HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191015Stipulation and Settlement.pdfDavid J. Meyer, Esq Vice President and Chief Counsel of Reguhtory and Covemnrental Affairs Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mlssbn Avenue P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-43 I 6, Fax (509) 495-885 I John R. Hanmrond Jr. Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Conanission Staff P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0357,Fax: (208) 334-3762 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN IDAHO RICEIVED 2[i9 CCT l5 Pt{ tr: 02 - :,5. r.ttr,rt '^r ,'"J I ' Ll L\ i- ttr i i I l, jt,ll il-riil',ilS$lCN BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. AVU-E-I9-04 STIPT]LATION AI{D SETTLEMENT This Stipulation and Settlenrent ("Stipulation") is entered into by and affrcng Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities ('Avista" or'Company'), the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'), Clearwater Paper Corporation ('Clearwater'), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("ldaho Forest'), the Community Action Partnership Associatbn of ldaho, Inc. ("CAPAI'), the Idaho Conservation League ("lCL'), and Waknart, Inc. ('Waknart'). These entities are collectively referred to as the "Paltbs" and singuhrly as a "Part5/", and represent all who have appeared in these proceedings. The Parties understand this Stfuulation is subject to approval by the ldaho Public Utilitbs Commission ("IPUC" or the 'Commission"). STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E- I9-04 Page I I. INTRODUCTION l. The terms and conditions of this Stipulation are set forth herein. The Parties agree that this Stfuhtion represents afair, just and reasonabh conpromise ofall the issues raised in the proceeding, ls in the public interest and its acceptance by the Commission represents a reasonable resolution of the muhiph issues dentified in this case. The Parties, therefore, recontnend that the Commisskrn, in accordance with RP 274, approve the Stipuhtion and all of its terms and conditions without material change or condition. II. BACKGROUND 2. OnJune 10,2019, Avista filed an Application with the Commission for authority toincrease revenue effective January l,2020,forehctric service in ldaho. The Company proposed an increase in electric base revenue of $5.255 million or 2.lYofor 2020. By OrderNo. 34368, dated July 1,2019, the Commission suspended the proposed schedules of rates and charges for electric service. 3. Petitions to intervene in this proceeding were filed by Cbarwater, Idaho Forest, CAPAI, tCL, and Waknart. The Commission granted these interventions in IPUC Order Nos. 34369.34374 and 34384. 4. A setthnrcnt conference was noticed and held on October l,20l9,and was attended by the Parties to this case. As a compromise of positions in this case, and for other consideration as set forth below, the Parties agree to the following terms: III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT 5. Overview of Settlenrent and Revenue Requirenrent. The Parties agee that Avista should be allowed to implement revised tariff schedules desigrred to decrease annual base ehctric revenue by $7.188 million, or2.84o/o (on a billed basis the decrease is 2.800 ), with an effective STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E. I 9.04 Page 2 dateofDecember 1.2019. The Parties will takeall necessary stepstoestablish anapproval process that will allow for the Stipulation to be approved and beconre effective by December l,2019. 6. Cost of Capital. The Parties agree to a 9.5 percent return on equity, with a 50.0 percent corrrrrcn equty ratio, which represents a continuation of the presentty authorired ROE and capital structure. The capital struchre and resulting rate of retum is as set forth below: Component Capital Structure Cost Weighted Cost Debt Common Equny Total 50.00% 50.00% 5.20% 9.50Yo 2.600/o 4.75% t00.00%735% A. ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT 7. Overview of Electric Revenue Requirement.Below is a sunrnrary table and descrftions of the electric revenue requirenrcnt conponents agreed to by the Parties, effective December 1,2019: STIPULATION AND SETTLEM ENT - AVU.E- I9-04 Page 3 a.) b.) c.) SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE DECEM BER I, 20I9 (000s of Dollan) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Amount as Filed: $ Adjustme nts: Cost of Capital $ Company 2019 Net Rate Base Updates S Miscellaneous Company Updates: Reduce Property Taxes, $ Colstrip/Cs2 Major Maintenance Expense. Colstrip Regulatory Amortization and remove non-recurring AFUDC DFIT Expense. Remove Offrcer Incentives and Reduce Non-Ofl-rcers Incentives S Reduce OfIrcer Labor Expenses S Adjust Employee Benefits S Remove Certain 2019 Capital Projects $ Revise Fee Free Amortization and Annual Expense $ Restate Uncollectibles $ Weather Normalization Ad.iustment $ Update Net Pro Forma Power Supply Expense and Transmission Revenues Update Pro Forma Gas Prices $ lnclude Palouse and Rattlesnake Wind PPA Contracts in PCA S Revise Transmission Revenues $ Remove 2020 Expense 2020 Non-Union Labor lncrease $ 2020 Remove IS/IT 2020 Expense $ Miscellaneous Adjustments: Reclassification ofnon-utility flights $ and fixed costs, as well as expired lease expense associated with the airplane; reclassifrcation of other administrative and general expenses; adjust intervenor funding, and an agreed upon overall expense adjustment to reflect level ofapproved expenses 5,255 $ 836,820 (7.713) (22|) (317) S (eeO) $ (438) (32) 86 ( r2rs) $ (370) ( 163) (287) (r2ee) (s8) d.) e.) f.) c.) h.) i.) j.) k.) r.) m.) i.) ii.) iii. ) i.) ii.) Adjusted Amounts Effective December 1,2019 ( r.620) (4288) (s20) (274) (2ss) 451 $ (7,188) $82 7,750 Table No. I a. Cost of Capital. As previously described (see Paragraph 6 above). This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirerrcnt by $2,21 I,000. b. Companv 2019 Net Rate Base Updates. Refucts adjmtments to net rate base to update infbrmation related to 2019 capital additions, including related depreciation expense, as well asthe impact on Accumulated Depreciation and Accumulated Deferred Federal STIPI.JLATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E. I 9.04 Page 4 lncome Taxes, to reflect bahnces as of December 31,2019. This adjustnrent decreases the overall revenue requirernent by $317,000 and reduces net rate base by $1,299,000. c. Miscellaneous Company Updates. Refucts adjustnrents for updated infonnation, including: rernoval of certain 2018 AFUDC DFITI expense as non-recurring, nrajor maintenance expense associated with the Corpany's Colstrip generation plant, property taxes, and correction of DFIT within the Colstrip regulatory amortization adjutnrcnt2. This adjustnrent decreases the overall revenue requirenent by $990,000 and reduces net rate base by $58,000. d. Renrcve Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officer Incentives. Reflects the removal of all officer incentives. Thls adjushnent also reduces incentives for non-offrcers to 2018 target versus the Conrpany's 6-year average. This adjustnrent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $438,000. e. Reduce Officer Labor Expenses. Reduce officer hbor expenses to 2018 test perbd levels allocated 90%o utility / l0% non-utility. This adjustnrcnt decreases the overall revenue requirernent by $32,000. f. Update Pension and Medical Expenses. Reflects updated infonnation related to incrernental pensbn and npdical expenses in 2019, and includes 40lK expense based on 2018 test period levels adjmted for 3Yrbbor increases. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirenrent by $86,000. g. Remove 2019 Capital Additions. Rernove capital investments rehted to: l) Digital Grid Network project; 2) Rattlesnake Flats Interconnection and I Allowance tbr Funds Ljsed l]nderConstruction ("AFIJDC"): Deti:ned F'ederal Inconre Taxes ("DFIT") 2 The Parties otherwise accept the Colstrip Regulatory Amo(ization ad.justment as filed by the Company, including approval olthe Colstrip capital additions included in the Regulatory Asset through 2019. 'l"he resulting regulatorl amortization beginning December 1.2019 totals 5863,000 annually. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- 19-04 Page 5 Transmission/Substation projects; 3) Dlstribution asset project (Metro Line); 4) IS/lT Mobile Application and Custorner Facing Technology projects; and 5) Transmission/Substation upgrade project, all originally phnned for20l9. The projects have been rernoved for review in the Company's next general rate case due to timing of completion of projects. This adjustnrent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ l,2l 5,000 and reduces net rate base by $7,713,000. h.Revise Fee Free Amortization and Annual Expense Adjust the annual Fee Freel expense to approxinrately $311,000 and Fee Free deferral bahnce to approxinrately $696,000to reflect actual anrcunts tkough April 2019 and estirnated bahnces for the remainder of the year. This adjustrnent also revises the arnortization expense of the Fee Free deferral bahnce ($696,000) to reflect a tlree-year arnortization beginning December l, 2019 of $232,000. This adjwtnrent decreases the overall revenue requirernent by $370,000. a i. Restate Uncolhctibles. Restate uncolhctible expense based on the 12 rnonth actual expense balance as of Jure 2019. This adjustnrent decreases the overall revenue requirernent by $ I 63,000. WeAther Normalization Aditstnrent.Refucts higher nornnlized load revenues net ofJ power suppty expense from that included in the Company's original filing. This adjustnrent decreases the overall revenue requirernent by $287,000. k. Power Supptv and Transmission Rehted Net Expenses. 3 The Fee Free program allows customers to make payments by credit or debit card without paying a service f'ee. This programwasapprovedinCommission orderNo.33494, caseNos.AW-E-16-01 andAW-G16-01 andsuccesstirfu implenrented in February 2017. a 'I'he Cornpany will update the defbrral balance in its nes general rate case to reflect actualepenses defbrred through November 2019 and true-up any remaining annunts to anprtize up or down fbr the renrainder of the three-year amortizatkrn. STIPULATION AND SET'TLEM ENT - AVU-E- I9-04 Page 6 i. Update Pro Forrna Gas Prices. Restates pro forrna power suppty net expenses to reflect updated natural gas forward prices for January 2020 through December 2020 contract months based on the most recent one- month settlement period. This adjustnrent decreases the overall revenue requirenrent by $ 1,620,000. ii. Include Palouse Wind and Rattlesnake Flats Wind PPAs in PCA. Reflects the rernoval of the Palowe Wind and Rattlesnake Wind Power Purchase Agreenrents ("PPA') net expenses from base power suppty expense. This adjrstment decreases the overall revenue requirenrent by $4,288,000. See Paragaphs 8 (Pakruse) and 9 (Rattlesnake) below for fi.lther information. iii. Revise Transmission Revenues. Revise 2018 actu,al transmission revenues to reflect a tlree year prior average for each month of November and December, to normalize those months to remove the inpact of the October 2018 Enbridge pipeline rupture on Company transmission revenues. The resuhing annu,al transmission revenues will also be reflected in the PCA authorized base effective December 1,2019. l. Remove 2020 Expense. i. 2020 Labor Increase. Removes tlrc 2020 increnrental non-executive, non- union labor increases. 2020 union hbor increases, however were included based on u:rion contract increases for 2020. This adjustnrent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $274,000. ii. Reduce 2020 IS/IT Expenses. Reduce 2020 IS/IT expense included by the Company by 50Yr. Increnrental IS/IT expense included for 2020 reflect STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I9-04 Page 7 actual contractual obligations. This adjmtnrent decreases the overall revenue requirenrent by $255,000. m. Miscelhneous Adiustnpnts. Reflects the net change in operating expenses rehted to: l)rechssif,rcation ofnon-urtility flights and fo.ed costs,aswell asexpired lease expense associated with the airphne ($93,000);2)anrr.ization of20l8 intervenor funding over two-year period ($20,000);3) renroval of miscelhneous A&G expenses (accounts 912, 92l,and923,totalng $36,000); and 4) anagreed upon increase to overall expense to reflect a level of approved expenses ($600,000). The net effect of thls adjustment increases the overall revenue requirenrent by $451,000. 8. Paloue Wind. The Parties agree that, for purposes of this case, the recovery of costs related to the Palouse Wind PPA will continue to be included in the PCA, subject to the current sharing (907o custonrer, l0% Company).5 Idaho will continue to be assigrred its proportional share of all environmental attributes. 9. Rattlesnake Wind. The Parties agree that, for purposes ofthis case,the recovery of costs related to the Rattlesnake Wind PPA will be included in the PCA, subject to the current sharing (90%o custonrer, l0% Company).6 Idaho will be assigred its proportional share of all environrne nta I attributes. B. OTHER SETTLEMENT COMPONENTS 10. PCA Authorized Level of Expense. The new level of power supply revenues, expenses, retail load and Load Change Adjustment Rate resuhing from the December 1,2019 5 The Palouse W ind PPA is a 30-y ear contract that was erccuted in 20l l by the Company and purchases all of its output (105 MW nameplate capacity) and environmental attributes. The pro.iect began commercial operation in December 2012.6'l'he Rattlesnake Flat Wind PPA is a 20-year contractwhich consistsof 50 Siemen's 3-129 2.9 MW wind turbines withatotal capacityolapproimately l45MW's.'thepro.iectwill bedirectlyconnectedtotheAvistaelectricsystem and is epected to begin commercial operation in December 2020. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- 19-04 Page 8 setthment revenue requirement for purposes of the nronthly PCA nrechanism calcuhtions are detailed in the attached Appendix A, incorporated by reference herein. I l. Electric Fixed Cost Adiutnrent Mechanisms Authorized Base. The new level of baseline values for the electric and natural gas foed cost adjustnrent mechanlsm ("FCA') resulting from the December 1,2019 settlenrent revenue requirenrnts aredetailed in the attached Appendix B, incorporated by reference herein. C. COST OF SERVICE/RATE SPREAD/RATE DESIGN/LOW INCOME 12. Costof Service/Rate Soread (Base Rate Chanses). The Parties do not agree onany particuhr cost of service methodology. In recogrition, however, that certain rate schedules are well above their relative cost of service the Parties agree that Schedules llll2 and 21122 will receive a revenue decrease well above the overall percentage base rate change in order to rnove these schedules closer to cost-of,service panty. The renraining scheduhs will receive revenue decreases below the overall percentage base rate change, at varying levels, that will nnve the majorrty of these schedules closer to thetr relative cost-oFservice. The Parties have agreed to restate present base revenue reflecting the agreed-upon electric weather normalization adjmtment. 13. Rate Desipn. The Parties agee that the base revenue changes would be collected through the volunretric enerry rates, with no changes to the basic charges. 7 Appendix C provides a surnmary of the clrrent and revised rates and charges (as perthe Settlenrent) for electric service. 14. Resuhine Percentaee Chanqe bv Electric Service Schedule. The following table reflects the agreed-upon percentage change by schedule for electric service: i -l"his includes the proposed addition olbanded t.tlD rates and administrative changes as described in the direct testimony olCompany witness Mr. Miller on pp. 13-14. In addition. the Parties agree with the Company's pmposal to incorporate the current Schedule 72 (Permanent Federal Tax Rate Credit) as part ofbase rates and to cancel Schedule 72 altogether. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- AVU-E-19-04 Page 9 Effective December l, 2019 Rate Schedule Residential Schedule I General Service Schedules I I ll2 Large General Service Schedules 21122 Extra Large General Service Schedule 25 Clearwater Paper Schedule 25P Pumping Service Schedules 31132 Street & Area LEhts Schedules 4l-48 Overall Decrease in Base Rates Decrcase in Billing Rates -1.0% -8.4% -4.5% -1.0% -r.0% -1.6% 0.0% -1.0% -8.2% -4.4% -r.0% -r.0% -t.5% 0.0% 2.8% -2.8% 15. Low Income Issues. The Parties agree to increase fi.rnding for the Low Incorne Weatherization Progam from the current Commission-approved levels of $800,000 to $850,000. D. ENERGY EFTICIENCY COMMITMENTS 16. For consideration rehted to the agreed-upon revenue requirement adjustments discussed above, Avista, as a part of the give-and-take of settlement negotiations, and for other settlenrent considerations, agrees to the following: a. The parties agee that Avista will establish an Enerry Efficiency Assistance Fund ("EEAF'). The purpose of the EEAF is to provide additional funding for projects that are not otherwise fully fi.uded through existing enerry efficiency hcentives, or do not otherwise qualifo for traditional enerry efficiency flnding. The EEAF will be fi.nded and disbursed as follows: The final deferral balance related to the 'AFUDC Equrty Tax Deferral", addressed in Case Nos. AVU-E-19-02 and AVU-G-19-01, as ordered in Commission Order No. 34326 will be a source of funding. The estimated deferral balance is approxinrately $800,000. Avista will contribute below-the-line dollars of $800.000 in 2019 as a rnatch to the estinrated AFUDC Equrty Tax Deferral (in subsection i.). The funding will be disbursed as directed by the EEAF Advisory Group, a new committee of stakeholders tasked with determining which existing or new programs should receive this funding to address enerry efficiency, STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- I9-04 Page l0 l. weatherization, conservatbn, and low-inconre needs in Avista's ldaho service territory. The EEAF Advisory Group will consi,Cer the needs of all parties and remain flexible on the timing of any disbursenrents. Any entity seeking fi.lrding must fost attenpt to qualifu their applicable project mder Avista's exlsting energy efficiency prograrns. The committee will initially consist of representatives from the folhwing stakeholders: Avista, Stafi the Lewiston Community Action Partnership, ICL, Idaho Forest, and Clearwater. The Comrnittee may add representatives at its discretion. b. Clearwater DSM Assistance: Avista agrees to work with Clearwater to attempt to qualify the following projects for DSM funding urder Tariff Schedule 90: o Variabh speed drives on the No. I paper rnachine hydropulper. o Variable speed drives on the No. 4 power boiler demineralized water pumps.. Enerry efficient chillers and conpressors forthe Lurgi system.o A variable speed drive on the No.l paper machine white water system.. Variable speed drives on the two waste water outlbll pumps. Tariff Schedule 90 allows for possible DSM funding ofup to70o/o ofthe cost of the project, subject to meeting certain specified cost-effectiveness criteria. The portion of the estimated cost of these identified projects that 'rs not reimbursed under Schedule 90 will be consi,Cered for flnding through the EEAF, who will consider the needs of all parties and remain flexible on the timing of any disbursenrents. Idaho Forest DSM Assistance: Avista agrees to work with Idaho Forest to attempt to quahry the following projects for DSM funding under Tariff Schedule 90, upon closing of the Proposed Transaction: IV c Installation of inforrnation technology to gather phnt infornration data (PI Data) on enerry usage at ldaho Forest's Lewiston plant, and through an installed interhce, transmit real tinre enerry load inforrnation data for each operating station to ldaho Forest and Avista. Thls rnay serve as a useful demonstration project for data interfrces with other custonrcrs on Avista's system. The total estirnated cost is $300,000. Rephcenrnt of aging compressors, saws and otlrer equipnrnt with state of the art nrachinery at ldaho Forest's Lewiston and Grangeville phnts, in order to increase productivity and enerry efficiency. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- I9-04 Page I I a a Tariff Schedule 90allows fbr possibh DSM funding ofup toTlYoofthe costof the project, subject to meeting certain specified cost-effectiveness criteria. The portion of the estirnated cost of these iCentified projects that is not reimbursed under Schedule 90 will be considered for flrnding through the EEAF, who will consider the needs of all parties and renratn flexible on the timing of any disbursenrents. IV. OTHER GENERAL PROVISIONS 17. The Parties agree that this Stipuhtion represents a compromise of the positions of the Parties in this case. As provided n RP 272, other than any testimony fihd in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commlssion its own statenrcnts and positions with respect to the Stipuhtion, all statenrents nade and positions taken in negotiations rehting to this Stfuhtion shall be confidential and will not be admissible in eviCence in this or any other proceedtng. 18. The Parties submit this Stipulation tothe Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to RP 274. Partbs shall support this Stipulation before the Commission, and no Party shall appeal a Commission Order approving the Stipuhtion or an issue resolved by the Stipuhtion. If this Stipuhtion is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipuhtion, the Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to file testinrony, cross-examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are tncorporated in the settlernent terms embodied in this Stipulation. Notrvithstanding this reservation of rights, the Partbs to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. 19. If the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipuhtion or inposes any additional nraterial conditions on approval of thils Stipuhtion, each Party reseryes the right, upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding, within 14 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipuhtion. In such case, no Party STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- 19-04 Page 12 shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Stipuhtion, and each Party shall be entitled to seek reconstCeration of the Commission's order, file testinrrcny as it chooses, cross-examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. In such case, the Parties immediately will request the prompt reconvening of aprehearing conference for purposes of establishing a procedural schedule for the completion of the case, in accordance with law. 20. The Parties agree that this Stipulatkrn is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are frir, just and reasonable. 21. No Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipuhtion, except to the extent expressty stated herein, nor shall this Stipuhtbn be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution ofthis Stipulation shall notbedeenredtoconstitute anacknowledgment by any Party of the valiC ity or invalid ity of any particuhr nrthod, theory or princip le of regulat io n or cost recovery. No Party shall be deenred to have agreed that any nrethod, theory or prtncip le of reguhtion or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipuhtion is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the fi.rture. Noftrdings of fact orconclusions of law other than those stated herein shall bedeenred to be inplicit in this Stipuhtion. 22. The obligations ofthe Parties under this Stipulation are subject tothe Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of conpetent jurisdiction. 23. This Stipulatbn nny be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. STIPULATION AND SETTLEM ENT - AVU-E- 19-04 Page 13 DATED this [n:,of October,20l9 Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff David J. Meyer Attomey for Avista Corporation John R. Hammond Jr. DepW Attomey General C Paper Corporation Idaho Forest Group LLC Richardson RonaH Williams Attomey for ldaho Forest Group LLCfor Cbarwater Paper Corporation Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho, Inc. Idaho Conservation League, Inc Brad Pwdy Attomey for CAPAI Ben Otto Attomey for ldaho Conservation League, Inc. Wahnart, Inc. Vicki M. Baldwin Attomey f,or Walnrart Inc STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- I 9.04 Page 14