HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200304Comments.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL -L 96 12 3IDAHOPUBLICUTILITIESCOMMISSION' PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO.9917 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA'S )APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER )CASE NO.AVU-E-20-01 AUTHORIZING ACCOUNTING AND RATE )MAKING TREATMENT OF COSTS )ASSOCIATED WITH THE ENERGY )COMMENTS OF THE IMBALANCE MARKET )COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its Attorneyof record,Dayn Hardie,Deputy AttorneyGeneral,submits the followingcomments. BACKGROUND On January 10,2020,Avista Corporation (Company)applied to the Commission for an order allowingthe Company to defer incremental Operation and Maintenance (O&M)costs associated with joiningthe California IndependentSystem Operator's (CAISO)Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).The Company seeks to defer those costs until they can be included in base rates through a general rate case proceeding.The Company signed an EIM implementation agreement with the CAISO on April 25,2019. An energy imbalance market pools generationof interconnected electricity providers within a region and dispatches those resources with the goal of more accurately matching actual production with actual demand.See Order No.33706.An energy imbalance market operates on STAFF COMMENTS 1 MARCH 4,2020 a nearly real-time basis with multipleparticipants,as opposed to more conventional long-term, bilateral contracts which deliver energy in hourly blocks. In November 2014,the CAISO and PacifiCorp formed the EIM.The EIM is a five- minute market administered by the CAISO.The market utilizes an automatic model to identify the least-cost energy resources to serve real-time customer demand.EIM participants bid resources into the market,and the operator dispatches those resources based on the marginal price for energy imbalances factoring in load and available generation.The Company has been actively monitoringthe operation and expansion of the EIM.The Company also regularly participates in regional meetings and dialogue associated with the EIM,including the potential expansion of the EIM to a day ahead market. The Company expects to "go live"with the EIM by April 1,2022.The Company's decision stems from the risk associated with being a non-EIM participanti and the changing resource portfolio in its Balancing Authority Area (BAA). The Company has recently signed two renewable energy power purchase agreements2 and expects to integrate more projects as state clean energy policies change and prices continue to drop for renewables.3 The Company stated that the ability to balance and regulate load and renewable resources by leveraging EIM resources,instead of relying solely on Company owned resources for regulation and flexible ramping,provides operational benefits. According to the Company's Application,over 75 percent of the load in the western interconnection has committed to joiningthe EIM by the end of 2022,and non-participation will cause growing liquidity risk,forcing those non-participating utilities to hold more reserves to minimize in-hour fluctuations.* Based on a third-partyconsultant's assessment,the Company estimates it will cost between $21.4 million and $26.7 million,on a system basis,to fully prepare for market entry. I Recently Idaho Power and Powerex have integrated into the EIM.In addition,Seattle City Light,Northwestern Energy,andBonnevillePowerAdministrationwillalljointhemarketinthenexttwoyears.2 The Company has recently signed power purchase agreements for 20 Megawatts ("MW")of Solar that came online inDecember2018and145MWsofwindthatwillcomeonlineinlate2020. 3 As additional variable resources are integrated into the Avista BAA and the EIM grows,it will become more efficient and cost-effective for Avista to rely on the EIM to help meet the in-hour variability,instead of holding back and dispatching Avista-ownedresourcestomeettheflexiblerampingrequirements,according to the Company's Application.4 The Company cites "EIM participants are less likely to conduct bilateral transactions close to the operating hour,due to the needtopassEIMsufficiencyandflexiblerampingtestsandmeetothermarkettransactionsclosingtimesthatoccurwellbeforetheoperatinghour.Holding additional reserves will lead to higher overall power supply costs since excess available resources can'tbefullyoptimizedoradditionalresourcesmayneedtobepurchased,"according to the Company. STAFF COMMENTS 2 MARCH 4,2020 These costs,which the Company seeks to defer for later recovery in rates,are primarily related to developing the network model per the CAISO's requirements including Energy Management System (EMS)/Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)integration,development of a generationresource bid strategy and population of the generationresource master file, conducting request for proposals and selecting new market related software applications, completion of modeling into the CAISO test environment,and employee training. The Company expects to incur $3.5 million to $4.0 million in system costs per year to operate in the EIM.These ongoing,annual costs will include maintenance costs for software licenses and communication networks,adding approximately 12 new employees to facilitate market operations and settlements,a new five-person 24x7 hour EIM operating desk,and CAISO EIM fees. The Company retained a different third-partyconsultant to assess potential EIM benefits. The assessment estimated the Company could see system annual benefits between $2 million and $12 million.The assessment used four main assumptions:(1)the amount of flexible hydro bid into the market;(2)the amount of transmission that is made available for market transactions; (3)the amount of renewable generationintegrated into the Company's BAA,and (4)data sources from other EIM participants estimated benefits.The assessment produced 24 scenarios that the Company used to estimate annual benefits of $5.8 million. Using the cost and benefit assessments,the Company performed a breakeven analysis. To break even in ten years with integration costs of $21.4 million,the Company must realize system annual benefits averaging about $5.0 million.If the integration costs increase to $26.7 million,the Company must realize system annual benefits averaging about $6.0 million per year. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff reviewed the Company's Application,accompanying exhibits,workpapers,and the responses to Staff's production requests.Based on its review,Staff recommends Commission approval of the Company's request to defer the incremental Operation and Maintenance costs related to joiningthe Western EIM. Staff believes the Company has demonstrated it is reasonable for it to join the EIM.The Company proposes that hardware,software,and personnel investments made to facilitate participation in the EIM will allow them to leverage market resources to more efficiently meet STAFF COMMENTS 3 MARCH 4,2020 intra-hourvariability by providing access to market liquidityfor flexible ramping and load regulation.With the five-minuteimbalance market that EIM investments provide,Avista also has the potential to increase surplus sales and access lower-cost generation,which can result in net power supply expense savings and benefit to customers. Staff has reviewed the Company's estimates of EIM investments and believes they are reasonable;however,Staff notes the Company remains responsible for demonstrating its investments were prudent prior to recovery from customers.Staff recommends the Company file a report after one year of participation,to detail any additional expenditures and inform the Commission of ongoing costs and benefits of EIM participation. Estimated Cost and Benefit Analysis Staff performed preliminarydue diligence to determine if the Company's decision to move forward with EIM participation is prudent.The purpose of the review was to ensure there are no egregious shortcomings in the Company's analysis prior to authorizing an accounting order to defer costs.Staff will perform a full prudence review of actual costs at the time the Company seeks to recover costs in a future rate case.With that said,Staff believes the cost and benefit analyses provided by the Company are reasonable.Additionally,the analysis suggests breakevenshould occur in under ten years.Staff also focused its review on (a)the Company's comparisons between Avista's EIM estimated costs and benefits,and (b)actual costs and benefits from EIM implementations performed by similar utilities. Cost Estimates Staff believes the cost estimates the Company used in its cost analysis are reasonable because the Company used an experienced consultant to help develop the estimates and because Staff used comparisons of actual cost information from other utilities that have recently joined the EIM.Staff has some concern with individual line item costs,especially operational labor, but Staff understands the current cost estimates will change and will be reviewed in detail in a future case. The Company used consulting services from Utilicast,a company with experience helping utilities prepare for EIM market entry and operations.The Company estimated EIM capital cost at $21.4 million but included a 25%contingency estimate which could push the cost STAFF COMMENTS 4 MARCH 4,2020 to $26.7 million.The Company estimated ongoing annual operating costs of between $3.5 million and $4.0 million. Staff compared Avista's EIM costs to EIM costs for Idaho Power Company (IPC)and Portland General Electric (PGE).Staff used comparisons from these utilities because Avista states in its Application,"[the Company's]resource mix and transmission connection to other EIM participants most closely matches IPC and PGE."However,the Company's EIM cost estimates are $8 million and $10 million more than the published EIM start-up costs for IPC and PGE,respectively. Staff requested information regarding these cost differences.The Company responded that the major cost drivers influencingcost for utilities to the join the EIM are the number of meters,controls,software applications,communication networks,and employees that are added or upgraded.For example,PGE was able to avoid the cost of upgraded meters,generation controls,and management systems because many of the components already installed met EIM requirements and did not require upgrade.Further,the higher upfrontcost estimates compared to those for IPC were primarily due to the Company requiring more replacement meters and upfront integration labor. Another reason why the Company's cost estimates are higher is the Company has benefitted from the other utilities'experience and was able to include in its upfrontestimates,the costs that the other utilities had incurred after implementation.For example,the Company had discussions with several regional utilities and gained a better understandingof application capabilities and market requirements.From these discussions,the Company included a full suite of applications in its estimates to ensure efficient EIM operation and avoid upgrading or replacing software after implementation. Staff also inquired about the amount of operational labor included in the Company's estimates to operate EIM.Given the Company's explanation,Staff remains concerned with the amount of labor that the Company included in its estimates.Staff plans to investigate these labor costs in greater detail when the Company files a case for rate recovery. Benefit Estimates The Company's EIM benefit analysis showed benefits of between $2 million to $12 million with base case benefits of $5.8 million.These results are approximately $1.3 to 2.3 STAFF COMMENTS 5 MARCH 4,2020 million more than the estimated base case benefits for IPC and PGE.Staff believes the benefit estimates are reasonable because an experienced consultant performed the analysis and the analysis methodology has been refined to include actual results from current EIM participants. The Company hired Energy and Environmental Economics (E3)to perform the EIM benefit analysis.The Company selected E3 because they had previously conducted multiple market benefit assessments for other EIM participants,and is believed to have the best available system model.E3 has been refining its methodology for calculating benefits since performing studies for IPC and PGE and has seen actual EIM benefits that have been higher than estimates for most EIM participants.Consequently,E3 has been able to utilize actual results to validate their models and to incorporate actual market conditions into their assumptions.Staff believes that this should have improved the accuracy of E3's models and resulting benefit estimates. Proposed Accounting Treatment Avista seeks to defer its incremental O&M EIM implementation costs.The Company requests that the Commission issue an order authorizing the Company to defer its Idaho jurisdictional share of incremental O&M costs related to participation in the EIM.The Company would defer these costs until they are authorized for recovery in a future rate proceeding.The Company proposes to defer the EIM-related expenses monthlyin Account 182.3 -Other Regulatory Assets. The Company is not requesting a carrying charge on the deferral balance.Staff agrees with this proposal.The ability to defer the costs for future recovery provides sufficient benefit to the Company,therefore a carrying charge is not necessary.If normal ratemaking treatment is followed,then the Company would expense the O&M costs in the year in which they occur,the capital costs would be booked to the appropriate Plant-in-Service account once the investment is placed in service,and depreciation on the investment would begin at the Commission-approved rates.In the next general rate case,the prudentlyincurred ongoing O&M costs,including depreciation expense,would be built into rates.The return on the prudentlyincurred capital investments,net of accumulated depreciation,would also be built into rates.In this Application, the Company has not requested to defer the capital costs,justthe O&M costs.Allowingthe Company to defer these O&M costs preserves them for future recovery from customers.It is STAFF COMMENTS 6 MARCH 4,2020 appropriate to defer these costs to more closely match the benefits that customers will receive once the Company joins the EIM in April 2022. Finally,the Company would request recovery of the actual incremental costs of joining the EIM in a future rate proceeding,and the Company would propose an amortization period at that time for the recovery of the deferral balance from customers.Staff recommends the Company cease deferring expenses at the time the Company officially joins the EIM.Recovery of any operational cost associated with membership in the EIM after the Company's go-live date should be determined in a future proceeding.At that time,a prudency review should be conducted to determine the reasonableness of recovering the deferrals from Idaho customers. Customer Notification Since rates are not impacted,customer notice is not required.However,Avista created a webpage to provide general information about the EIM.'It was made available the same day as the filing.In addition to general information about the EIM,the webpage also includes a "Frequently Asked Questions"section.The frequentlyasked questions address the following:1) what are the benefits of joiningthe EIM;2)can solar and wind resources be effectively integrated without joiningEIM;3)what are the implications for not joining the EIM;4)will the Company maintain operational control of its generationresources and balancing authority obligations;and 5)when will participation in the EIM become official. Customers were given until March 4,2020 to file comments.See Order No.34550.As of March 4,2020,no customer comments were filed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission approve the Company's Application requesting an Accounting Order to defer the incremental O&M costs associated with the implementation of EIM.Staff recommends that the Company cease deferring the incremental implementation costs at the go-live date.Staff also recommends that the Company file a report after one year of participation,to detail any additional expenditures and inform the Commission of ongoing costs and benefits of EIM participation. *The webpage can be accessed at :https://www.mvavista.com/about-us/our-commitment/western-enerey- imbalance-market STAFF COMMENTS 7 MARCH 4,2020 Respectfully submitted this day of March 2020. ayn HAÍie Deputy AttorneyGeneral Technical Staff:Kathy Stockton Michael Eldred Rachelle Farnsworth Curtis Thaden i:umisc/comments/avue20.ldhkismerfcomments STAFF COMMENTS 8 MARCH 4,2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 4TH DAY OF MARCH 2020,SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF,INCASENO.AVU-E-20-01,BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF,POSTAGE PREPAID,TO THE FOLLOWING: PATRICK EHRBAR DAVID J MEYERDIRECTORREGULATORYAFFAIRSVP&CHIEF COUNSELAVISTACORPORATIONAVISTACORPORATIONPOBOX3727POBOX3727SPOKANEWA99220-3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3727E-mail:patrick.ehrbar@avistacorp.com E-mail:david.mever@avistacorp.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE