HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200106Comments.pdfJOHN R. HAMMOND, JR. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-03s7 IDAHO BARNO.5470 RECEIVED i:0 Jil{ -5 Al{ ll: b7 Attomey lbr the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTTLITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION REQUESTING TO MODIFY SCHEDULE 95 TO REVISE THE COMPANY'S VOLUNTARY RENEWABLE ENERGY PROGRAM CASE NO, AVU.E-I9-12 COMMENTS OF TTIE COMMISSION STAFF The Staffof the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, submits the following comments regarding the above referenced case. BACKGROUND On November 12,2019, Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company") filed an Application requesting Commission authorization to modify its voluntary renewable energy program Schedule 95 "Optional Renewable Power Rate" ("Program") in an effort to effectively manage costs, provide customers with greater choice, and to support renewable energy within its rcgion. Application at 1. The Company requested the Application be processed by Modified Procedure and that the proposed revisions for its Program become effective on January 1,2020. STAFF COMMENTS JANUARY 6.2020 I '-' I I' lY Street Address for Express Mail: 1133i W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 20I.A BOISE, ID 83714 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I On December 16,2019, the Commission issued its Notice of Application, Notice oi Modified Procedure and Order wherein it suspended the proposcd effective date ofthe Agreement for a period of tive (5) months and thirty (30) days from the proposed effective date unless the Commission issues an earlier Order. See Order No. 34505. Since 2002, Avista has offered its electric customers the opportunity to voluntarily supporl the development of renewable energy by participating in the Company's "Buck-a-Block" option under the Program. Id.at21 see a/so OrderNo.28948. Avista's wind power option was priced in increments, or "blocks," of $ 1 . 1d Each $ I block of wind purchased by customers equaled 55 kilowatt-hours ("kwhs"). 1d In 2004, the Company modified the Program from an Optional "Wind" Power Rate to an Optional "Renewable" Power Rate. Id. The Company represents the revisions to the Program also included the cost of renewable energy certificates ("RECs") associated with the rencwable resource. L/. The RECs were primarily from wind power generated at the Stateline Wind Energy Center, but could also come from other "Green-e certificd" resources. 1d. The revised Program continued to include voluntary participation in increments of $l per b\ock. Id. However, blocks were modified to reprcsent 300 kwh of renewablc energy as opposed to the prcvious 55 kWh. /d. ln 2014, the Company filed additional rcvisions to the Program, allowing surplus funds to be used for rooflop solar grants for installations on commercial buildings in Idaho and Washington. Id.; see also Order No. 33218 at2. The Company represents $347,000 in grants were made to fund nine (9) projects in Idaho and Washington. Id. at 3. The Company stated that in 2019 it conducted customer research to better inform revisions to the Program. Id. at3. The Company stated the customer feedback it received demonstrated: l) the Company's customers are most tikely 1o choose participation in the Program amongst other possible offerings, and 2) the information about the Program and what value it providcs is not being communicated et'fectively to customers. 1d. Avista represented only 1 percent of its customers in Idaho participate in the Program. /r/. Avista also asserted in recent years the cost ol' RECs have increased but the level of Program participants has decreased. 1d. at 4. As a result, the Company stated thc current operating reserves for the Program are approximately $38,000 causing Avista concern that it may not be able to cover its costs ifthese trends continue. 1d. Based on the foregoing, Avista alleged there is a need to educate customers on the benefits ofthe 2STAFF COMMENTS .IANI]ARY 6.2020 Program. 1zl. at 4. Further, the Company is seeking to provide additional choices to its customers through revisions to the Program that improve its sustainability. Id The Company stated in order to provide more clarity, mitigate the rising costs of RECs and provide choices that matter, the Company is proposing to of'lbr two REC options for customers to choose from, both ol'which will continue to offer RECs from wind, solar or other qualified alternative energy souces. Id. at 5. The Company is also proposing to change the name ofthe Program to "My Clean Energy" in an elfort to help customers better understand it. Id. The Company's proposed options are: (l ) National Blocks - Participants can purchase 300 kWh "blocks" for $l under the national option. 1rl. RECs procured under this option will be sourced from renewable generation anywhere in the United Statcs. .Id. The Company asserts this provides customers a low cost option to continue supporting renewable energy; and, (2) Reeional Blocks - Participants can purchase 100 kwh "blocks" for $1 under the regional option. Id. RECs procured under this option will be sourced tiom generation located in the Western Interconnection, with preference given to the Northwest rcgion including Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Montana and British Columbia. 1d. This option provides customers an opportunity to support regional renenable energy at a price point that is more reflective ofthe cunent REC market. Icl. The Company states under the revised Program current participants will be given the choice to participate in either the national or regional option, but will automatically be defaulted into the national option ifthey do not specify a preferencc. 1d. at 6. STAFF ANALYSIS The Program is a voluntary option ibr customers who want to reduce the environmental impact of their electric use with the Company tkough block purchases of bundled RECs. Program participation declined and the evidence ofrising REC prices prompted the Company to make Program updates that include additional participant education, outreach, and the creation of two block purchase options. SlalT recommends the Commission allow the Company to create National and Regional Block pricing options, and to rename the Program "My Clean Encrgy." Statf also recommends the Company work with Staff to conduct a yearly performance review based on filed annual Program data. -lSTAFF COMMENTS JANt.JARY 6,2020 Program Updates Program participation has decreased and the price of RECs has increased. Accordingly, the Company proposes to provide additional education, outreach, and customer choices 10 ensure the Program remains sustainable. See Application at 3. Surveys, customer panels, interviews, and additional Company research revealed that participation may increase with renewed effort to communicate Program value and benefits. Id. at3 and 6. The Company proposes new block purchase options and R-EC pricing to increase customer options lor participation and has requested a program name change to "My Clean Energy" to makc the intenl ofthe Program clear. /d. at 5. The Company also states it will modifu the Ianguage and positioning on the Company's wcbsite in a manner that drives participation and promotes customer awareness and support ol renewable eneryy. Id. al 6. Two New Block Purchase Options Currcntly, the Program lets customers buy a 300 kWh block of renewable energy for $1. The Company proposes two new block options for participants ol'the Program: National Blocks or Regional Blocks. See Application at 5. The National Blocks option continues to allow participants to purchase 300 kWh blocks lbr $ I . This option is sourced liom renewable generation throughout the United States and may provide a better opportunity to purchase RECs at the most competitive price. The Regional Blocks purchase option sources RECs fiom the Northwest, but at a reduced quantity of 100 kWh fbr $1. This option allows participants to support renewable resources located in the No(hwest. Both the National Blocks and Regional Blocks purchase options will fund solar grants in Idaho and Washington, when Program revenues exceed costs. If the Commission approves the two new block options, thc Company will ask participants to choose either the National or Regional Blocks purchase option. 1d. at 5. The Company requested that participants who do not respond be assigncd to the National Blocks option. ft/. Staff finds it reasonable for existing participants to default to the National Blocks option because it allows them to buy at their current Program rate and kwh selcction. 4 JANUARY 6,2O2OSTAFF COMMENI'S Financial Analysis Staffreviewed the Company's REC purchases from 2015 to 2019 as well as a projected 2020 budget for the Program with the proposed two blocks. Staff found the changes in REC prices reflect the Company's assertions ofrising prices for RECs in the Application. Id.at4.'fhe Company purchased approximately 70 percent oiits RECs in this Program from 2015 to 2019 from Washington, Oregon and Idaho, with 34 percent of RECs purchased from Idaho. The Company's purchase ofRECs outside Washington, Oregon, and Idaho do not appear to be less expensive than local REC purchases, but Staffbelieves the Company may find cheaper RECs to purchase on a national level. The Company's proposed 2020 budget lbr the Program appears reasonable and includes some surplus funds that could support solar grants or unexpectedly higher costs lor REC purchases or operating expenses. Program Implementation and Audit The Company cunently files an annual Buck-a-Block report, including program data, with the Commission in February, and the Program is certified through the Center for Resource Solutions. The Company proposes to track Program performance to determine customer satisfaction, awareness, and participation in a similar manner. Id. al7. The enrollment and voluntary participation details of the Program remain unchanged, but the Company will notify cunent participants that the Program name will change, additional block purchase options will become available, and existing participants have the choice of which block purchase option they would like to suppon. /d. at 6. StafTrecommends that the Company continue to lile a Renewable Energy program annual report with Program data that includes: (1) annual and cumulative subscription data; (2) RIC purchase detail with generator, location, quantity, price per REC, year, total annual purchase, and weighted average price by year; (3) detailed breakdown of administrative and marketing costs; (4) summary ofProgram marketing efforts and community education and outreach; (5) surplus fund balance and detailed account information; (6) carbon ol'l'set content label, and; (7) detailed grant projcct information that includes implementation dates and costs. )STAFF COMMEN'IS JANUARY 6,2O2O STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staffrecommends: l. The Commission allow the Company to create the National Blocks purchase option of 300 kWh for $l in the Program, to become effective upon the Commission's final order, 2. The Commission allow the Company to create the Regional Blocks purchase option of 100 kWh for $1 in the Program, to become effective upon the Commission's final order. 3. The Commission allow the Company to rename the "Buck-a-Block" progam to "My Clean Energy." 4. The Commission direct the Company to file the annual report with Program data and work with Stalf to evaluate yearly Program performance. tJL(,Respectfully submitted this day of January 2020 Jo D Hammond, Jr. Attorney General Technical Stall': Brad Iverson-Long Rachelle Farnswofih i:umisc:comments/avucl9. i2jhblrf comments 6STAFF COMMENTS JANUARY 6,2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY TI.IAT I HAVE I'HIS 6TH DAY OF JANUARY 2020. SERVDD THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. AVU.E.I9-I2, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF. POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: DAVID J MEYER VP & CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA COR}ORATION PO BOX3727 SPoKANE WA99220-3727 E-MAIL: david.mcyer(ir)avistacorp.com avistadockcts(Dtavistacorn.com LINDA GERVAIS MGRRTGUT,ATORY POLICY AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX3727 SPoKANE WA99220-3727 E-MAIL: linda.qcrvais@,avistacorp.com ,L,/je^- SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE