HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230201Kalich Exhibit 7 Schedule 1-5.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) STATE OF IDAHO ) CASE NO. AVU-E-23-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-23-01 EXHIBIT NO. 7 CLINT G. KALICH ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC ONLY) Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 1, Page 1 of 1 CONFIDENTIAL subject to Attorney’s Certificate of Confidentiality Dispatch Model Results Pages 1 of 8 Line 12 Mo-Ending 9/1/23 - 8/31/24 No.Jun-22 Adjustment Pro Forma 1 555 PURCHASED POWER 2 Short-Term Market 32,694 -27,913 4,781 3 Chelan PUD 14,586 15,339 29,925 4 Douglas PUD 5,174 -1,110 4,064 5 Grant PUD 14,263 9,111 23,374 6 Columbia Basin Hydro 0 909 909 7 Lancaster PPA 28,803 524 29,327 8 Small Power 1,044 240 1,285 9 Stimson 1,480 178 1,658 10 Spokane-Upriver 1,880 1,535 3,415 11 Spokane Waste-to-Energy 5,470 314 5,784 12 Palouse Wind 23,361 -23,361 0 13 Adams-Neilson Solar 0 0 0 14 Rattlesnake Flats Wind 12,907 -12,907 0 15 Clearwater (Idaho only)11 -11 0 16 WPM Ancillary Services (reconciling item)1,141 -1,141 0 17 Non-Mon. Accruals (reconciling item)113 -113 0 18 Total Account 555 142,926 -38,405 104,521 19 20 557 OTHER EXPENSES 21 Miscellaneous Transaction Fees 754 -145 609 22 Other Resource Costs 1 -1 0 23 REC Expense 84 0 84 24 WA CCA Law Emission Allowance Costs 0 70,535 70,535 25 Natural Gas Fuel Purchases 75,748 -75,296 452 26 Total Account 557 76,587 -4,907 71,680 27 28 501 THERMAL FUEL EXPENSE 29 Kettle Falls - Wood Fuel 7,734 1,030 8,764 30 Colstrip - Fuel Cost 29,388 2,617 32,005 31 Total Account 501 37,122 3,648 40,769 32 33 547 OTHER FUEL EXPENSE 34 Coyote Springs 2 Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine 55,127 943 56,070 35 Lancaster Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine 47,645 8,026 55,671 36 TC Energy Pipeline 10,087 708 10,795 37 Williams Northwest Pipeline 0 275 275 38 Rathdrum Combustion Turbine 6,459 32,333 38,792 39 Northeast Combustion Turbine 81 -81 0 40 Boulder Park Engines 2,371 1,843 4,214 41 Kettle Falls Combustion Turbine 153 1,314 1,467 42 Total Account 547 121,923 45,361 167,285 43 44 565 TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERS 45 Short-term Purchases 1,327 -1,327 0 46 BPA Point-to-Point for Colstrip, Coyote Springs 2 & Lancaster 13,192 1,427 14,619 47 BPA Townsend to Garrison 1,508 0 1,508 48 Columbia Basin Hydro 0 236 236 49 Avista on BPA Borderline/Network 1,540 34 1,574 50 Kootenai for Worley 48 -2 45 51 Sagle for Northern Lights 143 -10 134 52 Northwestern for Colstrip 1,007 -181 826 53 Portland General Electric John Day to COB 1,077 -434 643 54 Total Account 565 19,842 -257 19,585 55 56 407 Regulatory Debits 57 407.434 Incremental EIM O&M (reconciling item)286 -286 0 58 59 537 MT Invasive Species 60 Total Montana Invasive Species 777 3 780 61 62 TOTAL EXPENSE 399,463 5,157 404,620 Avista Corp. Power Supply Pro Forma - Idaho Jurisdiction System Numbers - 12ME June 2022 Actual vs. 09/23 - 08/24 Pro Forma Test Year Load ($000) Page 1 of 4 Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 2, Page 1 of 4 Line 12 Mo-Ending 9/1/23 - 8/31/24 No.Jun-22 Adjustment Pro Forma Avista Corp. Power Supply Pro Forma - Idaho Jurisdiction System Numbers - 12ME June 2022 Actual vs. 09/23 - 08/24 Pro Forma Test Year Load ($000) 63 64 447 SALES FOR RESALE 65 Short-Term Market 100,229 106,456 206,685 66 Nichols Pumping 2,247 723 2,969 67 Sovereign/Kaiser Services 141 5 147 68 Direct Energy CEC-1 Index (formerly Energy Amercia)0 0 0 69 Morgan Stanley index sale 0 0 0 70 Douglas PUD 0 0 0 71 Pend Oreille PUD 344 -25 319 72 Energy Imbalance Market 0 0 0 73 CAISO Market Sales 2,781 0 2,781 74 Merchant Ancillary Services (reconciling item)22,489 -22,489 0 75 Total Account 447 128,231 84,669 212,900 76 77 456 OTHER ELECTRIC REVENUE 78 REC Revenue (Idaho only)5,858 -1,889 3,969 79 Clearwater REC Revenue 361 -361 0 80 Natural Gas Liquids 654 -182 472 81 Surplus AECO to Malin Transportation 83,299 -75,051 8,248 82 Total Account 456 90,172 -77,483 12,689 83 84 TOTAL REVENUE 218,403 7,187 225,590 85 86 TOTAL NET EXPENSE 181,060 -2,030 179,030 Page 2 of 4 Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 2, Page 2 of 4 Line 9/1/23 - 8/31/24 9/1/24 - 8/31/25 No.Pro Forma Adjustment Pro Forma 1 555 PURCHASED POWER 2 Short-Term Market 4,781 -2,465 2,315 3 Chelan PUD 29,925 7,938 37,863 4 Douglas PUD 4,064 46 4,110 5 Grant PUD 23,374 -3,932 19,442 6 Columbia Basin Hydro 909 13,011 13,920 7 Lancaster PPA 29,327 344 29,671 8 Small Power 1,285 10 1,294 9 Stimson 1,658 -5 1,653 10 Spokane-Upriver 3,415 54 3,469 11 Spokane Waste-to-Energy 5,784 176 5,961 12 Palouse Wind 0 0 0 13 Adams-Neilson Solar 0 0 0 14 Rattlesnake Flats Wind 0 0 0 15 Clearwater (Idaho only)0 0 0 16 WPM Ancillary Services (reconciling item)0 0 0 17 Non-Mon. Accruals (reconciling item)0 0 0 18 Total Account 555 104,521 15,177 119,698 19 20 557 OTHER EXPENSES 21 Miscellaneous Transaction Fees 609 0 609 22 Other Resource Costs 0 0 0 23 REC Expense 84 0 84 24 WA CCA Law Emission Allowance Costs 70,535 13,570 84,105 25 Natural Gas Fuel Purchases 452 0 452 26 Total Account 557 71,680 13,570 85,250 27 28 501 THERMAL FUEL EXPENSE 29 Kettle Falls - Wood Fuel 8,764 -308 8,456 30 Colstrip - Fuel Cost 32,005 965 32,971 31 Total Account 501 40,769 657 41,427 32 33 547 OTHER FUEL EXPENSE 34 Coyote Springs 2 Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine 56,070 -4,316 51,755 35 Lancaster Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine 55,671 -5,084 50,586 36 TC Energy Pipeline 10,795 0 10,795 37 Williams Northwest Pipeline 275 -2 273 38 Rathdrum Combustion Turbine 38,792 -16 38,776 39 Northeast Combustion Turbine 0 0 0 40 Boulder Park Engines 4,214 -283 3,931 41 Kettle Falls Combustion Turbine 1,467 -52 1,415 42 Total Account 547 167,285 -9,753 157,532 43 44 565 TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERS 45 Short-term Purchases 0 0 0 46 BPA Point-to-Point for Colstrip, Coyote Springs 2 & Lancaster 14,619 0 14,619 47 BPA Townsend to Garrison 1,508 0 1,508 48 Columbia Basin Hydro 236 1,543 1,779 49 Avista on BPA Borderline/Network 1,574 0 1,574 50 Kootenai for Worley 45 0 45 51 Sagle for Northern Lights 134 0 134 52 Northwestern for Colstrip 826 0 826 53 Portland General Electric John Day to COB 643 0 643 54 Total Account 565 19,585 1,543 21,128 55 56 407 Regulatory Debits 57 407.434 Incremental EIM O&M (reconciling item)0 0 0 58 59 537 MT Invasive Species 60 Total Montana Invasive Species 780 0 780 61 62 TOTAL EXPENSE 404,620 21,195 425,815 Avista Corp. Power Supply Pro Forma - Idaho Jurisdiction System Numbers - 12ME August 2024 Actual vs. 09/24 - 08/25 Pro Forma Test Year Load ($000) Page 3 of 4 Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 2, Page 3 of 4 Line 9/1/23 - 8/31/24 9/1/24 - 8/31/25 No.Pro Forma Adjustment Pro Forma Avista Corp. Power Supply Pro Forma - Idaho Jurisdiction System Numbers - 12ME August 2024 Actual vs. 09/24 - 08/25 Pro Forma Test Year Load ($000) 63 64 447 SALES FOR RESALE 65 Short-Term Market 206,685 8,184 214,869 66 Nichols Pumping 2,969 -302 2,667 67 Sovereign/Kaiser Services 147 0 147 68 Direct Energy CEC-1 Index (formerly Energy Amercia)0 0 0 69 Morgan Stanley index sale 0 0 0 70 Douglas PUD 0 0 0 71 Pend Oreille PUD 319 0 319 72 Energy Imbalance Market 0 0 0 73 CAISO Market Sales 2,781 0 2,781 74 Merchant Ancillary Services (reconciling item)0 0 0 75 Total Account 447 212,900 7,882 220,783 76 77 456 OTHER ELECTRIC REVENUE 78 Non-WA EIA REC (Idaho only)3,969 0 3,969 79 Clearwater Trans and REC Revenue 0 0 0 80 Natural Gas Liquids 472 0 472 81 Surplus AECO to Malin Transportation 8,248 105 8,353 82 Total Account 456 12,689 105 12,794 83 84 TOTAL REVENUE 225,590 7,987 233,576 85 86 TOTAL NET EXPENSE 179,030 13,208 192,238 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 2, Page 4 of 4 Brief Description of Kalich Exhibit No.7, Schedule 3 - Power Supply Adjustment Workpaper 1 N/A 2 Short-Term Market. Term financial and physical contracts, plus hour spot transactions. Spot market in proforma are results of Aurora model. Term deals.xlsx 3 Chelan PUD. Rocky Reach and Rock Island contract expense. Expires 12/31/2040. Aurora-generated - see CGK-1/CGK-2 4 Douglas PUD. Wells Purchase contract expense. Expires 12/31/2040. Aurora-generated - see CGK-1/CGK-2 5 Grant PUD. Priest Rapids and Wanapum contract expense. Expires 12/31/2040. Aurora-generated - see CGK-1/CGK-2 6 Columbia Basin Hydro. Contracts expense on multiple CBH projects. Expires 12/31/2045. Aurora-generated - see CGK-1/CGK-2 7 Lancaster PPA. Includes contract costs of capital, operations and maintenance (O&M). Variable O&M based on the generation level determined by Aurora model. Lancaster PPA - workpaper.xlsx (for PPA energy, capacity & O&M) 8 Small Power - Summation of small PURPA power contracts; pro forma costs are based on 5-year average generation levels and actual pro forma period contract rates. Small Power.xlsx and IPC Deer Lake.xlsx 9 Stimson. PURPA purchase from cogeneration plant at Plummer, Idaho; based on 5-year average generation levels and priced using actual contract rates. Stimson Lumber.xlsx 10 Spokane Upriver. PURPA purchase from City of Spokane; based on 5-year average of local pumping and generation levels and priced using actual contract rates. Upriver Gen and Load.xlsx 11 Spokane Waste to Energy. PURPA purchase from City of Spokane; based on 5-year average of generation levels and priced using actual contract rates. Spokane_Waste_to_Energy.xlsx 12 'Palouse Wind. Not included - flows through PCA. 13 Adams-Neilson Solar (Solar Select). Contract purchase based on output estimated by facility, as project has been in existence only since 2018; priced using actual contract rates. Represents the net purchase/sale deal 14 Rattlesnake Wind. Not included - flows through PCA. 15 Clearwater - Idaho only. 16 WPN Ancillary Services - reconciling item . 17 Non-Monetary Accruals - reconciling item . 18 Total Account 555 - with reconciling items.Summarization of lines 2-14. 19 N/A 20 N/A 21 Miscellaneous Transaction Fees. Expense is 5-year average of transaction fees for CAISO, brokerage fees for electricity and natural gas market transactions, and Canadian Merchandise Processing Fees assessed by the U.S. Government on imported Canadian gas. Transactions Fees.xlsx 22 Other Resource Cost. Optional renewable power offset ; set to zero in pro forma. Not included in rate period proforma. Not a recurring expense. 23 REC expense. Renewable energy credit broker fees. 24 WA CCA Law Emission Allowance Costs. Allowance costs for In- WA CO2 emissions (Boulder Park, NE is zero since cannot operate except in system emergencies and testing, and Kettle Falls facility is exempt due to being under the 25,000 tonne annual threshold), and in-WA wholesale market sales at Mid-C, for the benefit of Idaho. See Idaho CCA Costs sheet. 25 Natural Gas Fuel. Purchases to fuel gas-fired generation fleet as part of risk management/hedging policy, but then later re-sold (see line 67, Surplus AECO to Malin Transportation) due to changing market conditions (i.e., plant later becomes uneconomic relative to purchasing electricity from the market). Pro forma expense is zero because we do not emulate our hedging program in pro forma modeling. Reclassification - please see acccounts 501/547 26 Total Account 557 Summarization of lines 18-22. 27 N/A 28 N/A 29 Kettle Falls Generation Station. Combined wood fuel and natural gas expense. Wood fuel expense is based on Aurora model generation multiplied by the latest budget fuel price. Natural gas used for starting the plant is based on 5-year average. Fuel Costs' sheet of this exhibit, Kettle and Colstrip Fuel 2017-2021.xlsx 30 Colstrip. Combined coal and fuel oil expense. Coal expense is based on fixed and variable costs under a long-term contract. The variable portion of coal fuel costs is based on generation levels from the Aurora model. Fuel oil used for starting the plant is based on 5- year average. Fuel Costs' sheet of this exhibit, Kettle and Colstrip Fuel 2017-2021.xlsx Line No. Avista Corp. Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 3, Page 1 of 3 Brief Description of Kalich Exhibit No.7, Schedule 3 - Power Supply Adjustment Workpaper Line No. Avista Corp. 31 Total Account 501.Summarization of lines 24-25. 32 N/A 33 N/A 34 Coyote Springs 2 Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine. Natural gas cost based on Aurora model dispatch priced first at its location, but then reduced to AECO basin prices where long-term contract transportation rights exist. See testimony and workpapers for more detail on this calculation. 'Fuel Costs' sheet of this exhibit 35 Lancaster Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine. Natural gas cost based on Aurora model dispatch priced first at its location, but then reduced to AECO basin prices where long-term contract transportation rights exist. See testimony and workpapers for more detail on this calculation. 'Fuel Costs' sheet of this exhibit 36 TC Energy Pipleline. Costs related to firm natural gas pipeline capacity on TC Energy pipeline between AECO and Kingsgate. Used for our Lancaster and Coyote Springs 2 plants. Variable charges are billed at tariffed rates based on the 5-year average generation. Natural Gas Transporation Contracts.xlsx 37 Williams Northwest Pipeline. Costs related to use of the Williams Northwest pipeline. Used for our Boulder Park, Northeast, and Kettle Falls CT plants. Charges are billed at tariffed rates based on the 5-year average generation. 'Fuel Costs' sheet of this exhibit 38 Rathdrum Combustion Turbine. Natural gas cost based on Aurora model dispatch priced first at its location, but then reduced to AECO basin prices where long-term contract transportation rights exist. See testimony and workpapers for more detail on this calculation. 'Fuel Costs' sheet of this exhibit 39 Northeast Combustion Turbine. Natural gas cost based on Aurora model dispatch priced first at its location, but then reduced to AECO basin prices where long-term contract transportation rights exist. See testimony and workpapers for more detail on this calculation. 'Fuel Costs' sheet of this exhibit 40 Boulder Park Engines. Natural gas cost based on Aurora model dispatch priced first at its location, but then reduced to AECO basin prices where long-term contract transportation rights exist. See testimony and workpapers for more detail on this calculation. 'Fuel Costs' sheet of this exhibit 41 Kettle Falls Combustion Turbine. Natural gas cost based on Aurora model dispatch priced first at its location, but then reduced to AECO basin prices where long-term contract transportation rights exist. See testimony and workpapers for more detail on this calculation. 'Fuel Costs' sheet of this exhibit 42 Total Account 547 Summarization of lines 29-36. 43 N/A 44 N/A 45 Short-Term Purchases. Set to zero in proforma reflecting additional 50 MW long-term Point-to-Point contract purchase from BPA for Coyote Springs 2 accounted for in line 48. Not included in rate period pro forma 46 BPA Point-to-Point for Colstrip, Coyote Springs 2, and Lancaster. Proforma expense is based on contracted capacity at tariffed rate. Includes additional 50 MW contract for Coyote Springs 2. 565 Transmission Expense.xlsx 47 BPA Townsend to Garrison. Fixed fee contract with BPA for transmission of Colstrip power from Townsend to Garrison. 565 Transmission Expense.xlsx 48 Avista on BPA Borderlines. Purchase for serving Avista load in 3rd- party service area. 5-year average of actual expense priced at proforma year tariffed rate. 565 Transmission Expense.xlsx 49 Columbia Basin Hydro transmission 565 Transmission Expense.xlsx 50 Kootenai for Worley. Purchase for serving Avista load in 3rd-party service area. Pro forma expense is based on contracted capacity at tariffed rate. 565 Transmission Expense.xlsx 51 Sagle for Northern Lights. Purchase for serving Avista load in 3rd- party service area. Pro forma expense is based on contracted capacity at tariffed rate. 565 Transmission Expense.xlsx 52 Northwestern for Colstrip. Purchase on Northwestern for Colstrip generation above 196-MW BPA Townsend to Garrison contract. 2019 test year expense used instead of 5-year average due to lower cost of serving Nichols Pumping contract after closure of Colstrip Units 1&2. 565 Transmission Expense.xlsx 53 Portland General Electric John Day to COB. Purchase of Southern Interntie rights from John Day substation to California-Oregon border. Proforma expense priced at pro forma year tariffed rate. 565 Transmission Expense.xlsx 54 Total Account 565.Summarization of lines 41-48. Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 3, Page 2 of 3 Brief Description of Kalich Exhibit No.7, Schedule 3 - Power Supply Adjustment Workpaper Line No. Avista Corp. 55 N/A 56 N/A 57 407.434 Incremental EIM O&M (reconciling item) 58 N/A 59 N/A 60 Montana Invasive Species. 61 N/A 62 Total Expense - Sum of Accounts 555, 557, 501, 547, 565. 63 N/A 64 N/A 65 Short-Term Market. Term financial and physical contracts, plus hourly spot transactions. Spot market in pro forma are results of Aurora model. Aurora-generated - see CGK-1/CGK-2 66 Nichols Pumping. Sale of energy for water pumping loads of Colstrip Units 3 and 4; contract price is Mid-C index less $0.50/MWh. Lower revenue due to reduction in pumping load with closure of Units 1&2. Aurora-generated - see CGK-1/CGK-2 67 Sovereign/Kaiser Services. Sale of balancing area services to Kaiser’s Trentwood plant. Based on 5-year average. 447 Sovereign and POPUD.xlsx 68 Energy America. Contract expired 12/31/2019. Not included in rate period proforma 69 Morgan Stanley. Index contract with no net power supply expense. Refer to testimony for additional detail. Not included in rate period proforma 70 Douglas PUD. Contract has no direct power supply impact. Reflected in beneficial impact on shape of portfolio hydro operations in Aurora model. Not included in rate period proforma 71 Pend Oreille PUD. Sale of balancing area services to Pend Oreille PUD. Based on TY since 5-year average overstates due to loss of large industrial customers. Contract expires 9/30/2026. 447 Sovereign and POPUD.xlsx 72 Energy Imbalance Market benefits. Effective March 1, 2022. Annualized amount is $5.8 million in future years. 73 CAISO Market Sales. Revenues from power sales to CAISO. New market opportunity since previous case. 3-year average since inception of opportunity with phase out and ultimate expiration of Energy America contract. CAISO Market Sales.xlsx 74 Merchant Ancillary Services - reconciling item. 75 Total Account 447 - with reconciling items.Summarization of lines 54-61. 76 N/A 77 N/A 78 Non-WA EIA REC Sales. Idaho share of REC sales. These are not included in base power supply expenses and are tracked and rebated annually in WA and goes through the base for ID. Not included in rate period proforma. Included in annual REC filing. 79 Clearwater REC revenue. Revenue associated with the use of Clearwater Paper's generation. 80 Natural Gas Liquids. Liquids rebates from natural gas purchased at AECO; 5-year average. Natural Gas Liquids.xlsx 81 Surplus AECO to Malin Transportation. Test year value includes resale of purchases made to fuel gas-fired generation fleet as part of risk management/hedging policy (see line 20, Natural Gas Fuel Purchases) due to changing market conditions (i.e., plant later becomes uneconomic relative to purchasing electricity from the market). Pro forma value reflects only revenue received from buying AECO gas and selling it at Malin using firm transportation rights surplus to Avista gas plant use. 'Fuel Costs' and 'Gas Contracts MTM' sheets of this exhibit 82 Total Account 456.Summarization of lines 65-67. 83 N/A 84 Total Revenue - Sum of Accounts 447, 456. 85 N/A 86 Total Net Expense - Total expense minus total revenue. Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 3, Page 3 of 3 Avista Corp. Market Purchases and Sales, Plant Generation and Fuel Cost Summary Idaho Normalized September 2023 - August 2024 720 744 720 744 744 696 744 720 744 720 744 744 Total Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Market Sales - Dollars $206,684,747 $25,095,862 $11,370,462 $14,669,505 $17,182,395 $15,398,558 $12,938,472 $12,450,946 $11,998,565 $16,517,461 $13,362,588 $30,833,859 $24,866,074Market Sales - MWh (2,503,004)-193,666 -142,561 -168,411 -160,893 -162,658 -144,566 -184,634 -236,801 -382,479 -262,128 -258,168 -206,039 Average Market Sales Price -$/ MWh -$82.57 -$129.58 -$79.76 -$87.11 -$106.79 -$94.67 -$89.50 -$67.44 -$50.67 -$43.19 -$50.98 -$119.43 -$120.69 Market Purchases - Dollars $4,780,581 $337,853 $252,951 $116,046 $1,377,216 $81,826 $442,450 $82,730 $119,043 -$261 $194,751 $958,904 $817,072 Market Purchases - MWh 99,294 3,975 7,413 3,265 29,659 1,678 11,638 1,785 7,280 53 4,163 24,047 4,340 Average Market Purchase Price - $/MWh $48.15 $85.00 $34.12 $35.54 $46.44 $48.77 $38.02 $46.35 $16.35 -$4.94 $46.79 $39.88 $188.26 Net Market Purchases (Sales) MWh -2,403,710 -189,692 -135,148 -165,146 -131,234 -160,980 -132,928 -182,849 -229,521 -382,426 -257,965 -234,121 -201,699 Net Market Purchases (Sales) aMW -274.4 -263 -182 -229 -176 -216 -191 -246 -319 -514 -358 -315 -271Average Sale and Purchase Price - $/MWh -$77.59 -$125.27 -$74.13 -$84.77 -$82.94 -$93.20 -$80.00 -$66.35 -$48.67 -$43.18 -$49.45 -$105.86 -$114.31 Colstrip MWh 1,615,307 142,105 140,213 139,397 152,179 152,896 143,032 151,979 133,054 99,239 73,362 139,269 148,584 Colstrip Fuel Cost $/MWh $19.81 $16.47 $16.42 $16.42 $16.41 $21.40 $21.41 $21.41 $21.64 $21.85 $23.09 $21.79 $21.60Colstrip Fuel Cost $32,005,291 $2,340,682 $2,302,891 $2,288,376 $2,497,996 $3,272,646 $3,062,621 $3,253,115 $2,879,392 $2,168,728 $1,694,217 $3,035,245 $3,209,381 Kettle Falls MWh 315,296 31,289 33,206 32,504 32,790 33,621 31,289 32,921 18,515 769 9,231 25,474 33,688 Kettle Falls Fuel Cost $/MWh $27.80 $27.87 $27.88 $27.86 $27.91 $27.58 $27.59 $27.59 $28.09 $29.83 $29.15 $27.72 $27.57 Kettle Falls Fuel Cost $8,764,127 $871,969 $925,833 $905,476 $915,182 $927,184 $863,310 $908,248 $520,002 $22,950 $269,093 $706,003 $928,877 Coyote Springs MWh 1,872,326 185,951 138,476 209,627 210,598 220,092 190,826 160,037 125,283 32,235 41,288 153,969 203,945Coyote Springs Fuel Cost $/MWh $29.95 $28.20 $28.14 $32.36 $35.34 $36.83 $34.89 $29.14 $22.04 $20.23 $20.71 $25.13 $25.19 Coyote Springs Fuel Cost $56,070,483 $5,244,426 $3,897,003 $6,784,001 $7,443,577 $8,105,708 $6,657,455 $4,662,967 $2,761,843 $652,159 $855,203 $3,869,618 $5,136,523 Lancaster MWh 1,808,935 165,347 175,027 188,425 181,043 196,868 179,616 181,650 80,161 125,499 29,504 129,431 176,363 Lancaster Fuel Cost $/MWh $30.78 $29.80 $29.09 $33.50 $36.87 $38.06 $36.26 $30.32 $23.20 $21.18 $22.19 $25.72 $26.36 Lancaster Fuel Cost $55,670,517 $4,927,285 $5,090,973 $6,312,381 $6,675,239 $7,492,007 $6,513,327 $5,508,295 $1,859,650 $2,658,137 $654,610 $3,329,119 $4,649,492 Boulder Park MWh 107,823 12,750 10,735 10,877 12,226 12,460 7,491 6,426 3,732 3,668 3,181 9,783 14,494 Boulder Park Fuel Cost $/MWh $39.09 $37.81 $36.63 $42.52 $46.64 $48.98 $45.90 $38.72 $31.01 $26.38 $27.12 $33.20 $33.10 Boulder Park Fuel Cost $4,214,389 $482,040 $393,224 $462,529 $570,246 $610,321 $343,858 $248,823 $115,743 $96,746 $86,261 $324,844 $479,754 Kettle Falls CT MWh 31,255 3,766 3,154 3,272 3,199 3,237 2,138 2,068 1,128 1,162 884 2,959 4,288 Kettle Falls CT Fuel Cost $/MWh $46.93 $46.44 $44.39 $50.96 $55.21 $58.24 $54.66 $46.57 $37.96 $32.27 $33.92 $41.36 $40.63 Kettle Falls CT Fuel Cost $1,466,833 $174,894 $140,020 $166,738 $176,599 $188,522 $116,872 $96,293 $42,810 $37,503 $29,990 $122,374 $174,219 Rathdrum MWh 753,110 84,902 91,725 87,786 84,088 90,032 60,797 70,613 23,935 21,690 10,723 31,502 95,318 Rathdrum Fuel Cost $/MWh $51.51 $49.82 $47.81 $55.24 $59.45 $62.41 $58.47 $50.56 $40.76 $34.83 $36.26 $43.96 $42.79 Rathdrum Fuel Cost $38,791,961 $4,229,839 $4,385,783 $4,848,895 $4,999,331 $5,619,287 $3,554,966 $3,570,203 $975,641 $755,505 $388,854 $1,384,691 $4,078,964 Northeast MWh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Northeast Fuel Cost $/MWh #DIV/0! Northeast Fuel Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Fuel Expense $196,983,601 $18,271,135 $17,135,727 $21,768,397 $23,278,171 $26,215,676 $21,112,410 $18,247,944 $9,155,080 $6,391,728 $3,978,228 $12,771,894 $18,657,210 Net Fuel and Purchase Expense -$4,920,565 Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 4, Page 1 of 2 Avista Corp. Market Purchases and Sales, Plant Generation and Fuel Cost Summary Idaho Normalized September 2024 - August 2025 720 744 720 744 744 696 744 720 744 720 744 744 Total Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Market Sales - Dollars $214,869,156 $25,804,510 $11,091,019 $13,655,285 $15,127,659 $16,352,523 $13,318,694 $12,888,558 $12,277,083 $16,977,965 $12,768,046 $35,484,039 $29,123,775Market Sales - MWh (2,869,001)-252,463 -170,391 -194,214 -166,831 -186,502 -149,113 -196,487 -247,932 -441,439 -293,007 -306,558 -264,065 Average Market Sales Price -$/ MWh -$74.89 -$102.21 -$65.09 -$70.31 -$90.68 -$87.68 -$89.32 -$65.59 -$49.52 -$38.46 -$43.58 -$115.75 -$110.29 Market Purchases - Dollars $2,315,278 $0 $54,396 $48,617 $684,182 $25,287 $645,787 $66,628 $43,869 $0 $61,843 $373,142 $311,526 Market Purchases - MWh 55,117 0 1,222 1,928 17,744 593 15,666 1,557 3,000 0 2,870 8,664 1,873 Average Market Purchase Price - $/MWh $42.01 $0.00 $44.52 $25.22 $38.56 $42.66 $41.22 $42.78 $14.62 $0.00 $21.55 $43.07 $166.31 Net Market Purchases (Sales) MWh -2,813,885 -252,463 -169,169 -192,286 -149,087 -185,909 -133,447 -194,930 -244,932 -441,439 -290,138 -297,894 -262,192 Net Market Purchases (Sales) aMW -321.2 -351 -227 -267 -200 -250 -192 -262 -340 -593 -403 -400 -352Average Sale and Purchase Price - $/MWh -$72.69 -$102.21 -$64.31 -$69.37 -$78.25 -$87.27 -$76.91 -$64.74 -$48.75 -$38.46 -$42.94 -$111.38 -$108.34 Colstrip MWh 1,606,138 142,105 140,213 139,397 152,029 152,896 137,533 151,979 129,331 99,534 72,696 139,842 148,584 Colstrip Fuel Cost $/MWh $19.93 $16.47 $16.42 $16.42 $16.43 $21.40 $22.27 $21.41 $22.26 $21.79 $23.31 $21.70 $21.60Colstrip Fuel Cost $32,005,291 $2,340,682 $2,302,891 $2,288,376 $2,497,996 $3,272,646 $3,062,621 $3,253,115 $2,879,392 $2,168,728 $1,694,217 $3,035,245 $3,209,381 Kettle Falls MWh 312,455 32,601 32,779 32,283 32,617 33,688 30,048 33,146 17,147 730 8,980 24,747 33,688 Kettle Falls Fuel Cost $/MWh $28.05 $26.75 $28.24 $28.05 $28.06 $27.52 $28.73 $27.40 $30.33 $31.42 $29.97 $28.53 $27.57 Kettle Falls Fuel Cost $8,764,127 $871,969 $925,833 $905,476 $915,182 $927,184 $863,310 $908,248 $520,002 $22,950 $269,093 $706,003 $928,877 Coyote Springs MWh 1,845,516 188,953 138,196 203,766 200,719 223,020 194,463 162,685 118,584 31,575 30,185 149,360 204,011Coyote Springs Fuel Cost $/MWh $30.38 $27.76 $28.20 $33.29 $37.08 $36.35 $34.24 $28.66 $23.29 $20.65 $28.33 $25.91 $25.18 Coyote Springs Fuel Cost $56,070,483 $5,244,426 $3,897,003 $6,784,001 $7,443,577 $8,105,708 $6,657,455 $4,662,967 $2,761,843 $652,159 $855,203 $3,869,618 $5,136,523 Lancaster MWh 1,757,338 167,558 164,154 174,786 176,260 197,492 174,557 182,460 71,443 121,401 18,649 133,513 175,065 Lancaster Fuel Cost $/MWh $31.68 $29.41 $31.01 $36.11 $37.87 $37.94 $37.31 $30.19 $26.03 $21.90 $35.10 $24.93 $26.56 Lancaster Fuel Cost $55,670,517 $4,927,285 $5,090,973 $6,312,381 $6,675,239 $7,492,007 $6,513,327 $5,508,295 $1,859,650 $2,658,137 $654,610 $3,329,119 $4,649,492 Boulder Park MWh 106,416 14,450 10,134 9,883 10,595 14,352 8,244 6,630 2,680 2,803 2,243 9,572 14,828 Boulder Park Fuel Cost $/MWh $39.60 $33.36 $38.80 $46.80 $53.82 $42.52 $41.71 $37.53 $43.19 $34.51 $38.47 $33.94 $32.35 Boulder Park Fuel Cost $4,214,389 $482,040 $393,224 $462,529 $570,246 $610,321 $343,858 $248,823 $115,743 $96,746 $86,261 $324,844 $479,754 Kettle Falls CT MWh 31,594 4,240 3,079 2,959 2,921 3,815 2,499 2,304 870 936 592 2,903 4,476 Kettle Falls CT Fuel Cost $/MWh $46.43 $41.25 $45.47 $56.36 $60.47 $49.42 $46.76 $41.79 $49.20 $40.05 $50.68 $42.16 $38.92 Kettle Falls CT Fuel Cost $1,466,833 $174,894 $140,020 $166,738 $176,599 $188,522 $116,872 $96,293 $42,810 $37,503 $29,990 $122,374 $174,219 Rathdrum MWh 800,526 98,773 96,604 95,280 76,488 108,684 80,046 72,734 16,747 17,840 7,898 31,222 98,210 Rathdrum Fuel Cost $/MWh $48.46 $42.82 $45.40 $50.89 $65.36 $51.70 $44.41 $49.09 $58.26 $42.35 $49.24 $44.35 $41.53 Rathdrum Fuel Cost $38,791,961 $4,229,839 $4,385,783 $4,848,895 $4,999,331 $5,619,287 $3,554,966 $3,570,203 $975,641 $755,505 $388,854 $1,384,691 $4,078,964 Northeast MWh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Northeast Fuel Cost $/MWh #DIV/0! Northeast Fuel Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Fuel Expense $196,983,601 $18,271,135 $17,135,727 $21,768,397 $23,278,171 $26,215,676 $21,112,410 $18,247,944 $9,155,080 $6,391,728 $3,978,228 $12,771,894 $18,657,210 Net Fuel and Purchase Expense -$15,570,278 Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 4, Page 2 of 2 Avista Corp PCA Authorized Expense and Retail Sales (Annual) Based on Pro forma 9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Historic Normalized Loads PCA Authorized Power Supply Expense - System Numbers (1) Total Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Account 555 - Purchased Power $104,521,277 $7,508,215 $6,908,554 $7,209,626 $9,346,250 $9,740,856 $9,151,262 $8,468,581 $8,126,508 $8,364,764 $8,253,615 $11,079,214 $10,363,832 Account 501 - Thermal Fuel $40,769,418 $3,212,651 $3,228,724 $3,193,852 $3,413,178 $4,199,830 $3,925,931 $4,161,363 $3,399,394 $2,191,678 $1,963,310 $3,741,248 $4,138,258 Account 537 - MT Invasive Species $780,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 Account 547 - Natural Gas Fuel $167,284,818 $15,990,884 $14,834,086 $19,502,102 $20,794,907 $22,946,287 $18,105,067 $15,003,022 $6,664,922 $5,109,266 $2,922,593 $9,955,681 $15,456,001 Account 557 - Other Expenses $71,679,967 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 $5,973,331 Account 565 - Transmission Expense $19,584,527 $1,630,441 $1,630,441 $1,630,441 $1,630,441 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 Account 456 - Other Revenue -$12,689,056 -$623,677 -$833,353 -$898,267 -$892,243 -$1,106,886 -$1,020,981 -$1,182,164 -$1,000,628 -$1,144,209 -$1,545,834 -$1,430,762 -$1,010,051 Account 447 - Sale for Resale -$212,900,464 -$25,749,986 -$11,876,355 -$15,190,036 -$17,748,350 -$15,949,645 -$13,438,229 -$12,918,947 -$12,398,731 -$16,911,017 -$13,749,735 -$31,442,366 -$25,527,065 Power Supply Expense $179,030,486 $8,006,859 $19,930,428 $21,486,049 $22,582,515 $27,501,618 $24,394,225 $21,203,030 $12,462,640 $5,281,658 $5,515,125 -$425,809 $11,092,150 Account 456 - Transmission Revenue (2)-$32,125,556 -$3,106,214 -$2,806,579 -$2,348,726 -$2,429,524 -$2,075,534 -$2,301,316 -$2,141,035 -$2,363,836 -$2,645,810 -$3,281,367 -$3,289,061 -$3,336,554 Total Authorized Expense $146,904,930 $4,900,645 $17,123,849 $19,137,323 $20,152,991 $25,426,084 $22,092,909 $19,061,995 $10,098,804 $2,635,848 $2,233,758 -$3,714,870 $7,755,596 Idaho Only (no adjustment for Directly assigned)$50,638,129 $1,689,252 $5,902,591 $6,596,635 $6,946,736 $8,764,371 $7,615,426 $6,570,670 $3,481,058 $908,577 $769,976 -$1,280,516 $2,673,354 PCA Authorized Idaho Retail Sales (3) Total Idaho Retail Sales, MWh 3,082,930 304,450 275,917 276,088 250,222 227,023 225,845 256,211 254,893 218,497 235,421 260,464 297,899 2023 Load Change Adjustment Rate (4)$25.23 /MWh 2024 Load Change Adjustment Rate (4)$26.54 /MWh (1) Multiply number by ROO current production/transmission allocation ratio of 34.47% (2) Transmission Revenue as discussed by Company witness Mr. Dillon. (3) Note totals may vary slightly from adjustment due to rounding.(4) Twelve months ended June 30, 2022 normalized monthly retail sales. Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 5, Page 1 of 2 Avista Corp PCA Authorized Expense and Retail Sales (Annual) Based on Pro forma 9/1/2024 - 8/31/2025 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 Historic Normalized Loads PCA Authorized Power Supply Expense - System Numbers (1) Total Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Account 555 - Purchased Power $119,698,083 $8,342,061 $8,027,256 $8,351,016 $9,868,026 $9,452,656 $9,184,588 $8,651,049 $10,036,182 $11,242,163 $10,880,167 $13,331,737 $12,331,181 Account 501 - Thermal Fuel $41,426,888 $3,858,553 $3,250,125 $3,220,420 $3,442,467 $4,079,664 $3,826,109 $4,221,935 $3,342,992 $2,235,276 $1,973,453 $3,783,614 $4,192,280 Account 537 - MT Invasive Species $780,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 Account 547 - Natural Gas Fuel $157,532,022 $14,975,940 $13,237,601 $17,070,538 $17,970,228 $21,769,323 $17,943,690 $14,879,623 $6,309,559 $5,070,446 $2,495,947 $10,134,412 $15,674,713 Account 557 - Other Expenses $85,249,910 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 $7,104,159 Account 565 - Transmission Expense $21,127,837 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 $1,632,845 $1,821,040 $1,821,040 $1,825,729 $1,825,729 $1,825,729 $1,825,729 $1,825,729 $1,825,729 Account 456 - Other Revenue -$12,793,860 -$1,019,613 -$1,081,470 -$1,012,993 -$1,217,461 -$1,114,416 -$919,335 -$1,204,339 -$818,677 -$957,852 -$1,416,513 -$1,174,753 -$856,439 Account 447 - Sale for Resale -$220,782,536 -$26,381,727 -$11,557,037 -$14,131,066 -$15,654,977 -$16,894,802 -$13,801,836 -$13,352,631 -$12,667,716 -$17,361,966 -$13,149,295 -$36,076,630 -$29,752,855 Power Supply Expense $192,238,345 $8,577,219 $20,678,481 $22,299,920 $23,210,288 $26,282,625 $25,223,416 $22,190,526 $15,197,229 $9,222,956 $9,778,647 -$1,006,731 $10,583,769 Account 456 - Transmission Revenue (2)-$31,245,955 -$2,932,581 -$2,633,014 -$2,161,321 -$2,242,072 -$2,050,372 -$2,276,154 -$2,114,499 -$2,347,424 -$2,629,398 -$3,264,955 -$3,272,649 -$3,321,516 Total Authorized Expense $160,992,390 $5,644,638 $18,045,467 $20,138,599 $20,968,216 $24,232,253 $22,947,262 $20,076,027 $12,849,805 $6,593,558 $6,513,692 -$4,279,380 $7,262,253 Idaho Only (no adjustment for Directly assigned)$55,494,077 $1,945,707 $6,220,272 $6,941,775 $7,227,744 $8,352,858 $7,909,921 $6,920,206 $4,429,328 $2,272,800 $2,245,270 -$1,475,102 $2,503,299 PCA Authorized Idaho Retail Sales (3) Total Idaho Retail Sales, MWh 3,082,930 304,450 275,917 276,088 250,222 227,023 225,845 256,211 254,893 218,497 235,421 260,464 297,899 2023 Load Change Adjustment Rate (4)$25.23 /MWh 2024 Load Change Adjustment Rate (4)$26.54 /MWh (1) Multiply number by ROO current production/transmission allocation ratio of 34.47% (2) Transmission Revenue as discussed by Company witness Mr. Dillon. (3) Note totals may vary slightly from adjustment due to rounding.(4) Twelve months ended June 30, 2022 normalized monthly retail sales. Exhibit No. 7 Case No. AVU-E-23-01 & AVU-G-23-01 C. Kalich, Avista Schedule 5, Page 2 of 2