HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230626Comments_1.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Randall But Submission Time: Jun 24 2023 9:00AM Email: randallrb@juno.com Telephone: 208-651-1855 Address: 5351 N Cynthia St COEUR D ALENE, ID 83815 Name of U�lity Company: Avista Case ID: AVU-E-23-01 Comment: "I am asking that the Idaho Public U�li�es Commission while considering Avista's rate increase request, look at it as necessary or discre�onary. The informa�on put out by Avista to the public would indicate that it is not �ed directly to the cost of electric service, but discre�onary maintenance. As the IPUC will have more detailed informa�on you will be able to see if such a strong series of increases is truly jus�fied. While evalua�ng their proposal I would ask that you also consider if Avista is showing financial responsibility in iden�fying areas where they are cu�ng costs and increasing efficiency to reduce the need for such increases? In addi�on since these are iden�fied as maintenance needs what would be the future rate decrease once the described maintenance work is completed? Is the intent of Avista to also pass along these increases to fund Execu�ve Staff pay at the percentage as they are currently or would the full increase of the revenue be solely for the proposed maintenance? As Avista has recorded profitable earnings, will the revenue from these increases add to those profits or be fully used to address the maintenance described? I wish to thank the IPUC for their considera�on and review of the proposed increase and it's impact on customers, as we are locked into their services and prices and do not have op�ons as we do with other consumables." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------