HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080331Westerfield Qualifications.pdfQUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT OF LOU ANN WESTERFIELD Witness for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Please state your name, employer, and business address. My name is Lou Ann Westerfield. My employer is the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), 472 W. Washington, Boise, Idaho, 83702. In what capacity are you employed? I am a Policy Strategist for the IPUC. I advise the commissioners on issues affecting regulated utilities in Idaho. What is your educational background? I received a RA. in English from Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas, in 1976 and an S. in Accounting from the University of Arkansas in 1982. Please summarize your professional experience. I have worked in utility regulation since 1988. Since 2000 , I have held my current position as a policy strategist with the IPUc. I was a rate analyst for the Wyoming Public Service Commission (WPSC) from 1995 to 2000. I was a senior policy analyst and a rate analyst for the Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC) from 1988 to 1995. Prior to my work experience in utility regulation, I worked for five years as an internal auditor and financial analyst for two municipal utilities. What professional training have you received? I have attended regulatory schools in ratemaking principles, power plant systems forecasting, real-time pricing, integrated resource planning, financial analysis, and negotiation. WP-07 -Q- ID- Page 1 Witness: Lou Ann Westerfield What are your responsibilities as a Policy Strategist for the IPUC? I am responsible for advising the commissioners on energy policy issues affecting the Idaho electric and gas industries and electric and gas public utilities in particular. I also participate on behalf of the commission in state, regional, and national forums on energy issues. These issues include, but are not limited to, resource planning, adequacy, and procurement, reliability, customer resources, energy price and supply volatility, renewable resource development, wind integration, generation interconnection, regional transmission coordination, hydroelectric relicensing, wholesale market monitoring, inter- jurisdictional cost allocations, and public utility mergers. I advise the commission on the impact of federal law and agency decisions pertaining to Idaho s utilities, including state implementation requirements. I advise the commission on participation in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rulemakings and cases and am responsible for preparing analyses, recommendations, and comments for the IPUC on these cases. I also provide analyses and recommendations on issues contained in IPUC cases. I also work with other states and stakeholders on regional and national issues affecting the electric utility industry. Finally, I participate in various professional organizations listed below. Are you responsiblefor advising the IPUC concerning the Bonneville Power Administration (BP A)? Yes. Since 2004, I have been responsible for providing analyses and recommendations to the IPUC on BPA's Residential Exchange Program (REP) and other BPA proceedings. Additionally, I represented the IPUC on the Regional Representatives Group for the RTO West/Grid West effort from 2001 to 2005 , an effort to establish coordinated grid operations and management in the Northwest. BP A, along with the three Idaho WP -07 -Q- ID- Page 2 Witness: Lou Ann Westerfield regulated electric utilities - Idaho Power, A vista, and PacifiCorp - participated in this effort. Do you belong to any professional organizations related to your job? Yes. The following is a list of those organizations: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), 1989 - present Staff Subcommittee on Electricity, 1989 - present; Chair, 2000 - 2003 Model Interconnection Agreement & Procedures, Lead Staff, 2002 - present . NARUC/FERC Collaborative on Competitive Procurement, 2007 - present Transmission Access and Market Rules Working Group, Lead Staff, 2005 - present Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation, 1996 - present Market Monitoring Work Group, Chair, 2003 - present Northern Tier Transmission Group, 2007 - present Cost Allocation Committee, Chair Management Committee Western Electricity Coordinating Council , 2006 - present Market Interface Committee Steering Committee, Market Interface Committee Market Issues Subcommittee North American Energy Standards Board Executive Committee, Wholesale Electric Quadrant, State Regulatory Segment Representative on behalf ofNARUC , 2002 - present Advisory Council , 2001 - present Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency Task Force, 2007 - present WP -07 -Q- ID- Page 3 Witness: Lou Ann Westerfield North American Electric Reliability Corporation Standards Committee, State Regulatory Representative, 2007 - present Please state your experience as a witness in previous proceedings. I testified on behalf of the consumer advocate staff in five merger cases before the WPSC. Three of these cases involved inter-jurisdictional costs and savings allocations among subsidiaries or divisions of electric public utility holding companies. In these cases , I testified on these allocations, projected merger benefits, corporate structure diversification, impact of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 on state actions, and the accounting issues of cross subsidization and affiliate transactions. I also testified on accounting, financial, cost of service, rate design, and power cost issues in electric and telecommunications rate and other cases before the WPSC. To prepare such testimony, I used and designed computer models to analyze long-term financial and economic outcomes, performed financial analyses of earnings, and audited books and records of the utilities. While employed by the APSC, I testified before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in two electric utility merger cases - Entergy/Gulf States Utilities and the failed Central and South West/El Paso Electric mergers. In the FERC proceeding on the Entergy/Gulf States merger, I testified on the projected merger benefits attributed to power systems integration and planning and on the inter-jurisdictional allocation of production costs pursuant to Entergy s System Agreement (a FERC tariff that allocates these costs to five state jurisdictions). For both mergers, I filed affidavits with the SEC on projected merger benefits , inter-jurisdictional cost allocations, cross-subsidization, and affiliate transaction WP-07 -Q- ID- Page 4 Witness: Lou Ann Westerfield Issues. I also testified in cases before the APSC on the long-term financial and rate impact of electric utility proposals to build or sell generation plants. Finally, because all of the electric utilities regulated by the APSC conducted business with the Southwestern Power Administration (SWP A), a federal power marketing agency, I prepared technical analysis and recommendations for comments filed by the APSC in an SWP A rate case (FERC Docket No. EF91-4011). WP -07 -Q- ID- Page 5 Witness: Lou Ann Westerfield