HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200110Application.pdfAifltstA I -;f- mC)oIn im oG) c, Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washinglon 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 VIA OVERNIGHT MAII, January 9, 2020 Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilitics Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise. ID 83 7'14 RE: CASE NO. AVU-E-20-gl IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER AUTHORTZING ACCOUNTING AND RATEMAKING TRE,ATMENT OF COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ENERGY IMBALANCE MARKET Dear Ms. Hanian: L,nclosed lor filing with the Commission is Avista's Application for an Accounting Order Authorizing Accounting and Ratemaking Treatment of Costs Associated with the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM). The filing consists of an original and seven copies of Avista's Application. Please direct any questions regarding this filing to Liz Andrews at (509) 495-8601 or liz.andrews@avistacom.com. Sincerely, /s/ Paul Kimball Paul Kimball Manager of Compliance & Discovery Enclosures 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10ll t2 13 t4 l5 lo t7 l8 t9 20 21 22 23 24 DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O.BOX3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINCTON 99220-37 27 TELEPHONE: (509)495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509)495-8851 RECEIVED ' :l Jiti I 0 PH 3: 0f 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 tt 34 35 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )oFAVISTACORPORATIONFOR ) AN ACCOUNTING ORDER AUTHORIZING ) ACCOUNTING AND RATEMAKING ) TREATMENT OF COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH )THEENERGYIMBALANCEMARKET ) CASENO. AVU-E-2O.OI 36 I. INTRODUCTION Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter Avista or Company), at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, pursuant to Section 6l-524 Idaho Code and Rule 52 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission Rules of Procedure"), hereby applies to the Commission for an order authorizing the accounting and ratemaking treatment detailed in this Application related to the incremental costs the Company will incur associated with joining the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) Westem Energy Imbalance Market (EIM). In this filing, the Company is requesting Commission approval to def'er, for later recovery in rates, these costs until such time as they are included in base rates. These costs will primarily be related to developing the network model per CAISO requirements including EMS/SCADA integration, development of a generation resource bid strategy and population of the generation resource master file, conducting request for proposals and Application of Avista Corporation Page 1 Case No. AVU-E-20- I selecting new market related software applications, completion of modeling into the CAISO test environment, project and change management and employee training. Pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure 20 t, the Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's rules for Modified Procedure. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 1l t2 13 l4 15 David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and ChiefCounsel for Regulatory and Govemmental Affairs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 l4l I E. Mission Avenue, MSC-7 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-4316 david.mever@avistacorp.com Patrick D. Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 141 I E. Mission Avenue, MSC-27 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-8620 patrick.ehrbar@avistacom.com l6 17 18 19 20 2l 23 1A 25 27 28 22 26 II. BACKGROI]NI) Avista has actively monitored the operation and expansion of the Westem EIM. The Company regularly participates in regional meetings and dialogue associated with the EIM including the potential expansion of the EIM to a day ahead market. Avista has been continuously evaluating the operational benefits associated with EIM participation, and the associated risks of not participating in the market. One of the largest operational benefits for current EIM participants is the ability to balance and regulate load and renewable resources by leveraging available matket resources, instead of relying on only intemal Avista resources to provide regulation and flexible ramping. Avista has also closely monitored the impacts to the bi-lateral trading market as more entities join the EIM. The recent integration of Idaho Power and Powerex into the EIM has had an impact on short term hourly market liquidity. In addition, the commitment of Seattle City Light, NorthWestem Energy, and the recent notice of intent of the Bonneville Power Application of Avista Corporation Page 2 Case No. AVU-E-2O- 29 2 Administration to join the market in the next few years, will continue to put a stress on near term hourly market liquidity. EIM participants are less likely to conduct biJateral transactions close to the operating hour, due to the need to pass EIM sufficiency and flexible ramping tests, and meet other market transaction closing times that occur well before the operating hour. This leads to significant risk and inefficiencies for non-market participants to reliably and responsibly meet load service obligations. With over 75 percent of the load in the westem interconnection committed to joining the EIM by 2022, non-participating utilities will face growing market liquidity risk and will therefore need to hold more reserves to minimize exposure to in-hour fluctuations or extended non-planned generation outages. Holding additional reserves will lead to higher overall power supply costs since excess available resources can't be fully optimized or additional resources may need to be purchased. In addition, Avista's renewable resource mix is changing as the price of renewable resources continue to decline, our customer's interest in purchasing cleaner energy increases, and the implementation of new carbon emission policies in the West. Recently, Avista signed two Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) for 20 MW of solar starting in December of 2018 (Adams-Neilson) and 145 MW of wind starting in late 2020 (Rattlesnake Flat), based on competitive pricing and customer interest. Avista expects to integrate additional renewable resources into its Balancing Authority Area (BAA) in the future associated with the development and adoption of state and local clean energy and carbon emission policies, and the increased interest of qualifuing resources that meet the requirements under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). As additional variable resources are integrated into the Avista BAA, it becomes more efficient and cost-effective for Avista to rely on the EIM to help meet the in-hour variability, instead of holding back and dispatching Avista-owned resources to meet the flexible ramping requirements. Application of Avista Corporation Case No. AVU-E-20- 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 l3 1n l5 l6 t7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 ?4 Page 3 Based on the short term market liquidity risks associated with being a non-EIM participant, and Avista's changing resource portfolio, Avista decided it was time to join the Westem EIM. Avista signed an EIM Implementation Agreement with the CAISO on April 25,2019 with a planned goJive date of April 1,2022. CAISO filed the implementation plan with FERC on December ll,20l9 and requested an effective date of April l, 2020 to allow Avista to integrate into the market no later than April 1,2022. A copy of the EIM ISO/Avista Implementation Agreement and the CAISO FERC filing letter are included as Attachment A and B, respectively. III. EIM ESTIMATED COSTS AND BENE,FITS As part of Avista's market monitoring and evaluation efforts between 2015 and 2017, Avista hired two consultants to evaluate the costs and benefits of EIM participation. Avista recently updated these previous assessments based on current EIM operation and actual performance. Utilicastl was hired in the second half of 2018 to help Avista develop a full technology road map and conduct a metering assessment associated with EIM participation requirements. Utilicast also updated the market costs assessment that it had previously conducted for the Company in 2015. Based on the Utilicast assessments and preliminary planning done in the first quarter of 2019, Avista estimates it will cost between $21.4 million and $26.7 million (on a system basis) to fully prepare for market entry. These costs include metering upgrades, generation control modifications, communication infrastructure additions and improvements, the purchase and integration of up to eight market based software applications, the hiring ofa System Integrator consultant, and intemal Avista labor. The on- t Utilicast is a provider of consulting services to the energy and utilities industry, providing expertise and experience in the areas ofregional electricity market solutions, power systems operations, project implementation, analytics, energy seryices, customer care and related IT infrastructue. Application ofAvista Corporation Page 4 Case No. AVU-E-20- 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll 12 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 19 20 2l 22 I going annual system costs to operate in the market are anticipated to be between $3.5 million and $4.0 million. Anticipated on-going costs include maintenance costs for software licenses and communication networks, the addition of approximately 12 new employees to facilitate market operations and settlements, including a new five person 24x7 hour EIM operating desk, and CAISO EIM membership fees. The Utilicast technology and meter assessments are included as Confidential Attachments C and D, respectively. Avista also created an EIM Program Charter in May 2019 to document updated cost estimates, project implementation processes and project govemance. The EIM Charter is provided as Confidential Attachment E. The integration and on-going cost estimates will be further refined as Avista conducts extensive planning assessments and completes project milestones in 2020, including selecting software vendors, completing meter and control upgrade designs and finalizing the internal program structure and associated employee resource plan. Avista contracted with Energy and Environmental Economics (E3)2 in the fall of 2017 to perform an EIM benefit analysis. E3 was chosen since they had previously conducted multiple market benefit assessments for other EIM participants and had the best available system model. This allowed Avista to compare results to the other utilities. The E3 assessment estimated that Avista could see a range of system annual benefits from $2 million to $12 million by participating in the EIM. The E3 study is provided as Confidential Attachment F. There are four main study assumptions that drive the range of potential EIM benefits: the amount of flexible hydro Avista bids into the market, the amount of transmission that is made available for market transactions, the amount of renewable generation that is integrated into the Avista BAA, and the data source of the estimated benefits of other EIM participants. which 2 Energy+Environmental Economics (or E3) is an energy consulting firm that helps utilities, regulators, policy makers, developers, and investors make strategic decisions as they implement new public policies, respond to technological advances, and address customers' shifting expectations, Application of Avista Corporation Page 5 Case No. AVU-E-20- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 13 14 l5 16 t7 18 l9 20 2l 22 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 was used for comparison purposes and a proxy for market price variations. E3 varied the assumption of these critical drivers to create 24 different study scenarios. Avista analyzed the 24 different scenarios and anticipates EIM system annual benefits to be $5.8 million, which is an average of four of the 24 benefit scenarios (scenarios 6, 12, 18,24). These four scenarios assume: Avista maximizes hydro bids into the market, based on discussions with Portland General Electric (PGE) and Idaho Power Company (lPC) about EIM benefits being directly related to bidding flexible resources into the market; an increase in projected renewable generation into the Avista resowce mix, due to new emission policies; an average of low and high transmission made available to the market; and an average of EIM benefits based on modeled and actual data to represent price variations. There is a high likelihood that Avista could see benefits move closer to the upper end of the study range ($12 million system) based on the actual benefits that have been published for existing EIM participants. Recent market price volatility experienced in2018 significantly increased the benefits of current EIM participants, compared to anticipated results from their E3 studies. Both IPC and PGE achieved EIM benefits in 2018 as calculated by the CAISO that were over five times their anticipated benefits as calculated by 83. Avista's resource mix and transmission connection to other EIM participants most closely matches IPC and PGE. There are other operational benefits associated with EIM participation that were not quantified in the E3 study. Participation in the EIM will improve system visibility and reliability through improved modeling and new real-time monitoring. EIM participants also experience improved outage coordination, both intemal and extemal. Because of load and generation diversity that exists across the larger EIM footprint, as compared to individual utilities, the total flexible ramping requirements are reduced by approximately 45%o per the CAISO 2019 third quarter benefits report. The flexible ramping requirement reduction can be Application of Avista Corporation Case No. AVU-E-2O- l0 ll 12 t3 14 l5 16 t7 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 1,t Page 6 I shared among the EIM participants. The CAISO also calculates reduced renewable curtailments and associated greenhouse gas emission reduction as a result ofEIM padcipation. None ofthese additional benefits were given an economic value in the E3 study, however after entering the EIM, Avista's customers will see some unquantified financial benefit from these operating effi ciencies. Avista performed an economic analysis to determine the system annual benefits required to breakeven over a ten year operating period based on EIM implementation costs of either $21.4 million (expected system project costs) and $26.7 million (expected system with contingency). In order to break even in l0 years, assuming integration costs of$21.4 million, Avista will need to achieve system annual benefits of approximately $5.0 million. Assuming integration costs of $26.7 million, Avista will need to achieve affrual system benefits of approximately $6.0 million. As previously discussed, based on the E3 benefit analysis, Avista anticipates a-nnual EIM benefits to be $5.8 million (system). Therefore, Avista anticipates positive revenue from EIM participation in less than 10 years. If actual EIM system benefits are closer to the potential upper bound of $12 million, as determined by E3 and experienced by other similar situated EIM participating utilities, tien Avista customers would see positive revenue in a much shorter time period. This economic analysis prepared by Avista is provided in the confidential work papers included with this filing. The current total estimate for EIM implementation system O&M expense over the entire project from 2019 to Apil2022 is between $3.2 million to $4.0 million. The estimated annual project costs will be reassessed after the selection of the software vendor and other planning assessments are completed in early 2020. Current estimated planning costs for 2020 related to the initial Project Manager and Change Management labor, system integrator consultant, software requirements development, miscellaneous technology assistance, training Application of Avista Corporation Case No. AVU-E-20- Page 7 I and potential accuracy testing analysis for generation and metering measurement devices, are expected to be between $1.2 million and $1.5 million, on a system basis. IV. PROPOSED ACCOUNTING TREATMENT In this filing, beginning January l, 2020, the Company is requesting an order allowing the defenal of incremental O&M costs associated with the implementation of EIM until such time as they are included in base rates via a general rate case proceeding. As noted above, these costs will primarily be related to the network model development, including EMS/SCADA integtation, development of generation resoruce bid strategy and population of the generation resource master file, completion of modeling into the CAISO test environment, project and change management and employee training. To track these costs, the Company would defer the ElM-related monthly expenses based on actual EIM participation costs after it has incurred those costs (without a carrying charge), until that amount is fully imbedded in base rates.r The EIM costs that the Company is proposing to defer include what will be accounted for in the following projects: I This is consistent with that approved for Idaho Power on Janlraty 31,2017 in Case No. IPC-E-16-19, per Order No. 33706, allowing tdaho Power to defer their "initial costs ofjoining the EIM until such time as benefits begin to flow to customers. ...We decline to apply a carrying charge to the defened amounts. We Iind that the ability to defer O&M costs for future recovery, compared to the normal ratemaking treatment, provides sufficient benefit to the Company." The Commission lirther stated: "We note that the deferral treatment applies to the O&M expenses ofjoining the EtM, and not to capital costs, which should be treated as any other capital expenditure." Application of Avista Corporation Case No. AVLJ-E-20- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IJ t4 l5 Page 8 I 2 J 4 f 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 The Company requests to defer the total cost in Account 182.3 - Other Regulatory Assets. In a future general rate case, Avista would request recovery ofthe defened balance and propose an amortization period at that time. 14 15 Application ol Avista Colporation Case No. AVU-E-20- Listing of Projects Used to Record EIM Costs Project # 09806037 09806037 'ossooo+o 09806040 'ostoooro 09806036 09806038 09806038 'oseooo:s 6seooo:q 'ostooo:s 'osgoos:s 'osgoos:a 09906538 'ostoso:o 'ostose:o 09806054 09806053 Task # (FERC Account #) 566010 566020 588010 588020 557000 557020 549010 5490.20 923010 926t0r 920000 923010 926101 920000 549000 549001 54E000 53E000 Pn ject Nrmc EM - Transmjssion Ops O&M EIM - Transmissbn Ops O&M EM - Substatbn O&M EIM - Sub,station O&M EIM - Power Suppv O&M EIM - Power Supply O&M EIM - GPSS O&M EIM - GPSS O&M EIM - Accounting lS/lT, Suppty Chain EIM - Accounting IS/IT, Suppty Chain EIM - Accounting ISflT, Supply Chain EIM - lT Network O&M CD.AA EIM - IT Network O&M CD.AA EIM - [T Network O&M CD.AA EIM - Power Supply O&M EIM - Power Suppv O&M GPSS EIM CT & PT Testing GPSS EIM CT & PT Testing Trsk Descriptiom Other Expense-Labor Other - Training Misc Expense - Labor Misc Expense - Training Other Expense - Labor Training Other Expense - Training Other Expense-Labor Other - Training Odside Services Employed Training - Required A&G Labor Outslie Services Employed Training - Requbed A&G Labor Mbc. Power Supply - Labor Mbc. Power Supply - Integrator Other Expense - Testing Turbines & Equipm€nt Note: Costs will also inchrde Avista's standard payroll and overhead bading costs, recorded in FERC Accourts q26,4O8, et.f.. Page 9 Ope ration and Maintenance Accounti[g I V. CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION Notice to the public of the proposed revisions, pursuant to IDAPA, will be given simultaneously with the filing of this Application by posting a notice to the Company's Website. WI{EREFORE, Avista respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order approving the deferral of incremental O&M costs associated with the implementation of EIM incurred by Avista, effective on and after January 1, 2020, until such costs are included in a future proceeding, with this application being processed under Modified Procedure. +4- DATED at Spokane, Washinglon, this 7 iay of J anuary,2020. AVISTA CORPORATION BY David J M Vice Presi and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Application of Avista Corporation Case No. AVU-E-20- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t2 l3 14 1l 15 16 17 18 t9 20 Page l0 STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane David J. Meyer, being first duly swom on oath, deposes and says: That he is the Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Govemmental Affairs for Avista Utilities and makes this verification lor and on behalfofAvista Corporation, being thereto duly authorized; That he has read t}re foregoing filing, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. ) ) ) {74 7- SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this ? /Ay of January 2020,by David J. Meyer. rffir"- NOT Washington, residing at Spokane Case No. AVIJ-E-20- VERIFICATION commissionEx pi."", lllLz)lul PUBLIC in and lbr the State of Page 1 1 ATTACHMENT A Implementation Agreement Page 1 of 17 ENERGY IMBALANCE MARKET ISO/AVISTA IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT This lmplementation Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of April 25. 2019. by and between Avista Corporation, a Washington corporation ("Avista"), and the California lndependent System Operator Corporation, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("lSO"). Avista and the ISO are sometimes referred to in the Agreement individually as a "Party" and, colleclively, as the "Parties." RECITALS A. WHEREAS, Avista has determined there is an opportunaty to secure benefits for Avista's customers through improved dispatch and operation of Avista's generatron fleet and through the efficient use and continued reliable operation of existing and future transmission facilities and desires to participate in the energy imbalance market operated by the ISO ("ElM"): B. WHEREAS. the ISO has determined there are benefits to ISO market participants through greater access to energy imbalance resources in real{ime and through the efficient use and reliable operation of the transmission facilities and markets operated by the lSO, and desires to expand operation of the EIM to include Avista; D. WHEREAS, the Parties are entering into this Agreement to set forth the terms upon whrch the ISO will timely configure its systems to incorporate Avista rnto the EIM ("Project") on or before April 1 , 2022 (' lmplementation Date"). NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, and of other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT (a) This Agreement shall become effective upon the date the Agreement is accepted, approved or otherwise permitted to take effect by FERC, without condition or modification unsatisfactory to either Party ("Effective Date"). (b) ln the event FERC requires any modification to the Agreement or imposes any other condition upon its acceptance or approval of the Agreement, each Party shall 1 Attachment A C WHEREAS. Avista acknowledges that the rules and procedures governing the EIM are set forth in the provisions of the ISO tariff as filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ('FERC") and that participatlon in the EIM requires corresponding revisions to Avista's Open Access Transmission Tariff ("Avista Tariff') and the execution of associated service agreements: and 1 . Effective Date and Term. Attachment A have ten (10) business days to notrfy the other Party that any such modification or condition is unacceptable to that Party. lf no Party provides such notice. then the Agreement. as modrfied or conditioned by FERC, shall take effect as of the date determined under Section '1(a). lf either Party provides such notice to the other Party, the Parties shall take any one or more of the following actions: (i) meet and con{er and agree to accept any modifications or conditions imposed by such FERC order; (ii) jointly seek further administrative or legal remedies with respect to such FERC order, including a request for rehearing or clarification; or (iii) enter into negotialions with respect to accommodation of such FERC order, provided however, if the Parties have not agreed to such an accommodation within thirty (30) days after the date on which such FERC order becomes a final and non-appealable order, such order shall be deemed an adverse order and the Parties shall have no further rights and obligations under the Agreement. (c) The term of the Agreement ("Term") shall commence on the Effective Date and shall terminate upon the earliest to occur of ( t ) the date FERC permits all necessary revisions to the Avista Tariff to take effect and the service agreements under such tariff and the ISO tariff necessary for the commencement of Avista s participation in the EIM have taken effect: (2) termination in accordance with Section 2 of this Agreement: or (3) such other date as mutually agreed to by the Parties ("Termination Date"). (d) This Agreement shall automatically terminate on the Termination Date and shall have no further force or effect, provided that the rights and obligations set icrth in Sections 5 and 6 shall survive the termination of this Agreement and remain in full force and effect as prr:vided therein. 2.Termination (a) The Parties may mutually agree to terminate this Agreement in writing at any time. ln addition, either Party may terminate this Agreement in its sole discretion after conclusion of the negotiation period in Section 2(b) or as provided in Section 2(d) or 2(e) as applicable. (b) lf either the ISO or Avista seeks to unilaterally terminate this Agreement, it must first notify the olher Party in writing of its intent to do so ("Notice of lntent to Terminate") and engage in thirty (30) days of good faith negotiations in an effort to resolve its concerns. lf the Parties successfully resolve the concerns of the Party issuing the Notice of lntent to Terminate, the Party that issued such notice shall notify the other Party in writing of the withdrawal of such Notice ("Notice of Resolution") (c) At the time the Notice of lntent to Terminate is provided, or any time thereafter unless a Notice of Resolution is issued, Avista may provide written nolice directing the ISO 1o suspend performance on any or all work on the Projecl for a specified period of time ("Notice to Suspend Work"). Upon receipt of a Notice to Suspend Work, the ISO shall. (1) discontinue work on the Proiect; (2) place no further orders with subcontractors related to the Project; (3) take commercially reasonable 2 Page 2 ot 17 Attachment A Page 3 of 17 actions to suspend all orders and subcontracts; (4) protect and maintain the work on the Projectl and (5) otherwise mitigate Avista's costs and liabilities for the areas of work suspended. The ISO will not invoice Avista pursuant to Sectton 4(c) of this Agreement for any milestone payment following the issuance of a Notice to Suspend Work. To the extent a Notice of Resolution is issued pursuant to Section 2(b), the Notice to Suspend Work in effect at the time shall be deemed withdrawn and the ISO shall be entitled to invoice Avista for any milestone completed as specified in Section 4(c) of this Agreement and Avista shall pay such invoice pursuant to Section 4. (d) Any time afler thirty (30) days from the date of the Notice of lntent to Terminate under Section 2(b), issued by either Party, and prior to the date of a Notice of Resolution, the ISO may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to Avista that it is terminating thrs Agreement ("Termination Notice") effective immediately, The ISO may terminate this Agreement under the terms of thrs Section 2(d) at its sole discretion for any reason. (e) Any time after th irty (30) days from the date of the Notice ot lntent to Terminate under Section 2(b), issued by either Party, and prior to the date of a Notice of Resolution, Avista may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the ISO that it is terminating this Agreement ("Termination Notice") effective immediately. Avista may terminate this Agreement under the terms of this Section 2(e) at its sole discretion for any reason. (0 ln the event this Agreement is terminated by either or both of the Parties pursuant to its terms, this Agreement will become wholly void and of no furlher force and effect, without further action by either Party, and the liabilities and obligations of the Parties hereunder will terminate, and each Party shall be fully released and discharged from any liability or obligation under or resulting from this Agreement as of the date of the Termination Notice provided in Section 2(d) or 2(e), as applicable, notwithstanding the requirement for the ISO to submit the filing specified in Section 2(g). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the rights and obligations set forth in Sections 5 and 6 shall survive the termination of this Agreement and remain in full force and effecl as specified in Sections 5 and 6. and any milestone payment obligation pursuant to Section 4(c) that arose pnor to the Termination Notice an accordance with Section 2(d) or 2(e) shall survive until satisfied or resolved in accordance with Section 'l 1, (S) The Parties acknowledge that the ISO is required to file a timely nolice of termination with FERC. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the filing of the notice of termination by the ISO with FERC will be consrdered timely if the filing of the notice of termination is made after the preconditions for termination have been met. and the ISO files the notice of termination withrn ten (10) days after the Termination Notice has been provided by either the ISO in accordance with Seclion 2(d) or Avista in accordance with Section 2(e). This Agreement shall terminate upon acceptance by FERC of such a notice of [errrrinatiorr. 3 Attachment A Page 4 of 17 (a) The Parties shall complete the Project as described in Exhibit A, sub,ect to modification only as described in Section 4(e) below- (b) The Parties shall undertake the aclivities described in Exhibit A with the objective of completing the Project and implementing the EIM no later than the lmplementation Date, including all milestones listed undcr Exhibit A for the lmplementation Date, subject to modification only as described in Section 3(c) below. (c) Either Party may propose a change in Exhibit A or the lmplementation Date to the other Party. lf a Party proposes a change in Exhibit A or the lmplementation Date, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith lo attempt to reach agreement on the proposal and any necessary changes an Exhibit A and any other affected provision of this Agreement, provided that any change in Exhibit A, or any change to the lmplementation Date, must be mutually agreed to by the Parties, The agreement of the Parties to a change in Exhibit A, or a change to the lmplementation Date, shall be memorialized in a revision to Exhibit A, which wlll then be binding on the Parties and shall be posted on the internet web sites of the ISO and Avista. without the need for execution of an amendment 10 this Agreement. Changes that require revision of any provision of this Agreement other than Exhibit A shall be reflected in an executed amendment to this Agreement and filed with FERC for acceptance. (d) At least once per calendar month during the Term, the Parties' Designated Executives. or their designees. will meet telephonically or in person (at a mutually agreed to location) to discuss the status of the performance of the tasks necessary to achieve the mileslones in Exhibit A and the continued appropriateness of Exhibit A to ensure that the Prqect can meet the lmplementation Date. For purposes of this section, "Desrgnated Executive" shall mean the individual identified in Section 8(g), or her or his designee or successor. 4. lmplementation Char-qeg- ltrvoicinq and Milestone Paymenls (a) As itemized in Section 4(c) below, Avista shall pay the ISO a fixed fee of $300,000 for costs incurred by the ISO to implement the Project ("lmplementation Fee"), subiect to completion of the milestones specified in Section 4(c) and subject to adiustment only as described in Section 4(b). (b) The ISO will provide prompt written notice to Avisla when the sum of its actual costs through the date of such notice and its projected costs to accomplish the balance ol the Project exceed the lmplementation Fee. The lmplementation Fee shall be subject to adjustment only by mutual agreement of the Parties if the Parties agree to a change in Exhibit A, or a change to the lmplementation Date, in accordance with Section 3(c) and lhe Parties agree that an adjustment to the lmplementation Fee is warranted in light of such change. (c) Upon completion of the milestones identified in Exhibit A, the ISO shall invoice Avista for the lmplementation Fee as follows: 4 3. lmplementation Scope and Schedule. Attachment A $50,000 upon the Effective Date as further described in Section '1 of this Agreement and Exhibit A as Milestone 1: $50,000 upon deployment into the ISO test environment of the full network model database that includes the topology of the Avista system as further described in Exhibit A as Milestone 2; lt $50,000 upon ISO promotion of market network model including Avista area to non-production system with Avista connection and data exchange data in advance of market simulation as further described in Exhibit A as Milestone 3: $50,000 upon commencement of EIM market simulation as further described in Exhibit A as Milestone 4: $50.000 upon start of parallel operations as further described in Exhibit A as Milestone 5: and S50,000 upon the lmplementation Date as further described in Exhibit A as Milestone 6. (d) Following the completion of each milestone identified in Section 4(c)(i) through (vi), the ISO will deliver to Avista an invoice which will show the amount due, together wrth reasonable documentation supporting the completion of the milestone being invoiced. Avista shall pay the invoice no later than forty-five (45) days after the date of receipt. Any milestone payment past due will accrue interest, per annum, calculated in accordance with the methodology specified for interest in the FERC regulations at 18 C.F.R. S 35.19a(aX2)(iii) (the "FERC Methodology"). (e) lf a mitestone has not been completed as described in Section (c)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) and in Exhibit A, as Exhibit A may have been modified in accordance with Section 3(c), the Parties shall negotiate in good faith an agreed upon change to the Project Delivery Dates (as defined in Exhibit A) consislent with Section 3(c) such that the timing of milestone payments in Section 4(c) can be adjusted to correspond to the updated Exhibit A. (0 lf Avista disputes any portion of any amount specified in an invoice delivered by the ISO in accordance with Section 4(c), Avista shall pay its total amount of the invoice when due. and identify the disputed amount and state that the disputed amount is being paid under protest. Any disputed amount shall be resolved pursuant to the provisions of Section 11. lf it rs determined pursuant to Section 11 that an overpayment or underpayment has been made by Avista or any amount on an rnvoice is incorrect, then (i) in the case of any overpayment, the ISO shall promptly retum the amount of the overpayment (or credit the amount of the overpayment on the next invoice) to Avista; and (ii) in the case of an underpaymenl, Avista shall promptly pay the amount of the underpayment to the lSO, Any overpayment or underpayment shall include interest for the period from the date of overpaymenl, underpayment, or incorrecl Page 5 of 17 i Attachment A Page 6 of 17 allocation until such amount has been paid or credited against a future invoice calculated in the manner prescribed for calculating interest in Section 4(d). (S) All costs necessary to implement the Prolect not provided for in this Agreement shall be bome separately by each Party, which in the case of the ISO will be recovered through rates as may be authorized by its regulatory authorities. (h) All milestone payments required to be made under the terms of this Agreement shall be made to the account or accounts designated by the Party which the milestone payment is owed, by wire transfer (in immediately available funds in the laMul currency of the United States). 5. Coefidentialitv (a) All written or oral information received from the other Party in connection with this Agreement (but not this Agreement or any information in connection with this Agreement to the extent such Agreement and information is filed with FERC) necessary to complete the Project and marked or otherwise identified at the time of communication by such Party as containing information that Party considers commercially sensitive or confidential shall constitute "Con{idential lnformation'' subject to the terms and conditions herein- (b) lf Avista publicly releases Avista's Confidential lnformation in connection with a public process or a regulatory filing. or if the ISO publicly releases the ISO's Confidential lnformation in connection with a public process or a regulatory filing, then the information released shall no {onger constitute Confldential lnformation; provided, however, that Confidential lnformation disclosed under seal (or in such other manner as to be trealed confidentially) in connection with a regulatory filing shall retain its status as Confidential lnformation under this Agreement. ln addition, Confidentaal lnformation does not include information that (i) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of disclosure by either Party, its officers, directors, employees. agents. or representatives; (ii) is or becomes available to such Party on a non-confidential basis from other sources oI their agents or representatives when such sources are not known by such Party to be prohibited from making the disclosure; (iii) is already known lo such Party or has been independently acquired or developcd by such Party without viclating any of such Party's obligations under this Section 5; (iv) is the subject of a mutual written agreement between the Partles, including an agreement evidenced through an exchange of electronic or other communications, with regard to information for discussion at any stakeholder meelings or during the stakeholder process or with any regulatory authority; or (v) is the sub1ecl of a mutuel written agreement between the Parties, including an agreement evidenced through an exchange of electronic or other communications, to allow for such disclosure and designation as non-confidential or public information on a case-by-case basis in accordance with Section 10 of this Agreement. (c) The Confrdential lnformation will be kept confidential by each Party and each Party agrees to protect the Confidential lnformation using the same degree of b Attachment A PageT of17 care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, as a Party uses to protect its own confidential information of a like nature. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence. a Party may disclose the Confidential lnformation or portions thereof to those of such Party's officers, employees, partners, representatives, attorneys, contractors, advisors, or agents who need to know such information for the purpose of analyzing or performing an obligation related to the Project. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party is not authorized to disclose such Confidential lnformation to any officers, employees, parlners, representatives, attorneys, contractors, advisors, or agents without (i) informing such officer, employee, partner, representative, attorney, contractor. advisor, or agent of the confidential nature of the Confidential lnformation and (ii) ensuring that such officer. employee, partner, representative, attorney, contractor, advisor, or agent is subject to confldentialig duties or obligations to the applicable Party thal are no less restrictive than the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Each Party agrees to be responsible for any breach of this Section 5 by such Party or a Party's officers, employees, partners, representatives, attorneys, contractors, advisors or agents, subject to the limitations set forth in Section 6 below. (d) ln the event that a Party is required by a court of competent jurisdiction or regulatory authority (by law. rule. regulation, order, deposition, interrogatory. request for documents. data request issuedas part of a regulatory process, subpoena, civil investigative demand or samilar request or process) to disclose any of the Confidential lnformation, such Party shall (to the extenl legally permitted) provide the other Party with prompt written notice of such requirement so that the other Party may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy and/or waive compliance with the terms of this Section 5. ln the event that such protective order or other remedy is not obtained, the disclosing Party hereby waives compliance with the provisions hereof wfih respect to such Confidential lnformation. ln such event, the Party compelled to disclose shall (i) furnish only that portion of the Confidential lnformation which, in accordance with the advice of its own counsel (which may include internal counsel), is legally required to be fumished, and (ii) exercise reasonable efforts to obtain assurances that confidential treatment will be accorded the Confidential lnformation so furnished. (e) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties acknowledge that they are required by law or regulation to report certain information that could embody Confrdentral lnformatron trom trme to trme, and may do so trom trme to time wrthoul providing prior notice to the other Party. Such reports may include models, filings. and reporls of costs, general rate case filings, cosl adjustment mechanisms, FERC+equired reporting, investigations, annual state reports that include resources and loads. integrated resource planning reports, reports to entities such as FERC, the North American Electric Reliability Council ("NERC), Western Electricity Coordinating Council ("WECC') or similar or successor organizations, or similar or successor forms, filings, or reports, the specific names of which may vary by jurisdiction, along with supporting documentation. Additionally, in regulatory proceedings or investigations in all state and federal jurisdrctrons in which they may do business, the Parties will from time to time be required to produce Confidential lnformation, and may do so without prior notice using its business judgment in compliance with all of the foregoing and including the appropriate level of confidentiality for such disclosures in the normal course of busrness. 7 Attachment A Page 8 of 17 (fl Each Party is entitled to seek equitable relief, by injunction or otherwise, to enforce its rights under thrs Section 5 to prevent the release of Confidential lnformation without bond or proof of damages, and may seek other remedies available at law or in equity for breach of this provision, subject to the limitations set forth in Section 6 below. (g) Unless otheMise prevented by law, upon written request by a Party, the other Party shall promptly retum to the requesting Party or destroy all Confidentral lnformation it receMed, including all copies of its analyses, compilations, studies or other documents prepared by or for it, that contain the Confidential lnformation in a manner that would allow its extraction or that would allow the identification of the requesting Party as the source of the Confidential lnformation or inputs to the analysis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither Party shall be required to destroy or alter any computer archival and backup tapes or archival and backup files (collectively, "Computer Tapes"), provided that any Confidential lnformation of the other Party retained by a Party shall be kept confidential in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. (h) Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to restrict either Party from engaging with third parties with respect to any matler and for any reason, specifically including the ElM. provided Confidential lnformation is treated in accordance with this Section 5. (i) This Section 5. Confidentiality, applies for two years (24 months) after the Termination Date or the date of any expiration or termination of this Agreement. (a) The Parties acknowledge and agree that, except as otheMise specified in Section 4(f) of this Agreement, neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for any claim, loss, cost, liability, damage or expense, including any direct damage or any special, indirect, exemplary, punitive, incidental or consequential loss or damage (including any loss of revenue, income, profits or investment opportunities or claims of third party customers), arising out of or directly or indirectly related to such other Party's decision to enler into this Agreement, such other Party's performance under this Agreement, or any other decision by such Party with respect to the Project- (b) Each Party shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the other Party and its officers, directors, employees. agents, contractors and sub-contractors, from and against all third-party claims, .judgments, losses, liabalities. costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys'fees) and damages for personal injury, death or property damage, to the extent caused by the negligence, willful misconduct, or breach of this Agreement of the indemnifying Party, its officers. directors, agents, employees, contractors or sub-contractors related to this Agreement; provided, that this indemnification shall be only to the extent such personal injury, death or property damage is not attributable to the negligence or willful misconduct related to this Agreement or breach of this Agreement of the Party seeking indemnification, its officers, directors. agents, employees, contractors or sub-conlractors. The indemnified Party o 6. Limitation of Liabilitv: lndemniW. Attachment A Page 9 of 17 shall give the other Party prompt notice of any such claim. The indemnifying Party, in consultation with the indemnified Party. shall have the right to choose competent counsel, control the conduct of any litigation or other proceeding. and settle any claim, provided that any such settlement shall not impose costs upon the indemnified Party. The indemnified Party shall provide all documents and assistance reasonably requested by the indemnifying Party. (c) The righa and obligations under this Section 6 shall survive the Termination Date and any expiration or termination of this Agreement. (a) Representations and Warranties of Avista. Avrsta represents and warrants to the ISO as of the Effective Date as follows: (1) lt is duly formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formalion (2) lt has all requisite corporate power necessary to own its assets and carry on its business as now being conducted or as proposed to be conducted under this Agreement. (3) lt has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligatrons under this Agreement, and the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on its part, (4) The execution and delivery ol this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement do not: (i) violate its organizational documents; (ii) violate any governmental requirements applicable to it; or (iii) result in a breach of or constitute a defaull of any material agreemeni to which it is a party- (5) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by it and constilutes its legal. valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and by principles of equi] regardless of whether such principles are considered in a proceeding at law or in equity. (6) All material governmental authorizations in connection with the due executjon and delivery of this Agreement, have been duly obtained or made prior to the date hereof and are in full force and effect. (b) Representations and Warrantres of the ISO ISO represents and warrants to Avista as of the Effective Date as follows: (1) lt is duly formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation. I 7 . Bgpresentation and Warranties. Attachment A Page 10 of 1 7 (2) lt has all requisite corporate power necessary to own its assets and carry on ils business as now being conducted or as proposed to be conducted under this Agreement. (3) lt has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement. and the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on its part. (4) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement do not: (i) violate its organizational documents; (ii) violate any governmental requirements applicable to it; or (iii) result in a breach of or constitute a default of any material agreement to which it is a party. (5) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by it and constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance wrth its terms, excepl as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, regulatory authority. or other similar laws affecting creditors' nghts generally and by principles of equity regardless of whether such principles are considered in a proceeding at law or in equity. (6) All material governmental authorizations in connection with the due execution and delivery of, and performance by it of its obligations under this Agreement, have been duly obtained or made prior to the date hereof and are in full force and effect 8. General Provisions (a) This Agreement, including Exhibit A to this Agreement. constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties, and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements or understandings between the Parties, relating to the subiect matter of lhis Agreement; provided. that nothing in this Agreement shall limit, repeal, or in any manner modify the existing legal rights. privileges, and duties of each of the Parties as provided by any other agreement between the Parties, or by any statute or any other law or applicable court or regulatory decision by which such Party is bound. (b) This Agreement may not be amended except in writing hereafter signed by both of the Parties; provided, however, the Parties may mutually agree to changes in Exhibit A in accordance with Sechon 4(e). (c) Any waiver by a Party to this Agreement of any provision or condition of this Agreement must be in writing signed by the Party to be bound by such waiver, shall be effective only to the extent specifically set forth in such writing and shall not limit or affect any rights with respect to any other or future circumstance. (d) This Agreement is for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Parties and shall not create a contractual relationship with, or cause of action in favor of, any third party 10 Attachment A Page 11 ol 17 (e) Neither Party shall have the right to voluntarily assign its interest rn this Agreement, including its rights, duties, and obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent may be withheld by the other Party in rts sole and absolute discretion. Any assignment made in violation of the lerms of this Section 8ie) shall be null and void and shall have no force and effect- (f) ln the event that any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, in whole or part, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be unaffected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permifted by law, and such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by the Parties with a provision that is valid and enforceable and that comes closest to expressing the Parties' intention with respect to such invalid or unenforceable provision. lf to Avista Avista Corporation PO Box3727 Spokane, WA 99220 Attention: Jason Thackston, Senior Vice President, Energy Resources E-mail: jason.thackston@avistacorp.com lf to the ISO: California lndependent System Operator Corporation 250 Outcropping Way Folsom. CA 95630 Attention: Petar Ristanovic. Vice President, Technology E-mail: PRistanovic@caiso.com Each notice, consent or approval shall be conclusively deemed to have been given (i) on the day of the actual delivery thereof, if given by personal delivery, email senl by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, or overnight delivery, or (ii) date of delivery shown on the rcceipt, if given by certified mail (return receipt requested). lt is the responsibility of each Party to provide, in accordance with this Section, notice to the other Party of any necessary change in the contact or address information herein 11 (S) Whenever this Agreement requires or provrdes that (i) a notice be given by a Party to the other Party or (ii) a Party's action requires the approval or consent of the other Party, such notico, consent or approval shall be given in writing and shall be given by personal delivery, by recognized ovemight courier service, email or by certified mail (return receipt requested), postage prepaid. to the recipient thereof at the address given for such Party as set forth below, or to such other address as may be designated by notice given by any Party to the other Party in accordance with the provisions of this Section 8(g): Attachment A Page 12 of 17 (h) This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts (including by facsimile or a scanned image), each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which shall together constitute one and the same rnstrument. (i) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a corporation, company, partnership, association. joint venture or other entity with the other Pany. nor shall anything contained in this Agreement be construed as creating or requiring any fiduciary relationship between the Parties. No Party shall be responsible hereunder for the acts or omissions of the other Party- (j) The decision to execute an EIM service agreement and participate in the EIM remains within the sole discretion of Avista and the decision whether to continue to ofier EIM services (subject to Sections 1(c) and 2) remains withrn the sole discretion of the lSO. (k) Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude a Party from exercising any rights or taking any action (or having its affiliates take any action) with respecl to any other project. (l) Unless otherwise expressly provided, for purposes of this Agreement, the following rules of interpretation shall apply: (i) any reference in this Agreement to gender includes all genders, and the meaning of defined terms applies to both the singular and the plural of those terms; (ii) the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and do not affect, and will not be utilized in construing or interpreting, this Agreement: (iii) all references in this Agreement to any "Section" are to the corresponding Section of this Agreement unless otheMis€ specified: (iv) words such as "herein," "hereinafter," "hereof." and "hereunder" refer to this Agreement (including Exhibit A to this Agreement) as a whole and not merely to a subdivision in which such words appear, unless the context otherwise requires; (v) the word "including" or any variation thereof means "including, without limitation" and does not limit any general statement that it follows to the specific or similar items or matters immediately following it: and (vi) the Parties have participated jointly in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement and, in the event an ambiguity or question of intent or interpretation arises, this Agreement shall be construed as jointly drafted by the Parties and no presumptron or burden of proof favoring or disfavoring any Party will exist or arise by virtue of the authorship of any provision of this Agreement. (m) The above-stated recitals are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement by this reference to the same extent as if these recitals were set forth in full at this point. 9. Venue. Venue for any action hereunder shall be FERC, where subject to its jurisdiction, or otherwise any state or federal court with jurisdiction within the State of California. 10. Communication. The Parties shall develop a communtcation protocol for the dissemination of material information associated with the Proiect, which shall be 1) Attachment A Page 13 of 1 7 approved by Avista and the lSO. Pursuant to the communication protocol, the individual identified in Section 8(g), or their desjgnee or successor. shall provide reasonable advance notice to the other Party of planned press releases. public statements, and meetings with the public or govemmental authorities in which material information conceming the Project or Avista's involvement will be shared. The Parties shall mutually consult with each other as provided in the communication protocol prior to making such public statements or disclosures; provided that nothing herein shall prevent, limit, or delay either Pafi front ntaking any disclosure required by aprplicable law or regulation, subject to the provisions of Section 5 hereof" ln the event either Party engages in material unplanned communications about the Project that otherwise should have been subject to this Section and the communication protocol, such Party shall provide notice to the other Pafi as promptly as possible of the nature and content of such communication. 11. Dispute Resolution. Unless otherwise provided herein, each of the provisions of this Agreement shall be enforceable independently of any other provision of this Agreemenl and independent of any other claim or cause of action. ln the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the Parties shall, to the extenl practicable first attempt to resolve the matter through direct good faith negotiation between the Parties, including a full opportunity for escalation to executive management within the Parties' respective organizations. lf the Parties are unable to resolve the issue within thirty (30) days after such escalation of the dispute, then for matters subject to FERC jurisdiction either Party shall have the right to file a complaint under Section 206 of the Federal Power Act. For all other matters, then; (a) To the fullest e)ftenr permitted by law. each of the Panies hereto waives any right it may have to a trial by jury in respect of litigation within the federal or state courts located within California as specified herein in Section 9, directly or indirectly arising out of, under or in connection with this Agreement. Each Party further waives any right to consolidate, or to request the consolidation of, any action in which a jury trial has been waived with any other action in which a jury trial cannot be or has not been waived. (b) lf a waiver of jury trial is deemed by any court of competent jurisdiction within the State of Califomia as specified herein in Section 9 to not be enforceable for any reasol. then to the fullest extent permitted by law, each of the Parties hereto agrees to attempt to settle amicably through non-binding arbitration. Notwithstanding the foregoing. either Party may seek provisional legal remedies if, in such Party's judgment, such action is necessary to avoid ineparable damage or preserve the status quo. 12. Third Partv Aqreements. The Parties may engage in discussions with third parties, either jointly or unilaterally. to facilitate the Project. Each Party may adopt or modify tariffs or enter into or modify binding agreements between such Party and third parties to implement the approved terms and conditions of the Project or EIM as necessary and appropriate. IJ Attachment A 13. Compliance. Each Party shall comply with all federal, state, local or municipal governmental authority; any governmental, quasigovernmental, regulatory or administrative agency, commission, body or other authority exercising or entitled to exercise any administrative, executive, judicial, legislative, policy, regulatory or taxing authority or power, including FERC, NERC, WECC; or any court or governmental tribunal; in each case, having jurisdiction over either Party in connection with the execution, delivery and performance of its obligations under this Agreement. This Agreement is not intended to modify, change or otherwise amend the Parties'current functional responsibilities associated with compliance with WECC and NERC Reliability Standards; provided, however, the Parties may enter into separate mutually agreed to arrangements to clarify roles and responsibilities associated with compliance with WECC and NERC Reliability Standards in respect of this Agreement. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has caused its duly authorized officer to execute this lmplementation Agreement as of the date first above written, By Nartre Title: Jason Thackston Senior Mce President, Energy Resources CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR CORPORATION By: Name:Petar Ristanovic Title: Vice President, Technology 14 Page 14 ol 17 AVISTA CORPORATION I4I a ( Attachment A Page 15 of 17 EXHIBIT A: PROJECT SCOPE AND ScHEDULE The Project consists of the activilies and delivery dates identified in this Exhibit A, implemented in accordance with the Agreement. The Parties have included a schedule for the lmplementation Date to coordinate their efforts required for completion of the Project on a milestone track. The Parties understand that input recervecl from stakeholders during the course of implementing the Project, conditions imposed or questions raised in the regulatory approval process, and the aclivities of the Parties in implementing the Project may cause the Parties to determine that changes in the Project are necessary or desirable. Accordingly, this Exhibit A may be modified in accordance with Section 3(c) of the Agreement. Each Parly is responsible for performing a variety of tasks necessary to achieve the mileslones on the scheduled dates specified in the table below ("Project Delivery Dates") and shall plan accordingly. The Parties shall communicate and coordinate as provided in the Agreement to support the planning and execution to complete the Project. Project Scope and Milestones Project Delivery Dates supPorting April,2O22 Detailed Project luanagement Plan - The Partres will develop and initiate a final prolect management plan that describes specific prqect tasks each Party must perform. delivery dates, project team m€mbers. meeting requirements. and a process for approving chaoges to support completion of the Prolect. Thrs phase will in:lude a detailed lT system review to assrst Avrsta in developmenl of a detailed meteflng plan, brd-to-brll system and coordrnation with Avista EMS. Work wll be rnrtiated on the Avrsta staff trainrng program using the foundational and detailed system computer- based trarnrng module. as well as on the resource data templates needed dunng Milestone 2. May 2019- Decermber 2019 llilestone 1 - Thrs milestone is completed when the Agreement has been made eftectrve rn accordance with Section 'l of the Agreement . Ap 2020 Full Nehaork Model Expansion - Full Network Model expansron for Avista and EMSiSCADA including, proof of concept of exporvrmport of EMS data: complete model anto the ISO test envr.onment, complete validation for all SCADA pornts 'rom November 2020 1 Attachment A Page '16 of 17 Avista: testing of the new market model. and valadation of the Outage and State Estimator applications. Milostono 2 Thrs mabstonc rs completed upon modeling Avista into the ISO Full NefiJvork Model through the EMS whrch will be deployed inlo a non-production test environment using the ISO'S network and resource modeling process Jrly 2021 System lmplamentation and Connectivity Testing - System requrrements and software design, the execution of necessary software vendor contracts. development of Market network model including Avista allow Avista to connect to a non-production test system August 2021 Milsstone 3 - ISO to promote market network mocel including Avista area to non-production system, and allow Avisia to connect and exchange data rn advance of Market Simulation. September 2021 Construction, Testing and Training in Preparation for t arkgt Simulation - Thrs task includes lT infrastructure upgrades, security testrng. trainrng, Day-rn-life srmulation, and functional testing. September 2021 Mileston€ lla - Starl of Joint lntegration Testing wrth lSO. lnterface testang wilh minimum data requirements and tunctronal integration testing. ISO will make the tesi envaronm€nt available Ior Av€la connectivity testing pnor to the delivery date assuming Avisia has provrded all requisite datia and non-production system availability does not conflict with ISO production system Spring Release schedule September 2021 Milestone 4b -Begin 'Day in the Life'scenario testing November 2021 tlilestone .k - Begin Structured Market simulation (Milestone 4 payment due at this point)oecember 2021 Activate Parallel Operations - During January 2022, the ISO will actuate a parallel operation environment to practice productron grade systems antegration as well as market processes anC operating procedures rn anticipation ot the rmpending Avista Ja uary 2022 2 acluation as an EIM Enhty and to confirm compliance wrth the EIM readiness critena set forth in lhe ISO tanff Milestone 5 - Start of parallel operations Febtuary 202? System Deployment and Go Live - lmplemenhng the Project and gorng lrve will rnclude resourc€ regislration. operatrng pro:edures and updates, execution of service agreements, completron of the Avista taritt process. apphcable board approvals, the filing and asceptance of servEe agreements and tariff changes with FERC. and completion and filing of a readiness criteria certificahon in accordance with the ISO tariff March 2022 Milestone 6 - This mrestone rs complete upon the first productron nvrsta oncrgy rmbalance market trade date.Aprl 1 ,7022 Attachment A Page 17 ot 17 3 a ATTACHMENT B CAISO FERC Filing Letter Allachmenl B Page 1 of 7 ) e Colifornio ISO Calrlbmia lndependent Sls1em Operalor ('orporalion The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 Re: California lndependent System Operator Corporation Filing of CAISO Rate Schedule No. 6037 Docket No. ER20- -000 Dear Secretary Bose: The California Independent System Operator Corporation ("CAlSO') submits for filing and acceptance an agreement ("lmplementation Agreement") dated April 25,2019, between the CAISO and Avista Corporation ("Avists'1.t The lmplementation Agreement sets forth the terms underwhich the CAISO will extend its existing realtime energy market systems to provide imbalance energy service to Avista, pursuant to the CAISO'S Energy lmbalance Market ("ElM") tariff.2 Under the lmplementation Agreement, Avista will compensate the CAISO for its share of the costs of system changes, software costs, and other configuration activities. The CAISO requests that the Commission accept the lmplementation Agreement effective April 1 , 2020, so that the extension of the realtime energy market to include Avista may proceed towards implementation no later than April 1, 2022.3 l. Background 1 The CAISO submits the lmplementation Agreement pursuant to Section 205 of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. S 824d. 2 The EIM tariff provisions are set forth primarily in Section 29 of the CAISO Tariff. 3 See lmplementation Agreement, Seclion 1; see a/so CAISO Tariff, Section 29.2(b) | 250 Outcropping Way, Folsom. CA S5630 |916.35'1.4400 December 11,2019 The EIM provides other balancing authority areas the opportunity to participate in the real-time market for imbalance energy that the CAISO operates in its own balancing authority area. Pacificorp's balancing authority areas (PacifiCorp East and PacifiCorp West) were the first two to join the ElM. The EIM market rules went into effect on October 24, 2014, for the first trading day a Attachmenl B Page 2 ol7 Honorable Kimberly D. Bose December 11,2019 Page 2 November 1 , 2014.4 The EIM has continued to develop and attract the interest of a diverse array of participants throughout the Western lntercon nection. NV Energy joined on December 1,2015, Puget Sound Energy lnc. and Arizona Public Service Company began participation on October 1,2016, Portland General Electric Company followed on October 1,2017, and the ldaho Power Company joined concurrently with Powerex Corp. on April 4, 2018. The Balancing Authority of Northern California ('BANC') commenced phase 1 EIM participation in April 2019. Also, the Salt River Agricultural lmprovement and Power District and the City of Seattle, by and through its City Light Department ("Seattle City Light") intend to commence EIM participation in April 2020. NorthWestern Energy, the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Public Service Company of New Mexico, and the Turlock lrrigation District intend to commence EIM participation in April 2021, concurrent with BANC phase 2. Other entities, including the Bonneville Power Administration, Tucson Electric Power, and Tacoma Power, will commenc€ EIM participation along with Avista in the spring of 2022.5 ll. The lmplementation Agreement Under the lmplementation Agreement, the CAISO and Avista must complete a variety of project tasks necessary for implementation by April '1, 2022 4 See Cal. lndep. Sys. Operator Cory., 149 FERC tT61,005 (2014). 5 EIM participation materials are at httos://www.westerneim.com/Paoes/Abouudefault.asDx. 6 See lmplementation Agreement, Sections 3-4 and Exhibit A. 7 See Cal. hdep. Sys. Operator Cory., 143 FERC tl 61 ,298 (2013); CaL lndep. Sys. Opentor Cory.,147 FERC fl 61,20O (2014), Cal. /ndep. Sys. OpentorCory.,151 FERCll61,158 (?o15), Cal. lndep. Sys. Operator Corp.,152 FERC fl 61,090 (2015), Cal. lndep. Sys. Opemtor Corp., 154 FERC fl 61 ,020 (2016); CaL /ndep. Sys. Operator Corp., 155 FERC 'll 61 ,31 1 (2016); Commission Letter Order, Docket No. ERlT-868-000 (Mar. 14, 2017); Commission Letter Order, Docket No. ER17-1300-000 (May '18,20'17); Commission Letter Order, Docket No. ER17-2'l2O- 000 (Sept. 7,2017); Cal. lndep. Sys. Operator Corp.,160 FERC I[61,058 (2017); Commission Letler Order, Docket No. ER17-2559-000 (Nov. 16, 2017); Commission Letter Order, Oocket No. ER19-1080-000 (Apr. 5, 2019); Commission Letter Order, Docket No. ER20-95-000 (Dec. 4, 2019). The lmplementation Agreement details the contractual terms, including the scope of work and the agreed-upon fee, under which the CAISO will take the steps necessary to incorporate Avista into the EIM consistent with the identified key milestones and associated payment provisions.6 The lmplementation Agreement is modeled after implementation agreements previously accepted by the Commission and, therefore, adopts provisions substantially similar to those which have been filed with and accepted by the Commission.T Aitachmenl B Page 3 of 7 Honorable Kimberly D. Bose December 11,2019 Page 3 The parties chose this date to provide sufficient time for completion of all expected activities based on the size, complexity, and compatibility of Avista, including filing a certification of readiness with the Commission. The specific tasks may be modified by mutual agreement of the parties.8 The lmplementation Agreement specifies that Avista will pay a fixed implementation fee of $300,000, subject to completion of six specific milestones for recovery of the portion of the costs attributable to the CAISO's effort to configure its real{ime market systems and incorporate Avista into the ElM.e The methodology that the CAISO used to determine the implementation fee for Avista is the same methodology that the CAISO used to determine all of the previously accepted implementation fees for the other EIM participants described above. The implementation fee is based on the CAISO's estimate of the costs it will incur to configure its real-time energy market to function as the EIM available to all balancing authority areas in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council ("WECC'1 to The components of that estimate are described in the Declaration of April D. Gordon, the CAISO's Director of Financial Planning and Procurement, which is included with this filing as Attachment B, and are summarized below. lmplementation Costs (in thousands of dollars) Licenses 12,150 Energy management system upgrades 1,000 Data storaqe 2,000 Hardware upgrades 500 Production software modifications 1 ,000 Network configuration and mappinq 500 lntegration 500 Testing 1,500 System performance tuninq 250 Training and operations readiness 150 Project management 100 Total $19,650 Using this estimate, the CAISO derived a rate that allocates the $19.65 million to potential entrants into the EIM according to their proportionate share of the total WECC load (excluding the CAISO's load), using updated data reported 8 lmplementation Agreement, Section 3. e ld., Section 4. 10 The total estimated cost is a projection assuming the total work effort remains stable lmplementations either completed or underuray are not considered in this estimate. ) t Attachfienl E Page 4 of 7 Honorable Kimberly D. Bose December 11 , 2019 Page 4 to WECC. The CAISO then applied this fee to Avista's share of the updated WECC load (exclusive of the CAISO) to account for the Avista implementation fee. The $300,000 implementation fee is just and reasonable because it allocates a portion of the overall cost to Avista in an amount proportionate to Avista's share of the benefits that will ensue from the ElM, as measured by usage. ln addition, as explained in Ms. Gordon's declaration, the CAISO confirmed the reasonableness of the resulting allocation by comparing it with an estimate of the costs the CAISO pro.jects it will incur to configure its real-time energy market to function as the EIM that serves both the CAISO and Avista. This comparison confirmed that the fee reasonably represents those costs, even though certain costs may not be triggered by the Avista implementation but may instead be incurred by the CAISO to incorporate other entrants. ln future implementations, the CAISO will confirm that the rate is reasonable by conducting a similar comparison of the total implementation costs with the individual entity costs. The lmplementation Agreement also provides for adjustment of the fixed implementation fee by mutual agreement of the parties in the event that the CAISO's actual or expected costs exceed the estimate that forms the basis of the implementation fee.11 This provision allows for appropriate consideration of the allocation of costs associated with incorporation of Avista into the ElM. At the same time, the requirement for Avista to agree to any increase in the implementation fee ensures that Avista's share of those costs remains reasonable. The lmplementation Agreement therefore reflects a reasonable balance of the parties' interest in preserving a level of cost certainty for Avista, while appropriately allocating the costs of implementing the ElM. The lmplementation Agreement represents a binding commitment of the parties. As such, it provides a workable framework for the parties to resolve any differences and to make course corrections along the way. On the other hand, the lmplementation Agreement recognizes that the parties are entering into the agreement on a voluntary basis and circumstances may arise that interfere with the incorporation of Avista into the EIM through the planned process. Accordingly, the lmplementation Agreement allows either party to terminate the agreement for any or no reason, provided it has first entered into good-faith discussions for 30 days in an effort to resolve any differences.12 This and other 11 lmplementation Agreement, Section 4. See a/so Commission Letter Order, Docket No. ER14-1350-000 (Apr. 8,2014) (accepting amendment to EIM implementation agreement between the CAISO and PacifiCorp, to increase the Pacificorp implemenlalion fee to cover additional scope identified in the stakeholder process). Pacificorp's request for additional scope is the only instance thus far where an amendment of the implementation fee has been necessary 12 lmplementation Agreement, Section 2. Allachment B Page 5 of 7 Honorable Kimberly D. Bose December 11,2019 Page 5 related provisions mean that the parties must work closely together to achieve the goal of implementing Avista into the EIM in a timely manner. The lmplementation Agreement also includes general provisions that round out the parties' commitments. These general provisions address confidentiality (Section 5), limitations of liability (Section 6), representations and warranties (Section 7), general provisions such as those regarding notices, amendments, etc. (Section 8), venue (Section 9), communication (Section 10), and dispute resolution (Section 1 1 ). lll. Next Steps Following the Commission's acceptance of the lmplementation Agreement, the CAISO will incorporate Avista into the ElM. Avista's implementation will be subject to the CAISO ta riff readaness requirements and the flling of a certificate of readiness with the Commission.l3 The CAISO will also take into consideration lessons learned from the prior implementations, as the readiness criteria represent the baseline for measuring the readiness of each new EIM entity's processes and systems for EIM participation. Avista will continue to engage with its customers prior to participation in the ElM. The CAISO expects that Avista will make any necessary modifications to its open access transmission tariff in advance of the implementation date. The CAISO recognizes that this effort will involve Avista working with interested parties to facilitate implementation of the ElM, and the CAISO will engage in that effort as Avista considers it appropriate. lV. Effective Date The CAISO requests that the lmplementation Agreement be made effective on April 'l , 2020. The CAISO submits that the filing substantially complies with the requirements of section 35.13 of the Commission's rules applicable to filings of this type.14 The CAISO respectfully requests waiver of any such requirement to the extent this filing does not satisfy that requirement. ln particular, the CAISO requests waiver of the requirement to submit Period 1 and Period 2 schedules, because the implementation fee is a one-time fee that is not based on historical data in Period 1 schedules or on the projections in Period 2 schedules. ln any event, good cause exists to waive filing requirements that are not material to the ) 13 See CAISO Tariff, Section 29.2(b) 18 C.F.R. S 3s.13. V. Request for Waivers I Attachmenl B Page 6 of 7 Honorable Kimberly D. Bose December 11 ,20'19 Page 6 Commission's consideration of the lmplementation Agreement. Vl. Service The CAISO has served copies of this filing upon all scheduling coordinators, Avista, the California Public Utilities Commission, and the California Energy Commission. ln addition, the CAISO has posted the filing on the CAISO website. Vll. Contents of Filing The following attachments, in addition to this transmittal letter, support the instant filing: Attachment A lmplementation Agreement; and Attachment B Declaration of April D. Gordon, Director of Financial Planning and Procurement Vlll. Correspondence Pursuant to Rule 203(b)(3) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure,l5 the CAISO requests that all correspondence, pleadings, and other communications concerning this filing be served upon the following: 15 18 C.F.R. S 385 203(b)(3) John C. Anders Assistant General Counsel California lndependent System Operator Corporation 250 Outcropping Way Folsom, CA 95630 Tel: (916) 608-7287 Fax: (916) 608-7222 E-mail: tanders@caiso.com Attachment B Page 7 ol7 I Honorable Kimberly D. Bose December 11 ,2019 PageT lX. Conclusion The CAISO respectfully requests that the Commission accept this filing and permit the lmplementation Agreement, CAISO Rate Schedule No. 6037, to be effective April 1,2020, as requested. lf there are any questions concerning this filing, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, Attorneys for the California I ndepe nde nt Sy ste m O perator Corporation Bv: /s/ John C. Anders Roger E. Collanton General Counsel Burton A. Gross Deputy General Counsel John C. Anders Assistant General Counsel California lndependent System Operator Corporation Tel: (916) 608-7287 Fax: (916) 608-7222 Email: ianders@caiso.com