HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191227Decision Memo.pdfI ,_ DECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CONIMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COIVIMISSIO N SE C R ETARY LECAL WORKING FILE FRONI: YAO YIN DA'I'E: DECENTBER 26.2019 UPDATE TO AVISTA'S PURPA AVOIDED COST RATES TO INCORPORATE NEW COST OF DEI]'I'; CASE NO. AVU-E-19-14 Pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) and the implenrenting regulations of thc Fcdcral l')nergy Regulatory Commission (FERC). the Commission approved a Surrogate Avoided Resource (SAR) nrethodology for calculation ofthe published avoided cost rates paid to PURPA qualilying cogeneration and smal) power production facilities (QFs) by ldaho Power Company. Avisla Corporation. and PaciliCorp. STAI-F'S UPDATES TO PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES On November 29,2019. the Comnrission issued Order No. 34499. the final Order in Avista's recent general rate case (Case No. AVU-E-19-04). The conclusion ofthe general ratc case has triggered recalculation of published avoided cost rates for Avista to reflect the change of cost of debt fron 5.72%o ro 5.20ok. As a result, the weighted cost of capital, which depends on debt and equity, has changed f'rom 7.61% to 7.35oh. Past practice has been to incorporate new changes following a general rate casc. Weighted cost of capital alfects avoided cost rales in the SAR model in tu'o wavs. First. il represents the avoided cost to a ulilit),to finance construction of new facilities. Second, it is used as a discount rate in the process oflcvelizing avoided cost rates. A change in weighted cost ofcapital from cach of these effects impacts levelized avoided cost rates in opposite directions. For example. when weighted cost ofcapital is decreased, as is seen in this case, the cosl to finance new facilities decreases. lorvering avoided cost rales. IIowever, a lowcr weighted cost of capital also causes higher avoided cost rates when determining levelized rales, because cash DECISION MITIvIORANDU M DECEN,IBER 26.2019-l- STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission process the case by modified procedure and set a comment deadline ofJanuary 20, 2020. and a reply comment deadline ofJanuary 27,2020. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Nolice of Modified Procedure that sets a comment deadline ofJanuary 20. 2020. and a reply comment deadline of lanuary 27,2020 in this case? eak" Yao Yin UdmcmoyA!isls'9 waighled Co6tofCapital decmemo 2DECISION MEMORANDLIM DECEMBER 26, 20I9 flows in the future are discounted less when brought back to present value. The hnal change in levelized avoided cost rates depends on the nel effect. Staff has recalculated published avoided cosl rates for Avista using the new cost ofdebt as shown in the attachment. For levelized rates, new avoided cost rates can be higher or lower than the old avoided cosl rates, depending on the contract length. However, non-levelized rates are only affected by the decrease in cost to finance new facilities. Because there is an overall decrease in the weighted cost ofcapital, thc proposed nonJevelized avoided cost rates are consistently lower than the old nonJevelized rates. Staff sent a letter via email to Avisla on December 26, 2019. Attached to the letter was an updated vcrsion ofthe published avoided cost model as well as the resulting new avoided cost rates. Staffasked Avista to review Lhe model and file comments with the Commission by the comment deadline regarding whether the inputs were updated and included in the model correctly. AVISTA AVOIOEO COST RATES FON WIND PROJECTS xxxx, 2020 tn wh Nsyr Conlnctt and Raplrcamant Cmlracl3 wllhout Full Caprctly P.ym.nls Ellglblllty for thele ralcs ls limiled to prolccts 100 kW or 3maller. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZEO CONTRACT LENGTH (YEARS) CONTRACI YEAH NON,LEVELIZEO RATES2020202124222023 2024 2025 1 2 3 5 6 7II 10 1l ,12 t3 14 r5 l5 17 18 19 20 24.78 2A 92 29.10 30 17 3r.1{ 32.r8 33 47 34 53 35 52 36.36 37 11 378/ 34.55 39 23 39 88 40 50itl I I 41.66 12 23 4215 29.a7 ?375 30 7r 31.84 33 01 u17 35.62 36 66 37.55 38.35 39.07 39 E0 a0.50 41.t E,lr 82 12.15 43.04 43 50 1111 aa 67 30 4a 31.62 32 S0 34 t9 35 80 37.00 38.09 38.98 39.79 40.51 41_26 a1 97 12.65 a3 3t a3 95 a4 55 1512 45.67 16.22 16.74 32 8r 34_25 35.61 37-38 3E 6r 39.70 40.58 4t 37 a2 0E 12 81 43.53 aa.21 44.47 43_52 16 13 16 71 a7 27 47 8:t 48.35 48 66 35 76 37lrt 40 33 2t1.39 12.22 42_94 43.64 14.37 45 07 45.75 16 42 a7.05 {7.68 18 26 {4.83 19.40 19.94 50.4s 50 97 38 62 40.98 12 08 4:i.05 43 8t 4a.51 4512 45 83 16 52 4t _20 47.65 48 5l 49 13 19-12 50 29 5087 51 a2 51.95 52.48 53 02 2020 2021 2022 2023 m21 m25 m26 2n27 mza 2029 2030 203r 2n32 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 zUO 2M1 2042 2013 2041 2045 24.78 ?307 30 48au 35 76 38 62 13 52 44 5r 45.t18 47.11 $-a2 49 St 52.13 5127 56 07 s7.79 59 79 5r 23 62 80 54 itg 66 95 68.30 59 86 72 52 75 56 78 53 Not€: Tnss€ rat€s will bs f!,nher adiusr€d wilh the applrcablE i,rlegralion charge Not.r The r.t!3 lhoyrn rn thB l.bl. hav. bc.n comp!,|.d lr' n9 h. U.S. En.Oy lnlofln.llon Adminiilraliofl (ElA)! Anfiral En.rgy Outbok 2019, r.l.aa.d J.nu.ry 2019 Sca AnrwslEn Cy Oullook ml9, Table 3I En€rgy Pdc.3 by Sacto.-l&unlain al mp3/r'*wr-.|a.lpv/oullookde6o/laus6_.3i.php AVISTA Pago I ON.LINE YEAA AVISTA AVOIDEO COST RATES FOR SOLAR PBOJECTS xxxx, 2o2o T twh New Contircl. .nd Rophcsmrnt Cont .ctt vrlthout Full C.p.ctty Paymantt Eliglbllity lor lhes. r.les l! llrnltod to prolects 100 kW or smrllcr. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZEO CONTRACT LENGTH UEAAS) ON,LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAF NOI+LEVELIZEO RATES202020212022202324212025 I 3 5 6 7I 9 IO 1t 12 t3 16 17 18 t9 20 28 78 25.52 29 a0 30 t7 3r ta 32.r8 33.63 34.e1 35.89 38.74 1t -1? 11.73 42.32 42.91 43.48 {4.03 44.57 ,45 m 45.59 45 07 29 07 4.75 30.71 3184 33.01 3.65 35.94 37.09 ().29 a2 9l 43 a9 44.05 44.53 45.t9 15_74 46.28 46.80 a7 -91 a7.79 49 03 35.76 37_11 39.54 a0 96 42.16 t6.85 50.39 50.49 il.17 51.'13 51 53 5r 96 52-12 52.87 53.31 53 76 55 23 55 65 56 06 56 49 20?o 2021 20?2 2023 m21 2025 2026 2027 2028 2023 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2036 &39 2010 204 | 2042 20/3 20(4 M5 24.76 29.O7 30.46 32.6. 35 75 38 62 a4_88 45 90 a7.89 76.01 77.U 51.38 53 32 55 79 57.61 59 35 61.37 52.84 54.43 66.14 100.55 70 00 7t.61 74.27 n.44 E0.gt Nor6r Thsss rates willbe lunher adt st6d with th€ applicebl€ inlBgraloo chargo. l{ot€i Th€ rar.3 shown in lhb labl€ hav. been compul.d using lh. U S. En rgy ln,ormatidr Adnid.ll.tion (ElA)'! Annu., Encryy Odbot a)19, ,.l..tad Januxy 2019 S.. Annud Ena.gy Oulook 2019, T.U. 3.8 En6r0y Pdc6 by S.clor-Mount tn al tnS.J v\rrv..ia gov/Mlook r&,trbl.3-r.l.plp AVISTA Pago 2 30.48 31.62 32.90 34.19 36.03 37.10 38.m 42.20 4513 /15.56 45.m 46.53 47 _16 47.69 48.22 a8.73 19 22 49.70 5r.01 51.46 32.84 31.25 35 6r 37.68 39.r0 40.32 11_10 17.62 a7.93 46.35 48 82 49 30 49.79 50.29 50_77 51.25 51 72 53 '053 54 53.96 s8.62 /tl.611 42.96 a,{.06 49 56 53 49 53.25 53.32 5s.52 53 6r 54.r 6 54.55 54.95 55.36 55.78 57.34 37.74 56.13 5E 55 58.99 AVISTA AVOIDEO COST FATES FOR NONSEASOTTAL HYDHO PROJECTSxtr,t,xyx ,turwh l,l6w Conlrscts r.!d Rlpbccment Conlr.ctr wlttoul Full Crprclty Pryrnenls Ellglbllily io.lhe5e r8tes ls llmlled to prolsclr smrllor thrn l0 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZEO CONTFACT LENGTH ftEARS) ON.TINE YEAR COMTRACT YEAR NON.LEVELIZEO RATES2020 2021 2022 2023 202a 2025 1 3 6 ? 6Il0tl '12 r3 t4 t5 l6 17 t8 t9 20 2A 78 2A 92 2910 30.17 3r.1,1 32.18 3a.35 36 08 37.58 1012 42_29 43.t6 11.02 4,t.83 45.60 ,t6.33 47.03 47.69 4.t2 44.92 23_O7 8.75 30 71 31.84 33 0r 35 53 37 a5 39 08 4t.69 11.25 45 1l ir5_97 16 79 17.$ 48.30 49.01 49.68 50.3r 50.s2 52.00 32_U 34.25 35.6r 39.10 It1.38 43.18 46 62 49.35 50 0E 50.84 51 5E 52 30 52.99 53.57y.31 54 93 55 52 56 71 57 25 s7 7A 35.75 37.11 41 50(}92 45 ?3 49 5a 5213530 53.61 54.29 5,19a 55.58 56 21 55.82 57 -41 57.98 59.2r 59.74 60 25 60 77 3€.62 4,t.69 {7.05 4E 69 52-83 *21 56.68 57.r8 57.72g_27 58.84 59.39 59.93 60.47 6r.75 62 26 62_75 63.26 63.78 2020 m21 20ux23 2t24 mz; 2026 &27 2024 2029 2030 2031 m32 m33 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2012 2013 2014 ?045 Not6: Thas€ ratas willb€ ludher adjualea, wilh lhe appcabla intalralion charoo Nota: Th€ rataa aho{n ln lhi. tabl€ hav6 bosn compul.d urlng the U.S Enargy hlorm.tiJl1 Adninlslration (ElA)'6 Anrud En€Ey Outlook 2019, rchalod Jenuary ?0r9. S€€ Annu.r €n .ey Oulooi 2019, Ttblr 3.8 En6Oy Pricrs by S€cior'Mountain st htlpsr rnNw.ia.gov/oulhokrr6onabl.s-r.l.php AVISTA Pag€ 3 30.48 3t.62 32.90 34.r 9 37 12 39.23 a0 96 4a 06 rt6 5l 17.13 18 27 a9 06 49 82 50 54 51-2s 51 91 52_51 53.r4 54.28 54 84 28.74 29-O1 30 4E 32.U 35 75 38.62 5t l9 52.30 54.39 13 23 75 02 5€ 16 60.81 52 7E 64.71 55 55 68 67 70 25 71 95 7378 9? 28 77 _47 79 59 4237 85 56 88 67 AVISTA AVOIOEO COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDBO PROJECTS xxxx, 2020 t/lilwhNr Contncl! ,nd ReplactmGnt Conlr.ct! wllhoul Full Crprclty Prymentr Ellglblllty lor rhssB Et.r lE llmlled to p.olccls rrrllllc.lhln 10 lMW LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH (YEARS) ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON.LEVELIZEO FATES2020 2021 2022 2023 20?4 2025 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I r0II 12 t3 14 15 t6 't7 18 r9 20 28.79 28-92 29.10 3017 3r.14 32.18 3.13 33.9,{ 3172 38.85 12-32 42.56 42.89 43.24 43.50 43.08 t4_37 11?5 45 12 /t5 /t9 n_07 29-75 30.7r 31.E4 3:t.0 | 3rt.06 34.91 35.73 10.11 a4 28 44 43 4a 70 45.00 15 31 a5.59 46 06 a6.43 a6 79 47.15 48.87 30 48 31.62 32 90 34 19 35 28 36 15 36.98 12.31 46.65 46.6G 46.8r 47.U 47.32 47.63 47.96 48.30 4a.65 49.00 50.83 5l.r 5 32.84 34.25 35.6r 36.71 37.5,r 3E.35 44.57 49.40 a9 lE ilg 18 a9 29 491€ 49_72 50 01 50.30 50 62 50.91 52 9r 5A 2l 35.75 37- 1a 38.20 38.91 39 71 47.05 s2.s1 51.95 51 72 51.57 51.71 5r.88 52.!0 52 31 52.61 52.90 55 0l 55 29 55 57 55 87 38.62 39.55 40.15 40 E9 49.83 56.06 5,(.43 54 15 54.05 54 07 s1-20 54.37 54.58 54.82 57.10 57.3i 57-58 57 67 58 20 2020 2021 2022 2023 2021 ?o25 2a?5 a27 202r 202i 2030 2031 2032 m33 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2(xr ?o12 2043 2044 20as 28.74 25.07 30.,16 32_01 35 76 38 62 40.55 .1 50 4312 92.69 94.76 15_72 49.19 50.99 52 74 54.i|1 56 35 57.75 59.26 60.90 120-14 64 61 65 13 58.72'lt.* 74.61 Nola: A "aaaaonal hydro p.olacf b da,inad a5 a lanorallon ,icilily which producos al lea3l 55% o, ils lnnu.l 9.n...lirr duing the nEdlhs ot Jun . July. .nd A{utt Ord€r 32802. Not6 Thssc raies willbe lunhar adiust6d with lhe applicauo inlegr.tion chargo Nola: Th. raba ahown in lhi. l.bL haya b.an coEprr.d 'r9ne ha U.S- Emrgy lr onnarql Adddllr.lbn (E|A)'B Annual Eie€y Outloot mtg, r6l6es.d Ja.u.ry 2019. S€e AnrualErErgy Oullook 201S, T.ble 3.8 Erlarly Pric.3by S.clor-ti,lounL,n al hllpsr/*ur-.1..0ov/oullmlc/.6o[bl6s-rst.php AVISTA Paes 4 AVISTA AVOIDEO COST RATES FOR OTHEF PROJECTS nxx, m20 ,riwh llew Contr.ctt .nd ncplrcl}mrnl Conl,lc&r f,lthoul Full Clprcity Prymcnt3 Ellglblllly lor these rrl6s ls llmllcd lo prol?cls 8lnaller lhan 10 eMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZEO CONTRACT LENCTH (YEARS) ON.LINE YEAR CONIRACT YEAN NON-LEVEUZEO RATES2A2A2021 2022 mX m21 2023 1 2 7I 9 l0 1t l2 l3 11 t5 16 1l r8 19 20 2A 7B 28-92 ?3-10 30.t7 31 14 32 18 3517 38.05 10 23 42 0a a3 62 41.99 16 28 17 47 18.55 49.58 50.54 51.a2 52 26 53 tN 29 07 2375 30.71 31.84 33.01 35 89 39.79 12.17 44 t1 a5 76 11.19 16.53 19-75 50.E/ 5r.91 52.89 53 80 54 65 55 45 56 22 30 4E 3r.62 32.90 34.19 38.82 42 07 4{ 63 45.65 48.36 19.82 51.17 52_40 53.53 54.58 55.57 56.48 57.33 58.r4 5E 92 59 65 32.U 31-25 35 61 41.30{/92 17.63 49 70 51.40 52.83 54.16 55 37 56.49 57 _52 58.49 59.40 60.24 51.0,{ 61.82 62 55 63 24 35 76 37.ra 1151 48 5! 51 27 53.27 5,{ 88 56.22 57-48 56.63 59.70 61.6? 5? 50 6:t.32 64.09 64.86 65.5t 66.26 66.33 38.62 19 a2 53 40 5519 57 5E 50.94 60 06 61.17 62.19 63.16 61.07 u.94 65.76 66.53 67 _27 5E.01 68_7'l 69.37 70 03 70_t0 2020 2021 m22 m23 2n24 2025 ?026 2027 2!2a 2029 2030 2031 2032 203.1 2035 2035 2(]E7 2038 2039 2010 204 t 2M2 2043 20{/ 2045 a.7a 2307 30.48 32.84 35.76 38.52 5r.02 e.27 54 50 65.70 67-37 64.74 71.54 73.66 75_75 T1.76 60.05 8t.79 83 66 85.66 88.43 90.10 92.01 s1.97 98 45 t 0r.45 Nole: 'oth€r projc.ts" r.lers to projecls other than *ind. rolar, non-seaso.al hyd.o. and t€asonal hydro Froj?cls These'Oth6r p.olocts' may rEhrde (bul ar€ not limilod lo); cofon€rali.tr!, tiolnass, tiogas, hndfiligas, or geolh€rmal p.oiecis. Notc: Th. r.r.s.hown in lhis lEH6 h.ve b€.n corputod using th. U.S. En€rgy Inlo.ma[on Adn nElr.tion (ElA)a Annu.lEnargy Oullooi 2019, i.l.a5.d Januxy 2019. 5.c Annuel En.r0y Oulroo| 2019, TaU.3 6 En€rly Pricet by S.clor.MoiJnreln El http3 //Myr.ara.gov/oullookralo^tuc!-rc,.php AVISTA P.or 5