HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230201Anderson Exhibit 17 Schedule 1-2.pdf DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-G-23-01 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) EXHIBIT NO. 17 AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) STATE OF IDAHO ) JOEL ANDERSON ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (NATURAL GAS) Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-21-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 1, p. 1 of 9 NATURAL GAS COST OF SERVICE STUDY 1 A cost of service study is an engineering-economic study, which apportions the revenue, 2 expenses, and rate base associated with providing natural gas service to designated groups of 3 customers. It indicates whether the revenue provided by customers recovers the cost to serve those 4 customers. The study results are used as a guide in determining the appropriate rate spread among 5 the groups of customers. 6 As shown in the flowchart below, there are three basic steps involved in a cost of service 7 study: functionalization, classification, and allocation. 8 First, the expenses and rate base associated with the natural gas system under study are 9 assigned to functional categories. The FERC uniform system of accounts provides the basic 10 segregation into production, underground storage, and distribution. Traditionally customer 11 accounting, customer information, and sales expenses are included in the distribution function and 12 administrative and general expenses and general plant rate base are allocated to all functions. This 13 study includes a separate functional category for common costs. Administrative and general costs 14 that cannot be directly assigned to the other functions have been placed in this category. 15 Second, the expenses and rate base items are classified into three primary cost components: 16 demand, commodity and customer related. Demand-related (capacity) costs are allocated to rate 17 schedules based on each schedule’s contribution to system peak demand. Commodity-related 18 (energy) costs are allocated based on each rate schedule’s share of commodity consumption. 19 Customer-related items are allocated to rate schedules based on the number of customers within 20 each schedule. The number of customers may be weighted by appropriate factors such as relative 21 cost of metering equipment. In addition to these three cost components, any revenue-related expense 22 is allocated based on the proportion of revenues by rate schedule. 23 Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-21-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 1, p. 2 of 9 The final step is allocation of the costs to the various rate schedules utilizing the allocation 1 factors selected for each specific cost item. These factors are derived from usage and customer 2 information associated with the test period results of operations. 3 BASE CASE COST OF SERVICE STUDY FLOWCHART 4 5 Pro Forma Results of Operations by Customer Group Underground Storage Production / Purchased Gas Cost Distribution and Customer Relations Energy / Commodity Related Customer RelatedDemand / Capacity Related Residential 101 Small General111/112 Interruptible131/132 Transportation146 Pro Forma Results of Operations Functionalization Common Classification Allocation Direct AssignmentThroughputSales ThermsFirm Therms Direct AssignmentCoincident PeakNon-Coincident Peak Direct AssignmentNumber of CustomersWeighted Number of Customers Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-21-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 1, p. 3 of 9 Production - Purchased Gas Costs 1 The Company has no natural gas production facilities to serve its retail customers. In 2 addition, the revenue and expenses associated with the gas purchased to serve sales customers and 3 pipeline transportation to get it to our system have been removed from the Company’s filing. The 4 natural gas costs included in the production function include the expenses of the gas supply 5 department. 6 The expenses of the gas supply department recorded in account 813 are classified as 7 commodity related costs. The gas scheduling process includes transportation customers, so 8 estimated scheduling dispatch labor expenses are allocated by throughput. The remaining gas 9 supply department expenses are allocated 95% by sales volumes and 5% on total throughput. 10 Underground Storage 11 Underground storage rate base, operating and maintenance expenses are classified as 12 commodity-related and allocated to customer groups by winter throughput. This approach was 13 proposed by commission Staff and accepted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Case No. 14 AVU-G-04-01. 15 Distribution Facilities Classification (Peak and Average) 16 Distribution mains and regulator station equipment (both general use and city gate stations) 17 are classified Demand and Commodity using the peak and average ratio for the distribution system. 18 Peak demand is defined as the average of the five-day sustained peaks from the most recent three 19 years. Average daily load is calculated by dividing annual throughput by 365 (days in the year). 20 The average daily load is divided by peak load to arrive at the system load factor of 44.55%. This 21 proportion is classified as commodity-related. The remaining 55.45% is classified as demand-22 related. Meters, services and industrial measuring & regulating equipment are classified as 23 Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-21-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 1, p. 4 of 9 customer-related distribution plant. Distribution operating and maintenance expenses are classified 1 (and allocated) in relation to the plant accounts they are associated with. 2 Customer Relations Distribution Cost Classification 3 Customer service, customer information and sales expenses are the core of the customer 4 relations functional unit which is included with the distribution cost category. For the most part 5 these costs are classified as customer-related. Exceptions include uncollectible accounts expense, 6 which is considered separately as a revenue conversion item, and any Demand Side Management 7 amortization expense recorded in Account 908.1 8 Distribution Cost Allocation 9 Demand-related distribution costs are allocated to customer groups (rate schedules) by each 10 groups’ contribution to the three-year average five-day sustained peak. Commodity-related 11 distribution costs are allocated to customer groups by annual throughput. Distribution main 12 investment has been segregated into large and small mains. Small mains are defined as less than 13 four inches, with large mains being four inches or greater. The small main costs use the same 14 demand and commodity data, but large usage customers (Schedules 131, 132, and 146) that connect 15 to large system mains have been excluded from the allocations. 16 Most customer-related costs are allocated by the annualized number of customers billed 17 during the test period. Meter investment costs are allocated using the number of customers weighted 18 by the relative current cost of meters in service at December 31, 2019. Services investment costs 19 are allocated using the number of customers weighted by the relative current cost of typical service 20 1 Any demand side management investment costs and amortization expense included in base rates would be included with the distribution function and classified to demand and commodity by the peak and average ratio. At this point in time, the Company’s demand side management investments in base rates have been fully amortized. All current demand side management costs are managed through the Schedule 191 Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment balancing account which is not included in this cost study. Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-21-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 1, p. 5 of 9 installations. Industrial measuring and regulating equipment investment costs are allocated by 1 number of turbine meters which effectively excludes small usage customers. 2 Administrative and General Costs 3 General and intangible rate base items are allocated by the Company’s four-factor allocator. 4 Administrative and general expenses are segregated into plant-related, labor-related, revenue-related 5 and other. The plant-related items are allocated based on total plant in service. Labor-related items 6 are allocated by operating and maintenance labor expense. Revenue-related items are allocated by 7 pro forma revenue. Other administrative and general expenses are allocated by the Company’s four-8 factor. 9 Special Contract Customer Revenue 10 Two special contract customers receive transportation service from the Company. Rates for 11 these customers were individually negotiated to cover any incremental costs together with some 12 contribution to margin. The rates for these customers are not being adjusted in this case. The 13 revenue from these special contract customers has been segregated from general rate revenue and 14 allocated back to all the other rate classes by relative rate base. In treating these revenues like other 15 operating revenues their system contribution reduces costs for all rate schedules. 16 Revenue Conversion Items 17 In this study uncollectible accounts and commission fees have been classified as revenue-18 related and are allocated by pro forma revenue. These items vary with revenue and are included in 19 the calculation of the revenue conversion factor. Income tax expense items are allocated to 20 schedules by net income before income tax less interest expense. 21 For the functional summaries on pages 2 and 3 of the cost of service study, these items are 22 assigned to the component cost categories. The revenue-related expense items have been reduced 23 Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-21-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 1, p. 6 of 9 to a percent of all other costs and loaded onto each cost category by that ratio. Similarly, income 1 tax items have been assigned to cost categories by relative rate base (as is net income). 2 The following matrix outlines the methodology applied in the Company Base Case natural 3 gas cost of service study. 4 IPUC Case No. AVU-G-23-01 Methodology Matrix Avista Utilities Idaho Jurisdiction Natural Gas Cost of Service Methodology Line Account Functional Category Classification Allocation Underground Storage Plant 1 350 - 357 Underground Storage Underground Storage Commodity E08 Winter throughput Distribution Plant 2 374 Land Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other Dist Plant S05 Sum of accounts 376-385 3 375 Structures Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other Dist Plant S05 Sum of accounts 376-385 4 376(S) Small Mains Distribution Demand/Commodity by Peak & Average D02/E06 Coincident peak, annual therms (both excl lg use cust) 5 376(L) Large Mains Distribution Demand/Commodity by Peak & Average D01/E01 Coincident peak (all), annual throughput (all) 6 378 M&R General Distribution Demand/Commodity by Peak & Average D01/E01 Coincident peak (all), annual throughput (all) 7 379 M&R City Gate Distribution Demand/Commodity by Peak & Average D01/E01 Coincident peak (all), annual throughput (all) 8 380 Services Distribution Customer 9 381 Meters Distribution Customer 10 385 Industrial M&R Distribution Customer 11 387 Other Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other Dist Plant S05 Sum of accounts 376-385 General Plant 12 389-399 All General Plant Common Demand/Commodity/Customer Intangible Plant 13 303 Misc Intangible Plant Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Dist Plant S15 Sum of Distribution Plant in Service 14 303 Computer Software Common Demand/Commodity/Customer Reserve for Depreciation 15 Underground Storage Underground Storage Commodity same as related plant Allocations linked to related plant accounts 16 Distribution Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer same as related plant Allocations linked to related plant accounts 17 General Common Demand/Commodity/Customer same as related plant Allocations linked to related plant accounts 18 Intangible Distribution/Common Demand/Commodity/Customer same as related plant Allocations linked to related plant accounts Other Rate Base 19 Accumulated Deferred FIT All Demand/Commodity/Customer from Plant in Service S17 Sum of Total Plant in Service 20 Constuction Advances Distribution Customer C10 Residential only 21 Gas Inventory Underground Storage Commodity from Underground Storage Plant S14 Sum of Underground Storage Plant in Service 22 Gain on Sale of Office Bldg Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from UG & D Plant S03 Sum of Underground Storage and Distribution Plant in Service 23 DSM Investment Distribution Demand/Commodity by Peak & Average D01/E01 Coincident peak (all), annual throughput (all) Purchased Gas Expenses 24 804 Purchased Gas Cost Production Removed all Purchased Gas Costs from Filing N/A 25 813 Other Gas Expenses Production Commodity E01/E04 Annual Throughput / Annual Sales Therms Underground Storage O&M 26 814 - 837 Underground Storage Exp Underground Storage Commodity E08 Winter throughput Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-21-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 1, p. 7 of 9 IPUC Case No. AVU-G-23-01 Methodology Matrix Avista Utilities Idaho Jurisdiction Natural Gas Cost of Service Methodology Line Account Functional Category Classification Allocation Distribution O&M 1 870 OP Super & Engineering Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Dist Plant S15 Sum of Distribution Plant in Service 2 871 Load Dispatching Distribution Commodity E01 Annual throughput 3 874 Mains & Services Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from related plant S06 Sum of Mains and Services Plant in Service 4 875 M&R Station - General Distribution Demand/Commodity from related plant S08 Sum of Meas & Reg Station - General Plant in Service 5 876 M&R Station - Industrial Distribution Customer from related plant S19 Sum of Meas & Reg Station - Industrial Plant in Service 6 877 M&R Station - City Gate Distribution Demand/Commodity from related plant S09 Sum of Meas & Reg Station - City Gate Plant in Service 7 878 Meter & House Regulator Distribution Customer from related plant S07 Sum of Meter and Installation Plant in Service 8 879 Customer Installations Distribution Customer 9 880 Other OP Expenses Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from other dist expenses S04 Sum of Accounts 870 - 879 and 881 - 894 10 881 Rents Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from other dist expenses S04 Sum of Accounts 870 - 879 and 881 - 894 11 885 MT Super & Engineering Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Dist Plant S15 Sum of Distribution Plant in Service 12 886 MT of Structures Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other Dist Plant S05 Sum of accounts 376-385 13 887 MT of Mains Distribution Demand/Commodity from related plant S21 Sum of Distribution Mains Plant in Service 14 889 MT of M&R General Distribution Demand/Commodity from related plant S08 Sum of Meas & Reg Station - General Plant in Service 15 890 MT of M&R Industrial Distribution Customer from related plant S19 Sum of Meas & Reg Station - Industrial Plant in Service 16 891 MT of M&R City Gate Distribution Demand/Commodity from related plant S09 Sum of Meas & Reg Station - City Gate Plant in Service 17 892 MT of Services Distribution Customer from related plant S20 Sum of Services Plant in Services 18 893 MT of Meters & Hs Reg Distribution Customer from related plant S07 Sum of Meter and Installation Plant in Service 19 894 MT of Other Equipment Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Dist Plant S15 Sum of Distribution Plant in Service Customer Accounting Expenses 20 901 Supervision Customer Relations Customer C01 All customers (unweighted) 21 902 Meter Reading Customer Relations Customer C01 All customers (unweighted) 22 903 Customer Records & Collections Customer Relations Customer C01 All customers (unweighted) 23 904 Uncollectible Accounts Revenue Conversion Revenue R03 Retail Sales Revenue 24 905 Misc Cust Accounts Customer Relations Customer C01 All customers (unweighted) Customer Service & Info Expenses 25 907 Supervision Customer Relations Customer C01 All customers (unweighted) 26 908 Customer Assistance Customer Relations Customer C01 All customers (unweighted) 27 908 DSM Amortization Distribution Demand/Commodity by Peak & Average D01/E01 Coincident peak (all), annual throughput (all) 28 909 Advertising Customer Relations Customer C01 All customers (unweighted) 29 910 Misc Cust Service & Info Customer Relations Customer C01 All customers (unweighted) Sales Expenses 30 911 - 916 Sales Expenses Customer Relations Customer C01 All customers (unweighted) Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-21-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 1, p. 8 of 9 IPUC Case No. AVU-G-23-01 Methodology Matrix Avista Utilities Idaho Jurisdiction Natural Gas Cost of Service Methodology Line Account Functional Category Classification Allocation Admin & General Expenses 1 920 Salaries Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other O&M 2 921 Office Supplies Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other O&M 3 922 Admin Expense Transferred - Credit Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other O&M 4 923 Outside Services Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other O&M 5 924 Property Insurance Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Plant in Service S17 Sum of Total Plant in Service 6 925 Injuries & Damages Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other O&M 7 926 Pensions & Benefits Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Labpr O&M S13 O&M Labor Expense 8 927 Franchise Requirements Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other O&M 9 928 Regulatory Commision Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other O&M 10 928 Commission Fees Revenue Conversion Revenue R01 Retail Sales Revenue 11 930 Miscellaneous General Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other O&M 12 931 Rents Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Other O&M 13 935 MT of General Plant Common Demand/Commodity/Customer from Plant in Service S17 Sum of Total Plant in Service Depreciation Expense 14 Underground Storage Underground Storage Commodity same as related plant Allocations linked to related plant accounts 15 Distribution Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer same as related plant Allocations linked to related plant accounts 16 General Common Demand/Commodity/Customer same as related plant Allocations linked to related plant accounts 17 Intangible Distribution/Common Demand/Commodity/Customer same as related plant Allocations linked to related plant accounts Taxes 18 Property Tax All Demand/Commodity/Customer from related plant S14/S15/S16 Sum of UG Plant/Sum of Dist Plant/Sum of Gen Plant 19 Miscellaneous Dist Tax Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Dist Plant S15 Sum of Distribution Plant in Service 20 State Income Tax Revenue Conversion Revenue R02 Net Income before Taxes less Interest Expense 21 Federal Income Tax Revenue Conversion Revenue R02 Net Income before Taxes less Interest Expense 22 Deferred FIT Revenue Conversion Revenue R02 Net Income before Taxes less Interest Expense 23 ITC Revenue Conversion Revenue R02 Net Income before Taxes less Interest Expense Operating Revenues 24 Revenue from Rates Revenue Revenue Pro Forma Revenue per Revenue Study 25 Special Contract Revenue All Demand/Commodity/Customer from Rate Base S01 Sum of Rate Base 26 Off System Sales Production Commodity from PGA Tracker E04 Sales Therms 27 Miscellaneous Service Revenue Distribution Demand/Commodity/Customer from Dist Plant S15 Sum of Distribution Plant in Service 28 Rent From Gas Property All Demand/Commodity/Customer from Rate Base S01 Sum of Rate Base Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-21-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 1, p. 9 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES Natural Gas Utility Company Base Case Cost of Service General Summary Idaho Jurisdiction For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 (b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j) Residential Large Firm Interrupt Transport System Service Service Service Service Line Description Total Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 131 Sch 146 Plant In Service 1 Underground Storage Plant 15,183,000 11,126,187 3,677,433 - 379,380 2 Distribution Plant 271,226,000 226,189,091 42,458,886 - 2,578,024 3 Intangible Plant 14,883,000 13,115,672 1,663,400 - 103,928 4 General Plant 33,378,000 29,571,410 3,581,881 - 224,709 5 Total Plant In Service 334,670,000 280,002,360 51,381,598 - 3,286,041 6 - - - - - Accum Depreciation Underground Storage Plant (5,756,000) (4,218,029) (1,394,145) - (143,826) 7 Distribution Plant (97,488,000) (82,293,515) (14,319,523) - (874,962) 8 Intangible Plant (4,862,000) (4,291,288) (537,114) - (33,597) 9 General Plant (15,540,000) (13,767,743) (1,667,638) - (104,619) 10 Total Accumulated Depreciation 11 - - - - - 12 Net Plant 211,024,000 175,431,785 33,463,178 - 2,129,036 Accumulated Deferred FIT (43,651,000) (36,520,701) (6,701,701) - (428,598) 13 Miscellaneous Rate Base 6,107,000 4,627,806 1,347,899 - 131,295 14 Total Rate Base 173,480,000 143,538,890 28,109,377 - 1,831,733 15 - - - - - 16 Revenue From Retail Rates 43,659,000 35,786,655 7,394,494 - 477,851 Other Operating Revenues 208,000 427,656 (245,206) - 25,550 17 Total Revenues 43,867,000 36,214,312 7,149,288 - 503,400 18 - - - - - 19 Operating Expenses Purchased Gas Costs 419,000 296,621 118,513 - 3,866 Underground Storage Expenses 859,000 629,480 208,056 - 21,464 20 Distribution Expenses 5,794,000 5,028,564 722,193 - 43,242 21 Customer Accounting Expenses 2,709,000 2,663,686 45,299 - 15 22 Customer Information Expenses 478,000 469,545 8,421 - 33 23 Sales Expenses (0) (0) (0) - (0) 24 Admin & General Expenses 6,259,000 5,479,478 733,044 - 46,478 25 Total O&M Expenses 16,518,000 14,567,375 1,835,526 - 115,099 26 - - - - - 27 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes 2,069,000 1,707,642 338,967 - 22,391 Depreciation Expense 28 Underground Storage Plant Depreciation 208,000 152,424 50,379 - 5,197 29 Distribution Plant Depreciation 6,346,000 5,312,051 975,728 - 58,221 30 General Plant Depreciation 2,633,000 2,332,720 282,554 - 17,726 31 Amortization Expense 2,037,000 1,703,718 313,269 - 20,014 32 Total Depreciation Expense 11,224,000 9,500,912 1,621,930 - 101,158 33 Income Tax 1,401,000 981,721 387,159 - 32,119 34 Total Operating Expenses 31,212,000 26,757,651 4,183,582 - 270,767 35 36 Net Operating Income 12,655,000 9,456,661 2,965,706 - 232,633 Rate of Return 7.29%6.59%10.55%0.00%12.70% 37 Return Ratio 1.00 0.90 1.45 - 1.74 38 Interest Expense 4,649,000 3,846,624 753,289 - 49,088 39 Income Tax / Net Oper Income 11.07% 40 Proposed Rate Revenue Increase 52,000 42,000 9,000 - 1,000 Proposed Misc Revenue Increase - Total Revenue Increase 52,000 42,000 9,000 - 1,000 allocated Misc Rev increase - - - - - allocation basis - Dist Plant 0.8340 0.1565 - 0.0095 (c)(d)(e) Proposed Rate Revenue 43,711,000 35,828,655 7,403,494 - 478,851 Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-23-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 2, p. 1 of 8 Line Present Return b4 conversion items 14,157,000 10,521,171 3,369,971 - 265,858 1 present conversion items, new spread 2 Uncollectibles (16,000) (13,115) (2,710) - (175) 3 Commission Fees 117,000 95,902 19,817 - 1,282 4 incremental conversion items, new spread 5 Uncollectibles - - - - - 6 Commission Fees - - - - - 7 less: Interest Expense 4,649,000 3,846,624 753,289 - 49,088 Proposed Return b4 Tax, new spread 9,459,000 6,633,760 2,608,576 - 216,664 less: FIT--present (748,000) (524,585) (206,281) - (17,133) 8 less: FIT--incremental 10,000 7,013 2,758 - 229 9 less: SIT--present (310,000) (217,408) (85,491) - (7,101) 10 less: SIT--incremental 2,000 1,403 552 - 46 11 less: DFIT, ITC--present 2,459,000 1,724,539 678,136 - 56,325 12 addback: Interest Expense 4,649,000 3,846,624 753,289 - 49,088 Proposed Return 12,695,000 9,489,422 2,972,192 - 233,386 Proposed Rate of Return 7.32%6.61%10.57%0.00%12.74% 13 Proposed Return Ratio 1.00 0.90 1.44 0.00 1.74 14 15 Rate Revenues at Uniform Present Rates 43,659,000 36,981,095 6,316,663 - 361,242 16 Rate Change to get to Uniform Present Rates (0) 1,194,440 (1,077,832) - (116,608) 17 % Change to get to Uniform Rates 0.0%3.2%-17.1%0.0%-32.3% 18 19 Revenue Related Op Exp., current 101,000 82,788 17,106 - 1,105 Rate Rev. excl Rev. Conversion Items, current 43,558,000 35,703,867 7,377,388 - 476,745 20 Revenue Conversion Item Ratio, current 0.2319%0.2319%0.2319%0.0000%0.2319% 21 22 Adj. Revenue Conversion Items 101,000 82,787 17,107 - 1,106 Adj. Rate Rev. excl Conversion Items 43,610,000 35,745,869 7,386,387 - 477,744 24 Adj. Revenue Conversion Ratio 0.2316%0.2316%0.2316%0.0000%0.2316% Adj. Income Tax Items 1,413,000 990,961 389,673 - 32,366 Adj. Return 12,695,000 9,489,422 2,972,192 - 233,386 Adj. Income Tax Ratio 11.1304%10.4428%13.1106%0.0000%13.8678% Adj. Income Tax Items - Uniform 1,413,000 1,056,207 330,816 - 25,977 26 27 28 SUMMARY BY FUNCTION WITH MARGIN ANALYSIS 29 30 Total Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 131 Sch 146 31 Functional Cost Components at Current Rates 32 Production 2,669,175 1,904,405 760,895 - 3,875 Underground Storage 2,143,757 1,453,879 618,370 - 71,508 Distribution 26,655,134 21,895,567 4,459,375 - 300,191 33 Common 12,190,934 10,532,804 1,555,853 - 102,277 34 Total Current Rate Revenue 43,659,000 35,786,655 7,394,494 - 477,851 35 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.- - - - - 36 Total Margin Revenue at Current Rates 37 - Margin per Therm at Current Rates Production 0.028646$ 0.029776$ 0.029776$ -$ 0.001057$ 38 Underground Storage 0.023007$ 0.022732$ 0.024198$ -$ 0.019506$ 39 Distribution 0.286066$ 0.342342$ 0.174507$ -$ 0.081887$ 40 Common 0.130834$ 0.164683$ 0.060885$ -$ 0.027899$ 41 Total Curr. Margin Melded Rate per Therm 0.468553$ 0.559532$ 0.289365$ -$ 0.130349$ 42 43 Functional Cost Components at Uniform Current Return 44 Production 2,669,175 1,904,405 760,895 - 3,875 Underground Storage 2,085,467 1,528,242 505,115 - 52,110 Distribution 26,653,744 22,854,655 3,586,534 - 212,554 45 Common 12,250,615 10,693,793 1,464,118 - 92,703 Total Uniform Current Cost 43,659,000 36,981,095 6,316,663 - 361,242 47 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.- - - - - Total Uniform Current Margin 43,659,000 36,981,095 6,316,663 - 361,242 49 - Margin per Therm at Uniform Current Return 50 Production 0.02865$ 0.02978$ 0.02978$ -$ 0.00106$ Underground Storage 0.02238$ 0.02389$ 0.01977$ -$ 0.01421$ 51 Distribution 0.28605$ 0.35734$ 0.14035$ -$ 0.05798$ Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-23-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 2, p. 2 of 8 Common 0.13147$ 0.16720$ 0.05729$ -$ 0.02529$ Total Curr. Uniform Margin @ Melded Rate 0.46855$ 0.57821$ 0.24719$ -$ 0.09854$ Margin to Cost Ratio at Current Rates 1.00 0.97 1.17 - 1.32 Functional Cost Components at Proposed Rates Line Production 2,669,167 1,904,400 760,893 - 3,875 Underground Storage 2,147,487 1,456,496 619,316 - 71,674 Distribution 26,696,921 21,929,311 4,466,668 - 300,943 1 Common 12,197,424 10,538,449 1,556,617 - 102,359 2 Total Proposed Rate Revenue 43,711,000 35,828,655 7,403,494 - 478,851 3 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.- - - - - 4 Total Margin Revenue at Proposed Rates 43,711,000 35,828,655 7,403,494 - 478,851 Margin per Therm at Proposed Rates 5 Production 0.02865$ 0.02978$ 0.02978$ -$ 0.00106$ 6 Underground Storage 0.02305$ 0.02277$ 0.02424$ -$ 0.01955$ 7 Distribution 0.28651$ 0.34287$ 0.17479$ -$ 0.08209$ 8 Common 0.13090$ 0.16477$ 0.06091$ -$ 0.02792$ Total Proposed Margin @ Melded Rates 9 Functional Cost Components at Uniform Proposed Return 10 Production 2,669,167 1,904,400 760,893 - 3,875 11 Underground Storage 2,089,125 1,530,922 506,001 - 52,201 Distribution 26,695,550 22,889,220 3,593,363 - 212,967 Common 12,257,157 10,699,576 1,464,833 - 92,748 12 Total Uniform Proposed Cost 43,711,000 37,024,118 6,325,090 - 361,791 13 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.- - - - - 14 Total Uniform Proposed Margin 43,711,000 37,024,118 6,325,090 - 361,791 15 Margin per Therm at Uniform Proposed Return Production 0.02865$ 0.02978$ 0.02978$ -$ 0.00106$ 16 Underground Storage 0.02242$ 0.02394$ 0.01980$ -$ 0.01424$ 17 Distribution 0.28650$ 0.35788$ 0.14062$ -$ 0.05809$ 18 Common 0.13155$ 0.16729$ 0.05732$ -$ 0.02530$ 19 Total Prop. Uniform Margin @ Melded Rates Margin to Cost Ratio at Proposed Rates 1.00 0.97 1.17 - 1.32 20 21 Throughput Therms 93,178,299 63,958,196 25,554,168 - 3,665,936 22 Peak Therms 603,291 455,030 136,118 - 12,143 Number of Customers (Annualized)1,030,550 1,012,322 18,156 - 72 23 SUMMARY BY CLASSIFICATION WITH UNIT COST ANALYSIS 24 25 Total Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 131 Sch 146 26 Cost by Classification at Curr. Return by Schedule 27 Commodity 13,032,380 8,774,079 4,005,090 - 253,211 Demand 8,723,102 6,217,007 2,361,403 - 144,692 Customer 21,903,518 20,795,570 1,028,001 - 79,948 28 Total Current Rate Revenue 43,659,000 35,786,655 7,394,494 - 477,851 29 30 Revenue per Therm at Current Rates 31 Commodity 0.13986$ 0.13718$ 0.15673$ -$ 0.06907$ Demand 0.09362$ 0.09720$ 0.09241$ -$ 0.03947$ Customer 0.23507$ 0.32514$ 0.04023$ -$ 0.02181$ 32 Total Revenue per Therm at Current Rates 0.46855$ 0.55953$ 0.28937$ -$ 0.13035$ 33 34 Cost per Unit at Current RatesCommodity 0.13986$ 0.13718$ 0.15673$ -$ 0.06907$ Demand 14.46$ 13.66$ 17.35$ -$ 11.92$ 35 Customer 21.25$ 20.54$ 56.62$ -$ 1,110.39$ 36 37 Cost by Classification at Uniform Current Return 38 Commodity 12,742,860 9,079,836 3,469,808 - 193,216 Demand 8,572,677 6,516,038 1,949,214 - 107,425 Customer 22,343,463 21,385,221 897,641 - 60,601 39 Total Uniform Current Cost 43,659,000 36,981,095 6,316,663 - 361,242 40 41 Cost per Therm at Current Return 42 Commodity 0.13676$ 0.14197$ 0.13578$ -$ 0.05271$ Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-23-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 2, p. 3 of 8 Demand 0.09200$ 0.10188$ 0.07628$ -$ 0.02930$ Customer 0.23979$ 0.33436$ 0.03513$ -$ 0.01653$ 43 Total Cost per Therm at Current Return 44 45 Cost per Unit at Uniform Current Return Commodity 0.13676$ 0.14197$ 0.13578$ -$ 0.05271$ 46 Demand 14.21$ 14.32$ 14.32$ -$ 8.85$ Customer 21.68$ 21.12$ 49.44$ -$ 841.68$ 47 Revenue to Cost Ratio at Current Rates 1.00 0.97 1.17 - 1.32 Cost by Classification at Proposed Return by Schedule Commodity 13,048,115 8,784,831 4,009,559 - 253,725 Demand 8,737,387 6,227,529 2,364,846 - 145,012 Customer (c)(d)(e)21,925,498 20,816,295 1,029,089 - 80,114 Total Proposed Rate Revenue 43,711,000 35,828,655 7,403,494 - 478,851 Line Revenue per Therm at Proposed Rates Commodity 0.14003$ 0.13735$ 0.15690$ -$ 0.06921$ Demand 0.09377$ 0.09737$ 0.09254$ -$ 0.03956$ Customer 0.23531$ 0.32547$ 0.04027$ -$ 0.02185$ 1 Total Revenue per Therm at Prop. Rates 2 3 Cost per Unit at Proposed Rates Commodity 0.14003$ 0.13735$ 0.15690$ -$ 0.06921$ 4 Demand 14.48$ 13.69$ 17.37$ -$ 11.94$ 5 Customer 21.28$ 20.56$ 56.68$ -$ 1,112.69$ 6 Cost by Classification at Uniform Proposed Return 7 Commodity 12,758,342 9,090,851 3,473,993 - 193,498 Demand 8,586,855 6,526,816 1,952,438 - 107,601 8 Customer 22,365,803 21,406,451 898,660 - 60,692 9 Total Uniform Proposed Cost 43,711,000 37,024,118 6,325,090 - 361,791 10 11 Cost per Therm at Proposed Return Commodity 0.13692$ 0.14214$ 0.13595$ -$ 0.05278$ Demand 0.09216$ 0.10205$ 0.07640$ -$ 0.02935$ 12 Customer 0.24003$ 0.33469$ 0.03517$ -$ 0.01656$ 13 Total Cost per Therm at Proposed Return 0.46911$ 0.57888$ 0.24752$ -$ 0.09869$ 14 15 Cost per Unit at Uniform Proposed Return 16 Commodity 0.13692$ 0.14214$ 0.13595$ -$ 0.05278$ 17 Demand 14.23$ 14.34$ 14.34$ -$ 8.86$ Customer 21.70$ 21.15$ 49.50$ -$ 842.95$ 18 19 Revenue to Cost Ratio at Prop. Rates 1.00 0.97 1.17 - 1.32 20 24 25 Underground Storage Related Rate Base 12,194,682 8,936,331 2,953,640 - 304,710 Distribution Related Rate Base 139,395,999 115,256,043 22,763,318 - 1,376,638 26 Common Related Rate Base 21,889,319 19,346,516 2,392,418 - 150,385 27 Total Rate Base 173,480,000 143,538,890 28,109,377 - 1,831,733 28 Functional Cost Components at Current Return by Schedule Line 32 Purchased Gas Cost - Commodity - - - - - Purchased Gas Cost - Capacity - - - - - Other Production Costs 2,663,000 1,899,999 759,135 - 3,866 Subtotal Production Cost 2,663,000 1,899,999 759,135 - 3,866 Rev. Related items 6,175 4,406 1,760 - 9 Net Production Cost 2,669,175 1,904,405 760,895 - 3,875 Line UG Storage Exp 1,266,000 927,732 306,634 - 31,634 UG Storage Rev (173,416) (127,081) (42,003) - (4,333) Subtotal UG Storage Cost 1,092,584 800,651 264,632 - 27,301 Income Tax 107,144 61,119 40,681 - 5,343 Return on Rate Base 939,071 588,745 311,627 - 38,699 Rev. Related items 4,959 3,363 1,431 - 165 Net UG Storage Cost 2,143,757 1,453,879 618,370 - 71,508 Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-23-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 2, p. 4 of 8 Line Distribution Exp 14,077,000 11,955,978 2,001,147 - 119,875 Cust Svc, Cust Info, Sales Exp 3,203,000 3,146,346 56,430 - 224 DSM Exp - - - - - Distribution Rev (1,982,303) (1,639,017) (323,709) - (19,577) Subtotal Distribution Cost 15,297,697 13,463,307 1,733,868 - 100,522 Income Tax 1,125,949 788,283 313,526 - 24,139 Return on Rate Base 10,169,825 7,593,324 2,401,665 - 174,835 Rev. Related items 61,664 50,653 10,316 - 694 Net Distribution Cost 26,655,134 21,895,567 4,459,375 - 300,191 Line 33 Common Exp 10,760,000 9,376,647 1,300,910 - 82,443 Common Rev (311,281) (275,120) (34,022) - (2,139) Subtotal Common Cost 10,448,719 9,101,527 1,266,888 - 80,304 Income Tax 167,907 132,319 32,952 - 2,637 Return on Rate Base 1,546,105 1,274,591 252,414 - 19,099 Rev. Related items 28,202 24,366 3,599 - 237 Net Common Cost 12,190,934 10,532,804 1,555,853 - 102,277 Functional Cost Components at Uniform Current Return Line Non-Revenue related UG Storage cost 1,092,584 800,651 264,632 - 27,301 Income Tax 98,483 72,169 23,853 - 2,461 Return on Rate Base 889,576 651,886 215,462 - 22,228 Rev. Related items 4,824 3,535 1,169 - 121 Net UG Storage Cost 2,085,467 1,528,242 505,115 - 52,110 Line Non-Revenue related Distrib cost 15,297,697 13,463,307 1,733,868 - 100,522 Income Tax 1,125,742 930,792 183,833 - 11,118 Return on Rate Base 10,168,644 8,407,685 1,660,536 - 100,423 Rev. Related items 61,660 52,872 8,297 - 492 Net Distribution Cost 26,653,744 22,854,655 3,586,534 - 212,554 Line 45 Common Exp 10,448,719 9,101,527 1,266,888 - 80,304 Income Tax 176,775 156,240 19,321 - 1,214 Return on Rate Base 1,596,780 1,411,288 174,522 - 10,970 Rev. Related items 28,340 24,739 3,387 - 214 Net Common Cost 12,250,615 10,693,793 1,464,118 - 92,703 Functional Cost Components at Proposed Return by Schedule Line Line Purchased Gas Cost - Commodity - - - - - Purchased Gas Cost - Capacity - - - - - Other Production Costs 2,663,000 1,899,999 759,135 - 3,866 Rev. Related items 6,167 4,400 1,758 - 9 Net Production Cost 2,669,167 1,904,400 760,893 - 3,875 Line Non-Revenue related UG Storage cost 1,092,584 800,651 264,632 - 27,301 Income Tax 108,024 61,694 40,946 - 5,384 Return on Rate Base 941,917 590,785 312,308 - 38,824 Rev. Related items 4,962 3,365 1,431 - 166 Net UG Storage Cost 2,147,487 1,456,496 619,316 - 71,674 Line Non-Revenue related Distrib cost 15,297,697 13,463,307 1,733,868 - 100,522 Income Tax 1,135,589 795,703 315,562 - 24,324 Return on Rate Base 10,201,949 7,619,630 2,406,917 - 175,401 Rev. Related items 61,687 50,671 10,321 - 695 Net Distribution Cost 26,696,921 21,929,311 4,466,668 - 300,943 Line 1 Common Exp 10,448,719 9,101,527 1,266,888 - 80,304 Income Tax 169,387 133,564 33,165 - 2,657 Return on Rate Base 1,551,134 1,279,007 252,966 - 19,161 Rev. Related items 28,184 24,350 3,597 - 237 Net Common Cost 12,197,424 10,538,449 1,556,617 - 102,359 Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-23-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 2, p. 5 of 8 Functional Cost Components at Uniform Requested Return Line 10 Purchased Gas Cost - Commodity - - - - - Purchased Gas Cost - Capacity - - - - - Other Production Costs 2,663,000 1,899,999 759,135 - 3,866 Subtotal Production Cost 2,663,000 1,899,999 759,135 - 3,866 Rev. Related items 6,167 4,400 1,758 - 9 Net Production Cost 2,669,167 1,904,400 760,893 - 3,875 Line 11 Non-Revenue related UG Storage cost 1,092,584 800,651 264,632 - 27,301 Income Tax 99,326 72,787 24,057 - 2,482 Return on Rate Base 892,388 653,947 216,143 - 22,298 Rev. Related items 4,827 3,537 1,169 - 121 Net UG Storage Cost 2,089,125 1,530,922 506,001 - 52,201 Line Non-Revenue related Distrib cost 15,297,697 13,463,307 1,733,868 - 100,522 Income Tax 1,135,385 938,764 185,408 - 11,213 Return on Rate Base 10,200,785 8,434,260 1,665,785 - 100,740 Rev. Related items 61,684 52,889 8,303 - 492 Net Distribution Cost 26,695,550 22,889,220 3,593,363 - 212,967 Line Common Exp 10,448,719 9,101,527 1,266,888 - 80,304 Income Tax 178,289 157,578 19,486 - 1,225 Return on Rate Base 1,601,827 1,415,748 175,074 - 11,005 Rev. Related items 28,322 24,723 3,385 - 214 Net Common Cost 12,257,157 10,699,576 1,464,833 - 92,748 Commodity Related Rate Base 51,646,047 36,743,693 13,959,930 - 942,424 Demand Related Rate Base 47,270,427 35,935,304 10,749,719 - 585,404 Customer Related Rate Base 74,563,526 70,859,893 3,399,728 - 303,905 Cost Classifications at Current Return by Schedule Line 27 Commodity Exp 6,998,152 4,985,333 1,883,552 - 129,267 Commodity Rev 1,530,673 1,096,387 447,143 - (12,857) Subtotal Commodity Cost 8,528,825 6,081,720 2,330,695 - 116,410 Income Tax 460,105 251,305 192,274 - 16,525 Return on Rate Base 4,013,301 2,420,756 1,472,855 - 119,690 Rev. Related items 30,149 20,298 9,265 - 586 Net Commodity Cost 13,032,380 8,774,079 4,005,090 - 253,211 Line Demand Exp 5,397,455 4,102,215 1,227,140 - 68,100 Demand Rev (674,637) (512,864) (153,419) - (8,355) Subtotal Demand Cost 4,722,817 3,589,351 1,073,722 - 59,745 Income Tax 404,101 245,776 148,059 - 10,265 Return on Rate Base 3,576,004 2,367,498 1,134,159 - 74,347 Rev. Related items 20,180 14,382 5,463 - 335 Net Demand Cost 8,723,102 6,217,007 2,361,403 - 144,692 Line Customer Exp 17,314,393 16,605,594 668,624 - 40,176 Customer Rev (1,064,036) (1,011,179) (48,518) - (4,338) Subtotal Customer Cost 16,250,358 15,594,414 620,106 - 35,837 Income Tax 536,794 484,640 46,826 - 5,329 Return on Rate Base 5,065,695 4,668,407 358,691 - 38,596 Rev. Related items 50,671 48,108 2,378 - 185 Net Customer Cost 21,903,518 20,795,570 1,028,001 - 79,948 Total Cost 43,659,000 - Total Expense 29,710,000 Revenue (208,000) Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-23-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 2, p. 6 of 8 Subtotal Net Expense 29,502,000 Income Tax 1,401,000 Return on Rate Base 12,655,000 Rev. Related items 101,000 Net Cost 43,659,000 Cost Classifications at Uniform Current Return Line 38 Non-Revenue related Commodity cost 8,528,825 6,081,720 2,330,695 - 116,410 Income Tax 417,086 296,737 112,738 - 7,611 Return on Rate Base 3,767,470 2,680,375 1,018,347 - 68,748 Rev. Related items 29,479 21,005 8,027 - 447 Net Commodity Cost 12,742,860 9,079,836 3,469,808 - 193,216 Line Non-Revenue related Demand cost 4,722,817 3,589,351 1,073,722 - 59,745 Income Tax 381,749 290,208 86,813 - 4,728 Return on Rate Base 3,448,278 2,621,405 784,169 - 42,704 Rev. Related items 19,832 15,074 4,509 - 249 Net Demand Cost 8,572,677 6,516,038 1,949,214 - 107,425 Line Non-Revenue related Cust cost 16,250,358 15,594,414 620,106 - 35,837 Income Tax 602,165 572,254 27,456 - 2,454 Return on Rate Base 5,439,252 5,169,080 248,003 - 22,169 Rev. Related items 51,689 49,472 2,077 - 140 Net Customer Cost 22,343,463 21,385,221 897,641 - 60,601 Total Non-Revenue related cost 29,502,000 25,265,485 4,024,523 - 211,992 Income Tax 1,401,000 1,159,200 227,007 - 14,793 Return on Rate Base 12,655,000 10,470,859 2,050,520 - 133,621 Rev. Related items 101,000 85,551 14,613 - 836 Net Cost 43,659,000 36,981,095 6,316,663 - 361,242 Cost Classifications at Proposed Return by Schedule Line Non-Revenue related Energy cost 8,528,825 6,081,720 2,330,695 - 116,410 Income Tax 463,845 253,670 193,523 - 16,652 Return on Rate Base 4,025,296 2,429,143 1,476,076 - 120,077 Rev. Related items 30,149 20,299 9,265 - 586 Net Energy Cost 13,048,115 8,784,831 4,009,559 - 253,725 Line Non-Revenue related Demand cost 4,722,817 3,589,351 1,073,722 - 59,745 Income Tax 407,454 248,090 149,021 - 10,344 Return on Rate Base 3,586,927 2,375,700 1,136,639 - 74,588 Rev. Related items 20,189 14,390 5,464 - 335 Net Demand Cost 8,737,387 6,227,529 2,364,846 - 145,012 Line Non-Revenue related Cust cost 16,250,358 15,594,414 620,106 - 35,837 Income Tax 541,701 489,201 47,130 - 5,370 Return on Rate Base 5,082,778 4,684,580 359,476 - 38,721 Rev. Related items 50,662 48,099 2,378 - 185 Net Customer Cost 21,925,498 20,816,295 1,029,089 - 80,114 Total Non-Revenue related cost 29,502,000 25,265,485 4,024,523 - 211,992 Income Tax 1,413,000 990,961 389,673 - 32,366 Return on Rate Base 12,695,000 9,489,422 2,972,192 - 233,386 Rev. Related items 101,000 82,787 17,107 - 1,106 Net Cost 43,711,000 35,828,655 7,403,494 - 478,851 Cost Classifications at Uniform Requested Return Line 7 Non-Revenue related Energy cost 8,528,825 6,081,720 2,330,695 - 116,410 Income Tax 420,659 299,279 113,704 - 7,676 Return on Rate Base 3,779,378 2,688,847 1,021,566 - 68,965 Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-23-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 2, p. 7 of 8 Rev. Related items 29,480 21,006 8,027 - 447 Net Energy Cost 12,758,342 9,090,851 3,473,993 - 193,498 Line Non-Revenue related Demand cost 4,722,817 3,589,351 1,073,722 - 59,745 Income Tax 385,019 292,694 87,557 - 4,768 Return on Rate Base 3,459,177 2,629,690 786,648 - 42,839 Rev. Related items 19,841 15,081 4,511 - 249 Net Demand Cost 8,586,855 6,526,816 1,952,438 - 107,601 Line 8 Non-Revenue related Cust cost 16,250,358 15,594,414 620,106 - 35,837 Income Tax 607,322 577,156 27,691 - 2,475 Return on Rate Base 5,456,444 5,185,418 248,787 - 22,239 Rev. Related items 51,679 49,462 2,076 - 140 Net Customer Cost 22,365,803 21,406,451 898,660 - 60,692 Total Non-Revenue related cost 29,502,000 25,265,485 4,024,523 - 211,992 Income Tax 1,413,000 1,169,129 228,952 - 14,920 Return on Rate Base 12,695,000 10,503,956 2,057,001 - 134,043 Rev. Related items 101,000 85,549 14,615 - 836 Net Cost 43,711,000 37,024,118 6,325,090 - 361,791 IDAHO GAS Meter, Services, Meter Reading & Billing Costs by Schedule at Proposed Rate of Return Total Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 131 Sch 146 Services 109,424,000$ 106,138,420$ 3,199,735$ -$ 85,845$ Services Accum. Depr.(41,720,000)$ (40,467,310)$ (1,219,960)$ -$ (32,730)$ Total Services 67,704,000$ 65,671,110$ 1,979,775$ -$ 53,115$ Meters 35,021,000$ 32,021,654$ 2,880,700$ -$ 118,646$ Meters Accum. Depr.(12,168,000)$ (11,125,881)$ (1,000,896)$ -$ (41,223)$ Total Meters 22,853,000$ 20,895,773$ 1,879,805$ -$ 77,422$ Total Rate Base 90,557,000$ 86,566,883$ 3,859,580$ -$ 130,537$ Return on Rate Base @ 7.30%6,873,276$ 6,570,426$ 292,942$ -$ 9,908$ Tax Benefit of Interest Expense (779,696)$ (745,341)$ (33,231)$ -$ (1,124)$ Revenue Conversion Factor 0.78701$ 0.787006$ 0.787006$ -$ 0.787006$ Rate Base Revenue Requirement 7,742,737$ 7,401,577$ 329,999$ -$ 11,161$ Services Depr Exp 2,572,000$ 2,494,773$ 75,209$ -$ 2,018$ Meters Depr Exp 731,000$ 668,394$ 60,129$ -$ 2,477$ Services Exp 355,000$ 344,341$ 10,381$ -$ 279$ Meters Exp 833,000$ 761,658$ 68,520$ -$ 2,822$ Meter Reading 154,000$ 151,365$ 2,625$ -$ 10$ Billing Exp 2,019,000$ 1,984,448$ 34,420$ -$ 132$ Total Expenses 6,664,000$ 6,404,978$ 251,284$ -$ 7,737$ Revenue Conversion Factor 0.99621$ 0.996210$ 0.996210$ -$ 0.996210$ Expense Revenue Requirement 6,689,353$ 6,429,345$ 252,240$ -$ 7,767$ Total Customer Costs 14,432,090$ 13,830,923$ 582,239$ -$ 18,928$ Total Customers Bills 1,098,488 1,079,689 18,727 0 72 Avg Unit Cost 13.14$ 12.81$ 31.09$ 0 262.89$ Customer Related Costs Per Customer 24,894,945 23,705,333 1,107,367 0 82,244 22.66$ 21.96$ 59.13$ -$ 1,142.28$ Demand Related Costs Per Customer 11,060,514 8,158,632 2,712,085 0 189,797 10.07$ 7.56$ 144.82$ -$ 2,636.07$ Total Customer & Demand Related Costs 32.73$ 29.51$ 203.95$ -$ 3,778.35$ Exhibit No. 17 Case No. AVU-G-23-01 J. Anderson, Avista Schedule 2, p. 8 of 8