HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190412Attorney General Letter.pdf,:. ,l i-j ;: I r,/ L D : "i; I ,ii; il i 2 Pi'I 12: h l+ 0F{STATE OF IDAHO OFF]CE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL LAWBENCE G. WASDEN VIA E.MAIL April 15,2019 Avista Corporation Michael Andrea m ichael.andrea(Dav istacorp.com Avista Utilities l4l I E. Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane, WA99220-3727 Rocky Mountain Porver Yvonne Hogle wonne.hosle@pacificorp.com Ted Weston ted.weston(Doac i fi coro.com PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suile 330 Salt Lake city, uT 84116 Idaho Power Compony Donovan E. Walker d wa I kerfD i d a hooower.com ldaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-007 Clint Kalich clint.kalich@avislacom.com Avista Utilities l4l I E. Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane, W A 99220-3727 DanielMacNeil daniel.macne i l@pac i fi corp.com PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 825 NE Multnomah Street Portland, OR 97232 Michael Danington M Darrineton@ idahooower.com ldaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 Rc: UPDATES TO PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES; Casc Nos. IPC-E-I9-I3, PAC-E-I 9-05, AVU-E-I 9-05. Pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (*PURPA") and the implementing regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") has approved a Surrogate Avoided Resource ("SAR") methodology for calculation of avoided cost rates at which PURPA qualiffing cogeneration and small power production facilities ("qualifying facilities" or "QFs") are paid by Idaho Power, Avist4 and PacifiCorp. Avoided cost rates are the purchase price paid to QFs for purchases of QF capacity and energy. The release of a new natural gas price forecast by the U.S. Contracts & AdmlnlstraUvc Law DMslon, ldaho Publlc u{'Iltb3 Commlssbn P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ldaho 83720.$74, Telephona: (2{,8} 334-0300, FAX: fl)Bl 3349-37s2, Emall: lpuc0puc.stat€.E.us Locatod st 472 West Washlnglon St.. Bdre, ldaho 33702 Page2 Energy Information Administration ("EIA") triggered an updated calculation of avoided cost rates. In accordance with the methodology approved in Order No. 32697, the "reference case" natural gas price forecast for the Mountain Region's Electric Power sector included in EIA's Annual Energy Outlook serves as the basis for computing avoided cost rates. In Order No. 32697, the Commission also found that the final release of Annual Energy Outlook automatically triggers a recalculation of the published avoided cost rates. In Order No. 32802, the Commission clarified that an update should occur on June I or within 30 days of the final release of the Annual Energy Outlook, whichever is later. EIA released the Annual Energy Outlook 2019 on January 24, 2019. A copy of the relevant natural gas price forecast is attached. Staff has incorporated this forecast into the new model. In addition, the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 changed the federal corporate ta,r rate from 35 percent to 2l percent, effective January 1,2018. Idaho House Bill 463 changed Idaho corporate tax rate from 7.4 percent to 6.925 percent, effective January 1,2018. Staffhas also changed the "Federal Defened Rates" and "Federal/All State Combined Tax Rates" in the model to reflect the ta>< changes. Lastly, Staff updated Avista's costs of capital in the model according to the stipulation and settlement in Avista's most recent general rate case (Case No. AVU-E-17-01). The conclusion of the rate case has triggered an update of Avista's cost of capital figures in accordance with the approved methodology, and Staff has incorporated the new cost of capital figures listed below in the SAR model. Cost of Debt 5,720/o Cost of Common Equitl,9.50% Overall, the combination of all the changes results in about an eight to nine percent decrease in 2O-year levelized avoided cost rates for all three utilities. Please find attached (l) EIA's 2019 natural gas forecast, (2) updated published avoided cost rates for all three utilities, and (3) a copy of the updated SAR model. Please review these attachments and file comments with the Commission regarding the updated SAR model and the resulting rates as they pertain to your utility. Staff will present a Decision Memo at the April 15, 2019 Decision Meeting recommending the Commission issue Notices of Application and Notices of Modified Procedure in these matters and set comment deadlines of May 16,2019 and reply cornment deadlines of May 23,2019. Avista Idaho Power Rockv Mountain Power Federal/All State Combined Tax Rates 24.6740%25.7400Yo 24.5866% Federal Deferred Rates 21.0000%21.0000%2t.0000% Page 3 Thank you for your cooperation. Please contact Yao Yin (vao.vin@puc.idaho ) if you have any questions. Sincerely, ->d,.^*-(.( Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General Enclosures: Updated SAR rnodel excel spreadsheet Updated SAR price lists EIA's 2019 Annual Energy Outlook - Mountain Region Electric Power AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WND PROJECTS June 01 , 201 9 New Conlracts and $vlWh Contracts wlthout Full Eligibility for these rates !s llmited to prolects 100 kW or smaller. ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7II 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26.64 27.67 28.10 28.63 29.36 30.24 31.19 32.37 33.35 34.29 35.1 0 35.84 36.52 37.20 37.85 38.47 39.07 39.64 40.19 40.71 28.78 28.92 29.40 30.17 31.13 32.16 33.46 34.52 35.50 36.34 37.11 37.80 38.50 39.18 39.82 40.44 41 .03 41.59 42.13 42.U 29.07 29.75 30.71 31.84 33.00 34.46 35.61 36.65 37.53 38.33 39.04 39.77 40.46 41 .13 41.77 42.38 42.96 43.52 44.04 44.57 30.48 31.62 32.90 34.18 35.79 37.00 38.08 38.98 39.79 40.50 41.24 41.95 42.62 43.27 43.90 44.49 45.06 45.60 46.14 46.64 32.84 34.25 35.60 37.38 38.62 39.71 40.59 41.38 42.08 42.81 43.52 44.20 44.85 45.49 46.09 46.66 47.21 47.76 48.28 48.77 35.76 37.14 39.13 40.35 41.41 42.25 43.00 43.66 44.38 45.08 45.76 46.42 47.06 47.66 48.24 48.80 49.36 49.88 50.39 50.89 201 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 28.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 38.62 43.58 M.57 46.55 47.8 48.89 49.98 52.50 54.35 56.1 5 57.86 59.86 61.31 62.87 64.57 67.03 68.38 69.96 72.60 75.74 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 201 I, released January 20 1 9. See Annual Energy Outlook 201 I, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by SectorMountain at https ://www.eia. gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref.php AVISTA Page 1 LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS June 01 , 201 9 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eliglbility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON.LEVELIZED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26.64 27.67 28.10 28.63 29.36 30.24 31.19 32.50 33.60 34.61 37.1 I 39.42 40.00 40.59 41.17 41.74 42.28 42.81 43.32 €.80 28.78 28.92 29.40 30.1 7 31.13 32.1 6 33.62 34.80 35.87 38.74 41.18 41.74 42.32 42.90 43.46 44.01 44.il 45.05 45.U 46.01 29.07 29.75 30.71 31.84 33.00 34.65 35.94 37.08 40.31 43.00 43.52 44.08 44.65 45.20 45.74 46.28 46.79 47.28 47.76 48.98 30.48 31.62 32.90 34.1 I 36.03 37.40 38.60 42.23 45.1 I 45.63 46.1 5 46.67 47.20 47_72 4.24 48.74 49.23 49.70 51.00 51.43 32.84 34.25 35.60 37.69 39.12 40.34 M.46 47.71 8.02 48.M 48.90 49.37 49.85 50.35 50.82 51.29 51.75 53.1 3 53.55 53.97 35.76 37.14 39.56 41.00 42.20 46.94 50.53 50.62 50.90 51.25 51.64 52.06 52.51 52.96 53.40 53.83 55.29 55.70 56.1 1 56.52 201 I 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 26.64 28.78 n.o7 30.48 32.84 35.76 38.62 44.98 45.99 47.98 76.69 78.53 51.218 u.02 55.89 57.71 59.46 61.47 62.95 64.U 66.25 101 .34 70.12 71.73 74.39 77.56 Note: These rates will be further adiusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2019,releasedJanuary2019. SeeAnnualEnergyOutlook2019,Table3.8EnergyPricesbySector-Mountainat https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_relphp AVISTA page 2 LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS June 01,2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Ellgibility for these rates ls limlted to projects smaller than 10 aMW. ON-LINE YEAB LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 1t 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26.64 27.67 28.10 28.53 29.36 30.24 31 .19 33.12 34.70 36.1 0 38.42 40.42 41.28 42.12 42.92 €.67 44.38 45.06 45.70 46.30 28.78 28.92 29.40 30.1 7 31.13 32.16 34.35 36.08 37.59 40.14 42.32 43.1 9 44.04 44.85 45.61 46.33 47.03 47.8 48.29 48.88 29.07 29.75 30.71 31.84 33.00 35.54 37.47 39.1 0 41.93 44.30 45.17 46.02 46.84 47.61 48.33 49.04 49.70 50.32 50.92 51.99 30.48 31.62 32.90 34.1 I 37.14 39.26 41.00 44.13 46.70 47.52 218.35 49.1 5 49.90 50.62 51.31 51.97 52.59 53.1 8 54.31 54.85 32.84 34.25 35.60 39.13 41.43 43.25 46.72 49.48 50.21 50.97 51.71 52.42 53.1 1 53.78 54.42 55.03 55.61 56.79 57.32 57.U 35.76 37.14 41.56 44.01 45.83 49.69 52.63 53.1 I 53.82 54.47 55.12 55.75 56.38 56.98 57.56 58.1 2 59.34 59.86 60.37 60.87 201 I 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 26.64 28.78 29.O7 30.48 32.84 35.76 38.62 51.42 52.53 54.62 73.85 75.65 58.42 61.06 63.03 64.96 66.81 58.94 70.52 72.22 74.05 98.01 78.1 5 79.88 82.66 85.95 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2019,releasedJanuary2019. SeeAnnualEnergyOutlook20l9,Table3.SEnergyPricesbySector-Mountainat https ://www.eia. gov/outlooks/aeo/tables_ref .php AVISTA Page 3 LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS June 01 , 201 9 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capaclty Payments Ellglbility for these rates ls llmlted to proiects smaller than 10 aMW, ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT YEAR NON.LEVELIZED 1 2 3 4 5 5 7II 10 11 12 '13 14 '15 16 17 18 '19 20 26.64 27.67 28.10 28.63 29.36 30.24 3'l .19 32.08 32.85 33.s9 37.28 40.44 40.74 4l .10 41.47 41 .86 42.24 42.63 43.01 43.38 28.78 28.92 29.40 30.1 7 31.13 32.1 6 33.1 1 33.91 34.69 38.84 42.33 42.57 42.89 43.23 43.59 43.96 44.U 44.71 45.08 45.44 29.07 29.75 30.71 31.84 33.00 34.04 34.89 35.70 40.42 44.32 44.47 44.72 45.O2 45.35 45.69 46.05 46.41 46.77 47.12 48.82 30.48 31.62 32.90 34. t8 35.27 36.1 3 36.96 42.37 46.72 46.72 46.87 47.O9 47.36 47.66 47.99 48.32 €.66 49.00 50.82 51.13 32.84 34.25 35.60 36.70 37.53 38.34 M.62 49.50 49.28 49.27 49.38 49.56 49.79 50.07 50.36 50.66 50.98 52.93 53.22 53.52 35.76 37.14 38.1 I 38.93 39.70 47.14 52.66 52.09 51.86 51.80 51.85 51.99 52.20 52.44 52.69 52.97 55.07 55.34 55.61 55.91 201 I 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 26.64 28.78 29.O7 30.48 32.84 35.76 38.62 40.55 41.50 43.42 93.73 95.82 46.72 49.1 I s0.99 52.74 54.41 56.35 57.75 59.26 60.90 121 .36 64.61 66.1 3 68.72 71.80 Note: A "seasonal hydro poect' is delined as a generation facility which produces at least 55% ol its annual generation during the months ol June, July, and August. Ordet 32802. Note: These rates will be turther adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2019,releasedJanuary2019. SeeAnnualEnergyOutlook20l9,Table3.SEnergyPricesbySector-Mountainat https ://www.eia. gov/outlooks/aeo/tables-ref.php AVISTA Page 4 LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS June 01, 2019 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts wlthout Ful! Capacity Payments Ellglbllity lor these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 'I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I 10 11 12 13 14't5 16 17 18 19 20 26.64 27.67 28.10 28.63 29.36 30.24 3l .19 34.08 36.41 38.41 40.12 41 .61 42.93 .U.16 45.30 46.36 47.34 8.26 49.1 1 49.91 28.78 28.92 29.40 30.17 3l.13 32.16 35.49 38.08 40.27 42.09 43.67 45.05 46.33 47.51 48.60 49.62 50.56 51.45 52.27 53.04 29.O7 29.75 30.71 31.84 33.00 36.92 39.85 42.24 44.19 45.85 47.28 48.62 49.83 50.96 51.99 52.97 53.87 54.71 55.50 56.26 30.48 31.62 32.90 34.1 I 38.86 42.15 44.73 46.78 48.49 49.95 51.30 52.53 53.67 54.71 55.69 56.60 57.44 58.24 59.01 59.74 32.84 34.25 35.60 41.37 45.04 47.78 49.86 51.58 53.01 54.35 55.56 56.68 57.71 58.68 s9.58 60.41 61.21 61.98 62.70 63.38 35.76 37.14 44.66 48.69 51.48 53.50 55.13 56.47 57.74 58.89 59.96 60.94 6r.88 62.75 63.56 64.33 65.09 65.80 66.47 67.1 3 201 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 26.64 28.78 29.07 30.48 32.84 35.76 38.62 61.46 62.72 64.95 66.1 6 67.U 69.22 72.02 74.15 76.24 78.26 80.55 82.31 84.18 86.1 I 88.97 90.65 92.56 95.53 99.01 Note: "Other projects" relers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landlill gas, or geothermal proiects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnlormation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 20 1 9, released January 201 9. See Annual Energy Outlook 201 9, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Seclor-Mountain at https ://www.eia. gov/outlooks/aeoltables_ref .php AVISTA Page 5 LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED Noqo ooqo a\o lo\o slNci r\ C; oNc; @roci ro(o c; raqo E:,.E G f Orq N t\q N rnq N oq N l,nq o) d rr')oq d (ooq -tcFI ooq 6o() EEqJ hcln O)q u) Or(o+ (nf!t (oo)(n F\m st\(n staan @a(n ocm G(9 E f oz ou]sld o\d!d r'ogr}d t,c!dH rJ)\or Nq 6 @dlt\ 1r1q ro ro CNt o.Ysl =oEfI E .E, oG, (naFN rtrylo stryu)N rnu'! stN OlH+N roe<tN NN+N @q(nN m ^iN r,)Hdd =o EfLog .96 o0Lo =oA .g Igui s5o E.s Eo =.s o.g 6. r\(o c; Fqo Nro C; r\qo Fqo Nqo 1^oqo (oqo (oro c, roqo E3c6 l N\d sf\H ro\ F{ ro\d ro\FI t-\d la\d NeH steFI (n og 6o(, Eo0, oat 00N{ <lq<f 00]:(n 00rnd; O)afn u!u1 d; locm lonfn roo? tY) o(o G f 6z o) id d4dd (n ^!dd ool Ol o0q @ Fo) N dq F. oo)rn roq @N+ =o6fr6 .E' od. rnU.! N r\q N o\ F{N dq dN Nq FIr\l (n4NN oo d;N n(Y) a,l ft1d ^iN oU]€d =o ofroo o o o 'oE Ig lll roNo(\t lridoN llNoGI (rtNoa{ dl{od NoN oNod Olo({ o C)t{ oN o6'90, =6EAE' .; cbtEEsoO6 i., goct6J>j.cI CO E.E9=LEC,cgPn*s,E6 E:PfiEEs. a s.93ESf; HcYH @H.i ]nnd NH od .j r\q H stq (\c o)old No)o lno)o Gto)o oo)o @oqo (o ogo <foqo ddffi slq(n roo)N CNq N aN st\N Nq N oq N rn4N t.IN aN rndl N +d! N r\N6i c! N <tnN (noq @ Nrod rJ)a@ c!H od Oloq N O)qN ou'lt\ r+c!r\ Hqr\ r\\(o mu)6 o)Hd rnq(o (o oq f) u)\n 00qlrl oeroN st(n U;a! (nq N do),oN u)H d;N staNa! O)oq dN taqdN onoN o\(r) mooiH o(ndd r}(!) r.d Nqt\d NddH (o4rnd <tarJ)sf lr)o) an<t (noq Nsl d\H<t dlncist rnd) or01 t)rn odd) Ot r.(n <tgrom o ^!rnfY) 00o+(n o!N(n <fo) (r1 (n ao ln\o)N ro0q 00N or\ CJ o\o or\ CJ Ol(o ci ol(o c; (rt(od o)ro ci Otqo o)(o ci @qo 61'oci 6ro ci ooro ci ooro ci @qo F\qo ocd oqH Ol\d 01\d @t\.j r\\H Nt\.i (o\d rlN.i r.,)\d rtF..i (n\H ro\H rnF.i st\FI N\d odlri o.1ut ddui Nq rn Ol(h+ r\o)<t roo) Olot to+ o\sl dl'-$ (oUl !l f)rr! st Hr^$ Nu]t F{at o ^lr/tFI @C'I+H Orogstd @\r+H (nq H ou'l r+H (oartFI NN$F{ ocsld oo)(nd \fn @n(nd on(n anni.) dN aJ o4Nd lnNd @q r/)N o\ogr)N Ol\utN dq ]nN 01arnN FatN ('l u;N or0qsl teriN oorn+N utN+N (nq <lN sfo)(nN oo? (Y)N or d;N t{rlc,at rtoFI oactGI gltYloN odtoN ar)oN IDrlioN r,la'lod l'rltoN GAdtC'cl r{tr!ol{ nlorY odtoN Ora{oN oaloit NoN xq N o4d roaH Nad 6d!H <td? d ddl d t\f! d <lq d x(n 6i (n oq(n (n\rn fnq G1 slul(n r/)a(n !nd)(n r\no (n fYi x + 6t!(\i oo) rn4d No:o oom CJ O)o: O) oq O) ood oi xod o)q N(n o).l Han oqo(n sfoqq)t\ orq C')N oa@N Or4F.N 6o)\oN q N NH u;rn fooq(nrn y)qNg) 6ndrn roco6 (o 0q @<l Hqr\+ 6lnd<f c! ct c!Nci \o \o Nci dt\d dl\ct oN C, orr CJ }Reo mq (n og Noq d Nog Nog ioq o0q ooq d xt)o (oc(o N o(ndN (na(o N r\(ndN (oe(o N st(i1(('N FclroN oe(, N otto,^a60 oN ot,|oN 6taoal 6Id od ro!t6r{ 16IN aricld dtId >R\ Nod r\0qrn ooqut Nq rn r\arn o)d]rl och oo ri xq(n <terr) <lo?ut f\d] lJ) rnelnd NcrnH ddl t/)d (nc.{r)d 01.! r/)d