HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231102Comments of the Commission Staff.pdfMICHAEL DUVAL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 MMISSiCN (208)334-0320 IDAHO BAR NO.11714 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA )CORPORATION'S APPLICATION TO )CASE NO.AVU-E-23-12 UPDATE AND ESTABLISH ITS CAPACITY )DEFICIENCY PERIOD TO BE USED FOR )AVOIDED COST CALCULATIONS )COMMENTS OF THE )COMMISSION STAFF COMMISSION STAFF ("STAFF")OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and throughits Attorneyof record,Michael Duval,Deputy AttorneyGeneral,submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On August 24,2023,pursuant to Order No.35810,Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities ("Company")applied ("Application")to the Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")for approval of its capacity deficiency period used for its avoided cost calculations. A capacity deficiency case is used to determine when new qualifying facilities under the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 ("PURPA")begin avoiding capacity costs for a utility and are therefore eligible to start receiving capacity payments.See Order No.32697. Originally,each utility was required to file its capacity deficiency date case when a utility STAFF COMMENTS 1 NOVEMBER 2,2023 submitted its Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP")to the Commission,and the capacity deficiency determinedthrough the IRP planning process would be the starting point subject to the outcome of the proceeding.Id.In 2017,the Commission amended Order No.32697 to require "that each Idaho electric utility shall submit its updated capacity deficiency filing after the Commission has acknowledged its IRP report,rather than upon its IRP filing."Order No.33917 at 4.On June 8, 2023,the Commission further adapted this instruction in Order No.35810 and required Idaho Power Company,Rocky Mountain Power,and the Company to file a capacity deficiency case within 30 days of each company's respective IRP being filed.The Company proposed a first capacity deficit date of January 1,2034. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff recommends that the first capacity deficiency date and amounts of deficiency for purposes of determining when capacity payments should begin for new PURPA contracts should be based on a compliance filing that includes the Company's new peak load forecast and an updated load and existing resource balance ("L&R")using the Company's traditional method for deriving the L&R,instead of the method used in the Company's Application.The Company stated it will have a new load forecast in November 2023.See Response to Staff Production Request No.1(a)in Case No.AVU-E-23-13.Further,Staff is concerned with the new method the Company used to quantifythe capacity amounts of resources needed to reliably meet customer loads.Because of these concerns,Staff also recommends that prior to the next deficiency date update case: 1.The Company demonstrate that the method and inputs used to derive the Company's Qualified Capacity Contribution ("QCC")values reflect the generation capabilities of the Company's resources relative to the peak loads within the Company's system;and 2.The Company develop its Planning Reserve Margin ("PRM")driven by the Company's reliability target. If the Commission agrees with Staff's recommendation to update the load forecast and refile the L&R througha compliance filing using the Company's traditional methods,Staff will verify the updated load forecast and L&R.If it finds no issues,Staff will submit a decision STAFF COMMENTS 2 NOVEMBER 2,2023 memo recommending Commission approval of the resulting first capacity deficiency date, amounts of deficiency,the updated SAR model that uses the capacity deficiency information, and resulting published avoided cost rates. Load and Resource Balance Staff reviewed the loads and resources used to determine the Company's proposed L&R, which identifies the Company's first capacity deficiency date and the amounts of deficiency.In addition,the Company developedan L&R using its traditional method.See Response to Staff Production Request No.1(b).Table Nos.1 and 2 below show a comparison of the Company's proposed L&R and the L&R determined under the traditional method. Staff compared the Company's winter and summer capacity positions and identified that the first deficit year remains the same,even though each year's capacity position (length and shortfall)is different between the two methods over the planning horizon.As shown in the tables,the capacity positions determined under the traditional method are consistently higher than capacity positions determinedunder the Company's proposed method.'Because of the relatively small,but material differences in capacity positions between the two methods,Staff believes it is reasonable to continue to use the Company's traditional method for developing the L&R,until the Company can address Staff's concerns,discussed in more detail below. 'According to the Company,differences are due to the Mid-Columbiacontracts havinga higher capacitycontributionunderthetraditionalmethodthanintheproposedmethod.See Response to StaffProduction Request No.5. STAFF COMMENTS 3 NOVEMBER 2,2023 Table No.1:Winter Capacity Position Comparison Capacity positions in Capacity positions in January under January under proposed traditional method Capacity Difference Year rnethod (IVliN)(AdvV)inJanuary(AnVV) 2024 224 318 94 2025 214 308 94 2026 122 215 93 2027 150 233 83 2028 140 224 83 2029 113 186 73 2030 99 172 73 2031 76 148 72 2032 53 126 72 2033 35 107 72 2034 (52)(8)43 2035 (76)(32)43 2036 (166)(125)41 2037 (196)(155)41 2038 (227)(186)42 2039 (261)(219)42 2040 (297)(256)42 2041 (405)(343)62 2042 (730)(670)60 2043 (790)(725)66 2044 (842)(777)66 2045 (896)(830)66 STAFF COMMENTS 4 NOVEMBER 2,2023 Table No.2:Summer Capacity Position Comparison Capacity positions in Capacity positions in August under proposed August under traditional capacity Difference Year rnethod(AnVV)rnethod(AnvV)inAugust(nãVV) 2024 264 350 85 2025 326 411 85 2026 233 316 83 2027 271 355 84 2028 262 346 84 2029 228 308 79 2030 208 287 79 2031 184 273 90 2032 158 248 90 2033 128 218 90 2034 40 105 65 2035 16 81 65 2036 (49)8 57 2037 (82)(25)57 2038 (116)(61)55 2039 (152)(97)55 2040 (185)(129)55 2041 (281)(208)73 2042 (572)(486)86 2043 (636)(542)95 2044 (686)(591)95 2045 (738)(644)95 LoadshitheL&dR The load used in the L&R consists of two major components:the load forecast and the PRM.The total of these two components represents the Company's total load obligation,which the Company should reliably meet through acquisition of a sufficient amount of resource capacity. Load Forecast Staff reviewed the proposed load forecast and is concerned about its accuracy due to it being prepared 15 months before the Commission makes a decision on the capacity deficiency and the resulting avoided cost rates.Staff recommends the Company file an updated L&R as a STAFF COMMENTS 5 NOVEMBER 2,2023 compliance filing using an updated load forecast,along with explanations of the difference between the updated load forecast and the proposed load forecast. The Commission requires utilities to use the latest information to determine the capacity deficiency used for calculating avoided cost rates as was done in previous cases.Order Nos. 33958,34918,and 35415.The forecast submitted with this filing was developedin the summer of 2022,2 and the Company is expected to have an updated forecast in November 2023.See Response to Staff Production Request No.1(a)in Case No.AVU-E-23-13.Because of the age of the forecast,Staff is concerned the forecast may have changed given changes in market fundamentalswithin the Company's service territory. PRM The PRM is added to the load forecast and represents the amount of additional capacity needed to ensure it meets its reliability target.In IRPs circa the 2023 IRP,the Company used 16 percent of the winter load and 7 percent of the summer load as PRMs,which were derived from 1,000 simulations of varyingweather for loads and thermal generationcapability,forced outage rates on generation,water conditions for hydro plants,and wind generationto achieve a 5 percent of loss of load probability ("LOLP").2023 IRP at 4-2.However,the Company used 22 percent for winter load and 13 percent for summer load as PRMs in the 2023 IRP,to maintain a capacity position similar to the capacity positions developedunder the Company's traditional method,instead of explicitlyderiving its PRMs to meet the Company's reliability target.See Response to Staff Production Request No.1(f);the 2023 IRP at 4-2.Although Staff believes backing into the PRM values to maintain a similar capacity position in the short term is reasonable in this case due to the lack of significant change in the Company's resource mix and consumption patterns from previous years,the PRMs should be explicitlyderived from the Company's reliability target using appropriately developed capacity contribution values. 2 This load forecast has been used in the 2022 Annual Update case (Case No.AVU-E-22-15),the 2023 IRP case (Case No.AVU-E-23-05),the 2023 Annual Update case (Case No.AVU-E-23-13),and this capacity deficiency case (Case No.AVU-23-12).The Company confirmedthis informationwith Staff during a phone call on October 27,2023. STAFF COMMENTS 6 NOVEMBER 2,2023 Resources in the L&R Staff's evaluation of resources focused on two areas:(1)whether the resources included in the L&R should be included for purposes of determining the capacity deficiency date for avoided cost rates,and (2)whether the capacity contribution factors at system peak for those resources are reasonable. Resources included in the L&R Staff believes the resources included in the L&R are appropriate and reasonable for purposes of determining the capacity deficiency for avoided cost rates.Staff 's review focused on resources that are new to the system or are approaching end of life.These include the Colstrip coal plant,the Lancaster natural gas purchased power agreement ("PPA"),the Chelan PUD Hydro PPA,the Columbia Basin Hydro PPA ("CBH"),and the Clearwater Wind PPA. Colstrip On January 16,2023,the Company entered into an agreement with NorthWestern to transfer its 15 percent ownership of Colstrip Units 3 and 4 to NorthWestern on December 31, 2025.See Response to Staff Production Request No.4.Therefore,the L&R does not have any coal generation starting in 2026.Because this agreement has been signed and fully executed it should be reflected in the L&R. Lancaster The current Lancaster PPA ends on October 31,2026,and the extended PPA was signed on March 31,2023,which will allow the PPA to continue through December 31,2041.The Company includes the extended Lancaster PPA in the L&R.See Response to Staff Production Request No.3.Because this contract does not require pre-approval,and it is fully executed and is eligible for rate recovery,Staff believes the Company's treatment of Lancaster in the L&R is reasonable. Chelan PUD Hydro The Chelan PUD contract was signed on May 24,2022,which includes three parts: STAFF COMMENTS 7 NOVEMBER 2,2023 "5.0%share of their Rocky/Reach and Rock Island hydroelectric projects from January 1,2024,throughDecember 31,2033,for 87.5 MW of capability and 52.4 aMW of energy; 5.0%share from January 1,2026,through December 2030 for 87.5 MW of capability and 52.4 aMW of energy;and, 10.0%share from January 1,2031,through December 31,2045,for 174.9 MW of capability and 104.8 aMW of energy."See Response to Staff Production Request No.3. Because this contract does not require pre-approval,and it is fully executed and is eligible for rate recovery,Staff believes the Company's treatment of Chelan PUD Hydro in the L&R is reasonable. CBH The CBH PPA was signed on December 2,2022.Table No.3 shows each plant's size and start time.See Response to Staff Production Request No.3.Because this contract does not require pre-approval,and it is fully executed and is eligible for rate recovery,Staff believes the Company's treatment of CBH in the L&R is reasonable. Table No.3.CBH Plants Russell D.Smith 1/1/2023 6.1 1.5 EBC 4.6 5/1/2023 2.2 0.9 Summer Falls 1/1/2025 94 41.4 PEC 66 3/1/2025 2.4 0.5 Quincy Chute 10/1/2025 9.4 3.6 Main Canal 1/1/2027 26 11.6 PEC Headworks 9/1/2030 6.2 2.3 Total 146.3 61.8 STAFF COMMENTS 8 NOVEMBER 2,2023 Clearwater Wind The Clearwater Wind 30-year PPA was signed on January 20,2023.See Response to Staff Production Request No.3.This project will provide approximately 100 MW of wind energy.2023 IRP at 3-12.Because this contract does not require pre-approval,and it is fully executed and is eligible for rate recovery,Staff believes the Company's treatment of CBH in the L&R is reasonable. Resource Capacity Contributions The Company used QCC values from the Western Resource Adequacy Program ("WRAP")to determine the amount of capacity it can rely upon from its own resources included in the Company's L&R.See Response to Staff Production Request No.1 (a).When asked how the Company verified that the QCC values are equivalent to capacity values for the Company's system and resources,the Company responded that "the values calculated for our resources aligned with the historical performance of these resources and the regional context of the resource capability during regionalpeak periods [emphasis added]."See Response to Production Request No.1(b),Case No.AVU-E-23-05.For example,the Company stated that renewableenergy's QCC values are determined based on the geographic footprint of WRAP participants.The 2023 IRP at 4-4. Staff believes the Company should base its resource plans on the contribution of its own resources and on the timing and the amount of peak loads within its own system,and not necessarily for the region.Because the WRAP regional peak hours and amounts may be different than Avista's peak hours,Staff believes it may not be appropriate to use WRAP QCC values as proposed by the Company for the purpose of this case.Until the Company can demonstrate through evidence that the QCC values of its resources are representativeof the capacity contributions of its resources at the Company's system peak loads,Staff recommends the Company utilize its traditional methods for developing its L&R and the resulting capacity deficiency dates and amounts of deficiency for purposes of PURPA. STAFF COMMENTS 9 NOVEMBER 2,2023 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Company file an updated L&R as a compliance filing using the Company's traditional method for deriving it and by using the peak load forecasts available in November of this year for both winter and summer.In addition,Staff recommends that prior to the next capacity deficiency date update case: 1.The Company demonstrate that the method and inputs used to derive the Company's QCC values are reflective of the generationcapacity of the Company's resources relative to the peak loads within the Company's system; and 2.The Company develop its PRM driven by the Company's reliability target and appropriately developed capacity contribution factors. Respectfully submitted this 2nd day of November 2023. ---Whael Duv l Deputy AttorneyGeneral Technical Staff:Yao Yin i:umisc/comments/AVU-E-23-12 Comments STAFF COMMENTS 10 NOVEMBER 2,2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 2nd DAY OF NOVEMBER 2023, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO AVISTA CORPORATION,IN CASE NO.AVU-E-23-12,BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF,POSTAGE PREPAID,TO THE FOLLOWING: MICHAEL G.ANDREA SHAWN BONFIELD SENIOR COUNSEL SR.MANAGER,REGULATORY POLICY AVISTA CORPORATION AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3727 PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3727 E-mail:michael.andrea@avistacorp.com E-mail:shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE