HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230301Application.pdf Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 March 1, 2023 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Bldg 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Case No. AVU-E-23-__ I.P.U.C. No. 28 – Electric Service Dear Commission Secretary: In accordance with Case No. GNR-U-20-01, Order No. 34602, which suspends the requirement to file physical copies, the Company has attached for electronic filing with the Commission the following revised tariff sheet: Ninth Revision Sheet 51B canceling Sup. Eighth Revision Sheet 51B Twenty-Fifth Revision Sheet 51E canceling Sup. Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 51E Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 51F canceling Sup. Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 51F Twenty-Fifth Revision Sheet 51G canceling Sup. Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 51G Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 51H canceling Sup. Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51H Tenth Revision Sheet 51J canceling Sup. Ninth Revision Sheet 51J Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 51N canceling Sup. Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 51N Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 51O canceling Sup. Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 51O The Company requests that the proposed tariff sheets be made effective May 1, 2023. These tariff sheets reflect the Company’s annual electric Line Extension filing. Detailed information related to the Company’s request is included in the attached Application and supporting workpapers. The Company will issue a notice to its effected customers through a letter the week of March, 6 2023. A copy of the letter has been included in the Company’s filing. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Tia Benjamin at (509) 495-2225 or Joe Miller at (509) 495-4546. Sincerely, /s/ Joe Miller Joe Miller Sr Manager of Rates and Tariffs RECEIVED 2023 March 1, PM 2:17 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. AVU-E-23-03 AVISTA’S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 1 DAVID J. MEYER 1 VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR 2 REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS 3 AVISTA CORPORATION 4 1411 E. MISSION AVENUE 5 P. O. BOX 3727 6 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 7 PHONE: (509) 495-4316, FAX: (509) 495-8851 8 9 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 10 11 12 IN THE MATTER OF THE ELECTRIC ) 13 LINE EXTENSION SCHEDULE 51 ) CASE NO. AVU-E-23-__ 14 ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING ) APPLICATION OF AVISTA 15 OF AVISTA CORPORATION ) CORPORATION 16 17 18 I. INTRODUCTION 19 In accordance with Idaho Code §61-502 and RP 052, Avista Corporation, doing 20 business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter “Avista” or “Company”), at 1411 East Mission 21 Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities 22 Commission (“Commission”) for an order approving the update in costs and administrative 23 changes to the Company’s Electric Line Extension Schedule 51. The Company has 24 requested a May 1, 2023 effective date. 25 The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission’s 26 Modified Procedure Rules (RP 201-204) through the use of written comments. 27 Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: 28 RECEIVED 2023 March 1, PM 2:17 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 03 AVISTA’S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 2 David J. Meyer, Esq. 1 Vice President and Chief Counsel for 2 Regulatory & Governmental Affairs 3 Avista Corporation 4 P.O. Box 3727 5 MSC-27 6 1411 E. Mission Ave 7 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 8 Phone: (509) 495-4316 9 David.Meyer@avistacorp.com 10 11 Patrick Ehrbar 12 Director of Regulatory Affairs 13 Avista Utilities 14 P.O. Box 3727 15 MSC-27 16 1411 E. Mission Ave 17 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 18 Phone: (509) 495-8620 19 patrick.ehrbar@avistacorp.com 20 21 II. BACKGROUND 22 The Company’s present Schedule 51 electric line extension tariff incorporates the 23 principle of average costing for electrical facilities commonly used in extending service. 24 The tariff sets forth “Basic and Exceptional Costs”, which are costs based on recent 25 average actual costs for facilities such as transformers and conduit which are used 26 consistently for electric line extensions. The Basic and Exceptional Costs have a fixed 27 and variable component, with the variable component stated on a cost-per-foot basis. The 28 average costing principle incorporated in the Company’s tariff has worked well and the 29 Company is not proposing to change the conceptual structure of the tariff. 30 Detailed below are the Company’s proposed changes to Schedule 51 and included 31 with this filing are workpapers which provide support for the proposed changes. 32 AVISTA’S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 3 Service Schedule Existing Proposed Schedule 1 Individual Customer (per unit)2,065$ 2,095$ Schedule 1 Duplex (per unit)1,650$ 1,675$ Schedule 1 Multiplex (per unit)1,240$ 1,260$ Schedule 11/12 (per kWh)0.16674$ 0.16986$ Schedule 21/22 (per kWh)0.15360$ 0.15731$ Schedule 31/32 (per kWh)0.26623$ 0.27217$ III. CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCES 1 In this filing, the Company has updated the allowances applicable to new 2 residential, commercial and industrial customer’s services. For purposes of calculating the 3 revised allowances, the Company is continuing to utilize an embedded cost methodology 4 approach that is designed to ensure that investment in distribution/terminal facilities for 5 each new customer will be similar to the embedded costs of the same facilities reflected in 6 base rates. Any costs in excess of the allowance would be paid by the new customer as a 7 Contribution in Aid of Construction. The Company utilized its Cost of Service study from 8 its most recently concluded general rate case filing (AVU-E-21-01), updated for the base 9 rates approved in the Settlement Agreement and approved in Order No. 35156 effective 10 September 1, 2022, as the basis of the embedded cost calculation. Below is a summary of 11 the proposed allowance changes: 12 13 14 15 16 17 The Company has provided workpapers that provide the inputs and calculation of 18 the allowances. 19 20 IV. AVERAGE COSTS 21 The Distribution Engineering Department at Avista is primarily tasked with the 22 development and maintenance of the Company’s Construction & Material Standards. 23 AVISTA’S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 4 Present Proposed % Change Overhead Primary Circuit: Fixed Cost 4,521$ 4,875$ 7.8% Variable Cost 8.75$ 9.63$ 10.1% Underground Primary Circuit Fixed Costs 1,958$ 2,232$ 14.0% Variable Costs 11.15$ 13.07$ 17.2% Underground Secondary Circuit Fixed Costs 392$ 600$ 53.0% Variable Costs 11.55$ 14.38$ 24.5% Overhead Secondary Circuit Fixed Costs 1,843$ 1,976$ 7.2% Overhead Service Circuit 3.96$ 4.04$ 2.0% Underground Service Circuit 9.14$ 11.41$ 24.8% Overhead Transformer 2,508$ 3,615$ 44.1% Padmount Transformer 3,597$ 7,598$ 111.2% Periodically, Distribution Engineering will update the Construction & Material Standards 1 in order to comply with the National Electric Safety Code (“NESC”). These Construction 2 & Material Standards are reflective of the NESC’s most recent code revisions. The 3 standard designs in this filing have not changed and are consistent with those reflected in 4 this filing. 5 As detailed on proposed tariff sheets 51H and 51I, the Company is proposing to 6 update the primary, secondary, service and transformer average costs. Below is a 7 summary of the cost changes: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 The primary drivers of the increase in costs above are related to a significant 20 increase in materials costs, increased labor costs and an increase in transportation cost 21 driven by higher diesel fuel prices. 22 There were significant commodity price increases in 2022. These were due to 23 AVISTA’S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 5 material disruptions from the conflict in Ukraine, labor cost increases, and transportation 1 cost increases. In addition, there was heavy supply chain demand across the board in the 2 utility sector outpacing supply, resulting in price increases due to limited 3 product. Transformers continue to see high-cost pressure primarily for electric steel, used 4 in making the electric core. This is being caused by global increases for electric vehicles 5 that compete for the same electric steel, driving a higher price point. Aluminum supply 6 was disrupted by the conflict in Ukraine, a significantly reduced supply caused the 7 commodity price to increase nearly 50% in the first half of the year. Aluminum is used in 8 many utility products that realized sharp price increases like conductor, meters and 9 transformers. Another supply issue was shortages of resin and thermos-plastics that drove 10 up commodity prices nearly 40% and are used in items like pipe, handhole, transformer 11 pads, sweeps, conduit, and PVC products. In addition, the manufacturing sector continues 12 to struggle with labor and has increased wages trying to attract talent, which contributes to 13 higher pricing. Lastly, transportation costs have continued to have price pressure resulting 14 from labor shortages thus adding to the product cost. 15 The table below details examples of some of the larger individual cost components 16 driving the increase in costs in the table above. These figures compare actual invoice costs 17 of the individual components from December 2021 to December 2022 to illustrate the large 18 increases. 19 December 2021 December 2022 % Change 20 Transformer – 25KVA $1,700 $4,820 183.5% 21 Transformer – 50KVA $2,255 $5,660 151.0% 22 Sweep PVC 3inch $10.32 $26.72 158.9% 23 24 Residential development costs, updated for the most current Construction & 25 AVISTA’S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 6 Residential Developments Present Proposed Total Cost per Lot 2,070$ 2,947$ Less: Service Cost 458$ 572$ Developer Responsibility 1,612$ 2,375$ Developer Refundable Payment 1,612$ 2,095$ Builder Non-Refundable Payment 5$ 852$ Allowance 2,065$ 2,095$ Material Standards and average 2022 construction costs, are detailed below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF APPLICATION 8 In conformance with RP 125, this Application will be brought to the attention of 9 the Company’s affected customers. Consistent with past practice, during the week of 10 March 6, 2023, the Company will send a letter to those developers and builders that may 11 be affected by the proposed changes to inform them of the Company’s request. 12 13 VI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 14 The Company requests that the Commission issue an order approving the update in 15 costs to Schedule 51 to become effective May 1, 2023. The Company requests that the 16 matter be processed under the Commission’s Modified Procedure rules through the use of 17 written comments. 18 Dated at Spokane, Washington this 1st day of March 2023. 19 AVISTA CORPORATION 20 21 BY /s/ Patrick Ehrbar 22 Patrick D. Ehrbar 23 Director of Regulatory Affairs 24 Twenty-Fifth Revision Sheet 51G Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Supplemental Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 51G 51G AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities Issued March 1, 2023 Effective May 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs   SCHEDULE 51 - continued The Basic and Exceptional Cost for all other Developments will be computed from the rates listed in this Schedule for Service Circuits, Secondary Circuits, Transformers and Primary Circuits. 2) "Cost Reductions, “Customer-Requested Costs, and "Share of Previous Extension" are described under Rules for Individual Customers. 3) "Extension to development" is the line extension between the Company's existing energized electric facilities and the boundary of the development. The Rules for Individual Customers apply to the extension to the development. c. In lieu of a cash payment of the Basic and Exceptional Cost in a Development, the Company will accept a letter of credit, a contractor’s performance bond, or another credit instrument agreeable to the Company for $2,375 per lot upon execution of a written agreement with the Developer. The agreement shall prescribe the requirements for such a credit instrument and shall permit the face amount of the instrument to be reduced annually as new customers are connected within the Development. The Developer will provide ditching within the Development. d. Prior to the installation of the Service Circuit to each single-family residence in a development, the home builder will be required to make a non-refundable cash payment to the Company of $852 per residence. There will be no charge to the builder for the installation of the Service Circuit to serve a duplex or multiplex dwelling. e. A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1) may apply for a refund annually for each permanent Customer connected within the Development during the first five years from the start of construction after the extension is completed. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the certificate when a refund is due. The Company will pay the refund to the bearer of the Extension Certificate when it is presented to the Company for payment and the connection of the permanent Customer has been verified. IDAHO Avista 2023 Schedule 51 Cost Workpapers Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: 15MINService Address: Description: Development Est Date: Jan 27, 2023 10:37:26 AM Design Version: 1Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 1 110.37 $0.00 $5,494.23 $0.00 $27,527.69 $0.00 $0.00 $4,554.52 $0.00 $9,383.99 $0.00 $22,876.41 $0.00 $69,836.84 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 25P-13-240/120 E \ UX \ TR PAD XFMR, 25KVA, 1 PH, 13200/7620, 240/120V, NO TAPS 1 6,316.69270897 $6,316.69 50P-13-240/120 E \ UX \ TR PAD XFMR, 50KVA, 1 PH, 13200/7620, 240/120V, NO TAPS 1 7,342.51840739 $7,342.52 CBLPUSH E \ UP \ EC CABLE PUSH 4 HRS/CABLE/CONDUIT 1 475.86100196 $475.86 BC15 E \ UP \ PC BUSH CAP 15KV 2 36.39238787 $72.78 GNDUG E \ UP \ GR GROUND-AT PAD OR VAULT 2 101.82541278 $203.65 JE1 E \ UP \ EN JNCTN ENCL 1PH 15KV 4POS 2 1,204.00185247 $2,408.00 JE1-GNDSLV E \ UP \ UE GROUND SLV 1PH JE1 & JE1-25KV 2 521.21715248 $1,042.43 37.5P-20-240/120 E \ UX \ TR PAD XFMR, 37.5KVA, 1 PH, 20780/12000, 240/120V, NO TAPS 3 4,617.24146859 $13,851.72 BOXPAD E \ UX \ UE BOX PAD - 1PH PADMOUNT TRANSF 5 884.92121142 $4,424.61 GNDUG E \ UX \ GR GROUND-AT PAD OR VAULT 5 101.82541278 $509.13 HH E \ UL \ HH HANDHOLE 13 IN X 24 IN 8 267.89315992 $2,143.15 2SWEEP E \ UP \ CD SWEEP, 2 IN, 90 DEG PVC 12 22.19569294 $266.35 EB15 E \ UP \ PC ELBW 15KV FOR #1 ALCN 12 168.65266507 $2,023.83 3SWEEP E \ UV \ CD SWEEP, 3 IN, 90 DEG PVC 16 45.12793484 $722.05 BUS40 E \ UV \ SC SEC BUS - 4 POS, 1-SCREW CONN 24 78.06604803 $1,873.59 3CDTPL E \ UV \ CD CNDT-3 INCH PVC 1,230 6.27347221 $7,716.37 4/0TXUG E \ UV \ SW CABLE #4/0 UG TRIPLEX 1,353 3.97295798 $5,375.41 2CDTPL E \ UP \ CD CNDT-2 INCH PVC 2,010 3.31797866 $6,669.14 1CN15 E \ UP \ EC CABLE UG #1SOL-#2STR W/CN 15KV 2,211 3.53268159 $7,810.76 Overall - Total $71,248.04 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: Builder's Charge Est Date:Jan 27, 2023 4:45:05 AM Design Version:2Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 2 2.55 $0.00 $126.94 $0.00 $201.70 $0.00 $0.00 $105.24 $0.00 $137.77 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $571.65 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 2CDTPL E \ UV \ CD CNDT-2 INCH PVC 50 3.70568542 $185.28 DD24HOE E \ UV \ DT BACKHOE 24 IN DIRT DITCH 50 4.22268427 $211.13 2/0TXUG E \ UV \ SW CABLE 2/0 UG TRIPLEX 55 3.18602756 $175.23 Overall - Total $571.65 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: OH Primary Fixed Est Date:Jan 27, 2023 4:45:37 AM Design Version:3Crew Type: OHCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 3 22.05 $0.00 $1,090.80 $0.00 $2,081.93 $0.00 $0.00 $463.50 $0.00 $1,244.47 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,880.70 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 1X E \ OH \ GA ANCHOR PLATE 1 IN X 10 FT 1 602.56634396 $602.57 45PCL3 E \ OH \ PL POLE CDR 45 FT DIRT CLS 3 1 2,185.88413933 $2,185.88 GND E \ OH \ GR GROUND ROD 1 121.73789888 $121.74 GND-THEFT DET E \ OH \ GR GROUND THEFT DETERRENT COVER 1 143.28977707 $143.29 PIVT15-25 E \ OH \ IN INSULATOR-PIN VISE TOP 15-25KV 1 52.27505409 $52.28 PP E \ OH \ PI POLE TOP PIN SINGLE 15-35KV 1 68.61688322 $68.62 7/16DGKIT-LIGHT E \ OH \ GA DOWN GUY KIT 7/16 LIGHT CONSTR 2 644.38773003 $1,288.78 DEINPL25 E \ OH \ IN INSULATOR DEADEND 15/25KV PE 2 24.58659749 $49.17 NDE E \ OH \ IN DEADEND NEUT (8KV)2 16.67752817 $33.36 NPDEHW E \ OH \ HW HDWRE D.E. NEUT 1 WAY ON POLE 2 30.9648792 $61.93 PDEHW E \ OH \ HW HDWR DE - 1 WAY ON POLE 2 52.71817681 $105.44 CDEA4AC E \ OH \ CL CLAMP D.E. AUTO FOR #4 ACSR 4 40.44502001 $161.78 Overall - Total $4,874.82 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: OH Primary Variable Est Date: Jan 27, 2023 4:46:06 AM Design Version: 4Crew Type: OHCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 4 16.18 $0.00 $800.41 $0.00 $1,350.39 $0.00 $0.00 $340.05 $0.00 $880.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,371.73 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 1RH E \ OH \ SR SEC RACK, 1 SPOOL - HEAVY DUTY 1 173.26673224 $173.27 45PCL3 E \ OH \ PL POLE CDR 45 FT DIRT CLS 3 1 2,203.54674019 $2,203.55 GND E \ OH \ GR GROUND ROD 1 122.72157769 $122.72 GND-THEFT DET E \ OH \ GR GROUND THEFT DETERRENT COVER 1 144.44760154 $144.45 PIVT15-25 E \ OH \ IN INSULATOR-PIN VISE TOP 15-25KV 1 52.69745224 $52.70 PP E \ OH \ PI POLE TOP PIN SINGLE 15-35KV 1 77.13076877 $77.13 ST4 E \ OH \ CL PRFRMD TIE WIRE-SPOOL #4 ACSR 1 7.70224771 $7.70 4ACSR E \ OH \ EC CNDTR 4 ACSR 770 0.76651543 $590.22 Overall - Total $3,371.73 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: OH Service Est Date: Jan 27, 2023 4:46:32 AM Design Version: 5Crew Type: OHCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 5 1.72 $0.00 $85.09 $0.00 $45.54 $0.00 $0.00 $36.15 $0.00 $75.81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $242.59 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 2TX E \ OH \ SW CNDTR #2 TRIPLEX 66 3.67560606 $242.59 Overall - Total $242.59 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: OH Transformer Est Date: Jan 27, 2023 4:46:55 AM Design Version: 6Crew Type: OHCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 6 18.72 $0.00 $926.10 $0.00 $61.62 $0.00 $0.00 $393.30 $0.00 $746.09 $0.00 $17,608.48 $0.00 $19,735.59 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 100-13-120/240 E \ OH \ TR OH XFMR, 100KVA, 1 PH, 7620/13200, 120/240V, NO TAPS 1 7,443.35426869 $7,443.35 15-13-120/240 E \ OH \ TR OH XFMR, 15KVA, 1 PH, 7620/13200, 120/240V, NO TAPS 1 2,218.8855378 $2,218.89 25-13-120/240 E \ OH \ TR OH XFMR, 25KVA, 1 PH, 7620/13200, 120/240V, NO TAPS 1 2,366.71263235 $2,366.71 37.5-13-120/240 E \ OH \ TR OH XFMR, 37.5KVA, 1 PH, 7620/13200, 120/240V, NO TAPS 1 2,373.15043988 $2,373.15 50-13-120/240 E \ OH \ TR OH XFMR, 50KVA, 1 PH, 7620/13200, 120/240V, NO TAPS 1 2,710.26847407 $2,710.27 75-13-120/240 E \ OH \ TR OH XFMR, 75KVA, 1PH, 7620/13200, 120/240120V, NO TAPS 1 2,623.21864722 $2,623.22 Overall - Total $19,735.59 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: OH Transformer Install Est Date:Jan 27, 2023 4:47:26 AM Design Version:7Crew Type: OHCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 7 5.8 $0.00 $286.93 $0.00 $480.15 $0.00 $0.00 $121.86 $0.00 $315.06 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,204.00 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 18FGSOB E \ OH \ LF 18 IN FIBERGLASS SO BRACKET 1 269.31329449 $269.31 3R E \ OH \ SR 3 SPOOL RACK 1 233.89515603 $233.90 CO100 E \ OH \ XD CUTOUT POLY 15,25,35KV 100A 1 257.24539339 $257.25 GNDT E \ OH \ GR GROUND-OH TRNSFORMER 1 37.4226832 $37.42 LA10T E \ OH \ XD TFMR LIGHTNING ARRESTER 10KV 1 232.93351632 $232.93 TMHW E \ OH \ HW TRANSF MOUNTING HRDWR 3-25KVA 1 57.76610345 $57.77 3/0CUWP E \ OH \ RW CNDTR, 3/0 COPPER WP 23 5.0184284 $115.42 Overall - Total $1,204.00 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: 15MINService Address: Description: UG Primary Fixed Est Date:Jan 27, 2023 4:47:59 AM Design Version:8Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 8 5.3 $0.00 $263.83 $0.00 $1,302.48 $0.00 $0.00 $218.72 $0.00 $447.04 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,232.07 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install JE1 E \ UP \ EN JNCTN ENCL 1PH 15KV 4POS 1 1,232.80718699 $1,232.81 JE1-GNDSLV E \ UP \ UE GROUND SLV 1PH JE1 & JE1-25KV 1 533.68709545 $533.69 2SWEEP E \ UP \ CD SWEEP, 2 IN, 90 DEG PVC 2 22.93303967 $45.87 BC15 E \ UP \ EN BUSH CAP 15KV 2 37.26306337 $74.53 EB15 E \ UX \ PC ELBW 15KV FOR #1 ALCN 2 172.59175574 $345.18 Overall - Total $2,232.07 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: 15MINService Address: Description: UG Primary Variable Est Date: Jan 27, 2023 4:48:40 AM Design Version: 9Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 9 35.64 $0.00 $1,774.16 $0.00 $2,917.10 $0.00 $0.00 $1,470.60 $0.00 $1,943.28 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,105.14 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install CBLPUSH E \ UP \ EC CABLE PUSH 4 HRS/CABLE/CONDUIT 1 512.54797292 $512.55 2CDTPL E \ UP \ CD CNDT-2 INCH PVC 620 3.57456667 $2,216.23 DD36HOE E \ UP \ DT BACKHOE 36 IN DIRT DITCH 620 4.4849316 $2,780.66 1CN15 E \ UP \ EC CABLE UG #1SOL-#2STR W/CN 15KV 682 3.80601627 $2,595.70 Overall - Total $8,105.14 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: 15MINService Address: Description: UG Secondary Fixed Est Date:Jan 27, 2023 4:48:59 AM Design Version:10Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 10 2.13 $0.00 $106.02 $0.00 $272.44 $0.00 $0.00 $87.84 $0.00 $134.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $600.31 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 2SWEEP E \ UV \ CD SWEEP, 2 IN, 90 DEG PVC 1 23.53349089 $23.53 3SWEEP E \ UV \ CD SWEEP, 3 IN, 90 DEG PVC 1 47.73642462 $47.74 HH E \ UL \ HH HANDHOLE 13 IN X 24 IN 1 282.41476453 $282.41 BUS40 E \ UV \ SC SEC BUS - 4 POS, 1-SCREW CONN 3 82.20843999 $246.63 Overall - Total $600.31 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: 15MINService Address: Description: UG Secondary Variable Est Date: Jan 27, 2023 4:49:19 AM Design Version: 11Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 11 2.1 $0.00 $104.53 $0.00 $376.05 $0.00 $0.00 $86.68 $0.00 $151.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $718.90 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 3CDTPL E \ UV \ CD CNDT-3 INCH PVC 50 6.51655995 $325.83 DD24HOE E \ UV \ DT BACKHOE 24 IN DIRT DITCH 50 3.32240637 $166.12 4/0TXUG E \ UV \ SW CABLE #4/0 UG TRIPLEX 55 4.12639425 $226.95 Overall - Total $718.90 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: UG Service Est Date: Jan 27, 2023 4:49:40 AM Design Version: 12Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 12 3.82 $0.00 $190.16 $0.00 $301.73 $0.00 $0.00 $157.64 $0.00 $206.29 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $855.82 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 2CDTPL E \ UV \ CD CNDT-2 INCH PVC 75 3.72160195 $279.12 DD24HOE E \ UV \ DT BACKHOE 24 IN DIRT DITCH 75 4.20647834 $315.49 2/0TXUG E \ UV \ SW CABLE 2/0 UG TRIPLEX 82 3.18553631 $261.21 Overall - Total $855.82 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: UG Transformer Est Date: Jan 27, 2023 4:50:06 AM Design Version: 13Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 13 27.66 $0.00 $1,376.94 $0.00 $38.88 $0.00 $0.00 $1,141.20 $0.00 $1,103.24 $0.00 $35,874.88 $0.00 $39,535.14 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 100P-13-240/120 E \ UX \ TR PAD XFMR, 100KVA, 1 PH, 13200/7620, 240/120V, NO TAPS 1 8,320.98377884 $8,320.98 15P-13-240/120-T E \ UX \ TR PAD XFMR, 15KVA, 1 PH, 13200/7620, 240/120V, TAPS 1 6,122.45265482 $6,122.45 25P-13-240/120 E \ UX \ TR PAD XFMR, 25KVA, 1 PH, 13200/7620, 240/120V, NO TAPS 1 6,302.660124 $6,302.66 37.5P-13-240/120 E \ UX \ TR PAD XFMR, 37.5KVA, 1 PH, 13200/7620, 240/120V, NO TAPS 1 6,578.97824341 $6,578.98 50P-13-240/120 E \ UX \ TR PAD XFMR, 50KVA, 1 PH, 13200/7620, 240/120V, NO TAPS 1 7,311.82195142 $7,311.82 75P-13-240/120 E \ UX \ TR PAD XFMR, 75KVA, 1 PH, 13200/7620, 240/120V, NO TAPS 1 4,898.24324751 $4,898.24 Overall - Total $39,535.14 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: UG Transformer Install Est Date:Jan 27, 2023 4:50:23 AM Design Version:14Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 14 2.5 $0.00 $124.45 $0.00 $668.06 $0.00 $0.00 $103.20 $0.00 $220.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,116.35 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 2SWEEP E \ UP \ CD SWEEP, 2 IN, 90 DEG PVC 1 26.23524076 $26.24 BC15 E \ UX \ PC BUSH CAP 15KV 1 37.77625403 $37.78 BOXPAD E \ UX \ UE BOX PAD - 1PH PADMOUNT TRANSF 1 936.00608847 $936.01 GNDUG E \ UX \ GR GROUND-AT PAD OR VAULT 1 116.33241674 $116.33 Overall - Total $1,116.35 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: SMALLJOBService Address: Description: Secondary Pole Fixed Cost Est Date:Jan 27, 2023 4:50:49 AM Design Version:15Crew Type: OHCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 15 10.63 $0.00 $525.86 $0.00 $684.43 $0.00 $0.00 $223.41 $0.00 $541.84 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,975.54 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 1RH E \ OH \ SR SEC RACK, 1 SPOOL - HEAVY DUTY 1 176.37519704 $176.38 35PCL4 E \ OH \ PL POLE CDR 35 FT DIRT CLS 4 1 1,799.16480296 $1,799.16 Overall - Total $1,975.54 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Work Order Cost Estimate Data Source: Work Order Assembly Listing Data Updated Daily Work Order 1002911858 WO Number:1002911858 Customer Name: Work Zone: 30MINService Address: Description: Cost Reductions Est Date:Jan 27, 2023 10:37:26 AM Design Version:16Crew Type: URDCREW Estimate Request Estimate Version Labor Hours Contract Labor Hours Labor Cost Contract Labor Cost Material Cost In Direct Materials Cost Service Cost Tool Cost In Tool Cost Out OH Cost Salvage Amt Deferred Amt Adhoc Materials Adjusted Total Cost for AdHoc 78682 16 8.89 $0.00 $442.54 $0.00 $688.00 $0.00 $0.00 $366.84 $0.00 $477.49 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,974.87 Work Function Work Function Desc Original CU Name Description Quantity Unit Cost Line Cost I Install 2CDTPL E \ US \ CD CNDT-2 INCH PVC 100 3.68575225 $368.58 3CDTPL E \ US \ CD CNDT-3 INCH PVC 100 6.87745068 $687.75 DD24HOE E \ US \ DT BACKHOE 24 IN DIRT DITCH 100 3.99845956 $399.85 DD36HOE E \ UP \ DT BACKHOE 36 IN DIRT DITCH 100 5.18703751 $518.70 Overall - Total $1,974.87 Page 1 of 3 Run Date: Feb 9, 2023 For Internal Use Only Allowable Investment by Customer Class RESIDENTIAL (SCHEDULE 1) Terminal Allowable Investment per Customer $1,605 $490 $2,095 GENERAL SERVICE (SCHEDULE 11-12)* Terminal Allowable Investment per kWh $0.13549 $0.03437 $0.16986 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE (SCHEDULE 21-22)* Terminal Allowable Investment per kWh $0.13843 $0.01888 $0.15731 PUMPING SERVICE (SCHEDULE 31) Terminal Allowable Investment per kWh $0.23244 $0.03973 $0.27217 and 21 and whose electric use qualifies as "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between Avista and the Bonneville Power Administration. Tariffed rates are the same under Schedules 11 and 12 and under Schedules 21 and 22. Calculation of Allowance - Schedule 51 Schedule 001 Summary Total Cost per Customer (C18)1,822.47$ C21 Residential (Schedule 1) Return on Common Equity (C4*C27)114.18$ C6*C33 Debt Costs (C4*E22)42.83$ C6*C29 # Customers 109,816 Subtotal 157.01$ C7+C8 Rate of Return 8.615% Depreciation Expense 76.71$ C41 Total Revenue Requirement 233.72$ C9+C10 Distribution Terminal Revenue Requirement Factor 11.15%C34+C42 AVU-E-21-01 2021 Cost of Service Study Plant Facilities Total Allowable Investment 2,096.89$ C11/C12 Net Plant 154,611,560 45,524,785 200,136,345 Less Meter Cost -$ Input TOTAL ALLOWANCE 2,096.89$ Return on Net Plant 13,319,767 3,921,955 17,241,721 Depreciation Expense 6,330,322 2,093,651 8,423,973 Cost per Customer Number of Customers 109,816 Input Total Net Plant Distribution 154,611,560$ Input Total Net Plant Terminal Facilities 45,524,785$ Input Distribution Terminal Total per Customer 1,822.47$ (C19+C20)/C18 Per Customer Expenses Plant Facilities Total Net Plant 1407.91 414.56 1822.47 Rate of Return/Capital Structure Capital Structure Return on Net Plant 121.29 35.71 157.01 Long Term Debt 50%Input Depreciation Expense 57.64 19.07 76.71 Common Equity 50%Input Total 178.94 54.78 233.72 Long Term Debt Cost 4.70%Input Common Equity Return 9.40%Input Allowable Investment $1,605.41 $491.48 $2,096.89 Weighted Debt Cost 2.350%C27*C25 Weighted Equity 4.7000%C28*C26 Rounded to nearest $5 increment ($0.41)($1.48)($1.89) Rate of Return before Gross Up 7.05%C29+C30 Gross Up Factor 1.33 Input Allowable Investment $1,605.00 $490.00 $2,095.00 Return on Equity after Gross Up 6.26%C30*C32 Depreciation New Duplex Allowance 1,675$ New Multiplex Allowance 1,255$ New Duplex Allowance 1,675$ C50*J32 New Multiplex Allowance 1,260$ C52*J32 Calculation of Allowance - Schedule 51 Schedule 011/012 Cents Per kWh Summary Total Cost per Customer (C18)0.1478$ F21/1000 (Schedule 11/12) Return on Common Equity (C4*C27)0.0093$ F33*F6 Debt Costs (C4*E22)0.0035$ F6*F29 Annual MWhs 386,398 Subtotal 0.0127$ F7+F8 Rate of Return 8.615% Depreciation Expense 0.0062$ F41/1000 Total Revenue Requirement 0.0189$ F9+F10 Distribution Terminal Revenue Requirement Factor 11.15%F42+F34 AVU-E-21-01 2021 Cost of Service St Plant Facilities Total Allowable Investment 0.1699$ F11/F12 Net Plant 45,912,426 11,189,152 57,101,578 Less Meter Cost -$ Input TOTAL ALLOWANCE 0.16986$ Return on Net Plant 3,955,350 963,944 4,919,294 Depreciation Expense 1,879,811 516,102 2,395,913 Cost per Customer Annual MWhs 386,398 Input Total Net Plant Distribution 45,912,426$ Input Total Net Plant Terminal Facilities 11,189,152$ Input Distribution Terminal Total per Customer 147.78$ (F20+F19)/F18 Per Customer Expenses Plant Facilities Total Net Plant 0.1188 0.0290 0.1478 Rate of Return/Capital Structure Capital Structure Return on Net Plant 0.0102 0.0025 0.0127 Long Term Debt 50%Input Depreciation Expense 0.0049 0.0013 0.0062 Common Equity 50%Input Total 0.0151 0.0038 0.0189 Long Term Debt Cost 4.70%Input Common Equity Return 9.40%Input Allowable Investment $0.1355 $0.0344 $0.1699 Weighted Debt Cost 2.350%F27*F25 Weighted Equity 4.7000%F28*F26 Less: Meter Cost 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Rate of Return before Gross Up 7.05%F29+F30 Gross Up Factor 1.33 Input Allowable Investment $0.13549 $0.03437 $0.16986 Return on Equity after Gross Up 6.26%F30*F32 Depreciation Calculation of Allowance - Schedule 51 Schedule 021/022 Cents Per kWh Summary Total Cost per Customer (C18)0.1373$ F21/1000 (Schedule 21/22) Return on Common Equity (C4*C27)0.0086$ F33*F6 Debt Costs (C4*E22)0.0032$ F6*F29 Annual MWhs 621,476 Subtotal 0.0118$ F7+F8 Rate of Return 8.615% Depreciation Expense 0.0057$ F41/1000 Total Revenue Requirement 0.0175$ F9+F10 Distribution Terminal Revenue Requirement Factor 11.15%F42+F34 AVU-E-21-01 2021 Cost of Service Stu Plant Facilities Total Allowable Investment 0.1573$ F11/F12 Net Plant 75,491,312 9,842,632 85,333,944 Less Meter Cost -$ Input TOTAL ALLOWANCE 0.15731$ Return on Net Plant 6,503,567 847,942 7,351,509 Depreciation Expense 3,085,184 459,620 3,544,804 Cost per Customer Annual MWhs 621,476 Input Total Net Plant Distribution 75,491,312$ Input Total Net Plant Terminal Facilities 9,842,632$ Input Distribution Terminal Total per Customer 137.31$ (F20+F19)/F18 Per Customer Expenses Plant Facilities Total Net Plant 0.1215 0.0158 0.1373 Rate of Return/Capital Structure Capital Structure Return on Net Plant 0.0105 0.0014 0.0118 Long Term Debt 50%Input Depreciation Expense 0.0050 0.0007 0.0057 Common Equity 50%Input Total 0.0154 0.0021 0.0175 Long Term Debt Cost 4.70%Input Common Equity Return 9.40%Input Allowable Investment $0.1384 $0.0189 $0.1573 Weighted Debt Cost 2.350%F27*F25 Weighted Equity 4.7000%F28*F26 Less: Meter Cost 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Rate of Return before Gross Up 7.05%F29+F30 Gross Up Factor 1.33 Input Allowable Investment $0.13843 $0.01888 $0.15731 Return on Equity after Gross Up 6.26%F30*F32 Depreciation Calculation of Allowance - Schedule 51 Schedule 031/032 Cents Per kWh Summary Total Cost per Customer (C18)0.2372$ F21/1000 (Schedule 31/32) Return on Common Equity (C4*C27)0.0149$ F33*F6 Debt Costs (C4*E22)0.0056$ F6*F29 Annual MWhs 60,324 Subtotal 0.0204$ F7+F8 Rate of Return 8.615% Depreciation Expense 0.0099$ F41/1000 Total Revenue Requirement 0.0303$ F9+F10 Distribution Terminal Revenue Requirement Factor 11.15%F42+F34 AVU-E-21-01 2021 Cost of Service Stu Plant Facilities Total Allowable Investment 0.2722$ F11/F12 Net Plant 12,296,843 2,013,716 14,310,559 Less Meter Cost -$ Input TOTAL ALLOWANCE 0.27217$ Return on Net Plant 1,059,372 173,481 1,232,853 Depreciation Expense 503,475 93,659 597,134 Cost per Customer Annual MWhs 60,324 Input Total Net Plant Distribution 12,296,843$ Input Total Net Plant Terminal Facilities 2,013,716$ Input Distribution Terminal Total per Customer 237.23$ (F20+F19)/F18 Per Customer Expenses Plant Facilities Total Net Plant 0.2038 0.0334 0.2372 Rate of Return/Capital Structure Capital Structure Return on Net Plant 0.0176 0.0029 0.0204 Long Term Debt 50%Input Depreciation Expense 0.0083 0.0016 0.0099 Common Equity 50%Input Total 0.0259 0.0044 0.0303 Long Term Debt Cost 4.70%Input Common Equity Return 9.40%Input Allowable Investment $0.2324 $0.0397 $0.2722 Weighted Debt Cost 2.350%F27*F25 Weighted Equity 4.7000%F28*F26 Less: Meter Cost 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Rate of Return before Gross Up 7.05%F29+F30 Gross Up Factor 1.33 Input Allowable Investment $0.23244 $0.03973 $0.27217 Return on Equity after Gross Up 6.26%F30*F32 Depreciation *From AVU-E-21-01 Cost of Service (Knox) Total Schedule 001 Schedule 011/012 Schedule 021/022 Schedule 031/032 Allocator Source Number of Customers 134,343 109,816 22,031 1,060 1,436 C01 Assign (BF38:BM38) Annual Consumption (MWhs)2,243,713 1,175,515 386,398 621,476 60,324 E01 Assign (BF11:BM11) NCP Demand (kW)461,824 247,308 73,439 121,408 19,669 D04 Assign (BF24:BM24)**Not Used** Cost of Capital Capital Capital Component Weighted Long Term Debt 50.000%4.70%2.35% Preferred Equity 0.000%0.00%0.00% Common Equity 50.000%9.40%4.70% Total 100.00%7.05% Grossed-up Rate of Return Tax Gross-up Factor 1.333 Final approved conversion factor Weighted ROE * Tax Gross-up 1.333 * 4.70%6.26% Long Term Debt 2.35% Grossed-up Rate of Return 8.61% Plant in Service Account Schedule 001 Schedule 011/012 Schedule 021/022 Schedule 031/032 361 Structures & Improvements 3,527,044 1,047,368 1,731,491 280,519 6,586,422 Assign (Q941:Y1050) 362 Station Equipment 24,556,663 7,292,184 12,055,321 1,953,084 45,857,252 364 Poles, Towers & Fixtures 84,943,744 25,224,333 41,677,427 6,755,898 158,601,402 365 OH Conductors & Devices 57,015,128 16,930,835 27,974,225 4,534,629 106,454,817 366 UG Conduit 24,971,693 7,415,429 11,980,023 1,986,093 46,353,238 367 UG Conductors & Devices 42,601,717 12,650,724 20,495,917 3,388,276 79,136,634 442,989,765 368 Line Transformers 46,453,550 13,794,539 20,927,393 3,694,627 84,870,109 30M too much 369 Services 49,375,606 9,905,815 465,734 645,845 60,393,000 370 Meters 0 145,263,109 588,252,874 Accumulated Depreciation Account Schedule 001 Schedule 011/012 Schedule 021/022 Schedule 031/032 361 Structures & Improvements 1,022,500 303,635 501,964 81,323 1,909,422 Assign (Q1227:Y1325) 362 Station Equipment 7,761,220 2,304,721 3,810,127 617,279 14,493,347 364 Poles, Towers & Fixtures 23,654,093 7,024,163 11,605,819 1,881,300 44,165,375 365 OH Conductors & Devices 19,875,893 5,902,214 9,752,021 1,580,805 37,110,933 366 UG Conduit 9,043,755 2,685,574 4,338,688 719,284 16,787,301 367 UG Conductors & Devices 21,646,968 6,428,140 10,414,473 1,721,665 40,211,246 154,677,624 368 Line Transformers 25,111,718 7,457,010 11,312,866 1,997,230 45,878,824 369 Services 25,192,653 5,054,192 237,629 329,526 30,814,000 370 Meters 0 76,692,824 231,370,448 Net Plant Account Schedule 001 Schedule 011/012 Schedule 021/022 Schedule 031/032 361 Structures & Improvements 2,504,544 743,733 1,229,527 199,196 4,677,000 362 Station Equipment 16,795,443 4,987,463 8,245,194 1,335,805 31,363,905 364 Poles, Towers & Fixtures 61,289,651 18,200,170 30,071,608 4,874,598 114,436,027 365 OH Conductors & Devices 37,139,235 11,028,621 18,222,204 2,953,824 69,343,884 366 UG Conduit 15,927,938 4,729,855 7,641,335 1,266,809 29,565,937 367 UG Conductors & Devices 20,954,749 6,222,584 10,081,444 1,666,611 38,925,388 288,312,141 368 Line Transformers 21,341,832 6,337,529 9,614,527 1,697,397 38,991,285 369 Services 24,182,953 4,851,623 228,105 316,319 29,579,000 370 Meters 0 68,570,285 356,882,426 Depreciation Expense Account Schedule 001 Schedule 011/012 Schedule 021/022 Schedule 031/032 361 Structures & Improvements 58,429 17,351 28,684 4,647 109,111 Assign (Q555:Y653) 362 Station Equipment 614,618 182,513 301,727 48,883 1,147,741 364 Poles, Towers & Fixtures 2,103,882 624,755 1,032,264 167,330 3,928,231 365 OH Conductors & Devices 1,437,766 426,949 705,434 114,351 2,684,500 366 UG Conduit 561,624 166,776 269,436 44,668 1,042,504 367 UG Conductors & Devices 1,554,003 461,467 747,639 123,596 2,886,705 11,798,792 368 Line Transformers 997,287 296,148 449,279 79,318 1,822,032 369 Services 1,096,364 219,954 10,341 14,341 1,341,000 370 Meters Subtotals 2,093,651 516,102 459,620 93,659 Totals 8,423,973 2,395,913 3,544,804 597,134 Total Distribution Plant Depreciation Rates by Account Test Year Effective Weighted Distribution Term Fac Account Account Plant in Accumulated Net Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Weighted Weighted Number Description Service Depreciation Plant Expense Rate Rate Rate Rate 360 Land & Land Rights $4,838,000 $277,000 $4,561,000 $35,000 0.72%0.01%0.00% 361 Structures & Improvements $7,606,000 $2,205,000 $5,401,000 $126,000 1.66%0.02%0.02% 362 Station Equipment $51,621,000 $16,315,000 $35,306,000 $1,292,000 2.50%0.23%0.26% 364 Poles, Towers & Fixtures $168,928,000 $47,041,000 $121,887,000 $4,184,000 2.48%0.79%0.83% 365 OH Conductors & Devices $112,304,000 $39,150,000 $73,154,000 $2,832,000 2.52%0.49%0.57% 366 UG Conduit $47,976,000 $17,375,000 $30,601,000 $1,079,000 2.25%0.18%0.19% 367 UG Conductors & Devices $82,407,000 $41,873,000 $40,534,000 $3,006,000 3.65%0.39%0.87% 368 Line Transformers $85,381,000 $46,155,000 $39,226,000 $1,833,000 2.15%0.22%1.24% 369 Services $60,393,000 $30,814,000 $29,579,000 $1,341,000 2.22%0.17%0.94% 370 Meters $0 $0 #DIV/0!#DIV/0!#DIV/0! Totals $621,454,000 $241,205,000 $380,249,000 $15,728,000 2.5308%2.5308%2.7373%#DIV/0!