HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200618Final Approved Tariffs.pdfSeventh Revision Sheet 51B Cancelingl.P.U.C.No.28 Sixth Revision Sheet 51B 51BI AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 -continued When two or more Customers apply concurrently for servicefromthesameLineExtension,each will receive an AllowanceuptotheirproportionoftheBasicCostofthelineextension. Allowances shall be granted only against the Basic Cost of thecurrentprojectandnotagainstanypartofanearlierorfutureextension. The Allowance will be equal to the Basic Cost or the applicableamountlistedbelow,whichever is less: MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE Schedule 1 individual Customer $1,900 per unitSchedule1duplex$1,520 per unitSchedule1multiplex$1,140 per unit EXCEPTION:The Company will not grant an immediateAllowanceiftheCompany,in its sole judgement,determinesthattheload: a)is less than 2500 kWh per year,or b)will be in service less than five years. A mobile home will not qualify for an Allowance until it haspermanentconnectionstobothwaterserviceandeitherasewerorsepticsystem.If such connections are made withinfiveyearsafterthecompletionofthelineextension,theCompanywill,at that time,refund the Basic Cost or theamountoftheAllowanceineffectatthetimeofthelineconstruction,whichever is less.The Customer must apply fortherefundbeforethelineextensionbecomessixyearsold. Issued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 issued by Avista Utilities ar,Director of RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 18, 2020 May 1, 2020 Per O.N. 34698 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Twenty-Third Revision Sheet 51E CancelingI.P.U.C.No.28 Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51E 51E AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 -continued 5)"Share of Previous Extension"applies only to Primary Circuitslessthanfiveyearsold.If part of a previous line extension isusedtoserveanewCustomer,the new Customer must pay ashareofthepreviousPrimaryCircuitcostandTransformer cost,if shared,to the Company before the start ofconstruction.The amount paid by the new Customer will berefundedtoexistingCustomersinrelationtotheirshareofthePrimaryCircuitandTransformer,if shared.The Company willrefundappropriatesharestothebearersofExtensionCertificateswhentheCertificatesarepresentedforpaymentandtheconnectionofthesubsequentCustomerhasbeenverified.The Company will make a reasonable attempttoinformthebeareroftheCertificatewhenarefundisdue.Bearers of Extension Certificates must apply for refundsbeforetheoriginallineextensionbecomessixyearsold.Unclaimed refunds will be returned to the contributor. EXAMPLE: 1.First Customer pays $11,340 for 1,000 feet ofprimaryundergroundcircuit($11.34 per foot). 2.Second Customer takes service within five yearsusing600feetoftheoriginalextension. 3.Both Customers share the first 600 feet equally: 600 ft x $11.34/ft x ½=$3,402. 4.The Second Customer's payment of $3,402 will berefundedtotheFirstCustomertoreducehisinvestmentinthe600feetto$3,402.The FirstCustomer's investment in the remaining 400 feet remains at $4,536.($11,340-$3,402-$3,402=$4,536) EXCEPTION:If the refund to an existing Customer islessthan$100 each,the new Customer will not berequiredtopaythatshareandtheexistingCustomerwillnotreceivearefund. Issued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 Issued by Avista Utilities y Patrick Ehrbar,Director of RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 18, 2020 May 1, 2020 Per O.N. 34698 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51F CancelingI.P.U.C.No.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 51F 51F AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 -continued 4.RULES AND CHARGES FOR UNDEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL LOTS a.A developmentis a group of neighboring undevelopedlots separatedbynomorethanstreetsandundertheownershiporlegalcontrolofasinglepartyasdeterminedbytheCompany.Both the General Rulesandthefollowingrulesapplytolineextensionswithinresidentialdevelopments. b.Before Company facilities will be installed,the developermust submit a written applicationfor service,a copy of the plat as approved by thegoverningagencydepictingdedicatedutilityeasementsapprovedbytheservingutilitiesandmustpayanextensioncosttotheCompanywhichiscomputedasfollows: Basic Cost +Customer-RequestedCosts -Cost Reductions -(one)Design Fee of $150 (if paid) =extension cost within development +cost of extension to development +Share of Previous Extension =extension cost 1)"Basic Cost"will be computedfrom the followingrate per lotwhentheDevelopmentservessinglephaseloads,has at leastsixlotsandtheaveragefrontageisnomorethan175feetperlot.The Basic Cost includes the cost of the Primary Circuit,theTransformerandtheSecondaryCircuitintheutilityeasementorpublicright-of-way,but does not include the Service CircuitfromthepointofconnectionwiththeSecondaryCircuittothePointofDelivery. Developments:$1,460 per Lot Issued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Director of Regulatory Affairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 18, 2020 May 1, 2020 Per O.N. 34698 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51G CancelingI.P.U.C.No.28 Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51G 51G AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 -continued The Basic Cost for all other Developments will be computedfromtherateslistedinthisScheduleforServiceCircuits,Secondary Circuits,Transformersand Primary Circuits. 2)"Cost Reductions,"Customer-Requested Costs,and "Share ofPreviousExtension"are described under Rules for Individual Customers. 3)"Extension to development"is the line extension between theCompany's existing energized electric facilities and theboundaryofthedevelopment.The Rules for Individual Customers apply to the extension to the development. c.In lieu of a cash payment of the Basic Cost in a Development,theCompanywillacceptaletterofcredit,a contractor's performance bond, or another credit instrument agreeable to the Company for $1,460 perlotuponexecutionofawrittenagreementwiththeDeveloper.TheagreementshallprescribetherequirementsforsuchacreditinstrumentandshallpermitthefaceamountoftheinstrumenttobereducedannuallyasnewcustomersareconnectedwithintheDevelopment.TheDeveloperwillprovideditchingwithintheDevelopment. d.Prior to the installation of the Service Circuit to each single-familyresidenceinadevelopment,the home builder will be required to make anon-refundable cash paymentto the Company of $38 per residence.There will be no charge to the builder for the installation of the ServiceCircuittoserveaduplexormultiplexdwelling. e.A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1)may applyforarefundannuallyforeachpermanentCustomerconnectedwithintheDevelopmentduringthefirstfiveyearsaftertheextensioniscompleted.The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of thecertificatewhenarefundisdue.The Company will pay the refund to thebeareroftheExtensionCertificatewhenitispresentedtotheCompanyforpaymentandtheconnectionofthepermanentCustomerhasbeenverified. Issued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Director of RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 18, 2020 May 1, 2020 Per O.N. 34698 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Twentieth Revision Sheet 51H Canceling1.P.U.C.No.28 Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51H 51H AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 -continued For Developers who have made a cash payment to the Company for the Basic Cost in the development,the sum of all refunds shall not exceedthetotalBasicCostpaidbytheDeveloperor$1,460 per lot multiplied bythenumberlots,whichever is less.The developer must apply for therefundsbeforethelineextensionbecomessixyearsold. f.In a Development where primary taps may be required into some lots toprovideadequateserviceorwheretheloadsarenotclearlydefined,theCompanymayelecttoinstallonlyaninitialPrimaryCircuitthroughtheDevelopment(no Transformers or Secondary Circuits).The Rules forIndividualCustomerswillbeusedtoestablishtheextensioncostofthePrimaryCircuitandthatcostmustbepaidinadvancebytheDeveloper. The permanentCustomer on each lot must meet the Rules forIndividualResidentialCustomersfortheextensionintothelot,excepttheywillnotpayashareofthecostofthePrimaryCircuitthroughtheDevelopmentorashareofpreviousextensionsoutsidetheDevelopment.The applicable Allowancewill be credited first to theBasicCosttoservethepermanentCustomer.The Developer will berefundedonlytheportionoftheAllowancenotgrantedorappliedtothepermanentCustomer. Issued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Director of Regulatory Affairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 18, 2020 May 1, 2020 Per O.N. 34698 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Eighth Revision Sheet 51J Cancelingl.P.U.C.No.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 51J 51J AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 -continued 1)The Total Estimated Extension Cost shall include all costs which are necessary to provide service to the Customer,as determinedbytheCompany.The amount of the Allowance will be determinedindividuallyforeachCustomerbasedontheCompany's estimateoftheCustomer's annual metered energy usage (delivered byAvista)and an allowance per kWh based on the applicable serviceschedule. d.When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service from thesameLineExtension,each will receive an Allowance up to theirproportionoftheTotalEstimatedExtensionCost.Allowances shall begrantedonlyagainstthecostsofthecurrentprojectandnotagainstanypartofanearlierorfutureextension. The Allowance will be the Total Estimated Extension Cost,or the applicableAllowancebySchedulemultipliedbytheCustomer's estimated meteredenergyusage(delivered by Avista),whichever is less: ALLOWANCE BY SERVICE SCHEDULE Schedule 11 or 12:$0.15486 per kWhSchedule21or22:$0.14218 per kWhSchedule31or32:$0.24688 per kWh Exception:The Company will not grant an immediate Allowance if theCompany,in its sole judgement,determines that the load is unknown,orwillbeinservicelessthanfiveyears.If an Allowance is not provided atthetimeserviceisinstalled,the Customer is eligible to receive a refundoftheirAllowancewhenannualmeteredenergyusage(delivered byAvista)is known and measured.Any refund of Customer Allowance mustberequestedbytheCustomerwithinfiveyearsoftheserviceinstallation. Undeveloped Commercial and Industrial Lots:A development is a group ofneighboringundevelopedlotsseparatedbynomorethanstreetsandundertheownershiporlegalcontrolofasinglepartyasdeterminedbytheCompany.The General Rules,the Rules for Commercial and IndustrialCustomersandthefollowingapplytolineextensionswithincommercial orindustrialdevelopments.Before Company facilities will be installed,thedevelopermustsubmitawrittenapplicationforserviceandacopyoftheplatasapprovedbythegoverningagencydepictingdedicatedutilityeasementsapprovedbytheservingutilities. Issued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 Issued by Avista Utilities ck Ehrbar,Director of RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 18, 2020 May 1, 2020 Per O.N. 34698 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51N CancelingI.P.U.C.No.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 51N 51N AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 -continued Single-Phase Overhead Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs:$4,205 per CustomerVariableCosts:$8.22 per foot Underground Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs:$1,934 per CustomerVariableCosts:$11.34 per foot g."Secondary Circuit"is the electrical facility from the Company'sTransformertoahandholeorconnectorsfromwhichoneormoreServiceCircuitsoriginate.The Secondary Circuit is singlephase,isoperatedatlessthan600voltstogroundandmayincludeconductors,connectors,conduit,handholes,and ditch.The Basic Cost of theSecondaryCircuitshallbecomputedusingthefollowingrates. Single Phase Underground Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs:$428 per customerVariableCosts:$10.47 per foot Single Phase Overhead Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs:$1,732 per customer Issued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 issued by Avista Utilities B Patrick Ehrbar,Director of RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 18, 2020 May 1, 2020 Per O.N. 34698 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Twenty-First Revision Sheet 510 CancelingI.P.U.C.No.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 510 510 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 -continued h."Service Circuit"is the electrical facility between the Company'sTransformer,connectors,or handhole and the Point of Delivery for asingleCustomerorbuilding.The Service Circuit is single phase*,isoperatedatlessthan600voltstogroundandmayincludeconductors,connectors,conduit,and ditch.The Basic Cost of theServiceCircuitshallbecomputedusingthefollowingrates.Theseratesdonotincludemetersandmeteringfacilitieswhichareused bytheCompanyforbillingpurposes. Single Phase Overhead Service Circuit:Variable Costs:$3.74 per foot Single Phase Underground Service Circuit: Variable Costs:$9.54 per foot i."Transformer"Basic Cost shall be computedusing the followingratesforsinglephasetransformers. Single Phase Overhead Transformer Costs:$2,242 per CustomerSinglePhasePadmountTransformerCosts:$3,546 per Customer j."UndergroundFacilities"may include primary cable,secondary andservicecable,secondary and service connections,surface-type (pad-mount)Transformers,pads,enclosures,terminations,and conduitwherenecessary.These facilities will be owned,operated andmaintainedbytheCompanyunlessotherwiseprovidedforbyagreement. Issued March 9,2020 Effective May 1,2020 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Director of Regulatory Affairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 18, 2020 May 1, 2020 Per O.N. 34698 Diane M. Hanian Secretary