HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190610McKenzie Exhibit 3 Schedule 4.pdfo CAPITAL STRUCTURE UTILITY GROUP Company I Algonquin Pwr & Util 2 ALLETE 3 Ameren Corp. 4 Avangrid,Inc. 5 Avista Corp. 6 Black Hills Corp. 7 CenterPoint Energy 8 CMS Energy Corp. 9 Dominion Energy l0 DTE Energy Co. I I El Paso Electric Co. 12 Emera lnc. l3 Entergy Corp. 14 Exelon Corp. l5 FirstEnergy Corp. l6 Hawaiian Elec. Ind. l7 IDACORP,Inc. l8 NorthWestern Corp. 19 OGE Energy Corp. 20 Otter Tail Corp. 2l PNM Resources 22 Sempra Energy Average Common Debt Preferred Equity 47.3% 7.4% 4s.3% 40.8% 0.0% 59.2% s2.t% 0.9% 47.1% 27.2% 1.4% 7t.4% s1.2% 0.0% 48.8% s6A% 2.0% 4t.6% 53.1% 0.0% 46.9% 70.8% 0.2% 29.0% s7.6% 3.7% 38.7% 56.0% 2.0% 42.0% s4.3% 0.0% 45.7% 64.8% 0.2% 35.0% 64.6% 0.0% 35.4% sl.1% 3.4% 44.9% 72.8% 0.3% 26.9% 46.5% 0.0% 53.s% 43.6% 0.t% 56.3% s2.0% 0.0% 48.0% 44.0% 0.0% s6.0% 44.7% 0.0% 55.3% 60.4% t5% 38.2% s4.7% s.0% 40.3% Schedule 4 Page 1 of3 At Fiscal Year-End 2018 (a) Value Line Projected (b) o Debt Other Common Equity n/a 59.0% 49.5% 61.5% 50.0% 5r.5% 48.s% 36.5% 4t.0% 46.5% 47.5% 36.2% 395% 51.0% 33.s% 55.0% 57.0% 51.5% 54.5% 495% 42.0% 46.0% n/a 4t.0% s0.0% 38.5% 50.0% 485% 48.0% 63.5% 59.0% s3.5% 52.5% 60.7% s9.s% 49.0% 66.5% 44.s% 43.0% 48.5% 45.5% 50.5% 57.5% s4.0% nla 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.s% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.1% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 05% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 53.00 l.3o/o 45.7yo 51.60 0.4o 48.00 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 A. McKenzie, Avista Schedule 4, Page 1 of 3 o (a) Company Form 10-K and Annual Reports. (b) The Value Line Investment Survey (Feb. 15, Mar. 15, Mar.22, & Apr. 26,2019). CAPITAL STRUCTURE OPERATING SUBSIDIARIES Operating Company ALGONQUTN PWR. & UTIL. Empire District Electric Co. Liberty Util.(Granite St. Elec.) ALLETE ALLETE,lnc. Superior Water, Light and Power AMEREN CORP. Ameren Illinois Co. Union Electric Co. AVANGRID Central Maine Pwr NY State E&G Rochester G&E United Illuminating BLACK HILLS CORP. Black Hills Power Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power Black Hills/CO Elec. Utility Co CENTERPOINT ENERGY CenterPoint Energy Houston Elect. CMS ENERGY Consumers Energy Co. DOMINION ENERGY South Carolina Electric & Gas Virginia Electric & Power DTE ENERGY CO. DTE Electric Co. EL PASO ELECTRIC El Paso Electric Co. EMERA INC. Emera Maine Tampa Electric Co. ENTERGY CORP. Entergy Arkansas Inc. Entergy Louisiana LLC Entergy Mississippi Inc. Entergy New Orleans Inc. Entergy Texas Inc. At Year-End 201712018 (a\ Debt Common Preferred Equity Schedule 4 Page 2 of3 o o 47.7% 23.6% 38.6% s0.3% 46.60/, 48.6% 36.8% 45.7% 5l.lo/o 43.s% 45.9% 46.2% 46.8% 55.1% A1 10/ 39.8% 44.4Yo 52.0% 53.6% 50.6% 5t.3% 51.6Yo 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 52.3% 76.4% 61.4y, 66.3% s25% 50.4% 63.2% 54.3% 48.9% 56.5% s4.l% 53.8% s3.2% 44.9% s2.8% 60.1o/o 55.6% 48.0% 46.4% 49.4Yo 48.7% 48.4y, 49.7% 0.3% 50.1% 49.1% 0.0% s0.9% 52.1% 0.0% 47.9yo (a) Data for year-end 201 8 from Company l0-K and FERC Form I reports, except for NorthWestem Corp. (201 7). o Exhibit No. 3 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 A. McKenzie, Avista Schedule 4, Page 2 of 3 55.2% 0.0% 44.8% o CAPITAL STRUCTURE OPERATING SUBSIDIARIES Operating Company EXELON CORP. Atlantic City Electric Co. Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. Commonweath Edison Co. Delmarva Power and Light PECO Energy Co. Potomac Electric Power Co. FIRSTENERGY CORP. Cleveland Elec. Illuminating Co. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Metropolitan Edison Co. Monongahela Power Co. Ohio Edison Co. Pennsylvania Electric Co. The Potomac Edison Co. Toledo Edison Co. West Penn Power Co. HAWAIIAN ELEC.IND. Hawaiian Electric Co. IDACORP Idaho Power Co. NORTHWESTERN CORP. NorthWestem Corporation OGE ENERGY CORP. Oklahoma G&E OTTER TAIL CORP. Otter Tail Power Co. PNM RESOURCES Public Service Co. of New Mexico Texas-New Mexico Power Co. SEMPRA ENERGY Oncor Electric Delivery San Diego Gas & Electric At Year-End 201712018 (a) Schedule 4 Page3 of3 Debt Common Preferrcd Equity o 513% 46.2% 44.2% 49.8% 44.7% 49.8% 38.6% 30.1y, 46.8yo 5t.t% 30.1% 46.1% 47.7% 39.60/o 46.5% s4.2% 46.1% 42.9% 50.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0o/o 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 48.7% 53.8% 55.8% 50.2% 55.3Yo 50.2% 61.4y, 69.9% 53.2% 48.9% 69.9% s3.9% 52.3% 60.4% 53.5% 45.4y, s3.9% 57.1% 49.6% 41.6% t.0% s7.4% 45.50/o 0.0% 54.5yo s0.1% 0.0% 49.9% 46.8% 0.0% s3.2% 46.4% 0.0% 53.6% Exhibit No. 3 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 A. McKenzie, Avista Schedule 4, Page 3 of 3 Minimum Maximum Simple Average Weighted Average 23.60/o 55.2Yo 46.2Yo 48.0o/" 0.00 1.0" 0.lo/o 0.lo/o 44.80h 76.4Yo 54.loh 51.9o/o o (a) Data from most recent Company I 0-K (year-end 20 I 8) and FERC Form I reports (year-end 20 I 7)