HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191115Application.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 November 14,2019 Diane Hanian. Secretary Idaho Public Utilitics Commission 1 133 1 West Chinden Boulevard Building I Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83 714 RiCEIVED :0:9 ri0Y l5 Pll 3: 20 ,t-'!. .,, .l! -'_ t frwstt CorP. *vu- e - tq-t3 Dear Ms. Hanian: Avista Utilities submits for approval by the Commission the original and seven copies of its "Application of Avista Corporation to Approve Electric Distribution Service Agreement with East Greenacres Irrigation District." Please direct any questions on this matter to Tara Knox at (509) 495-4325. Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs enclosure I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 l3 DAVID J, MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIBI,'COUNSEL T.'OR REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAI, AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99220.3727 TELEPHoNE: (509) 495-4316, FAX: (509) 495-8851 DAVID,MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM IN THE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORAIION TO APPROVE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SERVTCE AGREEMENT WITH EAST GREENACRES IRRIGATION DISTRICT BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIT],S COMMISSION 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 Z) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU-E-19-I3 APPLICATION OF AVISTA 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I. INTRODUCTION Avista Colporation doing business as Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company"), at l41l East Mission Avenue, Spokane. Washington, respectfully requests lhat the Commission approve the Electric Distribulion Service Agreement, provided here as Attachment A, with East Greenacres lnigation District ("East Greenacres"), sometimes hereinafter reibrred to individually, as a "Party", and collectively, as the "Parties". The Parties have entered into an Agreement 10 continue the delivery of United States Bureau of Reclamation ("Bureau" or "Bureau of Reclamation") energy over Avista-owned and operated distribution tacilities from Avista's Post Falls Substation to the East Greenacres delivery points. The Agreement is to become effective January l, 2020, or the first day lbllowing approval by the Commission,JJ Application ol' Avista Corporation 2 1 4 5 6 7 I 9 The service provided under the Agreement is unique, and therefore more appropriately provided under a special contract rather than a filed tariff. Further, the contract is non- discriminatory and is not unreasonably preferential. The distribution charge included in the Agreement is consistent with distribution charges embedded in current Idaho retail rates at the time it was signed by the Parties. The incremental costs associated with providing service under the Agreement are less than the charge for service, therefore, the revenue received from the Agreement provides a contribution to Avista's fixed costs. The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to:l0 l1 12 l3 l4 l5 t6 l7 18 19 20 David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Govemmental Affairs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3721 l4l I E. Mission Avenue, MSC- 13 Spokane, W A. 99220-3121 Phone: (509) 495-4316 Patrick D. Ehrbar Director, Regulatory Affhirs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 l4l I Il. Mission Avenue, MSC-29 Spokane, W A 99220-3'727 Phone: (509) 495-4975 Dat.ehrbar@a vistacorD.corn david.meyer(Da vistacorD.con.l 2t II. BACKGROUND East Greenacres operates two pumping facilities located on the Rathdrum Prairie to provide irrigation and domestic water supply to approximately 5,300 acres of land. East Greenacres has been operating and maintaining these Bureau of Reclamation-built facilities since December 31,1976. East Greenacres receives electric power to operate these facilities from the Bureau of Reclamation. The electric power is delivered through Avista transmission and distribution facilities to East Greenacres' delivery points. Since March l, 2009, this service has been separated into 22 JJ 24 25 26 27 2 28 Application of Avista Corporation I 1 two service agreements, one lbr transmission and one tbr distribution, in order to separate the provision of transmission and distribution service under their respective jurisdictions - open access transmission service under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") and transfbr service over distribution facilities pursuant to applicable requirements in the State ol Idaho. Avista historically provided this service to East Greenacres under an agreement on file with FERC since May 27, 1975. The special contract llled herein provides lbr distribution service from Avista's Post Falls Substation over l3.2kV feeders to East Greenacres' two pumping stations. Avista has annually delivered approximately 3.8 million kilowatt-hours to East Greenacres pumping facilities in recent years. The annual charge for distribution service under the existing agreement is $4,231 .74 per month, or $50,780.88 per year. This charge was approved by the Commission in Order No. 33145 in Case No. AVU-E-14-08. III. TERMS OF AGREEMENT The Agreement, included as Attachment A, was executed on November 7 , 2019 and becomes effective ibllowing approval by the Commission. The term of the Agreement coincides with the term of the Transmission Agreement, but may continue beyond the expiration of the Transmission Agreement if East Creenacres continues to purchase transmission service and additional time is needed 1o develop a follow-on distribulion service agreement. This provision ensures that there will be no gap in the Company's ability to charge East Greenacres for distribution service. The charge fbr distribution service under the new Agreement is $5,232.57 per month, or $62,790.84 per year. The distribution charge is based on East Greenacres' peak demand- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 ll 12 13 l4 l5 l6 17 l8 l9 20 21 22 Application of Avisla Corporation J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ratio share of Distribution Facilities Costsl derived from Avista's last cost of service study filed with the Commission in Case No. AVU-E-17-01 updated fbr both the settlement adjustments and 2019 revenue increase approved by Order No. 33953 and tax reform adjustrnents approved by Order No. 34070. 'fhe calculation ofthe monthly distribution servicc fee is included in Exhibit 3 of Attachmenl A. The Company does not have a tariffin place for customers who take service in a manner similar to East Greenacres. In fact, East Greenacres is the only customer in Avista's Idaho service territory who receives its power requirements from the Bureau of Reclamation. Because the service characteristics are unique, and the distribution charge is based on Commission-supported demand-based methodology. Avista believes that the contract is not unreasonably preferential. IV. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Avista, therefore, respectfully requests approval of the "Electric Distribution Service Agreement" so that East Greenacres Irrigation District may continue to receive Bureau ol' Reclamation power at charges consistent with the distribution costs embedded in ldaho retail rates. The incremental costs associated with providing service undcr the Agreement are less than the charge for service, therefore, the revenue received from the Agreement provides a contribution to Avista's fixed costs. The service provided under the Agreement is unique, and therefore more appropriately provided under a special contract rather than a filed tariff. Further, the contract is non-discriminatory and is not unreasonably preferential. Avista I Consistent with comments provided by Staff in AVU-E-09-02 stating that "allocation ofdistribution facilities used by the inigation district based on demand is more appropriate" and the Commission in its final Order No. 30784, subsequently approved in Case No. AVU-E-14-08 by final Order No. 33145, the Company is continuing its use ofa demand-based methodology for elecnic distribution service provided to the inigation district. 10 1l t2 t3 14 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 4Application ol' Avista Corporation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 I believes that the Agreement is in the besl interest oflhe Customer, the Company, and Idaho retail ratepayers. f1 DATED at Spokane, Washington, this /(?|ay of November,2019. AVISTA CORPORATION By l7-7,t tv,a David Jl Mever Vice President and ChielCounsel fbr Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Application of Avista Corporation I I 2 J 4 5 6 ,7 8 9 t0 11 12 l3 l4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 21 22 -t -) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) County ofSpokane ) David J. Meyer, being first duly swom on oath, deposes and says: That he is the Vice President and ChiefCounsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs for Avista Colporation and makes this verilication for and on behalfofsaid corporalion, being thereto duly authorized: That he has read the foregoing filing, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. \72 / .t7 SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this l4th day of November 2019, by David J. Meyer. il ll IL A|ffir...-z NO't PUBLIC in and for the State of Washi residing at Spokane.Puauto 2l23.Commission Expires:17/..J IIt 6Application of Avista Corporation VF]RIFICA'IION Attachment A Electric Distribution Service Agreement betwecn Avista Corporation & East Greenacres lrrigation District ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION Sf,RVICE AGREEMf,NT THIS ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SERVICE AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), dated as of November -l!, 2019, is entered into by and between Avista Corporation ("Avista") and East Creenacres lrrigation District ("East Greenacres"). hereinaftcr sometimes referred to individually as a "Paqv" and collectively as the "Parties." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, among other facilities, East Greenacres operates two pumping f'acilities located on the Rathdrum Prairie, (hereinafter collectively ref'erred to as the "East Greenacres Unit"). lrrigation and domestic water for the East Greenacres Unit is fumished by ground rvater from wells ranging frorn 230 to 330 t'eet deep. The multipurpose pipeline system used by the East (lreenacres Unit was constructed by the United States of America, Bureau of Reclamation ("Bureau'') ibr year-round use. It was built to provide irrigation service to approximately 5.300 acres of land. Operation and maintenance olthe East Greenacres lJnit was assumed by East Greenacres on Dccember 3l . 1976: and WHEREAS, pursuant to a separate arrangement between the Bonneville Power Administration ("Bonneville") and East Greenacres, Bonneville transrnits and delivers thc Bureau's energy to Bonneville's Bell Substation in Spokane, Washington; and WHEREAS, Avista and the Bureau were parties to a Contract for Transmission Sewice dated May 27, 1975 (Avisra F-ERC Rate Schedule No. 62; [J SBR Contract No. l4-06- 100-8]l I ) which was terminated on May 1, 2009, and which provided for transfer service to certain East Greenacres' loadsl and WHEREAS, Avista provides Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service to East Greenacres pursuant to a separate agreement under Avista's Open Access Transmission Tariff, to transmit and delivcr Bureau energy from Bonnevillc's Bell Substation to Avista's ldaho Road and Post Falls Substations (" lransmission Agreement"); and WHERf,AS, Avista owns and operates distribution facilities over which Avista delivers Bureau energy from Avista's ldaho Road and Post Falls Substations to the East Greenacres Unit: and WHEREAS, East Creenacres and Avista are party to the lllcctric Distribution Service Agreement dated August 6, 2014, which, but for certain limitcd continuation terms, expires undcr its own tems on September 30, 2019; and WHEREAS, Bast Greenacres and Avista desire to enter into this Agreement for the continued delivery of Bureau energy from Avista's ldaho Road and Post Falls Substations across Avista's distribution system to the East Creenacres Unil pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set lbrth herein, the Parties agree as fbllows: l. Definitions. In addition to words defined elsewhere in this Agreement as indicatcd rvith initial capitalization. whenever used in this Agrccment. the terms belou,shall have the following meanings: l.l "Delivery Points" means those points on Avista's electric system where Bureau energy transferred by Avista pursuant to this Agreement will be made available to East Greenacres for the East Grecnacres Unit as described in Exhibit l. Contract No. AV- l'R l9-0,127 2 1.2. "Avista ReceiDt Points" means the point where Bureau cncrgy is rcccived on Avista's distribution system for delivery pursuant to this Agreement. which point(s) are located at the I | 5 kV side of Avista's Idaho Road and Post Falls Substation transformers. Term and Termination. Avista shall file this Agreement, subsequent to its execution. in a timely manner with the Commission. This Agreement shall become ef't'ective on October 1,2019, or such other date specified by the Commission, and shall terminate upon the earliest ofthe following events: (l) termination of the 'Iransmission Agreement, (2) expiration of the 'l'ransmission Agreement, provided, however,that in the event East Greenacres continues lo purchase transmission service from Avista following expiration of the 'l'ransmission Agreement, this Agreement shall remain in effect until such time as the Parties execute. and the Commission approves, a replacement Electric Distribution Service Agreement, or (3) upon termination by either Party after providing at least one year's prior written notice of termination. Deliverv of Electricity. Subject to the delivery of Bureau Energytothe Avista Receipt Points, Avista shall deliver Bureau energy to East Greenacres at the Delivery Points. J 4. Service Characteristics and Dcmand l,irnit. 4.1 Electric power delivered to the Delivery Points shall be three phase, approximately sixty (60) Hertz alternating current, at a nominal potential of 13.2 kV, and shall be delivered to the East Greenacres Unit in amounts not exceeding a demand limit o13000 kW distributed among the two pumps that compose the East Greenacres Unit. 5. Metering Equioment. Electric powcr delivered hereunder shall be measured by metering equiprnent installed at the Delivery Points. All metering equipment shall be installcd, owned, and maintained by Avista. 6. Operation and Maintenance of the East Greenacres Unit and Delivery Facilities. The two pumping stations composing the East Greenacres Unit are served by Avista's ldaho Road and Post Falls 13.2 kV feeders. Avista shall own, operate and maintain all electrical service facilities up to the Delivery Points. East Greenacres shall bear all responsibility associated with the operation, maintenance and replacement of its service transformers and other equipment at and beyond the Delivery Points. 7.1 n Billin Each month during the term of this Agreement, Avista shall bill East Creenacres a monthly ser.uice f'ee as shown in lrxhibit 3. Such bill shall be rnailed to L,ast Greenacres a1 the address set lorlh in Seotion l6 below. Payment. East Greenacres shall pay the amount specified in each invoice by transfer of immcdiately available t'unds within thirly (30) days of the date specitied in such invoice (the "Due Date"). lf East Greenacres fails to pay Avista the entire amount of any bill by the Due Date, East Crecnacres shall pay interest on the unpaid balance, l'rom the Due Date until paid in full, at a rate of 120 percent ol the Prime Commercial Lending Rate, Page 2 of 8 7.2 1.3. "Commission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 4.2 Added Load. East Greenacres shall notify Avista in advance of the addition of any electric load that would exceed the rated capacity of any of the facilities provided by Avista to serve the East Greenacres Unit. In the event East Greenacres exceeds the nominal demand provided in Section 4.1, East Greenacres shall bc liable for all loss and damage to Avista's equipment and facilities resulting from such excess usage. 7. Billine and Payment. compounded monthly, as announced by Bank ofAmerica at its Spokane & Eastern Branch olfice in Spokane, Washington; provided, however. that the interest rate shall not exceed the maximum rate allowed by applicable law. All payments to Avista shall be submitted to Avista via electronic funds transfer to the account spccified in each invoice. 8. Scheduling. Scheduling for service under this Agreement shall be pursuant to then current borderline load scheduling practices between Avista and Bonneville. In thc event borderline load scheduling practices between Avista and Bonneville cease to exist, East Creenacres shall schedule service under this Agreement pursuant to standard transmission scheduling practices outlined in Avista's Tariff or such other scheduling practices as may be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. 9. Losses. East Greenacres shall be responsible for all energy losses related to service under this Agreement as described in Exhibit 2. East Greenacres shall schedulc loss return energy to Avista pursuant to Section 8. By mutual agreement from time to time the Parties may establish altemative arrangements to settle any loss obligation bv East Greenacres. Such alternative arrangements shall be consistent with the treatment of loss relurn energy in the Transmission Agreement. 10. Billine by Others. Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, Avista shall not be responsible for East Greenacres' billing arrangements for the purchase of Bureau energy, or for the transmission thereof by others. East Greenacres shall be responsible for sales, use and other taxes associated with the acquisition and/or transmission, by olhers, of Bureau energy. ll. Easements and Access to East Greenacres' Propertv. East Greenacres hereby authorizes Avista or its agent to do all work necessary on the lands ofEast Greenacres to accomplish the installation, operation, and maintenance of Avista's lines and facilities to provide clectric service required hereunder. East Greenacres shall grant, without cost to Avista, good and sufficient recordable easements. in a form satisfactory to Avista, that provide for Avista's facilities to be located over, onr across and/or under said lands of East Greenacres covering rights-of-way for the installation, operation and maintenance of Avista's facilities required to render service hereunder. 12. Force Majeure. As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" means the inability of either Party to perform its obligations as set forth herein as a result of unforeseeable causes beyond the reasonable control of and without the fault or negligence of the Party claiming Force Majeure ("Force Majeure Events"). which Forcc Majeure Events mav include, but are not lirnited to, the following: acts ofGod. strikes. lockouts, acts of war, riots, landslides, earthquakes, fires. floods- unforeseeable or unusual weather conditions. washouts, cxplosions, breakage or accident to machinery or conduit, Force Majeure occurrences as defined by any approved tariffs, or any binding order, rule or regulation ofany couft or governmental authority, or any other occurrence beyond the reasonable control ofeither Party whether similar or dissimilar to any of the fbrcgoing examples. If either Party is rendered wholly or pa(ially unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement due to a l"orce Majeure Event, that Party shall be excused from *'hatever performance is affected by the Force Majeure Event to the extent so affected, and shall not be liable lor said non-pcrformance to eithcr Pany provided that notice ol such Force Majeure Evenl is given to the other Party wilhin a reasonable time. The occurrence ofa Force Majeure Event effecting Avista's ability to delivcr elcctric pou,er to the Easl Greenacres Unit shall not permit East Greenacres the right to extend the term of this Agreement, nor relieve East Greenacres from its minimum charge obligations1' provided, however, that such minimum charges shall be prorated based on the actual number ofdays ofservice provided to Ilast Grecnacrcs. ifa Force Majeurc llvent affecting Avista rcsults in Avista's inability to deliver electric power for a period in excess of twenty-four (24) hours. 13. Indemnification and Hold Harmless Protection. East Greenacres shall indemnifl and save harmless Avista from any liability, loss, or expense arising from or growing out of injury to persons, including death, or damage to property! which may occur on the electric system of East Greenacres and on its Page 3 of {l side of the specified Delivery Points unless such loss is due to the negligence of Avista. Where such claim or loss is caused by the concurrent negligence of East Creenacres, its agents or employces, and Avista, its agents or employees, East Greenacres hereby agrees to indemnily, defbnd and save Avista harmless from all such claims or losses to the extent that such claim or loss was caused by the negligence of East Greenacres. its agents or employees. 14. Assignment. East Greenacres shall not (by contract, operation of law or otherwise) assign this Agreement, or any right or interest in this Agreement, without Avista's prior written consent. No such assignment, with or without prior consent by Avista, shall relieve East Creenacres from its responsibilities under this Agreement, and all obligations and liabilities incuned hereunder shall be preserved until satisfied. Subject to the foregoing restriction on assignment by East Greenacres, this Agreement shall be fully binding upon, inure to the benetit ol, and be enforceable by the successors, assigns and legal representatives ofthe respective Parties to this Agreement. 15. Amendment and Waiver. This Agreement contains all ofthe terms and conditions bearing upon the subject matter and shall not be changed or varied except by written agreement executed by the Parties hereto through duly authorized r€presentatives. Ifat any time the terms hereto are not strictly adhered to or enforced, they shall not thereby be deemed waived or modified. but shall at all subsequent times and dates be deemed in full force and effect. 16. Notices. Unless otherwise specified, any notice required under this Agreement shall be given in writing, and shall be effective from the date received by the Party to which ir is provided. 16. I Notices to Avista shall be mailed or delivered to the attention of: Avista Corporation l4l I East Mission Avenue Spokane, Washington 99202-1902 or P. O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3 727 Attention: Manager, Transmission Services 16.2 Notices to East Greenacres shall be mailed or delivcred to the attention of: East Greenacres Irrigation District 2722 N McGuire Rd. Post Falls, ID 83854 Attention: Manager A Party may change the place or address for delivery of notices to it by giving notice to the other Party as thus described. 17. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws ofthe State of Washington. without giving effect to its principles of conflicts of law. 18. Venue. Any action at law or in equity to enlorce the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be brought in Spokane County, Washington. 19. Headings. The section headings inthis Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be considered part of or used in the interpretation ofthis Agreement. Page 4 of8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the date(s) set forth below. AVISTA CORPORATION EAST (;REENACRES IRRI(;ATION DISTRICT B)':/s/ J A Schlcct Ilv /s/ lton Wilson Jeff Schlect Senior Manager, Transmission Services Date: August 8'h, 20 l9 Ron Wilson Manager Date: November 7'l', 2019 Page 5 of 8 I ) East Greenacres Irrigation District Pumping Station #2 Location: The point at Chase Road and Hayden Avenue (Property lD # 51N05W223220) where Avista's distribution facilities and the service transformers owned bv East Greenacres are connected Feeder: IDR253 Voltage: 13.2 kV 2) East Creenacres lrrigation District Pumping Station #3 Location: The point at Chase Road, one quarter mile north of Poleline Road (Property ID # 5 1N05W287720) wherc Avista's distribution facilities and the service transformers owned by East Greenacres are connected Feeder: Pf-213 Voltage: 13.2 kV Page 6 of8 Exhibit I Points of Deliven, Exhibit 2 Loss Calculations Notes: - Feeder distances are approximate, taken from Avista feeder mapping software - Distribution line loss factors are calculated by multiplying the line distance in miles by a factor of I .00%. All transformers, whether substation or service, have a specified 1.25 o/o loss factor. - Service to these pumps is metered at a primary voltage. East Creenacres owns the service transformers at these locations. Feeder Distribution Section Distribution Line Distancc (miles) Distribution Line Loss Factor Substation Transformer Loss Factor Total Loss Factor tDI{251 Pump #2 2.0 t1 2.017 I .250 3.267 PI-2 t3 Pump #3 1.760 l.760 1.250 3.0t0 Pase 7 of tl I Monlhh'Electric Distribution Sen ice Charso 'l-he monthly charge is Five l'housand Two Hundred Thirty-Two Dollars and Fifty-Seven Cents ($s.232.57). The monthly Electric Distribution Scrvice charge is calculated based upon a load ratio share of Idaho distribution lacilities costs as included in Idaho retail electric rates as of January I , 201 9 (rate test year of January 2016 - December 1016). Ilast Greenacres Load Ratio Share Idaho retail l2-month average peak load (demand) East Greenacres l2-month average peak load (demand) East Greenacres demand ratio 568.333 kW 840 kw 0.001 476 ldaho Distribution Facilities Cost Substation, OI I poles and conductor, [JG conduit and conductor $42.546.285 East (ireenacrcs Electric Distribution Sen ice Chargc ldaho Distribution f acilities Cost Ilast Greenacres demand ratio Annual Service Charge Month 1,," Serv ice Charge $42.546,285 0.001476 $62.791 $s.232.57 Pasc 8 of8 Exhibit 3