HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191231Petition.pdfRECEIVED ;'0t9t)EC3l Pll l:53For Aviste Corporetion Michael G. Andrea (lSB No. 8308) Senior Counsel Avista Corporation l4l I East Missioru MSC-]7 Spokane, WA 99202 Phone: (509) 495-2554 For Stimson Lumber Company Lisa Zentner Dircctor of Purchasing Stimson Lumber Company 520 SW Yamhill. Suite 700 Portland. OR 972O4 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND STIMSON LI,''IMBER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF POWER PURCHASE A}iD SAI,E AGR-F,EMENT r iLlU IMtssl0N BEFOR.E, THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASENO.AVU-E.:C.ILL JOIhIT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND S'I'IMSON LUMBER COMPANY Avista Corporation ("Avista") and Stimson Lumber Company ("Stimson") (collectively, the "Parties') hereby petition the I&ho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order approving the Power Purcbase Agreement ("Agreement") between Avista and Stimson anached her€to as Atlachmert l. The proposed efective date ofthe Agreement is January l, 2020 and the tenn shall be for one year following the effective date. 1. Nemec end Addrrsseo of Petitioners Page - I JOINT PETffiON Or AVISTA CORPORATION AND STIMSON LTIMBER COMPANY Avista Corporation l4 I I East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99202 Stimson Lumber Company 520 S.W. Yamhill Suite 700 Portland, OR 97204 2. Nrture of Businesses Avista is a corporation crealed and organized under the laws ofthe State of Washinglon with its principal office in Spokane, Washington- Avista is an investor- owned utility engaged in, among other things, the business of generating, transrnitting, and disributing electric power to wholesale aad retail customers in Idaho and Washington. Avista also provides natural gas service to customers in ldaho, Washingloru and Oregon. As such, Avista's rates, chorges, services and praclices are regulatcd, in part, by this Commission. Stimson is a corporation organized under the laws of the State ofOregon that operstes a thennal wood wastc small power electric generation plant located at Plunmer, Idaho ("Facility"). The Facility is capable of generating up to approximately 6.5 megawatts ofenergy. The Facility is a Qualifying Facility pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies ofAct of 1978 ("URPA'). 3. Nrmes of Representetives All communicatiors, pleadings, and orders wirh respect to this proceeding should be dirccted to: For Avista Corporetion: Kevin Holland Wholesale Marketing Manager Avista Corporation l41l E. Mission Ave., MSC-7 Spokane, W A99202 Phone: 509495-2194 E-mail: kevin.hollandr4,avistacorp.com Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Avista Corporation 14l I E. Mission Ave., MSC-17 Spokanc, wA 99202 Phone: 509-495-2564 E-mail: michael.tstacorp.c()m Page - 2 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND STIMSON LUMBER COMPANY For Stimson Lumber Compeny: Lisa Zentner Dircctor of Purchasing Stimson Lumber Company 520 SW Yamhill, Suite 700 Portland, OR 97204 Daniel McFaIl coo/cFo Stimson Lumber Company 520 S.W. Yamhill, Suile 700 Portlan4 OR 97204 Direct: 503-J78- I 551 / Shonel l-ist: 7-i5l Fax:503-716-4537 Cell: 503-593-1974 E-mail: Izenmer@stimsonlumber.com 4. Dcacription of Agreement The Agreement replaces a prior power purchase agreement urhich was originally approved by the Commission in Order No. 30224, which was issued in Case No. AVU-E- 06- I0 on January 19,2007.t If approved by the Commission prior to February 21,2020, the term ofthe Agrecmcnt will cornmence on January l, 2020, and will extend for a term ofone year following the effective date. Avista witl purchase all ofthe output (net of Facility Service PoweP; ofthe Facility. Except for any outpul that is Surplus Energr, Avista shall purchase for all Net Delivered Output at the applicable rate based upon t}e On-Peak or Off-Peak Avoided Cost Rates for Non-Fueled Projects Smaller than Ten Average Megawatts per month- Non-Levelized as se1 forth in Exhibit E to the Agreemenl For all Surplus Eenergy, Avista will pay the cunent month's Market Energy Cost per megawau-hour orthe Net DelivEred Cost, whichever is lower. I The original tcrm of the prior power purchasc agrccmcnt was through Deccmber 3 I, 201 l. Thd power purchasc sgrecment was latcI ancnded to cxtcnd its term through D€cember 3 I , 20 I 9. 2 Except as cxpressly dcfined in lhis petition, capitalizld terms shsll havc thc meaning set forth in the Agr€emcnl Page - 3 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND STIMSON LUMBER COMPANY 'l o allow for the continuous operation ofthe Facility, the Agrcement allows Stimson to deliver energy from tle Facility to Avista and for Avista to pay Stimson for such energy deliveries effective Januar.v l,2020. ln the event the Commission does not approve the A$eement by February 21,2020, or approves it subject 10 conditions unacceptable to the Parties, the Agrcement will terminate. In such event, Stimson shall refund certain amounts to Avista pursuant to Section 5.4 of the Agxeemenl. 5. Conclusion Avista and Stimson jointly respectfi:lly request that the Commission issue an order approving the Agreement with an effectivc date of January I , 2020. . i\7 Respectfully submined this 7 th day ofD ecember 2Q{ AVISTA CORPORATION Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel STIMSON LUMBERCOMPANY n Zentner ofPurchasing Page - 4 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND STIMSON LUMBER COMPANY J. FINAL tznat9 3 6 6 1 1 8 l0 II lt l3 t4 l5 t6 t6 l7 l7 IE l9 t9 l9 l9 N 20 z0 20 TERM OF AGREEMENT.,... POWER PURCIIASE ACREEMEIIT BETWEEN STIMSON LUMBEN COMP^}IY ANI) AVISTA CORfORATION Ii\]DEX DEFrNrTrONS.................. PURCHASE AND SALE OT POWER, NSURANCE CURTAILMENT. INTERRTJPTION OR REDUCTION OF DELIV!,RY OPERATION METERTNG PURCHASE PRrcES AND METHOD OF PAYMENT FORCE MAJEURE ..... ..................... INDEMhTTY.. ASSIGNMENT NO UNSPECIFIED THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES DE,FAULT ARBITRATIO}i RELEASE BY PROJECT DEVELOPER GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY EOUAL OPPORTUNITY SEVERAL oBUGAT|ONS......... . IMPLEMENTATION NON-WAMR......-... AMENDMENT CHOICE OF LAWS.... NO RELIANCT ON AVISTA,..........,.,. WAR.RANTIES... CONDMO}iS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY....-....- l. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7_ 8. 9. 10. . t2. t3. 14. t5. 16. 11. r8. r9. 20. 2t. 22. 23. 24. 25. -t- I'I;UAL l2/2Al o 17. 26. COMPLIAITCEWITH LA\YS........... VENTJE HEADINGS NOTICES EXHIBITS USE OF FACIUTIES ZO 20 2t zt 2l Communication md Rcportiog Form of Ergirccrt Ccrtifcadon of Opcrrtions od Meincrnncc Policy lnrErEorulrctioo AgrrcmErr Dactiptioo of thc Faciiity ftrch$. Pricc 2t. 29. 30. 3r. Erhi-oir A Erhibit B Exhibil C Er.hibit l) Ex}ibit E FTNAL I2TWI9 Tbis Ag!.mcnt with en Effectivc thtc r prcvided in Scdion 5.I bclow ir rude by and bctwc€ Avista Corporatioo, r washingtr)n srqx)l-ali(It ("Avisa"), ard Stimson hmb€r Conptoy ("ProiEt Ddelo,pcf l AvilE r,ld Pmjec Devclopcr rrc somcdim?s lrfcrrEd !o hcrcir indivirirnlly lr a'Parqf md collcctiwly rs thc 'Partiea.' WITNEliSf,TH: wllEltf,As, PftiGd Developer pl!t3 lo continue to opcr.te . 6.5 }{w clcctric ScncruinS rmi{s} ('Facility') u Plummsr, ldrho: nd WEEREAS. hrrjcct Dcvclopc bas obteinod rU rccrrsar-v rights rDd udortict o on n and opcrtc 0rc Facility, inchrding rll ncccrsary rights and suthtritics ftom thc ('ocur d'Alcnc Tribc of lndians: ard WIIEREAS, tbe Fecility may prod'.rcc pnrrcr frorn timc to timc *'hich is in cxccss lo Projd DcvclGpcr's nccds and which Projcct Dcvclopcr dcsitcs !o srli to Avisli; snd WIrEREAS, Pnrjed Deteloper anC Avisla are panies:o sn agrcerne porsuant lo which Avista prrdrascs the onput of $c Frilitl which Urccrna cxpit$ by i$ oyn lcflns on Dcccrnbcr 3l, 201* md WH.ERf,AS, the Facility rs cooncctcd h a msnlE such lhsl paralld r:pcraion wrt\ Avigul clectricrl syrtcm ocf,urx ard WHEREAS, Avist and Projcct Dcveloper are panies :o the lrnclronnecdon AErerrEnL wLich is sa fordr ot Exhibit C. hqrin. and irrorpon'cd rs a pgd of this AErccmcltt: ucd WHEIIEAS. Projd Dwclopcr dcsirrs to sdl ard Aviste dGires ro prct[rc powcr fiorn th€ Faliliry nrbject to approvrl ofthc ldrho hrblic Uti:i:rcs Commissioni and WHEREAS. Projoci Dcvelopcr is <rshall bc e Qualifying F*ility within thc n*aning of the hrblic Utility RcEulelory Policis Act of lc78 snd tlrc rulcs md rcgulatiom thsrcundqi and NOW, TIIEREFORE. in consi&ration of the mutual covsunr and sgrocmenr hercinaftcr ict fofit thc Partics egrcc ar fotlowr. I. DEFI\ITIONS Whcnsvcr us€d in this Agrrcrnenr ud sxhibib hcrcto, drc following tenns shdl havc the following mcanirgr: 'Aerosm.trt" meos this Powcr hrrchrsc furEcorenL ircludiag all cxhibits. aod any wrioco aaandrrnu. l.l 1.2 "$_rtry- means average MW IJ rcspcctiv€ IucaniB8S 'ct forth abovc. 1.4 'Etrcctiv. D.t." shlll hrve the nr€anrng pmvided in Section 5.1 . l.5 -Enr,lroEDcotal Altdbutca' nrca6 all csrtifratc$. qedirs, banefits, cnissiorn rducrions. cnvironmcirtrl sir qurlity crcdits sDd cmislioo.s rEduclion ercdiE, otrscls !"1d allowaom, howrocvcr cobtld, rsulting iom the avoidaacc of frc crnrssion of ury gar ch€rnical, or olhcr subflrtr rtl.ibot blc to tE Fsciliry or'Jr gcncratim of cnergy by thc Facility, and thc delivrr_v ofsuch arcrgy lo 0le cl.c{ricily grid- and irrlude without limitetion, ,ny ofthe ssmc arising ou! ofary curEnt or fuure leSklsriofl ar retulation concerncd with oxidcs of nitrogcn. sulfur. q: ca:ton. witl pniorlatc nunsr. lqrt onDcrcury, or implcmcnting thc Unitcd Nations Fnmewort Convcation oo Clirnatc Change ("LiliFCCf-) or dc Kloro ft,olocol to thc UNI'CCt or grcditrng "arly aaion' with a via, to thc UNfC-'CC. or lann or ttguledor,s involvinS or admifilslstd by thc Clcan Air Martos Division cf thc F.nvimrm(v:tal hotection Ag€oc!, r succcssor rdmhirraror (collcctively rryith a:rv statc or feJerrl entrtv giver: jurisdiction over a prognm involvin3 mnslcrability of Environmcaul Aribut s, the'tAMD-), but spcificrlly cxcluding invcsrncnt isr crEdifr p(oduction trx !,redild and cash gans asstrciatcd wi& thc construction or opcr.ti.Jo of thc Friliry ard ofrcr lmancisl incadvcs in thc fom: of credits, rcductions, o'r allowanccs associatcd with ouincrship ofthc f'acilily ttrrl Ers applicabl€ to a rtrr. or fodcral incornc :rx obligrdoq if any. Envi:oorrntrl ABributEs also rnclu& the reponing rights or Renewable Energy Cerdficrtes {"REC\') ssx--iaied *ith rhcse Envirorrrentel AttribuEr. RECS rr€ &c'.mul{ed on ! Mwh tasis ard onc REC reprErcnts thc Enviroruncntsl Attributcs rssocietad with onc Mr h of cncrglr. Iinvironmcntri At[ibuGs do ;roa irludc (i) any cncqy. caprciry. rclilbility or othcr powcr sttdbuas from thc Facility. 1.6 "[rlrllq" mernr thc sla,tric EctErering facilit:cs. including all oquipnent md stoctu:ls oecessary to gmerec md supply po$er, more peflic'.rlarly described er Erhibir I) (Dcscription of he Facilityl 1,7 "Frcilltv Srn'lce Porcr" stc ns lhc clcctric powcr uscd by tbc Feility duriog its opcretion, inch:ding but not ncccssarily limi:cd to punpin& gcncrstor cacitrtiorl cooliug or o6.r*'is. rcl cd to lhe production of cloctriciry bv thc Far;iliry. l.t *fEBg rxesns the Fodcral Encrgy Regulatory Comrnission, lJ 'lrdco.ndatrr Ensin€.rire Cfftificrtlotr" mcans ccrtifications prondcd byr pmfcssionrl enginocr rcghtcrcd in Wsshingtoa or ldrho, urho has no dirtc: or indircct, lcgd a egurtable, ownrrship inranst in thc Facility. l.l0 tlataconncdion Aerscment" Thc Gcncroticvr Inlc,,,*onnectjon Agrccangnt by wticb N€t Dclivcrcd Ougl rnay be dctivcrcd ino fic ransrnrssion sys:cm of Avi$s d 6c Point ^1 FINAL ly2ule FTNIL t 2/2419 of Dclivery during the rcrar of drir Agrurcnt. Tbe lntsrcornectior Agrc€rn€nl is sa forth in full d Erhibir c. Ll l- "I!!sEs@$99!-bix!tr" mcan cll hcilirics rcquircd o intsrconn ct the Fecility for dclivcry of Na Dctivcrcd Oupul lo thc Avists trusmissim systccr includilg conncction, ranrfonnedon. switctiog rclaying erd safety equipmcoL htcraonncction Faci:itics ghsll also include 8ll reltrndry. rDelcring. c=luler tctephone. and/or cornmunicrtion equipmant roquirod mder this Agr€em€nL ,tgrrdlels of location. l.l2 "!!!Q' mcans thc ldaho Public Lltilitics Cornmission or its succcrsor l.la "Mrrlrt Enerev Co.ai rnerns eighty-five perceflt (85%) of oe weightcd avu'agc of thc ft:tcrcoltincotrl Erdungc ('ICEJ doily frrm Mid{olumbir Mid{ Pcrt Avg lnd Mid{ Ofi-Pcak Avg lndcx ficcs (*Mid{ Indcx"), or ir suctssor. cr as rgrccd lo by hc portics whcrc m succcrsor cxisB: pmvidcd howes. if thc Mid{ ludcx is lcss than zcm, &e Martd Elre'rgy C$t shall bc ooc-hundred rnd fiftccn pcrccnt ( I I 5%) of the wcighlcd aveogc of the Mid{ lnder- l.ts "Ii4Ddi!91d',1fu!1;t!" nrcam all elcctric qrcr5i Scncratrd cy $e Fxility. nct of Fecilfty Scwicc Po*s. r.16 'Ng.DdiylE Lflht!|U.lcIrt' :rrcrns thc ralc rn dolla:s po m-1awac-hou:. m be paid by Avisa fr dl N€i Delive(Ed Outpuq rubject ro any timjhtiorE ufidcr this Agrcen:en. Thc Nc Delivcrsd orrqrl Cofl is $ecified in Seaion I l. I . f.l7 'Off-Perk" rrcars ali tours othcr than On-Pcah hours t.lt "qEIc.!' meam thc hour: crdiry 07m thmuBh ?200 Plcitlc P;evailing time. Montlay thrwgh Sudal including NERC holidays. l.l9 "Oocrrrirp Ycrri rncans crct l2-nsrft pcriorl ftom JanEary I througlr Dcc€srb.r 3l. frO 'Poiot of Ddivcrv" meurs thc location whcre thc Fecility is clcctrically incrconneqed vith Avislr's rransmissioa syshr. lJl "Prudc[t Utllltv Pr.cticrr' murs the prscticcs, mclhods. and sct3, iocluding bul not lirniLd to practics mshodr ard sclr cngagcd io or approvcd by a signifrant portio:r of thc clcctric power gcncration rnd tnnsmissioo industry. in dr cracrsc of rcaroobtc judgrrrnr in tir liSht of rh! frcts lnowl or tlrat chould hrve beer krowa el rhe tinc ! decision ir'rs msd!. that would l"rve bcen erpectcd :o acromplish the desired result in r manfler co{rsisre with iaw, rcgulation. rcliability, safety. cnviro:rrrntd prot*lion, ecornray. and cxpedition. 5 l.l3 "!!lu' mcans rrcgctran. Orc thoussnd kilowatG cquals onc mcgtn att. T'INAL t2J2At9 1,J.2 "fidldulcd Out is" ole nsany outa8e which is scheduled by Oe Pmjeu DcveloDcr to removc electricel c mcchanieal cquipmcnt fnrm scn'icc for r0air. rcPlaccmcnt, rnsinicnmcc, safety or any olhcr rcssot1 and which lh.r€by limiB the 8cn.6lng capbrlity of the Fscility to lcss thm its full tcsd Ep.bility. l:! 'ltgIIlt|fEICIE" mcans: (l ) Nel Dclivcrcd output p.od'tccd by thc Projcct Devclopcr's Facitity .nd dctiycrcd lo the Avisla clccrical ryxtcm dunng the monlh whidt cxceeds I 10'/6 of thc monlhly Net Dclivered OuPur €slifluale ffl the corBponding ,Istlh spcc'ificd in Scction 6.3; or (2) if dte Na Dclivcrcd OuPur produccd by thc Projcct Dcvcloper's Facility and dclivaod io thc Avitt!.lccfical sFrcrr duriog thc month is less than 90?i of thc rmothly Na Dclivcrcd Outpur cstimrtc for thc corrtspoodmg month spccificd in Scctiro 6..3, thco dl Nct f,telivc'rrd Ouprrt ddivcrcd by thc Frcility ro rlrc Avisrr clccrical systcrr, for thet givar rnonlr. For clarification, Net Dctiwrd Oulput that ir Surplus F:nergy pursutnt to *.iE &fmition shall be sold to Avisr at $e price s€t foflh in Section I 1.2. LJ| "Surohr Energv Cort" mcans *lc ratc in dollrrs pcr mcglwrli-hour. !o bc paid by Avista fa all Surphrs Eacrgr, subirt to any limiotions un&r this AgrctmcnL ThE Surplus Eocrry Co6( ii spccified in Scctirm | 1.2. Ll PLiticct nctet,ntr hA ndcnt 1ry451. Propct Dcvclopcr wanans ad rtprcscnts to AvisL thrt io cnrnng ino ftis Agrcamnt a:rd drc undcroking by Ptojcct Dcryelopcr of thc obliptins sa fimh hcrcin" Projc.cr Dwclopcr has im'csrigttcC and dcncrmincd tiat it is c8p.blc of perfcming hereunder end hr not reliod upoc the rdvice. erptrierB ot cxpenise of Aviso in conn€ction with the rrrnsrdions cotefiplarad by this AgEdnent. 22 Proiccr Dc*'clopcr Exrns. All profcssionals o{ cxpcrls insluditrg but not limited to. engincqs, grtoracys fi rccounts r, rst Pto.pt Dcvclopcr rny havc coosultod or rcliod on in urdcrtating thc tnnrac{ions contc plrtcd by t\ir Agrccmcnt he1,c been solcly thcs of Projcct thvelopcr. 3. E48&ttTtES 3.t N-o__]l1pgnry bf Aviso. Any :cvieu acccptancc or tiilur ro rcvicw Projcct Dcvclopct's dcaign, +ccific.lions. oquipmetrt or facilitics shqll not bc an cado(3emcfi or a confirnuior by Avi$e" and Avisrs rrrrta m unn-an:ics, erprliscd or amplied" rGgrrding eny 8spccl of Pruject Derelope/3 design spcr"ificerionr. equipmcnt cr far.ilities. inslulin& but nol limitcd tq safery. dunbility. rcliabilit-v, r&En8th capscity, adcquacy or eonomic fcasibiiiry. 3.2 Oualifvinc Fecilitv Status Projccr Dcvclopcr warrants thrt thc Fscility is a 'Qurlifyicg frcitiq/. I(t t t€rrr is llssd lnd defiocd in 18C.F.R. $$ 292.10t.292.207. Afte/. initial qrnlificdion. Pmject Dcvelopo 6hall trlte ruch strps 6 may b. r€quired to e@tnrcly mrintain thc Facility's Q.r.alifying Facility sLtus during thc rcrm of thir Agreoncnt snd Prujcct Dcwlopcds failurc to adoquetcly mainuin Qualifyica Faciliry saurs will be a matcrid brtech of his Agccment" Avi.Ets rcscwes lhc ridrt to rwicw thc Projcct Dcvelopcr's Qualifring Facility 2. rc-BELIANEIQNSVITTA f IN.4L t2nal9 5t!IE md Bsocirtsd $rt porr and c.mplir,nce docurmts et any time dunng thc tetm of this AgEcricnL Prior to thc Effcctiw Date thc following ecdqr rnust havc c.ccu:rcd: 4l Liccnsrs. Permits ard Aomrvalr Pursront to applirble federaJ" sl8te. tribal r locrl rcgulationc hrjccr Dcvclopcr $all ltrintaii in gurd $ading rnd cftca ell liccr$cs, p.rmits c ryrovels n€ccslry fot Projcct Dcvclopct's opcratiors ircluding. brn aa limitod o, ccnliancc wi& Sr$pon B. I t CJ.R 0 29220?. Liccrucs, pcrmits and ryprorrals rbell imi.tdc but shall not bG timitcd m lribal, stst? and local htsiqess l,cEns€s. dwironmcnul pcrmiu approvalt for Fd srorag!, walcr righK and othcr necessery aes.flrelr end lcas€s a3 lnsurarrcc. Pro,let Dcvelryer stul) havc cornplicd with Sccrion 7, lnsururcc as hitiEl Yclr Monthty Nd Dclivcrcd OutDur ADsuqts| Projcct Developct rhEll hrve pmvidcd to Avi6E thc lnitial Ycar Moodrly Ncl Ddivriod Olrpul Eslirnet6 in lccordancc witb Seclion 6.3. l. a l'Etllr ol' AcRr-EililaN'l 5.1 Subjoct to &e ptovisions of drir Scction 5. this Agrccn:cnt shrll bc cffcctivc el fi)00 houn oo Jrnuary l. 2020. or nrh otlEr dae as ondgrcd by Lhc IPUC, (*Etfcdivc Darc'). Pos{f Jxr chrscs pur$rnt to (his Agrecrneot shdl coorcE re r4or tlre Eftbctivt Det.E. 5J Proix;t Dcrclopcr rnd Avirtr stulljointly pctition tlrc IPUC ior en orda rpproviag tbc Agrer@rat This Agrwncnt b couditioned upon thc appmval ud daeminuiou by tbc U'UC th8t *rc pri*s o bc pald for clcoic powcr are jun ard rcasonrblc, in thc ptblic inlcras( dd rftn hc ccts fururrad by Aviso fm rurtfuscs of eloctric powcr fiom Scllcr arc legitimare cxp€nrd. 5J In thc cvcm $!t tllc IPUC frils m is-srx r finrl or&r 4proving thir Agrucnrmr by Fcbrurry 2 I, 2020, neittcr Psrty shall havc any funhcr obli6arions o purchrsc or scll elcctic powe hcranndcr. md this Agrccrurt rhall tcrmimtc on Fcbruary 21. 2020. 5.4 In tle evenr $.r this Agrermcn: is terrninrrd lxrsue,:ll lo Secrions 5.2 or 5.3, excepl as olherwis€ pmvide4 the Pmjcct llveloper shsll refund .nrounts lo Ayise. Thc refund rmount for elch [oal} xhell bc cqual tc lbc arpunt Fwionsiy peid by Awisu for elcctnc powe rccaivcd by Avira during srrch monrh lcss drc alithmctic product that is obairEd by muhiplying thc nurnbcr of mcgr*rtl-hourl during such :mnth fc whi*r Avkrr hrs paid. by thc lcsser of: (i) the Ne, f,ieliv€rcd Ourput Corl 3cl folth lll Sectioa I l.l br such moorb. or (ii) tbe Mrrtet Encrgy Cost for such mooth. ln the ervenr rhar Avis', h!3 not paid fc ehcric power dclivered by frojoct Developcr bcfcr this AgrEsncat is Eminrcd pursuant to Scctions 5.2 or 5.3, Avisn slull pey for such powcr at thc lcsscr of: (i) Sc Net DclivErEd Ouput Co6t s:t fonh in Scction I l.l for sucb mndr. u (ii) thc Msrta Encrry Cost for such month. T'INAL l2/2419 5-5 The l.fm of thc ASrefiicnt sh.ll bc fcr ofl. ( | ) year following '.he Effeclive Drte, uolc's laminetcd carlia by tcrms ud conditions conuincd herein. 6 PURC'IIASE AND SALE OF rc 6'l Prolrr Dcveloper sh&[ sel: rnd dclivcr to lhe Poa of Dclivcry and Avistr shell purcblEc rU Net Hivcrcd Orlput Cl Thc Fscility is d6i8ncd, aDd hr Prcjca Devclopcr shall op€r8tc '&c FEility in E manncr slrch that thc trorly rhcdulcd rmourrt of Nct Dclivcrcd Ougut docs rnt crcced 6.5 MW in rny hour. Avistr Bh.ll hrve the right bld ool fr. obligation to ptrrcharc rny Na Dcliverd Ouprir ftom thc Fscilhy in eroess 016.5 MW in any hour. The maximum mnu&l srnount of clrrrric powcr thrt Avirta is obligrtcd o puchac haurndcr shdl bc 56.X0 rnsgrw.[-houn in any Opcrathg Ycar which ir ! norFlsp Yct, or 57,0'96 rncllwa:t-bous in any OJrrating Ycar whhh is a l-cap Ycar. 6.3 Nei Dclivered Clutnut Amoun:r. 63.1 lnitial Na Dclilclsd_Qctrut E$indHi.. Projcct Devclopcr shall pmvidc to Avist! Ncr Dclivcacd Ou+qt e:tirDltr! for clct of tirc twclvc comecu:ivc nroaths thrt bcgin with thc mom} c,ontrining thc Effodivc Datc. counting lhc month during whic}t thc Effcclive Drtc occul:I mrth onE (lritiel Ycar Monthl:r \ct Dclivcrcd OuPul Esrimatcs). Flojcct Dcvclopcr shdl provid. to Arisrr such tnilid Yer Monthly Net Delivcrcd Ourput Ertir arcs by writtarl noticc in eccordencc with Socrion 29 no lata thrn fivc (5) calcndar ibys prior m thc Effoctivc Duc. 63.2 Suhcqu$t M-o$hly Ng.0clir:c'rrrl O_ltlulLlrimflIe$. At thg crd of nrali ninc bllowing frc Efrc.iivc D!tc. ad !t lhc crd of cvcry third nro:rth thsrcrftcr, Prcji.ct Developcr shall providc o Avisn Nct Dcliv€{Ed Ourpm esrims:6 pcr'oaning r,o each ofthc additiornl con*cutive three moflths for which Projerl Dcvclupcr hrc not ya Cclivcrtd to Avisb Na Dclivercd ()upn: crinnrcs, so lhsr hoirt DcveLopa'shdl tuve providcd io rdvaacc on a rolliag basb to Avl5tr slx mo:rthr ofNa Dclivcrcd Oulput calirnst6. Projco Dandoper shall provitL nrt Nd Del:Errd Ou+ur cstimstcs lo Avisn by witten no:rcc in accordnrcc with Scction 29. no htcr lhm 5:00 p.m. of thc h* hrincss dey of thc monlh during whidr fiey lrr Equir€d !o be providcd- C3J Coacnt of Na Dclivrcd Ournrl Esrimatcs. Atl Na Dclivcrcd Outpnt cotimatrs shall bc cnpn*ecd in kilowtt-houn by manttr. 63.a Flilure to Prolide Ncr Delivcred Ourout Esrimares. lf the Project Devclopa fails o pror'ide ro Avistl Nar DclivereC Ourput €limrt* whan requrred herer pcnrining to my mooth or nmo*s, Avisa siull &tcminc the Net llclivered Ouput cstimatcs pnaining to srrh roonth or montlrs, and thc Na Dclivcr.d Output cstirritB g FIi\AL l2,2Al9 shall be binding for F'trpo,ses of lhc Agccrcnt as drough th€y werc prcpereC by Projecl Derrc.loper and povided lo Avisl,o as rquircd by the Agrtcnrent. 633 Proiect Dcvclon:r's Revisions of Na Dclivcrcd Output [stimatcs. Aftcr thc EtTcctivs Dstc, Projca Devclopcr may rcvisc my funrrc Ncr DclivcrEd Outptit estimrtB by proviliag wriacn noticc m htcr than 5 PM Prcific San&rd tim. on llc 25u dry of the rnonth thal is prior to th€ rnffth to be rcviscd If th€25d doy of th. month hlls m a rryeelald or holidry, thcn *rilrat roticc must be received on lhc lr3l bosincss dsy p,rior to ah€ 25'h &y of the rnon6. For exrrnplc, if Project Dcvclopcr wanrc to revisc O|c Nci Dcli\rcrEd Ourpul csdmEtE for Autusi, ftojccr Dcvclopcr must submit a rwiscd sch.dulc no hEr iba! July 25t or thc last busincss day pior to July 256. 63.6 Avisu Adiustmcd of Nct Dclivcrcd outout lstimarc. lf Avisra b cxcuscd frora rccepthg fic Prtojcc't Dcvelopear Nc( Delivrfcd OuFut ar sp€cif)ed in S.ctior 92 or if uc Projccl Developct dcclrts a Suspension of Encrgr Delivcrics as ryccified in Scction 9.3 and thc Projcct Dcvclopcr declarud Suspcnrioo of Ena1ry Dclivcrics is ac*ptcd by Avisr+ thc Nct D€livqEd Orryrr c*imarc rs spcsificd in Scctim 6.3.1 for thc spccific rnonth in which thc rtducrion or suspcnsion under Scctioo 9.2 or9.1 occurs will be rcduced in accordoncc with thc iollowrng: Whwe: NDO- SGU - (s) (b) TH- Raultim frrmuh bcing Cuntac Mootb' s Na Delivcrcd orr@ut €stirnatc lr'Avist8 k cxqlscd fron accrpring lhe Projcct Devclopc's Net Delvcrld Ourput !s epecified Ll Seclion 9-2 thls vdue will be equal ro 'ihe perccntsSe of curailrn nt I specified by Avi3re multiplitd by tlrc TGU r &finod bclow. If &c Pnjoct Dcvclopcr dschrcs r Suspcosion of Na Ddivctcd orlgrt ss rpccifrcd ir Scctior 9J thir value will hc lhc grncntion unit size rating of 6.5 MW.. Gcrcradon unit sia :ating of 6.5 MW, Actu8l hour6 thc F*itity's lia Dclivcrtd Ouput war cithcr rcctrccd or sispcndcd under Scstic'os 9-2 or 9.3. Ac al rorEl hou-s in thc cur:cnt monlh Adjnstcd Ncl DclivcrEd Output =*--((SGU x NDO TGU BSII ))x ( - 10- TH TGU = R,SH _- FI:iAL t 2/2419 llris Adjuxcd Net Dclivcred OuFol estirnetc sill be usad in applir'eble Surplus Eoeqgy calcularims for only thc spccific rrontlr in which Avista was ercused &om accepdnS the Net Dclivcred Outpnt or dtc Projcct Dcvelopcr dcclercd a Suspcnsion of Elrcrgr, 6.4 Eaviroqmcntal Amibutcs. Owucrship of Environrncntal Attributd Ehsll bc daermincd conriircnr with sppliceblc Sutc urd Fc&tal law. 7. !Nq8^!,eE 7.a Bu:incss lnsursncc. Prior to opaating thc Facility, Pmjcct Dcvclopcr. rt bis ow[ cos( shdl obtrio 8rld maintdn lhc foliowing insrancc in forcc ovcr tbc Terar of this Agttlcmcnt ard shall provi& ccrtificatcs ofell insunncc polichs. Avistr's ecccplancc of thc ccrrificatc of imr-uancc is not intlrdEd lo, and will no( rtduoc, ii:nil. affec:. or modi! the prirnary obligatims ard licbilitics of Ptojcct Devclopcr under thc provisioos of is Agrccment, Project Davclopcr must proviJc noticc of carrcllrtion or notic,c of ch.n5€ in policy tcrms d least 60 dE)6 prir !o rey chaogc or cmi.nation of drc policics. 7.1.1 (jsrcra] Liabiliw. Projoct llcvclopcr shell carry and rminrun compehansive gmcrrl liability insurucc in r fonn acrxptable to Avisa wirb coverlga of not less than 52,000,000 pcr occurrsnc., including covcagc of bodily injury. propcrty darage liability,.nd cor rrctrral liability spccifically rclaai o thc in&mnity plovisionr of this Agrctatc(n. Thc dcducrible will rnt crcccd thc Projcct Dcvckpcr's liurrirl abitiry to cover claics and will mt bc grcrrcr dtan prcvriling, practiccs for similar opcrarions in thc Sratc of ldrho . 7.1.2 Progcnv lnsurancc. kojccr Developcr shall carry onc ruinain pmpcrty insururcc for thc firll ,r?hcErn€nt valuc ofthc Facility in a form arceplablc to Avist& e dcducliblc oor to cxccod the Projcct Devclopcr's firumial rbility, and will oot bc grcrtcr then praailing praciccs for similrr ogcatkrns in rhc Snrc of ldaho. 7.lJ Oualifying Insurance. The insurare coverage requied by tiis Section 7.1.1 must bc obtrincd from !n inslnancu l'8rief, liLused to c(rdu(, busirrs$ in :hr state in *tich thc Scrvices arc lo bc Fcrformed, murr bc lcccptablc to Avinn rucn alrccpt.ncc not !o bc u[rrssoorbly wittbeld. but in no 6,cDt b!\rE lcss th.n an A.M. Bcst Rlting of A-. Class VlIl. Thc poticics rcqrircd urd:r tnir Agff ncrrt mrrst irclu& (i) provirions ot endorscrrcnts naming Aviru ard i:s dircctot\ oflics: rnd cnployecs as sldilional insurtds. (ii) Avieir ar e lcs peyce as applicrble, (iiil ! crose-liebility and sevenbility of intt 6t clalss. snd (iv) proviriom srch tht the policy is primary insurence with respesl o &c intcr*a of Avisli lod &ar ory dircr insrrancc mair:.eined by AvistE is cxccss and uot mnfibutory. 7.2 Ensinccrino Cfiiicstions. Projrt Developer shall maintrin cumsnt and effectivc lrdcper,dent Enginecring Ccrtification!.r to thc rdcquEy of $c Operations end Mdntmricc Policy srbsnndslly in the form 6 shown in Exhibit B ard shall, at Avisla's reulorublc wriucn rqulst, povidc to Aviste copics of nid Ccrtificstiotrs within sixty (60) days rftcr $ch rcqucst. Failurc o pmvidc such docrgDcflEtion shall bc dccmcd to bc a default urdcr Soqion 15. I . . . FI!TAL t 2n0/t 9 & CLRTAIL}IE\T. INTf,RRUTTIO:\ OR Rf,DUCTIO:\ OF DET,IVERY Ar.ist! ruy trguirc Projcct Dcvelopa'to curtsil. intcrrupt or rcducc dclivcry of Na Delivacd OutF.rt if, b accordgncc with Scctioo 9.2, Avisu dB'rftlincs that cufiailrncn'. LncrrupliJd o,r rBducrion is rscgsrry bccausc of fore mnjeurc or to prolcct pcrsons rrd pmpcrty frcm injuy or demaga. or b€ccusc of €mergcncts! nocc&rary systsrn ,Eirrcrsnce. $atsm modificalim or specid opcrating circum$rncrs Avista shall usc its reasonrble efforB to Leep any pcrM ofcrntailmenL intcrruption. or rcduction o r rninimurn. In ordcr not to intcrftrr unrcasonably with hoj€cl Dcvclopcr opcnsoos, Avistr Ehdl girc Projcct Dcvclopcr rctoruble prior noticc of rny curl8ilmsnf i crrup:ir. or rcductioL thc reason for is occurrcncc ard irs protsble durstion. 9.1 Corununicatrons and Reoorlinc. Avista and drc Projcct Dcvclopc stdl tnriatain appmpriatc opcratiag communicalioru thrurglr Avistr's flesignacd Dispotch Facility in accordancc with Erhibit A of thir Agrccrnem. 9J Eri;14elernlcssptrtec_e-[.ElrcQle.!_Brycr. 9-2.t Avisu moy intcrntpt" susgcod or curu:l delivery. rcccipa or Ecccplrsce ol dclivcry of porvct ifAvista rcasonably derrmincs consistcnt y.ilh Pn dcrfl (Jlility F:ecticc thn fhe failure ro rb so: 9J,l.l May cn<lengcr lny pcfsror or prof,crly, or Avista'r clcctric sysrrn or rny elccric systrrn wift which Avistal systen is intscanncclot 9.2. I J May caurc. or cooributc to, m imminent significanr disruprirr of clcctric scwicc :o Avrstr'r q smth€r rl.iliry's customcrs: 9.2.t3 May intcrfert with any crrnstrrrtioc. insldhtion. inspecrion. terting rwcir, rEplsr,crncn( irnpmvcmrnt" sltcration. modificqtion. operation, usc s maintoncc of. or addittoo o, Aviltsh clccr,ric syslcor or otircr popcrty of Avirts. 9J2 Avisu sh8ll promptly nod$ Project tlvelopr of the Ersons for my sucn interruptitxl, suspe$ion or cutuilnent providal for in Scrrirn 9.2.1. sbov€. Avirl. shsll usc rceroarble cfiorB to lirnit $r dultioo of uy auch disconaection, hicrruptioa. sr.rspcnsion or eurtailmqrt - 12- 9. OPERATIOT{ } TNAL tL2Ul9 9.-1 Proiecl l)r'l'clopcr :)cili:r(d Suso$1si(,n o, [.:rrfs\ Dcirr.'rr.: 93.1 lfthe Prujccr Devclopcr/s Facility cxpcnences r forced outage duc to €guipmc ftiluE which k mt c.us€d by rn cvcrt of fotce ,nri6lrE or by cglEct, Cisrcpqir or lael of rdcguatc prwcnutivc mainrcrrs,rE€ of thc Pmjcct Detclopcr's Facility, Projrxt Dcvclopcr m!y, afrer givrng noticc as proudcd in Stuion 9.3.2 bctos, brnponrily $rsFnd all deliverics of Net Deliv€rtrd Energy lo Avisra frfir thc facitity for frorn individual gcneradoi uni(s) wirhin the Frcility impact d by fie forccd ourage fc,r a pcriod of mt less tlun 4E hous to concct tre forccd outagc condition ("Declared Sucpcmio of Erctpr Delivcricr'). Ttc Projcct Dcvclopcfs Dcclarcd Su+ension of EDErS/ Dclivcd.x will begi! 81 thc srur of ilE trod fu[ hqr follorving thc Pmjcct Denrlop.t's tcleptonc rrctificatior rs rpecifrcd in Scctioo 9.3.2 and will continuc 6r dre lime as sp€cilied (oot l€ss lhrn 4t hours) in rhe wriu€n noti{icltion provided by rhe Projccr D€velopcr. Ir the noflb(s) in whicn the Dechred Suspe'uion ofEnergr occuned thc Na Dcli!rcrcd Encrgr Amounl will bc adjutcd as sprxified io Scction 6J.5. 93.2 lf $c Prcj€ct Dsvclopcr drsirB to initiatc a tlcchrcd Suspensi:o of Ercrg5l Delivcries ls pmvided in Soctior: 9.3. I , dtc PmjcJr Do'clopcr shall notify thc DBigrar.d Disp.tch F0cilitv by rclc?bone. T'he beginning hour of thc Declarcd Suspcnsion of Energy Deiiverics will bc et lhc earliesa:he rext full hour aftci makint tclephonc contact wilh Avigo. Thc hoieo Developcr shell, *'itbin 24 hours afrrr tbc acl.phac contrcl" pmvidc Avista a wrinen maicc in accsdancc with Scc'rion 29 thsl will coltrin lhe bcgrn-oing hour rnd duntion ofthc Dcclartd Suspansior of Encrgr Dclivc:itr 8nd a dcscripioc of rhc conditions that cousc{ :hc Projcct Dcvclopcr to iniriere s Declsrtd Susprrsion of Encrgy Dcliveries. Avistr srell:wiew the doanmentetion poovidod by thc Projca Devclopcr ro dcterming Avistr'B acqrrncc of Oc dcscribcd forccd ouugc ss quili&int for s Dcclarcd Suspcnrion of Encrgy Dclivcriss es Epccif cd in Scction 9.3. l. Avista's acccprnee of thc Projcl Dcvelopcr's forDod outltc as an acccpablc forcrd outrgc will bc bascd upon thc clcar documcntdion providcd by thc Projccl Dc'vclop€r rhrt thc forced outagc is no: duc to an cvcm of FoEc Majeurc or by neglecr, dkteprir or lacl of rdcqute prevot live crain:eruncc of the Project Develop€r's FL*il i t-v. 9A Schcdulcd MEintosocc. Oo or bcforc Janua"? 3 I oi cach calendar ycar. Projcct Dcvclopcr shatl subtnit a writcn propoccd maintcnancc rhcdule of significrnt Frcility mahtcnancc for that calcndrr ),c!r md Avista anC Prujccr Dcvelopcr s!.all mutually rgrcc rs lo th€ lcccp$ility of tbe propoec<i schcdulc. The Psnres dcternioatioo as ro thc accc?kbility of rhe Projecr DeyeloFr's tit:r€able fur schalulcd maintmnce shall uke into considcretion Prud€at Utility Pilricci, Avist! sysEm rcquirErnctrts .rd thc Proicct Dcyelopcf's prcfcrrEd schedula Neithcr Party shall unrcasoubly withhold ecceptance of dic proposcd maintrnarEr schcdulc. Thc Parrics shall coopcnrc in dclcnnining mutualty acc?tablc Facility dorrn rimcs a mainEolcc slrutdowns. -l]- FTNAL t2.4Ul9 95 Comolisncc with Plrmits. Lrccrrs!'r. ,\uirrxir:atiunb and Othcr Righs. Project DEveloper shall obtrin end cornply wit"\ rll pcrmits, liccmcs, suthoriz!:iona &1d ol.tr righb roquiral to o\yn opcrsle, u$e and maillsin thc Facility, 86 rhey mry changg from :ime !o iimc. Proirt Dcvclopcr stull furrish to Avirls o.l rcqucst copicr of rll daumcnts grntint" cvidcaciog or otlrcrwiec rclucd to srch pcruri.s, liccnscs suhorizations rnd rigbts. 95 Proj€ci DcycloFr! Ri.t. Pmjcct Dcveloper sl[ll orvn, opcnarc. usa and oraiottio lhe Facility at iu own rirk rnd erDqtsc in complirncc wi'.h all rpplicable lsw!' ordinloces, ruhs, rcSuhtioos, cdcrs rd otbcr rcquircrsrts, mw or hcrcafto in cIEc! of any govcrnmcnul authority. 9.7 4UfU&fb,elrslcct. Prlojo.t Dsvclopcr shsll pcrmit Avisu lo inspcct fic Facility or t}e operatho. urc or meiotauoc-c of 6c Frility. Pmjccl Deoelopcr rhall providc Avista rt sonrbl. sdvancc notice of my such tar or inspccrioo by or d thc direction of Projcct Develqcr. 9J Proiccr Dcvclooct Obligtions inAqxrdaoc_c-rrUhfudc_0t UuliltIrasdm. P'o!:ct Devclopcr shall own, opcntc and meintein thc Frcility and rny Pmjcc-t Devclopcr.owncd lnrcrconDccliqr Faciliri€s so ts ro tliow rtiiable gcr:eration md cielivery ofelccnic cffrgy to Avinr for thc full lrrn of thc Agrearx* io reordancr wirh Prudcnt Utility Praclic€r. t O. IIt ETE RIIi G la.l A powcr ntcaer qrrcally locstcd sr lhc Pcint ofDclivcry at Projcct Dcvclo,pcr'3 erp€rr* will reglsrer the Ncr Dciivered Outprt g*r€rarcd snd delivcre(, to Avila on an horly besis. lg.2 Ttrc powcr mctr:r will record powcr. which flows f;om tbc Facrlity to Avistr. AvifB lnd Pmjc.r Davelopcr both siall havc thc riEht to rrrd and rcccivc rcadings tmm the powcf, mctcf,. Avistr shsll rcrd ahc mdcr at least ooce a month to dcrcrrninc dr amount of Nct Dcliv€red Oulpur in eech caleadar mnth. Po*=r dcliveries in fiy nondt shall bc cdcuirr€d boscd on information from metcr readints with thc al8l€ sdjl6tmcltt rudc by pronting muered amounts lo E numbo of drys in suct moorh A*ual rxonthly Nct Detivercd Ouput slnll rc dacrmiacd tom rhc rccod dcvchpod Avista rhrll oyn and ngi:trail ail mtrrs rrscd to dacrninc thc billing hcrcun&r ad tbc mcrc(s) shlll hc lmrd as spccificd in thc Inrrrconnc.jql Agrccrr.cnl Such r-Et{r(s) shrll bc tcstcd ard inspocted in B&ordance with Avisal metcr reotiag pmgnrn !s lilcd with tlr Washingron Udlirica ard Tramportrtron Commissim Andor the ldrlo Pr,blic Utiliics Cqnmirsion. If requcsrul by Pyoj@t Developer, Avistr sball provi& copics of rppliceblc lcrt rnd clibr.tioo rccords urd calcuhfions. Avisr. shall pcrmit a rcprcscnt ivE of Projlct Dcvdopcr to bc prcscnt at rll timcs thc macrs arr bcing lcstcd. Addhiondly. AvisB rtrrll tcst cny or a.ll of such mctcrr ar mry bc rcasonebly bc rcquircd by ftojcd Developer. Prclrt Dercloper shall Jxy reaeonable costs for such mqu.s:ed lest unlcss eny of thc meEr3 i$ fqrnd to be insccurel. in \rtich ce3e Avist shrtl lny for $rdr Esr. - 14. FINAL tznut9 l0J Adjustments shrll b. mad: in mEle, reldings ad billiogs fo( crmrs i, a rrcter resdinS or billing discovercd within twclvc ( l2) rhon$s of $c sior. Avista slull Dolify Projccl Developcc of any crmrs &rising torn rract calibntion. reading or billing. Avisb stLll p.rmit ruArcscntativco of Pmlrt Dwelopcr o inspccr all of Avista's rccords rclating to thc dc)ivcry of clectsiel cocrgy b and purchasc ofclec-tricrl cncrgy by Avish hqarnder. I I. PURCHASE PRICES .\\D Mf,THOD OI' PAYMf,NT I1.2 Sumlw Encrey.(_osL For ail Srplus Encrgy, Avisn siull pay to lhe Projcct Dcvclcpcr the orncat rnonfi'E Mutct Encrgr Co,rt pc megzwatt-hxr or thc Na Dclivcrod Outrirl Cos: sFcificd in Scctioo I l.l. whictcvcr is lsrver. I tJ P0gncots to Pro,c.t Dcvclopcr. For cach month during Lhc IGrn of this Agreancnt so loog 8s lhaa d! ster6/ dcliv€rier m.de aod,'or pa)'mcrls du€ h€rrulder, AviEL sb.ll prtDarc s strtefitnt brrad upfi Nct Delivered orrtprt -:d SurpluE Enrgr deftvcred o Avisu- Paynrcat by Avistr for rmounts billed stnll bc pard no larrr tran thel5s day of the rnooth fultowing ltlc prior calcrdu monh billing pcriod. If thc Duc Datc frlts on s roo$urincss day of cithcr Pany, thcn thc plymcnt shall bc drr on thc ncxt following busincss day. ll.a Paync{r6 t(!,\risB. lfPmjecl DeveloJrer is cblig&ed to m&ke any peyment o. rcfund ro Avist& Avhr 6hdl bill Projcct Dcvclopcr for such pr!,mEnt& Prujecl Dcvciopcr $all pny Avisr on or beforc ttrc l5th day of thc mnth follo* ing thc prior ol<rrdrr mcrth billing pcrbd or lco ( t0) drys afrcr reecip ofthc bill. whichcvct is lrtct. ll5 lorcr6r. Any FynerB by Avista io Projod Dcvclorcr oI by Pmjed Dcvclopcr ro Avisrr. if rlol paid in ftrll within thc linritadons sct fmh in SGcrions I l.l rrd I 1,4 rbove. shrll b€ ldc. ln addition b &e ltlnqjics for such an cvenr of d.fauk trnyunt to Secrion 16, the l*e- poying Psny shrll bc rrcsscd e chlryc for late prymant equal to thc lcsss ofscvcn arrl rx* helf Frccar (7.5%) pcr annurL r thc gBrimuro rrtc dlowcd by thc laws of tbc Sno of ldato, mrltiplied by tfic ovctdue amqut. tt.6 Ser-Olr. Pmjccr Dar?lopcr !8r1e3 dur Avista may sct ofrany and rll arnounE owod by Prolxr Developer lo Avis., again* any currurt c futurt FyncnE dtr Projo.ct Developcr un&r tbis AErEeme ll.7 Wirc Tnmfc(. e,ll paymant shall bc rnadc by ACH or w:r. ransfcr in actordrrcc with furthlr sgrurore of the Perrix. - l5 - ll.f Na Delivcrcd Or.rmut Cost For ell Na Delivcrcd Output rcccived by Avina foreh hour that is nol Surplu$ EDCTB, Avista shall pey $c rpplieble na bascd upon the fotlowiag On-PcaI or Off-PcaI Avoidcd Crrst Rst6 For Non-Fudcd Projear Smllcr Than Tcn Avcrlgc Mcg.w!t6 pcI oonrh - Nm-Levclizcd er shown in Erhibii E FINAL t 2,oal9 IL FORCf, ]\I,.1JEURE l2.r Ncithcr Pany uhall bc liablc o $c othcr Party for, or be considcrql to bc in brcach of or dcfrult urdcr this Agrecrncnt, on rcorrn of my dclay in pcrformrncc duc to anyof thc follouriry cvcotB or any dclry or failure o producc Na Dcliv('d OUFUL q to, rcctivc or acccpt N€t Delivcrcd Output duc m any ofthc follow:ng cvcnts: l2,l,l Any cEuse or cordilion bclond such Prdy's rs.sonabic contml which $uch Party is umblc to ovcrcorr by tlr cxarcie. of rcasoruble diligcnce (incluling bu not limitcd to: fire' food. carfiquake, volcr-'ric sctivity, \vin4 droosrrt E d ottcr acts of ttre clcrBcnb: court ordcr and aa ofcivil :nilitary or govcmmotd sufhodlyi flrilc hEkoul and orher labor disputc; riot, iosuntaiol. sabotrgc or wrr, brceldo*n ofor danngc ro hciliries or cquipmcatl electrical disturbance aiginating n or trsnsrnitled througi such Panys electric syslcrn or eny electric cystcrn with which r{rch Prrty's rystan is intrrcoancctEd: rrd, arr or ornission of ury pecon or cntity olher *ran su,ch Patq. and Party's corlraaors or supplicrs ofrny ticr or anyorc e'ting or bchalfofsnch P!rty): or l2.lJ Any aeion utcn by srch Parry which is, in thc solc judgurcnt ofsuch Pany, rrceis&? or pndent to Fot€d tle oFratioq perfofinance, integnty, reliebility or stability of sl.Eh Prrlyr cloctric syttsn or rny electric sy$em *ith which such Pn/s elccfic systern is inlcrEonncctcd, whctlEr srxfi rCsrs occur aul,o[uti€rlly or rnsnuslly. lzJ h thc cvmr of ary forcc Majcurt ocourcncc. thc tinrc for performsncr dEtcby &laycd dull bc exEndcd by a pcri:d of tim€ rcaronably noccsssrJ to cornpcrsatc for such delay- Avisn shall not be rcquired Io poy for Availeble OutFJt whach, a.s r rsult of any force fiujcurc cvenq is not <lcliyqred. Nothang conuincd h this Section shall requirc any Pany to Ettlc Eny sfike, loctour or othcr labor disputc. In thc evcnt ot-a forcc mrjeure occrrrrsrcc which rvill atfta pqformrncc undcr this Agrccm.[t, thc nonpcrformrng Prry shrll providc t]rc ot]rct Prrty wrificn noticc witfiin founeco ( 14) dr)6 lfcr thc occtrmnoc of thc forc majane cl/ent. Srch mticc ehall Lrludc tlc Fniculars of lhc ocunrncc. rsumnccs !h&t suspcnsion of pcrfmrmnce is of m graret *ope and of ao Iorger du.ration ths is requirEd by the force majanre. ud that bcrt cffo.lr are bcing us.d 'o rensdy ils inability !o p(rform. IZJ Forcr rnejanrc shell iocludc an ci*tricrl disturbaocc thlt prcvcas rny clectric dclivcrics fiorn ocarring ar thc Poid of Dclivcr.v. 13. IIT.DEMNTry l3.l Projct Devcbpcr sball il&mni!, dcfcnd and hold hamdcss Avisla" ils dirtctors. offtccrE. Employc6 sg.ntr 8rd rEpItscfltativcs, against md fior: any and all locscs. cxpcnscs, liabilitic. claima or actiors {hcrcafrcr 'Loss"), ba*d upon or arising out ofbodity inj'.rics o: .tri'ges to pensoo6, ioslu.ling wi'trour limimioo death resultiag *sttoar. o. phpical demagee to or lo6s€s ofproprriy casod by, arising out ofor sustained rn connection with the consltuctioi\ op<raticn c maintcnsncc of the Facilily. Avista shall indcmnify, dcfard and hold htrmlcss Proirt Develqcr, is directors, ofrccrr, coployccs. rgcas, rnd rcprcscutativcr agrios ard from any Loss. crwed by, arising orn of or rustzined in conrcior. with *rc construcim, - 16- FINAL t2nu19 op€rrtidr or mlintanencc of ias clcclrical syslcm. tn the ev€'nt thrt Ery ,uch Loss is caused by thc ncgliguu of bodr Fojoa Devclopcr mC Aviua, inclrding 'Jrcir entplolrar& agfits, suplicrs atd snbooxrtclqrs, lhc Loss 3hdl b. bomc by Projcd Dcvclopcr and Avisu in thc proportion tha thcir rcrpcaivc ncaligrncc bcers to thc toul rrgligencc causing thc Loss. I3J TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICAALE IAW. PROJECI DEVELOPER AND AVISTA EACH WAryE ANY IMMUNIry UNDER EXISTING WORKERS COMPENSATION LAW APPLICABLE TO THE TN,ISDICNON \ITIERE THE FACILTTY IS To BE L]OCATED AS NECESSARY TO NDEMNIFY AND HOLD HAR.MLESS THE OTT{ER FROM SUCH LOBS. TO THE EXTENT SET FORTH IN SECTION l3.r.A.BoVE. I3J PROJECT DEYEI.OPER AND AVISTA SPtCIf ICALLY WARRAN T TH.AT THE TERMS AND CONDITTONS OF THE FORECOING INDEMNITY PROVISIONS ARE TTIE SUBJECTOF MUTUAL NEGOTIATION BY THE PARTIES, AND ARE SPECFrcALLY AN'D EX?RESSLY AGREED TO IN CONSIDERATION OF THE ITIUTUAL BENEFITS DERIVED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE AGR.EEMENT. t3.{ Oticr Oan as erprts.cly p:ovrded for :n dra Agreernert. neither Pany shall be liablc urdc, any Fovirioo of this Agreernerr for.ny lc6€s, drftrgcs, co6a or expenscs for any spccial, indinct, irridcntal" conscquential, or punitiw damagss. including but not limilrd to loss of pmfit or rwcauc. loss cf thc usc of cquig,ncm, cost ol capiisL cct of lcolponry cquipmEnt or serviccs. whctu boscd in wholc a il prn in cooarsct. io tort irhdiog negligcocc, strict liabilily. r any othcr Sffiy of l:.biliry: p:ovidcc. howorcr, :hrl dsmrgss for which a Panl :noy be lieble to rhe othrtr Peny unda enothcr agrccnrnt will rot be com:dered to bc speciel. indirect. incidcrEl" or consequcntial daniScs lrreundar. 14. ASSIGNMENT la.l Proixt Dcvclopcr sha.ll rot voluntarily resign its riBrlc or dclcgatc i's du:rcs urder this Agrecnant, or aay Iror of $rct ridlts or duti= without lhc wrineo conscnt of Avista. Such consc,rr shall nor unrcaloosbly be withhcld Fulhr'. no ssgignmcnt by Projcd llevelopct shail rrlicvc or rdclsc ia lo thc cx'€r of uy of is obl:glrions hercundcr. Sublocr to tte forcgoing nsrrictions on nssignmot tbis Agwmcai shlll bc fully bindirg upor. imrc to lrc bcnefit of8!d bG cnforccrblc by thc Partics and thcir rts?cctivc srrccssfis hci6 enC Essigns. 112 Proi.ct Dcteloper shall hlw lic right, subjecr to the obligrrim to pmvide socurity hcruucicr, without tlrc otls PL-ty3 oorscnt, but with a thirly (3O) dlyl pr;o: *ritlfi noticc m ttc othcr Party. to rnlcc collarctd rssignncas of ite rigbr undcr this Agrccrrot o sstis! Jr rrquirctncm of ony dcrrcloFnrirl con$ructlon oa othcr long tcrm finaming- A collatcral arsignmcn! slall not cfiti ts a &lcgation of Pmjcct Dcvclopcrs' obligations undcr this Agrcemeot, ad ftis Ageartat steli not bind fie colhtcml rssignee. Aay collrteral Essignee sLcceoding lo sny portio, ofthe ownership inreresl of Projed Developer shall b€ considercd Prrpct Develope/s succcsso in intcrrst arxl shall ttrcrcaflrr be bowd by th:s Agrrrct€nt. -l'l- FlNrlL l2r2Ml9 I5. NO UNSPECTT'If,D TIIIRD PARI}' BENEFICTARIF^S Erctpt es spccifically povidcd i:r this Agrecrncnt thcrt ere no third prtty bcncficisria of rhit f,gcr.tlco1 t.loltrlg cfitaincd ir this Agrecmcnl is irtcodcd lo confcr sny rigbt or inlercst on an)boc ofirr tur lhc Partics. and their resFctiyc suecessors. hciar and assigns Pcn rined urd€r section 14. T5. DE}'AULT 16.l ln tbc cl/sot fut cit r P"rty hils o pcrforo the teEus arxl conditions sct forttr in this Agrcerneot (a braech of o dcfrult undcr ttrie Agrccnrnt). includiog withoJt linit ior dre hilure to provide N{r D€liver€d Output wheo etriloble and delivetrbh to A} jsta, at lhe titnet or in the amoumr rcquired by thir Agrec[renr. the 6llo*'ir:g shall aogly: 16.l.l Thc non-dcfulting Prty sbu givc wriucn noticc m rhc &&ulth8 Prlty of thc breach ofs dcftult undcr lhi! Agr€cmcrrt. !6-1.2 where default lc for frilue to pry vrms which are due ard peyable ud.: this Agreanarl'Jlen the defruldng Paty shril have 30 days following receipl ofwrinan noticc to crne fic dcfrult, aftcr which pcriod the non-.dcfeulting Party may unilercrally Eminstc tltis Agrccmcot. 15.13 Excc.ct as providod :n Sections l6- 1.2 tnd 16.1.4. in all other crscs of breach m default, th€n th" defeulting hy :rLlsr b€gin to cure the breach or def&Jl within 30 days and sball com ct such curr within 90 dlys ofrcccipt of writtfir noric., or clsc thc no+dehulting Party may unilatcrally rrmimtc ft1s 6grEcrncnt. t6.1.{ lf a brcach or dcfault occtrc undcr Scdions 15.2.1. 16.3.1. 16.3.2, 15.3.1. 16.1.4, thco thc tsdcfaulting pany mey trrmindc this Ag:tsrlcrlr aftcr thc rcspectivc c,r-ne psriod(s) rs exptE$ly Fovidod fo'r in such Scaions. 16., Notwithsturding any claim of :brcc nuja,nc, Projc* Dcvelopcr slull bc in &fruhil I5-2,1 Proicct Devcloper hrs a:andonod $c Facilityl or l62J Tttrt hrcc bcen no erugy &liverics to Avisu from the Fl,ility for a pcriod of trlclw (12) consccutivc rrmds: or 15"23 Na lhlivcrcd Ouqrt dcliv€rcd lo Avisa fails o crcccd 42.048 ra€Srwrtl+ouB durlllg ery rolling period of nrye ry-four (2,1) consccuti\re c.leodlr moorh6: or 15.2,4 Iacility ccascs to b,c a Q.uliffing Faciiiry. - lt - l6J For purposcs of this .{grcrrDr t, rnd without limiting thc gencrality of sccrion 16.1. r Party shll aho bc in dcfrult if ic l5J.l Beco.ncs insolvcnt (e.9., is umblc o mcct iu obligrtions as thcy bccome due or its liibiliti.s crceetl iu cssets), or l6JJ Mstcs r Sacrel EsignrDcot of nrbctrntirlly a.l of itr asrcts for thc bcBfit of is crcdimrs, files s pctitio:l for brnlruplcy or rmrpoization o! scGks orhcr trlicf undcr ary applicahlc imtlvarcy hwr; or t5JJ Hrr filed ,grinst ir a pcrilion for bsntruprcy, reocgmization m other nlief undcr a.ry applicrble insolr,tncy hw rtd such petition is not di$Tisscd o. steyed *ilhin rixty (60) rlayc affcr it ir filcd. l5J,a k in dchuh undcr rny Tnnsmission Agr€emcnt pmvidcd lh Avistr shell havc thc oblig ioc to noti& Pmjcd Dcr.clo,pct of any dcfrult undcr ony Tranrmi**ion Agrcerncrr! 8id pmvide Prqiect Develap€r wi(h rcvmay-lwo l72l houn ftom the cceipt of noaicc of &ftull b crn! srrch default urdcr any Tnrrrnissicm At5rsnEnL l6-a Any right or rancdy affordcd o eithcr Parry undct any govision ofthis Agr€cmcnl o:) Eccounr ofthc brcach ofor dcfauh un&r t\is Ag:ccrncot by lhc othcr Prrty ir in addirlm io, and not in liar of, ell other righlr or rmdics lffordod ro sllch PIty undcr siy o{tret fovisions ofrhis AgrcerEnt, by lerr or otharrise on account ofthe breach or default" Each Parry stull striw to resolvc any rnC all diffcrencca during the tcrm ofrhc Agrcrtrat. If r dispra clnrroa bc crotve( eech Peny shill rx€ &rblnation bcforc rcq*strng e hcaring beforc lhc IPUC. The arbit'aion shell bc c.o:rductrrJ pursusnt to thc Disp.rrc Rcoluion hoccduro, Attrhrrnr 5. to Oc lntcrcormetion AE ccrncnt. Thc Prtics agrec thrt thc IPUC shall havc conrinuiag jurisdictirxr ovrr &is Ageemcnt. t& RELE/LSE BY PROJEC'T DEVELOPIR Projcc Developcr rclorscs Avists from any mC all claims, looss, herr:r. liabllitiat drtrrgEs,. costs rod qpGnrcs to thc arcnt rcrutting ftorn any l&l Ehcric disturtaosc or fluctu*ion that migra.tes. diructly or indircctly. frorr Avisol dccrric elarern !o lhc Ftcility; I &2 lnrcrruptiorL $Bpcnsion or swtailment of elsctric scrvicc to thc Fssili! or rny o$rr prwaiscs cn'ne{ ps*ssod, cootnolled or scrvcd by Pmjccr Dcvclopcr. which inrcrruptictrL - t9- FINAL l2/2419 17. ARBITRATION FINAL I220/19 suspetuion d curtailrnent ir cruscd or contribured to by 0u Facility or tbc iouconocaion o! thc Facility witl any clcctric sysraru or ItJ Disconncaio4 inrcmrptioo. suspcnsion or curtilrDcm by Avists pursuant to tcros of this Agrccr:rcot or thc lrmrcmocctim Agrcalcnt. l&a Dbconmctioq inlern pdorL sulp€nsion q curteilmrt of tranr,tissioo servicc by r mnsmi[ing enrity or any unfcrcsecn ocl fi incrcase in cofits .o Projecr Ddcloper inpoocd by r Etnsmitrirg cDtity. 19. covf,RNMEITTALAUTUOS!T!' This AgrG€trtrcnt is 6ubi)cl to the nrl€s, regulauons, orders lnd otber r€quirements :rcw or heraftcr in effec! ofell govemnrcntal auho.llies hlf ing jurigiicrion ova the Facility, this AgrErmcnt, thc Panics or ciths of thcrn. All lals. odirunccs. rulcs, rcgulatiom. or&rs crd othcr rcquircocas, now or bg:saicr ia cffcc! of Sovcrn Dsrtll authoritrcs thrt sc rcCuirEd to bc incorporarcd in agrccmants of this cbaraacr are by this rcfcrcrEc inmrpora:ed in lhrs Aglcctrtct . 20. t:OLAI.OPP'ORTU\l'r\ hojet Dcvelopcr sbll cunply wi$ ell applicable raul opportnity lews, ordinanccs. ordus, rults ud rcgulrrioas. 2r. SEV__ERALOBLIGAIIO:{S Except whcrr spc.ific.lly stated ir dlis ASrrcment rc be oaherwise. rhc dulicr obli8rroni urd liabilitics of $c P!rd6 sE i Erdcd to bc sflcr8l not lrint or collectivc. This AgreErnci shail mt bc inrctpracd or coasturd io cnslc an rssocretioo, joiat vcon$e or prnoctship hvccn th€ Pani{x or tD impdc iny paltncfrtrip obligations or liability upon cithcr Parry. F.!.fi Prny shdl be individually urd socrally lirblc for iB owc obiigarions und.r thiu Agrearnt- Funlrt neither Prny shell h{ve ary righr" power or authoriry ro coer inlo any rgre.nrn( or undaneling for or on bdralf of, to &1 as to bc rn E8cnt or nprEscntEtivr of, or tr.r utherwise brnd the erhe: Psty. 2L IMPLIIMENTATION Erch Pary shall promprly lrle $ch lction (includin& bur rxr limited to. thc excrurion, acknowledgatart and &livcry of docurmts.l s may be rcaronbly rup.stal by the olh€r Prny for trc ioplcoenEi:o or oominuing pcrfornance of tbis AttElmmt. 2A NON.WAIVER The failure ofeithcr Prrry b insasl upon or enforce stri.ct perfonrran!'c by the orbet Peny of any provision of thir Agnlcmcnl ff tro excrcisc any ri8ht undcr this AErc€mlnt shrlt Dot bc coElrucd sr s wrivcr a rclinluishrpnt to atry crlEl of such Parf/s right to assen or rdy upoo ?0 FINAL t znut 9 lny sucb FDvisio, a rigit itr thlt or 0ny olhcr irE&nce; rath.t. thc samc sbrll bc and rEmain in full fo(tc ed eltect. 24. ArUtNoMEliT No changc, amcndmcnt or modificetion of any provision of this Agrconcn: shall be vrlid unlcss sei fstl in ! wrillen smandnmr to lhrs Agreenrent siEned by borh Panier. 23. ClrOlCE OF LAWS This Agemat stutl bc consmod ald i[Erprctcd in acaordrncr witb thc lawr of thc Stit! of ldlho. 26" COMPLTANCIWTTHLAWS Both Prrtics sbrll conply wi6 all applicablc tews and rcgulatirxs of govcrnnnral agcacics luving juricdiaion ovcr rhc Pmjcct and thc opcrrtions of thc Penics. 27. VENUE Any actioo er law a i:r equity o cnforcc &c acrmr and cooditions of this Aguemart shdl bc hwglt in ldaho. 2& IIEADINGS Tbc saim hcrdingr in fiis Agrcanur: are for coovenicnce only and siull :rct bc considcrcd put of or uscd in thc intcrpEt8tho of thb A8r€filqrt. z). NoTreE$ All qrritt€n nodceo Fquircd by 6iB Powr hrdusa Agreemcnt shrll be rrailcd o, &livcred !6 Hlows: to Avistr: Dircrtor, Powe Supply Avists Co.pordion P.O. Bor 3727 Spo&en€, wA 9220 to Projtxt Dcvclopcr:Pnridcat rod Caicf Exccutiw Officcr Stinton [mb.t 520 S.W. Yamhill slriE ?00hlil(OR 972fi a;td -2t - FINAL ty2ut9 Vice Pnsidcnt ^ Mmufacmring Stimson Lumbcr 520 S.lv. Yamhitl SuitE 700 Porhn4 OR 97204 Eirlrc. Party may d!8nge ils addrffr rpccificd above by giving ',he o(hcr Prrty notice of slEh chmgc in 8ccordmce with lhis Seclion. All mticcs. raqu€s13, allhoriraticns, direclions or o&cr cosmunic.tio$ by . hfty thill bc dccord dclivcrcd whcn mailcd rs providcd in th'is Section or pcrmnally delivcrcd to thc othcr Party. lny vcrbgl noticc rtquircd hcrcby which efhcc tbc peyurente to bc rnadc bcrc{odcr shall bc mnfonrcd in w:itiag tccrjfied suiU rs poorpdy rs praaicrblc cfter tfie vcrb.l mtice is Evar. ]0. EXHIBITS Tbis Powcr Purphasc Agrccmcnt irludcs tbc following exiibis which arc acrtcd ad rncorporatcd by refertnec bercin: Erhibir A Exhibh B Exhibit C Erhibit D Exnibit t, 1I. USE OF FACILTilT.S Pro;cct Devclopct is drc tole uss of certrin l3.t kV hcilitics irselle4 owncd. opantcC and rnriotaincd by Avista in Aviso's Plumutc $rb6atioo. Projcct Dcvclopcr shall pay a rrcothly usoof-frilitict chrrgc for tbc solc use of such frcilitics. Solr Usc lnvest natl: 960,99 1 Annurl Cost Rrtio: 13.86% Annual Solc Urc Chergs: 160,991 X 0.1 386 = S&1s{yyEar Mothly Soh Usc Chargc: [7(X/nr,onth lN WlfiF-SS WHEREOF. tiE Partics hercro hale causcd this AgrserEol to h cxccutcd by thcir duly authorizal nF rscrtstivcs ss of lhe firs: drtc ttcrein above sa fonh. STLVSON LUMBER COMPANY AVISTA CORPORATION By Prin {fut,,v Bv; Printed Name: -;r-n |i,,. ..- Titlq ' Com:nunica'js:.c srd Rcponing Fsnr ofEngine.ds Ccrrificrtion of Opcnrions and Mlint€nince Policy Intercoancctim Agocrncrt Dcscriprkm of tbc Frility Purcture Priccs Titlc: Datc: 22 DrlE: t2..2j r) _ ) Fl^.:.4L I U)0/19 Erhibir A (e) and out ges: During normal busincss hr.x:s. all vertal sommunic.:.lions n lating to rnterulliotls r\vista Syslcm Opcrator ( 509 ) 495-41 0-r Ahrmnc Phonc Numbcr (509) 495{914 Project Detekryxr Managcr, Plumrncr Kevin Crii,cr (S09) R63-3'145 Alternrte Phonc Nurnber: Many Kyler (20Ef691{8{x {b) Ouldde ofnofmsl busincrs hrrun (nights. weelcdds, afil h.rlidayi}, rll verbsl communicrtiur$ rElrring t(| interruplions and oulrgtrs sh.ll 'ake pl8cE beth-c€o the following ttcT\.on nci : Avista SWcm OpEraror (509) 495-4105 Altcmstc Phooc Numbr'r: (509) 495-4914 P.ojeo Delel<'Jrcr Maneger. SIimmn Plummcr Slwn:rll (-ell phre: (509) 861-3445 Altcmatc Phone Numbcr Regional Ccncrel Managcr Ccll phnc: (lOE) 691-4t06 !:l El€ctronic uommunicatioos dunng all hr:uni rclllrnt to inlcrrupti(,ns arx! oubger: Arisa Corp P:olcct Dcvclogrr k crid!'r(a;sl imson lumber. co rr': mlyle4i;sdmsoolumber.com l/gtlltt(r rr :.trrrr\onlurnhcr.irrtn bgray(rrstimurn I umtrr.c on: Erhibrl A FIN,4L 1U2419 Erhbh E ForE of E[elrccr'r Ccrilllcrdon of Operrtioas rld ]hlnt?nrtrce Pollcr' Thii Exhibil b woivcd .s Stiftrori is rn €risting facility. Exlibir B FINAL t 2i2ar 9 ErtiHl C I nlcrcopncrtiotr Ag'ecpcDt Exisring lntcrconncclion AgrEcmcnr on t-rlc wifi Avista Trarunission Exiribir C Avista ConEact No. AV-TR06-021? GENDRATOR INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (GIA) Between AVISTA CORPORATION AND STIMSON LUMBER COMPAI.IY TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I, SCOPE AI\TD IIMITATIONS OF AGREEMENT ARTICLE 2. AUTTIORIZATION AND RIGHT OF ACCESS ARTICLE 3. EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM, TERMINATION, AND DISCONNECTION ARTICLE 4. CONTAST INFORMATION ARTICLE 5. COST RESPONSIBLTTY FOR INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES ARTICLE 6. ASSIGNMENT. LIABIUTY, INDEMNTTY, FORCE MAJEURE, CONSEQUENTTAL DAMAGES, AND DEFAULT. ARTICLET. INSURANCE ARTICLE 8. DISPIJTES ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOI]S ARTICI,E IO. NOTICES ARTICLE II. SIGNATIJRES Attschment I - Glossary of Tcrrns Attachment 2 - Description of the Small Generaring Facility, Intcrconnection Facilities, and Metering Equipment Attachment 3 - One-linc Dagram Depicting the Small Generating Facility, Interconnection Facilities and Metering Equipment Attschment 4 - Additional Operating Requir€ments for the Interconnccting Utility's Electric System and AJfected Systems Needed to Support the Interconnection Customer's Needs Paee No. 1 1 4 6 6 6 l0 l0 l1 13 15 -l- Attachment 5 - Dispute Resolution Procedures This lnterconnectron Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into th is /l day of October 2006, by Avista Corporation ("Interconnecting Utility"), and Stimson Lumber Company ("lnterconnection Customer") each hercinafter sometimcs referred to individually as "Party" or both referred to collectively as the "P8rties." Interconnecting Utility: Avista Corporation Attention: Manager, Transmission Services Address: l4l1 E. Mission Avenue City: Spokane State: Washington Zip: 992O2-1%2 Phone: (509) 409{500 Fax: (509) 495-8542 Interconneclion Customer Information lnterconnection Customer: Stimson Lumber Company Attention : Prcsidcny'CEO Address: 520 S.W. Yamhill; Suite 700 City: Portland State: Oregon Zp: 972M Phone: (503) 222-1686 Fax: (503) 222-2682 Stimson l,umber Company - Plummer Office Attention: Manager eddress: 732 106 St. City: P]ummff Stare: Idaho Ap: 83851 Phone: (208) 686-9080 Regional Gcneral Managcr Phone: (208) 667-4304 lntcrconncction Customer Application No: Already an exiting Interconnection h consideration of the mutual covenants set fonh herein, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SCOPE AND I,IMITATIONS OF AGREEMENT l.l This Agreement govems thc terms and conditions under which the lnterconnection Customer's Small Generating Facility will interconnect with, and operate in parallel with, the Interconnccting Utilily's Elecbc Systcm. 1.2 This Agreement does not constitutr an agrcenrnt to purchasc or deliver the Interconnection Customer's power. The purcbasc or delivery of power and other services that the Interconnection Customcr may rcquirc will be covered under s€parate agrc€ments, if any. The lnterconnection Customer will be responsible for separatcly making all nccessary arrangements (including scheduling) for delivery of electricity with the applicable Interconnecting Utility. 1.3 Nothing in this Ag€ement is intended to affect any othsr agreement between the Stimson Generator lnlerconnection Agreement (GlA)-1 Interconnecting Utility Information lnterconnecting Utility and the Interconnection Customer. L.4 Resgonsibilitics of the Parties 1.4.1 The Partics shall pcrform all obligations of this Agreement in accordance with all Applicable l-aws and Regulations, Operating Requtements, and Good Uti'lity Practice. L4.2 Thc lnterconnection Customer shall construct, interconnect, operate and maintain its Small Generating Facility ard consruct, opcrate, and maintain its I-nterconnection Facilities in accordance with the applicable manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule, and in accordance with this Agreement, and with Prudent Utility Practices. 1.4.3 The Interconnecting Utility shall construct, opcrat€, and maintain its Electric System and Interconnection Facilities in accordance with this Agreement, and with Prudent Utiliry Practices. 1.4.4 The InErconnection Customer agrces to operate irs facilities or systems in accordance with applicable specifications that meet or cxcecd those provided by the National Electrical Safcty Code, the Amencan National Standards Institule, IFF F, Underwriter's l-aboratory, and Operating Requirements in effcct at the time of constructioD and other applicable national and state codes and standards. The Interconnection Customer agrEes to maintain and operatc its Small GeneratinS Facility so as to rcasonably minimize the likelihood of a disturbance adversely affecting or impairing the system or equipmcnt of the lnterconnecting Utility and any Affected Systcms. 1.4.5 Each Party shall operate, maintain, repair, and inspert, and shall be fully rcsponsible for the facilities that it now or subsequently may own unlcss otherwise spccified in the Attachments to this Agrcement. Each Party shall be responsible for the safe installation, maintenance, repair and condition of their respective lines and appurtenances on their rcspecrivc sides of the point of change of ownership. The lnterconnecdng Utility and the Interconnection Customer, as appropriate, shall prcvide Interconnection Facilities that adequately protect the Intcrconnecting Utility's Ele€tric System, personnel, and other persons from damage and injury. The allocation of responsibility for the design, installation, op€ration, maintcnance and ownership of Inrcrconnection Facilities shall be delineated in the Attachments to this Agreement. 1.4.6 The Interconnecting Utility shall coordinate with al! Affccted Systems to support the intcrconncction. 1.5 Parallel Ooeration Oblis,ations. The Interconn@tion Customer shall abide by all rules and procedures pertaining to the parallel operation of the Small Generating Facility in the applicable control area, including, but not limited to; l) the nrles and pmccdurcs concerning the operaton of generation set by the &pplicable systcm operator(s) for lhe lnterconnectng Utility's Stimson Gcnemtor Intcrconncction Agreement (GlA) - 2' Electric System and; 2) the Operating Requiremens set forth in Attachment 4 of this Agreement 1.6 Metering. The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for the lnterconnecting Utility's reasonable and necessary cost for the operation, maintenance, testing, repair, and replacement of metcring and data acquisition equipment specified in Attach.dents 2 and 3 of this Agreemeot. The Ilterconnection Customer's metering (and data acquisition, as required) equipment shall conform to applicable industry nr.les and Operating Requirements. 1.7 Reactivc Powcr. The Interconnection Customer shall design its Small Generating Facility to maintain a composite power delivery et continuous rated power output at the Point of Interconnection at a power factor within the range of 0.95 leadilg to 0.95 lagging, unless the Interconnecting Utility has established differcnt requrrements thar apply to all similarly situaled generators in the contol area on a comparable basis. 1.8 Capitalized terms used hercin shall have the mcanings specified in the Glossary of Terms in Aftachment I or the body of this Agreement. ARTICLE 2. AUTIIORIZATION, AND RIGIIT OF ACCESS Z.l Authorization Reouircd For to Parallel Operation 2.1.1 The Irterconnecting Utility shall use Reasonable Efforts to list applicable parallel operation requirements in AttachEenl4 of this Agreement. Additionally, the Interconnecting Utility shall notify the Interconnection Customer of any changes to these requilements as soon as they are known. The Interconnecting Utility shall male Reasonable Efforts to coopcrate with lhe Interconnecdon Customer in mectng requirements necessary for the Interconnection Customer to commence parallel operations. 2- I .2 The Interconnection Customer shall nol operate its Small Gencrating Facility in parallel with the Interconnecting Utility's Electric System without first complying with section 2.3 of Attachment 4. 2.2 Rieht of Access 2.2.1 Upon reasonable notice, the Interconnecting Utility may send a qualified person to thc prcmises of thc Intcrconncction Customer to inspcct the interconnection, and observe thc operatron of the Small Generating Facility. 2.2.2 Following the inspection process described above, at reasonable hours, and upon reasonable notice, or at any time without notice in the event of an emergency or hazardous condition, the Interconnecting Utility shall have access to the Interconnecton Customer's premises for any reasonable purpose in connection with the performance of thc obligations imposcd on it by fiis AgrEement or if neccssary to mect its lcgal Stimson Generator Interconnection Agrcement (GIA)3- obligation to provide service to iE clstomefli. 2.2.3 EachParty shall be responsible for its own costs associated with following this article. ARTICLE 3. EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM, TERMINA'I'ION, DISCONNECTION 3.I Effective Datc. This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by the Parties subject to acceptance by any regulalory body of competent jurisdiction (if applicable). The Intercomecting Utility shall promptly file this Agreement with any rcgulatory body of competent jurisdiction upon execution, if required. 3.2 Term o[ Aerccment. This Agrecment shall become effective on thc Effective Datc and shall remain in effect for a period of five years from the Effective Datc unless terminated in accordance with Anicle 3.3 of this Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in effect beyond the initial five ycar period unless affirmatively terrinated in writing upon a 30 days notice by either Party to the other Party. 3.3 Termination. No tcrmination shall become effective until the Parties have complied with all Applicable Laws and Regulations applicable to such termination, including the filing with any regulatory body of competent jurisdiction of a notice of tcrmination of this Agreement (if required), which notice has been accepted for filing by the regulatory body of competent j urisdlction. 3.3.1 The Interconnection Customat may terminatc this Agreement at any time by giving the Interconnecting Utility 30 day's written notice. 3.3.2 Either Party may terminat€ this Agreement aftBr Default pursuant to Anicle 6.6. 3.3.3 Upon termination of th.is Agrecment, the Small Generating Facility will be disconnected from thc Interconnecting Utility's Electric System. All costs required to effectuarc such disconnection shall be borne by thc terminating Pany, unless such termination resultcd from the non-terminating Pany's Default of this GIA or such non- terminating Party otherwise is responsible for thcse costs under this CIA. 3.3.4 The t€rmination of this Agrecment shall nor relievc cither Party of its liabilities and obligations, owed or continuing at thc time ofthe tcrmination 3.3.5 The provisions of this article shall survivc tcrmination or cxptation of this Agrcement. 3.4 Temoorarv Dsconnection. Temporary disconnection shall continue only for so long as reasonably necessary under Prudent Utility Practices. Stimson Gcnerator Interconne.tion Agreemcnt (GtA)-4- 3.4.2 Routine Maintenance. Construction. and Repair. The Interconnecting Utility may interrupt interconncction scrvice or curtail the output of the Small Generating Facility and temporarily disconnect the Small Generating Facility from the Intcrconnecting Utility's Electric System when neccssary for routine maintenance, consftuction, and repain on the Interconnecting Utility's Electric System. The Parties shall cooperate in deterrnning mutually acceptable Small Generating Facility down times or maintenance shuldowns The Interconnecting Utility shall use Reasonable Efforts to coordinate such reduction or temporary disconnection with the Interconnection Customer. 3.4.3 Forced Outaees. During any forced outage, the Interconnecting Utility may suspcnd interconnection service to effcct immediate rcpairs on the lnterconnecting Utility's Electric System. Thc Interconnecting Utility shall usc Reasonable Efforts to providc thc Interconncction Customer with prior notrce. If prior notice is not given, the Interconnecting Utility shall, upon request, provide the Interconncction Customer writtcn documcntation after thc fact explaining lhe circumstances of the disconnection. 3.4.4 Adverse Ooeratine Effects. The lnt,crconnecting Utility shall norify the Interconnection Customer as soon as practicable if, based on Prudent Utility Practiccs, operation of the Small Generating Facility may cause disruption or deterioration of servicc to othcr customers servcd fmm the same electric system, or if operating the Small Cenerating Facility could cause damage to the Interconnecting Utility's Electric System or Affected Systems. Supporting documentation used to reach the decision to disconnect Stimson Generator Interconncction Agrecment (GIA) 3.4.1 Emergencv Conditions - "Emergency Condition" shall mean a condition or situalion: (l) that in the judgment of the Party making the claim is imminently likely to endanger life or propertyi or (2) that, in the case of the Interconnecting Utility, is imninentJy likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a matErial adverse effect on the security of, or damage to the Elcctric System, rhe Interconnecdng Utility's Intcrconnection Facilities or thc Electric Systcms of others to which the Interconnecting Utility's Etectric System is drrectly connected; or (3) that, in the case of the lnterconnection Cuslomer, is imminently likely (as determined ir a non- discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to, the Small Generating Facility or the Interconnection CustomeCs lnterconnection Facilities. Under Emergency Condihons, the Interconnecting Utility may imm€diately suspend interconnsction service and temporarily disconnect the Small Generating Facility. The Intcrconnecting Utility shall notify the Interconnection Customer promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be cxpcctcd to affect the lnterconnection Customer's operation of the Small Generating Facility. The Interconnection Customer shall notify the Interconnccting Utility promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the lnterconnecting Utiliqy's Electric Sysrcm or any Affected Systems. To the extent information is known, the notification shall dcscribe the Emergency Condition, the extent of the damage or deficiency, the expectcd effect on the operation of both Parties' facilities and operations, its anticipated duration, and thc neccssary corrcctivc action. shall be provided to the Interconnection Customer upon rEquest. If, after notice, the lnterconnection Customer fails to remedy the adversc operating effect within a rcasonable time, the Interconnscting Utility may disconnect the Small Generating Facility. Thc Intcrconnecting Utility shall provide the lnterconnection Customer with five Business Day notice of such disconnection, unlcss thc pmvisions of article 3.4.1 apply. 3.4.5 Modification of the Sruall Generating Facility, The Ilterconnection 3.4.6 Reconnection. The Parties shall cooperate with each other to restorc the Small Generating Facility, Interconnection Facilities, and the Interconnecting Utility's Electric System to their normal operating state as soon as reasonably practicable following a temporary disconnection. ARTICLE 4. CONTACT INFORMATION 4.1 Contect Information. Any contact or communications between Interconnecting Utility and lnterconnection Customer rcquircd for operation of the Small Generating Facility shall take place in accordancc with Anachment 6. ARTICLE 5. COST RESPONSIBILITY FOR INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES 5.1 Intcrconnection Facilities. The Intcrconnection Customcr shall bc responsible for its share of all reasonable expenses associaM with (1) owning, operating, maintaining, repairing, and rcplacing its own Intcrconneclion Facilities, and (2) operating, maintaining, repainng, and replacing the Interconnecting Utility's Interconnection Facilities. ARTICLE 6. ASSIGNMENT, LIABILITY, II\TDEMNITY, FORCE MAJEI.]RE, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMACBS, fu\D DEFAULT 6.1 Assisnment. This Agreement may be assigned by either Party upon 15 Business Days prior written notice and opportunity to object by the othcr Pany; provided that: 6.1 . I Either Party may assign this Agreemcnt without the consent of thc other Party to any affiliate of the assigning Party with an equal or greater crcdit rsting and with the legal authority and operational ability to s*isfy the obligations of the assigning Party Stimson Generator Interconncction Agreement (GlA)6- Customer must rpceive written authorization fmm thc Interconnecting Utility before making any change to the Small Generating Facility that may have a material impact on the safety or reliability of the Electric System. Such authorization shall not be urneasonably withheld. Modifications shall be done in accordance with Prudent Utility Practices. If the Interconnection Customer makes such modification without the lnterconnecting Utility's prior writteu authorization, the latter shall have the right to temporanly disconnect the Small Gencrating Facility. under this Ag.reement, provided that lhe Interconnection Cusromer promptly notifies the Intcrconne.dng Utility of any such assignment; 6.1.2 The lnterconnection Customer shall have the right to assign this Ageement, without thc consent of the lntcrconnecting Utility, for collateral se.udty purposes to aid in providing frnancing for the Small Generating Facility, provided that the Interconnection Customcr will prcmptly notify thc Interconnecting Utility of any such assignment. 6.1.3 Any attempted assignmEnt that violates this articlc is void and ineffective. Assignment shall not relieve a Party of its obligatrons, nor shall a Pany's obligations be enlargcd, in wholc or in part, by reason thereof. An assignee is responsible for meeting the same financial, credit, and insurance obligations as the InterconDection Customer. Whcrc required, consent to assignment will not be uffeasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. 6.2 Limitation of Liabilitv 6.2.1 Each Party's liability to the other Party for any loss, cost, claim, injury, Iiability, or cxpense, including rcasonabl€ anorney's fees, relating to or ansing ftom any act or omission in its performance of this Agrcemcnt, shall be limited to the amount of direct damage actually incurred In no event shall cither Party be liable to the other Party for any indirect special, consequential, or punitivc damages, except as authorized by this Agr€ement. 6.2.2 Limitation of Liability for WIS Panies. If both Interconnecting Utility and Intcrconnection Customer are panies to the WIS Agreement, thcn the WIS AgrEcment shall control their liabilities with respect to damages to rhe Small Generation Facility, the Interconnection Facilities, or Inrcrconnecting Utility's Electric System. 6.3 Indemnitv 6.3.1 This provision protects each Party ftom liability incurred to third parties as a result of carrying out ths provisions of this Agreement. Liabili(y undcr this provision is exempt from the general limitations on liability found in anicle 6.6. 6.3.2 Interconnection Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold harrnless lnterconnectiDg Utility, its dirEctors, offrcers, employees, agents, and representatives, against and from any and all lossas, expenses, liabilities, claims or actions (herEafter "Loss"), based upon or arising out of bodily injuries or damages to penons, including without limitation dcath resulting thcrefrom, or physical damagcs to or losscs of propcrty caused by, adsing out of or sustaincd in connection with the construction, operation or maintenance of thc Small Generating Facility. lnterconnecting Utility shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Interconnection Customcr, its directors, ofllcers, employees, agents, and reprcsentatives, against and from any Loss, caused by, arising out of or -7Stimson Generator lnterconnection Agreement (GIA) sustained in connection with the construction, operation or maintenance of its electncal system. In the event that any such Loss is caused by the negligence of both Interconncction customer and Interconnecting utility, including their employees, agents, suppliers and subcontractors, the [,oss shall be bome by lnterconnection Customer and Interconnccting Utility in the proponion that their rcspective negligence bears to thc total negligence causing the Loss. 6.3.3 TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPUCABLE LAW, INTERCONNECTION CUSTOMER,L\D INTERCONNECTING UTILITY EACH WAIVE ANY IMMUNITY I.II\IIDER E)(ISTING WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW APPUCABLE TO TIM JI,JRISDICTION WHERE THE FACILITY IS TO BE LOCATED AS NECESSARY TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS TTIE OTHER FROM SUCH LOSS, TO THE EXTENT SET FORTH IN SECIION I3.1, ABOVE. 6.3.4 INTERCONNECTION CUSTOMER AND UTIIJTY SPECIFICALLY WARRAI{T T}IAT TIIE TERMS AND CONDMONS OF THE FOREGOING INDEMNTTY PROVISIONS ARE TI{E SI,JtsJEC"T OF MUTUAL NEGOTIATION BY THE PARTIES, AND ARE SPECIFICALLY A}.iD EXPRESSLY AGREED TO IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL BENEFTTS DERIVED TINDER THE TERMS OF T}IE AGREEMENT. 6.3.5. If an indcmnified person is entitled to indemnification under this article as a result of a claim by a third party, and the indemnifying Party fails, after notice and reasonsble oppornrnity to proceed uflder this anicle, !o assume the defense of such claim, such indcmnified person may at the expense of the indemnifying Party conte.st, setde or consent to the entry of any judp.ent with resp€ct to, or pay in full, such claim. 6.3.6 If an indemnifying party is obligated to indemnify and hold any indemnified person harmiess undcr this article, the amount owing to the indemnified pcrson shall bc the amount of such indcmnified person's actual loss, net of any insurance or other recovcry. 6.3.7 Promprly after rcceipt by an indemnificd person of any claim or notice of the commencement of any action or administrative or legal proceeding or investigation as to which the indcmnity provided for in this anicle may apply, the indemnified person shall notify the indemnifying pany of such fact. Any failure of or delay in such notification shall not affect a Party's indemnification obligation unless such failure or delay is materially prejudicial to the indemnifying party. 6-4 Consequential Damases. Other than aii expressly provided for in this Agrcement, neither Parry shall be liable under any provision of this Agrcement for any lo6ses, damages, costs or cxpenses for any special, indirect, incidental, consequentiai, or punitive damages, including but no1 limited to loss of profit or revenue, loss of the use of cquipment, cost of capital, cost of temporary equipment or services, whether based in whole or in pafl in contract, in torl, including Stimson Generator lnterconnection Agreement (GlA)-8- negligence, stdct liability, or any other theory oI liability; provided, however, that damages for which a Party may be liable to the other Party under another agreement will not bc considercd to be special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages hereunder. 6.5 Force Maieure 6.5.1 As uscd in this anicle, a Force Majeue Event shall mean 6.5.1 .l Any cause or condition beyond such Party's rcasonabl€ control which such Party is unable to overcome by the exercise of reasonable diligence (including but not limited to: fire, flood, earthquake, volcanic activity, wind, &ought and othcr acts of the elcments; court order and act of civil, military or govemmentsl authority; strike lockour and other labor dispute; riot, insunection, sabotage or wa6 breakdown of or damage to facilities or equipment; electrical disturbance originating in or transmitted through such Pany's electric systcm or any electric system with which such Pafly's system is interconne.cted; and, act or omission of any person or entity other than such Party, and Party's conlractors or suppliers of any tier or anyone acting on behalf of such Pany); or Any action taken by such Party which is, in rhe solejudgment of such Pany, nccessary or prudent to protect the operation, performance, integnty, reliability or stability of such Pany's electric system or any electric system with which such Party's eleclric system is interconnscted, whether such actions occur automaticall y or manually. 6.6.1 No Default shall exist where such failure to discharge an obligation (other than the payment of money) is the rcsult of a Force Majeure Event as defined in this Agreement or the result of an act or omission of the other Pany. Upon a Default, the nondefaulting Party shall give written notice of such Default to the defaulting Party. Except as providcd in article 7.6.2, the defaulting Party shall havc 30 calcndar days from Stimson Generator lnterconnection Agreement (GIA)9 6.5.2 If a Force Majeurc Evcnt prevents a Party from fulfitling any obligations un&r this Agreement, the Party affectcd by the Force Majeure Event (Affected Party) shall promptly notify the other Party, either in writing or via thc tclephone, of the existence of the Force Majeure Event. The notification must spccify in reasonable detail th€ circumstances of the Force Majeure Event, is expected duration, and the stcps that the Affccted Pafty is taking to mitigatc the effects of the cvent on its performance. The Affected Party shall keep the other Party informed on a continuing basis of developments rElatlng to thc Forc€ Majeure Event until the cvent ends. The Affected Party will be entitled to suspend or modify is performance of obligations under this Agrecment (other than the obligation to make payments) only to the extent that the effect of the Force Majeue Event cannot be mitigated by the usc of Reasonable Efforts. Ths Affected Party will use Reasonable Efforts to resume its performance as soon as possible. 6.6 Default receipt of the Default notlce withir which to cure such Default; provided however, if such Default is not capable of cure within 30 calendar days, the defaulting Party shall commence such curc within 30 calendar days after notice and continuously and diligently complet€ such curc within 90 calendar days from rcceipt of the Default notice; an4 if cured within such time, the Default specified in such notice shall cease to exist. 6.6.2 If a Default is not cued as provided in this anicle, or if a Default is not capable of being curcd within the period provided for hercin, the non-defaulting Party shall have the right to tenninatc this Agreemcnt by written notice at any time until curc occurs, and be relieved of any further obligation hereunder and, whether or not that Party terminates this Agreement, to Ecover from the defaulting Pany all amounts due hereunder, plus all other damages and remedies to which it is entitled at law or in equity. The provisions of this article will survive tcrmination of this Agle€ment. ARTICI,E 7. INSTJRANCE 1-l The lntcrconnection Customer shall, at its own expense, maintain in force general liability insurance without any exclusion for liabilities rclated to the intcrconnection undertaken pufsuant to this Agre€ment. The amount of such insurance shall be suflicicnt to insurc against all reasonably forcseeable direct liabilities given the size and nature of the generating equipment being interconnected, the inlerconnection itsclf, and the charduteristics of the system to which the interconnection is made, provided that at a minimurn Interconnection Customer shall obtain commercial general liability insurance for bodily injury and property damagc with limis equal to $ 1,000,000 for each occurrence, combincd single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current insurance udlity practlcos for a similar property. The lnterconnection Customer shall obtain additional insurance only if necessaqr as a function of owning and operating a generating facility. Snch insurance shall be obtained from an insurancc provider authorized to do business in the State where the interconnection is located. Certification that such insurance is in effect shall be provided upon rcquest of the lnterconnecting Utility, except that the Interconnection Customer shall show proof of insurance to the Interconnecting Utility no later than ten Business Days prior to the anticipated coEmercia.l operation date. An lnterconnection Customer of sufficient credit-worthiness may propose to self-insure for such liabilitics, and such a proposal shall not be unreasonably rejected. '1 .2 The lnterconnecting Utility agrees to maintain general liability insurance or self- insurance consistent with the lntcrconnccting Utrlity's commercial practice. Such insurance or self-insurance shall not cxclude coverage for the Interconnecting Utility's liabilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. 7.3 The Partics further agrce to notify each othcr whenever an accident or incidcnt occurs resulting in any injuries or damages that arc included within the scope of coverage of such insurancc, whether or not such coverage is sought. Stimson Generator Interconnection Agreement (CIA)-10- ARTICI,E 8. DISPUTFS 8.t Any claim or disputc which eithcr Party may havc against thc otber arising out of or relating to this Agre€ment or the breach, terminarion or validity thereof (any such claim or dispute, a "Dispute") shall be submitted in writing to the other Pany. Upon such notice, the Panies shall follow the applicable Dspute Resolution procedures in Anachment 5. 9.1 GoverninE [,aw. Resulatory Authority. &nd Rules. The validity, interpretation and enforcernent of this Agreement and each of its provisions shsll be govemed by the laws of the state of ldaho (wherc the Point of Interconnection is located), without rcgard to its conflicts of law principles. This Agrecment is subject to all Applicable Laws and Regulations. Each Party cxpresly reserves the right to scck changes in, appeal, or otherwise contcst any laws, orders, or regulations of a Governmental Authority. 9.2 Amendment. The Paflies may amend this Agreement by a wrinen instnunent duly executed by both Panies. 9.3 No Third-Partv Beneficiaries. This Agrcement is not intended to and does not create rights, remedies, or bcnefits of any charactcr whatsoever in favor of any persons, corporations, associations, or entities other than the Panies, and the obligations herein assumed are solely for the use and benefit of the Parties, their successors in intercst and where permitted, their assigns. 9.4 Waiver. 9.4.2 Any waiver aI any time by either Party of its rights with respect to this A$eement shall not bc dccmcd a continuing waiver or a waiver with respect to any other failu.re to comply with any other obligation, right, duty of this Agrecment. Termination or default of this Agre€ment for any reason by Interconnection Customer shall not constitute a waiver of the Interconnection Customels legal rights to obtain ar interconnection from the lnterconnecting Utility. Any warver of this A$eement shall, if rcquested bc provided in writing. 9.5 Entirc Aerc€ment. This Agreement, including all Attachments, constitutes the entirc agreement between the Partics with refercncc to the subject rEtter hereof, aad supcrsedes dl prior and contemporancous understandings or agreements, oral or written, betwecn the Parties with rcspcct to the subjcct matter of this Agreement. There are no other agreements, rEpresentations, warranties, or covenants which constimte any part of the consideration for, or - 11- ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOUS 9.4.1 The failure of a Party to this Agrecment to insist, on any occasion, upon strict pcrformance of any provision of this Agreement will not be considered a waiver of any obligation, right, or duty of, or imposed upon, such Party. Stimson Generator Interconnection Agreement (GIA) any condition to, either Party's compliance with ils obligations under this Agreement. 9.6 Multrole Countemans. This Age€ment may be exccuted in two or more countcrparts, €ach of which is dcemcd an original but all constitute one and thc same instrument. 9.7 No Partnership. This Agreement shall nol be interpreted or construed to crsate an association, joint venturc, agcncy relationship, or partnership bctwcen the Parties or to impose any pannership obligation or partnership liability upon either Pany. Neither Pany shall havc any right, power or authority to cntcr into any agrecment or undenaking for, or act on behalf of, or to act as or be an agenl or rcpresentadve of, or to otherwise bind, the other Party. 9.9 Securitv Arrangements. Infrastructure secudty of electric system equipment and operations and control hardware and software is essential to ensur€ day-to{ay rcliability and operational security. FERC expects dl Interconnecting Utility's, market participanB, and Interconnection Customers interconnccted to electric systems to comply with the recommendations offered by the President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board and, eventually, best practice recommendations from the electric reliability authority. All public utilities are expected to meet basic standards for system inftastnrcture and operational security, including physical, opcrational, and cyber-secudty practices. 9.10 Environmenml Releases. Each Pany shall notify &e other Party, first orally and then in writing, of the release of any hazardous substances, any asbestos or lead abatement sctivities, or 8Dy type of remediation activities related to the Small Generating Facility or the lnterconnccdon Facilities, each of which may reasonably be expected to affect the other Party. Thc notifying Party shall (l) provide the notice as soon as practicable, provided such Party makes a good faith effort to provide the notice no larr than 24 hours after such Party becomes aware of thc occurrence, and (2) promptly fumish to the othcr Party copies of any publicly availablc reports filed with any govemmental authorities addressing such events. 9.1 I Subcontractors. Nothing in this Agrcement shall prevent a Party from utilizing the services of any subcontractor ss it deems appropriate to p€rform its obligations under this Agrccment; provided, howcver, that each Party shall require its subcontractors to comply with all applicable terms and conditions of this Ageement in pmviding such services and each Pany shall remain primarily liable to the other Pafiy for the performance of such subconractor, 9.ll.l Thecrcation of any subontract relationship shall not rclieve the hiring Party of any of its obligations undcr this Agreement. The hiring Pany shall be fully rcsponsible to the other Pafly for thc acts or omissions of any subcontractor the hiring Stimson Generator Interconnection Agreement (GIA)-t2- 9.8 Severabilitv. If any provision or portion of this Ag€ement shall for any rcason be held or adjudged to be invalid or illegal or uncnforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction or other Govemmental Authority, (l) such ponion or provision shall be deemed separate and indepcndent, (2) the Panies shall negotiatc in good faith to rastorc insofar as practicablc thc benefis ro each Party thBt werE affected by such ruling, and (3) the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and cffect. Party hires as if no subcontract had been made; provided, however, that in no event shall the Interconnecting Utility be liable for the actions or inactions of the Interconnection Customer or its subcontractors with respect to obligations of the Interconnection Customer under this Agrcement. Any applicable obligation imposed by this Agreement upon the hiring Party shall bc equally binding upon, and shall bc construed as having application to, any subcontractor of such Party. 9.1 1.2 The obligations un&r this article wiU not bc limited in any way by any limiation of subcontractor's insurdnce. 10.1 General. Unless otherwise pmvided in this Agreement, any written nodce, demand, ot request required or authorizcd in connection with this Agrccment ("Notice") shall be dccmcd properly given if delivered in pcrson, dclivercd by rccognized national currier service, or 6ent by first class mail, postagc prcpaid, to thc person specified below: lf to the lnterconnection Customer: Interconnection Customer: Stimson l-umber Company Attention : President/CEO Address: 520 S.W. Yamhilll Suite 700 City: Portland State: Orcgon Zp: 97204 Phone: (503) 222-1686 Fax: (503) 222-2682 If to the Interconnecting Utility: lntcrconn ecting Utility: Avista Corporation Attentiou: Manager, Transmission Services Address: l4l I E. Mission Avenue City: Spokane StatE: Washington Z,rp: 99202- 19O2 Phone: (509) 489-0500 Far: (509) 495-8542 10.2 Billins and Pavment. Billings and payments shall be sent to lhe addresses set out below: lnterconnection Customer: Stimson Lumber Company Anention: Manager Address: 732 l0'h St. City: Plummer State: Idaho Zp: 8385I Irterconnecting Utility: Avista Corporatron Amendon: Manager, Transmission Services Address: l4l1 E. Mission Avenue -13-Stimson Generator Intcrconnection Agrcement (GIA) ARTICLE IO. NOTICES City: Spokane State: Washington Ztp: 99202-1902 10.3 Altemative Forms of Notice. Any notice or rcquest required or p€mitted to be given by either Party to the other and not required by this AgrEement to b€ given in writrng may be so givcn by telephone, facsimile or e-mail to the telephone numbers and e-marl addrcsses set out below: If to the Intcrconnection Customec Intcrconnection Customer: Stimson lmbcr Company Attendon: Manaser lddress: 732 10[ St. City: Plummer Statc: Idaho Zip: 83851 Phonc: (208) 686-9080 Regional Genera.l Manager Phone: (208) 67 4304 If to the lnterconnecting Utility: Interconnecting Utility: Avista Corporation Attention: Manager, Transmission Services Address: 1411 E. Mssion Avenue City: Spokaae State: Washington Z,tp: 99202-1902 Phone: (509) 489{500 Fax: (509) 495-8542 i0.4 Desisnated Operating Rcorcsentative. Thc Partres may also dcsignate operating reprcsentatives to conduct the cornrnunications which may be necessary or convenienl for lhe administration of this Agreement. This person will also serve as the point of contact with respect to operations and maintenance of the Party's facilities. Interconnection Customer's Operating Representative: Interconnectioo Customer Stimson Lumber Company Attention: Manager Address: 732 106 St. City: Plummer State: Idaho Zp: 83851 Phone: (208) 686-9080 Rcgioral General Manager Phone: (208) 667-43M Intdconnecting Utility's Operating Reprcscntative: lnterconnecting Utrlity: Avista Corporation Anention: System Operator, Transmission Opcrations Address: l4ll E. Mission Avcnue City: Spokane State: Washingron Z,rp: 99202-19O2 Phone: (509) 495-8732 Fax: (509) 495-8061 Stimson Generator Interconnection Agrcement (GlA)-14- 10.5 Chanses to the Notice Information. Either Party may change this information by giving five Business Days written notice prior to the effective date of the change. ARTICLE I 1. SIGNATIJ'RES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Ageement to be executed by their respective duly au&orized representatives. For the Interconnectins Utilitv Name: Signature: TitIC: Date: Name: Signature Titlc: Date: William Jeff Schlect Manager, Transmission Services Qc--t<s6s 7 q ^006 For thc Interconnect:on Customer E. Percssiri "ll)0,lwuttrt Vice President / CFO tJ 0b Stimson Gcncrator lntcrconncction Agreerncnt (GlA)-15- Attachment I Glossary of Terms Afrecled System - An electric $ystem other than thc Interconnecting Utilityk Electric System that may be affected by the proposed interconnection. Applicable Laws and Regulatlons - All duly promulgated applicable fcderal, state and local laws, regulations, rules, ordinances, codes, decrees, judgments, directives, or judicial or adnunistrative ordcrs, pcrmits and other duly authorized actions of any Govemmental Authonty Business Day - Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays. Default - The failure of a breaching Pafly to cure its brcach under the Small Generator lnterconnection Agreement. Electric System - The facilities owned, controlled or operated by the Interconnecting Uulity Good Utility Practice - Any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonoble judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desLed rcsult at a rcasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safcty and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, or act to the cxclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the region. Goveramental Authority - Any fedcral, state, Iocal or other govemmental rcgulatory or administrative agency, court, commission, department, board, or other govemmental subdivision, Iegislature, rulemaking board, tribunal, or other goverDmental euthority having jurisdiction over the Parties, their rcspective facilities, or the respective services they provide, and exercising or entitled to exercise any adrninistrativc, executivc, police, or taxing authority or power; provided, howcver, that such term does not include the Interconnection Customer, the lnterconncction Provider, or any Affiliate thereof. Interconnecting Utility - The public utility (or its designated agent) that owns, controls, or operates transmission or distribution facilities uscd for the [ansmission of electricity in inlerstate coltmerce. Glossary of Terms I Distribution System - The Interconnecting Utility's facilities and equipmenl used to transmit electricity to ultimatc usage points such as homes and industries dircctly from ncarby generators or from intcrchanges with higher voltage transmission networks which transport bulk power over longer distances. The voltagc levels at which Distribution Systems op€rate differ arnong areas. Intercotrnection Customer - Any entity that proposes to interconnect its Small Generating Facility with the Intcrconnccting Utility's Electric System. Interconnection Facilities - The hterconnecting Utility's Intercofflection Facilities and the Intenonnection Customer's Interconnection Facilities. Collectively, Iaterconnection Facilities include all facilities and equipment between the Small Generating Facility and the Point of Interconnection, including any modification, additions or upglades that are necessaty to physically and electrically interconnect the Small Generadng Facility to thc lnterconnecting Utility's Electric System. lnterconnection Requcst - The Interconnection Customer's requcst to interconnect a new Small Generating Facility, or to increase the capacity of, or make a Material Modificatron to the operating characteristics of, an existing Small Gcnerating Facility that is intcrconnscrcd with the Interconnectrng Utility's Electric System. Material Modilicedon - A modification that has a material impact on the cost or timing of any Interconnection Request with a later queue priority date. Operating Requirements - Any operating and technical requircments that may be applicable due to Regional Trsnsmission Organization, Independcnt System Operator, control area, or the lnterconne.ting Utility's rcquirements, including those set fonh in the Small Generator Interconnection Agrccmcnt. Party or Parties - The lnterconnecting Utility and l-nterconnection Customer Point of Interconnection - The point where the Interconnection Facilities connect with the Interconnecting Utility's Electric Systcm. Reasonable Efforts - With respect to an action required to b€ attcmpted or takon by a Party under ths Small Generslor Interconnection Agreement, efforts that are timely and consistcnt with Good Utility Practice and are otherwise subsantially equivalent to those a Party would use to protect its own interests. Srmll Generating Pacility - The Interconnection Customer's device for the production of elcctricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Interconnection Customer's lnterconnection Facilities. WIS Agreement - Means the Agreement Limiting Liabiliry Among wesrem Inrerconnectcd Systcms. Glossary of Terms -') .4,ttachment 2 Description of the Small Generating Facility, Interconnection Facilities, and Metering Equipment Descriotion of lnterconnection Facilities. Ownership and Costs Avista-Owned lnterconnection Facilities The following equipment are existing interconnection facilities owned by Avista: Vr'cstinghouse Type ES-560 oil circuit rccloser, l4.4kV, 560 amp, 8000 amp intcmrpting, complete with a Bitronics thre€-phase solid state demand ammeter, three phase and one ground Westinghouse T1'pe CO overcurrcnt relays, one Westinghousc Type RC reclosing relay, and six I200:5 A multi-ratio bushing current transformers. Thrce S&C 15 kV, 6m A single-pole single-throw disconnect switches. Thrce S&C 15 kV, 600 A single-pole tandem-transfer disconnect switches. One General Electric Type JVW-5 70:l ratro potential transformer with secondary disconnectrng device. Three Gcncral Electric Type IKW-5 400:5 A current tansformers Thrcc 10 kV distribudon class lightrdng arresters. One wood feeder bay, complete \,r/ith insulators and conductors. One General Electdc Typc AB-40 voltmeter. The following equipment was installed for this project lo facilitate ir interconnection of the generation. This equipment was originally paid for by Plummer Forest Products but Avista will own the equipmenL One 78" high standard 19" equipment rack with panel segrnents. One thrre element solid state bidirectional watt/varhour mcter with mass memory, Scientific Columbus Type JEM 603 J-P-MM. One microprocessor based protective rclay, Schweitzer Engineering l-aboratories Type SEL-351 for feeder overcurrcnt, under/overflEquency, under/over voltage, voltage unbalance and hot bus/dead line reclosing functions. -l Four Statcs Typc FMS l0 pole test swiahes for thc above metcr and relay One RFL telemetry tone rack with power supply and cards for continuous transmrssion of inEtantancous wans and vars, and hourly transmission of kilowatthour quantities. One fiberglass telephone equipment cabinet with SNC telephone isolation equipment Approximately 40' of 2'' Schedulc 80 PVC conduit for trew telephonc circuit, trenched, installed and bacldilled Avista drawing L-31123 is anached (included in Attachment 3) which is an interconnection one line diagam of the metcring points and locations. There are no Terminal Voltage Regulators on this project. The generators follow voltage of the Avista systcm bus. Generator-Owned Itrterconnection Facilities The generation facility consists of a 6,250 kW, 3600 rpm, 2t100 / 416O Volt, Westinghouse tubine generator unit consisting of an impulse type condensing steam turbine connected to a 5,000 kW,0.80 p.f. 6,250 kVA, air-coolcd generator, with direct connected 125 Volt excitcr. The steam generator is a Riley Generating wood fired, traveling grate sprEadcr, sroke type, with capacity of 70,000 lbs-/hr. of 750 degree (F) steam at 420 psig. The overall oneJine diagram of the Generation Facility is attached- The power is transformed through a three phasc 6.25 MVA Delta-Y 4160 / l38m Volt ransformer, thar is protected by a 560 Amp l5 kV breaker. Between the brcal<er and Plummer Substation is a 13.8 kV distribution line owncd by Stimson Lumber Company. The conductor of this distribution line is 4/0 ASCR and is approximately % mile long. Thc point of inlcrcomection and point of change of ownership is a breaker inside Plummer Substation that is uscd solely for the Stimson L,umber Company generation connertion and is owned by Avista. Drawing 1305-1841 (Pacific Crown Powcr Transmission One-.line) is attached (included in Anachmcnt 3) as additional information. Attachment 3 One.line Diagram Depicting the Small Generating Facility, Interconnection Facilities, and Metering Equipment I L -!r r1t,0,0l,or,l.t!t. r r, I :2 I F l"li 9 E i[x(!r z 1iI E ai : E{ TSAEE F!EEg 2!ElE.:E (:) Z-!>.? a5: E:l::? EE1:i: EE If, !:19't:: ':I IER EX!:rril IE gf :. :.:t 3E::i T' EE-IT xE s?e-aet !E -E :r Eiu; Zr.?-e|1E Cr;-- i::E E 8r! : E: N:E a:36nTnt-t; lz IH B IEfl EA H ri + I f 1 +EE e=B -98 ;- c rt- li I rl. r.f a,tll ) __J I l I I I I II I I I I I I I.l II II II I I.,I'.titl, .1t. I Iii, I I I I I I Il -l-I -- I I I I I I I I I I I I \ ) I I I I I II I I I I I I -+ I I I ) ! ; I ! S i lr- is-lL--1uL -! li'a \ i!l t+'i f ! '5' 'f \\ i! ':a--lLl' lr. I .l I ti ini\lc r:t I'i! I tl ,lF' I I ;:. "'l , ,] :l@I ,I I I I l I,l Irill 1. it o.l i 't-\ ri t: :.. {iil Attachment 4 Additional Operating Requirements for the Interconnecting Utility's Electric System and Alfected Systems Needed to Support the Interconnection Customer's Needs l. Generallnterconnectionrequiremen for senerators srcater than 5000 kW 1.1 Generating Facility will be interconnected at transmission voltage levels only unless systgm studies indicate disuibution connections are acceptable. 1.2 Generating in parallel with Generating Company's load will be acceptable only if Ganerating Facility can be installed at disuibuuon primary voltage levels. 1.3 Ccncrating Company will be rcsponsible for ail transformation. Transformers will be delta-wye,/grd connected (wye on the primary sidc), unlcss otherwise agreed to by Avista. Avisu must approve all transformer specifications. 1.4 All generator sizes will requirc detailed studies to determine the extent of the impact on Avista's electrical system and the scope of required interconnection facilities. 1.5 All generators of this size will be synchronous machines unless approved by Avista. 1.6 Depending on the size, location, and separat€ contractual arrangements for the generalion, Avista may requirc rea.l-timc status of some elements of the Generating Facility, as weU as direct voice communications with the operations personnel at the Facility. 2. Meterins. Communications and Data. 2.1 Avista will install a bidircctional encrgy meter with time-referenced recording of kWh and kVARh (at Generating Facility's cxpcnse). 2.2 All generators of this sizc will requirc tclcmelry of real and reactive power, as well as krir'h and kVARh transmittcd to Avista's System Operations Office. 2.3 Verbal communications will be rrquired bctwe€n Generating Facility's operator and Avista's System Operations Office for all Generation of this size before Ccneraring Facility is put on line, or taken off line. 3. Protection. 3.1 Depending on size and location, Gcneration Facility may be required to panicipate in any Remedial Action Schemes designated by Avista, NERC, WSCC, NWPP, or any other regional operation authority. 3.2 All gcnerators will be requircd to have minimal prolection as specified in Section 3 of this Agrcement. Additional protection may bc nccded depending on the lrsults of systcm studies, (up to and including communication-aided tripping schemes). 4. Voltase ld Frcquencv. 4.1 Steady state and transient voltage and frequency support will be required from all generatoE of this size. 4.2 All generators will be supplied with high response excitation systems specified and tested in accordance with ANSyIEEE Standard 42.1 through 42.5, including latest revisions or additions. Specific rcsponse characteristics, regulation abilities, and operating rangeE must b€ agreed upon by Avisu before interconnection to Avista's electrical system. 4.3 Any gencrator of this sizc shall include a power system stabilizer if its excitation system is suitablc for such usc. All new gencrators shall bc spcified for construction with a suitable ercitation system, (per WSCC policy).. 4.4 All generaton will be supplied with speed govcming of their prime mover. Govemor controls will comply with NERC, WSCC, and ANSVTFFF Standards for speed/load contrcl. At a minimum, govemor droop will be set at 5% and deadband will not excecd plus or minus 0.06%. 4.5 Grncrating Facility and/or associatcd loads must have the capability of opcrating at a power factor of 95% or bcttcr (leading or lagging) as scheduled by Avista's Sysrcm Opcrations Office. In Addition, Avista's System Opcrations Office will have the right to request generator operation outsidc of 95% power faclor as long as the machine's capabilities are not exceeded- 4.6 It must bc recogniz€d that generators of this size will be expected to operate temporarily outsidc of normal voltage and frequency ranEes in order to support area or regiona.l distubanccs and prevent widesprcad outageE. This becomes vcry 2 important for larger generating units. The Generating Company will be expecled to wort closely with Avista's technical staff in the preparation of all machine specifications . -3- Attachment 5 l. Statements of Dispute. The Dispute Resolution provisions of this Agreement shail be invoked by either Party to resolve any Dispute arising under this Agreement. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of a Party's request that the arbitration process be commenced, each Party shall submit a statement in wdting to the other Party, which statement shall set fonh in reasonable detail the nature of the Dispurc and the issues to be arbitrated. 2. Selection of an Arbitrator. Within ten (10) calendar days foliowing the submission of th€ statements described in Section I above, the Parties shall s€lect an arbirator familiar with and knowledgeable about the technical and regulatory requirements for gencration interconnection. If thc Parties cannot agree upon an arbitralor, or do not agree on a means of selecting an arbitrator that differs from that set forth herEin, thc Parties shall apply to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, for the appoinunent of an arbitrator. Absent the expr€ss written consent of all Parties as to any particular individual, no person shall be eligible for selection as an arbitruor who is a past or present officcr, mcmber of the goveming body, employcc of, or consultant to any of the Parties, or of an entity related to or affiliated with any of the Parties, or whose interests aIe otherwise affected by the matter to be arbitrated. Any individual designated as an arbitrator shall make known to the Pafiies any such disqualifying relationship, and a new arbitrator shall bc dcsignated in accordance with the provisions of this Section. 3. Procedural Rules. Thc arbitrator shall dcterminc discovery procedures, compliance with intervention requirEments, how evidcnce shall be taken, what writtcn submittals may be made and other such proccdurEl matters, taking into account the complexity of the issues involved, the extent to which factual matters are disputed and the extent to which the credibility of witnesses is relevant to a resolution of the dispute. Interveners shall have the same procedura'l rights as penics to the dispute. Each party to the dispute shall produce all evidence dctermined by thc arbitrator to be rrlevant to the issues presented. To the exte[t such evidcncc involves propnetary or conlidential information, the arbitrator shall issue an appropriate protectivc ordcr that shall be complied with by all parties to the dispute. The arbitrator may elect to rcsolve the arbifation matter solely on the basis of written evidence and arguments. Dispute Resolution Procedures -l- 4. Intervention. The arbitrator shall admit as irterveners iD tie Dispute Resolution pmcess any pany that rcquests intervention and demonstrates to the arbitrator good cause for intervention. Absenr the agreement to the contrary of all parties, no party shall be pcrmitted to inlervene unless, as a condilion of its intervcntion, it agrces to be bound by the provisions of this Attachment 5 in regard to the arbitration, including the provisions rclated to deference on appeal to the FERC or state regulatory commission set forth in Scction 8. 5. Evidence. The a$itrator sha.ll take evidence submitted by the drsputing p&rties in accordance with procedures established by the arbitrator and may request additlonal information, including thc opinion of recognized technical bodies. All disputing parties shall bc afforded a rcasonable opponunity to rebut any such additional information. Other affecrcd cntities may request in writing that the aftitmtor consider additional information, and the arbitrator may consider such additional information, subject to a right of the disputing parties to have a reasonable opportunity to rebut such additional information. 6, Subslantive Standards and Decision. As soon as practicable, but in no event later than one hundrcd fifteen (115) calendar days after his or her selection as arbitrator, the arbitrator shall render a written decision and reasons therefore. ln reaching his or her dccision, the arbitrator shall consider the intcnt of this Agrcement; other applicable agreements, laws or rcgulations; or applicable technical standards and criteria not inconsistent with this Agreement. A wrinen &cision, including specific findings of fact, explaining the basis for the award sha.ll be provided by the arbiuator with the written notice to the disputing parties. Awards shall be based only on the evidence on the record before the a$irators. No award that is not appealcd shall be deemed to be precedential in any oth€r arbiuation rclated to a different dispute. 7. Compliance ard Cost$ 7.7 Compliance witb the Arbitrators' Award. Immediately upon the decision by the arbitrators, cxcept during the period of appeal as providcd for in Section 8, the disputing parties shall commence to take, and thercafEr diligently prosecute to completion, whatever action is rcquired to comply with thc selccted award to the extent the selecrcd award does not require regulatory action. To thc extent the sward requires approval or regulatory action by a local, tnbal, state, federal or provincial body of competent jurisdiction; FERC review of an award involving a federal power marketing agency; or a FERC filing by a transmission provider subject to Scctions 205 or 206 of the Federal Power Act, 16 USC 0$824d and 824e; the affccted a disputing party shall promptly submit and support thar portron of the award with the appropriatc authority except as provided in Section 8. Any and all costs associarcd with thc arbitration Out not including dre disputing partics' costs a$ociated with attomey and witncss fees) shall be borne by the disputing pany or partres whose proposed award was not selected, unless the disputing parties agrce to an a.ltemate method of allocating costs, or unless the aftitrator determines il would be appropriate to allocate all or a portion of such costs to one or morc lntervencrs 7.2 Effect of Award. Except for it not being precedential, an award that is not appealed shall be deemed to have the sanre force and effect as an order entered by the appropriate regulatory agency. 8. Grounds for Appca.l. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the issuance of any arbitration award, any pany to an arbitration may apply to the FERC or ro a state regulatory comrnission to hear an appeal of such award with respect to matten to which a regulatory agency has jurisdiclion, but only upon the grounds that the award is contrary to or beyond the scope of this Agreement or is unjust, unreasonable, unduly discriminatory or prcferendal or otherwise incorsistent with then applicable standards or policies or applicable law. Any appeal shall be based solely upon the rccord assembled by the a$itrator; provided however, that any ordcr by aa arbirrator excluding material frcm the adiuation record or any ruling that is alleged to vioiate due process may bc explicitly appealcd by a pafiy as a pafl of an appcal undcr this Section 8. Psrties to a$itratons agrce that (i) substantial defcrcnce shall be afforded to the factual frndings of the aftitrator; (ii) the portion, if any, of the award rclating to issucs not of first impression (i.e., maners previously decidcd by the FERC, I slate rcgulatory commission, or a court of compctcnt jurisdiction in cases involving comparable facts and circumstances) should be afforded appropriat€ defercncei and (iii) the portion, if any, of the award relating to issues of fint impression should be afforded no defcrence. Implernentation o[ the award shall be stayed pending an appcal unlcss and until, at the rcquest of a disputing parry, an ordcr shortening or extending the stay. 9, No Expansion of Fsctual Record. No party m an arbitation shall seek to cxpand the factual record beyond lhat assembled by the arbitrator, except that any party to an arbitration may submit such additional evidence or argument as may be needed to respond to ncw evidence or arguments raised by interveners who were not pafiies to the arbitration. -3- 10. Judiclal Enforcemenl Subject to the right of any party o appeal, and exhaustion of remedies, any party shall be entitled to seek enforcement of thc award in any court of competent jurisdiction. 4 Contact lnformation 1 Verbal Communications. All communicatrons betwe€n Generating Company and Avista shall be done verbally by notifying the following panies: (a) Pre-Schedule (5:30 a.m. to approximately l:30 p.m. on normal Business Days): Avista Pre-Scheduler (509) 495-49 1 I Altemate Phone Number: (509) 4954073 Stimson Lumber Manager, Stimson Plummcr Sawmill (208) 686-9080 Altemate Phone Number: Regional Gcneral Manager (208) 6674304 (b)Real-Time Schedule (available 24 hours per day): Avisu Real-Time Scheduler (509) 495-853a Stimson Lumber Manager, Stimson Plummer Sawmill (208) 686-9080 Altemate Phone Number: Regiona! General Manager (208) 6674304 (c)During normal business hours, all verbal communications relating to intemrptions and outages: Avista System Operator (509) 4954105 Altemale Phone Number: (509) 4954934 Stimson Lumber Manager, Stimson Plurnmer Sawmill (208) 68G9080 Alternate Phone Number: Regional General Manager (zOE)ffi7-43w (d) Outside of normal business hous (nighs, weekends, and holidays), ail verbal communications rclating to intemrptions and oulages shall take place between the following personnel: Avista System Opcrator (509) 4954i05 Altemate Phone Number: (509) 495-4934 Stimson Lumbcr Manager, Stimson Plummer Sawmill Cell phone: (208) 659-4158 Alternate Phone Numbcr Regiona.l General Manager Ccll phone (208) 659-7289 Either Party may provide writtcn notice to the other Party setting forth differ€nt contsct numbers. I Attachment 6 T'INAL t L20/t e Erhibil D Dccrtotion Of thc frcllin' This Exhibit is wEivcd as Stirnsfi is ao cxising faciln;r. Erhibit D FINAL IznAt9 Rcplrccucnt f,rhlbit E Purcbm Priecr Thc pricing ioftilntion providcd hcrain ie bcscd oo cuncnr ovoided cost ratcr in ldsho (Augurt 30.201 l) rDd b $bjccl !o dunge. Tbc priciug +plictblc to drc pojcct will bc consiltcnt with tbc rvoidcd cost retcs thrr erc in cffoct et drc tirnc thst lbc prrtics eotcr imo r dcfrnitivc rgrc*rnurt. Perio'd Hcavy lood Hours ft4u& Light Lred Hours sarwb 53J7 4t.67 51.57 48.17 37.47 48.t7 2020 Ja+. Fcb 2020 Mar-Jun 2020 Jul-Dec Elhibir E I