HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201203Notice_of_Filing_Order_No_34857.pdfNOTICE OF FILING NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE ORDER NO. 34857 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date December 3, 2020 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION On October 21, 2020, Avista Corporation d/b/a/ Avista Utilities (“Company”) filed its capacity deficiency update (“Filing”) to update the capacity deficiency period used to calculate avoided costs. The Commission requires the Company to file the update after the Commission acknowledges the Company’s Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”). See Order Nos. 32697 and 32802. The Commission acknowledged the Company’s 2020 IRP on October 15, 2020. See Order No. 34814. The 2020 IRP projected the Company’s first load deficit to occur in January 2026. See id. The Company’s Filing is intended to provide the update required by Order Nos. 32697 and 32802. The Company requested its Filing be processed via Modified Procedure. The Commission now provides notice of the Filing and sets an intervention deadline for persons interested in participating in this matter with the privileges accompanying intervenor status. NOTICE OF FILING YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Company’s 2020 IRP identifies the first load deficit in January 2026. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the January 2026 load deficit results from the expected economic loss of Colstrip Units 3 and 4 at the end of 2025. The loss is compounded by the expiration of the Lancaster power purchase agreement in October 2026. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Filing is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission’s office. These documents are also available on the Commission’s web site at www.puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “ELECTRIC” icon, select “Open Cases,” and click on the case number as shown on the front of this document. IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION’S COMPLIANCE FILING TO UPDATE AND ESTABLISH ITS CAPACITY DEFICIENCY PERIOD TO BE USED FOR AVOIDED COST CALCULATIONS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU-E-20-11 NOTICE OF FILING NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE ORDER NO. 34857 NOTICE OF FILING NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE ORDER NO. 34857 2 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all proceedings in this case will be held pursuant to the Commission’s jurisdiction under Title 61 of the Idaho Code. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all proceedings in this matter will be conducted pursuant to the Commission’s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq. NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that persons who wish to intervene in this matter to obtain the rights of a party (e.g., to file formal discovery, or present evidence or cross-examine witnesses at a hearing) must file a Petition to Intervene with the Commission under the Commission's Rules of Procedure 72 and 73, IDAPA and .073. Persons who wish to intervene as a party must file a Petition to Intervene within twenty-one (21) days from the service date of this Order. Such persons shall also provide the Commission Secretary with their electronic mail address to facilitate further communications. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission Secretary shall issue a Notice of Parties after the deadline for intervention has passed. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that once the Notice of Parties is issued, Commission Staff will informally confer with the parties to discuss a schedule to process this case and other issues as raised by the parties. O R D E R IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that persons desiring to intervene for the purpose of presenting evidence or cross-examination at hearing shall file a Petition to Intervene with the Commission within twenty-one (21) days from the service date of this Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, after the Secretary issues a Notice of Parties, Staff will informally confer with the parties to discuss the appropriate scheduling of this case. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that parties should continue to comply with Order No. 34781, issued September 17, 2020. All pleadings should be filed with the Commission electronically and shall be deemed timely filed when received by the Commission Secretary. See Rule 14.02. Service between parties should also be accomplished electronically. Voluminous discovery-related documents may be filed and served on CD-ROM or a USB flash drive. /// NOTICE OF FILING NOTICE OF INTERVENTION DEADLINE ORDER NO. 34857 3 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 3rd day of December 2020. PAUL KJELLANDER, PRESIDENT KRISTINE RAPER, COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\AVU-E-20-11\AVUE2011_Ntc Filing Int_dh.docx