HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210218Comments.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 9917 IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S COMPLIANCE FILING TO UPDATE AND ESTABLISH ITS CAPACITY DEFICIENCY PERIOD TO BE USED FOR AVOIDED COST CALCULATIONS :"'fl t IiVl"*:* ;ii: f'LS iS flH ir *6 ...1 *" 'i tjr ,.',',,, :,' ..:"..r',i:*;t*l.l Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU-8.20-11 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'), by and through its Attorney of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On October 21,2020, Avista Corporation dlblal Avista Utilities ("Company") filed its capacity deficiency update ("Filing") to update the capacity deficiency period used to calculate avoided costs. The Commission requires the Company to file the update after the Commission acknowledges the Company's Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP"). Order Nos. 32697 and32802. The Commission acknowledged the Company's 2020IRP on October 15,2020. OrderNo. 34814. The Filing projected the Company's first load deficit to occur in January 2026. STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY I8,2O2I1 STAFF ANALYSIS Staff examined the peak-load forecast and resources in the Load and Resource Balance ("L&R") filed in this case. The L&R is used to determine the proposed capacity deficiency date used in both the IRP Method and the Surrogate Avoided Resource ("SAR") Method.l Based on its analysis, Staff recommends an updated L&R and a capacity deficiency date of November 2026 which includes: (1) utilizing the most recent peak-load forecast developed by the Company; and (2) considers Colstrip exit dates that are different for Idaho and Washington State. Once the Commission rules on the recommendations and approves a capacity deficiency date, Staff proposes to update published rates on the Commission's website. Details for each of the recommendations are contained below. Peak-Load Forecast The peak-load forecast in the L&R was created in July 2019. Staff is concemed that circumstances have changed since it was developed and changes in customer consumption patterns could change the amount of load during the system coincident peak. An updated load forecast was created in August 2020. See Response to Staff s Production Request No. 22. Staff believes using the more recent forecast will lead to a more accurate L&R. Resources the L&R Staff reviewed the resources included in the Company's L&R Balance for determining the first capacity deficiency date. Resources can be represented either as resources serving load or reflected as a reduction to the peak-load forecast in the L&R. In this year's review, Staff performed a comparison of the different types of resources included in the L&R between Idaho's three regulated electric utilities to develop consistency between the utilities. In Order No. 29880, the Commission made it clear that consistency is important between the three regulated utilities: I In the Company's Cover Letter, it appears the Company incorrectly references using the capacity deficiency date in the SAR Method only. It should be used in both the SAR Method and the IRP Method. See Order Nos. 33377, 33 I 59, 33898, and 33933. STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY 18,20212 The Commission develops its PURPA contract standards and requirements in generic methodology, ratesetting[,] and complaint cases....It is reasonable for QFs to expect that the contract requirements of Idaho regulated electric utilities will be similar and that a QF will not be disadvantaged by choosing to sell to one utility rather than another. Order No. 29880 at 10. Ensuring consistency required Staff to develop a o'default" standard for each type of resource that can be used to evaluate inclusion in the L&R. To develop the standard, Staff compared the resources and the rationale each utility used for determining the resources included in their L&R by examining the most recent filings by Pacif,rCorp (PAC-E-20-13), Avista (AVU-E-20-03), and Idaho Power (IPC-E-l9-20). After identi$ing differences between the utilities, Staff used the justifications and rationales obtained through production requests, meetings with utilities, and Staff s evaluation of resources used to determine a common standard for inclusion of resources in an L&R based on the Commission's criteria of "available" and/or "existing."2 When the Company files its L&R, Staff may use the standards as a default. If the utility deviates from the standard, Staff may perform an investigation and if the Company provides sufficient evidence and justification, an exception can be made. A summary of these common standards for each resource type are included in Attachment A. Staff s review against its standards indicates that the Company's overall resource assumptions in the L&R are reasonable, except for Market Reliance and Colstrip 3 and 4 exit dates as discussed in more detail below. Market Reliance Market Reliance is the amount of market capacity the Company can rely on to meet load at system peak. The Company does not include its Market Reliance as a separate line item in its L&R, which deviates from Staff s default position listed in Attachment A. Instead of reflecting Market Reliance as separate line item in the Company's L&R - similar to Idaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power - the Company reflects its Market Reliance through its l6Yo planning margin. According to the Company, the 16%o planning margin is based on including 330 MW of Market Reliance to achieve a five percent Loss of Load Probability ('LOLP"). Response to 2 The Commission expressed its expectation for focusing on "available" and/or "existing" resources when deciding whether transmission capacity should be included in the L&R in Order No. 33425. JSTAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY I8,2O2I Staff s Production Request No. 15. Despite Market Reliance not being represented as a separate line item in the L&R, Staff believes it is reasonable for the Company to reflect its value through the planning margin. Colstrip 3 and 4 Exit Dates The Company reflects the exit of Colstrip Units 3 and 4 in its L&R to occur at the end of 2025 based on the Washington State Legislature passing the Clean Energy Transformation Act - requiring electric utilities in Washington State to eliminate coal-fired generation serving Washington state customers by December 31, 2025.3 However, in PacifiCorp's capacity deficiency case (PAC-E-20-13), the Commission found that "the Company's decision not to include early retirement of various coal-fired thermal resources in its load and resource balance to be reasonable." Order No. 34918 at 5. Early retirements have "not been evaluated by the Commission, much less approved [in Idaho]." Id. The Commission stated: The decision of whether or when these units will be retired is uncertain. Under such circumstances, it would not be fair, just, and reasonable to approve a capacity deficit date that is unconfirmed and would operate to the detriment of ratepayers." Id. at 6. The Company has not yet determined when the Colstrip units should be economically retired as reflected in its most recent IRP (Case No. AVU-E-19-01). StafPs comments in that case outlined several outstanding issues and deficiencies in the Company's analysis related to the Company's continued ownership share in Colstrip that would allow the Company and the Commission to make a final exit date determination. In that case, the Commission stated: Only after Avista has made a decision on its ownership interest in Colstrip Units 3 and 4 and a record is fully developed before this Commission will we make a prudency determination based on all the facts and evidence presented. It would be unjust and unreasonable for Idaho ratepayers to pay for the policy decisions made in other states if the benefits are not also realized by Idaho customers. OrderNo. 34814 at74. 3 Actual decommissioning dates could still be later than2025 under Washington's CETA 2025 requirement, because Avista could sell Washington's Colstrip portion and meet Washington's corresponding native load with new resources without shutting down the plant. STAFF COMMENTS 4 FEBRUARY 18,2021 Because of this uncertainty, Staff asked the Company to determine the capacity deficiency date and the amount of deficiency for a likely range of exit dates using bookends of 2025 for both units (Scenario 1) based on a Colstrip exit date being driven by Washington State, and2034 for Unit 3 and 2036 for Unit 4 (Scenario 5) based on Colstrip's 5O-year plant life. Staff also asked the Company to provide results for three other scenarios in between the bookends. Scenarios 2 and 3 use different Colstrip exit dates for Washington and Idaho by jurisdictionally allocating the amount of Colstrip capacity included in the L&R using each state's jurisdictional allocation. Scenario 4 assumed exit dates of both units for Washington and Idaho using Idaho's stipulated depreciation date of 2027 that the Commission authorized in Order No. 34276, Case No. AVU-E-18-03, if only for providing an additional scenario to span the range between the two bookends. StafPs recommendation in that case and reflected in the Stipulation approved by the Commission, was to use a depreciation date of 2027 for both Colstrip units for depreciation and rate recovery purposes only. The level of uncertainty about Colstrip that exists today also existed during that case.a The results are shown in Table No. I below: a ln the Stipulation approved in Order No. 34276 (p.7), it states, "The Company agrees to adopt a depreciation schedule for Colstrip Units 3 and 4 that assumes a remaining useful life for depreciation purposes of December 31,2027 . The Parties also acknowledge that there presently is no plan to close Colship Units 3 and 4 by a specific date, nor has Avista agreed to do so." STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY I8,2O2I5 Table No. 1. Five Scenarios of Retirement Dates Note: The first deficit date for each of these scenarios includes the Company's latest (August 2020) peak load forecast. Results of this analysis show that the first deficit year does not change; only the first deficit month and the deficiency amount change. This would not affect a QF's capacity payment under the SAR Method, because the published rates are calculated on an annual basis, starting from the first month of the first deficit year. However, it would affect the start of QF capacity payments for new contracts under the Company's IRP Method because the IRP-based avoided cost rates are calculated on a monthly basis. The deficiency date remains in2026 for all five scenarios and Staff believes the impact difference to customers using any of these scenarios will be relatively small. However, Staff believes that Scenario 2 provides a reasonable choice between the five scenarios because it respects both the authority of the Idaho Commission and Washington Commission to determine what is best for each respective state and the ratepayers by reflecting each state's jurisdictional share of Colstrip using exit dates determined by each state. STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY I8,2O2I6 WA Exit ID Exit First Deficit Date Amount of Deficit Data Source Scenario 1 (WA-based bookend) 2025 (both units) 2025 (both units) January 2026 17 MW Response to Staff s Production Request No. 35 Scenario 2 2025 (both units) 203412036 (Uni8runit4) November 2026 17 MW Response to Staff s Production Request No. 36 Scenario 3 2025 (both units) 2027 (both units) November 2026 17 MW Response to Stafls Production Request No. 37 Scenario 4 2027 (both units) 2027 (both units) December 2026 77MW Response to Staffls Production Request No. 39 Scenario 5 (ID-based bookend) 203412036 (Unit3tunit4) 203412036 (Unit3/Unit4) December 2026 77MW Response to Staff s Production Request No. 38 STAFtr' RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission approve the Company's L&R reflected in Scenario 2, which results in a first deficit date of November 2026 using the Company's August 2020 peak load forecast. If authorized, Staff recommends that the inputs of the SAR Method and the IRP Method be updated accordingly. Respectfully submiued this lt6+h day of Feb rwry 2ozl. Dayn Deputy Attomey General Technical Staff: Yao Yin Kevin Keyt i:umisc/comments/avue20. I I dhyyksk comments 7STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY I8,2O2I g) () IrEq) 9 GI U OI tr() q) L q)I cl q)IL .ao G cl I 0) o) c) L o trcl a q) G9 pr) l.l () >.p ()N lr s()o> -(so=.nxu 6"' -v)0)-9X =q4.2C)ct-< L>.trtrod c-l 0)^o -o()ooaQ HE6o.= !qrfE8.:8 lr ';{ !C)3()() !#cooH =:Ortro6)€-boF s5 6)Acio H -.9oo-& >'.4(rao-nG^\ >.oHE3 boatrEJE ,Fri H 'EEftr$o-os# 3 FE 39E"E H E*,^=: o-l O;:il H 6 'q,h.EO' > F rr..EE i &ioaE .9 a, a- o0 o.lP!-^--L,^ cd xioz.= (tj =E.rREs€oab9ESEoEHQtEE;Hi'E 5 q'E F 6fi r E; X IrH ,P Lv Ll ), t<lI (6 tr+i o.(€ (r),.BooXnO if t ocd (n- -aa-C .: c€ >UC)-- oar (o .aIL)a:5gti!!-boDoE(U:^VL+#PEc'E 33 H =o-!LiY:i()o9!19-e9 -A.i-qE-g I ^-v.!t-./);-r:o>XoboP tr =ix9)L,iHHLP.nr U) >r a.r:.- 0) o)tr x-q-qHU99 !tFi C)t-<(s Cl) c)(6l-{ oo C)a(co c.) ,o g !Lr(.) U) s\a dg d.= H trvru.lErI v1 4 aC):1 (HH P =qJi= oci) o-r.XE;EEifEE.HrrS3.r H &= E; E E H; 3 I *"#'E 8.*. 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A Case No. AVU-E-20-01 Comments of the Commission Staff 02118121 Page2 of 2 >'s (.) cdlra o o a frlrrlqi a4efidE-o F- oi) -LA]a.)ico( >. ,..o cO LaHliR9trtrooOEE ;-J() =()FLi-E.=oE t:aO E.EtC)".(, oEc) v o-)t=-y-Hd >.H;.-\() (EiA tsE eO:E aFrOlrn!cd E9p AabodLs gd ^!ucgao-y <B i'i ao oo."H*EE 9E E;8 Yoaoo-o0C);1 E 3E(tC)0.icE O.i6o l<Or EFb -996! A ijrrC = a.d&(o-V (,Jl - d U)-Yd C'= r-.,1E;b9v:j5trt-9 >.8 ccg.= !.-d= at ,-, € '= ^9^i " boYJ,Ad/cn.-'i oc. 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I XoC).=€ee ccl'fi raor9li !v XXoEaCEA 0-),FA(dcgboo.r 0J_6=o(E$t.ii oa,xOrilz () li a9) -o=o.: E-o-t-. o-oa4 (h.=:?b !J= C rv-qJ a^-60Jd-(cioo(rNa9Xo* z'n; oo'=c)trtr EHE B oo.lo 6),qrdP!P>. oo9H;.EEE 8. .ru-9dX Hts-E H9.rI bo liq) ()!la 0)z clLq) o)rll q) G tr q)rbotr \b! trk dtrLq)o) rB o? \, 6)9EEEtatrd. 0.UFl () 2-;H.L c€ -, (.) EdeE 9ctue aq) O c) 6lq) 0) 4a -dAa h0 :;^ a)0) a c) 0)ah4) c) I z CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS I8TH DAY oF FEBRUARY 2021, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF' THE COMMISSION STAF'F, IN CASE NO. AVU-E-20-11, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF TO THE FOLLOWING: MICHAEL G ANDREA SENIOR COI.]NSEL AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX3727 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-MAIL: michael.andrea@avistacorp.com avi stadockets@avistacom. com SHAWN BONFIELD SR MGRIREGULATORY POLICY AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX3727 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-MAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com SECRET CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE