HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210329Application.pdfAvista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 -0500 Telephone 5 09-48 9-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 March 29,2021 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Bldg 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 ftrrw-e- 2 t-o 3 Case No. AVU-E-2l- LP.U.C. No. 28 - Electric Service Dear Commission Secretary In accordance with Case No. GNR-U-20-01, Order No. 34602, which suspends the requirement to file physical copies, the Company has attached for electronic filing with the Commission the following revised tariffsheet: Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 51E Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51F Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 51G Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51H Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51N Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51O Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 5lE Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51F Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51G Twentieth Revision Sheet 51H Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51N Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51O canceling canceling canceling canceling canceling canceling The Company requests that the proposed tariff sheets be made effective May 15, 2021. These tariff sheets reflect the Company's annual electric Line Extension filing. Detailed information related to the Company's request is included in the attached Application and supporting workpapers. The Company will issue a notice to its effected customers through a letter in the April 2021 timeframe. A copy of the letter has been included in the Company's filing. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Tia Benjamin at (509) 495-2225 or Joe Miller at (509) 49s-4s46. Sincerely, /s/ Joe Miller Joe Miller Sr Manager of Rates and Tariffs 1 DAVID J. MEYER2 YICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COI.JNSEL FOR 3 REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS4 AVISTA CORPORATION5 I4I1 E. MISSION AVENUE6 P. O.BOX3727 7 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 992208 PHONE: (509) 495-43L6,FAX: (509)495-8851 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 l8 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ELECTRIC ) LINE EXTENSION SCHEDULE 51 ) ANNUAL RATE ADruSTMENT FILING ) oF AVISTA CORPORATTON ) CASE NO. AVU-E-2I - O.:} APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION 19 I. INTRODUCTION 20 In accordance with Idaho Code $61-502 andRP 052, Avista Corporation, doing 21 business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter "Avista" or "Company''), at 1411 East Mission 22 Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities 23 Commission ("Commission") foranorderapprovingtheupdate incosts andadminishafue 24 changes to the Company's Electric Line Extension Schedule 51. The Companyhas 25 requested a May 15,2021effective date. 26 The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's 27 Modified Procedure Rules (RP 201-204) through the use of written commenb. 28 Communicationsin referenceto this Application should be addressedto: AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 t7 l8 I9 20 2t 22 David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Govemmental Affairs Avista Corporation P.O.Box3727 MSC-27 141 1 E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-4316 D av id. Mey er @av istaco rp. com Patrick Ehrbar Director o f Re gulatory Affairs AvistaUtilities P.O.Box3727 MSC-27 1411 E. MssionAve Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509)495-8620 p atrick. ehrb ar @av istaoolp. c om II. BACKGROUND The Company's present Schedule 51 electic line extension tariffincorporates tre principle of average costing for electrical facilities commonly used in extending service. The tariff sets forth "Basic Costs", which are costs based on recent average actual cosb for facilities such as transformers and conduit which are used consistently for electric line extensions. The Basic Costs have a fixed and variable component, with the variable component stated on a cost-per-footbasis. The average costingprinciple incorporafed in the Company's tariff has worked well and the Company is notproposingto change the conceptual structureof the tariff. Detailed below are the Company's proposed changes to Schedule 5l and included with this filing are workpapers which provide support for the proposod changes. AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 2 24 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 9 III. CONSTRIICTI ON ALLOWANCES 2 The Company is not proposing to update the allowances in this filing. It is the 3 Company's practice to update the allowances afterthe conclusion of a general rate case. 4 The allowances were last updated in May 2020 based on the Cost of Service study from is 5 most recently concluded general rate case filing (AVU-E-19-04). The Company will 6 update the allowances in next year's filing, reflecting the final results of the Company's 7 pending general rate case (AVU-E-21-01). 8 IV. A COSTS l0 The Disfibution Engineering Deparhnent at Avista is primarily tasked with the l1 development and maintenance of the Company's Construction & Material Standards. 12 Periodically, Distibution Engineeringwill update the Constuction & Material Standards 13 in orderto comply with the National Electric Safety Code ("NESC"). These Construction 14 & Material Standards were last updated in 2017 to reflect the NESC's code revisions. The 15 standard designs in this filing have not changed and are consistent with those reflected in 16 this filing. l7 As detailed on proposed tariff sheets 5l H and 5 I I, the Company is proposing tc 18 update the primary, secondary, service and transforrner average costs. Below is a 19 summary of the cost changes: AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 3 1 Presd Proposed %Chaee $ s 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OrrcrhcdPrinrv Cicuir Fhd e,ost Vdable Cost UrdercrmdEirrv Ctcrdt FhdCosts Viliabh Costs Urderer@d S€cmdtrv Circdt FkcdCosts Vari$h Costs OvcrbadSecmdrv Cicuit FhedCosts Orrcrtead S€rvi:€ Ciicuf Urdcrgroud Scrt'ice Ckmit OvtrteadTra$ormcr PadmmTrmtrorner t,732 $ 1,936 11.70/o $ $ $ $ 4.205 S 8_22 $ 1,934 $ 11.34 $ 428 $ 10.47 $ 3.74 $ 9.54 $ 2,A2 $ 3,546 $ 4,677 9.17 1,920 l0_01 394 8"60 4.27 8_43 2,345 1.417 Ll.2o/o ll-6c/o -0.7o/o -11-74/o -8.0olo -17-9/o 14.2o/o -11.601o 4.6Vo -1.9/o 10 S $ $ $ $ t1 12 The primary driverofthe increasein overheadrates as shown above, isdueto a 13 decreaseinvehicleusage during2020. As anexample,theCompanyusesatandemdiggpr 14 in most overhead electrical work. The cost of using this piece of equipment is estima@d 1 5 as part of an overhead crew's cost to perform such work (this is done in what's called a 16 tansportation pooll). The tandem digger had a decrease of 3,457 miles used over the 17 prioryear, al7.SYoreduction Giventhattherearebothfixedandvariablecostsassociabd l8 with vehicle maintenancg the overall costs for maintaining this type of equipment also 19 went down. However, the fixed costs held the balance in the pool high enough that the 20 rate had to be changed in order to spread the costs across fewer miles, resulting in an 2l increase in the amount of overhead vehicle costs assigned to these jobs. I ThetransportationpoolcontainscostsforFleetServicestomaintainandoperateAvista'sequipment including labor, parts, ficensing, fuel, etc. AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 4 1 The primary driver of the decrease in underground rates is due to a business 2 process improvement in the way vehicle rates are applied in the Company's workorder 3 system. Historically, the Company has assigned vehicle costs basedon theirdefined rab 4 and assigned it to a job. For example, a Ditch Witch with tailer would have been charggd 5 to ajobat arate of $225. TheCompanyredefinedhowcostsareallocatedsuchthatwe 6 more accurately define the time and effortthatthe equipmentwould be used foron the 7 job and therefore are able to allocate a lowercost to underground work. Inthe Company's 8 view, this methodology more closely aligns with how vehicles are actually being utilized 9 in the field. 10 Residential development costs, updated for the most current Constuction & 1 I Material Standards and average 2020 construction costs, are detailed below: r ^ Rcrldcuthl Dcvcloomcntstz 13 $ Prescut Prooorcd 1.938 | t.712 478 | 422 l4 15 t6 Total Cort pcr Lot Lceg: Scnicc Coet IDcvclopcr R*qronslblltty Dcvfucr Rcfimdablc Palmat Builds Non-Rcfimdabb Prymcot Allowsocc $ 1.,160 - $ 1.460s38 $ 1.900 $ r3s0 - $ 1.350t- $ 1,900 t7 V. COMMUNICATIONS ANI)SERVICE OF APPLICATION 18 In conformance with RP 125, this Application will be brought to the attention of 19 the Company's affectedcustomers. Duringthe week of April 5,2021,the Company will 20 send a letterto those developers and builders thatmaybe affectedby the proposedchanges 2l to inform them of the Company's request. AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 5 1 VI. REOUEST FOR RELIEF 2 T\e Company requests that the Commission issue an order approving the updae in 3 costs to Schedule 5 1 to become effective May 15, 2021. The Company requests that the 4 matter be processed under the Commission's Modified hocedure rules through the use of 5 written comments. 6 Dated at Spokane, Washington this 29th dayof March2021. 7 AVISTA CORPORATION 8 9 10 11 BY /s/PatrickEhrbar Patrick D. Ehrbar Director o f Regulatory Affairs AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 6 IDAHO Avista 2021 Schedule 51 Filing Proposed Tariff Sheets Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 51E Cancelirg LP.U.C. t{o.28 rd Revision Sheet 51E 51E AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 5) SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Share of Previous Extension" applies only to Primary Circuits less than five years old. lf part of a previous line extension is used to serve a new Customer, the new Customer must pay a share of the previous Primary Circuit cost and Transformer cost, if shared, to the Company before the start of construction. The amount paid by the new Customer will be refunded to existing Customers in relation to their share of the Primary Circuit and Transformer, if shared. The Company will refund appropriate shares to the bearers of Extension Certificates when the Certificates are presented for payment and the connection of the subsequent Customer has been verified. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the Certificate when a refund is due. Bearers of Extension Certificates must apply for refunds before the origina! line extension becomes six years old. Unclaimed refunds wil! be returned to the contributor. D(AMPLE: 1. First Customer pays $10,010 for 1 ,000 feet of primary underground circuit ($10.01 per foot). 2. Second Customer takes service within five years using 600 feet of the original extension. 3. Both Customers share the first 600 feet equally: 600 ft x $10.01/ft xYz= $3,003.4. The Second Customer's payment of $3,003, will be refunded to the First Customer to reduce his investment in the 600 feet to $3,003. The First Customer's investment in the remaining 400 feet remains at $4,004. ($1 0,01 0-$3,003-$3,003=$4,004) EXCEPTION: lf the refund to an existing Customer is less than $100 each, the new Customer will not be required to pay that share and the existing Customer will not receive a refund. lssued March 29,2021 Effective May 15,2021 By Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs Twenty€eco nd Revision Sheet 51 F l.P.U.C. No.28 Cancelirg t Revision Sheet 51F 51F lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 4. RULES AND CHARGES FOR UNDEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL LOTS a.A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than streets and under the ownership or legal control of a single party as determined by the Company. Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to line extensions within residential developments. Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written application for service, a copy of the plat as approved by the governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by the serving utilities and must pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: b. Basic Cost Custom er-Requested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) extension cost within development cost of extension to development Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1)"Basic Cost" willbe computed from the following rate per lot when the Development serves single phase loads, has at least six lots and the average frontage is no more than 175 feet per lot. The Basic Cost includes the cost of the Primary Circuit, the Transformer and the Secondary Circuit in the utility easement or public right-of-way, but does not include the Service Circuit from the point of connection with the Secondary Circuit to the Point of Delivery. Developments:$1,350 per Lot + = + + lssued March 29,2021 Effective May 15,2021 Avista Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 51G l.P.U.C. f{o.28 Cancelirg nd Revbion Sheet5lG 51G AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities c. SCHEDULE 51 - continued The Basic Costforall otherDevelopments will be computed from the rates listed in this Schedule for Service Circuits, Secondary Circuits, Transformers and Primary Circuits. 2) "Cost Reductions, "Custorner-Requested Costs, and "Share of Previous Extension" are described under Rules for lndividual Customers. 3) "Extension to development" is the line extension between the Company's existing energized electric facilities and the boundary of the development. The Rules for lndividual Customers apply to the extension to the development. ln lieu of a cash payment of the Basic Cost in a Development, the Company will accept a letter of credit, a contractor's performance bond, or another credit instrument agreeable to the Company for $1,350 per lot upon execution of a written agreement with the Developer. The agreement shall prescribe the requirements for such a credit instrument and shall permit the face amount of the instrument to be reduced annually as new customers are connected within the Development. The Developer will provide ditching within the Development. There will be no charge to the builder forthe installation of the Service Circuit to serve a duplex or multiplex dwelling. A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1) may apply fora refund annually foreach permanent Customer connected within the Development during the first five years after the extension is completed. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the certificate when a refund is due. The Company will pay the refund to the bearer of the Extension Certificate when it is presented to the Company for payment and the connection of the permanent Customer has been verified. d e. lssued March 29,2021 Effective May 15,2021 By sta ities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Afhirs l.P.U.C. t{o.28 Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51H Cancelirg Twentieth Revision Sheet 51H 51H lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities f SCHEDULE 51 - continued For Developers who have made a cash payment to the Company for the Basic Cost in the development, the sum of all refunds shall not exceed the total Basic Cost paid by the Developer or $1,350 per lot multiplied by the number lots, whichever is less. Thedeveloper must apply forthe refunds beforethe line extension becomes six years old. ln a Development where primary taps may be required into some lots to provide adequate service orwhere the loads are not clearly defined, the Company may elect to install only an initial Primary Circuit through the Development (no Transformers or Secondary Circuits). The Rules for lndividual Customers will be used to establish the extension cost of the Primary Circuit and that cost must be paid in advance by the Developer. The permanent Customer on each lot must meet the Rules for lndividual Residential Customers forthe extension into the lot, except they will not pay a share of the cost of the Primary Circuit through the Development or a share of previous extensions outside the Development. The applicable Allowance will be credited first to the Basic Cost to serve the permanent Customer. The Developer will be refunded only the portion of the Allowance not granted or applied to the permanent Customer. Effective May 15,2021lssued March 29,2021 Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Afhirs Twenty€eco nd Revbion Sheet 51 N l.P.U.C.l{o.28 Cancelirg Revision Sheet5lN 51N ista AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued Single-Phase Overhead Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $4,677 per Customer $9.t2 per foot Underground Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $1,920 per Customer $10.01 per foot g."Secondary Circuit" is the electrical facilityfrom the Company's Transformer to a handhole or connectors from which one or more Service Circuits originate. The Secondary Circuit is single phase, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, handholes, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. Single Phase Underground Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $394 per customer $8.60 per foot Single Phase Overhead Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: $1,936 per customer lssued March 29,2021 Effective May 15,2021 lss by By Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Afhirs Twenty€econd Revbion Sheet 51 O LP.U.C. Nlo.28 Cancelirg rst Revision Sheet5lO 510 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities h SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Seryice Circuif is the electrical facility between the Company's Transformer, connectors, orhandhole and the Point of Delivery fora single Customer or building. The Service Circuit is single phase*, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Service Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. These rates do not include meters and metering facilities which are used by the Company for billing purposes. Single Phase Overhead Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $4.27 per foot Single Phase Underground Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $8.43 per foot 'Transformer" Basic Cost shall be computed using the following rates for single phase transformers. Single Phase Overhead Transformer Costs: $2,345 per Customer Single Phase Padmount Transformer Costs: $3,477 per Customer "Underground Facilities" may include primary cable, secondary and service cable, secondary and service connections, surface-type (pad- mount) Transformers, pads, enclosures, terminations, and conduit where necessary. These facilities will be owned, operated and maintiained by the Company unless othenrvise provided for by agreement. j lssued March 29,2021 Effective May 15,2021 Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs IDAHO Avista 2021 Schedule 51 Filing Legislative Tariff Sheets Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 51E l.P.U.C. Nlo.28 Cancelirg nd Revbion Sheet 51E 51E lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 5) SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Share of Previous Extension" applies only to Primary Circuits less than five years old. lf part of a previous line extension is used to serve a new Customer, the new Customer must pay a share of the previous Primary Circuit cost and Transformer cost, if shared, to the Company before the start of construction. The amount paid by the new Customer will be refunded to existing Customers in relation to their share of the Primary Circuit and Transformer, if shared. The Company will refund appropriate shares to the bearers of Extension Certificates when the Certificates are presented for payment and the connection of the subsequent Customer has been verified. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the Certificate when a refund is due. Bearers of Extension Certificates must apply for refunds before the original line extension becomes six years old. Unclaimed refunds will be returned to the contributor. E)GMPLE: 1. First Customer pays $1{+z!0 for 1,000 feet of primary underground circuit ($1+34 per foot). 2. Second Customer takes service within five years using 600 feet of the original extension. 3. Both Customers share the first 600 feet equally: 600 ftx gd+34/ft xTr= $r4e2.4. The Second Customer's payment of $3r4gg will be refunded to the First Customer to reduce his investment in the 600 feet to $3regZ. The First Customer's investment in the remaining 400 feet remains s1 $.4$36. ($1 1;3 l0 $e;402 $3;492-$ l;636) EXCEPTION: lf the refund to an existing Customer is less than $100 each, the new Customer will not be required to pay that share and the existing Customer will not receive a refund. lssued March 9,2O2O Effective May 1,2020 Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Afhirs l.P.U.C. Nlo.28 Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51F Cancelirg Twentieth Revision Sheet 51F 51F lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 4. SCHEDULE 51 - continued RULES AND CHARGES FOR UNDEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL LOTS A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than streets and under the ownership or legal contror of a single party as determined by the company. Both the Generat Rules and the following rules apply to line extensions within residential developments. Before company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written application for service, a copy of the plat as approved by the governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by the serving utilities and must pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost Customer-Requested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) extension cost within development cost of extension to development Share of Extension 1) = extension cost "Basic Cost" willbe computed from the following rate per lot when the Development serves single phase loads, has at least six lots and the average frontage is no more than 175 feet per lot. The Basic Cost includes the cost of the Primary Circuit, the Transformer and the Secondary Circuit in the utility easement or public right-of-way, but does not include the Service Circuit from the point of connection with the Secondary Circuit to the Point of Delivery. Developments:$rc per Lot a b. + = + + lssued March 9,2020 Effective May Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs Twenty€econd Revbion Sheet 51 G l.P.U.C. Nlo.28 Cancelirg t Revision Sheet5lG 51G Y AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities c. e. d SCHEDULE 51 - continued The Basic Cost for all other Developments will be computed from the rates listed in this Schedule for Service Circuits, Secondary Circuits, Transformers and Primary Circuits. 2) "Cost Reductions, "Custorner-Requested Costs, and "Share of Previous Extension" are described under Rules for lndividual Customers. 3) "Extension to development" is the line extension between the Company's existing energized electric facilities and the boundary of the development. The Rules for lndividual Customers apply to the extension to the development. ln lieu of a cash payment of the Basic Cost in a Development, the Company will accept a letter of credit, a contractor's performance bond, or another credit instrument agreeable to the Company for $4/€e per lot upon execution of a written agreement with the Developer. The agreement shall prescribe the requirements for such a credit instrument and shall permit the face amount of the instrument to be reduced annually as new customers are connected within the Development. The Developer will provide ditching within the Development. There will be no charge to the builder forthe installation of the Service Circuit to serve a duplex or multiplex dwelling. A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1) may apply fora refund annually foreach permanent Customer connected within the Development during the first five years after the extension is completed. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the certificate when a refund is due. The Company will pay the refund to the bearer of the Extension Certificate when it is presented to the Company for payment and the connection of the permanent Customer has been verified. Effective May 1,2020lssued March 9,2O2O Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. Nlo.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 51H Cancelirg Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51H Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Afhirs 51H sued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities f SCHEDULE 51 - continued For Developers who have made a cash payment to the Company forthe Basic Cost in the development, the sum of all refunds shall not exceed the total Basic Cost paid by the Developer or $#69 per lot multiplied by the number lots, whichever is less. Thedeveloper must apply forthe refunds before the line extension becomes six years old. ln a Development where primary taps may be required into some lots to provide adequate service orwhere the loads are not clearly defined, the Company may elect to install only an initial Primary Circuit through the Development (no Transformers or Secondary Circuits). The Rules for lndividual Customers will be used to establish the extension cost of the Primary Circuit and that cost must be paid in advance by the Developer. The permanent Customer on each lot must meet the Rules for lndividual Residential Customers forthe extension into the lot, except they will not pay a share of the cost of the Primary Circuit through the Development or a share of previous extensions outside the Development. Theapplicable Allowance will be credited firstto the Basic Cost to serve the permanent Customer. The Developer will be refunded only the portion of the Allowance not granted or applied to the permanent Customer. lssued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 l.P.U.C. Nlo.28 Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51 N Cancelirg Twentieth Revision Sheet 51N 51N lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued Single.Phase Overhead Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $4+05 per Customer $8-?2 per foot Underground Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: ${+34 per Customer ${+34 per foot g."Secondary Circuit" is the electrica! facilityfrom the Company's Transformer to a handhole or connectors from which one or more Service Circuits originate. The Secondary Circuit is single phase, is operated at Iess than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, handholes, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. Single Phase Underground Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $428 per customerge'47 per foot Single Phase Overhead Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: $H€2 per customer lssued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Afhirs l.P.U.C. Nlo.28 Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51 O Cancelirg Twentieth Revision Sheet 51O 510 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities h. SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Service Circuit'is the electricalfacility between the Company's Transformer, connectors, or handhole and the Point of Delivery fora single Customer or building. The Service Circuit is single phase*, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Service Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. These rates do not include meters and metering facilities which are used by the Company for billing purposes. Single Phase Overhead Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $9=-74 per foot Single Phase Underground Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $9^54 per foot 'Transformer" Basic Cost shall be computed using the following rates for single phase transformers. Single Phase Overhead Transformer Costs: W per Customer Single Phase Padmount Transformer Costs: $3#46 per Customer "Underground Facilities" may include primary cable, secondary and service cable, secondary and service connections, surface-type (pad- mount) Transformers, pads, enclosures, terminations, and conduit where necess€Iry. These facilities will be owned, operated and maintained by the Company unless otherwise provided for by agreement. j. lssued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs Twenty-Fourth Revision Sheet 51E l.P.U.C. No.28 CancelirB -Third Revision Sheet 51 E 51E lssued by By AVISTA CORPORAT]ON dba Avista Utilities 5) SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Share of Previous Extension" applies only to Primary Circuits less than five years old. lf part of a previous line extension is used to serve a new Customer, the new Customer must pay a share of the previous Primary Circuit costand Transformer cost, if shared, to the Company before the start of construction. The amount paid by the new Customer will be refunded to existing Customers in relation to their share of the Primary Circuit and Transformer, if shared. The Company will refund appropriate shares to the bearers of Extension Certificates when the Certificates are presented for payment and the connection of the subsequent Customer has been verified. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the Certificate when a refund is due. Bearers of Extension Certificates must apply for refunds before the original Iine extension becomes six years old. Unclaimed refunds will be returned to the contributor. D(AMPLE: 1. First Customer pays $10.010 for 1,000 feet of primary underground circuit ($l_0.01 per foot). 2. Second Customer takes service within five years using 600 feet of the original extension. 3. Both Customers share the first 600 feet equally: 600 ftx$l!.1QL/ft xTz= $9.003.4. The Second Customer's payment of $3,003, wil! be refunded to the First Customer to reduce his investment in the 600 feet to $3.003. The First Cuslomer's investment in the remaining 400 feet remains at $4004. ($1 0.01 0-$3.003-$3.003=$a.00a) EXCEPTION: lf the refund to an existing Customer is less than $100 each, the new Customer will not be required to pay that share and the existing Customer will not receive a refund. lssued March 29,2021 Effective May 15,2021 Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 5'1F LP.U.C. tS.28 Cancelirg Revision Sheet 51F 51F lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 4. RULES AND CHARGES FOR UNDEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL LOTS a.A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than streets and under the ownership or legal control of a single pafi as determined by the Company. Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to line extensions within residential developments. Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written application for service, a copy of the plat as approved by the governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by the serving utilities and must pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost Custom er-Requested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) extension cost within development cost of extension to development Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1)"Basic Cost" willbe computed from the following rate per lot when the Development serves single phase loads, has at least six lots and the average frontage is no more than 175 feet per Iot. The Basic Cost includes the cost of the Primary Circuit, the Transformer and the Secondary Circuit in the utility easement or public right-of-way, but does not include the Service Circuit from the point of connection with the Secondary Circuit to the Point of Delivery. Developments:$L350 per Lot b. + = + + lssued March 29,2021 Effective May 15,2021 Avista Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affairs Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 51 G l.P.U.C. t{o.28 Cancelirg nd Revbbn Sheet5lG 51G AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities c. SCHEDULE 51 - continued The Basic Cost for all other Developments will be computed from the rates listed in this Schedule for Service Circuits, Secondary Circuits, Transformers and Primary Circuits. 2) "Cost Reductions, "Custorner-Requested Costs, and "Share of Previous Extension" are described under Rules for lndividual Customers. 3) "Extension to development" is the line extension between the Company's existing energized electric facilities and the boundary of the development. The Rules for Individual Customers apply to the extension to the development. ln lieu of a cash payment of the Basic Cost in a Development, the Company will accept a letter of credit, a contractor's performance bond, or another credit instrument agreeable to the Company for $1.350 per lot upon execution of a written agreement with the Developer. The agreement shall prescribe the requirements forsuch a credit instrument and shall permit the face amount of the instrument to be reduced annually as new customers are connected within the Development. The Developer will provide ditching within the Development. There will be no charge to the builder forthe installation of the Service Circuit to serve a duplex or multiplex dwelling. A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1) may apply for a refund annually for each permanent Customer connected within the Development during the first five years after the extension is completed. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the certificate when a refund is due. The Company will pay the refund to the bearer of the Extension Certificate when it is presented to the Company for payment and the connection of the permanent Customer has been verified. d. e. lssued March 29,2021 Effective May '15,2021 By vista ities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Affuirs l.P.U.C. Nlo.28 Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51H Cancelirg Twentieth Revision Sheet 51H s1H AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities f SCHEDULE 51 - continued For Developers who have made a cash payment to the Company for the Basic Cost in the development, the sum of all refunds shall not exceed the total Basic cost paid by the Developer or $lt35q per lot multiplied by the number lots, whichever is less. The developer must apply forthe refunds before the line extension becomes six years old. ln a Development where primary taps may be required into some lots to provide adequate service orwhere the loads are not clearly defined, the Company may elect to install only an initial Primary Circuit through the Development (no Transformers or Secondary Circuits). The Rules for lndividual Customers will be used to establish the extension cost of the Primary Circuit and that cost must be paid in advance by the Developer. The permanent Customer on each lot must meet the Rules for lndividual Residential Customers forthe extension into the lot, except they will not pay a share of the cost of the Primary Circuit through the Development or a share of previous extensions outside the Development. The applicable Allowance will be credited first to the Basic Cost to serve the permanent Customer. The Developer will be refunded only the portion of the Allowance not granted or applied to the permanent Customer. lssued March 29,2021 Effective May 15,2021 By es Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Afhirs Twenty€econd Revbion Sheet 51 N l.P.U.C. t{o.28 Cancelirg Revision Sheet5lN 51N lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued Single-Phase Overhead Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $49Z1- per Customer $9.17 per foot Underground Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $1.920 per Customer $1-0.01 per foot g "Secondary Circuit" is the electrical facility from the Company's Transformer to a handhole or connectors from which one or more Service Circuits originate. The Secondary Circuit is single phase, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, handholes, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. Single Phase Underground Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $394 per customer $9.60 per foot Single Phase Overhead Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: $1.936 per customer lssued March 29,2021 Effective May 15,2021 Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory Afhirs Twenty€econd Revision Sheet 51O l.P.U.C. Nlo.28 CancelirB rst Revision Sheet5lO 510 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities h SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Service Circuit" is the electricalfacility between the Company's Transformer, connectors, or handhole and the Point of Delivery fora single Customer or building. The Service Circuit is single phase*, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Service Circuit shal! be computed using the following rates. These rates do not include meters and metering facilities which are used by the Company for billing purposes. Single Phase Overhead Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $4.n- per foot Single Phase Underground Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $8.43 per foot 'Transformer" Basic Cost shall be computed using the following rates for single phase transformers. Single Phase Overhead Transformer Costs: $2.345 per Customer Single Phase Padmount Transformer Costs: $lfr_ per Customer "Underground Facilities" may include primary cable, secondary and service cable, secondary and service connections, surface-type (pad- mount) Transformers, pads, enclosures, terminations, and conduit where necessary. These facilities will be owned, operated and maintained by the Company unless otherwise provided for by agreement. J Effective May 15,2021lssued March 29,2021 Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Directorof Regulatory AfEirc