HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191101Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDTIM TO:CO}IN{ISSIONER KJELLANDER COtllN{ISSIONER RAPI'R COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COI\1 M I SS ION SECRET ARY CONIMISSION S]'AFF LE(;AL FRONI:EDWARD.IEWELL DEPTiTY ATTORNEY GENERAI- DAI'E: OC'IOBI]R31,2019 SUB,IEC'I': IN THE MATTFIR OF AVISTA'S ANNLIAL CON{PLIANCE, FILING To UPDATE THE LOAD AND GAS FORECASTS INTHE INCREMENTAI, COST INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN AVOIDED COST NIODEL; AVtr-E-19-ll. On October 17.2019. Avista Corporation dba Avista lJtilities ("Avista" or "Company") filed an Application, in compliance with Order Nos. 32697 and 32802. requesting the Commission update the load forecast, natural gas forecast. and contract information, rvhich are used as inputs to determine the avoided cost rates paid to qualifying lacilities that are above the project eligibilitl'cap under the Public t-Jtility Regulatory Policies Act ol 1978. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommcnds the Commission set a 2l day comment period and a 7 day reply comment period. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission uish to set a 2l day comment period and a 7 day reply comment period? Edrvard .I Dcputl Attorn icneral I Lcla|ELECIRICA\1J-E-Ir-llA\71JEl9ll dcc meno el DIr(l I SION I\IEMORANDtlM I