HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230731Schultz Exhibit KJS-1.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 E. MISSION AVENUE P. O. BOX 3727 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 PHONE: (509) 489-0500, FAX: (509) 495-8851 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE POWER COST ) CASE NO. AVU-E-23-__ ADJUSTMENT (PCA) ANNUAL RATE ) ADJUSTMENT FILING OF AVISTA ) EXHIBIT NO. KJS-1 CORPORATION ) KAYLENE J. SCHULTZ FOR AVISTA CORPORATION 08 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC IMPACT OF PROPOSED SCHEDULE 66 PCA CHANGE PROPOSED RATE TO BE EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2023 (000s of Dollars) (000s of kWh)Total Billed Percent Revenue Proposed change Line Type of Schedule Forecasted at Present Sch. 66 on Billed No.Service Number Kilowatt-hours Rates Change Revenue (a)(b)(c)(1)(d)(e)(f) 1 Residential 1 1,288,067 119,417$ 4,495$ 3.8% 2 General Service 11,12 480,413 42,057$ 1,677$ 4.0% 3 Large General Service 21,22 546,290 45,426$ 1,907$ 4.2% 4 Extra Large General Service 25 348,191 19,840$ 1,215$ 6.1% 5 Clearwater 25P 403,268 18,610$ 1,407$ 7.6% 6 Pumping Service 31,32 64,293 5,938$ 224$ 3.8% 7 Street & Area Lights 41-49 10,259 3,992$ 36$ 0.9% 8 Total 3,140,781 255,280$ 10,961$ 4.3% check 4.29% 9 Proposed rate 0.00499$ 15,672$ 10 Present rate (AVU-E-22-11, Order No. 35543)0.00150$ 4,711$ 11 Rate Change 0.00349$ 10,961$ Proposed rate 12 Total Amortization and Deferral Balance including interest thru 9/30/23 15,605$ 13 Conversion factor (Case No. AVU-E-23-01: Per Final Stipulation & Settlement)0.996223 14 Revenue Requirement 15,664$ 15 kWh's from above 3,140,781 16 Proposed rate:0.00499$ (1)Source: Calendar Load forecast for the twelve month period October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024 2023 Idaho PCA - Schultz Workpapers Exhibit KJS-1 Exhibit No. KJS-1 Case No. AVU-E-23-__ Page 1 of 2 Twenty-Fifth Revision Sheet 66 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 66 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued July 31, 2023 Effective October 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar – Director of Regulatory Affairs SCHEDULE 66 TEMPORARY POWER COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electric service available. This Power Cost Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover or rebate a portion of the difference between actual and allowed net power supply costs. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of electric Schedules 1, 11, 12, 21, 22, 25, 25P, 31, 32, and 41-49 are to be increased by 0.499¢ per kilowatt-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates set forth under this Schedule are subject to periodic review and adjustment by the IPUC based on the actual balance of deferred power costs. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Exhibit No. KJS-1 Case No. AVU-E-23-__ Page 2 of 2