HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190610McKenzie Exhibit 3 Schedule 12.pdfo FLOTATION COST STUDY ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES No. Slm Company ALLETE Alliant Encrgy Amcrcn Corp. Amcrican Elec Pwr AVANGRID, lnc. Avista Corp. Black Hills Corp. CcntcrPoint Encrgy CMS Encrgy Corp. Consolidatcd Edison Dominion Encrgy (a) DTE Encrgy Co. Duke Encrgy Corp. (a) Edison Intcmational El Paso Electric Co. Entcrgy Corp. Evcrgy lnc. Evcrsourcc Energy Exclon Corp. FirstEnergy Corp. Fonis Inc. Hawaiian Elcc. IDACORP, lnc. MGE Encrgy NcxtEm Encrgy, Inc. (a) NonhWestem Corp. (a) OCE Energy Corp. Ottcr Tail Cor?. PG&E Corp. (a) Pinnaclc Wcst Capital PNM Resourccs Portland Gcncral Elcc. PPL Corp. Pub Sv Enterprisc Grp. Sempra Energy Southcm Company (a) Vcctrcn Corp. WEC Encrgy Group Xccl Encrgy Inc. (a) Average (Electric) Schedule l2 Page I of I (r) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Undemriting Total Shares Offering Discount Underuriting Offering FlotationDate Issued Pric€ (per share) Discount Expense Costs 2t27t2014 3,220,000 s49.75 St.74t2s 55,606,825 5450,000 56,056,825 12fi4/2018 7,268,6'73 S44.85 50.52000 53,7'19,710 S1,000,000 54,779,7t0 9/10t2009 21,850,000 s25.25 s0.75750 s16,551,375 5450,000 S17,001,3?5 4/2/2009 69,000,000 s24.s0 s0.73500 s50,715,000 s400,000 s5l,l 15,000 N/A t2/13/2006 3,162,500 S25.05 50.48000 Sr,s18,000 s300,000 sr,8r8,000 t1/19/201s 6,325,000 s40.2s s1.4087s s8,910,344 sr,200,000 sl0,r r0,344 9/27/20t8 60,550,459 527 .25 50.75000 54s,412,844 S 1,000,000 546,412,844 3/31200s 23,000,000 s12.25 s0.42880 s9,862,400 s325,000 s10,r87,400 l l/15/2018 13,636,363 S77.00 S1.46300 519,949,999 5640,000 520,589,999 3/29t20t8 20,000,000 s67.33 s1.89420 s37,884,000 5450,000 s38,334,000 6/20/2002 6,325,000 S43.25 S1.40560 58,890,420 5250,000 59,r40,420 3/8/2018 18,500,000 s74.07 S1.78800 S33,078,000 5450,000 S33,528,000 N/A N/A 6t8t2018 11,289,037 S7s.25 50.80000 S10,63r,230 5650,000 Sr r,281,230 N/A 3t17 t2009 r 8,975,000 520.20 S0.6s650 S r 2,457,088 5350,000 S l 2,807,088 6/13t2014 s7,s00,000 s3s.00 s1.05000 s60,375,000 s600,000 s60,975,000 9/1512003 32,200,000 s30.00 s0.97500 s3 1,395,000 s423,000 s3 l,8 I 8,000 N/A 3t20t2013 7,000,000 s26.7s sr.00312 s7,02r,840 s4s0,000 s7,47r,840 t2/10/2004 4,025,000 s30.00 s1.20000 s4,830,000 s300,000 s5,r 30,000 9n0/2004 1,26s,000 s3l.8s s1.03500 s1,309,275 s125,000 sl,434,2'75 t1t3t20t6 13,800,000 s124.00 sr.89000 s26,082,000 s750,000 s26,832,000 9/30t2015 1,100,000 s5l.8l s1.33000 s1,463,000 s1,000,000 s2,463,000 8t2212003 5,324,074 521.60 50.79000 54,206,018 5325,000 54,531,018 N/A 8n7t20t6 4,900,000 s63.15 s0.30000 s1,470,000 s175,000 sr,64s,000 4/9t20t0 6,900,000 $38.00 s1.33000 s9,177,000 s190,000 s9,367,000 t2t'1t2006 5,750,000 s30.79 s1.07800 s6,r98,s00 s2s0,000 s6,448,500 6^3t20t3 r2,765,000 529.50 S0.9s87s 512,238,4M 5600,000 Sr2,838,4,14 5n0/20t8 55,000,000 s27.00 s0.29430 s16,186,500 s1,000,000 s17,186,500 t0t2/2003 9,487,500 541.75 S1.25250 Sl 1,883,094 53s0,000 Sr2,233,094 l/st20t8 26,869,158 S107.00 $1.92600 551,749,998 S1,500,000 5s3,249,998 8A8/2016 32,500,000 549.30 S1.66000 S53,950,000 5557,000 554,507,000 2126t2007 5,290,000 s28.33 50.99000 Ss,237,100 S42s,000 Ss,662,r00 N/A 1v9/20t8 8,138,351 549.00 S0.50000 54,069,176 5650,000 S4,719,r76 7,008,087 960,488 (8) Gross Proceeds Before Flot. Costs (e) Flotation Cost (%) 3.78t% |.466yo 3.082% 3.024% sl 60,1 95,000 s325,999,984 s55 1,7 l 2,500 sr,690,500,000 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 II t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ALE LNT AEE AEP AGR BKH CNP CMS ED D DTE DUK Etx EE ETR EVRC ES EXC MGEE NEE NWE ocE OTTR PCG PNW PNM POR PPL PEG SRE SO VVC WEC XEL sr.000,000,034 1.128% s79,220,625 s254,s8 r ,2s0 s l ,6s0,000,008 s28 1,750,000 s l,049,999,9s l s1,346,5 16,000 s273,556,250 s I,370,332,000 s383,295,000 s2,0 I 2,500,000 s966,000,000 sl 87,2s0,000 s120,750,000 s40,290,250 s l,7 l 1,200,000 s56,991,000 s I I 4,999,998 s309,435,000 s262,200,000 s l 77,042,500 s376,s67,500 s1,48s,000,000 s396, I 03,1 25 s2,874,999,906 s1,602,250,000 sr49,865,700 s650,000,069 s59,799,983 ss00,000,000 s55,28s,s60 s324,999,996 s234.0s0,000 s r 26,r 00,000 s276,862,500 2.295% 3.971% 2.813o/o 3.6t6'/" I .9610/0 2.84'to/o 3.34t% 2.447% 3.341% 3.030% 3.294voFE FTS HE IDA o 3.9900/0 4.2480/0 3.5600/o 1.5680/o 4.322% 3.940% 0.532% 3.572% 3.642% 3.4090/0 I .l 57o/o 3.088% 1.852% 3.402% 3.778% s198,779, 1 99 1 .1 83% 2.896yo I ATO 2 CPK 3 NJR 4NI 5 NWN 6 oGS 7 SJI 8 SWX 9SR 10 UGI Atmos Encrgy Corp. Chcsapcakc Utilitics Ncw Jersey Rcsourccs NiSource Inc. Northwst Nat. Holdco. ONE Gas, Inc. South Jerscy lndustrics Southwest Gas Spire lnc. UGI Corporation Average (Gas) Average-Electric&Gas I t/30/2018 9t23/2016 s92.7s s62.26 s0.97690 s2.33000 s6,846,200 s2,231,93-1 N/A s l 0,000,000 s2,074,600 N/A s I I ,375,000 s7,899,1 l0 s4,2 I 8,760 st2,l 12,950 s I,000,000 s l 62.046 s57,950 s250,000 s700,000 s600,000 s325,000 s 1, t 49,550 s7,846,200 s2,399,983 s1 0,057,950 s2,324,600 s l 2,075,000 s8,499,1 l0 s4,543,760 s13,262,s00 1.207o/o 4.0130/o 2.0t2% 4.205o/o 5i3t2017 I t/r0/2016 N/A s54.63 N/A s2.05000 4/20/2018 ty28t20t8 5/9/2018 3/18t2004 s29.50 s75.50 s63.0s s32. l 0 N/A l,0 12,000 I 1,016,949 3,100,000 2,000,000 8,625,000 s l .032s0 s2.s48 l 0 s2. I 0938 s l .40440 3.715% 3.631o/o 3.6030/o 4.790% 3-3970/" Column Notcs: (l-4) SEC Fom 4248 for each company. (5) Column (2) * Column (4) (6) SEC Fom 4248 for each company. (7) Column (5) + Column (6) (8) Column (2) + Column (3) (9) Column (7) / Column (8) Note (a): Undemriting discount computed as the difference between thc cunent markct price and the pricc oflered to the issuing company by the undcNritertsxhibit NO. 3 Case No. AVU-E-'|9-M A. McKenzie, Avista Schedule 12, Page 1 ot 1 o 2.996yo