HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210909Application.pdf^l,irr.tsra Avista Corp. 141 I East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 Septerrber 9,2021 Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd. Bldg.8, Ste.20l-A Boise,Idaho 83714 RE: Case No. AW-E-21'13 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for filing with the Commission is Avista Corporation's, doing business as Avista Utilities', application requesting that the Commission authorize the Company to implernent pilot electric transportation programs as outlined in the attached Application. Please direct any questions regarding this filing to Linda Gervais at 509-495-a975 (linda.gervarS: falkner@ avi stacorp. com) or me at 509 .49 5.8 620 (Patri ck. ehrbar@.avi stacorp. com). Sincerely, lol ?aarU eh/a,, Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Enclosure Fi)(:? =Ln -rfft ''1t'ri fnsf,)rofl rcS3 t[tr$u tt() .-i t,_r "l-t -" - ?i-.lnl-: i (/l() UI C)'v 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION I4II E. MISSION AVENUE P.O.BOX3727 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-37 27 PHONE: (509) 49s-4316 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING PILOT PROGRAMS FOR THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRIC TRANSPORTATION l0 1l t2 t3 t4 15 t6 t7 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU.E,.ZI-B APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION l8 19 I. INTRODUCTION 20 In accordance with IDAPA 31.01.01 (Rules of Procedure, or RP), RP 052 and RP 21 201, et seq., Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter Avista or 22 Company), hereby respectfully makes application to the Idatro Public Utilities 23 Commission (IPUC or the Commission) for an order authorizing the Company to 24 implement pilot electric transportation programs. The Company proposes to offer these 25 programs under its electric tariff Schedule 90, "Electric Energy Efficiancy Programs", 26 specifically under the Market Transformation Program and associated Research and 27 Development (R&D), and fund the programs under its electric tariff Schedule 91, 28 "Energy Effrciency Rider Adjustment", effective November 1,2021. 29 The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's 30 Modified Procedure rules through the use of written comments. 1Application of Avista Corporation I Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 David J. Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Govenrmental Affairs Avista Corporation P.O.Box3727 l41l E. Mission Avenue, MSC-7 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509)495-4316 da vi d. m eye r(g) av i st a com. com Linda Gervais-Falkner Senior Manager, Regulatory Policy Advisor Avista Corporation P.O.Box3727 l4l I E. Mission Avenue, MSC-27 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-4975 linda. gervais-falkner(@avistacorp.com dockets@ avistacorp.com lt t2 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The Company has included the following attachments in support of this filing, which are also referenced below: a) Exhibit No. I - Avista Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Pilot Final Report b) Exhibit No. 2 - Avista Transportation Electrification Plan II. BACKGROUND ln November 2020, NARUC President Paul Kjellander announced the theme for his term, "Connecting the Dots: Innovative/Disruptive Technology and Regulation." This theme seeks to explore the many different emerging technologies and innovations that will impact electricity, natural gas, telecommunications, and water utilities. This theme highlights how the utility sector faces unprecedented pressure created by energy policy shifts, growing consumer expectations, and rapidly evolving technological advancements that could fundamentally alter the utility landscape. Concerns about deep decarbonization, electrification, grid modemization, the need for more renewable energy resources, cybersecurity, and the surge of distributed energy resource development are among the many drivers that will alter this landscape. There remains uncertainty as to which ernerging technologies and innovations will carry the industry forward and what impact those changes will have on the current regulatory regime. As utilities confront the 2Application of Avista Corporation I changes that could significantly alter the value proposition of their serrrices, what role 2 should regulators play in the integration of these potentially disruptive technologies and 3 innovations? 4 Avista recognizes that innovation often happens through a series of incremental, 5 smaller steps, rather than in a great leap forward. In this spirit, the Company proposes a 6 relatively small set of electric transportation programs in Idaho, which could lead to larger 7 scale innovations and benefits in the long rrur. The programs also align with the need to 8 "connect the dots" in fransportation electrification, now poised to make dramatic impacts 9 on the energy indusfiry and society as a whole over the next several decades. l0 This isn't the Company's first venture in electric transportation. Back in the early I I 1900s, Avista (then Washington Water Power) briefly parhered with the General Vehicle 12 Company to market and sell electric vehicles, including cars and trucks. It also invested 13 in public electric hansportation in the form of electric trolleys to help expand early growth 14 in the Inland Northwest. 15 Illustration No. I t6 l7 18 l9 2t 23 20 22 3 24 Application of Avista Corporation I Over a century has passed since the intemal-combustion engine achieved 2 dominance in the transportation sector. However, modern advances in battery technology 3 and costs, and the global imperative to reduce greenhouse gas ernissions and airpollution, 4 positions electric transportation to transform both the transportation and energy sectors - 5 not just in the light-duty passenger vehicle market, but also in medium- and heavy-duty 6 segments, including freight and material transport of all kinds - on the road, by rail, and 7 even over air and water in some cases. 8 Today, driving a light-duty electric vehicle (EV) fueled by Avista's electricity 9 costs less than an equivalent $1 per gallon of gasoline at a stable price, saves $300 per 10 year in maintenance expenses, and results in zero tailpipe emissions, for a total COz I I ernissions reduction of 80%.1 If all light-duty vehicles were electric, this would result in 12 regional savings of over $ I billion per year - creating a powerful ripple effect for the 13 economy - and avoided annual emissions of 2.5 million tons of COz, using local and 14 relatively clean anergy sources.2 Other electrified transportation beyond light-duty 15 passenger vehicles could result in even greater reduced emissions and operational 16 savings. In addition, electric transportation provides grld benefits for all utility customers, 17 in the form of net revenue that helps pay for fixed utility infrastructure costs. By 2050, 18 electric transportation may represent 20o/o or more of overall utility electric load, as l9 modeled by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. This is illustrated below: I Estirnates assume Avista's current mix of electric generation sources, 3.3 miles/kWh and $0. I l/kWh for EVs, and $3/gallon, 26 mpg for conventional vehicles. 2 Avista Transportation Electrification Plan (2020),p.4 and40-43. 4Application of Avista Corporation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I Illustration No.2 - U.S Historical and Proiected Annual Electricitv Consumotion3 .Trilsport tbn rCommerdC r RcrilcnliC r lnduCrial llls@cd l/,odclcd 19$ .lgD 197I' t380 19$ 2tX'0 2010 axD z,ao ztso I I Fortunately, tansportation loads are very flexible, in that a large portion of 12 charging may occtrr when equipment is idled, such as while a personal EV is parked at 13 work during the day or at home overnight. In the future, the greatest benefits may be 14 realizd by capitalizing on this flexibility, charging EVs when grid resources are less 15 constrained, and/or when renewable energy resources such as solar and wind are 16 abundant. In other words, elechic hansportation can benefit all customers and society as 17 a whole - not just those using EVs and other forms of electrified transportation equipment 18 - by using a cheaper and cleaner fuel, more efficiently utilizing grid infrastructure, and 19 integrating re,newable energy resources that energize a more efficient and sustainable 20 economy. Initial modeling indicates positive net benefits both from a regional and a 2l customer rate-impact perspective, which may be further amplified when charging off- 22 peak: 3 Electrification Futures Study: Scenarios of Electric Technology Adoption and Power Consumption for the United States, p. xiv. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2018. 7!q) 600 50@ /{m c,o 20@ 10d ? = EE 5,too o'tr a,t 0 10 5Application of Avista Corporation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fiqure No. 1-Net Benefits from Lisht-Dutv EVsa Avista Customer Perspective Costs and Benefits Per EV without Managed Charging (2019-2038), Baseline Scenario Ssoo lNet Benefit r Utility Eills r T&D Cost I Gen Cap Cost r Utility Cost for Erergy SO Costs Benefits 10 The electric utility is in a unique position to support electric transportation for the I I benefit of all customers, mainly through charging infrasfructure investrnents, education 12 and outreach, and grid optimization through load management. The industry and markets l3 continue to rapidly evolve, making constant monitoring and learning a necessity. 14 I.rr-z}lg,Avista completed a three-year EV pilot in the State of Washington.s The 15 Company had significant learnings from the pilot regarding utility support of light-duty 16 vehicle electrification - costs and benefits, grid impacts, and customer experience for 17 example. The utility does play an important role in supporting beneficial electrification, 18 primarily in areas of charging infrastructure, load management, and education and 19 outreach. It is clear that the transition to electric transportation will result in significant 20 economic and environmental benefits for the region and customers over the long term, 2l e.g. driving an EV costs less than $l/gallon equivalent, results in an 80% reduction of 22 COz emissions. Avista believes it is now well positioned to propose initial a Avista Transportation Electrification Plan (2020), p. 37 5 httlrs://www.utc.wa.eov/casedocket/20 I 6/l 60082 ol F{o L = (Uco,co !,c.o U}oIJ s3,mo Sz,soo Sz,mo S1,soo 1,m0s T&D cost s38 6 s1,206 St.1,q \ rl , Application of Avista Corporation I comprehensive pilot strategies and activities for ldaho customers that build upon this 2 experience, being responsive and flexible to evolving conditions in a variety of market 3 segments and technologies. 4 5 III. STRATEGY FOR IDAHO 6 In order to be successful, the strategy for Idaho must incorporate a regional 7 approach as summarized in further detail in the Company's Exhibit No. 2 to this 8 Application - "Avista Transportation Electrification Plan." The intent of these programs 9 is meant to be scalable. Given the multiple technology and program options, these l0 programs as proposed will assist with determining future efforts. These proposed 11 programs will provide experience in Idaho and the ability to examine cost-effectiveness 12 and customer acceptance, thereby better defining system and infrastructure requirernents, 13 and assessing costs/benefits. 14 Avista proposes electric transportation programs in two areas of focus: On-site Renewables- and Batterv Storase Research The Company has received an increasing number of questions from commercial customers, interested in the possibility of installing charging infrastructure integrated with on-site renewable power generation and battery storage, either connected or isolated from the grid. In addition, with improved technology and costs, such an integrated system could prove essential to cost- effectively deploy fast-charging in more remote areas where three-phase, medium-voltage utility power is not practically available. This includes many rest-stops along major travel corridors (I-90 from Post Falls to the Montana Border, and Highway 95 from the Canadian Border to the southern tip of our 15 l. lntesrated Chareins. t6 l7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 7Application of Avista Corporation 1 senrice territory) and a variety of other public and commercial locations in both urban and rural locations where chargrng infrastructure is strategically important. Finally, a distribution of chargrng stations less reliant on the grid could prove especially beneficial in terms of community resiliency in the wake of power outages, particularly in the future when a high percentage of transportation is electrified. The Company proposes the following: (1) to develop and implement a research project and report summarizing the current state of integrated stations, (2) develop a parametric model used to identiff variable cost factors and resulting charging outputs on an ongoing basis, and (3) a construction project design and implementation plan with estimated costs and benefits, which may be executed in the future provided funding from grant and other contibuting funds, or at such time that economic thresholds are met. The Company intends to collaborate and solicit assistance from local research institutions and industry experts, developing knowledge and contributing to the general body of knowledge in the industry, with $50,000 proposed annually for the research project. 2. Workplace. Fleet. and Rural Access Chareing Infrastructure This program makes it easy and less costly for commercial customers to install workplace and/or fleet charging infrastructure on their property, for a variety ofbeneficial uses, and provides significant benefits in overcoming barriers to early adoption and enables Avista to develop load management capabilities. Low-cost and reliable chargrng infrastructure would be installed by Avista, with customers contributing a minimum cost share of 50%o of the dedicated circuit wiring from their electric supply panel downstream of the utility meter, to the EV 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 t1 t2 13 t4 l5 t6 l7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 8Application of Avista Corporation I chargers. Charging infrastucture installed at locations designated for public rural access utilization would not require a customer cost share, as the specific site hosts in the smaller rural towns across Avista's service territory may be limited in means, which would be a significant barrier to adoption. In all cases, commercial customers would pay for the additional electricity supplied by their existing metered service to the EV chargers on their rezular monthly bill, with options to collect user/usage fees to help offset modest electricity costs and agree to participate in load management experiments. Charging infrastructure is proposed to be installed at an estimated 30 sites per year, broken down by 20 workplace, 5 fleet, and 5 rural access locations, at an estimated cost of $345,000. Ongoing maintenance and load managanent costs are estimated at $15,000 peryear. The Company intends to verifu thatworkplace charging stands out as a powerful catalyst for EV adoption, while simultaneously providing grid benefits from reduced EV charging at home during the evening peak hours. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 IV. BUDGET AI\D REPORTING l9 The Company proposes to fund the programs under its electric tariffSchedule 91, 20 as they will be provided under the Market Transformation Program and associated 2l Research and Development (R&D) outlined in tariff Schedule 90.6 In its Order No. 6 On August 30, 2013, Avista applied for an order authorizing it to accumulate and account for customer revenues that provided funding for selected electric energy efficiency research and development (R&D) projects, proposed and implemented by the state of Idaho's four-year Universities. On October 31,2013, Order No. 32918 was issued authorizing the Company's R&D efforts. Avista now recovers up to $300,000 per year of revenue for research R&D from the Company's Schedule 9l Energy Efficiency Rider tariff. 9Application of Avista Corporation | 35129, atpage 9, (the Company's request for a prudency determination of its 2018-2019 2 electic and natural gas energy efficiency), the Commission stated "that the Company 3 may continue with its R&D programs that it has already committed to fund but before 4 committing to future R&D progftrms the Company shall propose and seek approval of an 5 updated R&D program that includes metrics and measurable targets." 6 As provided earlier in this application, and in support of the Commission's Order 7 referenced above, the intent of these programs is meant to be scalable given the multiple 8 technology and program options. These proposed programs will provide experience in 9 Idaho and the ability to examine cost-effectiveness and customer acceptance, thereby l0 better defining systan and infrastructure requirernents, and assessing costs/benefits. 1l Total annual spending is estimated at $410,000. Avista is not requesting an 12 additional change in the Schedule 91 funding, Avista's tariff Schedule 9l is o'trued up" l3 on a regular basis to match revenues with expenses. 14 Table No. 1 Activity Capital o&M Total Workplace, Fleet, and Rural Access Charging Infrastructure $345,000 $15,000 $360,000 Integrated Charging, On-site Renewables, and Battery Storase Research $50,000 $50,000 Total $345.000 $65,000 $410,000 l5 16 Financial reporting will be included in Avista's annual Demand Side Management 17 (DSM) Report due to the connection ofboth DSM, Market Transformation, and the R&D 18 programs to Schedule 91. Given the desire to implement these programs within the 19 market transformation and research and development defined in Avista Tariff Schedule 20 90, the reports will not be accompanied by the traditional cost-effectiveness tests. Avista 2l hosts semi-annual energy efficiency Advisory Group meetings plus webinars on current Application of Avista Corporation l0 I topics of public interest, attended by the Commission Staff, among other interested 2 stakeholders. The Company will include electric transportation activities on the regularly 3 scheduled meeting agendas. 4 5 V. CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION 6 Notice to the public of the proposed revisions, pursuant to IDAPA, 7 will be gtven simultaneously with the filing of this Application by posting a notice to the 8 Company's Website at www.myavista.com. 9 VI. CONCLUSION Avista respectfully requests the Commission issue an Order authorizing the electic transportation programs described herein. The Company proposes to offer and fund these programs under electric tariff Schedule 90 and Schedule 91, effective Noverrber 1,2021, with this Application processed under Modified Procedure through the use of written comments. Dated at Spokane, Washington this 9th day of Septembq 2021. AVISTA CORPORATION /s/ David J- Mever David J. Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 Application of Avista Corporation 1t