HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230726Comments_2.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Andy Frei Submission Time: Jul 26 2023 7:40AM Email: andyfrei2173@gmail.com Telephone: 208-507-2173 Address: 110 Frei Lane Cotonwood, ID 83522 Name of U�lity Company: Avista Case ID: AVU-E-23-01 Comment: "The rate increase should be denied. More people are moving in to the area that means more customers, more money and they are all charged for hookups. Including power poles . If the manager s aren't keeping Avista in the black, then maybe the way to save money is to reduce their salary. Every �me Avista wants a raise they get it. Enough is enough. Andy " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Gabriel Iacoboni Submission Time: Jul 26 2023 9:26AM Email: iacoboni04@gmail.com Telephone: 208-755-9246 Address: 418 Vista Avenue Lewiston, ID 83501 Name of U�lity Company: Avista U�li�es Case ID: AVU-E-23-01 Comment: "This comment is in reference to Avista U�li�es request to the PUC to increase electrical u�lity fees close to 10 percent for upgrades and other needs. I am opposed to this. As an Avista customer I understand their need to upgrade equipment and stay compe��ve with wages and salaries. But a one �me increase of close to 10 percent with more increases likely to come in future years is unsustainable. On an average 100 dollar electrical bill this would add close to $120 a year in u�lity bills. That is not an insignificant amount. I am opposed to such a large increase and hope the PUC will request this request and adjust the increase to be more reasonable. " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------