HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220504My Clean Energy Report.pdf^liusra Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 N,day 4,2022 ""1 .:"'i '.--'1 . ru{ " *t" I ".:!rri: t] Ia,:rl. -:i,-it- :,r"'".; i!, I Lj 'ila es: fi.' tt ilrt Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd. Bldg.8, Ste.201-A Boise,Idaho 837L4 RE: Avista Utilities 2021 Annual Report on Optional Alternative Renewable Energy Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Order No. 35282 in Case No. AVU-E-2L-15, enclosed for filing is Avista Corporation's dba Avista Utilities (Avista or the Company) report on altemative energy resources offered as options to customers tn2021under tariff Schedule 95 - Optional Renewable Power Rate. Please direct questions on this matter to me at (509) 495-2782 or Lisa Garrett at (509) 49s-7994. Sincerely lolstaan Sodldd Sr. Manager of Regulatory Policy & Strategy Avista Utilities Shawn. Bonfi eld@ avistacom. com 509-495-2782 ^Jiststa SCHEDULE 95 - MY CLEANENERGY 2O2L ANNUAL REPORT AVISTA CORPORATION MAY 2022 Backeround Avista Utilities' voluntary renewable energy program, originally marketed as the "Buck- A-Block" program, was initiated on February l,2002and renamed to "My Clean Energy" Program (Program) n 2020. The Program is available to residential and commercial electric customers in both Idaho and Washington and provides customers with three options: (1) a National block option of renewable power from a national source located anywhere in the United States which is priced at $1.00 per 100 kwh; (2) a regional block option for a renewable power source located in the Western Interconnection (WECC) which is priced at $ 1 .30 per l00kWh; and, (3) a I00% matching option (regionally sourced) to offset every kWh used at the customers selected meter which is priced at $0.013 per kWh. Customers subscribe on a monthly basis and can cancel and re-subscribe at any time by either phone, internet, or bill inserts. Avista purchases and retires Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to supply the program. The Company markets the program through billing inserts, earned media, local public radio, selected fairs, solar grants and print media. Mv Clean Enerw 2021 Annual Reportins Table I below represents the number of active participants each month. The 100% Match option became effective on March 16,2021. Table l-2021 Clean ID - Total2021ID - National Block Participants ID - Regional Block Participants ID - Regional kWh Match Participants Jan 937 85 1,022 88 1,020 1.040 Feb Mar 932 922 87 3l Apr 907 94 t52 1,153 Mav 898 100 183 1,181 1.184Jun886t02196 875 t04 203 1,182 1 1 1 1 76 76 Jul --AgeSep 866 854 103 106 2t6 207 Oct 108 1,172 Nov 842 83r t07 222 224 r.t62 Dec 829 106 223 1,158 llPage Table 2 below provides the Program REC purchase details. Please note, this information includes RECs purchased for the program as a whole, which supports the Company's Idaho and Washington My Clean Energy customers. Table 2 -2021REC Purchase Details Generator Plant- Unit Name Location Qty Price per REC REC Vintage Price Point Qty Sheep Creek Hydro WA 224 $ 2.00 2020 224 Meyers Falls Unit I WA 2,577 $ 2.00 2020 2,577 Meyers Falls Unit 2 WA 715 $ 2.00 2020 7t5 Roosevelt Wind ProiecL LLC NM 35,000 $ 4.9s 2021 35,000 Merritt Farms Solar CA 7,000 $ 1.25 2020 7,000 Sheep Creek llydro WA 7,408 $ 3.00 2021 7,408 Meyers Falls Unit 2 WA 1,403 $ 3.00 2021 1,403 Meyers Falls Unit I WA 4,209 $ 3.00 2021 4,209 Meyers Falls Unit B WA 2 $ 3.00 2021 2 Unknown NM 22,512 $ 4.s8 202t/2022 22,512 Rathdrum Solar ID 2 $202t 2 Grand Total $4.09 81,052 Tables 3 and 4 below provide a detailed break-down of administrative and marketing costs. These expenses correlate to the overall project expenses and program budget as provided in reporting requirement No. 5. 2lPage Table 3 - 2021 Labor Expenoes Expense Type Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nov Dec Grand Total 340 Regular Payroll - NU $382 $864 $ r,373 $2,481 $t, I 6l $956 $350 $r,063 $ I,48 r $ 1,936 $r,071 $1,326 $r4,445 509 Pay Ben lnj & Dam $s $12 $20 $37 $17 $13 $5 $ls $21 $2e $15 $1e $20e 510 Payroll Benefits loadins $r67 $390 $652 $1,203 $s4r $436 $rs8 $s00 $697 $930 $486 $60s $6;164 5ll Non-Service Loadine $16 $14 ($15)($301 ($17)($l+1 ($tz1 ($:s1 ($4e1 ($o+1 ($41)($3e)($2eo) 512 lncentive Loadins-NU $21 $48 $76 $ 136 $64 $53 $19 $s8 $81 $78 $31 s44 $710 515 Payroll Tax loadine $31 $69 $l r0 $198 $99 $sl $30 $e3 $130 $r 69 $e5 $t l6 $1,221 516 Inctv Pyrll Tax $2 $4 $7 $12 $6 $5 $2 $s $7 $10 $5 $7 $72 520 Payroll Time Off loadins $63 $143 $230 $422 $197 $163 $60 $l8 r $2s4 $344 $220 $27s $2,5s0 Grand Total $687 $r.s45 $2.452 $4.454 $2.067 $1.693 $612 s1.880 s2.622 $3.432 $1.884 $2.352 $25.681 3lPage Table 4 - 2021 Non-Labor Expenses Accounting Period Expenditure Type Vendor Name Transaction Description Transaction Amount Feb 202I 885 Miscellaneous One Energy Renewables REC's for My Clean Energy Program $26,2s0 Feb 2021 910 Postage Walts Mailing Service Postage For My Clean Energy Newsletter $824 Mar 2021 810 Advertising Expenses Hanna & Associates Inc Admin MCE bill insert creative $s8s Mar202l 8 l0 Advertising Expenses Hanna & Associates Inc Sales Tax $4 Apr 2021 8 I 0 Advertising Expenses National Color Graphics Inc MCE bill inserts April bill run.$3,3 r 7 Apr 2021 885 Miscellaneous Sheep Creek Hydro Inc My Clean Energy REC Purchase $r,802 May 2021 810 Advertising Expenses Hanna & Associates Inc Jan MCE bill insert creative $925 May 2021 820 Computer Equip Software Hanna & Associates Inc Creative for MCE April bill insert.$265 May 2021 885 Miscellaneous Hydro Technology Systans Inc REC's for My Clean Energy Program $6,584 June 2021 010 General Services Wregis My Clean Energy REC transfers $254 Atug202l 8 I 0 Advertising Expenses National Color Graphics Inc National Color Graphics - bill insert $2,709 Sept 2021 810 Advertising Expenses Hanna & Associates Inc MCE bill insert $148 Sept 2021 810 Advertising Expenses Lisa Mccathren Design Llc MCE newsletter design $638 Sept 2021 910 Postage Walts Mailing Service Postage For Avista My Clean Energy Newsletter $21 I Sept 2021 915 Printing SJI 09 RICOH inv #80039505701202109 $75 Sept 2021 915 Printing National Color Graphics Inc My Clean Energy Bill Insert $3,359 Nov 2021 885 Miscellaneous Go2 Markets Inc Payment for REC's, My Clean Energy Program $r 73,2s0 Nov 2021 910 Postage My Clean Energy Lh - Deborah Abrahamson $354 Nov 2021 415 Material Issues Manual Issues s222 Nov 2021 530 Stores/Material Loading $t6 Nov 2021 532 Materials TaxlFght Loadins $7 Dec202l 885 Miscellaneous Ew Merritt Farms REC Purchase for My Clean Energy Program $8,7s0 Grand Total $230,549 4lPage Tablc5 helowprovideotheoverallprogrm fimdbalance, whileTable 6providee theheakdocmofprograln expenses. Thcsecostg andbalanoea comolate to the dctailed brcak-down of itemized €xp€os€s provide in Table 3 abova Please no@ the rweirue from thc 100% Mdch Program w6s not reoorded in tho My Cleao Eneqgy progrm balance tn202l. This has bc€n ooneotcd with m adjustrrmt takcn in ths ftst quartsr sf 2A22 to propedy accormt for this nev€ouc in tho My Clem EnerSy balance and is bcing crytrrGd in tho monthly rw€ou€ goiag forcrud. SlPage Table 5 - 2021 Program Fund Balance Project Costs OH Cost Adj Return on Plant and Service Generatlon Offset Purchased RECs Accruals Idaho Revenues Washington Revenues 77703016 $34r'..998TE,Energy @ Mkt REC Purch Expense Accruals & Reversals Conversion Factor - 0.994549 Conversion Factor - 0.955631 Sum GL Jan-21 $ 687.28 $ 15.0e $ 701.25 $ (13.7e)$ (5,547.59)$(12,653.51)$(r 14,r06.14)$(l 14,106.18) Feb-'21 $2,368.85 $ 33.42 $ 701.25 $ (40.6e)$ 26250.00 $ (5,545.61)$(12,755.76)$ (103,094.68)$(103,094.72) Mar-21 $3,040.74 $ 53.37 $ 701.25 $ (s0.78)$ (6,019.01)$(13,783.07)$ (l 19,152.18)$(tt9,152.22) Apr-21 $7,770.86 s 61.81 $ 701.25 $ (e3.28)$ 1,802.00 $ (5,5,14.61)$(13,330.10)s (t27,784.25)$(127,7U.29) May-21 $3,257.16 $ 4.20 $ 701.25 $ (86.71)$ 6,s84.00 $ (5,595.33)$ (13,606.27)$ (136,485.9s)$(136,48s.99) Jun-21 $1,947.61 $ 34.50 $ 701.2s $ (l8l.e4)$ (5,667.93)$ (18,543.06)$ (158,195.53)$(158,195.56) Jul-21 $ 6r r.83 $ 12.94 $ 701.25 $ (326.08)$ (5,636.1 l)$ (l 8,510.57)$ (181,342.27)$(181,342.30) Aug-21 $4,589.38 $ 39.35 $ 701.2s $ (158.33)$ (5,573.45)$ (18,327.09)$ (200,071.17)$(200,071.20) Sep2l $7,052.90 $ s3.90 $ 70r.25 $ (14e.64)$ (5,608.26)$ (18,432.21)$ (216,453.23)$(216,4s3.22) Oct-21 $3,431.78 $ 48.s1 $ 701.2s $ (e7.le)$ (5,489.91)$ (18,505.79)$ (236,364.58)$(236,364.60) Nov-21 $2,128.02 $ 53.90 $ 701.25 $ (28.2s)$173,250.00 $ (5,206.78)$ (18,479.86)$ (83,946.30)$ (83,946.32) Dec-21 $2,705.81 $ 52.83 $ 701.25 $ (r 1.30)$ 8,750.00 $ (5,178.29)$ (18,397.64)$ (95,323.63)$ (94,970.68) Grand Total $39,5y2.22 $ 503.82 $ 8,415 $(1,237.9E)$2r6,636.00 $ (66612.Ee)$(19s324.94)over 5lPage Table 6 - 2021 Program Expensec 2021 Sch 95Revenue Gross Revenue Converclon Factor Net Rcvenue WA $2M,376 0.955631 0.956069 $ 195,325 II)$67,472 0.994549 0.949622 $ 66,613 $271,848 $ 261,938 Project Coctr: 010 Genoral Services $2s4.49 340 Regular Payroll - NU $ 14,444.75 415 Material IssueVStores s244.32 509 Pay Ben Inj & Dam $ 209.09 510 Payroll Benefits loading s 6,763.63 5 I I Non-Service Loading $ (28e.73) 5 12 Incentivs Loading-Nu $ 709.66 515 Pawoll Tax loading $ 1,220.72 516 Inactive Payroll Tax $72.26 520 Payroll Time Offloading $ 2,550.23 8I0 Advertising Expense,s $ 8,325.17 820 Computer Equip Softwee $ 265.00 910 Postage $ 1,3EE.64 915 Printing $ 3,433.99 RECs purch$cd $ 216,636 Power SuDply solar ofrret $ 8,415.00 Overhead cost adluctment $ s03.82 Generatlon ofrcet (credtt)$ (1237.e8) Revenue olTset $ 261,938 Net (BenelltVCosb $ 1,971 TlPage Program Promotion and Education In March and April of 2021, Avista began promoting the new 100% Match option for customers through email communications, bill inserts, website updates, and social media messaging. This outreach targeted existing, former, and new program participants. With the implerrentation of the 100% Match program, the Company also offered a "Plant a Tree" campaign with the local Lands Council. For every new 100% Match or Regional Block program enrollment, or transition from the National Block prograrn to the Regional Block or 100% Match program, Avista donates $1.00 to plant a tree. The Lands Council's mission is to help protect and revitalize the forests by planting trees in Avista's Idaho and Washington service territories. This promotion ran from March 2021 through October 2021 and rezulted in a program donation of $823 to the Lands Council. Note, this donation has not yet been processed and will be reflected in the 2022 frnarrcials. Additionally, in March 202l,the Company conducted an annual Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey which saw an increase in the number of customers who indicated being a promoter of the progftrm, rather than neutral or detacting, compared to 2020 results. These results indicate our recent efforts to promote and show the value of the program is being recognized by customers. My Clean Energy Net Promotor Score 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2019 20272020 - Year ----. linqff (Yea1) Lastly, existing My Clean Energy program customers received an annual subscriber newsletter in August 2021 and another promotional bill insert was sent to all customers in September 2021. 8lPage Product Label Table 7 below includes the 'program content label' commonly associated with meeting environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Table 7 -z02lHistorical Product Content Label* Generation facilities' location:20o/oWA,gYoCA,7l% NM Energy Resource Mix:7 l%o W ind, 20o/o Hydro, 9% Solar * These figures reflect the RECs purchased on behalf of ldaho and Washington My Clean Energy customers in202l Detailed Grant Proj ect Information There were no gants provided ln2021and no current grant plans for 2022, however, we are monitoring the program budget and evaluating the surplus threshold needed to offer grants again. If the REC market stabilizes in pricing n 2022, we hope to begin building a zufficient surplus budget to allow for grant opportunities. 9lPage