HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190730Dempsey Exhibit 2.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVTSTA CORPORATION I4II E. MISSION AVENUE P. O. BO){ 3727 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 PHONE: (s09) 489-0500, FAX: (509) 49s-8851 RECEIVED ?fi19 JUL 30 Pl{ 2: l8 i.r,-i::" iUtsLiC.'.1i! !rontr\ {li :i .i..r :\i.r:lC)\JI\.,l.{ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (PCA) ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING OF AVISTA CORPORATION ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU-E-lg-qg EXHIBIT NO. TCD-2 THOMAS C DEMPSEY FOR AVISTA CORPORATION DE Air. Enargy & Mining Divi:ion ;\ugust 31, E)18 Ciordon Crissrcll'lhlcn lUontaoa, I.I 6 (iolstrip Stcnm Lilcctric Station P.(). lJox.3tt Colstrip,IIT 59323 Scnt ria cmail to: ( itrrclorr.qrisn'cll{(!'tale nunerB}.corn RE: Request for information related to compliance with Mercury & Air Toxics Standatd [)crr Nlr. Crisrvell: 'I'hc Nlonmna Dcpirrtmcnr o[ [:'.nvirt:nmental (lr.ralirv pepartrncnt) requcsts additiond intirrmarit>n rcerrrding r$cerrt tiltcrablc parricularc rrlartcr (l)It) emissions rcst$ rrnd rclated fircilin' opcradons at the (.olsrrip Stcam lilcctric Station (CSESl. 'ialcn Ilontana, LI"C (lhlcn) condr.rctcd PII emissions tesring xt CSL,S on Jtrnc 21, 2018 and f unc 26, 2ttllt tbr Urrits 3 and -1, rcspcctivclv. 'fcst results indicated, aod thc Sourcc Tcsr ltcporr submittcd bv CSI.iS confirmed, that CSES rvas operating in exccss o[ the applicable cmission limit containcd in'l'itL' -10 (lodc of I'ederal Regulations Pnrt (r.] (+0 Cm. 63) Subpart ULILILIL:, also rctcrred t() as th( Nlcrcurv & ,.\ir Ttrxics Standard OL\TS). 'lb tully addrcss lhc extcr:t of this matter, DE(] rcqucsts tl'rat'lhlen providc rhc iollowing intbrmatirrn: 'fhc dail1, calculation oi thc rvcighred 3O-boilcr operaring dar rolling averagc cmissir>n rate AYr\tiR) tor cach ,r[ Linits 1-{ as spccitrcd br Equadou 2a at i63.10009(b)(3), tiom Scptcmber 8, 2016 ro prcsent. Tlrc calcularion must identift rhe emissions ratc nscd for each unit and rhc sourcc ot thc 3{)-da1 total hezrt input (HI) tbr that uoir for each dailv calcr.rlation. Providc a dcscription of thc calculariorr methodology, including rationalc for the chosen merhodologl , ';rncl citatir:n of applicable mlcs ro justifl'the methodologv uscd, 2. Record"- oI rhc dailv lrelt input (I-ll) frrr cach o[L]nits l--l frorn Scptcmbcr 8, 2()16 to prcscnt. Plcasc clcarlv ciemonsutte horv rhcse daily ill values arc used in calcularing the \\',"\l!,t(. 3. Rccords oi thc occumcncc rntl duratit-rn oI eaclr startup antlf or shut dorvn tbr cach cif LIr:its I --l frorn Seprernber 8. 2(116 tc, present. Proridc a nirrrative descriprion of horv Talcn complics rvith thc rvork practice standarcls of ItIA't'S dudrrg thesc occurrcnces arrd dcmorrsrratc horv thesc situatir)ns ^rc tddrcsscd in thc \{'AER calculations. SleveBullocx Gowrnor lToflr l.rvers Direclor IPO Bor200901 lHelena MT59ri20-01]01 l(406)44d-2544 Irltv\rrdeqmtgov 2019 ldaho PCA - Dempsey Exhibit No. TCD-2 'lhlcn lv{onrana,Il,C Colstrip Stcam Elccric Station i\ugust.3l,2018 I'agc 2 of 2 -t. ,\ dcscription of all non-routinc u'ork pcrtbrmed, any opcrational clrangcs, nnd arrv changes to thc coal supplv or qualin at Llnits 3 and -l tor rhc period bctwccn tl'rc tourth cpartcr 2017 and rhc second quartcr 2018 that may hal.c in:pactcrl thc PtrI emissiorrs perfomrance. 5. A description of all inspection, maintenancc, and opcration activities associared uith the boilcrs and vcnrrrri scrubbers since the dcviations. (r. Rccords of thc dat.c and rirnr (strrt and cnd) tbr each peri<ld of n<:ncompliarrcc trom ]une 21, 20 lti to prescnt. 'l'he Dcp:urmcnr is reclucsting this informadon, subject to Secrion \'..'\.4 of 'Ialen's Opcrating Permit (()P0513-14,1, be submitred no later than Septcmber l7, 2Llt8. Slrould Talen have any qucstions or concrrns^ trlcasc contact nrc at (-106) ++-t-()286 or clklrrttnril nlt.u()'t'. 'fharrk vou lirr uour attendon to rhis matter. Sinccrclr', Dnvid 1,. Klcmp ,\ir Quiliw Burcau Chicf i\lontana I)cparunent o f Dnvironmenral (f ualiry 2019 ldaho PCA - Dempsey Exhibit No. TCD-2