P.O Bo;, ~7'J.7 Spol:aM, Wa3hlnfl!6n 1J922!J \~09) 4ro..OOC(J 11-000-72"11170 SERVING EASTERN WM;I4I~IGTQN I\NO \-IO6n'HeFlH II)N-IO '/111"1"1-1 ELECTRlC"Y AND NATURAL (';1\& WP-O7-ID-A T8 Page 1 of ;DArJJ FGiv"ER 10iIH\) POWER COMPANY PO BOX "0 BOISE. IDAHO 83707 ROBERT W. STAHMAN Vice Presklent, General Counsel ..nd Secretary September 28 , 1993 Mr. Richard Raynor Chief, Exchange Program Branch Bonneville Power Administration O. Box 3621 Portland, Oregon 97208-3621 Re: Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement Contract No. DE-MS79-81 BP90S00 Dear Mr. Raynor. Idaho Power Company ("Company ) hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 9 of the above-referenced Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement("RPSA j, of its election to terminate that RPSA effective September 30 1993. We request that BPA notify us as soon as possible of its calculations of the Company s deemer account balances through September 30 1993 . so that we might then either agree to the calculations or resolve any disagreements about them. VVhatever the correct balances are determined to be , the Company agrees that the Company s deemer account balances accrued as of September 30, 1993, for each of its excl1ange jurisdictions shall continue to accrue interest, said interest to be compounded quarterly, at an average prime rate for each calendar quarter, which shall be the arithmetic mean, to the nearest one-hundredth of one (1) percent, of the prime rate values published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin,or in the Federal Reserve s "Selected Interest Rates" (Statistical Release G. 13) for the fourth, third and second months preceding the first month of the calendar quarter. Consistent with section 10 of the Company s RPSA, we understand that the balances in the Company s deemer accounts shall not be a cash obligation of the Company, but shall be carried forward to apply to any subsequent exchange by the Company for the jurisdiction under any new or succeeding agreement. ~ery truIY~, ~\JJ . Robert W. Stahman RWS:sm cc: Randy Roach Telephone (208) 383-2675 Fax (208) 368-6936 WP-O7-ID-A T9 Page 1 of C___'...m .. .."..."....".."..,... ",..----"................. "'."m.mm"."'."".."'-'.-'__~.'m_.'___'m"' .." September 21 , 1993 TO:Gary A. Dahl ke --representi ng Hashi ngton Hater Power Jim Thompson -- representi ng Idaho Power Company FROtvJ:Randy A, Roach RE:J'1~~P drat J10 ..RP51Lte.rJnionation faxed _-- t~..-'nf;,_....9L29 Thi s note is i n response to the draft termi nati on 1 anguage that Gary faxed me on September 20. Inasmuch as section 9 of the RPSA references a time period for termination , BPA would request that you specify the duration of termination. That should, on that basis at least , remove any questions about the effectiveness of your termination and whether the agreement somehow revives itself once 7(6)(2) is no longer triggering. In addition , BPA bel leves we should agree now upon what the termination letter should state regardi ng how j nterest shoul d be computed on the outstandi ng deemer account balance since (1) section 1 of the RPSA states that , notwithstanding termj nation of the agreement 1 I abi I I tl es under the agreement conti nue until satisfied, (2) section 10 states that the net balance in the deemer account shall accumulate interest and (3) section 10 later states that the balance the deemer account shall be carried forward to apply to any subsequent exchange by the utility. We believe the interest rate formula set forth in Idaho s RPSA suspension should apply. Re your suggestion that other matters be deferred to the time of a request for a post-20m contract , we agree. With all of the above changes , I would suggest that the inside caption of the etter reference the RPSA number or numbers and that the body of the etter read as follows: The ....._- Company (Company) hereby gi ves noti ce pursuant to section 9 of its above-referenced Resi denti al Purchase and Sale Agreement (RPSA) , of its election to terminate its RPSA effective September 30 , 1993 , and continuing through 2400 hours on June 30 , 2001. He request that BPA notify us as soon as possible of its calculations of the Company s deemer account balances through September 30,1993, so that we might then either agree to the calculations or resolve any disagreements about them. Whatever the correct balances are , the Company agrees that the Company s deemer account balances accrued as of September . 1993 , for each of its exchange jurisdictions shall continue to accrueinterest, which shall be compounded quarterly, at an average prime rate for each calendar quarter , which shall be the arithmetic mean, to the nearest one-hundredth of 1 percent, of the prime rate values publ I shed In the f~Q~x al ReserY ELJ3.ul1etin , or in the Fdederal Reserve s "Selected Interest Rates " (Statistical Release G. 13), for the fourth , third and second months preceding the first month of the calendar quarter. Cons i stent wi th sect; on 10 of the Company 's RPSA. we unders tand that the balances In the Company s deemer accounts shall not be a cash obligation of the Company, but shall be carri ed forward to appply to any subsequent exchange by the Company for the jurisdiction under any new or succeedIng agreement. I have faxed this to the Public Power Coucil (Geoff Carr) and the Direct Service Industries (Steve Waddington) for their information and quick revIew. WP-O7-ID-A TIO Page 1 of 2 September 23 . 1993 TO:Gary A. Dahlke -- representing Washington Water Power Jim Thompson -- representing Idaho Power Company FRO~1:Randy A, Roach -- representing Bonneville Power Administration RE:Dahlke- 9/23/93, 9 a.m. fax re additi ona l sentence Gary: I would prefer the following language: "We understand that the balances In the Company s deemer account will not be a cash obligation of the utility, but will be carried forward to apply to any new or succeeding exchange agreement. I th Ink th is ge t s at what you wan t--a work I ng down of the ba lance before net positive benefits are available under any new agreement--but eliminates what I see as some ambiguity in your language that might infer the new exchange contracts will have a deemer account mechani sm 1 i ke the current contracts. While it may be a stretch to draw that i nference. you know how sensitive people are on thls(!). 50 I think it would be best to avoid that quagmire, particularly gIven our clients ' interest in speed, accuracy, and simplicity. On a somewhat related note, the PPC asked whether the 2001 date In my previous anguage was I ntended to address the question of what happens I f all of the partIes, including WWP and IPC , agree to renegotiate and execute their BPA contracts before the 2001 expl ratIon of the current contracts. I , stated that was a rompl I cation we hadn t deal t wi th , that we wanted the current termination to be fairly simple and uncluttered, and that I thought we could deal with that issue when It came time to negotiate the new contracts. Based on your (Gary s) discussion about leaving future complIcations to the future I assumed you would agree. Randy A. Roach WP-O7-ID-A Tl 0 Page 2 of 2 Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration O, Box 3621 Portland, Oregon 97208.3621 nCT 1 9 1993 10 ,eply ,ef., to DRE Mr. W. Lester Bryan Senior Vice President, Rates and Resources Washington Water Power Company O. Box 3727 Spokane, W A 99220 Re: Contract No. DE-MS79-81BP90606 - Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement (RPSA) DE-r..,1S79-87BP92803 - Suspension of Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement Dear Mr. Bryan: This letter is in response to your letter of September 29, 1993 , notifying Bonneville Power Administration (BP A) of the Wasnington Water Power Company s (Company) election to tenninate the above-referenced RPSA. BP A accepts the tennination subject to the following conditions, which arc required by your Company s RPSA and authorized by the Suspension of Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement (Suspension Agreement) previously executed by you on behalf of the Company. 111e Company s deemer account balance through September 30, 1993, is $18 271 996 for its Washington Jurisdiction and $41 664 455 for its Idaho Jurisdiction. TI1C Company'sdeemer accountba!ances accrued as of September 30, 1993 , for each of its exchange jurisdictions shaH continue to accrue interest, which shall be compounded quarterly, at an average prime rate for each calendar quarter, which shall be the arithmetic mean, to the nearest one-hundredth of one (1) percent, of the prime rate values published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin or in the Federal Reserve s "Selected Interest Rates" (Statistical Release G. 13), for the fourth, third and second months preceding the first month of the calendar q\larter. Consistent with section 10 ofthe Company s RPSA, the balances in the Company s deerner accounts shaH not be a cash obligation of the Company, but shall be calTied folward to apply to any new or succeeding exchange agreern(~nt by the Company for the jurisdiction(s). T cm1ination of the Company s RP SA in accordance wi tl1 the above-stated conditions is agreed by 131' A meet the requirements of the Company s RPSA for tennination and to satisfy the Company s obligations under paragraphs 4 and 6 of the Suspension Agreement conceming effective revocation of the Suspension Agreement. Termination ofthe.company s RPSA withput the above-stated conditions is unacceptable to BP A as not meeting the requirements of the Company s RI)SA and Suspension Agreement. Sincerely, . -~~- Richard A. Raynor Chief. Exchange Pcog"m B""eh cc: Mr. Gary Dahlke, Paine, Hamblen, Coffm , Brooke & Miner WP-O7-ID-ATll Page 1 of 1 Department of Energy Bonneville Power t,drninistration PO. Box 3621 Portland. Oregon 97208.3621 October 20, 1993 'n '"ply ,,1., to:DRE :M.r. W. Lester Bryan Senior Vice President, Rates and Resources Washington Water Power Company O. Box 3727 Spokane, W A 99220 Re: Contract No. DE-MS79-8 1BP90606 " Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement DE-MS79-87BP92803 - Suspension of Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement Dear Mr. Bryan: This letter is to notify you of a correction to Bonneville Power Administration s letter dated October 19 1993. Washington Water Power Company s (Company) deemer balances for the Washington and Idaho jurisdictions were reversed in the letter. The letter should have stated The Company s deemer account balance through September 30, 1993 , is $41 664 455 for its Washington Jurisdiction and $18 271 996 for it Idaho Jurisdiction. I apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact me at 503-230-7494 if you have any questions regarding the correction. Sincerely, cc: Mr. Gary Dahlke Pa.inc, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke & MilicI' RRaynor:run:7494: 10/20/93 (WORD.C/DRElRaynorlWashl.doc) bee: Area Manager - UC R. Roach - APR R. Russell - DREF L. Weirather - DRE/D&T S. Melton - DR D. Wills - DRER Utility File - ORE M. Roberts - DR C. Blanco - DRES OffIcial File - DRE (FI-27) ,co l::;~T 'J:; :' ' WP-O7-ID-A T12 Page 1 of Noti ce of Fi 1 i ng 1993 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION washi ngton water Power company Docket No. ER93-980-oo0 NOTICE OF FILING (october 26, 1993) Take noti ce that on septembr 30, 1993, washi ngton Water Power company (wwP) tendered for fi 1 i ng a Noti ce of Termi nati on of Rate schedul e FERC El ectri c Tari ff No.1 between wWP and Bonneville Power Administration. Any person desiring to be heard or to protest said filing should file a motion to intervene or protest with the Federal Energy Regulatory commission , 825 North capitol Street, N.washlngton , D.C. 20426, in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the commi ssi on s Rul es of practi ce and procedu re (18 CFR 385.211 and 18 CFR 385.214). All such moti ons or protests shoul d be filed on or before November 10,1993. protests will be consi dered by the commi ssi on in determi ni ng the appropri ateacti on to be taken , but wi 11 not serve to make protestantsparti es to the proceedi ng. Any person wi shi ng to become a party must fi 1 e a moti on to intervene. copi es of thi s fi 1 i ng are on file with the commission and are available for public lnspection. Linwood A. Watson, Jr.Acti ng secretary Page 1 WP-O7-ID-A T13 Page 1 of Letter Order 1993 Docket No. ER93-980-o0o DECEMBER 6, 1993 washi n~ton Water Power companyAttentlon: MS. Rhonda R. Horobiowski Manager , Power Resources Post offi ce BOX 3727 spokane , washi ngton 99220 Dear MS. Horobi owski By 1 etters dated september 29 and October 29, 1993, you submitted for filing with the commission a notice of cancellation of your Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement with Bonneville Power Administration. Authority to act on this matter is delegated to the Director, Division of Applications, under section 375.308 of the commission s Regulations; pursuant to Section 375.308(a)(1), your submittal is accepted for filing anddesi gnated as follows: washi ngton Water Power company suppl ement No.7 to servi ce Agreement No.under washi ngton Water power company Bonnevi 11 e Power Admi ni strati on Agreementunder paci fi c Northwest El ectri c Power pl anni ng and Conservati on Act, FERC El ectri cTariff, original volume No. (cancel s servi ce Agreement No. as supplemented). Notices of your filing were published in the Federal Regi ster wi th comments, protests , or i nterventi ons due on or before November 19, 1993. No comments, protests, ori nterventi ons were fi 1 ed. Good cause is shown for ~ranti ng wai ver of the noti requi rements pursuant to Sectlon 205(d) of the Federal power Act and Secti on 35.11 of the Commi ssi on s Regul ati on thereunder;therefore , the rate schedul e shall become effecti ve september 30, 1993, as requested. Thi s acceptance for fi 1 i ng does not consti tute approval of any servi ce , rate , charge, cl assi fi cati on , or any rul e,regul ati on, contract, or practi ce affecti ng such rate or servi provi ded for in the fi 1 ed documents; nor shall such acceptance be deemed as recognition of any claimed contractual right or obligation affecting or relating to such service or rate; and such acceptance is wi thout prej udi ce to any fi ndi ngs or orders Page 1 WP-O7-ID-A T14 Page 1 of 2 Letter Order 1993 washi ngton Water Power company whi ch have been or may hereafter be made by the commi ssi on in any proceedi ng now pendi ng or hereafter i nsti tuted by or agai nstwashi ngton Water power company. Thi s order consti tutes fi nal agency acti on. Requests forreheari n~ by the commi ssi on may be fi 1 ed wi thi n 30 days of the date of lssuance of this order , pursuant to 18 CFR 385.713. 000. Thi s acceptance for fi 1 i ng termi nates Docket NO. ER93-98o- sincerely, Donald J. Gelinas , Director Division of Applications cc:Bonneville Power AdministrationAttenti on: Mr. Ri chard Raynorchi ef , Exchange Program post offi ce Box 3621portl and, oregon 97208-3621 Branch page 2 WP-O7-ID-A T14 Page 2 of 2 SEP-11-9S FR I 05: 31 PM RESOURCEOP F AX NO,P, 02 Washington Water Power 1411 East Mission O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 1800-727.9170 SO9 489-0500 Telephone iiiWJ Washington Water Power September 9, 1998 ~s. J udi Johansen Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration 905 NE 11 th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97232 Subject: Subscription Principles and WWP Residential Exchange Participation Dear M~sen: I am encouraged by the public statements made by representatives of the Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville) that you are committed to ensuring that federal power benefits are spread',to all eligible residential customers in the Pacific Northwest. I also understand that Bonneville is looking for new ways to equitably distribute these benefits and that you have received a set of principles to guide subscription from the four Northwest state utility commissions in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington (Commissions), dated August 27, 1998. The Washington Water Power Company (WWP) is very supportive of the subscription principles set forth by the Commissions, particularly the principles which provide the Commissions with the responsibility further allocating power and financial benefits among the states and among the 10Us, and establish a role for an independent third party administrator of the financial benefits of the program. I encourage Bonneville to incorporate these principles in developing a subscription program for the period beginning October 200 1, as a replacement for the residential exchange. While in agreement with the principles outlined by the Commissions, I remain concerned that Bonneville may be taking a position that WWP's deemer balance may disqualify WWP's residential and small farm customers from participating in the subscription program replacing the residential exchange for the period beginning October 200 Please find attached a prepared statement outlining WWP's position that the perception that WWP has not been an active exchanger, and therefore not dependent upon Bonneville power in the 1981-200 1 period, should have no bearing whatsoever as to WWP's rights to exchange or purchase power during the period beginning October 200 When WWP tenrunated its residential exchange agreement with Bonneville in 1993, WWP expressly did not agree with Bonneville s position that the deemer balance resulting from the changed average system cost methodology would be carried over to new contract. The only balance which arguably might be carried over is the balance which would have resulted from the use of the original 1981 average system cost WP-O7-ID-A TIS Page 1 of 4 SEP-11-98 FR I 05: 31 PM RESOURCEOP FAX NO,P. 03 Ms. Judi Johansen September 9.1998 Page 2 of 2 methodology applied over the entire twenty-year period. Had use of the original 1981 methodology continued WWP roughly estimates that it would have received accumulated residential exchange benefits in excess of $100 million for our Washington jurisdiction and would not have a substantial outstanding deemer balance for our Idaho jurisdiction. Please review the attached position statement. I trust that you will concur that Bonneville should not adhere to a position which excludes WWP's residential and small fann customers from a subscription program designed to distribute power and financial benefits to such customers of the IOUs, based upon WWP's deemer balance resulting from the changed average system cost methodology. Additionally, I am hopeful that you will allow the Commissions the opportunity to dispense the power and financial allocation to the residential and small fann customers of the laDs. I eagerly look forward to reviewing your subscription proposal to ensure that your goal of appropriately spreading the benefits of the federal power system is met. ResP Gary G. Ely Senior Vice President and General Manager Energy Trading & Market Services Attachment JAS cc: Alan Buckley, WDTC Stephanie Miner, IPUC WP-O7-ID-AT15 Page 2 of 4 SEP-11-98 FRI 05:32 PM RESOURCEOP F AX NO,Po 04 Prepared By:Gary A. Dahlke Attorney for The Washington Water Power Company Question: Should the deemer balance of The Washington Water Power Company cwwP) disqualify WWP's residential and small fann customers from participation in a subscription program for replacement of the residential exchange for the period beginning October 2001 Answer: No. The perception that WWP was not an active exchanger, and therefore not dependent upon Bonneville Power Adminstration (Bonneville) power in the 1981-2001 period should have no relationship to rights to exchange power or purchase power during the period beginning October 2001. WWP is not fairly deemed an inactive exchanger as WWP was essentially forced out of the first twenty-year exchange by the unilateral change in the average system cost methodology in 1984. This change in methodology was reported by BP A and confirmed by the Courts as necessary to prevent continued violation of the Regional Act and Oregon law by Portland General Electric Company (PGE) by concealing terminated plant costs through a financing scheme approved by its Commissioner. The Court confinned the existence of the financing scheme which concealed terminated nuclear plant costs in the return on equity component of PGE's rates, and thus passed those costs on to Bonneville , when in fact the 1981 average system cost methodology did not pennit terminated plant costs to be recovered. No misconduct by WWP was involved in these cases. The effect of the change in methodology was to eliminate certain costs that originally were a part of the negotiation in 1981 as costs to be included in the exchange calculation. Following the change in methodology, PGE still received a substantial amount of monetary benefits through the exchange. WWP has, however, received nothing. Had the revised 1984 methodology been the basis of the 1981 negotiations. WWP might well have refrained from entering into the exchange at all at its inception, which would have been WWP's right. WWP could have later requested an exchange contract at any time during the following twenty years , or not at all. In the latter case WWP would have no deemer balance going into the period beginning October 2001. The only balance which arguably might be carried over is the balance which would have resulted from the use of the original 1981 average system cost methodology applied over the entire twenty-WP-O7-ID-AT1 :: Page 3 of 4 WWP Residential E;l.change - position Sl:ll~menl GAD 9-Sep- SEP-11-9S FR! 05: 32 PM RESOURCEOP F AX NO.P, 05 year period. Had use of the original 1981 methodology continued, WWP roughly estimates that it would have received accumulated residential exchange benefits in excess of $100 million for its Washington jurisdiction and would not have a substantial outstanding deemer balance for its Idaho jurisdiction. When WWP terminated the exchange in 1993 , WWP expressly did not agree with Bonneville position that the deemer balance resulting from the changed methodology would be carried over to a new contract. WWP's notice of tennination contains no such language. While Bonneville sent a confmnation of the termination with its position stated, WWP has never agreed with this position. The 1986 decision which confirmed Bonneville s implementation of the change to the methodology (and the Court clearly noted that it did not sanction a permanent implementation of the changes) did not in any way deal with the issue of carrying deemer balances over to a new contract. While Bonneville relies on the language of the 1981 contract that deemer balances would be carried over to the new contracts, clearly this is intended to be deemer balances resulting from use of the original 1981 methodology. To suggest that WWP intended that Bonneville could decide for itself to change the methodology (because of the abuse of other utilities, not WWP) and to require WWP to carry over the resulting greater deemer balance renders the 1981 contract wholly unilateral. I do not think. tbat this position would be upheld by the Ninth Circuit, notwithstanding its earlier confinnation Bonneville s right to temporarily change the methodology. Attachment: Excerpt from Ninth Circuit Court Opinion W:\11\150\O2343\MIO7 WW? Rc:sidenrinl E;l.chang.: - Position Statement WP-O7-ID-A TIS Page 4 of 4 GAD 9.Sep- ~ ~ ~ ~ (D -. J .. . . . . , t p ... . , 0'1 RE S I D E N T I A L E X C H A N G E R A T E R E U E F . ti E N E F r T S U M M A R Y F Y 1 9 8 2 ~ F Y 1 9 9 4 UT I L I T Y A' 8 2 FY 8 3 fY 8 . . I F Y ~ CP N A T I O N A L 11 OR S 2 07 3 S8 7 0 $ 1 00 5 5 1 63 3 IO N i O P O W E R 'I ID $ 2 0 02 3 $2 4 5 $ 2 . 95 0 S / 3 97 4 IO N i C P O W E R _ 11 1'1 ' 1 $2 3 SO $0 10 M i O P O W E R _ 1/ OR 56 2 3 5 1 1 1S 2 51 1 5 $2 2 3 MO N T A N A L & 1/ MT ' $0 $3 0 53 2 $2 5 I. t O N T A I - l A P O ' N E R C O r. o : r S9 7 ($ 5 3 ) ($ 1 8 9 ) $1 4 JO G ! : OR S7 7 . 4 ~ $ 5 3 , 50 6 ' 58 . . U I U I $ 8 2 , 34 7 PP & L 10 52 5 3 $3 3 5 $7 8 8 $ 1 34 9 PP ~ L MT 5 2 03 6 5 2 , 12 8 $ 1 96 9 5 1 30 5 PP 8 o L $4 9 . 2 6 9 5 4 ~ 44 0 5 5 4 $3 $ 5 0 50 3 ?P 8 o L WA $ 1 4 84 3 5 1 2 . 4( 1 1 5 1 2 82 7 5 1 1 14 5 PU G E T SO U N D P O W f . R W/ ' , $ 2 8 29 2 ($ 3 7 2 ) ( ' $ 1 2 , 61 7 ) ($ 7 3 9 ) UT J I . H P O W E R 10 $ 1 5 , 16 1 $ 1 7 02 0 $ 1 7 , ~6 7 S 2 2 , 87 7 Wi \ S H W A T E R P O W E R 'I IV 74 1 $7 7 ($ 1 8 ) (5 3 2 ) Wi \ S H W A T E R p o " "E . 11 WA $. - 4 . 71 0 S2 O 2 ($ 4 6 ) (S 8 ~ ) SU B T O T A L I O ' J S 3 2 1 6 56 3 $ 1 ~ 5 99 1 5 1 6 3 02 4 $ 1 7 7 54 5 8E N T O N R E A WA . SO SO 59 2 6 $1 . 2 7 4 BU o C H L Y L A N E Of ! $0 $8 8 $2 7 9 $9 6 CE N T R A L E L E C T R I C OR $0 S9 0 a ($ 7 6 5 ) 5 3 36 6 ClJ ' o L L A J A C O 11 WA $0 $0 SO CL A R X C O P U D I/ WA 50 $5 7 5 $ 3 , 93 2 $ 3 , 66 2 CL E A R W A T E R P O ' I ' I E R 10 SO $9 2 53 1 2 ($ 2 5 ) . CO N S U M E R S P O W E R 00 $0 'S o $8 9 4 $1 . 3 8 4 CO O S - C U R H Y f l E e OR SU I 53 2 4 $' 3 2 7 S9 3 5 DO U G L A S E L E C T R I C OR so $0 $3 0 0 ~4 3 6 F. A U R I V E R E L E C ro SO so Si 9 7 $6 2 8 fl A T I i E A O E L E C C O C f ' 11 MT 50 50 $( 1 GL A o : I E R E L E C C O O P _ II JA T 50 SO $( I GR A Y S H A R B O R P U O - 1, 1 11 ' , " " $0 SO SO IO A H O F A l L S . 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