HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191028Stipulation and Settlement - Revised.pdfF.ECEIVEO i0i9OCI28 Al{ll:00 ^frwstt CorP. ,,'', t :,'.-otl?tll8r'o* FILED ELECTRONICALLY AND VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL October 25, 2019 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I 133 I W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Re: Case No. AVU-E-I9-04 After filing of the Settlement and Stipulation with the Commission on October 11, 2019, Staff brought to Avista's attention two things that should be corrected in the Settlement documents. The first was an inadvertent reference to "natural gas" in paragraph 1 I at page 9 that needs to be removed. The second relates to certain appendices tlat were agreed-upon by the Parties and referenced in the Stipulation, but never actually filed. Therefore, included here is a "red-lined" and "clean" errata page 9 to the Settlement and Stipulation that deletes the reference to "natural gas," as well as the missing Appendices A-C. These errors were on the part ofthe Company and we apologize for any confusion this has created. Please direct any questions related to this filing to Liz Andrews at 509.495.8601. Sincerely, David J. Meyer Vice President, Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Govemmental Affairs Enclosures Avista Corp. l4l I East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509.489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 c: Service List CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have fiis 25th day of October, 2019, served the Errata to page 9 and Appendices A-C to the Settlement and Stipulation in Case No. AVU-E- l 9-04, by electronic transmission to the email address(es) or by mailing a true and corect copy, postage prepaid, to each party or party representative listed below. Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N lTrh Street Boise, ID 83702 bmpurdy@hotrnailcom John Hammond Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I 133 1 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83 714 John.hamrnondrOpuc.idaho.gov Larry Crowley The Energy Strategies Institute, Inc. 3738 S. Hanis Ranch Ave. Boise, ID 83716 qqwleyla@aol.com Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. P. O. Box 388 802 W. Bannock, Suite 1.P 100 Boise, ID 83702 ronr?Drvilliamsbradbu ry.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 dreadins@nri ndspring.com Vicki M Baldwin Parsons Behle & Latimer Walmart, lnc. 201 S. Main Street, Suite 1800 Salt Lake City, Urah 841 I I vbaldwin@parsonbehle.com stepth.chrissriDwalmart.com -'2--,2 - -4 -.l--z Paul Kimball Manager of Compliance & Discovery Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 d iane. han ian @pus;k!ah!.gey Peter J. Richardson Greg M. Adams Richardson Adams 5 l5 N. 27ti Street PO Box 721 8 Boise, ID 83702 peter@richardsonadams.com greg@richardsonsdams.com Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N.6th St. Boise, ID 83702 botto@idahoconservation.orq REVISED 10t24t2019 settlement revenue requirement fot purposes of the monthly PCA mechanism calculations are detailed in the attached Appendix A, incorporated by relbrence hcrein. I 1. lilectric Fixed Cost Adiust Mechani sms Authorized Base. 'l'he new level of baseline values lor the electric enC-noturalga+fixed cost adjustment mcchanism ("FCA") resulting from the December 1,2019 settlement revenue requiremenls are detailed in the attached Appendix B, incorporated by reference herein. C.COST OF SERVICE/RATE SPREAD/RATE DESIGN/I,OW INCOME 7 This includes the proposed addition of banded LED rates and administrative changes as describcd in the direct testimony ofCompany witness Mr. Miller on pp. l3-14. ln addition, thc Parties agree with the Company's proposal to incorporat€ the current Schedulc 72 (Permanent F'ederal Tax Rate Credit) as part ofbase mtes and to cancel Schedule 72 altogether. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I9-04 [Errata Sheet] Page 9 12. Cost ol Service/Rate Spread (Base Rate Chanqes). The Parties do not agree on any particular cost of service methodology. In recognition, however, that certain rate schedules are well above their relative cost of service the Parties agree that Schedules 11112 and 2l/22 will receive a revenue decrease well above the overall percentage base rate change in order to move these schedules closer to cost-of-service parily. The remaining schedules will receive revenue decreases below the overall percentage hase rate change, at varying levels, that will move the majority of these schedules closer to their relative cost-of-service. The Parties have agrecd to restate present base revenue reflecting the agreed-upon electric weather normalization adjustment. 13. Rate Desien. The Parties agree that the base revenue changes would be oollected through the volumetric energy rates, with no changes to the basic charges. T Appendix C provides a summary ofthe current and revised rates and charges (as per the Settlement) for electric service. 14, Resultinq Percentaqe Chanqe by Electric Service Schedule. Thc following table reflects the agreed-upon percentage change by schedule for electric service: REVISED 10/2412019 settlement revenue requirement for purposes of the monthly PCA mechanism calculations are detailed in the attached Appendix A, incorporated by reference herein. I l Electric Fixed Cost Adi ustment Mechanisms Authorized Base. The new level of baseline values for the electric fixed cost adjustment mechanism ('FCA") resulting hom the December 1, 2019 settlement revenue requirements are detailed in the attached Appendix B, incorporated by refbrence herein. C. COSTQISERVICE/RATESPREAD 12. Cost of Service/Rate Soread (Base Rate Chanqes). The Parties do not agree on any particular cost of service methodology. In recognition, however, that certain rate schedules are well above their relative cost of service the Parties agree that Schedules I l/12 and 2l/22 will receive a revenue decrease well above the overall percentage base rate change in order to move these schedules closer to cosl-of-service parity. The remaining schedules will receive revenue decreases below the overall percentage base ratc change, at varying levels, that will move the majority of these schedules closer to their relative cost-of-service. "lhe Parties have agreed to restate present base revenue reflecting the agreed-upon electric weather normalization adjustment. 13. Rate Desi,In. The Parties agree that the base revcnue changes would be collected through the volumetric energy rates, with no changes to the basic charges. T Appendix C provides a summary ofthe currenl and revised rates and charges (as per the Settlement) for elcctric service. 14. Resultinq Pcrcentaqe ChaneE by Electric Service Schedule. 'l'he followin g table reflects the agreed-upon percentage change by schedule for electric service: 7 This includes the proposed addition of banded LED ral€s and administrative changes as described in the djrect t€stimony ofCompany witness Mr. Miller on pp, l3-14. In addition, thc Parties agree with the Company's proposal to incorporate the cunent Schedule 72 (Permanent Federal Tax Ral€ Credit) as pafi ofbase ratcs and to cancel Schedulc 72 altogether, STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-19-04 [Enata Sheet] Page 9 APPENDIX A 5oz uJo-c zIF J o.Fv,FzulE IJJJFFUJo o ot ul oz tlto o s 2 Po I E E g -c * I I E E E6g E-*". g5E ;;6: :;90€€9u EE;EE a6 _4.9 ;r 5E*E6E --! E.', x E< EEE9 : i 3b! n: E!l>616 e9; E >ii3,P:aa? flg 8t bt g 6n zl _Et .'1 EI N ot a 3r st & "El & EI 9>t "$El n .It e EI N _H Elp<l at 6- 5t I sgYe =E=c a2 {s !5 .{'-;65.+6t 6do'j.t{4t{ ,j.i;6-; q r --o o F-!1 r o;io a q.6-o-o-'1 o-\ .,i;;.i o.io--odd.n ai.j;e6N. 3888883Ng33RRPB3 @@@_;.+;6o 6"1!g d.m .9ot'Ig E4P P: s I E tE;',r',iEg!:e;HEEE&:irEg.9.8!!E:Eig;;iu)f-s6:{IEEESEEE$I o,j;'6 6id.i;od{ct d.--,j,6fr. d;;o 6.i.;.tr;o 6i;.j'C.i .! +. lo_ o- o- F. o- @, +;,j6tt6i xN<-6-1 g;..iodt e 6 6 o el - 6.jN il ts.i..-o :l o <i6 6 3l N- @. q d. d6666 -,3re3 :l ui d., ^iEl 3.s.63 zlo a 6 6 it o N o-o. il -- @. q o. -o@.,io;l @- N- 'c o. 016-di6 :l 6 o_o- 6. N.o-o.(,' -'d--6 o-qN,@- <-l i: N- N- o *l di;6 6 Ed..J6+ ql + @ r.'i il N o 6 o d*,q-o.aqsR:3cl 6l EI'l'3lPl "66!t6':tI ----:l R P. s.8, 'lrE {etg*l HrYIE gp;* EltFzl,.dl €|0o6r 3l f tct6-t d<<< i ctc XEeEEE [,f :3E$ sSEEo!Es fiiato:=gE Pr i .d;;lo APPENDIX B o .EE IE@ q, ooao 6xoz o-o- zotrtlo-tr Fz IJJ ) t- o or l cjz IJJ * J ca J ! o. (q .{6 ul; t'a a E 3.qo !, q6 ?E;^'.qAza E:d5ii&= U E & &qXooFq6 E6t 6 6 h\oFaoo.o a^{^Jnnr ^.cdi cz .a Ed ! 3"qu ;EJ9ptl o u- 6 s66 39: oi ol >i F l-J 36' UQ o" ...: r; Cc -o.9 tt,q: i1<ii ; r.r,adz .-,1 J .-t J oro-o-o- d" v1 \ o' ,AAA + t! --;' = ci ,d d c<i tl .i -i -i oi (JC) zz a-r . e9 :i b E E " v -z- - ,<n:,; ; E-!!a.cll-L-L E E'E 9 9Zl>qE rh.oge d_:3b b ^o" E>E3 Pde StrdzEd 5;6F(,F z E+=- U;Ei J (, J- FJz>rrr 6o!! J F F U ,J z E,] ! -a' n : F qgE EE(K * = 9!;:-- E ii < -.1 =4=Q !E,1, .:9 -r.q9=.?.2< .-t!:I E>Ol I 'Eh-hF-Jv-€:l_h-?-€--r-9-.i ==rFo'-aE^€==6e z ,9 = o-F-ai ; 6.o =-" U6-d. P l ! o(J E{).xL! N o.l00l! ct)x z o-o- zoF fo-tr FzT! EIJJ o 01 IJJ l ctz U q .-r d 99 99UU6i o-o.z L ! \,I 5 L lj 51 5 E 5 ;3 : it ; a iV r El ; 7 ; Ee O 5lO .J Oo, L, ,il u o (J !>r r vl o > t EE .! -El! E t 3F E <lLL F rr ol hn<.N O\O \qr ooo6q -oaEooo-o g -xl :qt6 bl E!tI UI;g€'tl €.3t Idi; .E I-S Etnz I 7J !Ll E2 Y-o =.9 9t! 420 = 9 EE)iaa ; r-! ;'i:<&<-lE= !=ti .Y3< E @c'a IEE o)oo .Eo- cox z o- z tr a-tr F UJJ t--lrJ n Ol T! f --'z (J EB. 3F Es # >€4E'8 2 s^i I :6!!5?EiiiivIr!i{;.;! ItiigisJi!: i * E "*i ! F i Ili3:.:ix;j a s t 3 F E 3 3 ^E " &. sEl; 3 fi;*rrEr* ;E*JS!'?E? E 3 i qs E 5l i !€ ,' : 9 3 : ts a di ci EJ 6IEJ US,lt ttgi E s -i*; !!9 !I I;i $ {!5 T: ,dHi€qd+l E3 I e T I F 8 $ -as; !!Ililr EJ Hti!!9I€J;{! iJ' a 3 sf t s -tt: H 3 HId!d t?&n ! it!lil!Y E:-g{ i{ Hflgii !!I l3 i E eC a. e E 9'I s.' T sU e:i !_El -9,, 't- git{r} SE : *d E*i *d * a d FI: EIr!is !!EBII E$i I a z ! tr E ;O =-E6.n !E ! 9-E ir- q1 a zi = r:e il.]-2-* <: E! : E-it.!r t- z.= v FaB::1r::9!rai-sFIxExEn Sumcost Sconami AVU-€-190a S€$dnenl Case Lod Facbr Peak Cr6dit T6nsmission by oemand(b) (c) (d) AVISIAUTILITIES Re1€nu6 b Cosl by Fonctional Componehl Summal For th6 Tw6l\€ Monlhs End6d D€cember 31 , 2018 ldaho Jurisdiclion El€Elric Ulilily 100]19 (e)(0 (s) Residen[al Servicr Sch 1 (h) (D G€neral Lee€ G6n $ruice Ssrvic6 Sch 11-12 Sch 21-22 t) Exlre LeEe Gen Se.vice Sch 25 (k) Extra Lege Servlc€ CP Sch 25P (r) Pumprng S6ryice Sch 31-32 (m) Streel & Area Lighls Sci 11,49 syslem Desciption Told FunctonalCo.l Compon6nl! atcur.nt Relum by Sch.du16 Poduclion 112,176,719 Transmission 28,S91812 Dstrib!1ion 64,810,663 Commoo 47,272,N6 44,096,364 11,467,382 33008,901 24,607,3t{ 15,155,295 1.396 070 11 806,455 7,(,3,179 24,050.948 6174,882 12,181,021 7,885,141 10,833,738 2464,819 1,916,212 2,592,232 15,592 561 3,686 745 361,211 3,139,182 2,1M,758 157,301 2212,914 1 030,967 343,055 44,611 2,663,883 584.418 Total Currenl RAe RBYenue 253 252,000 r13,180,0m 38,791,m0 51,1S2,000 17,867,000 22,780 000 5,806,000 3 636,0@ 6 1 I 9 r0 E4ross6d as $/lwh Pod{,cbon Transmission 0istribution Common Total CurBnl Melded Rales s0.03732 $0.m965 $0.02156 $0.01s73 $0 03782 $0 0m84 t4 02831 $0 02111 $0.04013 ${.01173 $0.03150 t0 01983 $0 03833 $0.01032 $0.02037 $0.01257 10.0341s $0.00777 $0 00623 l0 00817 s0 0391 $000825 $0 00081 $0.m703 t0 03384 30.0073s $0.03558 $0016s8 s0 02968 $0.00386 $0.23049 $o 0s057 $0.08425 S0.09707 $010349 $008159 $0.05631 $0.05100 $0 0933s $031460 fu nclional Cost Compon6nta atUnlfom Cunanl Retum 11 12 13 14 15 Produclion Tra)smi!sin 0islributim Comfton Told Unilbrn C{oent CGI 112,215,071 29,099,149 61509,275 47428,5M 45,619 214 12,589,789 35,127,603 2s,647,887 13 847,825 3 510,794 9,856,317 6,669,317 23,715 6,4{l 6239.292 12,357,357 11011,130 2,575,637 2054,737 26(],651 15,575,169 3,675,971 360,278 3,135,326 212t 463 470 t18 2,269 072 1,044,426 318 323 36,947 2,183910 534,8711,753,026 253,252,000 119284,493 33,8&r,25! 50,065,323 18.2&5,156 22,74?,041 5,911.6i8 3,074,052 16 17 18 19 20 Erpr€ssod 6 $/twh Prcduclion TraEmis$ixr Dlslnbution Comtnon Told Cuneol uniform Melded Rales $003733 $0.m968 $0.02146 s0.01578 t0 03913 50010€0 $0.0303s s0.02200 m 03695 l0 00037 $002630 $0 01779 50.037m $0 0m91 $00r970 $0.01236 1003471 5000312 $0.00648 $0.mm3 $0 03487 $0.00823 t0.00081 0000702 $0.034m s0.00757 $0 03648 $001679 $0 027s4 $0 ofim $0.18896 $0.04628 21 Reyenu. ro C6r Rarlo.tCufl.nr Rrt t $0 08125 100 E0.r0231 095 $.m&0 111 s0.07980 1.42 !0 05763 098 l0 09504 0.98 ,0.26598 1.18 22 23 24 25 26 Functlonrl Coat Componentr rt Propoaad RatJrn ty Sdr.dul.P.odu.lioo 110,127,575TBnsmEsion 27,581,860Dslribution 62,114,120Conmon 15,210,145 43,812,984 11,258 837 32,559 376 24,413,&7 14 286,016 3807,579 10,s10,061 6,925,343 23,368,117 5 995 268 11,918,502 7,616.112 10,i57,751 2 417 ,416 r,942618 2.570,215 1s,474,250 3,612,266 354,760 3,110,724 2,085,408 415 879 2.165 213 1 019 500 v3,052 4{,614 2 663 890 581144 Iotal Prcposld Ralo R6v6nue Exp6ss€d as S4(W1 246064.000 112,045,000 3s,52S,m0 48,898,000 17,688,@0 22 ss2,m0 s,716000 3,636 000 21 28 Production Tranrmi3aion 30.0366t $.0m18 t0.03758 i0.0m66 s0.03811 $0.01016 10.03?25 s0.00s56 s0.03391 10.00762 t0.03465 t0.00809 10.03353 10.007r7 10.02968 t0.00386 29 30 31 Dislributioll ComfiDn Told P.opo6rd M6ld€d Rabs s0 02m6 s0.01538 $0.027s3 $0.02094 $0 02804 $0.01848 $0.01900 l0 01214 $0 00612 t0.m810 $0 00079 $0 00696 s0.03481 $001633 $0.23049 t0 0s057 $!08186 $0.m610 $0.m479 $007794 $0.0557s $0 05049 S009190 $031460 32 33 31 35 36 Funadon,l Co.t Co{qon.nl, at Unforrn R.qu.rt d R.im Pmduclion 110,133,720 Iransmission 27,658,451 oishbulion 61,909,376 Common 46,362,453 u,nx,071 11,S66,169 34,084,269 2s,069,821 13,590,977 3,336,975 9,473,385 6 519,281 23 215,773 5,930,385 11,m1,820 7,579,726 10,806,897 2,118,117 ,,964.374 2,584,460 15 zffi,577 3,493,971 34,{.511 3,065089 2,088,003 447,413 2,171,625 1,021,039 312,119 35,118 2,069,388 523,037 TolalUnlfonn Cosl 246,00+,000 115,893,633 32.920.619 48,s87,704 17,803,8(] 22,190,154 s,728,0€0 2,139,963 37 38 3r 4A 41 Exffossed 6 $/l(Wh Trensmission Disldhrlion Cominon Total unilom Melded Rat€s $003664 s0 00920 s0 02060 $001542 80 03840 $0.01026 $0.02923 $0.02150 $003626 $0.00890 $0.02527 $0.01739 $0 03710 50 00045 $0 01881 $0.012m $0 03406 $0 m772 $0.m619 6!.00815 $0.03423 $0.00782 $0.00077 $0 00686 $0 03357 t000719 $0 03491 50.01642 $0.02703 l0 00304 l0 17s5 $0.04526 d2 R.{.nr 1o Con Rrto d PoDo..d Rrt.. 43 Cu,r.nt Ro.nu. to Pr!eo..d Co.l R.Uo 44 T!ryltR.Y.nu.lncr.re File: l0El6c CoS Sofll€nEnl Case AVll,E-19{4.ism / Suflmst Exhibits i0 tr8186 1.m .t.03 0,186,000) 1r 09940 097 0.9E 2Jr3,000 $.m783 108 t,t8 {5,870.000) f0.07744 101 1.05 (2,004,000) 10.05612 t.o0 (63,000) $0.04968 1.02 i.03 (t90,000) t0 09208 $0.25438 100 124 t.ot t2t (18,000) (696,000) Page 2 ol 1 CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Page 4 - Cost of Service 30.05093 100 AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2018 Line No.Description Facto r 1 Revenues 1,000000 1.000000 2 Expenses: Uncollectibles 0.oo2922 0.oo2922 , 4 Commission Fees 0.002529 0.002529 lda ho lncome Tax 0.046864 5 Total Expenses 0.05 2315 0.005451 6 Net Operating lncome Before FIT 0.947 685 0.994549 7 Federal lncome Tax @ 21%0.199014 8 REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0.7 4867 L 9 Gross Up Factor for Revenue Related Expenses 1.0055 CASE NO. AVU.E-19.04 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B PaBe 5 - Rev Conversion Factor APPENDIX C :eS;e;e ;sS:el AoNt oo rq ql oq? ,roPY5T.rdl +N o o)ota0- coE l!- oo il)!oIb E E(,FEEi+ElE' (JIo6t5hl;o.91 =f 5lEP,gI; E- HIrn :-- El: ;9 o,lE or5 Hl* P-q €ltr a1 .slr b! Et: ,ni ElE sr 8lE ,T6 EIE .,r lE .ElE iE 3lN Ea .sl-e EP El; e1 HlF '- olB E? iI5 +E :lE E€ EII 90 0lll) vJ !, arle. 4a, &lP EE hIE EO l-:l4 6l';l-=.aE BI6 Ex gl.9 ar # .91iY d> -tC =lY orlo ko clE Xg EIo 5-,o bl {l sfH ,f;| EIE ElSOEEI (ooocro(\lr}lo@F-q)(ot@l o(ot(9r-- (o @ $l (y)d@ot-c.i.rro'lF - (Y) la, F c-{ (, (tll t -g'@Q@N@9, ;e:<;t;e:s;e:sl ;<= oNtrooroal o9n.?TTr r al T (roltorcoool @(O (O O) t- 6t (D @1 @F(\lNe(!..} -r.l-c.ig?r-@@qa 6N \f 6t@GlL)l oN(V(oF-@(v)aol (D@. l'-. (o- o- .o- o,- vl tr Cl) (\l r- (\l ra) (v)l iF d) rr) F (\(}I 61 ul?6(aq@NQ@ S:eie* S;e:el Sor|ocoqql oqE.?i5r!dl q, rt(D@@a{(o@l!tt (\l <,1 @ ln F (Yrl @6l,)@roroF-(ol or.i 'rt od r... c.i d c.il !oF(n\tFNo9r]9l$FGntCV,t,}Olo@o (r(\ri(Dqrool @.'(oo)F-Gto(,l@a{ - a\l a.} -<nc.i9gFjetqe@o OF(\lt- O(o(ol Gl@oor(ooo('ll |r)FF.-@t-a(r(ol N(v)@rF-(\l().4l (,)FC)lr)F({(,r@ln,Fal+r,lAaalAl@@ N(V-N(DF t1 N.I?I (4.Y F(!"(Y, .o E o, zoFIlLtraFz I.JJ [rJJFFUIo o o) u.l f !oo o, U)oot o .xotroAo- oo =sd'tt9 E3.E g j' E*.ggEe* eE H Pg5 qg r!tJirljoO-(/) rNtrSlJ)(OFO o Es336 7= C9 EiE 9E6 sg -!,ueBa t0 b 4E EEEEFE c(J!ioEEg n$:6oa!ariD'6EE Eq, :=dro-I O. l- oYC-Qr/)(DLG(D*a*cf b8(I,; X q,,l- u) Po'Jz =0,=i:r,lYococoF O-Coo ! q fia Eg8gPtr6u zatol: -.L a, #Els -cE " 9^6 2 ntSF hd glo>Li#etd: Og 64qE o- EosXdrcxc(d Eoo LlJJ!fa +flH!881xtr-(,:=6^go==[FZ=uJ 6 iurBsidoots EEPHg*E5e dEEOrlO3ti-&,o- AVISTA UTILITIES TDAHO ELECTRTC, CASE t{O. AVU-E.19{4 PRESET{T A O PROPOSED RATE COMPONEIITS BY SCHEOULE (a) Rorldontial Sswics - Schedule'l Ba8ic Charg6 Energy Char0ei First 600 kwhs All over 600 kwhs Base Tarifi Sch. Ralo (b) Pres€nt Rovised Pre8ent Present Schodule 72 8aE6 Raies oth€rAdi.l't) Elllins Ral€(c) (d) (e) (0 Gone,al Rrte lncr(Docrl {s) Schodule 72 Tax Relo.m Chanqe (h) Propotod BllllnO Rlto (0 $6.00 $6.00 $0.00 05.00 t8.00 50.09116 $0.10179 ($0.005{2) ($0.00542) $0.08574 $0.09637 ($0.00116) ($0.00116) $0 08458 $0 09521 (50.00631) ($0.006.6) 10.00542 00.00542 t0.08366 10.09417 30.08a82 $0.09533 Genorrl Sel.ice! . gchedulo l1 Basic Cha.ge $13,00 Energy Charge: First 3 650 kwhs 10.t0435 Allover 3,650 kwhs $0.07487 O€mand Charge: 20 kW or les6 no charOe Over 20 kW $6.00n(W $13.00 30.00 113,00 5{3.00 (s0.00578) ($0.00578) $0.09857 $0.06909 $0.00276 $0.00276 $0 10133 $0.07185 (t0.01s26) ($0.01243) 10.00578 $0,00s78 t0.09r85 10.05520 t0.08909 30.05244 no charoe $6,0o/kw no charge no ch!rge $6.00/kw$6.00/kw Laroo Glnrrul sgivlcr . schoduli 2t Eneroy Charoe: First 250,000 kwhs $0.06817 Allover (2) !!!l!qgE all preser $0.05018 Domand Charge: 50 kW or loss S425.00 Over 50 kW $5.504W Prlmary Voltage Discount $0.20ikw ($0.00456) (s0.00456) $0.06361 J0 05362 $0.00239 $0 00239 $0.06600 $0.05601 ($0.00826) (t0.00769) s0.00468 30.00456 $0.06230 30.05288 i0.05ssl t0.050,19 $425.00 s5.50/kw $0.2o/kw $0.00 t426.00 $5.5o/',kw s0.20/kw sa?5.00 $5.5o,/kw s0.20ikw Eit ! L.ro. Gononl Sgrvlco - Schadule 25 Energy Char0e: Fkst 500,000 kwhs 50.05586 Allover 500,000 kwhs 50.04730 OemaM Charge: 3,000 kva or les6 $14,000 Ovar 3,000 kva t5.00/(va Primary Volt. Discounl $0.20/kWAnnualMinimum Pregenti ($0.00313) ($0.00313) $0.05273 t0.04417 s0.00033 $0.00033 $0.05306 s0.04450 (30.00s78) (t0.00s67) $0.00313 30,00313 10.06241 $0.0,t396 $0,05208 10,04383 $14,000 $5.00/kva s0.20/tw $14,000 S5.0oftva 50 20/tw 5698,630 l'14,000 $5.ooftva $0.2olkw $739,660 Proposed Cler.wrter - Schsdule 25P Energy Ch8r0e: Block I Relail kwhs Block 2 Geieration kwhg Demand Chargel 3,000 kva or l€ss 3.000 - 55,000 kva Over55,000 kva PrlmEry Volt. Discounl Annual Minimum $0.04524 $0.02456 ($0.002s6) $0.00000 50.04228 s0.02456 s0.00024 50.00000 $0.04252 $0.02456 (t0.00317) t0.00000 10.00296 10.00000 10.0{201 $0.02a66 10.0{177 30.02458 $14,000 $5.00I(va $2.50/kva s0.2o/kw Present $14.000 55.00/kva $2.50itva 50.20/kw tr4,000 $5.0ol(va $2.5o/kva $0.20lkw t627,170 51,t,000 $5.00l(va $2.50/kva $0.2o/kw $665,640 Proposed PumDlrto Strvita " Sciedulo 31 Baoic Charg€ Energy Charg6: Fhst 165 kwkwhs All addilional kwhs $11 00 $ 11.00 s0.00 t11.00 tl t.00 $0.10368 50.08837 ($o 00519) ($0.00519) s0.09849 $0 08318 $0.00268 $0.00268 $010117 s0.00586 (lo.oo677) (50.00653) 10.005r9 30.005t9 $0.0ss69 t0.08452 t0.09801 t0.08r8a (1) hol!!&! allpresent rate Edjustments: Sch€dule 59 - Residentjal & Fa,m Energy Rale Adjustment. Schedule 86 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schedule 74 - Temporary Tax Cred;t, and Schedule 9l - Energy Efficiency Ride. Adjusrnent. AppendixC-R€leDesign AVU.E.19-04 SETTLEMENT STIPULAT]ON Page 2 ol2 Propored Base Ta.lIl Bsle 0)