HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220906Comments.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 TDAHO BAR NO. 9917 Street Address for Express Mail: I 1331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 837I4 Attorney for the Commission Staff BBFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S REQUEST TO DECREASE ITS ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE 91 CASE NO. AVU-E-22-09 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attomey of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On July 29,2022, Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities ("Company") applied for authorization to decrease its electric Schedule 9l "Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment" ("Schedule 91") rates. The Company proposes to decrease the rates and charges collected through Schedule 91 by $3.6 million annually, or l.4Yo. The Company requested that its Application be processed under Modified Procedure with an effective date of October 1,2022. The Company's Schedule 9l is used to collect funds that are allocated through Schedule 90 to fund energy efficiency services to customers. The Company's programs are built to provide a financial incentive-rebate-to help customers cover the cost of energy efficiency measures. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER6,2022 The Company uses several measures to determine the true costs and benefits of its offerings under Schedule 90, including the Total Resource Cost Test and the Utility Cost Test. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff reviewed the Company's Application and workpapers and supports the Company's request to decrease the Schedule 9l Energy Efficiency Rider electric rates by 1.4%. If approved, a residential customer using 892 kilowatt-hours per month would see their monthly bill decrease from $86.00 to $84.82, or $1.17 per month. Staff determined the Company properly applied the new rate adjustment to customer classes as shown in Table No. I below: Table No. 1: Schedule 91 Rates SCHEDULE EXISTING RATE PROPOSED RATE Residential Customers - Sch. I .395p per kWh .263p per kWh General Service - Sch. ll&12 .427(, per kWh 23lp per kWh Large General Service - Sch. 2l&22 .340i, per kWh 255p per kWh Extra Large Customers - Sch. 25 .219p per kWh l47p per kWh Clearwater Paper - Sch. 25P .203A per kWh l32l per kWh Pumping Service - Sch. 3l&32 .396(, per kWh .256(, per kWh Street Light Service - Sch. 4l-49 1.340i, per kWh l.$9A per kWh As of June 30,2022, the Company's Schedule 91 was approximately $4.9 million overfunded-meaning Schedule 9l has been collecting more revenues than what is being distributed through Schedule 90. The Company describes two main factors that contributed to the overfunded balance. First, current rates were set to recover a large, turderfunded balance after customers in 2016 and2017 achieved far more energy efficiency savings than contemplated in the Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP").t k Order No. 33897, the Commission increased the Schedule 91 collection to recover $3.9 million underfunded balance over approximately 3 years. Second, Covid-l9 altered the participation in the programs offered in Schedule 90. The I During 2016 and 2017 customers achieved 88,3 19 megawatt-hours of energy savings, which was 394% of the IRP target. Application at 3. This caused Schedule 9l to be underfunded by about $9.6 million. /d 2STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 6,2022 proposed rate adjustment is projected to bring the overfunded balance of Schedule 91 to $0 by September 30,2025. By extending the collection period over a longer period, the Company is attempting to align the collection of revenue in Schedule 91 more closely with the annual Energy Efficiency Program budget, thus minimizing the future rate impact to customers. Cost-effective Demand Side Management ("DSM"), including energy efficiency and load management programs, is a significant resource that helps customers better control their utility bills, reduces the need for higher-cost supply-side resources, and increases system reliability. Staff assumes the Company's DSM program costs will continue to be prudently incurred and that the programs will remain cost-effective. It is not Staff s intent to either validate or question the Company's DSM prudency or its actual cost-effectiveness calculations for any of its energy efficiency programs at this time. Such validation and additional review was not requested in this case and is occurring in Case No. AVU-E-22-13 which is subsequently before the Commission. CUSTOMER NOTICE AND PRESS RELEASE The Company's press release and customer notice were included with its Application. Each document addresses the following cases: the electric FCA (AVU-E-22-12), the gas FCA (AVU-G-22-04), the Power Cost Adjustment (AVU-E-22-11), the BPA Residential and Small Farm Credit (AVU-E-22-10) and the Electric Energy Effrciency Adjustment (AVE-E-22-09). Staff reviewed the documents and determined both meet the requirements of Rule 125 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. See IDAPA The notice was included with bills mailed to customers between August 11,2022, and September 9, 2022. Customers who receive the notice near the end of the billing cycle will not have the opportunity to file timely comments with the Commission by the September 6,2022, deadline. Because some customers will not have been notified, Staff recommends the Commission consider any late filed comments. As of September 5,2022, no customer comments had been filed. Overall Impact of Four Filings Effective October 1,2022 The Company proposed four electric rate adjustments effective October 1,2022. In this case, the EE Rider adjustment, if approved, will decrease the Company's electric revenues by $3.6 million(1.4%). The Company's proposed Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") filing, AVU-E- 22-lI, if approved, will decrease electric revenues by about $3.1 million(1.2% decrease). The JSTAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER6,2022 proposed Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment or Residential Exchange Program ("ResEx"), AVU-E-22-10, if approved, will decrease electric revenues by $0.1 million (0.1% decrease). The Company's proposed Schedule 75 Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") Mechanism - Electric, AYU-E-22-72,if approved, will decrease electric revenues an additional $5.1 million (2.0% decrease). The net effect of Company's four filings (EE Rider, PCA, ResEx, and FCA) will decrease electric revenues by nearly $12.0 million (4.7% decrease). The average residential electric customer's monthly bill may decrease by $4.10 or 4.8Yo. Table No. 2 summarizes the overall impact to electric revenues of the four filings. Table No. 2: Summarv of Overall Impact to Electric Revenues Filing Change in Revenues 7o Change EE fuder (s3,626,534)-1.4% PCA ($3,099,000)-1.2% ResEx Credit ($ 129,655)-0.1% FCA ($5,122,171)-2.0% Total ($11,977,360)-4.7o/o STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Company's Application to decrease the Schedule 9l Customer Efficiency Services Rate by l.4Yo and the proposed Schedule 91 tariffs as filed. Additionally, Staff recommends the Commission consider any late filed customer comments. Respectfully submitted this 6rH day of Septemb er 2022. Dayn Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Latra Conilogue Jason Talford i : umisc/comments/avu922.9dhlcjjt comments 4STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 6,2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAvE THIS 6TH DAY oF SEPTEMBER 2022, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. AVU-E-22.09, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: PATRICK EHRBAR DIRECTOR REGULATORY AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX3727 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail : patrick.ehrbar@avistacorp.com dockets@avi stacorp.com DAVID J MEYER VP & CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA COPJORATION PO BOX3727 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail: david.meyer@avistacorp.com J. 1,r,,-r\ SECRETARY I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE