HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240108Exhibit A.pdf Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 January 3, 2024 Doug Elliott General Manager & CEO Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2451 W. Dakota Ave. Hayden, ID 83835 RE: Letter Agreement Allocating Service Area Avista Corporation (“Avista”) and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“KEC”) (Avista and KEC are sometimes referred to herein individually as a “party” and collectively as the “parties”) are both electric suppliers that provide electric service within the State of Idaho. Avista and KEC understand that a new development is planned in the Northeast Corner of Prairie Avenue and Highway 41 in Post Falls, Idaho, as more fully described in Exhibit A (“Development”). Both Avista and KEC have existing facilities in the area of the Development and, at least at this time, it cannot be determined by proof whether Avista’s or KEC’s service line is nearest the new service entrances. See Idaho Code § 61-332C(d). Accordingly, under the Idaho Electric Supplier Stabilization Act (“Stabilization Act”), Avista and KEC have agreed to allocate service territory within the Development between Avista and KEC, as outlined in Exhibit A. The parties are entering into this Letter Agreement to (i) avoid unnecessary duplication of facilities; (ii) avoid disputes between the parties as to which utility is entitled to provide service to new service entrances within the Development; and (iii) provide consumers who locate their electric service entrances on the Developers real property with the best possible service. Avista and KEC each understand that the allocation of service territory set forth herein is subject to approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”). See Idaho Code § 61-332C. In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, Avista and KEC agree as follows: 1. Avista and KEC shall, subject to an order from the Commission approving the allocation of service territory set forth in this Letter Agreement, each be entitled to extend their facilities, to the exclusion of the other, within the territory allocated to it, as marked in Exhibit A Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. Letter Agreement Allocating Service Area January 3, 2024 Page 2 of 3 (which is attached hereto and incorporated herein), and to provide service to consumers who locate new service entrances within such territory, specifically: a. Avista’s service territory shall be Block Two Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 located North of Prairie and East of Hwy 41 in the Commercial Tracts at Prairie Crossing Regional Shopping Center as illustrated in Blue in Exhibit A. b. KEC’s service territory shall be Block Two Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 located North of Prairie and East of Hwy 41 in the Commercial Tracts at Prairie Crossing Regional Shopping Center as illustrated in Green in Exhibit A. c. Block One Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 shall be open to competition and governed by the Idaho Stabilization Act and/or the Avista/KEC Development Agreement. 2. Avista and KEC shall provide line extensions and electric service within the territory allocated to such party, as outlined on in Paragraph 1 and Exhibit A of this Letter Agreement, pursuant to the provisions of its applicable line extension policies, rate schedules and/or tariffs. 3. The parties' respective current electric service lines shown on Exhibit A, as well as any line extensions external to the boundaries of the Development as outlined on Exhibit A, which are required to reach existing infrastructures within the Development, and which are installed in accordance with the Stabilization Act, may be used to determine future electric service rights to new service entrances located in territory not allocated pursuant to this Agreement. 4. Any changes in lot lines, roadways or other boundaries within the Development that occur after the date of this Agreement shall not constitute a change to this Agreement, and the boundaries outlined on Exhibit A shall be used to determine the service territory of the respective Parties within the Development. 5. Avista shall prepare and submit the application for an order approving the allocation of service territory set forth in this Letter Agreement from the Commission and KEC shall join in or otherwise cooperate in the application. 6. In the event the Commission does not approve the allocation of electric service territory as set forth in this Letter Agreement, then this Letter Agreement shall be void ab initio, and the parties agree to renegotiate in good faith an allocation agreement that is ultimately acceptable to the Commission. 7. If approved by the Commission, this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, and/or their assigns. Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. Letter Agreement Allocating Service Area January 3, 2024 Page 3 of 3 8. Neither party shall be responsible for any obligation of the other party, including any obligation committed to by the other party with regard to the Development prior to the date of this Letter Agreement. ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: AVISTA CORPORATION ___________________________ Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. ______________________ Doug Elliott General Manager & CEO LOT 5 LOT 2 LOT 1 LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT 12 LOT 11 LOT 10LOT 8 LOT 9LOT 7LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 3LOT 1 LOT 4 BLOCK ONE BLOCK TWO LOT 2 LOT 4 LOT 3 16. 5 ' N 8 8 ° 2 9 ' 4 0 " W 2 , 6 3 3 . 3 7 ' WV LEGEND WV WATER VALVE S SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PP UTILITY POLE T TELEPHONE PEDESTAL FH FIRE HYDRANT PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP S 00°58'43" W 1,350.02' SS MH 01 (EXISTING) S 6 3 ° 3 8 ' 1 9 " E 1 , 3 2 5 . 4 3 ' S 8 8 ° 2 9 ' 4 0 " E 5 0 5 . 6 5 ' 159.0' S 8 8 ° 2 9 ' 4 0 " E 6 9 4 . 0 0 ' 555' 1520' 80 ' R . O . W . 80' R.O.W. 80'R.O . W . S 00°00'49" E 1872.08' PROPOSED 12"SANITARY SEWEREXTENSION 50 . 0 ' U T I L I T Y EA S E M E N T 8" WATER MAIN 20' EASEMENT FOR SEWER SERVICE(TYP) 44' WIDE STREET (CURB TO CURB) 44' WIDE STREET (CURB TO CURB) 30' UTILITYEASEMENT 10 ' S I D E W A L K A N D UT I L I T Y / D R A I N A G E EA S E M E N T 10' SIDEWALK ANDUTILITY/DRAINAGE EASEMENT 10. 0 ' S I D E W A L K A N D UTI L I T Y / D R A I N A G E EAS E M E N T 15.0' SIDEWALK AND UTILITY/DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXISTING 12' SHARED USE PATH 15.0' SIDEWALK AND UTILITY/DRAINAGE EASEMENT 6" SEWER SERVICE SWALES, LANE STRIPING, AND MULTI-USE PATH PER ITD PROJECT A019(682) EXTEND TO CREATE A LOOPEDCONNECTION WITH EXISTING ROSS POINT WATER DISTRICT SYSTEM 2238 2236 2238 PROPOSED 20' WIDE APPROACH; RIGHT IN ONLY FH 30' EASEMENT FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE (TYP) PROPOSED WATERMAIN EXTENSION FH FH D 12" WATER MAIN, INSTALLFIRE HYDRANTS ASNECESSARY FH FH DRYWELL SIGNAGE SANITARY SEWER STUB SANITARY SEWER CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT WATER VALVE DOMESTIC WATER STUB COMMUNICATION VAULT ELECTRIC VAULT LIGHT POLE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CONCRETE GRAVEL T E C W CO D PROPOSED SEWER LINE PROPOSED WATER MAIN FH FH FH 10 ' INSTALL TYPE II BARRICADE PER SD 2024 INSTALL TYPE III BARRICADE PER SD 2023 44 ' W I D E S T R E E T 80 ' R . O . W . 10 ' D R A I N A G E , S I D E W A L K , AN D U T I L I T Y E A S M E N T INSTALL TYPE II BARRICADE PER SD 2024 END PAVEMENT STA: 14+05 1" I R R I G A T I O N M E T E R & B A C K F L O W PR E V E N T I O N D E V I C E ST A : 6 + 7 5 , O F F S E T : 6 5 ' L 10.0'TYP. 5.0'TYP. FH FH 20 ' D R5-1 "DO NOT ENTER" FACING EAST 17 . 1 ' ZORROS R100.00' R100.0 0 ' R50.00 ' R50 . 0 0 ' 38.00'38.00' 38.00' 22 . 0 0 ' 22. 0 0 ' 41. 8 1 ' 40 . 0 0 ' 22 . 5 0 ' 15.00' SIDEWALK, UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15.0'SIDEWALK,UTILITY AND DRAINAGEEASEMENT 15.0'SIDEWALK,UTILITY ANDDRAINAGEEASEMENT 15.0' SIDEWALK, UTILITYAND DRAINAGE EASEMENT INSTALL 5'x 7' CONCRETE PAD & 212 UNIT CBD EXISTING WATER MAIN 68 + 0 0 69 + 0 0 70 + 0 0 71 + 0 0 71 + 5 1 D CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR THE COMMERCIAL TRACTS AT PRAIRIE CROSSING REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST 14 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 51 NORTH, RANGE 4 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAN, POST FALLS, KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO 100 0 100 200 40050 SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION19 PER ROS BOOK 27, PAGE 407. BASIS OF BEARING RE V I S I O N DA T E NO . Th e d e l i v e r y o f t h i s dr a w i n g s h o u l d n o t b e co n s t r u e d t o p r o v i d e a n ex p r e s s w a r r a n t y o r gu a r a n t e e t o a n y o n e th a t t h e u n a u t h o r i z e d us e o f t h i s d r a w i n g im p l i e s t h e r e v i e w a n d ap p r o v a l b y t h e D e s i g n Pr o f e s s i o n a l . A n y un a u t h o r i z e d u s e o f th i s i n f o r m a t i o n i s a t th e s o l e r i s k a n d li a b i l i t y o f t h e u s e r . EN G I N E E R I N G AN D S U R V E Y I N G 60 3 N o r t h 4 t h S t r e e t , Co e u r d ' A l e n e , I d a h o , 8 3 8 1 4 Ph . ( 2 0 8 ) 6 6 4 - 2 1 2 1 Em a i l : i n f o @ f r a m e a n d s m e t a n a . c o m NE C O R N E R O F H W Y 4 1 A N D P R A I R I E A V E N U E CI T Y O F P O S T F A L L S , K O O T E N A I C O U N T Y , I D A H O CO N S T R U C T I O N P L A N S F O R C O M M E R I C A L T R A C T S PR A I R I E C R O S S I N G R E G I O N A L S H O P P I N G C E N T E R SI T E P L A N O V E R V I E W C2 P430 CIVIL SITE P430S19-T51N-R04W JA S 02 - 2 2 - 2 0 2 2 BA M GD 7432PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER GORDON DOBLERSTATE OF IDAHO REGISTERED City of Post FallsApproval City Engineer Date Approved By: ELECTRONIC COPYORIGINAL DOCUMENTS ON FILE ATFRAME & SMETANA, PA SIGNED BY: GORDON DOBLERDATE: FEBRUARY, 2022 THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUNDUTILITIES IS SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. THECONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK.HE AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ANDALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY ANDALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG NAVD 88 VERTICAL - NAD 83, 1992 ADJUSTMENT HORIZONTAL DATUM 11/01/2211/01/2211/01/22 01/09/23 1/11/23