HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191206Decision Memo.pdfDECISION I\IENIORi\NDU\I Colt \IISSIONER KIEILi\NDITR CONINIISSIONER RAPER CO}INIISSIONER ANDI.]RSON CO}IT,IISSION SE(]RETARY CONI}IISSION STAFF T'R0II:JOHN R. IIr\IINIOND JR. DEPTITY A'I"I'ORNEY GI,NERAI, DA'l'tl: DI,](]FINIRER6.20l9 SUB.IFICT: AYISTA CORPORATIOTT..'S APPLICATION RI.IQUESTIN(; APPROVAL TO I\IODIITY ITS VOLUNTARY RENEWABI,E ENF]RGY PROGRANI; CASE NO. AVTI.E-I9-I2. On November 12, 2019. Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company") filed an Application requesting approval Io modify its voluntary reneu'able cncrgy program ("Progranr"). Schedule 95 "Optional Reneu able Pou'er Rate". THE APPLICATION Avista request Commission authorization to modify the Program in an eftbrt to manage costs, provide customers with greater choice, and to support rene$,able cnergy within its rcgion. Appli<'utiort at [ . During 20 19, Avista states that it evaluated the Program by conducting customer research, anall,zing Progranr costs and custorner participation levels and rcvieu'ing coniparable programs at other investor o$'ned utilities. /r/. at l. After completing this revie$ Avista stares it determined that updates to thc Program arc necessary to meet the necds of its customers and to ensulc that funds collected from the Progranr participants are sufficient to cover expcnses. /d. The Conrpanl requests that the Application be proccssed bt' N{odified Procedurc under the Commission Rules of Procedure. 1d. STAFF RECO},[\TEN DA TION Staff recommcnds the Commission issue a Notrce ol Application and Notice of Modified Prtredure. Staff rccornmends the Notice of Application and Notice of lv{odified Procedure provide for a twenty-one (21) day written comment period for itself and any other interested parties, with a sevcn (7) day reply cofirment period for the Company to f'ollow. DE('ISION \IE\{OR,{N DL'\I TO: I (.O}I}IISSIO\ DF]('ISI()N Does the Commission u,ish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modilled Procedure that estahlishes a tu'enty-onc (2 | ) day u'ritten comment period for StalT and any other interested parties folkr*ed by a seven (7) day rcply comment period for the CompanS,? If not. does the Commission u ish to set ahernative comments deadlincs'l Jo amnrond Jr Attorney General I I-,!rrlII(TRl(',^\( I r! L:t\\'l'l lell ,1..! Rr, -trh J, ! )DECISION \IE\IORANDU\1