HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201204Tariff.pdfAvista Corp.
141 1 East Mission P.O. Box3727
Spokane. Washington 99220 -0500
Telephone 5 09-489-0500
Toll Free 800-727 -9170
2020 December 4, AM 9:12
December 4,2020
JanNoriyuki, Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
1 1331 W. Chinden Blvd. Bldg. 8, Ste. 201 -A
Boise,Idaho 83714
RE: Case No. AYU-E-2}-[+
DearMs. Noriyuki:
Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista Corporation's dba
Avista Utilities (Avista or the Company) proposed modifications to its Tariff Schedule 95 "N{y
Clean Energy Program." The proposed additions are included in the followingtariff sheets, WN
Fourth Revision Sheet 95 Canceling Third Revision Sheet 95
Second Revision Sheet 95A Canceling First Revision Sheet 95A
New Original Sheet 95B
The purpose of this filing is to modify the My Clean Enerry Program in an effort to provide
customers with an additional option to voluntarily purchase cleanenerry.
During 2019 Avista evaluated the Company's voluntary renewable energy program by
conducting customer research, analyzingprogram costs and customer participation levels, and
reviewing comparable programs of other investor owned utilities. After completing this review,
the Company identified an opportunity to provide greater education on its voluntary renewable
program and the need to offer additional participation options for customers who prefer all of their
energy consumption be offset by clean energy. The review lead to a tariff filing where the name
of program was changed to My Clean Enerry Program and two new purchase options were made
Demo of StampPDF by Apptigent, Inc. http://www.appligent.com
available to customers: 1 ) a national block option where customers could purchase 3 00 hrh for $1
a month with Renewable Enerry Credits (RECs) sourced from anywherethrough the United Stabs
and, 2) a regional option where customers could purchase 100 kwh for $1 a month for RECs
procured within the Western Interconnection (WECC), with preference given to the Northwest
region includingWA,ID, OR, CA, MT and BC.
Customers participating in the My Clean Enerry Program have expresseda need and desire
for a simple message and approach to support ambitions for clean, renewable energy. Througfi
iterative testing, feedback sessions and surveys, the Company had the opportunrty to listen to
customers sharingtheirviews, reasoning and guidingprinciples on the topic of usingrenewable
energy and decisions to participate in My Clean Enerry Program. The Companyhas already used
this information to improve messaging and positioning of this program to create more value to tre
participating customer. This has been evident through improved customer net promoter score
surveys. To further align the program options with customer sentiment the Company now proposes
to add the following additional option for customer to choose from:
I00% Renewable Option - One (1) kwh of renewable power from a Regional source
located in the Western Interconnection (WECC), with preferenceglven to the norttrwest
regton includingWA, ID, OR, CA, MT, and BC will offset every kWh used at customer
selected meter. Each kWh is priced at $.01/ per kWh and the amount of kWhs purchased
will vary each month to match the customers actual kWh usage.
The introduction of a l00o/o match option is meant to simplify the buying process for
customers that would like to offset l00o/o of their monthly enerry usage.l Rather than purchase
enough fixed blocks to meeta customer's estimated monthly enerry usage, this option willprovide
anexactmatchwithwhatthecustomeruseseachmonth. Makingthisoptionavailabletocustomers
allows them to support renewable energy in a way that best aligns with their personal desires.
Enrollment in the My Clean Energy Program will remain simple for customers and canbe
completed online orover the phone, as currently available. Customers will continue to have the
I The proposed change to theMy CleanEnergyProgram descnbed within in this tarifffiling was not included in
2019 tarifffilingdueto the Company'sbillingsystem notbeingableto supportthe match option. Enhanementsto
il1s f illing system to supportthis option are underway and exp€ctedto be complete by the endof lvlarch2021.
2lP a ge
opportunity to participate with no contract required and will have the option to enroll and/or cancel
participation at any time in a given month. AII charges related to the program are in addition to tre
customer's regular electric charges. Charges will appear on the customers' regular monthly bill as
a separate line item and include appropriate taxes.
Current My Clean Energy Program participants will receive notification of the additional
purchase option and will be able to select the new option if they desire to do so. The Company
also plans on distributing ongoing communications to its customers in order to promote broader
awareness of the program options, as well as regular communications to current program
participants regarding the renewable projects they help support.
The Company requests the tariff changes be allowed to take effect on February l5,2Dl.
Please direct any questions regarding this filing to me at Shawn.Bonfield@avistacom.com or at
/slSlaruo gorrlieH
Sr. Manager, Regulatory Policy & Strategy
Regulatory Affairs
r.P.u.c. M.28
+hir+Foudh Revision Sheet 95
ision Sheet 95Seeen4
d/b/a Avista Utilities
To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has electric servbe. Customerc mayparticipate in one or more available Renewable Energy Credit (REC) program options.
To all customers receiving electric service who agree to purchase blocks of renewable power
under this schedule.
IrcClean-Energy progmm optiors witl&+vail$le to crstomers,-AJl+Btie*_will utilize thesam+types of qualifyirg resources includirg wind, solar and bbmass, but may also comefom
other renewable resources. Prooram option available to ldaho ctstomers will include. but are notlimited to the followino :
National Block Option - One (1) block is equal to 300 kwh of renewable powerfrom a
National source located anywhere in the United States. Each block is priced at $1.00 per
block, permonth.
ReoionalBlock Ootion -One (1) block is equalto 100 kwh of renewable powerfrom aRegional source located in the Westem lnterconnection (WECC), with prderence given
to the northwest region including wA, lD, oR, cA, MT, and BC. Each block is priced at
$1.00 per block, per month.
selected meter. Each kWh is oriced at $.01/ per kWh and the amount of kWhs ourchased
will vary each month to match the customers actual kWh usage.
All pogr:am charges shall be in additbn to al! other charges contained in the cusbme/s
app I icable tariff sched ule.
National and Regional block ootions - The monthly billing shall be the number of Blocks the
customer has 4reed to purchase multiplied by the Charge per Block. The Monthly Billing is in
addition to allothercharges contained in customer's 4plicable tariff schedule. This schedule's
Monthly Billing shall be applied to the custome/s billing regardless of actual energy
lssued 430,2020 Effective llarehFSb:Uelf 215, 2O2O!
lssued by
Avista Corporation
Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs
d/b/a Avista Utilities
For the purpose of this schedule, the renewable power sourced through renewable energy
certif icates (RECs) shall be recognized via the Western Renewable Energy Generation
lnformation System (WREGIS) tracking system oranother REC tracking system of record with
preference toward Green+ certif ied and primarilyf lom these sources: Wind ard solar power, but
may also come f rom other renewable resources.
To ensure that all costs and benef its of this program are only applied to program participants, all
funds collected and spent under this Schedule will be separately kJentified and tracked. Funds
receivedfrom Customers underthis Schedulewillbeusedto coverproglutm costs (e.9.: p[ogram
management, accounting, communicatiors, etc.) as well as to match block subscriptiors to REC
ln an effort to pomote and build awareness of renewable energy generation options, if available,
f unds collected, but not otherwise required to meet program obligations may be distributed for
one or more of the f ollowing renewable projects:
1. Funding for locallyowned, mn-residential solar pmjecb. Applicable cwtomers, with
a preference for community-based pojects that provide for educational and
environmental benef it to local communities, or otherwise receive service under this
Schedule, may apply f or a grant to cover all or a portion of the cost of installation.
2. Funding for research and development projects that encoumge Renewable Energy
market transformation in order to accelerate marketability of Renewable Energy
technologies.3. Funding for above-market costs associated with the new constructbn of Renewable
Energy facilities or the purchase by contract of Renewable Energy that reduces the
costs of Renewable Energy to be competitivewith costcffective resources.
Eligible renewable energy projects would rpt be consirCered for purposes of any Renewable
Portfolio Standad requirements. Renewable energy that is generated in resporse to anyfederal
or stde statr.rtory requirement to construct or cont*t for the renewable energy is nct eligible fo r
the funding underthis Schedule.
TotheextentaneligibleprojectinSection l,2,and3aboveisabletogenerateRECs,thegrant
recipient agrees that the Company, on behalf of the Schedule 95 program, has the f irst rQht to
claim a share of the project's REC output The amount of these RECs is expressed as a
percentage of output when comparing the Schedule 95 f inancial contribution to the overall cost
of the project. The proportional amount of these RECs will be retired on behalf of the program.
lssued 430,2020 Effective EUuanAlaren 215, 2029L
fir@d-Revision Sheet 95A
l.P.U.C. Nlo .28 95A
lssued by
Avista Corporation
Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs
I t.p.u.c. t{o .28
lssued by
Sheet 95B
d/b/a Avista Utilities
SCHEDULE 95 -^Continued
1. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this
tariff .2. Customers may 4plyfororterminatefrom thisschedule anytimeduring the year. The
Company may limit availdility of this pogram subject to available renewable power at
the cost incuned under the terms described above.3. The above Monthly Billing is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment
Schedule 58.
lssued NovemberAsgrrst 4"0,2020 Effective Eb1UanfUaren 215, 2020!
Avista Corporation
Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory ffiairs
LP.U.C. Nlo .28
Fourth Revision Sheet 95
Third Revision Sheet95
lssued by Avista CorporationBy Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs
d/b/a Avista Utilities
To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has electric service. Customerc may
participate in one or more available Renewable Energy Credit (REC) program options.
To all customers receiving electric service who 4ree to purchase blocks of renewable power
under this schedule.
Clean Energy plogmm optbns available to customers will utlize the types of qualifyirB
resources includirg wind, solar and biomass, but may also come from other renewable
resources. Program option arailable to ldaho customers will include, but are not limited to the
National Block Ootion - One (1) block is equal to 300 kwh of renewable powerfrom a
National source located anywhere in the United States. Each block is priced at $1.00 per
block, per month.
ReoionalBlock Ootion -One (1) block is equalto 100 kWh of renewable powerfrom a
Regional source located in the Western lnterconnection (WECC), with prderence given
to the northwest region including WA, lD, OR, CA, MT, and BC. Each block is priced at
$1.00 per block, per month.
100% Renewable Option - One (1) kwh of renewable powerfrom a Regional source
located in the Western lnterconnection (WECC), with preference given to the northwest
region including WA, lD, OR, CA, MT, and BC will offset every kWh used at customer
selected meter. Each kWh is priced at $.01/ per kWh and the amount of kWhs purchased
will vary each month to match the customers actual kWh usage.
All pogram charges shall be in addition to all other charges contained in the custome/s
applicab le tariff sched ule.
National and Regional block options - The monthly billing shall be the number of Blocks the
customer has 4reed to purchase multiplied by the Charge per Block. The Monthly Billing b in
addition to all other charges contained in customer's 4plicable tariff schedule. This sched ule's
Monthly Billing shall be applied to the custome/s billing regardless of actual energy
lssued November30,2020 Effective February 15,2021
l.P.U.C. Nlo .28
Second Revision Shed 95A
First Revision Sheet 95A
lssued by Avista CorporationBy Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs
d/b/a Avista Utilities
SCHEDULE 95 - Continued
100% Renewable Option -The monthly billing shallbebased on thecustome/s actualelectric
usage at the meter selected by the customer. For every kWh of electricity used, the customer
will be charged $.01/kwh premiumfor renewable power. The Monthly Billing is in addition to all
other charges contained in the custome/s applicable tariff schedule.
Forthe purpose of this schedule, the renewable powersourced through renewable energy
certif icates (RECs) shall be recognized via the Western Renewable Energy Generation
lnformation System (WREGIS) tracking system oranother REC tracking system of record with
preference toward Green+ certif ied and primarilyftom these sources: Wind and solar power, but
may also come f rom other renewable resources.
To ensure that all costs and benef its of this program are only applied to program participants, all
funds collected and spent underthis Schedulewill be separately klentified and tracked. Funds
received f rom Customers underthis Schedulewill be used to cover ptogttlm osts (e.9.: pmgram
management, accounting, communicatiors, etc.) as well as to match block subscriptiors to REC
ln an effort to pomote and build awareness of renewable energy generation options, if availdle,
f unds collected, but not otherwise required to meet program obligations may be distributed for
one or more of the following renewable projects:
1. Funding for locallyowned, rpn-residential solar pmjecb. Applicable customers, with
a preference for community-based pojects that provide for educat'tonal and
environmental benef it to local communities, or otherwise receive service under this
Schedule, may apply for a grant to cover all or a portion of the cost of installation.
2. Funding for research and development projects that encourage Renewable Energy
market transformation in order to accelerate marketability of Renewable Energy
technologies.3. Funding for above-market costs associated with the new construction of Renewable
Energy facilities or the purchase by contract of Renewable Energy that reduces the
costs of Renewable Energy to be competitive with costcffective resources.
Eligible renewable energy projects would not be conskjered for purposes of any Renewable
Portfolio Standard requirements. Renewable energy that is generated in resporse to anyfederal
or stde statutory requirement to construct or contact for the renewable energy is rot eligible for
the funding underthis Schedule.
To the extent an eligible prcject in Section 1,2, and 3 above is able to generate RECs, the grant
recipient agrees that the Company, on behalf of the Schedule 95 program, has the f irst r(1ht to
claim a share of the project's REC output. The amount of these RECs is expressed as a
percentage of ouQut when comparing the Schedule 95 f inancial contribution to the overall cost
of the project. The proportional amount of these RECs will be retired on behalf of the program.
Effective February 15,2021lssued November30,2020
t.P.u.c. M.28 inalSheet 95B
lssued by Avista CorporationBy Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs
d/b/a Avista Utilities
SCHEDULE 95 - Continued
1. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this
tariff .2. Customers may 4plyfor or terminate f rom this schedule anytime during the year. The
Company may limit availability of this pltlgram subject to available renewable power at
the cost incuned under the terms described above.
3. The above Monthly Billing is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment
Schedule 58.
Effective February 15,2021lssued November30,2020