HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190610McKenzie Exhibit 3 Schedule 9.pdfo o ELECTRIC UTILITY RISK PREMIUM CURRENT BOND YIELD Current Equitv Risk Premium (a) Avg. Yield over Study Period (b) Average Utility Bond Yield Change in Bond Yield (c) Risk Premium/Interest Rate Relationship Adjustment to Average Risk Premium (a) Average Risk Premium over Study Period Adjusted Risk Premium Implied Cost of Equitv (b) Baa Utility Bond Yield Adjusted Equity Risk Premium Risk Premium Cost of Equity (a) (b) (c) Schedule 9 Page I of4 8.19% 4.41% -3.78% -0.4304 1.63% 3.7s% 5.38" 4.81% 5.38% l0.l9o/o o Schedule 9, page 3. Average bond yield on all utility bonds and Baa subset for the six-months ending Apr. 2019 based on data from Moody's Investors Service at www.credittrends.com. Schedule 9,page4. Exhibit No. 3 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 A. McKenzie, Avista Schedule 9, Page 1 of4 ELECTRIC UTILITY RISK PREMIUM PROJECTED BOND YIELD Current Equitv Risk Premium (a) Avg. Yield over Study Period (b) Average Utility Bond Yield 2019-2020 Change in Bond Yield (c) Risk Premium/Interest Rate Relationship Adjustment to Average Risk Premium (a) Average Risk Premium over Study Period Adjusted Risk Premium Implied Cost of Equitv (b) Projected Baa Bond Yield2019-2023 Adjusted Equity Risk Premium Risk Premium Cost of Equity (a) (b) (c) Schedule 9 Page2 of 4 8.t9% 5.22% -2.97% -0.4304 t.28% 3.7s% 5.03Yo 5.62% s.03% 10.650/0 o o Schedule 9, page 3. Yields on all utility bonds and Baa subset based on data from IHS Global Insight, Long-Term Macro Forecast - Baseline (Apr. 30, 2019); Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2019 (Jan. 24,2019); & Moody's Investors Service at www.credittrends.com. Schedule 9,page 4. Exhibit No. 3 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 A. McKenzie, Avista Schedule 9, Page 2 of 4 o o o ELECTRIC UTILITY RJSK PREMIUM AUTHORIZED RETURNS (a) Allowed Year ROE Schedule 9 Page 3 of4 (b) Average Utility Bond Yield Risk Premium 1974 1975 1976 1977 1 978 1979 1 980 I 981 t982 l 983 I 984 I 985 I 986 I 987 I 988 I 989 1 990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1 995 1996 1997 1 998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 201 8 Average 13.10% 13.20% 13.10% 13.30% 13.20o/o 13.50% 14.23% 15.22% 15.78% 15.36% 15.32% 15.20% 13.93% 12.99% 12.79% 12.970/o 12.700/o 12.54% 12.09% 11.46% 11.21% 11.58% 11.40% 11.33o/o 11.77o/o 10.72% 11.58% 11.07% 11.21o/o 10.960/o 10.81% 10.51% 10.32% 10.30% 10.41o/o 10.52% 10.37% 10.29% 10.17% 10.03% 9.91% 9.85% 9.77% 9.74o/o 9.59o/o 9.27o/o 9.88% 9.17% 8.58% 9.22% 10.39% 13.15o/o 15.62% 15.33% 13.31% t4.03% 12.29% 9.46% 9.98% 10.45% 9.66% 9.76% 9.21% 8.57% 7.56% 8.30% 7.91% 7.74% 7.63% 7.00% 7.55% 8.09% 7.72% 7.53% 6.61% 6.20% 5.67% 6.08% 6.11% 6.65% 6.28% 556% 5.13% 4.26% 4.55% 4At% 4.37% 4.11% 4.07% 4.34% 3.83% 3.32% 3.930/, 4.72% 3.98% 3.n% 1.08% -0.40% 0.45% 2.05% 1.29% 2.91% 4.47% 3.01% 2.34o/o 3.31% 2.94% 3.33% 3.52% 3.90o/o 2.91% 3.67% 3.66% 3.70% 4.77o/o 3.17% 3.49% 3.35% 3.68% 4.35% 4.6tyo 4.84% 4.24% 4.19% 3.76% 4.24% 4.81% 5.16% 5.91% 5.48% 5.50% 5.48% 5.66% 5.67% 5.25% 11.94%8.19%3.75% (a) Major Ratc Case Dccisions, Xegnlatory Focus , Rcgulatory Research Associatcs; Utilityscope Regulotory seruice' Argus' case No. ^?Xi.lir:;l(b) Moody's Investors Scrvice' A. McKenzie, Avista Schedule 9, Page 3 of4 o ELECTRIC UTILITY RISK PREMIUM REGRESSION RESULTS SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Slalislics Schedule 9 Page 4 of 4 o Authorized Equity Risk Premiums vs. Utility Interest Rates (1974-201 8) E.= E , '=oD '1* 6t s8 4* 3t 2* 1t 0t -18 a aa.a a .l oo a a a a a a a y = 4.4304x+O.072'l R' = 0.8726 a a st '7*9Z r.1t 13t 15t Average Utility Interest Rates oMultiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Enor Obseruations 0.9341 r 169 0.87256465 0.86960 l 04 0.00494092 45 ANOVA df SS MS F Sisnilicance F Regression Residual Total t 43 44 0.0071 87719 0.001049744 0.008237463 0.007187719 2.44127E-05 294.4259957 7.49233E-2t Coelficients Standard Eror I Stat P-value Lower 95ok Upper 9596 Lower 95.002 Upper 95.0o1 Intercept X Variable I 0.07274209 -0.4303596 0.002183289 33.3t766219 0.025080917 -17. 15884599 2.40029E-32 7.49233E-2t 0.068339068 0.077t45tt2 0.068339068 0.0771451t2 -0.480940089 -0.379779108 -0.480940089 -0.379779108 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 A. McKenzie, Avista Schedule 9, Page 4 of4 o