HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210129Customer Notice and Press Release.pdfI ;i; *il rvHs :I;i J*$i 39 Pil * e6 . "': : I r ", .ili rlil Fli r. j4 f t r=.rL1L;+/ , : F*iTl I i i:i,-itt[il$glSlS EXHIBIT B Customer Notice & Press Release The DRAFT Important Notice for Idaho Electric and Natural Gas Customers On January 29,2021, Avista filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) to change Idaho electric and natural gas rates to recover ongoing capital investment costs that are required to maintain and upgrade infrastructure to ensure customers receive the safe and reliable service they expect. The combined effect ofthe proposed rate plan and the offsetting customer credits is an increase to electric revenues of $8.7million, or3.SYo,andadecreasetonaturalgasrevenuesof $1.1million, or 1.7%o. The proposal is a two-year rate plan which would increase electric base revenues by S24.8 million or 10.1%6 effective Sept. l, 2027,and by $8.7 million or 3.2%o effective Sept. 1, 2022.Natural gas base revenues would increase by $0.1 million or 0.1o/o effective Sept. l, 2021, and by $1.0 million or 2.2Yo effective Sept. l, 2OZZ. A proposed Tax Customer Credit would fully offset the Sept. l, 2021 increase for electric, and more ihan offset tlre increase for natural gas, mitigating the bill change for customers. Other deferred customer credits are proposed to offset the majority of the Sept. l, 2022 natural gas increase. More information on the requested price change is available at www. mvavista. com/I Draterequests. Electric above current bill rates service schedule is as follows Residential Customer Bills - Electric Effective Sept. l. 2021, residential customers using an average of 892 kilowatt hours per month would see their monthly bills remain unchanged at $85.63. Effective Sept. 1.2022, residential customers using an average of 8g kilowatt hours per month would see their monthly bills increase from $85.63 to $89.01, an increase of $3.38 or 3.9%o per month. Included in that bill change is a proposed increase in the basic monthly charge of $2.00, to a level of $8.00 per month. Natural Gas The service schedule is as follows: Rate Schedule Proposed 912021 Billine Chanse Proposed 912022 Billine Chanse General Service - Schedule 101 -r.9%0.1% Large General Service - Schedules lll & ll2 -r.5%0.1% Transportation Service - Schedule 146 (excludes commodity and interstate pipeline transportafion costs) -2.7%0.2% Total -1.8%0.1% Residential Customer Bills - Natural Gas Effective Sept. 1, 2021, residential customers using an average of 63 therms per month would see their monthly bills decrease by $0.95, from $49.49 to S48.54. Effective Sept. l. 2022, Residential customers using an average above current bil rates Rate Schedule Proposed 912021 Billine Chanse Proposed 912022 Billins Chanse Residential Service - Schedule 1 0.0%3.904 General Service - Schedules 1l & 12 0.0%3.4o/o Large General Service - Schedules 2l &22 0.0%3.4% Extra Large General Service - Schedule 25 0.0%3.4% Extra Large General Service 25P - Schedule 25P 0.0%1.3% Pumping Service - Schedules 3l &32 0.lYo 3.4% Street & Area Lights - Schedules 4l - 49 0.0%3A% Total 0.0%3.5o/o of 63 therms per month would see their monthly bills increase from $48.54 to $48.59, an increase of $0.05 or 0.1 percent per month. Included in that bill change is a proposed increase in the basic monthly charge of S2.00, to a level of $8.00 per month, offset by a decrease in the volumetric, per-therm rate. The Company's applications are proposals, subject to public review and a Commission decision. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are only providing copies of our filings online at www.myavista.com./rates or you can call us at 1-800-227-9187. Copies are available on the Commission's website (www.puc.idaho.gov). Customers may also subscribe to the Commission's RSS feed (https://puc.idaho.eov/RssPage) to receive periodic updates via e-mail about the case. The Commission has up to nine months to review the Company's rate increase requests. The Commission will begin a comprehensive review of Avista's application and will seek public input. If you would like to submit comments on the proposed rate changes, you can do so by going to the Commission website or mailing comments to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission, P.O. Box 8372},Boise, lD 83720-0W4. Avista offers several programs and services to help customers manage their energy use and costs. Visit www.myavista.com for information on these programs including comfort level billing, bill payment options, automated payment service, assistance programs, conservation tips, and energy efficiency rebates. AVA4I5i ,l:istsra Contact: DRAFT M ed ia: Celena M ock (509) 495-4923, celena. mock@avistacorp.com I nvestors: Joh n Wilcox (509) 495 -417 1 ioh n.wilcox@avistacorp. com Avista 2417 MediaAccess (509) 495-4174 Avista proposes two-year rate plan in ldaho that provides tax benefits to customens Company'sfiling seelcs to recovercosts with no initial impacttocustomerbitls SPOKANE, Wash. January 29,2021, 1:05 p.m. PST: Capital investments in infrastructure, system maintenance, wildfire resiliency measures, and increased powersupply costs are the main drivers in Avista's (NYSE: AVA) requestfiled todaywith the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC or Commission). lf the Company's two-year rde plan is approved, a Ta< Customer Creditwould allowthe Company to recover capital costswith little to no impact tocustomer bills. "The last year hm been punctuated by the unpreedented COVID-19 pandemic and crisis, and we've all had to quickly adapt as things changed so significantly," Avista President and CEO Dennis Vermillion said. "\/Vttile Avista responded to the situation created by the crisis, we maintained our focus on our essential service and providing our customers with safe, reliable and affordable energy. This means that we've continued to make important and necessary investments in our infrastructure. We've continued to replace wooden distribution poles, enhance electric grid resiliency, invest in custornerfacing techrnlogy, replace nduralgas pipe, upgrade substations, protect againstwildfireand much more. We've made these investments on behalf of our customers because it's the right thing to do. Our customers expect the energyto be there when they need it. "The ongoing effort to align the rates customers pay with Avista's costs to serve is one of the main reasons we file general rate requests. We're mindful of when we file rate cases to minimize the impact to our customers and have chosen to move forward at this time to reduce a more significantfinancial impact for customers in the future. We understand that it's challenging and often frtlstrating when we file rate c€ilses and that many people are struggling right now- This is why we've worked hard to identify howwe can move forward in away that doesn'tincre*e the burden for our customers at this time while also acknowledging the financial investment we've made in inf rastructure, on their behalf. Through the use of a Tax Customer pLedit in particular, our proposalwould help to mitigate the Company's rate request, resulting in little to no change in customer's bills. As we make decisions about how and where to invest across the company, our customers are our primary focus. We take our responsibility to provide safe, reliable energy at an affordable price very seriously, and we work hard to manage our costs and identify wrys to best serve our customers that contribute to keeping energy pries low," Vermillion said. Two-YearRate Plan The proposal is a two-year rate plan, with new rates taking effect Sept. 1 ,2121and Sept. 1, 2022. This plan would create a stay-out period where Avista would not f ile a new general rate case for new rates to be effective priorto Sept. 1 ,2023. This would provide customers with a level of predictability in their expected future energy prices. Avista's Requests Avista's request, if approved, is designed to increase annualelectric base revenues by $24.8million or10.1%effediveSept. 1,2021and$8.7million or3.2o/oeffediveSept. 1,2OiZ. fhe Company-, ho_wever, i_s_proposing to apply a Tax Customer Credit that would f ully offset the increase for Sep 1,2021, resulting in no bill changefor customers. For natural gas, the rate request is designed to increase annual base revenues by $0.1 million or O.1o/o effective Sept. 1 ,2021and $1 .0 million, or 2.2o/o effective Sept. 1 ,2022. The Tax Customer Credit for natural gas would more than fully offset the Sept. 1 ,2021increase,resulting in a rate reduction for all customers, and as discussed below, would continue for a ten-year period, benefitting customers. The Company is proposing to offset the majority of the increase forthe Sept. 1 ,2022 rate change with other defened customer credits. The combined effect of the proposed rate plan and the offseting customer credib is an increase to electric revenues of $8.7 million, or 3.5%, and a decrease to natural gas revenues of 91.1million, or 1.7Yo. The electric and natural gas requests are based on a proposed rate of return (ROR) on rate base of 7 .30o/o with a common equity ratio of 50% and a 9.g% return on equity (RoE). Avista serves more than 138,000 electric and 89,000 natural gas customers in ldaho. The last electric general rate case filed by Avista in ldaho was on June 7, 2019, and for natural gas was June 8, 2017. The Commission has up to nine months to reviewAvista's requests. Tax CustomerCredit To mitigate the proposed base rate increase on customers, Avista is proposing aTax Customer Credit. During 2020, Avista identified that there was opportunity to change the current methodology related to the treatment of certain ta< items, whereby certain tax benefits could be passed along to customers over a shorter timef rame than over the life of those long -lived assets,as isthecurrentpractice.Forldaho,thetotalis$31.3million(electric)andg12.1 million (natural gas). The proposed amortization of the elecfic tax benefits would offsetthe Company's base electric rate relief requested in its entirety for Rate Year 1 (Sept. 1,2021) until approximately Nov. 30,2022. For natural gas customers, the Company proposes to begin amortizing the natural gas ta< benefits beginning Sept. 1 ,2021over a 1O-year period Residentia! Gustomer Bills Electric Effective Sept. 1. 2021: Residential customers using an average of 892 kilowatt hours per month would see their monthly bills remain unchanged at $85.63. Effective Sept. 1. 2022: Residential customers using an average of 892 kilowatt month would see their monthly bills increase from $85.63 to $89.01, an increase of 3.9% per month. lncluded in that billchange is a proposed increase in the basic monthly charge of $2.00, to a level of $8.00 per month. Natunl Gas Effective Seot. 1. 2021: Residential customers using an average of 63 therms per month would see their monthly bills decrease by $0.95, from $49.491o $48.54. Effective Seot. 1. 2022: Residential customers using an average of 63 therms per month would see their monthly bills increase from $48.54 to $48.59, an increase of $0.05 or 0.1o/opar month lncluded in that bill change is a proposed increase in the basic monthly charge of $2.00, to a Ievel of $8.00 per month, offset by a decrease in the volumetric, per-therm rate. Changes by Service Schedule The requested electric change by service schedule is as follows The requested naturalgas change by service schedule is as follows. Additional information about Avista's rate request and energy prices is arailable at www. myavista. com/rates. Rate Schedule Proposed Sept. 1,2021 Billing Change Proposed Sept. 1,2022 Billing Change ResidentialService - Schedule 1 o.o %3.9 % GeneralService - Schedules 11 &12 0.0%3.4 o/o Large GeneralService - Schedules 21 &22 0.0 %3.4% Extra Large GeneralService - Schedule 25 0.0%3.4 o/o Extra Large GeneralService 25P - Schedule 25P 0.0 o/o 1.3o/o Pumping Service - Schedules 3'1 & 32 o.o%3.4 % Street &Area Lights - Schedules 41 - 49 0.0%3.4 0/o Rate Schedule Proposed Sept. 1,2021 Billing Change Proposed Sept. 1,2022 Billing Change General Service - Schedule 101 -1.9 %0.1% Large GeneralService - Schedules 111 & 112 -1 .5 0/o 0.1% Transportation Service - Schedule 146 (excludes commodity and interstate pipeline transportation costs) -2.7 o/o 0.2% Total -1 .8 o/o 0.1 0/o Customer Resources To assist customers in managing their energy bills, Avista offers servicesforcustomers such as cornfort levelbilling, payment arrangements and CustomerAssistance Referraland Evaluation Services (CARES), which aid special-needs customers through refenals to area agencies and churches for help with housing, utilities, medical assistance and other needs. Avista also provides funding for energy assistance programs and Project Share, which are administered through community action agencies. Avista provides energy efficiency and outreach programs that include rebates and incentives as well as tips and resources to help customers manage their energy use and energy bills. Customers can learn more at www.myavista.com. Rate Application Procedure and Additional lnformation Avista's application is a proposal, subject to public review and a Commission decision. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to provide copies at our office locations as we usually do. However, a copy of the application is available for public review on the Commission's website (www.puc.idaho.gov). Customers may file with the Commission written comments related to the Company's filing. Customers may also subscribe to the Commission's RSS feed (https://puc.idaho.gov/RssPaSe) to receire periodic updates vla e-mail about the case. Copies of the rate filing is also available on our website, www.myavista.com/rates. The Commission will begin a comprehensive review of Avista's application and will seek public input. lf you would like to submit comments on the proposed increase, you can do so by going to the Commission website or mailing comments to: ldaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 AboutAvista Corp. Avista Corp. is an energy company involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy as well as other energy-related businesses. Avista Utilities is the operating division that provides electric service to 400,000 customers and natural gas to 367,000 customers. lts service territory covers 30,000square miles in eastern Washington, northern ldaho and parts of southern and eastern Oregon, with a population of 1.6 million. Alaska Energy and Resources Company is an Avista subsidiary that provides retail electric service in the city and borough of Juneau, Alaska, through its subsidiary Alaska Electric Light and Power Company. Avista stock is traded under the ticker symbol "AVA." For more information about Avista, please visit www.avistacorp.com. This news release contains fonrard-looking statements regarding the company's current expectations. Forward-looking statements are all statements other than historical facts. Such statements speak only as of the date of the news release and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company's control, which could cause actual results to differ materially f rom the expectations. These risks and uncertainties include, in addition to those discussed herein, all of the factors discussed in the company's Annual Report on Form 10-Kfortheyearended Dec. 31 ,2019 and the Quarterly Reporton Form 10-Qforthe quarter ended Sept. 30, 2020 /'ittsra -21xx- To unsubscribe from Avista s news release distribution, send a reply message to lena.f u nston@aristaco rp.com ^Jl,iy.rsra