HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191101Andrews Exhibit 13.pdf:319!'l0Y-t AH DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR RECUI,ATORY & GOVERNMENTAI, AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 I4I I EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKAN E, WASH INGTON 99220-3727TELEPHONE: (509)495-4316 F'ACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVI D.M EYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORtr THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIIS COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR ]'HE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SE,RVICE TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU-[-I9.04 EXHIBIT NO, I3 OF LLIZABE'III M ANDREWS FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC) I: l3 SICN C David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory arxl Govemnr nta I Aftirs Avista Corporation l4l I E. Misskrn Avenuc P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washingon 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4316. Fax: (509) 495-8851 John R. Hammond Jr. Dcpury Aftomey General Idaho Public tjtilities Commissbn Staff P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-007 4 Phorr: (208) 334-0357, Fax: (208) 334-3762 IN 'IHE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FORAUTHORITY 'IO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN IDAHO BT]FORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC I]TILITIES CO]\,IMISSION CASE NO. AVU.E.I9.O4 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT This Stipuhtbn and Senlenrnt ("Stipulation") is entered into by and annng Avista Corporatiorl doing business as Avista Utilities ('Avista" or 'Company'), the Statr of the ldaho Public Utilities Comrniss ion ('Staff'). C learwater Paper Corporatbn ('Clcarwater'), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("ldaho Forest'), the Commmity Actbn Partnershf Association of ldaho, lnc. (CAPAI'), the ldaho Conservation Lcague ("lCL'), and WaLnart, Inc. ("Walnurt"). These entities are collectively referred to as the "Parties" and singuhrly as a "Party", and represent all who have appeared in these proceedings. The Parties understand this Stipuhtbn is subject to approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("lPUC" or the 'Commission"). STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E- I9.04 Page I I. INTRODUCTION l. The tems and conditions of this Stipuhtion are set forth herein. The Parties agree that this Stipuhtion represents a fiir, just and reasonable compromhe of all tlrc issr.res raised in the proceeding, is in the public interest and its acceptance by the Commission represents a reasonable resolutio n of dre multiple issues identified in this case. The Parties, therefore, recomnrend that the Commissioq in accordance with RP 274, approve the Stipuhtion and all of its tenns and conditions withorn nraterial change or conditbn. II. BACKGROUND 2. On Ju:re 10. 2019, Avista fihd an Applicatbn with tlre Conrmissbn for authority to increase revenue effective January 1,2020, for electric service in Idaho. The Company proposed an increase in electric base revenue of $5.255 million or 2.lYo for 2020. By Order No. 34368. dated July 1,2019. the Commission suspended thc proposed schedules of rates and charges for electric service. 3. Petitions to intervene in this proceeding were filed by C learwater. ldaho Forest, CAPAI, lCL, and Wahnart. The Commission granted these interve nt io ns in IPUC Order Nos. 34369.34374 and 34384. 4, A settlenEnt conference was rnticed and heh on October 1,2019, and was attended by the Parties to this case. As a compromise of positiom in this case, arxl lor other corslleration as set forth below, the Parties agree to the following terms: III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT 5. Overview of Settlenrent and Revenue Requirenrnt. The Parties agree that Avista should be allowed to implenent revised tariff schedubs designed to decrease annual base elecrric revenue by $7. I 88 millio[ or 2.84o/o (on a billed basis the decrease is 2.80%), with an ellbctive STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E.I9-04 Page 2 date of Decernbcr I . 2019. lhe Parties will take all necessary steps to establish an approval process that will alhw for the Stipuhtion to be approved and beconr effectivc by December 1.2019. 6. Cost of Caoital. 'l1r Parties agree to a 9.5 percent retum on equity. *,ith a 50.0 percent connmn equity ratio, which represents a continrution of the presently authorized ROE and capital structure. The capital stnicture arxl resuhing rate of retum is as set fonh bebw: C nent (lapital Structur€Cost Weighted Cost Debt Comnnn Equity lbtal 50.00% 50.00% 5.20% 950% 2.600/o 4.7 sYo r00.00%7.35o/o A. ELECTRIC Rf,VENUE REOUIREMENT 7. Overview of lrlectric Revenue Requircment. Below is a sunrnary table and descriptiorrs ol'thc clcctric rcvcnuc rcquircrrnt components agreed to by the Parties, effective Dccember 1.2019: STIPIJI,ATION AND SETTI,EMENT _ AVU-E. I9-04 Pagc 3 Table No. I a. Cost of Capial. As previorsly described (see Paragraph 6 above). This adjustment redtrces the overall revenue requirerrnt by $2,211,000. b. (iornpanv 20l9Net [{ate l}ase L]pdates. Refhcts adjustnrcnts to net rate base to update information rehted to 2019 capital additiors, irrclud ing rehted depreciati:n expense, as wcll as the impact on Accumulatcd Depreciation and Accumulated Detbrred lrcdcral SUM M ARY TA B LE OF ADJ USTM ENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENU E REQU IREM E,NT EFFECTIVE DECEMBER I, 20I9 (000s of Dollan) Revenue Re quircment Ratc Basc Amount as Filed: $ Adjrstments: Cost of Capital $ Company 2019 Net Rate Base Udates $ Miscellaneous Company Updates: Reduce Property Taxes, S Colstrip/C52 Major Maintenance Expensc, Cohtrip Reguhtory Amortization and remove non-recuring AFUDC Dlil t Expense. Remove Offrcer Incentives and Reduce Non-Ofhcers Incentives $ Reduce Oflrcer Labor Experses S Adjust Employee Benetits $ Remove Certain 2019 Capital Projects $ Revise Fee Free Amortization and Annual Expense $ Restate Uncollectibles S Weather Normaliiation Adjustment $ Update Net Pro l'orma Power Supply Expensc and Transmission Revenues Update Pro Forma Cas Prbes $ lnclude Palouse and Rattlesnake Wind PPA Contracts in PCA $ Revise Transmission Revenues $ Remove 2020 Expense 2020 Non-Union l-abor Increase S 2020 Remove 15/11'2020 l-lxpense S Miscelhneous Adjustments: Rcchssifrcation of non-utility flights $ and tired costs. as wellas expired lease expense associated with the airplane: rechssification ofother administrative and general experses; adjust intervenor funding. and an agreed upon overall expense adjustmenl to reflect level of approved expemes Adjusted Amounts Effectivc Dccembcr 1,2019 5,255 s 836,820 a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) fl) c') h.) i.) j.) k.) r.) m.) i.) ii.) iii.) i.) ii.) (2:l r) (3r7) S (eeo) $ (438) (32) 86 ( l2l5) s (370) ( 163) (287) ( r .620) (4.2{iri) (520) (274) (25s) 451 ( I ?9S) (58) ('7;713 827 750$ (7,188) $ S'IIPU LATION AN D S[,TTL[,M [,NT _ N VU-E- I 9-04 Pagc 4 Incone Taxes. to reflect bahnces as of Deccmber 3 I . 201 9. This adjustnrnt decreases the overall revenue requirenrnt by $3 I 7.000 and reduces net rate base by $ I ,299,000. c. Miscelhneous Companv Updatcs. Rellects adjutrents for updated infonrntion, including: renroval of certain 2018 AFUDC DFI-l'l expense as non-rccurring, major nraintenance expense associated with thc Cornpany's Colstrip generatio n plant, property taxes, and conectbn ol DFIT within the Colstrip regulatory amortizat io n adjutnrent2. This adjLstnrcnt decreases the overall reventr requirenre nt by $990,000 and reduces net rate base by $58,000. d. Renrove Officer Irrcentives and Reduce Non-Offrcer Incentives. Reflects the rennva I of all offcer incentives. 'ttis adjustnrnt abo reduces incentives for non-offrcers to 2018 target versus the Company's 6-year average. This adjustrnent decreases the overall revenue requirenre nt by $438,000. e. Reduce Officer l.abor Expenses. Reducc oli]ccr ]abor expenses t0 2018 test period levels allocated 90% utility / l0% non-utility. This adjustnrnt decreases the overall revenue requirenrcnt by $32,000. f Update Pension and Medical Expenses.Reflects updated infornrat io n rehted to increnrental pension and nedical expenses in 2019, axl incldes 40lK expense based on 2018 test period levels adjustcd lbr 3o/o bbor increases. 'Ihis adjustnrnt increases the overall revemr requtenent by $86,000. Rcmove 2019 Capital Additions. Rcnpve capital investme nts related to: l) Digira I Crid Nerwork project; 2) Rattlesnake Flats lnterconnection and I Allurvance for lrunds Used Under (bnstruction (-AIUDC')t Dcllncd Federal Inconrc la)es (-DIrlT")I Thc I'anies other$'ise accept the Colstrip Regulator) Am)rtiration adjustrnent as filed by the Cbnpany. including appR)val ofthe Cblslrip capital additions included in the Rcgulatorl Asset through 2019. lhe resulting rqgulatory armrtiztion beginning tlcember 1.2019 totals $863.000 annualll-- STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT-AVU-E-19-04 Page 5 't ransmiss io n/S ubstation projectst 3) Distribut io n asset project (Metro Line); 4) IS/lT Mobile Application and Customer Facing Tcchnology projects; arul 5) Transmiss b n/S ubstat io n upgrade project, all originally phnned for 2019. The projecs have been renpved for rcview in the Company's next general rate case dtr to timing of completion of projects. This adjustnrent decreases thc overall revenue requirement by $1,215,000 and reduces net rate base by $7,713,000. h. Rcvisc Fee Free Anrortizat io n and Annual E:ipcnse.Adjmt the annual lree lrrees expense to approxinnte ly $311,000 and Fee Free delenal balance to approxinrate ly $696,000 to reflect actual amounts through April 2019 and estimated bahnces for the remainder of the year. This adjustrnent also revises the amortization cxpense of the F'ee I-'ree deferral bahrrce ($696,000) to reflect a ttree-year annrtization beginning December I, 2019 of $232,000. This adjustnrent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $370,000. a i. Restate ljncollect ib les. Restate tmcollectible expcnse based on the 12 rmnth achral expeme bahnce as of June 2019. This adjustrrnt decreases the overall revenue rrquirenrnt by $ 163,000. Weathcr Nornralization Adiustrrent Reflects higher nonnalized load revenues net of power supply expense tonr that irclLded in the Company's origina I filing. This adjustnrnt decreases the overall revenue requirenrcnt by $287,000. k. Power Swply and Transmission Rehted Net Expemes. STIPULATION AND SETTLEM ENT - AVIJ-E- I 9.04 Page 6 3 The F-ee l;ree program allovs customers to mzlke payrrcnts by credit or debit card without paying a scoicc fae. This prognm \ras appnrved in (bnrnission orderNo.33494. cascNos. AVl-r-l;IG0I andAW-GI6-01 and successfury' inplenrnted in February 2017. a The {}npany will update the deferral balance in its n$tr gcncral rate case to reflect actuale:rpenscs dcl'crred through November 2019 and true-up any renaining amJunts to am)rtize up or down for the remaindcr of thc th ree-year arcfiization. i. Update Pro Fornn Gas Prices. Restates pro fornn power supply net expenses to reflect updated natural gas forward prices for Jamnry 2020 tkough December 2020 contract montls based on the rmst recenl one- nronth settlenrnt period. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ 1,620,000. Include Palome Wind and Rattlesnake F lats Wind PPAs in PCA. Reflectsll lI ll, dre rennval of the Palome Wind and Ranlesnake Wind Power Purchase Agreenrcnts ("PPA') net expenses liom base power supply expense. This adjustfiEnt decreases the ovcrall revenue requirenent by $4,288,000. See Paragaphs 8 (Palouse) and 9 (Rattlesnake) below for further infornntbn. Revise Transmiss io n Revenues. Revise 2018 actual transmiss io n revenues to reflect a three year prbr average for each nnnth of November and December, to nornulize those rrnnths to remove the impact of the October 2018 EnbriJge pipeline rupture on Company transmiss io n rcvenues. The resuhing annual transmission revenues will also be reflected in ttr PCA authorized base effective Deccmber 1,2019. l. Rermve 2020 Exoeme. L 2020 Labor lrrcrease. union hbor increases. Remrves the 2020 increnrntal non-exccutive. non- 2020 union labor irrcreases. however were included based on ulion contract increases lbr 2020. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirenr nt by $274,000. Reduce 2020 IS/l'l'Lxpcnscs . Redrce 2020 IS/IT expense included by thc Company by 50%. Increnrcnta I ISiIT expense included for 2020 reflect S'I'IPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.I9.O4 Page 7 actual contructual obligations. Ihis adjustnrnt decreases the overall revenue requirernent by $255,000. m. Miscellane o16 Adiustments. Rcllects the net change in operating expcnses rehted to: I ) rechssification of non-utility flights and foed costs, as well as expired lease experse associated with the airphne ($93,000); 2) annrtizat kr n of20l8 intervernr lunding over tlvo-year period ($20,000); 3) rermval of miscelhrcous A&G expemes (accounts 9l 2, 921, and 923, totaling $36,000); and 4) an ageed upon increase to overall expense to rclbct a level of approved expenses ($600,000). The net effect of this adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $451,000. 8. Palouie Wind. The Parties agree that. for purposcs ol'this case. the recovery of costs rehted to the Palouse Wind PPA will continue to be inclLrded in the PCA, subject to the current sharing (90o% cutorner. I 0% Company).s Idaho will continue to be assigned its proportbnal share of all environme nta I attrfttutes. 9. Rattlesnake Wind. The Parties agree that. tbr purposes of this case, the recorery of costs rehted to the Rattlesnake Wind PPA will be included in the PCA, subject to the current sharing (90% custonrer, l0% Company).6 ldaho will be assigned is proportbnal share of all environnE nta I attributes. B. OTHER SET'TLEMENT COMPONENTS 10. PCA Auhorired Level of Expense.The new level of power supply revenues. Rate resuhing from the December 1.2019cxpenses, retail bad and l-oad Change Adjustnrcnt sThePalouseWind PPA is a ]G."vear contractthatwas c)acuted in 20ll by the Cbmpany and purchases all of its output (105 MW narneplale capacity) and cn\ irunnrcntal attributes. 'lhe project began comnrcrcial operation in December 2012. 6 The Rattlesnakc !lat Wind PPA is a 2G)-qar contractrvhich consists ol'50 Sicmcn's 5-129 2.9 MW wind turbin€s $ith a totalcapacity ol appro\imately 145 MW s- The pmject $'ill be d ircctl,v conncctcd to the A v ista electric s]'stem and is epecled to bcgin comnrcrcial operdtion in Dccember 2020. STIPULATION ANDSETTLEMENT-AVU-E-19-04 Page I REVTSED tLl24t20t9 settlement revenue requirement for purposes of the monthly PCA mechanism calculations are detailed in the attached Appendix A, incorporated by reference hercin. I I . Electric !-ixed Cost Adiustm ent Mechanisms Authorized Base. The new level of baseline values for the electric fixed cost adjustment mechanism C'FCA) resulting from the December 1, 2019 settlement revenue requirements are detailed in the attached Appendix B, incorporated by reference herein. C. COST OF SERVICE/RATE SPREAD/RATE DESIGN/LOW INCOME 12. Cost ofservice/Rate Spread (Base Rate Chanqesl. The Parties do not agree onany particular cost of service methodology. [n recognition, however, that certain rate schedules are well above their relative cost of service the Parties agee that Schedules llll2 and 2l/22 will receive a revenue decrease well above the ovcrall percentage base rate change in order to move these schedules closer to cost-of-scrvicc parity. The remaining schedules will receive revenue decreases below the overall percentage base rate change, at varying levels, that will move the majority of these schedules closer to their relative cost-of-service. The Parties have agreed to restate present base revenue reflecting the agreed-upon electric weather normalization adjustment. 13, Rate Design. The Parties agree that the base revcnue changes would be collected through the volumetric energy rates, with no changes to the basic charges. ? Appendix C provides a summary ofthe current and revised rates and charges (as per the Settlement) for electric service. 14. Resultinq Percentas.e Chanee by Electric Service Schedule.'I'he lbllowing table reflects the agreed-upon percentage change by schedule for electric service: ? This includes the proposed addition of banded LED rates and administratiye changes as dcscribed in the direct testimony ofCompany witness Mr. Miller on pp. 13-14. ln addition, thc Panies agree with the Company,s proposal to incorporate the cunent Schedule 72 (Permanent Federal Tax Rate Credit) as part ofbase ratcs and to cancel Schedule 72 altogether. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I9-04 [Errara Sheell page 9 Effective December l, 2019 Rate Schedule Residential Schedule I General Service Schedules I I /12 Large General Scrvice Schedules 21l22 txtra Large General Service Schedule 25 Clearwater Papcr Schedule 25P Punping Service Schedules 3 I /32 Street & Area Lights Schedules 4l -48 Overall I)ecrease in Basc Rate s l)ccrcase in Billing Rates - I .0o/o -8.4o/o -4.5% - 1 .0o/o -1.0% -1.6% 0.0% -t.0% -8.2% -4.4% -1.0% -1.0% - | .5o/o 0.0% 2a% -23% I 5. Low lncornc lssws. The Parties agrec to increase filrding tbr thc low Irronr Weatherization Program liom the current Commission-appro ved leveb of $800,000 to 5850,000. D. ENERGY EITICIENCY COMMITMENTS 16. For corsiCeration rehted to the agreed-upon revenue requirerne nt adjutments dbcussed above. Avista, as a part of the give-and-take of settlenpnt negotiatbns, and for other seltlenEnt consileratbm, agrees to the folbwing: a. The partks agree that Avista will establbh an Enerry Elfic iency Assbtarrce Fund ("EEAF'). The purpose ol the EEAF is to provide additional fiuding for projects that are not otherwise fully fuded through existing errrgr eflbiency incentives, or do nrct otherwise qualifo for traditiona I ercrgr efficiency funding. The EEAF will be furded and disbursed as follows: The liral dcfenal bahncc rchtcd to the 'AFUDC Etluhy Tax Defenal", addressed in Case Nos. AVU-E- I 9-02 and AVIJ-G- I 9-01 , as ordered in Commissbn Ordcr No. 34326 will be a source of filrding. The estinuted delenal bahnce is approxinrate ly $800,000. Avista will contribute below-the-lirrc dollars of $800.000 in 201 9 as a nratch to the estilruted AFUDC Equity Tax Deferral (in subsection i.). The funding will be disbursed as directed by the tiFlAI. Advisory Croup, a new committee of stakehoklers tasked wth determining which existing or new progrars shouh receive this funding to address energy eflicicncy, STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E- I9-04 Page l0 t. ll. lv weatherizatio4 conservatio[ and low- income needs in Avista's Idaho service territory. The EEAF Advisory Group will consiCer the needs of all parties and remain Ihxib le on the timing of any disbursements. Any entity seeking funding must Iirst atternpt to qualifu theh applicabh project undcr Avista's existing energy efficiency programs. The committee will initially consist of representatives liom the lolkrwing stakeholders: Avbta. Staff the l.ewiston Community Action Partnership. lCL. ldaho Forest, and Clearwater. 'l}e Committee nray add representatives at its d iscretkrn. b. C learwater DSM Assistance: Avista agrees to work with Clcarwatcr to attempt to qualify thc tbllowing projects for DSM flurding under Tariff Schedule 90: o Variable speed drives ontheNo. lpapernrachine hydropu$er. o Variable speed drives on the No. 4 power boiler deminera lized water punps.. Enerry efficient chillers and compressors for the Lurgi system.o A varhble speed drive on the No.l paper rnachine !',.hite water system.o Variable speed drives on the two waste water outlhll pumps. Tariff Schedule 90 albws for possible DSM fimding of up to 70% ofthe cost of the project, subject to nreting certain specified cost-effective ness criteria. The portion of the estirnated cost ofthese itlentified projects that is not reimbursed under Schedule 90 will be consiCered for fiurding through the EEAF, who will consiCer the rreds of all partbs and rensin flexib Ie on the timing of any dbburserrents. c. Idaho Forest DSM Assistance: Avista agees to work with ldaho Forest to atternpt to of the Proposed Transacti:r n: Installation of infornntio n techrrcbgy to gather phnt infornution data (PI Data) on eners/ usage at ldaho Forest's [,ewiston phnt, and thnough an instalkd interface, transmit real tirE enerry bad infornratio n data for each operating station to Idaho Forest arxl Avista. This nray serri/e as a useful denronstration project for data interfaces with other customers on Avista's systern The total estimated cost b $300,000. Rephcenrcnt of aging compressors. saws and other equfnrent with state ofthe art nnchinery at ldaho Forest's lrwiston and Grangeville phnts. in order to increase productivity ard energr efft ie ncy. SIIPU LATION AN I) S t.]'fTI,EM ENT A VI].E. I 9.04 Page ll qualifl, the lollowing projects for DSM lirnding under Tariff Schedule 90, upon closing Tariff Schedub 90 allows for possible t)SM funding ofup to 70% ofthe cost ofthe project, subject to nreeting certain specified cost-effective ness criteria. lhe portion of the estinnted cost ofthese identified projects that is not reimbursed under Schedule 90 will be considered fur liurding through the EEAF, who will consiCcr the needs ol all parties and renrain flexib le on the timing of any disbursenrnts. IV. OTHER GENERAL PROVISIONS 17. The Panies agree that this Stipuhtion represents a compromise of the positions of the Parties in this case. As proviJed n RP 272. other than any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stfiuhtion, and except to the exlent necessary for a Party to exphin before the Connniss ion its own staterrcnts and positions with respect to the Stipuhtioq all statenrnts made ard positbns taken in negotiat io ns rehting to this Stipuhtbn shall be conlidential and will not be admbsib le in evidence in this or any other proceeding. I 8. The Parties submit this Stipuhtio n to the Cornrnission and reconrnend approval in its entirety pursuant to RP 274. Parties shall support this Stipuhtion before the Conmission and no Party shall appeal a Conrniss ion Order approving the Stbulation or an issrr resolved by the Stipulation. If this Stipuhtbn is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipuhtioq the Parties to this Stipuhtion reserve the right to file testinnny, cross-examine whrrsses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the bsues presented, includ ing the right to rabe bsues that are incorporated in the settbnrcnt ten'r6 embodied in this Stipuhtion. Notrvithstand ing this reservation of rights, the Partbs to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoptbn of the terms of this Stipulation. 19. lf the Commiss ion rejects any paft or all of'this Stipuhtion or imposes any additiona I rnateria I condtions on approval of this Stipuhtion, each Party reserves the right, upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding within 14 days of the date of srch action by the Commissio n, to withdraw from this Stipuhtion. ln such case, no Party STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- 19-04 Page 12 shall be bound or prejudiced by the terns of this Stipulation, and each Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order, file testinnny as it clnoses, cross-examine wioresses, and do all other things necessary to ptJt on srch case as h deems appropriate. In such case, the Parties innrrdiate ly will reqrrst the prornpt reconvening ofa prehearing conGrerre for purposes of establishing a procedural schedule for the conpletbn of tlre case. in accordance with law. 20. Thc Parties agree that this Stipuhtkrn is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. 21. No Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any postion asserted in the negotbtion of this Stfulatiorl except to the extent expressly statcd herein, nor shall this Stipuhtion be constnrcd as a waiver olthe rights of any Party unhss such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipuhtbn shall rnt be deened to corutinrte an acknowledgme nt by any Party ofthe valil ity or invalid ity ofany particuhr rrthod, theory or princip h ofreguhtion or cost recovery. No Pany shall be deenrcd to have agreed that any nethod. theory or principle of reguhtio n or cost recovery employed in artiving at this Stipuhtion is approprhte for resofuing any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or concluions of hw other than those stated herein shall be deenpd to be implicit in this Stipuhtbn. 22. The obligations ofthe Parties urder this Stfuhtion are subject to the Conxnission's approval of this Stipuhtion in accordance with is tenrs and conditbrs and upon srch approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction. 23. This Stipuhtbn may be executed in counterparts and each signed coruterpart shall comtitule an origina I docunrnt. STIPULATION AN D SETTI-EMENT _ AVU-Ij- I 9-04 Pagc 13 DAIED thb t [# "ro*ber,2ole Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Comnission Staff By J. Meyer John R. Hanrncrd Jr. Depr.ty Attomey GeneralAttomey for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Idaho Forest Grop LLC Peter Richardson Attorrry for Cbarwater Paper Corpomtion RonaH Williams Attomey for Idaho lorest Crorp LLC Conrnurity Action Parurershf Association of ldaho, Irp. Idaho Consenation [,eague, Inc. Brad Pudy Attonrcy for CAPAI Ben Otto Attomey br Idaho Conservattrn kague, Irrc. Wahnar! Irc. Vicki M. BaHwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-F- I 9-04 Page 14 ...-_ Arr Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff R,H Jr. ty Attorney General Idaho Forest Group LLC By,- By: David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation By:By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Corporation Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho, Inc. By:By: Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Walmart, Inc. By: Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC Idaho Conservation [rague, Inc. Ben Otto Attomey for Idaho Conservation kague, Inc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-I9-04 Page l,l DRTEO this l&ay of October, 2019. DATED this . '{^It a"y of october, 2019. Avista Corporatbn Idaho Public Utilities Commiss kr n Staff Davil J. Meyer Attonrcy for Avista Corporation John R. Hamnrond Jr. Deputy Attorney Ceneral C Paper Corporation Idaho Forest Group LLC Rbhardson RonaH W liams AttorEy for ldaho Forest Grotp LLCfor Clear,water Paper Corporatbn Conrnrnity Action Partrrcrshir Associatbn of ldaho, lnc. ldaho Conservation Leagw, Irr. Brad Prrdy Attoncy for CAPAI Ben Otto Anonry 6r ldaho Conservation lragr, Irc. Wahnart, lnc. Vicki M. BaUwin Ahomey for Wahurl lrc. STIPU LAI-ION AND SE'T'ILEM EN'I'_ AVU.E. I9-04 Pagc 14 DATED this _ day of October, 20 I 9. Avista Corporation Idaho Public [.ltilities Commission Stalf By:B)': David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attorney General Clearw,ater Papcr Clorporation By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Corporation Ronald Williams Attorney for ldaho Forest Group LLC Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho. Inc. By:- By:- Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Ben Otto Attorney for Idaho Conservation League, Inc. Walmart, Inc. R,,._ Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. STIPUT,ATION AND SE,TTLEMENT . AVU-E- I9.04 Page 14 Idaho Forest Croup LLC ey: PxllLWitllb*t Idaho Conservation League, lnc. DATED this lf*rof october,2019. Avbta Corporatbn Davil J. Meyer Attorney for Avbta Corporatbn Cbarwater Paper Corporation Idaho Publi; Uulities Conmission Staff John R llanrrpnd Jr. Deputy Attomey General Idaho Forest Groqr LLC Conrnmity Action Parmrship Assocbtion Idaho Comenatbn l-eague, lnc. of ldaho, Irr. Peter Rbhardson A$orrry ftr Cbarwater Paper Corporation Pudy Attorney lor CAPAI Wakmrt Irrc. Vbki M. Baldwin Attorrny 6r Wab:art Inc. RonaH Willbms Attorney frr ldaln Forest Crror.p LLC Ben Otto Attorney for Idaho Comervatbn l.eague, Inc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I9-04 Page 14 DATED this 1x4^,of October, 2019. ,Avista Corporation ldaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By By: David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy A$orney General Clear*ater Paper Ciorporation Idaho l'orest Group LLC By:a"- Ronald Williams Attomey for Idaho Forest Group LLC Peter Richardson Attomey for Clearwater Paper Corporation Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho, Inc. Idaho Conservation League, 4rc By By: Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Ben Ono Attorney for Idaho Conservation Leaguelns' Walmart, Inc. By: Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney fbr Walmart lnc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E.I9-04 Page 14 Avista Corporation By: David J. Meyer Attomey for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By: John R. Harnmond Jr. Deputy Attorney Ceneral Idaho Forest Group LLC w By:By: Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, Inc. By By: Brad Purdy Attomey for CAPAI By: Vicki Bal wtn for Walmart Inc. ldaho Conservation League, Inc. Ben Otto Attomey for Idaho Conservation League, Inc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E.I9.04 Page 14 DATED this _ day ofOctober, 2019. Peter Richardson Attomey for Clearwater Paper Corporation Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC APPENDIX A Po z E g .e 6: 5 E 6 axE>6 1UN eE6 e P i-e Seti .s50H s g Et 96 i&AE6o :1IBE ;SEE aeE.' 1E E3 EEA9 ;6rE-9.EE; >qi:as; o q 583,i 3AO3 ', E :t oEI B ol .,}et E El e zl El e !l r -.34t N lia EI ; s3:o =5 a! t<Eg 9() It 3' ol a9 5l N <-l N !l Bsl - .1 Isl 6' el d.i-.jor@o_ .\i.j,je6oN_ @-r:r-o_o--c?-. o;-;e6oi -JE,j'cttFjF 6i-.i66dt ai.io-or.,io .i-;6€.i -- r, @, ol o. -. o. o- d;-.je6F 6-.j66?r @- a @, q u1 ': o_ I d.j.jq-<t d-.j66.; .i_.jeB!.i Fdo-o{o'F i-.j4o4<j 3338883issi*RPsg ci@d-.--ci ."l!61 ETEfl E E E s i r'E o' Elfi,ip t I'}gEJEEE&5iEES+!A{Es:E9lgEE;qE Hi:lFEEESEES$I Ro+r_@- El aa;; E 8.83ht o n.? @. il @ @ q 6- El R*33 -.ol di.i@ ddt 8666 -'Fo-o. Y96o-N,{l F N @ o r.t@.io 5l aN-q.'l or d - oi d -r;.j-ri 8933.!oo-o- >l o-o ^l 6- =l?.6o<a-N-F-o- Fl d; di o_ =l ai N 6 q cl ? 6 r.i dN6Q.! alro1.') 6t Et @-@ o o it -*60zl PR33El _.5 6 ci o ;l 6l N 6 - a,Fl o @ o o >J- P] ] 5 o;1 ^";(aol ::*[i;l 9!:0Ell i,i!;Eol 4Egt1t Ep€H6l LFzo <l :;=:3I SEEEol <<<< .9 g t <3.- E.IJ 3+ E E,q9€ i.uJ&z;i<9leBR xozulo-o- zotr -Jlo-t-oFzuI =ulJFFul.n 9o ul o2 IJJo o APPENDIX B OJ .= OJ .o lr.a9 z.n I >i ca J J ..J '.'1JEE X95oo - +o€"6 rj!:ot:Ai o9i r>o 2.. Et ;Fi >,i Q ,-.(.;;J I J- c -r9 -i 6i i7 >i, coxoz o.6- zoF lo-tr Fz FF o (h l oz (J v-o=-6= =--s-.o_;ir=<FF3-cE^E:K*e z o..$+o= 6--.o'-'6^ir6oa.iac :-orN A E€ ;r:: Er-E i. .24< J-S ,,:z-:!c F F. Nr: ! cc 44 tl) zz > 9Pu E E- - d_4 .co.9 o;,{ J J d -F?z Eits Y 2 q0= \ P.'JL 2= E:dE <<oL<< ud, 6A n ?< Ed ! 3!v ,;qj*t o Q'v JJo 4a '44 €- €' QA _- e I ^ 6 )- .2 .9 dE>,il Si r 5 5 g F.3 E :!r;v *-.€e (_)4 ; E ouEo,x N (u OD d- aoxoz o- zIF lo.tr Fz FF o Or l CJz U -aa-3a!ao e-o-a-!)- dt !L a, ;Z =:o. = 9 E- .2'3 t, t 1:z+ -! i .,1e=l * => 2< ta6i ,!^:!d JlrE "= t d 3 I i\i(-l -)il c :- E = :'\lt = 1, : o!15 ; E Sl; ; E d!l 5 -l=sl € = a tl b- E a ,iil 1 2 : Sl I 2 < i,wt; - 7 :t ; - ; g{,9 3 ,: 3t ,9EI: ; ; CI: ; : E.31 2 i v dl ? 1 v Adi: i i: al ii i d 'az o!c'6. oao o- 3I :i ,. 3::r:r:; Eqg=-ii g::ni" 3 ! i xx ., l,!a,' '+. EI !" ;i ; :d 3 , ,!-3i 9' I -3_ :I E; 1l rI ,1 .o .: E{ !a :i * d €sj -.4 3= =a;l :r i E il :l -E .: ,: 59ES.Pe8 cta38!:t ! I i: 6 t f, E e, = ! € :t.:a ; :iii @xoz zotr 3 tr Fz FF o1 l cjz a : ea iiIei .?e?*'i!!: ." I{9 E 6€:t-ai,^a-a-4:,:iEdllsE EeaSiiEe ^i - c.. :3 t'.1 t*i=c;;t.-i> - 1\r]:; E>r!6iJd!9!;ittEE;;i,.6i,^Y.Y.i5-xF !,; . F Fa; II;i'-;; EilE3dl,i,i;3E ! T a') ! .!Ati il s.& Ei: !t!: !! IJ -, t!ll ijg :iilii EtlJ+' ! EIl: .E Et ai il! E JI+ T a. flit :i ! :l :e{q r I!l ll - l ll H ,1 i:t'1 = i ;ltl ir=El:li'= i: g E .9i :2-- E SunE6l Scen io: AVU'E 19(x Se0lemenl Case Lod F&tr Pe* &edl TBnsmission by Denand {b) (c) (d) AVISTAUTILITIES Revenue lo Cosl by Furctma Component Summdy For $e Ti/elve Mont$ Ended Oecember 31 , mt 8 ldatb Judsdi:lioo Elecinc Uliiily 1ofin I (e)0)(a) Resilenlial Service Sch 1 (h) Gemral Service Sdr 11.12 (D Laee Gen Seftica Sch 21 22 0 Exlia Laqe G€n Service Sch 25 (k) a(tra Laee Semca CP Sdr 25P (r) Pumprrc Sch 31-32 (m) Sreet & AIe! Llg[G Sch 41.49 1 2 3 4 5 Syslem Descnptron Total Functioiral Co6t Comronent3 at Cuftant Rotum by Schodula Pduction 112.176 719 Iransmssion 28,99,1 812 Dslrlbulion 64,810663 Common 47,272.86 44,006 364 11 461j82 33m8,901 24m7.354 15,155 295 4,3960/0 11,806 455 7.433179 24,050948 6,474 882 12,t8102/ 7,885144 10 833 738 2.464,819 1916,212 2.592,232 15 592 561 3 686 745 361.211 3 139,482 2104,758 457 n1 2,212,914 1 030,967 3!3 055 44 614 2 663,883 584,448 Total Cufienl Rate Re!€nu€253,252 000 113180,000 38,791,000 51192,m0 17.867,0m 22,7m.000 5,806,m0 3 fi6,m0 6 7 8 s 10 Exp.a$od as 3,twh P,oducUon Trrlsmissioa Dishfuton Co.nmon Tord furnnl llelded RaEs 50 03732 t0 00965 l0 02156 $001573 $0 03782 s0 0098{ s0 02831 s0 02111 $0.04043 l0 01173 50 03150 $0.01983 $0.03833 $0.01032 $0.0m37 s0.01257 s0 03415 s0 00777 s0 00623 s0 m817 s0.03.191 s0.m825 s0 0m8l s0.m703 s0.03384 s0.mn5 s0.01s58 s0.01658 $0.0a68 t0.m386 s0 2304s s0.05&57 1000125 $m707 $010319 50.08159 5005631 S0.051m 50.09335 50.31160 Function.l Cost Componsnts rt Unilo.m C!rent Reluln 11 12 t3 14 15 Dislibulion Commor Toral Unilorm Cuflenr Cost 112,215 07'1 29,099149 6{,500.275 4t,4nw 45 619 214 12589./89 35427.603 25U],881 13,847 825 3,510794 9,856 317 6,669.317 23,715648 6,239n2 12,357357 7,753.026 11011,130 2575,6i7 2.054,737 2,643,651 15 5/5469 3 6/5971 360 278 3 135 326 2127,463 47t) t18 1U4,415 318 323 36 917 2 183 910 53!,971 253,252.000 119284,493 33,884 254 50 065 323 18.285,156 U47,M4 5,911,678 3074,052 16 17 18 19 n Expressed as lfiVYh P(duclion Trensmission Disl,ihrion C,ornmon lolal C{lIEnr ljnifoin i,leld€d Rabs $0.03733 t0 00968 t002146 0001578 $003913 $0 01080 s0 03039 t0 02200 $0.03695 $0 00937 $0 02630 t0 01779 s0.03780 $0.00ss4 $0.01970 $0.01236 $0 03,471 $0 00012 $0 006,48 $0 00033 s0.0v87 s0.00623 s0.00081 s0 m702 s0.03420 s0.007t s0 0361{l s0 01679 $0.02754 $0.m320 $0.18896 $0.04628 21 Rw€.us b Cod R.tio ,t Cumlt R.re5 l0 08125 1m $010231 0.95 $0.09040 1.14 s0.07s0 102 s0.05763 0.98 s0 05003 rm s0.0+501 0.s8 s!.26508 1.18 22 23 24 Functional Coat Csrptrrgrb ,t Propoaad Ratum by SanadllaP,DdlEtlon 110,127,575 Tansmission 27,581.860oistihrim 62,11{,1mCoftnon 16,240,145 13,812 980 11,258 837 32,559 376 24,413E0/ 14,286 016 3,807 579 10,510.061 6,925,313 23,m,11/ 5,995 268 11,918 502 7 616,112 10,t5t.t51 2,417.416 r 912616 2574,215 15174,2fi 3.612,266 354 7m 3.114,124 2.085,4m 4-15,879 2.165,213 1019,500 313,052 44,614 2 6fi,890 ail,441 Tolal Proposed Rale Revenue 246,0d{.000 112,045000 35,5A.m0 48 898,m0 17688,000 22.552,m0 5.716,0m 3ff6,m0 29 30 31 Disldbllion Common T016l PrDlos€d Meldel RA€s $0.02066 $0.01538 $0 02793 $0.02094 $0.02804 $0.01848 s0 019m s0.01211 $0 00612 s0m810 s0 00079 s0 00696 90 03481 s0 01639 50 23049 s0 0s057 i0.08186 10.00610 $0.09179 s0 07791 1005575 $0 05019 $0091S s031460 32 33 3a 35 36 3l 38 3S 40 41 42 Func{ond Co{t Cdrponats at ljnifom R€quortod Retuh Prcdcton 110,133.720 Tonsmission 27,658,151 Disr,iM,on 61,90€,376 Coftmn 16,362153 44,773_074 11,966.469 34,081.269 25.069.821 13,590.977 3,336.S/5 9.473.385 6,519,281 n215,173 5.930,38s 11 801,820 1579,76 10.806.897 2.1$.117 1,961 371 2.584160 15.286,577 3193,971 344,514 3.m5,089 2 088,m3 14t,413 2171,625 1.021,03S 312,{19 35,118 2 mq388 523,037 Tohl Unilorn Cosl 216.064.000 115,893.633 32.920.619 48 587.701 17,803.848 22.190,154 5,728,080 2C19,963 Exp@ssld as t4(Wh Distdbutioo Common Tolel Uniform Melded Rates s0 03661 s0.009m s0.02060 s0.01542 $0.03840 $001026 $0.0a23 $0.02150 s0.03626 s0.00890 50.0173S $003710 $0 00945 $0 01881 $001208 $031m i0ffi772 l0 00619 m m81s $0 03423 $0 00782 $0 0007 $0 00686 s0 03357 $0 00/19 $0.03,491 $0 01642 $0 0rl03 $0 m304 $017905 $0 04526 Rev.nue t! Co.t R:no .t Propoi.d Rates s0.08186 100 1.03 F,r80,000) $0.09940 097 0.98 2,7i3,000 s0.08783 108 .l.16 (s,870,000) $0 077,44 1.01 i,05 (2,601,00{) l0 05612 099 1.00 (53,000) $0 04968 1.02 1.03 (590,000) $009209 s0 25438 1.00 124 1.01 1.21 tr8,000) {696,000) Page 2 of 'l {3 Cur.nt R.y€nu€ t Prcpored Cosi Rnio tl4 T&!et R.vciu. hcr.r.. F le: oELc CoS Seitement C6e AVUE-1 904.xlsm / Sumcosl Exhibris 2t 2g ,0.03661 10.00918 10.0375€ 10.00966 10.03811 t0.0r015 $0.03725 $0 00956 $.03391 t0 00762 i0.03465 $0.00809 $0.03353 $0.00717 $0.02968 $0.00336 CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Page 4 - Cost of Service AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System TWEI-VE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2018 Line No,Description Factor 1 Revenues 1.000000 1.000000 2 Expenses: Uncollectibles 0.002922 o.oo2922 3 Com mission Fees 0.002529 o.oo2529 4 ldaho lncome Tax 0.046854 5 Total Expenses 0.0s 2 31s 0.005451 6 Net Operating lncome Before FIT 0.947685 0.994549 7 Federal lncome Tax @ 21%0.199014 8 REVENU E CONVERSION FACTOR 0.748671 9 Gross Up Factor for Revenue Related Expenses 1.0055 CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Page 5 - Rev Conversion Factor APPENDIX C ssS s }e:Rsl :eq.!.tq(,r.,olo? 'iqYs'ridl T N o {,oro(L (froor,roNrolct (oF-or@{@l o(0 .<r c) \ l0_ @_ {l o_o(oOF. Nlr)(r)l F-r(.rlo-N(a@lI?@@g@N@o ;F:s:eS:R:3:el;eq.l!cq9a0qEo?TlTTcil T 6OGA6'Aor 6'(/r@orF.Nor@l@F(\JNFNIA -ocig9r'..@6@@ 6N tN6 a{rol ONN @ F@(rCOt o)co_ r.-- @- o- @" o- trl ll_Fo NF-N ra)(9l rt-C)rrFN@t,5lta,r4to@ir,6lq4 }e:e;R;l !lS}ll ;eq!r2qqqq.qT ?YT'irol S rJ)o)6@N(o@l \tt(\lOr@rJ)F (rrl rO6 (' C' (O rr' N (Ol O6l(r@FNrJ)(')t rorCrtF(\ra.,gy'$T@r,t,'(rNog,a) 6'AC. 6 6'aor 6'rr(oq)NNol(al@- <\,J C{ - N af,-ociCgF-@@3+e OF(\lF.O(O@lN@oor(o @o(rrl |,)FF. r@ rs @@l N(YrOFF-NlJrd)l(rtF.r)lo-Ng,@lr!)Fr#',}*rtaGt49 6/a'l-NO) -'1 N-p S oo-Y:&''NE5 ua o EJ 6oo d) EILe EI Etl)FEded€flt5El,.i a ctl] .-i ElocEe;la th {llrr, f ..j EIut: tP olE *T EI5 trb= oltY >\.J cliEEB= UiE SE pr flE ,f E 3lt ar .9 .El8. iE Bls 5a slc EE El E +: $O o, O, :lo oe Ji gJ .-l; iE E9 -ea olo v, !, arlE i_F. ElP EE ilI.i 4p :-JEP!g* c,: ,PlY C' >\ J E =i: 0rl$ BF EI:o ae ilruGr.il,t _,* Allqgr:l EI gEB 30BEl E zotrIl(L FU)FzL! t!JFFtrJaIo, LIJ :f Eoi, ala (.1 otr o ,x-oo. CL o- "r*(.t -''>n9 89 E E5';po- E.E H g,ET.P E5 p 6 5 E.B.o P!t.-ia)-CO-ti';.c,ruoExPdiESiE -N(r)V(t(Ol-aO o c(J = gd Eb 9.o =P Ho 9o5=d(,O EsSgar == cc iiE 9t6 sP -au e 9a6EBE EPEE EEPo<(!F o-coo EsEo 3*sgetr6E $Eis .C F o, H^6I OrgF bd 1l $EEEf, OL ,EEa)t o;gb F t/) o Edro-6 I +r-F!Yg,qrYo-g Edg0.cl Ecp s',9 E IJJ adqt8Eivrfr.,:!ao-gO=E EFZ=!J lE iu;Ee Ef gHg qerdfi!o4,o =tE-c.o- Po.tz AVISTA UTILITIES toAHo ELECTR|C, CASE llo. AVU-E-i9-04 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONE}ITS BY SCHEDULE (a) Re!idenlhl Servi.e " Scheduh 1 Easic Cha.oe Eneey Charoe: First600 kwhs Allover 600 kwhs Lrra Gfi.r.l S.lvk . Schadub 2l Energy Charge: First250,000 kvlhs 50.06817 All over (2) S9IEE all preser $0.05818 Dsrnand Charge: 50 kwor less $425.00 Over 50 kW $5.50ftWPrimaryVollageDiscounl S0.20/kW ClcrivJater - Sohcduh 26P Energy Cha.9e: Block 1 Retail kwh! Block 2 Generelion kwhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3.000 - 55.000 kva uvet 55.uou kve Pfimary Volt. Di6cDunt Annuallvlinimum Base Tariff Presenl Revised Present Presenl Sch. Rste S.heduh 72 886€ R8l.t OOerAd.{l) gillino R.te(b) (c) (d) (6) (0 $6 00 $ti.00 $13.00 General Rate loc/lDaGr) (s) Sch€dulo 72 Tir Relorm Chanoe (h) Propo3od Billing Rats (il Propo!ed &re Ta.lft R.tc U) $0.09116 s0.10179 ($o 00542) ($0.00542) s0.08574 $0.09637 (t0.00116) (s0.00116) l0 08458 10.09521 ($0.(x)631) (50.00646) t0.083€5 10.09{r7 s0.0Ea82 s0.09533 no charg€ $6.00ikw 30.00 30.00 s6.00/kw no charge 66.00/kw 36.00 t5.00 113.00 s13,00 30.006{2 t0.005{2 Goaeral Servicei - SchaduL tt Easic Charoe 5'13.00 Energy Charoe: Firsl3 650 kwh6 $0.10135 All over 3,650 kwhs 10.07487 Oemand Chargei 20 kw or less no charge ove.20 kw $6.00/kw 60 00578) ($0 00578) $0.09857 50.06909 10.00276 $0.00276 s0.10133 50.07185 30.00 (t0.01526) (30.012.3) no chargo t0,00578 t0.00578 30.09185 90,06520 60.08909 10.062,14 (!0 00456) (r0.00456) t0.06361 10.05362 s0.00239 t0.00239 s0.06600 50.05601 (s0.00826) (s0.007691 10.00r56 t0.00a56 t0.06230 40.0528a t0.058s1 10.050{9 s425.00 s5.50/kw 30.20/kw sa25.00 $5.5o/kw 50.20/kw ta25.00 t5 50i kw s0 20/kw Exl'. trroa G.rra,al Saidca - $hadola 2t Enelgy Cha,ge: First 500.0U) kvvhs $0.05586 All over 500,000 kwhs 10.04730 OemaM Charoe: 3,000 kva or less $14,000 OYer 3,000 kva $5.00/kva Primary Volt. Oiscount t0.20AWAnnualMinimum Paesent: (t0.00313) ($0.00313) s0.05273 s0.04417 s0 00033 10.00033 s0 05306 s0 04450 {i0.00378) (30.0o387) 30.06241 t0.0,1398 t0.05208 t0.(x353 10.m313 $0.m313 $14,000 $5.00/kva $0.2olkw 11r,000 S5.00Ave $0 20ikw 1,r98,530 t14,O0O t5.00Ava s0.20/kw s14.000 55.00Ava 52.soikva 50.20/kw Pregenll $ 11.000 35 00l(va t2 50Ava $0 2clkw lla,000 $5.00/kva s2.5o.rva $0.20/kw t827,rto tra,0oo 35 00/kva $2 50/kva $0.20/kw s73S.660 Proposed. $0.04524 $0.02456 (s0.002e6) $0.00000 $0.04228 $0.02456 S0.0002,1 s0 00000 $0.04252 s0 02456 (30.00347) 30.00000 t0.04201 t0.02a68 10.04177 s0.02456 30.00298 10.00000 Pumoho S.rvlca . Sch.dub 3l Basic Charge Energy Chorgel Firsl'165 kwkwhsA adddionat k\ r'hs s0.10368 $0.08837 (s0.00519) ($0 00519) $0 0984S s0.08318 i0.00258 s0.00258 $0.10r17 10.08586 150.00677) (s0.00Gs3) t0.00519 10.0061s t0.0995S t0.08462 $0.09691 10.08184 s665,640 Proposed: s11.00 $11.00 t0.00 s't't-00 6r r.0o (1) !@Ut&! 8ll present rate sdlustm€ntsr Schedulo 59 - RBidential& Farm Energy Rale Adjustment, Schedulo 66 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schedute 74 - Tempo.Ery Tax Credit, and Schedule 91 - Enerey Elficiency Rider Adjustment. AppendixC,RaleDesign AVU.E.1 9-04 SETTLEMENT STIPUI ATION Page 2 ol2