HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230710Exhibit A - ID AM Refresh Project Staus Report.pdfIdaho Advanced Metering Refresh Project Status Report May 26, 2023 Exhibit A 1 Contents Table of Figures and Tables ................................................................................ 3 Executive Summary | Advanced Metering Refresh .............................................. 5 A.Report Highlights ................................................................................ 5 B.Purpose of this Report ........................................................................ 6 C.Comparison of Costs for AMR Refresh Alternatives ............................ 7 D.Incremental Benefits Associated with AMI Metering ............................ 8 E.Comparison of AMR and AMI Customer Costs / Net Costs ............... 10 F.Conclusion: Avista’s Refresh Decision is Timely and Prudent ........... 11 Section 2 | AMI is a Foundation for the Future ................................................... 13 A.Avista’s Advanced Metering Journey ................................................ 13 B.The Changing Role of Advanced Metering ........................................ 14 C.AMI Has Emerged as the Utility Metering Standard .......................... 15 Section 3 | Project Deployment Overview .......................................................... 17 A.The AMI System Described .............................................................. 17 B.Overview of Project Deployment ....................................................... 19 C.Managing the Uncertainties of Major Technology Applications ......... 21 D.Avista’s Choice to Deploy Itron Meters in Idaho ................................ 21 E.Meter Data Management and Head End Systems ............................ 23 F.Meter Deployment ............................................................................ 23 G.Collection Infrastructure .................................................................... 23 H.Customer Data Privacy, Cyber Security and Disaster Recovery ....... 23 Exhibit A 2 Section 4 | Incremental Customer Benefits with Quantified Financial Value ....... 26 A. Overview ........................................................................................... 26 B. Meter Reading .................................................................................. 27 C. Remote Service Connectivity ............................................................ 27 D. Customer Benefits from Improved Outage Management .................. 28 E. Energy Efficiency Enabled by Advanced Metering ............................ 31 F. Energy Theft and Unbilled Usage ..................................................... 34 G. Billing Accuracy ................................................................................ 35 Section 5 | Summary of Customer Benefits Currently Not Quantified ................. 39 A. All Benefits Are Important to Our Customers..................................... 39 B. Improving Customer Convenience, Experience, and Satisfaction with their Service ................................................................................................. 39 C. Improving Customer and Utility Employee Safety ............................. 42 D. Operational Awareness of System Health ......................................... 44 E. Design Services and Engineering ..................................................... 45 Section 6 | Expected Future Trends in Customer Benefits ................................. 46 A. Support of Asset Management Planning ........................................... 46 B. Support of Electric System Planning ................................................. 46 C. Enabling Energy Pricing Strategies ................................................... 47 Exhibit A 3 Table of Figures and Tables TABLE 1-1. INITIAL ESTIMATED CAPITAL COSTS SHOWN ON A NET PRESENT VALUE BASIS FOR ALTERNATIVE REPLACEMENT SYSTEMS FOR AVISTA’S END OF LIFE AMR SYSTEM IN IDAHO………………………………. 7 TABLE 1-2. INITIAL ESTIMATED LIFECYCLE EXPENSES SHOWN ON A NET PRESENT VALUE BASIS FOR ALTERNATIVE REPLACEMENT SYSTEMS FOR AVISTA’S END OF LIFE AMR SYSTEM IN IDAHO…………8 TABLE 1-3. FORECAST OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS (NPV) ESTIMATED FOR AVISTA’S PLANNED DEPLOYMENT OF AMI METERING IN IDAHO, COMPARED WITH AN ALTERNATIVE REPLACEMENT AMR SYSTEM. MAJOR AREAS OR CATEGORIES OF BENEFITS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE FINANCIAL TOTALS ARE SHOWN BELOW IN BOLD FONT. INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS COMPRISING EACH MAJOR AREA ARE INDENTED BENEATH………………………………………………………………………………………9 TABLE 1-4. NET PRESENT VALUE (NPV) OF INITIAL FORECASTED COSTS AND INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS FOR THE REPLACEMENT ALTERNATIVES OF AN AMR AND AMI SYSTEM FOR AVISTA’S ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT. PROJECT COSTS ARE THE LIFECYCLE TOTAL OF BOTH CAPITAL AND INCREMENTAL EXPENSES FOR EACH ALTERNATIVE…………………………………… 10 FIGURE 1-1. NET COST OF AMR AND AMI IS REPRESENTED BY THE TOTAL OF CAPITAL AND INCREMENTAL EXPENSES MINUS THE VALUE OF THE INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS…………...10 FIGURE 2-1. ACTUAL AND EXPECTED TREND IN DEPLOYMENT OF AMI METERS IN THE UNITED STATES. EDISON FOUNDATION, APRIL 2021……………………………………………………………………….. 15 FIGURE 3-1. DIAGRAM OF AMI SYSTEM COMPONENTS………………………………………………………. 17 FIGURE 3-2. INITIAL DEPLOYMENT SCHEDULE BY MAJOR PROJECT FOR AVISTA’S IDAHO ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 TABLE 3-1. FORECASTED LIFECYCLE CAPITAL (CAP) AND EXPENSES (EXP), ON A NOMINAL BASIS IN $MILLIONS, FOR AVISTA’S IDAHO AMI PROJECT FOR EACH YEAR OF THE PROJECT LIFECYCLE…….. 20 TABLE 4-1. FORECASTS OF ESTIMATED INCREMENTAL CUSTOMER BENEFITS FINANCIALLY QUANTIFIED FOR THE COMPANY’S PLANNED ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT IN IDAHO……………………………….. 26 TABLE 4-2. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR METER READING FOR AVISTA’S IDAHO ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT………………………………………………… 27 TABLE 4-3. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR REMOTE SERVICE CONNECTIVITY FOR AVISTA’S IDAHO ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT………………………………. 28 TABLE 4-4. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS FOR CUSTOMER SAVINGS ASSOCIATED WITH MORE EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRIC SYSTEM OUTAGES AS ENABLED BY AVISTA’S PLANNED DEPLOYMENT OF AMI IN IDAHO…………………………………………………………………………... 29 TABLE 4-5. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY SAVINGS ENABLED BY AVISTA’S PLANNED DEPLOYMENT OF AMI IN IDAHO………………………………. 32 Exhibit A 4 TABLE 4-6. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN ENERGY THEFT AND UNBILLED USAGE ENABLED BY AVISTA’S DEPLOYMENT OF AMI ADVANCED METERING IN IDAHO……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 34 TABLE 4-7. NET PRESENT VALUE OF THE INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN BILLING ACCURACY TO BE ENABLED BY AMI ADVANCED METERING IN IDAHO…………………………….. 36 Exhibit A 5 Executive Summary | Advanced Metering Refresh A. Report Highlights • Avista Utilities’ Advanced Meter Reading (AMR) system in Idaho was installed beginning in 20051 and has been maintained in service beyond its expected 15-year life. • Key components of this AMR system are no longer manufactured or supported, and this system needs to be timely replaced (or “refreshed”) to avoid excessive replacement costs2 and provide continuing reliable service supporting the Company’s electric and natural gas operations in Idaho. • Further, AMR does not support Avista’s more customer-centric, technology-enabled business model for better meeting our customers’ evolving energy service needs. Current generation Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) 3 is fundamental to addressing these challenges and opportunities. • Despite the need for new AMI capabilities in Idaho, the Company evaluated the costs and benefits of both AMR and AMI metering solutions4 to refresh our end-of-life AMR system. • Importantly, because developments in AMI technology have been at the forefront of innovation in advanced metering, this technology is now less expensive to deploy than a contemporary replacement AMR system. This shift in costs is in part responsible for the predominant industry trend of replacing ageing AMR systems with new AMI technology. 1 The Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved Avista’s proposed installation, beginning in January of 2005, of Advanced Meter Reading technology for electric and natural gas services in Idaho, in its Final Order 29602 (AVU-E-04-01). Avista’s forecast of AMR costs and benefits was based on an expected 15 year lifecycle for the technology. 2 The longer Avista’s existing AMR system is kept in service the greater will be the ultimate total cost of replacement. This is because end of life equipment is now failing at increasing rates and the remediation of failed equipment is prohibitively expensive. As an example, a failed meter can be replaced with a new AMR meter, however, that new meter no longer communicates with the existing collection infrastructure (repeater). The failed meter, therefore, has a compounding consequence cost because the new investment includes not only the meter but the associated repeater device. As a consequence, when the existing system is finally replaced, there will be a much larger balance of unamortized AMR equipment, than current balances, that will have to be collected through deferral and later recovery. 3 Advanced Metering Infrastructure or “AMI” is the prevalent version of advanced metering being installed in the U.S. and around the world. AMI differs from AMR primarily in its ability to support two-way communications as well as providing a platform for end-point software computation, analysis and remote operation. 4 For this analysis, Avista formally compared both costs and benefits of replacement AMR and AMI systems. An alternative of returning to a process of manually reading customer meters was not formally evaluated for this project, because in the Company’s most recent financial analysis of AMI in Washington, the AMI solution produced greater than $56 million in net financial benefits compared with the alternative of continuing to read customer meters manually. Returning to manual meter reading for our Idaho customers would neither be cost effective nor prudent. Exhibit A 6 • Related to this trend, Avista is the only regulated electric utility in Idaho that does not currently serve its customers with AMI metering.5 • In addition to having a lower total cost6 than AMR, AMI technology will also deliver incremental financial benefits to our Idaho customers expected to exceed $48 million (NPV) over the lifecycle of the project. These incremental benefits are above and beyond the financial benefits provided by AMR technology. • These incremental financial benefits to customers are real — and will only increase over time as the Company maximizes the full potential of AMI (including ways not yet imagined or implemented). • Of note, these “quantified” financial benefits do not take into account the many other “non- quantified” (but very real) customer benefits provided by AMI, such as improvements in safety, power quality, convenience, and service. • The combination of providing the right solution for Avista’s customer service objectives, at a lower total cost, combined with the greater financial benefits for customers, makes both straightforward and prudent Avista’s decision to refresh its Idaho AMR system with new AMI metering. B. Purpose of this Report This status report for Avista’s Idaho Advanced Metering Refresh Project (Report) provides initial baseline estimates of the costs and benefits of replacing the Company’s existing end-of-life AMR system with either new AMR or AMI metering technology. A comparison of these costs and benefits, as well as the applicability of AMI for meeting Avista’s current and long-term customer service objectives, demonstrates the overall superiority of AMI. These facts clearly support the Company’s decision to move forward with deployment of a new AMI system in Idaho. This analysis supports Avista’s accounting petition requesting the tracking and recovery of the unamortized value of AMR equipment to be removed and replaced during the AMI deployment.7 The Report also provides a foundation for the Company’s intention to seek cost recovery in a future regulatory proceeding for then used and useful investments in AMI.8 Finally, the Report provides a high-level overview of the Company’s planned AMI project, including forecasts of expected capital and operating costs (O&M 5 Idaho Power Company began installing AMI metering for its electric customers in January of 2009, with completion of its AMI deployment planned for year-end 2011. Customers of Rocky Mountain Power are currently served with AMI metering, provided in a deployment across their service territory (including Idaho) that was slated for completion in 2022. 6 Total cost is the combined capital and expenses over the project lifecycle. 7 Because ongoing investments for AMR replacement equipment are required for assets that fail in service, there is always residual net plant that will not have been fully amortized at the point when the AMR system is refreshed. The NPV of unamortized assets under the current refresh plan is estimated to be $8,610,728, as shown below in Table 1-2. Further, because end-of-life AMR system assets are failing at increasing rates, these increasing replacement costs would only drive greater unamortized balances (than currently expected) if the AMR refresh were to be deferred or delayed from current plans. 8 Because elements of the AMI system become used and useful in serving customers during the course of deployment, Avista plans to seek deferral of the depreciation expense associated with deployment, and later recovery for these investments in applicable proceedings (e.g. rate cases) along the way rather than waiting for the entirety of the investment in AMI metering to have been completed. Exhibit A 7 or expenses) and incremental financial and non-financial customer benefits to be delivered by the new system. C. Comparison of Costs for AMR Refresh Alternatives When discussing project financials we sometimes refer to costs and benefits in nominal (or cash) amounts, though we predominantly state them as the net present value (NPV) of the stream of annual costs and customer benefits anticipated over the project lifecycle (2023 – 2045). 9 Use of net present value normalizes the time value of customer costs and benefits to ensure a meaningful forecast of the cost effectiveness of the investment regardless of when expenditures are made and when benefits are realized. Here, we express net present value in 2023 dollars when comparing both costs and financial benefits for both refresh alternatives (AMR & AMI). Estimated capital costs for installing a replacement AMR system and an alternative AMI system are presented by major project or cost components10 in Table 1-1, below. 1TABLE 1-1. INITIAL ESTIMATED CAPITAL COSTS11 SHOWN ON A NET PRESENT VALUE BASIS FOR ALTERNATIVE REPLACEMENT SYSTEMS FOR AVISTA’S END OF LIFE AMR SYSTEM IN IDAHO. The net present value of the total capital costs for Avista’s planned AMI deployment in Idaho ($75.4 million) is approximately 73 percent of the corresponding costs for the alternative of replacing the end-of-life AMR system with new AMR technology ($103.8 million). 9 This period of time includes the planned deployment of the AMI system (2023-2027) and 15 full years of operation. Avista’s analysis was carried slightly beyond the planned 15 year life through year 2045, recognizing the overlap with deployment of a potential successor metering system. 10 Categories of costs for refresh alternatives, AMR and AMI, are organized by the technologies of Avista’s existing AMR system (e.g. the “Fixed Network” includes the collection infrastructure and applications, and the AMR meters themselves). The alternative for AMR was based on a refresh of these systems, and for the purposes of this comparison, the total cost of AMI deployment was allocated by these same AMR categories. 11 Key differences in the capital costs between AMR and AMI metering lie in two main areas: unit cost of the meters themselves, and cost of the collector infrastructure network. While AMR meters are substantially less expensive than AMI meters, the number of field devices that must be installed to capture AMR data is much greater than that for AMI. The higher cost for AMR data collection devices more than offsets the higher incremental cost of AMI meters, making the AMI solution less expensive to install. 12 TWACS® is a Power Line Carrier (PLC) communication technology provided by Aclara Technologies, LLC. Major Cost Components Capital Cost - New AMR (Net Present Value) Capital Cost - New AMI (Net Present Value) Existing Mobile Routes $6,140,748 $7,928,104 Existing Fixed Network System $82,704,068 $53,276,856 Existing TWACS12 System $14,989,928 $14,270,586 Totals $103,834,744 $75,475,546 Exhibit A 8 In addition to the capital costs shown above, we estimated the incremental expenses13 for the lifecycle of each replacement alternative, shown below by major cost component, in Table 1-2. 2TABLE 1-2. INITIAL ESTIMATED LIFECYCLE EXPENSES SHOWN ON A NET PRESENT VALUE BASIS FOR ALTERNATIVE REPLACEMENT SYSTEMS FOR AVISTA’S END OF LIFE AMR SYSTEM IN IDAHO. The net present value of the incremental expense costs for Avista’s planned AMI deployment in Idaho ($23.1 million) is approximately 41% greater than the estimated incremental expenses for a replacement AMR system ($13.6 million). In this comparison of alternatives, however, the total capital and incremental expenses for AMR ($117.4 million) is 16 percent greater than the combined capital and incremental expenses for the AMI refresh solution ($98.6 million). D. Incremental Benefits Associated with AMI Metering In addition to having a lower estimated combined capital and expense cost, as noted just above, the AMI alternative will also deliver a greater level of financial and non-financial customer benefits than is achievable with AMR. While many areas of financial benefit produced by AMR and AMI systems are identical or similar (for example, the ability to eliminate manual meter reading), there are several types of benefits that can only be achieved through AMI deployment. Avista refers to this greater level of benefits enabled by AMI as “incremental benefits” because they are additive to the benefits already provided by our existing (or a replacement) AMR system. Table 1-3, below, shows areas and amounts of incremental financial benefits achievable with AMI, which are above and beyond those provided by AMR. These incremental financial benefits are based on Avista’s experience operating both AMR and AMI systems, scaled to the level of benefits expected for our Idaho 13 In this analysis, ‘incremental expenses’ are those “new costs” the Company would incur in deploying and operating either a new replacement AMR or AMI system. These incremental costs are above and beyond the current level of expenses required to support our existing AMR system. In the subsequent discussion covering the deployment of the new AMI system, Avista presents the total actual expenses or budget for the project, not just the incremental expenses shown here. 14 Because recovery of the unamortized value of AMR metering equipment is applicable to both refresh alternatives, AMR and AMI, this cost is not included in the further discussion of the costs for the AMI refresh project. Major Cost Components Incremental Expense New AMR (Net Present Value) Incremental Expense New AMI (Net Present Value) Existing Mobile Routes $1,854,919 $3,765,872 Existing Fixed Network System $1,594,375 $7,305,826 Existing TWACS System $1,541,350 $3,457,405 Recovery of Regulatory Asset14 $8,610,728 $8,610,728 Totals $13,601,371 $23,139,832 Exhibit A 9 customers. As shown in the bottom of the Table, estimated incremental financial benefits from the Company’s planned AMI deployment total $48.5 million on a net present value basis. 3TABLE 1-3. FORECAST OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS (NPV) ESTIMATED FOR AVISTA’S PLANNED DEPLOYMENT OF AMI METERING IN IDAHO, COMPARED WITH AN ALTERNATIVE REPLACEMENT AMR SYSTEM. MAJOR AREAS OR CATEGORIES OF BENEFITS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE FINANCIAL TOTALS ARE SHOWN BELOW IN BOLD FONT. INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS COMPRISING EACH MAJOR AREA ARE INDENTED BENEATH. 15 Calculation of these costs is shown in the companion “AMI Benefits Workbook” which is available from the Company as an Excel file. Very slight differences between the totals reflected here and values found in the Excel file result from small differences in rounding. Area of Benefit Incremental Financial Value with AMI15 Meter Reading $184,164 Reduce Mobile Meter Reading $184,164 Remote Service Connectivity $4,113,948 Account Open/Close/Transfer $1,502,370 Credit Collections/Connections $2,350,349 After-Hours Fees $261,329 Outage Management $17,472,148 Earlier Outage Notification $14,747,247 Reduced Customer Calls $597,376 Avoided Single Lights Out $1,599,365 Reduced Major Storms Cost $528,161 Energy Efficiency $17,750,714 Conservation Voltage Reduction $5,928,422 Customer Energy Efficiency $1,635,926 Behavioral Energy Efficiency $10,186,366 Energy Theft and Unbilled Usage $7,489,528 Theft and Diversion $1,263,447 Stopped Meters $477,448 Equipment Operation & Validation $5,748,633 Billing Accuracy $1,503,428 Bill Inquiries $1,090,229 Billing Analysis $413,198 Exhibit A 10 E. Comparison of AMR and AMI Customer Costs / Net Costs Table 1-4, below, summarizes the costs and incremental financial benefits for customers for the alternatives of installing a new AMR or AMI system. The summary includes both capital and incremental expense costs for each system as well as the incremental financial benefits provided by AMI alone. 4TABLE 1-4. NET PRESENT VALUE (NPV) OF INITIAL FORECASTED COSTS AND INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS FOR THE REPLACEMENT ALTERNATIVES OF AN AMR AND AMI SYSTEM FOR AVISTA’S ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT. PROJECT COSTS ARE THE LIFECYCLE TOTAL OF BOTH CAPITAL AND INCREMENTAL EXPENSES FOR EACH ALTERNATIVE. These data are further illustrated below in Figure 1-1 where the Net Cost of AMI is represented by the total of capital and incremental expenses minus the value of the incremental financial benefits. 5FIGURE 1-1. NET COST OF AMR AND AMI IS REPRESENTED BY THE TOTAL OF CAPITAL AND INCREMENTAL EXPENSES MINUS THE VALUE OF THE INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS. 16 Total forecasted lifecycle capital costs of $103,834,744 and lifecycle incremental expenses of $13,601,371 on a net present value basis, as summarized in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. 17 Total forecasted lifecycle capital costs of $75,475,546 and lifecycle incremental expenses of $23,139,832 on a net present value basis, as summarized above in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. 18 Please see the discussion above regarding incremental customer financial benefits for AMR and AMI. 19 Net Customer Cost is the Net of Total Capital and Incremental Expense costs ($98.6 million) minus the offsetting value of the incremental financial benefits ($48.5 million) provided solely by AMI. Total Incremental Financial Value $48,513,929 AMR Alternative AMI Alternative Project Costs $117.4 million16 Project Costs $98.6 million17 Incremental Customer Financial Benefits $018 Incremental Customer Financial Benefits $48.5 million Net Customer Cost $117.4 million Net Customer Cost $50.1 million19 Exhibit A 11 The primary incremental benefits discussed in this Report are those quantified for inclusion in the financial cost-benefit analysis comparing the AMR and AMI alternatives for replacing the Company’s end-of-life AMR system in Idaho. Additional benefits, which have real value to our customers, such as safety, power quality, convenience, and service, can be more difficult to assign a financial value but they should be properly included in the consideration of the prudence of our investment. As Avista has gained experience in the operation of its existing AMI system we have identified a range of additional customer benefits not initially envisioned. The Company reasonably expects this range of AMI benefits to continue to expand in the future. These areas of benefit are listed and their importance to customers is briefly described in Section 5 of this Report. F. Conclusion: Avista’s Refresh Decision is Timely and Prudent As briefly noted above, Avista has experienced rapid transformation in our business as we focus increasingly on the needs of the individual customer, and on the local distribution grid where they receive service. We understand the long-term success of our business is founded on identifying and meeting our customers’ evolving energy service expectations and we’re working now to not only embrace this change but to incorporate these new realities into a more customer-centric, technology- enabled business model. AMI metering is fundamental to addressing these challenges and opportunities. It is not surprising, then, that AMI has not only become the metering standard for the industry but has already been approved by the Commission for customers served by Idaho’s two other regulated electric utilities, Rocky Mountain Power and Idaho Power. The planned timing of Avista’s refresh project is also an important consideration. Not only will the new AMI platform allow Exhibit A 12 the Company to quickly improve the level of service we provide our Idaho customers, but a delay in implementation will only make the project more expensive.20 It is fortuitous that the AMI platform is significantly more cost effective for customers today than the less capable AMR alternative. As illustrated in Table 1-4 and Figure 1-1, above, Avista’s decision to move forward with deployment of AMI in Idaho is a prudent choice compared with the alternative of replacing our end-of-life AMR system with new AMR technology. The value of AMI is superior in every respect, where this technology: 1) provides the platform and capabilities to meet the Company’s strategic business objectives; 2) has a lower combined cost21 of deployment and operation than AMR; 3) will deliver greater financial benefits for customers in the immediate and long term; 4) delivers a wider range of other customer services and benefits not currently quantified financially, and 5) provides greater opportunity for delivering new customer benefits and value in the future. Avista believes the prudence of our investment in AMI should be judged on the merits of all customer benefits provided by the system (both quantified and unquantified benefits) even though our current analysis clearly demonstrates the cost-effective value for our Idaho customers based solely on project costs and existing incremental financial benefits. 20 As noted earlier in the discussion of recovery of the value of unamortized AMR assets. 21 Combined cost is the total of capital and incremental expenses. Exhibit A 13 Section 2 | AMI is a Foundation for the Future A. Avista’s Advanced Metering Journey Avista has a deep history and legacy innovating new and better approaches to reducing the costs of metering for our electric and natural gas customers. In the 1970s, Avista (then “The Washington Water Power Company”) pioneered with utility partners the application of new computing technology to the work of reading customer meters, developing the first commercial computer-based meter reading device in the world. In this endeavor, the Company eventually formed a new independent company, named Itron, to build, market and innovate new metering devices. Itron, one of the world’s leaders in metering technology,22 still has its global headquarters in Avista’s service territory. One of the first ubiquitous products sold by that company was the DataCap H® a rugged hand-held portable data collection device used by Avista and the industry for manually reading electric, natural gas and other types of utility meters (pictured at right). Avista recently phased out use of the modern DataCap device in 2021 with the completion of its AMI deployment in Washington. Through the 1990s, Avista continued to monitor developments in the emerging field of “Advanced Meter Reading” or “AMR.” The Company’s first deployment of AMR technology was in limited application in remote or hazardous locations, where the locale made cost-effective sense. As AMR technology continued to improve and prices lowered, Avista deployed AMR more broadly, particularly in our natural-gas-only service areas in Oregon and California. At the time the Company proposed to broadly install AMR in its Idaho service area we reported having in service over 74,000 AMR devices and 350 Powerline Carrier (PLC) devices. Approximately 1,700 of these devices were in service in Idaho in 2004. In its Idaho deployment of AMR the Company proposed to install radio-based AMR technology in areas of higher customer density and PLC technology in more-rural locations. Other factors governing deployment included geography, distribution configuration, installation costs and the presence of natural gas service. Readings from the radio-based AMR meters were initially gathered by a mobile device23 and later by a fixed network of radio-based collection devices. Avista’s proposal to install AMR in Idaho was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) in 2004, with planned deployment commencing in early 2005. 22 Itron has over 8,000 utility company clients in over 100 countries world-wide and is the number one provider of advanced metering solutions for electric and natural gas service in North America. 23 Mobile meter reading involves use of a vehicle-mounted collector device while typically driving established meter-reading routes. In this application meters are equipped with radio-based communication technology. Exhibit A 14 Avista’s experience with AMR in Idaho clearly demonstrated the customer value that could be unlocked compared with the alternative of manually reading customer meters. The Company did not, however, immediately move forward with the deployment of AMR in its Washington service territory. This decision was driven in large part by the desire to capture the emerging capabilities of the next generation of advanced metering (AMI). In our experience, though AMI systems had proven financial benefits over AMR, these benefits did not outweigh the deployment and operating costs of early generations of AMI technology. Based on its 2016 analysis of the costs and benefits of AMI, the Company moved forward with the planned deployment of AMI in its Washington service area. While the 2016 analysis forecasted substantial positive net financial benefits for customers ($26.5 million), the Company’s re-evaluation of the costs and benefits, performed in 2021, showed much- more-robust financial net benefits ($56.3 million) than estimated in 2016. Avista’s AMI system in Washington was fully deployed in early 2021. At the time Avista initiated AMI deployment in Washington we had to address the question of whether it made sense to deploy AMI in Idaho as part of one larger project. Ultimately, the decision was based on the desire to derive more customer value from the Idaho AMR system, which in 2016, was mid-stream in its 15-year project lifecycle. With the Idaho AMR system now at technical end-of- life,24 Avista believes it’s imperative to move forward now with replacement of that system. At the end of the Company’s planned deployment of AMI in Idaho (year 2027), the existing AMR system will have been in service more than 20 years, well beyond its expected life of 15 years. B. The Changing Role of Advanced Metering Over the prior decade, the typical utility business case portrayed AMI metering as a tool enabling a familiar number of disparate functions, producing a range of incremental financial savings and conveniences to customers. In short, AMI was viewed as a useful tool supporting the utility’s historic service model. What’s better understood and valued today is the central role the AMI platform is playing in the utility’s changing business and the relationship we have with our customers. There is a convergence of factors driving an accelerated evolution in our business. For all practical purposes, this new future, while still maturing, is here, now. The forces we face today are often taking place outside our familiar business framework. Utilities, emerging service competitors, utility customers, and utility regulators, themselves, are all reacting to capitalize on new opportunities and meet new, and sometimes unfamiliar challenges. From Avista’s perspective, these underlying forces can be aggregated into three groups, very briefly described, below: Clean Energy and Conservation: Among responses to a call for action has been the societal and regulatory shift to require a greater percentage of our electricity supply be provided by renewable resources. The cost of these investments is putting greater price pressure on customers and will continue to drive an ever-greater need to use electricity more efficiently. Enabling Technologies: The rise and maturing of new technologies is changing the electricity landscape. These include significant reductions in the cost and availability of customer- 24 As examples, Avista is already having to replace existing failed electric meters, repeaters, and Encoder Receiver Transmitters (ERTs) installed as part of the original AMR deployment. Exhibit A 15 owned renewable electricity generation, control, and storage, coupled with regulatory changes promoting investment in distributed energy. The digitization of massive volumes of customer data is now combined with complex, interoperative and integrated control systems, allowing new market players to provide energy customers with a range of services their utility provider may not offer, at price that’s ever-more competitive with traditional service. Customer Empowerment: Utility customers have a growing ability to exercise greater choice and control over their traditional monopoly utility service. This includes use of technology to help manage and reduce their energy costs, use of distributed energy resources to reduce reliance on the serving utility, and the growing opportunity to sell their electricity to others outside the utility’s control, while otherwise relying on the utility’s dedicated infrastructure. Finally, the falling price of electricity storage and management systems, coupled with onsite generation, may provide traditional customers a real option to bypass their utility altogether. Through all of this, the utility must stand ready to serve while remaining competitive and relevant. C. AMI Has Emerged as the Utility Metering Standard In the last two decades, AMI has gone from a relatively new technology to the mainstream metering application in our industry. Declining prices of computer chips and modules, coupled with their growing capabilities, has enabled the industry to consider new ways of bolstering the robustness of AMI networks.25 Indeed, AMI systems have become the new metering standard in the United States.26 Itron, Avista’s advanced meter manufacturer, has seen a continual marketplace transition from non-communicating meters to communicating meters, then to AMI (two-way communicating) meters. Today the market has substantially matured in North America, with 94% of the meters shipped being communicating meters. According to Itron, most AMI installations today mirror Avista’s planned AMI deployment in Idaho, where AMI technology is replacing end-of-life AMR systems. National trends in advanced meter deployment continue to increase in the familiar pattern shown below in Figure 2-1. By year-end 2019, utilities had installed more than 99 million AMI meters (exceeding the prior forecast), covering 75 percent of U.S. households. Based on survey results and plans approved in 2020, estimated deployments were expected to reach 107 million AMI meters by the end of 2020 and 115 million by year-end 2021.27 1FIGURE 2-1. ACTUAL AND EXPECTED TREND IN DEPLOYMENT OF AMI METERS in the United States. Edison Foundation, April 2021. 25 How Standards Are Evolving in the World of Smart. Smart Energy International. https://www.smart- energy.com/industry-sectors/smart-meters/how-standards-are-evolving-in-the-world-of-smart/ 26 Pages 48,49, paragraph 153, Final Order in Dockets UE-190529, UG-190530, UE-190274, UG-190275, UE-171225, UG-171226, UE-190991 & UG-190992 (Consolidated). 27 Electric Company Smart Meter Deployments: Foundation for a Smart Grid (2021 Update). The Edison Foundation, Institute for Electric Innovation. Results for year 2022 are not yet available. Exhibit A 16 Exhibit A 17 Section 3 | Project Deployment Overview A. The AMI System Described While there is greater familiarity with advanced metering systems today, we believe it is still helpful in this discussion to provide a brief overview of the system components. The diagram below represents the AMI system, including the advanced meters themselves, specialized communications hardware and software (neighborhood, field, and wide area networks), the head end, meter data management, and data analytics applications. These key components are depicted in the following diagram and are briefly described below. 1FIGURE 3-1. DIAGRAM OF AMI SYSTEM COMPONENTS. AMI Meters - AMI meters28 measure the incoming and outgoing29 flow of energy in configurable intervals that range from 5 minutes to an hour. This energy use data is remotely transmitted to the utility, and the meter can also receive and respond to incoming signals and commands. The many other capabilities of AMI meters important in achieving customer benefits are discussed throughout this Report. 28 The AMI electric meter replaces conventional or AMR meters depending on the application. AMI metering for natural gas is accomplished by replacing the mechanical register or the AMR register on the existing natural gas meter with a new digital, AMI module. The gas meter itself is not replaced. 29 AMI meters measure energy and demand and can also measure the amount of energy being delivered from a distributed generation source onto the utility distribution system (known as ‘net metering”). Exhibit A 18 Metering Communications Network - A specialized and secure communication system is required to carry data and communications between the AMI meter and the utility. While there are various options for providing this communication linkage, it often consists of three integrated systems referred to as the Neighborhood Area Network, the Field Area Network and the Wide Area Network. The Neighborhood Area Network, also known as the “collection system” or “meter mesh network,” consists of the wireless communication occurring between the individual AMI meters. Through this network of meter communication, information is transmitted from meter to meter and in the process is aggregated by a collection device and transmitted to the Field Area Network or the Wide Area Network, depending on the network design.30 The Field Area Network is a broadband wireless system that may support only one function, such as advanced metering, but which may also support a full range of advanced grid-device communications. Avista’s Field Area Network supports communication controls for substations and transmission facilities, and distribution system sensing, monitoring, and remote operation. The Wide Area Network, also referred to as the “back-haul,” is a separate computer or cellular based communication network that connects seamlessly with the Field Area Network. The Wide Area Network is responsible for transmitting communications and data collected by the Field Area Network or the Neighborhood Area Network to the utility operations center. The design of these three network systems is dependent on the characteristics of each utility’s system, the geography of the service area, and the AMI metering solutions ultimately selected. Meter Data Collection System (Head End System) - This system is composed of computer hardware and software applications that control and coordinate the meter communication networks. In addition to this function, the system aggregates the usage data from the AMI meters in the field and routes this data to the Meter Data Management system and other specialized software applications.31 The meter data collection system software is designed and provided by the manufacturer of the advanced meters. Meter Data Management System - This system includes computer hardware and software applications that store, validate, edit, and analyze the interval consumption data, as well as coordinate specified metering commands. Meter data information from this system is also routed to other specialized software applications that perform a range of business functions such as customer billing, use of specialized rate options such as time-of-use, or the web presentment of customer usage data. The system also serves as the ‘system of record’ for meter consumption data, including out-of-cycle billing and validation. Data Analytics - This component of the AMI system includes applications that provide deeper analysis of the advanced metering data. Meter data is compiled in these systems from both the Meter Data Management System as well as the Meter Data Collection System and is used to derive 30 This system also carries information transmitted from the utility to the meter. 31 These applications perform a range of business functions such as outage management integration, conservation voltage monitoring, and theft detection. Exhibit A 19 customer benefits including operational awareness, theft detection, conservation voltage reduction, outage management, or utility engineering studies, to name a few. B. Overview of Project Deployment Avista’s Idaho AMI project consists of the integration of four interrelated projects or phases representing several of the systems described above. In delivering the Project, the Company will employ a project management strategy referred to as an “agile” approach32 where the overlapping phases are integrated by thoughtful planning and collaboration among multiple internal work groups and outside vendors. Anticipated timing of initial implementation and duration for these projects is presented in the Gantt chart in Figure 3-2, below. 2FIGURE 3-1. INITIAL DEPLOYMENT SCHEDULE BY MAJOR PROJECT FOR AVISTA’S IDAHO ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT. As noted previously in this Report, Avista expects deployment capital costs for the Idaho AMI system to total $75.5 million on a net present value basis over the life of the project. Lifecycle operating 32 Iterative or “agile” project management breaks down complex projects into multiple iterations or incremental steps toward the completion of a project. Agile approaches are frequently used in software development projects to promote speed and adaptability since the benefit of iteration is that you can adjust as you go along rather than following a linear path. Exhibit A 20 expenses are estimated at $21.3 million (NPV).33 Both capital and expenses are shown on a nominal (cash) basis for each major component of the AMI system for each year of the project lifecycle in Table 3-1, below. 3TABLE 3-4. FORECASTED LIFECYCLE CAPITAL (CAP) AND EXPENSES (EXP), ON A NOMINAL BASIS IN $MILLIONS, FOR AVISTA’S IDAHO AMI PROJECT FOR EACH YEAR OF THE PROJECT LIFECYCLE. 33 For purposes of this discussion, expected costs for the AMI deployment include the capital costs previously discussed in our comparison of the AMR and AMI alternatives ($75.5M), however, the expense costs represent the total or budgeted expenses ($21.3 M) rather than the initial estimates of expenses shown in the solution comparison. Also note, as previously discussed, because the expense related to the unamortized value of AMR metering equipment was applicable to both the AMR and AMI alternatives, that cost has not been included in this discussion. Year Meter Data Management Head End Systems Collector Infrastructure Meter Deployment Totals CAP EXP CAP EXP CAP EXP CAP EXP CAP EXP 2023 $0.10 $0.01 $- $- $0.20 $0.02 $1.20 $0.23 $1.50 $0.25 2024 $2.40 $0.04 $2.50 $0.02 $4.20 $0.03 $5.60 $0.44 $14.70 $0.53 2025 $0.20 $0.20 $1.60 $0.05 $5.00 $0.25 $18.20 $0.58 $25.00 $1.08 2026 $0.09 $0.07 $1.10 $0.30 $24.00 $0.73 $25.10 $1.18 2027 $0.10 $0.09 $0.60 $0.35 $24.20 $0.58 $24.80 $1.12 2028 $0.12 $0.03 $0.66 $0.25 $1.06 2029 $0.13 $0.03 $0.68 $0.26 $1.10 2030 $0.13 $0.03 $0.70 $0.27 $1.13 2031 $0.14 $0.03 $0.72 $0.28 $1.16 2032 $0.14 $0.03 $0.74 $0.29 $1.20 2033 $0.14 $0.03 $0.76 $0.29 $1.23 2034 $0.15 $0.04 $0.78 $0.30 $1.27 2035 $0.15 $0.04 $0.81 $0.31 $1.31 2036 $0.16 $0.04 $0.83 $0.32 $1.35 2037 $0.16 $0.04 $0.86 $0.33 $1.39 2038 $0.17 $0.04 $0.88 $0.34 $1.43 2039 $0.17 $0.04 $0.91 $0.35 $1.47 2040 $0.18 $0.04 $0.94 $0.36 $1.52 Exhibit A 21 C. Managing the Uncertainties of Major Technology Applications A well-known characteristic of the installation of large technology applications is the degree of uncertainty reflected in the early stages of project scoping and design. While the Idaho AMI project involves work with major application systems, the key applications themselves have already been installed and integrated with the Company’s other operating systems. This circumstance substantially reduces the degree of variability expected in future project costs related to these systems. For the Idaho AMI project, key technology application costs will cover the operation of an expanded data collection system required for service in Idaho, the integration of this infrastructure with the head end and meter data management systems, as well as the scaling of applications and data bases to accommodate the expected volume, analysis and presentment of new metering data. D. Avista’s Choice to Deploy Itron Meters in Idaho Fundamentally, when a utility completes a competitive bidding process for AMI equipment, and makes a final selection, it’s generally deciding on a platform that will serve metering functions for all its operations, regardless of the ultimate timing of meter deployment.34 The reason has to do with the integrated characteristics of the AMI system components, broadly illustrated above in Figure 3- 1. Avista selected Itron as the winning bidder in a very thorough and competitive process for AMI metering hardware and proprietary software in September 2016. In doing so, the Company was deciding the architecture that would govern how supporting AMI system hardware and software (including applications developed by other vendors such as Oracle and Cisco) would be installed and integrated. In this respect, all the components of the AMI system are integrated to seamlessly work together in supporting a wide range of business requirements. A decision to purchase meters from a vendor other than Itron for the Idaho AMI deployment would have significant financial consequences for customers. Avista would have to purchase not only different meters, but new proprietary operations software. This software would then have to be 34 An exception to this premise would be at the end of life for an entire metering system when the utility would once again consider offerings from multiple vendors to replace the entire system. 2041 $0.18 $0.04 $0.96 $0.37 $1.56 2042 $0.19 $0.04 $0.99 $0.38 $1.61 2043 $0.19 $0.05 $1.02 $0.39 $1.66 2044 $0.20 $0.05 $1.05 $0.41 $1.71 2045 $0.05 $0.01 $0.27 $0.10 $0.44 Totals $2.70 $3.19 $4.10 $0.89 $11.10 $15.49 $73.20 $8.18 $91.10 $27.75 Exhibit A 22 configured35 and integrated36 with our existing hardware and software systems to accommodate a new meter manufacturer. While configuring and integrating new hardware and software with existing systems sounds simple enough in a narrative, it is a very labor-intensive and expensive process. Using the Meter Data Management system as one example: cost of the software system purchased from Oracle was $2.98 million37 and cost of the computer hardware for the system was $2.13 million. The majority of costs for this system, however, were for custom configuration and integration, which together totaled $26.26 million. As noted above, if the Company were to now purchase metering equipment and software from a new vendor, a significant portion of the configuration and integration work would have to be repeated – even if we continued to rely on the same meter data management system we have today. In addition, Avista would have to maintain a new separate inventory of metering hardware, provide new training to metering engineers and technicians, and new training for software engineers and others who would have to support new proprietary metering software. It’s simply not an option to change horses in the middle of a race, and it would have significant negative financial consequences for our customers. Because the Company will be purchasing new AMI meters38 from its existing provider, Itron, we will be diligent to ensure we receive the best-possible pricing. Through our 2016 AMI contract with Itron, the Company is intimately familiar with Itron’s pricing for meters, applications and technical support, and that in-depth knowledge has been maintained through our continuous work with them. As expected, this includes, among other services, ongoing updates to applications and firmware, purchase of new meters for new customer services and replacements as required. The Company will bring its contracting acumen to bear when we negotiate a new major contract with Itron for purchase of large volumes of electric meters, natural gas meter modules, collection infrastructure and other incremental support and services. Finally, the Company has many relationships with other utilities in the industry, many of whom have installed (or are installing) Itron advanced metering equipment. Avista will, to the extent appropriate, rely on information gathered from these sources to validate pricing offered and negotiated with Itron. 35 Software systems are designed to have broad applicability to the needs of each enterprise and include the flexibility to tailor the software to meet the specific data, data management, business processes, and functionalities required by each business. Configuration is the process of programming the flexibility options of the installed software to perform the specific functions required by the business. 36 Any substantial enterprise has multiple different business applications and databases that must all be ‘integrated’ to work seamlessly together in performing a wide range of business functions. These integrations involve the development of custom software required to enable different applications to ‘talk to one another’ in sharing information and jointly performing business functions. As an example of the complexity of these processes, consider Avista’s customer service and work management system, installed in 2015, which had to be configured and integrated with other systems to successfully perform over 3,500 individual business requirements. 37 Cost of major applications is typically a small part of the total cost of installing new systems. This is because the vendor’s cost of developing and updating these huge applications can be spread across a broad global client base. Accordingly, the cost to each company is relatively small. 38 Avista is planning to install the Itron Open Way Riva meter, which is the same meter installed in our Washington AMI system. Exhibit A 23 E. Meter Data Management and Head End Systems Both the Meter Data Management and Head End Systems are already installed and operational. Both systems, however, will require additional hardware support and configuration and integration work to support the transition to AMI metering in Idaho. The capital and expense costs shown above in Table 3-1 provide for the needed investment and the expense of operations during the project lifecycle. F. Meter Deployment Meter/Module Deployment The deployment phase will cover the physical installation of new advanced meters and natural gas meter modules, replacing existing advanced meters for all Avista customers in the State of Idaho.39 Deployment will include a careful inspection of the electric meter bases and sockets, including the repair of any unsafe or damaged meter sockets identified in this process. Because this project involves replacement of an advanced meter with a new advanced meter, the Company is not planning to provide any ‘opt out’ metering alternatives for customers. Customer Communications Avista’s priority will be to communicate appropriately with customers as we prepare for the replacement of their existing advanced meters. In our initial outreach, we expect to deliver a direct mail communication to customers sent before meter installation is slated to occur in their neighborhood.40 In the next step, we’ll let customers know what to expect when the replacement meter/module is installed at their home or business (such as a temporary loss of service when the new electric meter is installed). G. Collection Infrastructure Avista will extend its AMI collector infrastructure system across its Idaho service territory, while evaluating opportunities for limited deployment of alternative metering communications where that makes financial sense. Installation of collection infrastructure will precede the first installation of AMI meters. Installation of communications equipment will progress ahead of each phase of meter deployment to ensure the metering system is operational upon meter installation. H. Customer Data Privacy, Cyber Security and Disaster Recovery Throughout the deployment and management of Avista’s advanced metering systems the Company has continuously revised, improved and updated its capabilities for protecting the privacy of our customers’ personal data. We have ensured our infrastructure and business operations are safe 39 The project will likely exclude remote areas of natural-gas-only service, where meter reading may be performed by mobile driving routes. These decisions will be made based on the cost of upgrading services to AMI compared with alternatives and the expected benefits. 40 Since Avista’s Idaho customers have long been served by AMR meters it is not customary for them to see Avista personnel (like a meter reader appearing monthly) at their home or business. Exhibit A 24 from cyber threats and taken steps to safeguard the integrity of our critical business operations through disaster recovery planning. (1) CUSTOMER DATA PRIVACY Avista has long been committed to protecting our customers’ safety, security and privacy. We recognized early in planning for our advanced metering systems that the increase in the volume and flow of customer data would raise privacy concerns about what data would be collected, how it would be used, and how it would be protected. To this end Avista engaged a consultant to perform a “gap analysis” and create a roadmap for creating a more comprehensive privacy program. The privacy program includes robust procedures for the collection, use and protection of customers’ personal information, including any personally-identifying information. Avista has designated a Chief of Privacy and Data Ethics, who is responsible for ensuring all the Company’s privacy policies comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and for implementing legal and ethical training for employees on their role in protecting customer privacy. The privacy program also includes a baseline inventory to identify all personal information being collected and stored. This inventory will help identify any areas that may require additional attention and to help establish processes for responding to customers’ requests about their data. (2) DATA GOVERNANCE Avista has also developed a Data Governance Program to consolidate existing processes and work functions and establish policies, procedures, standards and accountability necessary to create a sustainable culture of data stewardship, ownership and compliance. As part of the data governance program, a Data Governance Council was established to provide leadership and decision-making on issues relating to data governance, such as requests to share data outside the Company. Data sharing requests are reviewed and approved only with the cross-functional perspective of the leaders on the Data Governance Council. Any requests to share customer information collected from advanced meters will be reviewed by the Data Governance Council and any approvals documented along with any necessary consents and data sharing agreements. (3) SECURITY CONTROL As part of implementing the Data Governance Program and privacy program policies, Avista has implemented extensive security controls to ensure the integrity of its systems and to secure and protect customers and customer data from cyber threats. Customer information that is gathered, stored, and transmitted is maintained on secure systems with restricted access. All Company employees and contractors acting on Avista’s behalf who have access to customer information are required to comply with Avista’s privacy and security practices and policies. (4) CYBER SECURITY PROTECTIONS Avista’s cyber security practices are designed to ensure operational objectives are effectively achieved, while ensuring the integrity of our data and systems is protected at every level from possible unintentional incidents and the full range of potential cyber security threats. Because our Exhibit A 25 advanced metering system can control the delivery of energy, among other key functions, Avista recognized the need to protect these systems beyond requirements for typical back-office systems. Ensuring adequate protections starts during the procurement phase where security is embedded in the Request for Proposals (RFP) process and is scored alongside other business requirements. The evaluation criteria include and leverage resources from NIST, NERC, DHS,41 and other applicable security standards to help evaluate the security of the proposed vendor solutions. Additionally, after a vendor is selected, Avista takes many of the same security elements from the RFP process and turns them into contractual requirements. This establishes accountabilities for the vendor to deliver on their stated commitments in the RFP process, both during and following project implementation. Avista has also created a secure network architecture around the AMI head end systems. This secure network was modeled after other energy delivery systems security models and leveraged many of the same controls that are used to protect power systems. Lastly, we will continue to monitor advancements in security safeguards through our participation in industry working groups and other forums, ensuring security is effectively managed throughout the lifecycle of the advanced metering system. (5) DISASTER RECOVERY Because the AMI head end systems control the primary communication of meter data from our advanced meters in the field back to Avista, the project and Executive teams developed and approved implementation of a disaster recovery plan to support this critical system. Essentially, the plan addresses emergencies that could interrupt access to Avista’s primary data center and provides the capability to recover and read meters for web presentment and billing. The required hardware, software, data storage, network communications, and infrastructure, as well as recovery images, were added to our disaster recovery systems in our San Jose data center. Avista now has an updated restoration procedure, combined with daily backups, to ensure the integrity of our head end system’s critical functions. 41 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Exhibit A 26 Section 4 | Incremental Customer Benefits with Quantified Financial Value A. Overview (1) Current Expectations for Incremental Financial Benefits As described earlier in this Report, the cost of refreshing the Company’s Idaho AMR system with AMI metering is less expensive than alternative AMR technology. Beyond this difference in cost, we have identified incremental financial benefits that are achievable only with AMI, making this system even more cost effective. Even though AMI is less expensive, Avista recognizes the importance of ensuring we maximize the potential financial benefits of this system for our customers. As a baseline, it’s important to note that the AMR system, itself, produces a substantial range of direct and indirect financial benefits for customers. For the purpose of this discussion, we focus on incremental financial benefits, those enabled by AMI metering that we are not able to capture with our existing AMR system in Idaho (or with a likely replacement AMR system). In this discussion of incremental benefits, Avista is only reporting the difference in financial benefits between AMR and AMI for those areas of benefit where we have identified a difference. Major areas of incremental financial benefit are presented below in Table 4-1. 1TABLE 4-2. FORECASTS OF ESTIMATED INCREMENTAL CUSTOMER BENEFITS FINANCIALLY QUANTIFIED FOR THE COMPANY’S PLANNED ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT IN IDAHO. For the complete tabulation of each individual area of benefit please see the master benefits listed in Table 1-3 in Section 1 of this Report. A brief discussion of each area of incremental financial benefit is presented below, and the benefits expected for each year of the project are provided in Excel format in the companion “AMI Benefits Workbook,” provided by the Company upon request. Major Area of Benefit Incremental Lifecycle Value (NPV) Meter Reading $184,164 Remote Service Connectivity $4,113,948 Outage Management $17,472,148 Energy Efficiency $17,750,714 Energy Theft and Unbilled Usage $7,489,528 Billing Accuracy $1,503,428 Total $48,513,929 Exhibit A 27 B. Meter Reading (1) Regular Meter Reads As expected, when the Company installed AMR in Idaho, the need for manual meter reading was nearly eliminated, providing substantial operational savings for customers. Expected incremental financial benefits to be provided by AMI are based on eliminating the labor and vehicle expenses required for the mobile van currently used for some metering routes in Idaho, recognizing the fact that some mobile reads will be retained for certain natural-gas only areas that simply are too expensive to be converted to a full AMI solution. Table 4-2, below, lists the net present value of this incremental benefit over the project lifecycle. 3TABLE 4-2. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN METER READING FOR AVISTA’S IDAHO ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT. Meter Reading Area of Benefit Incremental Lifecycle Value (NPV) Regular Meter Reads $184,164 Total $184,164 C. Remote Service Connectivity The remote service switch is a feature of the AMI meter that allows it to be remotely disconnected and reconnected, avoiding what otherwise requires a field visit by an employee to the physical service location. In addition to reducing operating costs for personnel and vehicles, the process of reconnecting service for customers, using advanced metering, is obviously much more rapid than with physical service calls (especially after hours). (1) Account Open / Close / Transfer The remote service switch can be used to disconnect service when a customer moves from a premises without having to send a technician to perform a manual disconnect. Likewise, when a new customer moves into the premises, service can be remotely restored instead of sending an employee to perform a manual reconnect. The lifecycle savings of $1,502,370, shown below in Table 4-3, represents the avoided costs for Avista field personnel and transportation no longer required with remote service connectivity. (2) Credit Collections/Connections Similar to the process of Account Open / Close / and Transfer, the remote service capability provided by AMI allows the Company to disconnect and reconnect service without having to dispatch field personnel to the premises. The lifecycle savings of $2,350,249, shown below in Table 4-3, Exhibit A 28 represents the avoided costs for Avista field personnel and transportation no longer required to perform these functions. 4TABLE 4-3. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR REMOTE SERVICE CONNECTIVITY FOR AVISTA’S IDAHO ADVANCED METERING REFRESH PROJECT. Remote Service Connectivity Area of Benefit Incremental Lifecycle Value (NPV) Account Open/Close/Transfer $1,502,370 Credit Collections/Connections $2,350,249 After Hours Fees $261,329 Total $4,113,948 (3) After Hours Fees With the automated functions described above, eliminating the need to send personnel to the premises to restore service, customers will no longer be required to pay a tariffed ‘after hours fee’ when their service is restored after normal business hours. The lifecycle value of this benefit for customers is $261,329 as shown above in Table 4-3. D. Customer Benefits from Improved Outage Management (1) The High Cost of Service Outages It is a well-established fact that interruptions in service cost electric customers money. The degree of direct financial losses they experience is related to many factors, some of which include the time of day or night and season of the outage, its duration, whether the customer received advanced notice, whether they have a backup generator, and importantly, the class of customer impacted (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.). A key determinant of the financial loss customers experience is the length of time (outage duration) they are without service. To estimate the electric outage costs experienced by our customers, Avista uses an industry standard model known as the Interruption Cost Estimator.42 The model was developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to estimate the cost to customers resulting from electric outages of varying types, times and durations, among other factors. Among other metrics, the interruption cost estimator calculates a weighted average hourly cost for all customers for one hour of outage time. Multiplying this value by the total number of outage hours experienced by customers on our system yields the total cost of all outages for that year. 42 http://www.icecalculator.com/ice/ Exhibit A 29 (2) The Role of AMI in Outage Management AMI meters are constantly sensing meter function and communicating with the utility’s data systems to alert any changes of status at the meter. This includes the knowledge in near real-time of whether power is being supplied to an individual customer’s meter. When this service is disrupted, the advanced meter sends an alarm indicating an outage at the customer’s premises. Incremental financial benefits estimated for this Report are based in part on our use of outage alarms to provide earlier notice of an outage event,43 and as a result, to respond to outages more quickly on average to reduce outage duration. In addition to the benefit of earlier notification, Avista has developed specialized outage management tools and processes, enabled by AMI metering. These tools are improving our outage restoration processes, which results in additional reduced outage duration and avoided financial losses for our customers. (3) Reduced Outage Duration from Earlier Outage Notification In our experience with AMI, we have documented the average difference in time between the immediate outage notification provided by AMI meter alarms and the notification we traditionally received when our customers call in to report the event. This “earlier notification” allows us to begin the process sooner of analyzing the outage, creating an incident report and dispatching service crews. The ultimate impact is to reduce the duration of outages that qualify for this earlier notification, as enabled by AMI, and consequently, to reduce the direct cost impact to our customers. In our use of AMI in Washington, we have documented an average earlier notification time for qualifying outages44 of 24.4 minutes, or an average improvement, expressed as a percentage for all outages of 4.25 minutes. Using the Interruption Cost Estimator we have valued the annual financial benefit to customers at $1,692,999. The lifecycle NPV financial benefits of $14,747,247 are shown below in Table 4-4. While the Company also has experience with AMI enabled outage restoration, demonstrating that the process time following notification (outage analysis and incident report creation) has also been reduced, we are not assigning a quantified financial value for that benefit at this time. Avista believes it makes more sense to revisit this benefit once the Company’s new Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) is installed and operational, likely in year 2026. 5TABLE 4-4. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS FOR CUSTOMER SAVINGS ASSOCIATED WITH MORE EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRIC SYSTEM OUTAGES AS ENABLED BY AVISTA’S PLANNED DEPLOYMENT OF AMI IN IDAHO. Outage Management Area of Benefit Incremental Lifecycle Value (NPV) 43 Without the AMI system, the Company is typically notified of a customer outage only when a customer contacts Avista to report their loss of service. 44 Qualifying outages are only those events where AMI has been validated as providing earlier notification. Exhibit A 30 Earlier Outage Notification $14,747,247 Reduced Customer Calls $597,376 Avoided Single Lights Out $1,599,365 Reduced Major Storm Costs $528,161 Total $17,472,148 (4) Reduced Customer Calls As described above, Avista now has the capability to quickly see a loss of power to the customer’s service. Though Avista will not discourage its customers with AMI metering from contacting the Company when they lose service, the Company is using the AMI system to enable new processes that make it less likely that customers will need to speak with a customer service representative to report their outage. In addition to having fewer inbound customer calls, the average duration of calls received will be reduced. This reduction in duration results from the customer service representative being automatically informed by the system of that customer’s outage as the call is being received, and the representative not having to collect information from the customer or to use that information to complete an outage incident Report. In addition to reducing call center staffing costs, the automated notification of the outage will help improve the customer’s experience and satisfaction. As shown above in Table 4-4, the Company’s initial estimate of the financial savings for customers over the life of the project has a net present value of $597,376. (5) Avoided Single Lights Out Without AMI, when an outage event appears to be a single customer, Avista tries to help the customer determine whether the outage is the result of a loss of service to the meter (Avista’s issue) or a problem with the service panel (or any other issue on the customer’s side of the meter). When the cause appears to be an issue with Avista’s service, or more often, is simply undeterminable, a crew is dispatched to the customer’s service to investigate, and if need be, resolve the problem. Those cases, where the loss of power is ultimately determined to result from electrical problems on the customer’s side of the meter, are known as “false positives.” With AMI, we now query or “ping” the meter when the customer calls to determine whether there is power to the meter, substantially reducing the likelihood of dispatching restoration personnel in response to a false positive. Reducing the number of false positives reduces time spent on the phones, entering data, and dispatching service personnel. It also avoids a poor customer experience and allows customers to more quickly schedule an electrician to repair the problem with their wiring.45 As shown above in Table 4-4, the Company’s estimate of the incremental financial savings for customers over the life of the project achieves a net present value of $1,599,365. 45 There is an additional financial benefit that was not included in this cost-benefit analysis. This results from the efficiency savings realized when crews and servicemen avoid having to stop work on their current assignment, which requires breakdown and setup, as well as other transition activities, to respond to a false positive. Exhibit A 31 (6) Reduced Restoration Expenses for Major Storm Events Avista has experienced how AMI metering provides better visibility of the many isolated outages during very large (storm) outage events,46 allowing us to restore outages more efficiently and quickly. In our review of utility literature on this capability of AMI, we noted results reported by the Electric Power Board47 showing a 40% reduction in outage duration per customer,48 and a Florida Power and Light Company report showing a 21% improvement. At present, Avista estimates a more conservative savings of a 10% reduction in average restoration time for only large outage events. Although these efficiencies reduce the overall customer outage duration (hours) for large events, we have not included any financial value here for avoided customer losses (as described earlier in this section). These estimated financial benefits are based solely on an expected reduction in labor hours, lodging, meals and vehicle and equipment operating costs. Obviously, there would be no difference in the amount of damaged infrastructure that has to be repaired or replaced. For a 10% reduction in restoration time for very large outages, the Company’s estimate of the financial savings for customers over the life of the project has a net present value of $528,161, as shown above in Table 4-4. E. Energy Efficiency Enabled by Advanced Metering In our experience with AMI metering, the Company has estimated incremental financial value expected for several different areas of customer benefit including conservation voltage reduction (CVR), customer actions to improve energy efficiency based on the availability of interval energy use data and accompanying analytical tools, and behavioral energy efficiency programs, which rely in part on the load disaggregation, opportunity identification and measurement and verification. We also mention pending energy pricing strategies as a conservation use case, though we do not include any estimated financial benefits in this financial analysis. (1) Conservation Voltage Reduction The electric distribution system is designed to operate within a voltage range that, historically, is manually set for each neighborhood “feeder” line at a voltage regulator in the substation. The types and the magnitude of electrical loads on a feeder (e.g., electric motors vs. lighting) are constantly in flux, causing variation throughout the day in the actual voltage level along the feeder. Since Avista is required to maintain at least a minimum line voltage at all times along on feeder, the voltage range adjusted at the substation is set well above the minimum to ensure there is an adequate buffer to account for the variation in loads and the natural drop in voltage along the length of the feeder. Since more electrical energy is required to support higher line voltages, providing this buffer has a cost that is directly proportional to the size of the buffer. Having actual voltage levels from AMI meters at each customer’s service has allowed the Company, in some cases, to reduce the size of this buffer while still meeting the minimum voltage level at each customer’s service. As noted above, reducing 46 Very large outage events are associated with major storms in our service area, including those caused by high winds, excessive ice and heavy snowfall. 47 Headquartered in Chattanooga, Tennessee. 48 As measured by the utility standard index “System Average Interruption Duration Index” or (SAIDI). Exhibit A 32 this buffer allows us to spend less on power supply costs and to pass these savings on to customers. Based on the estimated reductions in feeder level voltage we expect to achieve on electric feeders in Idaho, Avista estimates incremental financial savings for customers over the life of the project of $5,928,422, as shown below in Table 4-5. 6TABLE 4-5. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY SAVINGS ENABLED BY AVISTA’S PLANNED DEPLOYMENT OF AMI IN IDAHO. AMI Enabled Energy Efficiency Area of Benefit Incremental Lifecycle Value (NPV) Conservation Voltage Reduction $5,928,422 Customer Energy Efficiency $1,635,926 Behavioral Energy Efficiency $10,186,366 Total $17,750,714 (2) Customer Managed Energy Efficiency (a) Initial Estimate of Project Benefits When customers have access to detailed and timely energy-use data, coupled with utility-provided information, education and analytical tools for energy conservation, they have much greater ability to undertake structural and behavioral changes to reduce their energy use and costs. In driving greater value from this aspect of AMI metering, Avista has developed energy management tools to help ensure customers can make best use of their energy-use data to achieve hard conservation savings. From its experience with AMI, Avista has estimated the incremental lifecycle value of customer-enabled energy savings to be $1,635,926 on a NPV basis, as shown above in Table 4-5. Some of the enabling tools supporting these savings are briefly described below. • Bill-to-Date: The bill-to-date application enables customers to understand their energy use to date and the accompanying bill amount for that usage. • Bill Trending: The bill trending tool informs customers of the estimated amount of their next bill based on their usage to date and their historical pattern of use. It also compares the current billing period with that of the same period in the prior year. In addition to overall usage information, the tool provides customers easy access to their interval energy data Exhibit A 33 and lists actions they can take to reduce their energy bills. It also links customers to other energy conservation tools on the site. A screenshot of the bill trending tool is pictured at right. • Budget Alerts: Avista has developed another tool that allows customers to set a budget alert threshold and then receive a push alert in the event the trending tool predicts they will receive a larger bill than their budget amount. The application provides customers easy access to their interval energy data, points them to other energy conservation tools on the site, and lists steps they can take to reduce their energy consumption and lower the amount of their bill. (3) Behavioral Feedback Energy Efficiency Programs In another conservation step, Avista has launched new initiatives focused on achieving greater conservation savings for customers through personal behavioral feedback programs. Avista’s advanced metering system is the foundation for these behavioral programs, which employ load disaggregation analyses to identify the types of loads being served and the relative opportunity for customers to reduce energy consumption and save money. Analyzing loads in this manner provides the opportunity to tailor energy efficiency programs to the type of use presenting the greatest savings opportunity. It also supports the identification of customers who may have the greatest likelihood of taking actions and the greatest opportunity to save money by doing so. An example load disaggregation report from Avista’s system is shown in the illustration at right. Further, advanced metering provides the data and analytics for the measurement and verification of conservation savings. Our first behavioral program, titled Exhibit A 34 “Always On”49 was launched in late 2021 to show customers what their always-on devices are costing them each month, and to share information and actions they can take to reduce these ‘parasitic’ loads. Additional targeted behavioral campaigns are planned for rollout in subsequent years with the expected lifecycle benefit for behavioral conservation savings, enabled by AMI, estimated to be $10,186,366, as shown above in Table 4-5. F. Energy Theft and Unbilled Usage (1) Theft and Diversion Tampering or theft diversion occurs when a customer purposefully alters the meter or service entrance enabling power to be used at the premises without being registered on the meter. AMI meters are equipped with tamper alarms that alert the utility in the event a person attempts to circumvent the metering of energy. Initially, Avista assumed a rate of theft of service based on the lowest value presented in a range of individual utility studies we reviewed (0.46% of revenue). Since that time, we have reduced our estimate of the incremental financial benefit for deployment of AMI to 0.10% of overall revenue. Accordingly, as shown below in Table 4-6, the currently-estimated incremental benefit is expected to have a lifecycle value of $1,263,447.50 7TABLE 4-6. NET PRESENT VALUE OF INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN ENERGY THEFT AND UNBILLED USAGE ENABLED BY AVISTA’S DEPLOYMENT OF AMI ADVANCED METERING IN IDAHO. Energy Theft and Unbilled Usage Area of Benefit Incremental Lifecycle Value (NPV) Theft and Diversion $1,263,447 Stopped Meters $477,448 Equipment Operation & Validation $5,748,633 Total $7,489,528 (2) Stopped Meters Without AMI metering, when a meter appears to have stopped recording energy use, it is flagged for investigation by the Company’s meter technicians. Unfortunately, the great majority of the time, 49 Always On loads represent the energy consumed by devices, such as computers, appliances, internet devices, charging cords, and many others that are using electricity whether or not the device is currently being used. 50 As part of the Data Analytics project, Avista has created a new algorithm that is run each day on electric meters to help detect potential theft. This new tool is integrated with the meter data management system and evaluates low-side voltage levels on internally disconnected meters to ensure there is no voltage on the customer side of the meter. Because the internally disconnected meter can still measure service level voltage, it can be used to identify potential problems with a meter or the occurrence of some modes of theft (in addition to meter alarms that signal when a meter has been removed from its meter base/socket). Exhibit A 35 meters are reported as potentially stopped there is simply no use at the premises and the meter is working properly. This instance is known as a “false positive.” With AMI, the meter automatically alarms when it fails to properly record energy use, and in addition, the meter can be pinged to determine whether it is powered and functioning correctly. Reducing the number of field visits to investigate false positives with AMI metering represents the core savings associated with stopped meters. As shown above in Table 4-6, the Company’s estimate of the incremental financial savings for customers over the life of the project has a net present value of $477,448. (3) Equipment and Operational Validation Unlike single phase residential electric service, commercial customers (and larger) often require what is referred to as three phase service. In addition to being served from all three phases on the feeder, metering for these heavier loads can require additional equipment including use of Current Transformers to reduce the current to safer and more manageable levels and measure the amount of electricity used. Over time, these metering installations may be subject to what is referred to as “loss of phase,” a condition where one of the three phases becomes disconnected from the metering at the service. This loss of phase may result from a failure in the wiring or equipment, a fault on the system, or in less frequent instances, issues with the current transformers. When this occurs, it results in a portion of the electric use not being registered on the meter. This loss of meter registration (unmetered usage) may range from a small percentage of the electricity used up to 67% or more! This lack of registration results in a loss in billed revenue ultimately paid for by other customers, and results in a very poor customer experience when discovered (because their bill increases by the percentage of registration that wasn’t captured by the meter). Without AMI advanced metering, detecting a loss of phase is very difficult and often the only way these issues are discovered is during a manual inspection of the service, which period between inspections can be 10 years or longer. Using the alarm capabilities of AMI metering we can detect loss of phase and voltage irregularities and report these events as they happen in real time. Field personnel are now dispatched to inspect and remediate these issues in a matter of days. Based on the rate of issues already detected and repaired, we have estimated a lifecycle incremental financial value of $5,748,633 for the rapid detection of and avoidance of the impact of loss of phase, as shown above in Table 4-6. G. Billing Accuracy (1) Bill Inquiries Without AMI metering, combined with load disaggregation and other tools, customer service representatives must respond to customer bill inquires with only a limited ability to obtain a current reading of the customer’s metered usage, to have the customer’s historical usage normalized to the month, or to analyze any bill trends or usage anomalies. The steps required to provide even a rudimentary answer to a customer’s billing question involves estimation, assumption, and a substantial amount of a customer service representative or billing analyst’s time to assemble. Based on time required for the manual processes to resolve each of these billing inquiries, which are reduced and avoided with AMI metering, the estimated incremental financial benefit for customers Exhibit A 36 over the life of the project is estimated to have a net present value of $1,090,229, as shown below in Table 4-7. 8TABLE 4-7. NET PRESENT VALUE OF THE INCREMENTAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS ESTIMATED FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN BILLING ACCURACY TO BE ENABLED BY AMI ADVANCED METERING IN IDAHO. Billing Accuracy Area of Benefit Incremental Lifecycle Value (NPV) Bill Inquiries $1,090,229 Billing Analysis $413,198 Total $1,503,428 (2) Billing Analysis Without AMI, Avista employs billing analysts to review customer billing data each month to look for anomalies that might suggest a problem with an electric or natural gas meter. Typical billing situations flagged by analysts include abnormally high or low monthly bills, referred to as ‘exceptions.’ Each exception is flagged and evaluated to determine whether to send a meter technician to test the subject meter. Avista’s meter data management system is equipped with a meter health monitoring application that alerts our meter shop to any potential issues with the meter. The application uses a daily meter read, combined with other meter health indicators, to identify potential meter anomalies. As expected, this tool has substantially reduced the number of meter exceptions that need to be evaluated by an analyst or inspected by a meter technician. The estimated reduction in effort associated with billing analysis is estimated to have an incremental financial value for Idaho customers over the life of the project of $413,198, as shown above in Table 4-7. Exhibit A 37 Section 5 | Conclusion As briefly noted above, Avista has experienced a rapid transformation in our business as we focus increasingly on the needs of the individual customer, and on the local distribution grid where they receive service. We understand the long-term success of our business is founded on identifying and meeting our customers’ evolving energy service expectations and we’re working now to not only embrace this change but to incorporate these new realities into a more customer-centric, technology- enabled business model. AMI metering is fundamental to addressing these challenges and opportunities. It is not surprising, then, that AMI has not only become the metering standard for the industry but has already been approved by the Commission for customers served by Idaho’s two other regulated electric utilities, Rocky Mountain Power and the Idaho Power Company. The planned timing of Avista’s refresh project is also an important consideration. Not only will the new AMI platform allow the Company to quickly improve the level of service we provide our Idaho customers, but a delay in implementation will only make the project more expensive.51 It is fortuitous that the AMI platform is significantly more cost effective for customers today than the less capable AMR alternative. As illustrated in Figure 1-1, reprinted just above, Avista’s decision to move forward with deployment of AMI in Idaho is a prudent choice compared with the alternative of replacing our end-of-life AMR system with new AMR technology. The value of AMI is superior in every respect, where this technology: 1) provides the platform and capabilities to meet the Company’s strategic business objectives; 2) has a lower combined cost52 of deployment and 51 As noted earlier in the discussion of recovery of the value of unamortized AMR assets. 52 Combined cost is the total of capital and incremental expenses. Exhibit A 38 operation than AMR; 3) will deliver greater financial benefits for customers in the immediate and long term; 4) delivers a wider range of other customer services and benefits not currently quantified financially, and 5) provides greater opportunity for delivering new customer benefits and value in the future. Avista believes the prudence of our investment in AMI should be judged on the merits of all customer benefits provided by the system (both quantified and the unquantified benefits described below) even though our current analysis clearly demonstrates the cost-effective value for our Idaho customers based solely on project costs and existing incremental financial benefits. Exhibit A 39 Section 6 | Summary of Customer Benefits Currently Not Quantified A. All Benefits Are Important to Our Customers As described in the prior section, most of the incremental benefits identified in the Company’s advanced metering system are quantified financially for inclusion in the project cost-benefit analysis. Additional benefits that have value to our customers but are often difficult to quantify should be properly included in the consideration of the prudence of our investment. As an example, providing customers a range of convenient payment options is often neither cost-effective nor financially valued. Still, it is the right thing to do for customers and the cost to provide these benefits is viewed as reasonable. The same is true for many of the customer benefits provided by advanced metering, such as providing them with information and tools they appreciate or improving their overall experience and satisfaction with their service. Avista is highlighting these areas of benefit, showing how they have shifted not only how Avista performs its work, but also the Company’s relationship with its customers. As noted in Section 2 of this Report, the advanced metering platform is allowing Avista to build a partnership with customers as they share greater influence and participation in our overall business. B. Improving Customer Convenience, Experience, and Satisfaction with their Service In the Company’s recent experience with advanced metering, new benefits that were once impractical or impossible to achieve are now being implemented through the new capabilities provided by AMI. Following is a brief description of benefits now being delivered to our customers. (1) High and Low Service Voltage AMI meters provide interval voltage data at each customers’ service and alarms indicating whether the voltage levels supplied to a customer are too high or too low. Historically, these service issues would go undetected unless reported to Avista by the customer as a potential power quality issue or were observed by field personnel performing unrelated service work. Access to interval data and meter alarms now allows the Company to proactively address issues when voltage is outside defined service standards. (2) Neutral Connection Three-phase meters typically include a neutral connection53 as part of the service. Avista has experienced many instances where irregular voltage fluctuations and alarms, as enabled by AMI, helped identify a problem with this neutral connection. In some cases, the neutral connection could 53 Neutral wire is the return conductor of a circuit. In building wiring systems, the neutral wire is connected to earth ground at only one point. Exhibit A 40 be tightened, while in others, installation of a new neutral wire was necessary. In some cases, the alarm helped us identify a wiring problem on the customer’s side of the meter. Had these issues continued to go undetected, voltage fluctuations could have potentially damaged the customer’s equipment. Like high and low voltage issues, the Company is now equipped to proactively detect and resolve issues with the neutral connection instead of waiting for the customer to experience serious equipment problems before calling us. (3) Intermittent or Partial Power The typical residential or small commercial service is served from our transformer by three conductors (wires). Two of the wires, each referred to as one ‘leg’ of the service, each supply electricity at 120 volts (V), and the third wire is referred to as the neutral. In the customers’ electric panel, some circuits are served by one of the legs at 120V, while other circuits combine both 120V legs together to serve loads at 240V. Heavier loads like electric ranges and water heaters are usually served at 240V, while 120V is used for light appliances, lighting and plug load. In the course of service, instances can arise where one of the legs of service can lose connection with the transformer, referred to as a “partial power.” This results in the loss of 240V service (and some of the 120V circuits) inside the home or business, which is often not immediately discernable to the customer. This is especially the case if the problem connection is intermittent in nature. It’s also not common for the customer to think of calling Avista because they still have electric service, even though their 240V appliances will not function properly, or not at all. Avista can now proactively identify these issues using alarms from its AMI meters and quickly repair them for the customer. (4) High Bill Complaints As described above, historically, when a customer had a high bill complaint our customer service representative had only limited tools to help identify the cause. Today, our customer service representatives have access to AMI meter interval data and load disaggregation tools, which gives them much greater information and analysis for resolving high bill complaints during the initial customer call. The speedy resolution of the customers’ concern provides a real enhancement to their experience and satisfaction with their service. It also helps avoid expensive field testing of the customer’s meter, as discussed elsewhere in the Report. (5) Meter-Type Errors Providing a range of different services to our multiple classes of customers requires an array of types of metering equipment and applications deployed to our several hundred thousand customers. While mistakes in these classifications are rare, the Company occasionally finds instances of work process errors that result, for example, in the wrong class of electric meter being installed for a customer. These instances can result in a range of issues for both the customer and the Company, which worsen over time between the installation and detection of the problem. Understandably, these situations often result in a very poor experience for the customer. Alarms from the advanced metering system have already proven helpful in catching these types of issues shortly after installation, resulting in the avoidance of what had been in the past a negative experience for our customers. Exhibit A 41 (6) Defective Meters As briefly described above, during large-scale meter deployments, it is common to have a small percentage, typically much less than 1%, of meters fail, a common asset phenomenon. AMI meter alarms have proven helpful in these instances by alerting Avista of a meter defect shortly after installation, resulting in little to no impact to the customer. Historically, we had to experience a complete failure of the meter in order to identify a problem, which often resulted in the need to back- bill customers for unmetered usage. Again, this capability allows us to quickly identify and resolve a problem and to avoid a potentially very negative experience for our customers. (7) Customer Access to Interval Energy Usage Data Customers can use the Avista web portal to view and analyze their energy use to learn more about how they use energy and partner with Avista in energy conservation. The availability of this data provides customers information and value and improves their experience and satisfaction even if they are not immediately inclined to take specific actions to reduce their energy use. The availability of this information is also expected to reduce the number of customer calls to Avista based on billing concerns, though we have not attempted to quantify any financial benefits at present. (8) Load Disaggregation Building on customers’ access to interval energy use data, we have entered the age where we can show individual customers what is driving the energy-use patterns at their home or business. This new insight, enabled by our load disaggregation tool, uses data from our AMI metering system. While this tool supports our achievement of financial benefits through behavioral energy efficiency and billing analysis, it also provides our customers a more robust understanding and effective opportunity to better manage their energy use (compared with the availability of interval usage data alone). This capability improves the service experience and satisfaction of our customers, above and beyond the value of any quantified financial benefits. (9) Energy Alerts Selected by Customer As described above, the Company has already developed several applications that allow customers to request alerts for services, including bill amount thresholds, trending bill size, and use comparison. Customers can select from a range of tools and alerts to customize the combinations of notifications they can receive to help them better manage their energy use. (10) AMI Metering Improves Customer Experience and Satisfaction Our customers have experienced more of the direct benefits of AMI as a result of proactive actions taken by the Company based on information received from our AMI metering system. As one example, below is a customer email explaining how Avista used the meter alarm to detect their service outage and to dispatch a crew and have it repaired before the customer was even aware of the event. Exhibit A 42 C. Improving Customer and Utility Employee Safety Avista is using its AMI metering system as initially planned, and in new innovative ways to reduce risk to our customers and our employees, and in some instances to reduce the costs of ongoing operations. Following are several examples of these improvements. (1) Customer Meter Base/Socket Repair In Avista’s AMI deployment, a consistent theme we heard from utilities and their meter deployment contractors was the need to develop a plan for assessing and handling repairs required on customer meter bases and sockets.54 While our repair of meter bases and sockets provides our customers a direct financial benefit, there is also a reduction in risk for the customer and the Company that we have not quantified financially for this analysis. This reduction in risk provides our customers and employees a direct safety benefit as well as avoiding the inconvenience of a service outage resulting from the failure of equipment. (2) Backfeed Except for net metering applications, electric current should always be moving in one direction, from our system to the customer’s service point. In certain instances, however, including service outages when a customer may improperly connect a backup generator to keep their lights on, the electric current may be moving from their service onto the grid. This situation is known as “backfeeding” and it can pose a significant safety hazard to field personnel working on the distribution system. Advanced meters are equipped to send “reverse energy” alarms, that if not associated with a distributed energy resource, allows us to investigate the cause of the potential backfeed. In a recent example, a meter technician determined that a customer had an uninterruptible power supply backfeeding onto Avista’s system. He contacted the customer and explained the hazard to utility 54 The meter socket is the point of connection for the electric meter, which is an integrated part of the meter base. It is the meter base that is attached to the customers’ residence or business. - Satisfied Customer Exhibit A 43 personnel, and the customer was able to reconfigure the power supply to function correctly. Ultimately, the Company will configure alarms to operate during service outages to identify when customers’ generators could be backfeeding onto the distribution system. (3) Miswired Service on Customers’ Side of Meter Recently, a meter technician was dispatched to investigate a Report of backfeed on a line, and he was able to trace the issue to a wiring malfunction on the customer’s side of the meter that was backfeeding to the load side of the meter. During this investigation, the meter technician discovered a secondary issue creating another safety hazard. As a result, the customer was able to have the wiring corrected and the safety hazard removed from their home. (4) Unregulated Solar Generation Systems Solar generation system installations are becoming more prevalent across Avista’s service territory, and we have established a program for customers to register their solar installations with the Company. This process provides for an engineering review of the system to ensure a safe and proper installation. When systems are installed correctly, the solar panel inverter is specifically designed not to backfeed onto the grid in an outage scenario. However, if customers do not follow this process, there is potential for an incorrect installation to allow the solar system to backfeed onto the system. In a handful of instances, reverse energy alarms from our smart meters have helped identify solar installations not properly registered. Meter technicians have been dispatched to these locations to consult with customers and educate them on the proper steps to ensure a safe installation. (5) High Current Services to Avista’s customers are designed to accommodate the load anticipated at the time of the initial installation. Over time, customers many add equipment and loads, and at times to the point where the capacity of their installed service has been exceeded. Ideally, the customer will notify Avista of substantial change in their installed load, and the service can be evaluated and upgraded, if needed, to ensure they have sufficient capacity. But much more often, customers add load incrementally and never think of calling Avista. Advanced meter alarms can now detect when a customer’s load has exceeded the capacity of their service, and we have already used these alarms to identify the need to revamp such services. Having the visibility to detect these instances provides an important safety measure for the customer and the system and promotes improved reliability for neighboring customers as well. (6) Potential Wire Down When a broken or downed primary conductor (wire on the feeder line) contacts a partially insulated object like a tree branch or highly resistive soil, there may not be enough current in the fault to operate the protective devices on the distribution system. This can be extremely dangerous because the energized primary conductor may be close to, or on the ground, and remain energized. In these instances, the utility has no way of detecting the problem until either someone observes the problem and calls it in or there is a complete fault and a resulting service outage. Avista’s early experience Exhibit A 44 with its advanced metering system shows that voltage alarms from advanced meters can be useful in detecting these issues. Though infrequent, early detection and repair of these issues significantly reduces the potential of this safety hazard. D. Operational Awareness of System Health The following examples show how Avista’s advanced metering system is providing and will continue to provide even greater benefits for customers related to field operations efficiency, distribution system management, design services and engineering, and billing. (1) Detecting Equipment Problems Advanced meters can now be used to supplement voltage monitoring, not just at a customer’s service point, but across the entire distribution system. While most voltage issues are related to a specific location, as described above, there are instances where a voltage issue on the system impacts multiple customers. We have already used this capability to identify and remedy system issues such as a problem voltage regulator. We have also detected faulty fuses causing a regulator not to function properly, as well as configuration settings in voltage regulators, corrected by adjusting the regulator. Historically, because there was no way to sense and monitor system or service-level voltages, these issues would not have been detected until they resulted in the failure of Company or customer equipment. (2) Overloaded Transformers Like the instance above where a single customer’s load had increased to the point where the capacity of their service equipment has been exceeded, it’s also the case that the aggregate load of multiple customers on a single transformer can sometimes exceed its capacity. Interval data from AMI metering is used to aggregate the load from all meters served by an individual transformer and alarms monitor these loads to identify transformers potentially overloaded. Low service voltage, reduced service life, and transformer failure, resulting in an outage for multiple customers, can result from overloading. Avista has already used these new tools to identify several overloaded transformers, which were proactively replaced with a unit capable of serving the existing load. As we gain more experience with this monitoring and alarming feature, we will be able to better define thresholds used to systematically monitor and signal the need for a transformer changes. (3) System Visibility for Employees in the Field Field workers now have access to information in the field that was not possible before advanced metering. When a line worker responds to a power outage the outage/restoration status for the service is accessible from their mobile computer. Avista has already quantified the value of using AMI data to improve outage response. Beyond outages, however, interval voltage data is also available to field personnel for troubleshooting issues in the field. The future holds real opportunity for financial savings related to the expansion of these digital tools and associated training for field personnel, resulting in optimized field troubleshooting. Exhibit A 45 (4) Mismapped Services Avista’s outage management system relies on a ”connectivity model” that displays the mapping of individual customer services to transformers and transformers to the proper phase on the feeder. This model is important when an outage occurs because this connectivity helps ensure the extent of the outage is understood, the likely cause is identified, and crews are dispatched to the proper location to restore all customers associated with the outage. In cases where customers’ services have not been properly mapped to the correct phase, there can be delays in determining the extent of the outage and slower restoration efforts. Avista’s connectivity model is highly accurate, but some factors can result in errors in the model. One such instance occurs during emergency restoration after large storms, when services sometimes need to be reconfigured for quicker restoration but may not be updated in the system model. During its initial AMI meter deployment, Avista identified over 60 meters that were not tracking consistently with the mapping in the system. As these instances arise, corrections are made to ensure the model is more accurate. In the future, Avista will evaluate the capability to apply more advanced analytics to proactively identify and correct instances of incorrect mapping. E. Design Services and Engineering (1) Transformer Sizing Traditionally, when additional load is added to an existing transformer, the field designer uses the ”transformer-loading tool” (that uses monthly energy usage to perform a statistical load allocation) to determine proper transformer and wire size for the attached services. In the future, this tool will be supplemented by aggregated load data from each meter to give an actual reading of peak loading on the transformer rather than a statistical load allocation that was traditionally a best approximation. (2) Load Analysis Design services and engineering have historically had very little granular data available to support decision making. As previously discussed, individual smart meter data can be aggregated up to the transformer level, and many other similar aggregations are being configured for better analyzing our system now that data is available for every individual meter. As one example, a Company engineer for our Spokane Downtown Network area needed to determine the least impactful time to schedule a building outage. Historically this would have been estimated based on the aggregated monthly load of the multiple meters serving the building. In this instance, however, the engineer aggregated the load of the entire building using AMI interval data, and the true optimal time was chosen to perform the required work. (3) Distribution Planning As noted throughout this Report, utilities are experiencing the increasing penetration of electric vehicles and customer-owned distributed generation that, at some threshold, will affect the performance and predictability of their electric distribution systems. These new dynamics impact the Exhibit A 46 applicability of conventional engineering and asset management models currently used to evaluate system performance and plan for future infrastructure needs and investment. The availability of AMI metering data provides an entirely new toolset for the distribution planning process, including the generation of customer class usage curves. These usage curves are essential for conducting contemporary distribution analysis and planning. The data provided by advanced metering will also help engineers better understand the new ways customers are interacting with the system, and to more accurately model current and future system performance and needs. This capability will result in the more efficient deployment of capital to meet all the integrated system requirements. Section 7 | Expected Future Trends in Customer Benefits A. Support of Asset Management Planning Prior to having interval data from advanced metering, Avista used historical service life/failure data to forecast the average expected life of equipment, such as distribution transformers. Recently, the Company has developed an algorithm that uses loading data from smart meters to determine how overloading impacts the expected life of the transformer. This much-more-accurate information improves the quality of our asset data overall and informs when a transformer should be replaced before it fails. B. Support of Electric System Planning (1) Planning Studies Traditionally, the electric utility industry (and Avista) used limited load data approximating the total load for all customers on a feeder to identify when capacity improvements might be required to avoid overloading the system (e.g., conductor, power transformers, regulators, fuses, etc.). Fundamentally, these improvements focused on increasing the electric carrying capacity of the system to meet measured or anticipated periods of peak demand. The range of tools available to system planning has expanded in recent years, however, as management of the distribution system has become much more sophisticated, now enabled by communications, remote sensing, measuring, voluminous data, monitoring, and automation. Among these, AMI data has the greatest potential for understanding the precise loads being placed on each part of the system by every customer on the feeder. The advent of AMI metering data and analytic platforms can be used to disaggregate and analyze loads from wide-ranging end uses to accurately determine what loads in what locations are driving the timing and magnitude of peaks in demand on the system. This data can also be re-aggregated by categories of end uses across all customers on a feeder to identify potential solutions most effective in reducing or shifting the peak in demand (instead of the traditional response of reinforcing the physical capacity of the infrastructure). This analysis can also be used to determine how to deploy non-wires solutions for gird-optimal effectiveness. Exhibit A 47 (2) Electric Vehicle Planning Avista is continuing to update its plans to accommodate the pending greater penetration of electric vehicles (EV) in our service area. Using interval data from our system Avista will use load disaggregation to identify households charging electric vehicles. As a next step we would offer time of use pilot programs and other tools to these customers to help move vehicle charging away from periods of peak demand. Overall, AMI enabled tools will help us better optimize long term electric vehicle loads with the infrastructure capability of our electric system. C. Enabling Energy Pricing Strategies In past discussions, we noted how energy prices, including the difference between heavy and light- load hours and our limited requirement for capacity resources, constrained the need and cost- effectiveness of retail pricing strategies in our resource portfolio. As part of its 2020 integrated resource planning process, Avista retained the firm AEG to study the potential of alternative demand response strategies to meet future capacity requirements for the 25-year planning horizon, 2021 – 2045. The purpose of the study was to develop reliable estimates of the magnitude, timing, and costs of demand response resources likely available to Avista for meeting both winter and summer peak loads. Among the alternatives considered were rates options that could be implemented to provide a demand response resource to help offset our capacity needs. For example, that study forecasted an average of 40.4 MW of load reduction available as early as year 2022 through time of use55 and variable peak pricing rates, increasing to an average of 58.25 MW by year 2030. Fundamentally, these rate mechanisms, whenever they become a reasonable alternative for our Idaho customers, rely on the capabilities of AMI advanced metering to implement. 55 Time of use rates offered as an “opt-out” option. Exhibit A