HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200310Amended Comments.pdfJOHN R. HAMMOND, JR. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720.0074 (208) 334-03s7 IDAHO BAR NO. 5470 TTEC E IV ED ir?,I tlfiR I 0 &tt ll : 57 ,' t,.,,'"l.iil*itu'n* Street Address for Express Mail: 1 1331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND STIMSON LUMBER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF POWER PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT CASE NO. AVU-E.19.16 AMENDED COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff') submits the following comments regarding the above referenced case. BACKGROUND on December 31, 2}lg,Avista Corporation ("Avista" or "company") asked the Commission to approve or reject a proposed Power Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") with Stimson Lumber Company ("Stimson" or o'Seller") for the energy generated by a thermal wood waste small power electric generation plant operated by Stimson in Plummer, Idaho ("Facility") The Facility is a qualifuing facility ("QF") under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). Staff filed comments on February 7,2020. On February 14,2020, Avista filed Amendment No. I to the proposed Agreement that proposes to extend the contract term to December 3l,202l,two years from the proposed effective date of January I ,2020. AMENDED STAFF COMMENTS MARCH IO,2O2O ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I STAFF ANALYSN Staff recommends approval of the proposed Agreement and Amendment No. I conditioned on the parties making two modifications: (1) modifuing prices for the lapsed contract period to be the lesser of the avoided cost rates without capacity payment and 85% of the non- firm market energy price for each month; and (2) modiffing avoided cost rates for the second year of the Agreement based on the new published rates for Avista effective on February 7,2020 in Order No. 34547. The Company has addressed three of the four recommended modifications Staff proposed in its original comments through Amendment No. 1. The Company corrected the definition of Market Energy Cost as it pertains to 90lll0, extended the Agreement term from one year to two years to address Staffls concern with capacity payments, and deleted the mistaken date in Amended Exhibit E. However, the Company has not addressed Staff s recommendation to modi$ the prices that should be paid during the lapsed contract period. Staff recommended in its original comments filed on February 7,2020, that the prices should be the lesser of the avoided cost rates without capacity payment andS5Yo of the non-firm market energy price for each month. In addition, Staffhas discovered a new issue as a result ofthe proposed contract term extension. This issue is that published rates changed on February 7,2020, which fell between when the original Agreement was signed on December 23,2019 and when Amendment No. 1 was entered into by the parties that extended the Agreement from one to two years. (Amendment No. I did not state when exactly parties signed the amendment; it only stated the amendment will become effective on February 14,2020. However, it is reasonable to believe they signed after Staff filed its comments on February 7,2020.) Prices for the Lapsed Csltraqtleuad As discussed in Staff s original comments, Staff believes that there is no obligation set forth by Commission order or by the Federal Regulatory Commission to guarantee a specific rate for a period when a project continues to operate but with a lapsed contract. Staff continues to believe that a lapsed contract period is avoidable and should be discouraged. Staff proposed to use the lesser of the avoided cost rates without capacity payment reflected in the following table and 85% of the non-firm market energy price for each month. 2AMENDED STAFF COMMENTS MARCH IO,2O2O Contract Term Heavy Load Hours ($/MWh)Light Load Hours ($/MWh) January to February of 2020 32.88 27.48 March to June of 2020 25.57 2t.37 July to December of 2020 32.88 27.48 Contract Term Extension Because the facility was receiving capacity payments at the end of the previous contract and because the parties amended the contract extending it to two years, Staff believes the facility can account for avoided capacity through the Company's resource planning cycles and should receive capacity payments from the approval date through the length of the amended term of two years. However, new published avoided cost rates were authorized by the Commission on February 7,2020, and the amended contract extending the contract term by one year was not signed until after February 7,2020. Staff believes the second year of the contract should use the new published avoided cost rates. Staff examined three rate structure options illustrated in the table below. In Option 1, rates that were authorized prior to February 7,2020 are applied to both years. This is the option that the party's submitted in their Amendment No.l Staff believes Option 2 is consistent with past Commission Orders and recommends it for determining contract rates. Staff s rationale is based on when the commitment for each year was made and which rates were in effect at the time. A commitment for the first year of the contract was signed in the original contract prior to February 7,2020, before the new rates went into effect. The second-year commitment was made when the amended contract was signed, which Staff believes happened after February 7,2020, a time when the new rates were in effect. Option 3 applies new published avoided cost rates to both years. Staff does not believe this option is reasonable because the original contract was signed before February 7,2020, and the commitment by the parties for the first year was made when the former rates were still in effect. 3 Published Rates Before Feb 7,2020 Published Rates After Feb 7,2020 Option I Year 1 and Year 2 Option 2 Year 1 Year 2 Option 3 Year I andYear2 AMENDED STAFF COMMENTS MARCH IO,2O2O Amendment No. I Rates ($/IvIWh)Staff s Proposed Rates ($/I4Wh) 2021Jan-Feb 54.20 48.80 53.75 48.35 2021 Mar-Jun 42.t5 37.95 41.81 37.61 2021 Jul-Dec 54.20 48.80 s3.75 48.35 Therefore, Staff proposes a modification to the rates applied to the second year based on the new published avoided cost rates shown in the following table. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Agreement and Amendment No. I between Avista and Stimson conditioned on the parties making two modifications: first, modiffing prices for the lapsed contract period to be the lesser of the avoided cost rates without capacity payment for the agreement and85% of the non-firm market energy price for each month; and second, modifuing avoided cost rates for the second year of the contract based on the new published rates for Avista effective on February 7,2020 in OrderNo. 34547. Staff also recommends the Commission declare Avista's payments to Stimson Lumber Company for the purchase of energy generated by the Stimson project be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. Respectfully submitted this t -1.1--/-/o' day of March2020. Hammond, Jr. Attorney General Technical Staff: Yao Yin i:umisc:comments/avuel9. l6jhklssdr$y amended comments J 4AMENDED STAFF COMMENTS MARCH IO,2O2O CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS l0th DAY OF MARCH 2020, SERVED THE FOREGOING AMENDED COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. AVU-E-19-16, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: MICHAEL ANDREA SENIOR COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3727 SPoKANE W A 99220-3727 E-mail : michael.andrea@avistacorp LISA ZENTNER DIRECTOR OF PURCHASING STIMSON LUMBER CO 520 SW YAMHILL STE 7OO PORTLAND OR 97204 E-mail : lzentner (d.stimsonlumber. com KEVIN HOLLAND WHOLESALE MARKETING MGR AVISTA UTILITIES PO BOX3727 SPOKANE WA9922O E-mail: kevin.holland@avistacorp.com DANIEL MCFALL COO/CFO STIMSON LUMBER CO 520 SW YAMHILL STE 7OO PORTLAND OR 97204 Y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE